[X] Push in Further
[X] Strong Sword-Arm
[X] Apex

[X] Bring Gisena

The upgrades are the just the same as I voted before, while I'm voting for the other options since in my opinion we should just explore further in without Gisena, but if we end up searching for other people I think she should come with us instead to aid us in social stuff, especially if Apex doesn't win. Push in Further automatically removes Gisena from the equation, so I don't think there's any harm in this sort of tactical voting.
By that token we might as well save the arete and get the One Ring, since that increases our overall advancement by an order of magnitude!
I voted for Ruling Ring, but remember it was pretty unpopular. It didn't even make consolidation. The Ring upgrades like dominance in general haven't gotten much support, I question whether they have much of a chance even after we take Apex.

Apex just defers the vote, but we got pretty strong choices here. It seems unwise to think we'll get anything better next time.
Given my realization that Lord Hunger's thematics are extremely compatible with Blumenkranz, I decided to play around with the concept a bit.

Blumenkranz(569 Words)

After discovering the secret of the Lunar Phasing Lens chamber and defeating the avatar of an entity masquerading as a version of yourself from an alternate history to begin learning their runic magic, you have finally reached the chamber where the false moon is being held prisoner. The humming is almost unbearable at this point, and you thankfully didn't need to resort to… that form in the previous fight. After preparing a rudimentary set of strength storage seals, applying them to yourself, and storing strength, you head down the stairs. The unfathomably heavy looking doors of some metal you don't recognize slide open without a sound, a flurry of runes resembling what you saw in Verschlengorge going dark.

Inside the chamber you find a field of white-petaled sunflowers under a nighttime sky. An inhumanly pale woman with white hair in a gothic dress is making a wreathe of flowers as Gisena did those days ago to herald your return to the realm of flesh. The humming has gone completely silent. The one tree in the garden crackles with fire and lightning yet remains unharmed.

"Congratulations, fellow Devourer. Would you like to sample my blood before I depart? The Foremost spent a great deal of time building this temple to harvest it for power, but for my liberator, a small sample of what sanctified my garden above is not undeserved." The woman says, gesturing in the direction of the tree that seems to be releasing a red haze into the air, flowing into a blue rune you didn't notice before.

"The Wreath should be sufficient to send the blood flowing in your direction" She says, offering you the wreath. You hear a faint hum as she offers it to you. A lesser man would have accepted immediately. Something is wrong. The flowers are withered. Everywhere. The flowers are withered.

"Why did you call me a fellow Devourer?" You ask pointedly. A flash of runes… a sense of static in your head… the pale woman is no longer a woman. She's like a treant made of chitin and covered in pale sunflowers both withered and living. Her branches undulate like tentacles.

"Is it not obvious Praehir? Greater members of my kind displaced their bloodlust onto your god. , who in turn displaced his bloodlust onto you. You're perfect. Once I devour you I will be strong enough to leave this timestream and rejoin my kin."

Her speed is unfathomable. Her whiplike branches easily force you on the defensive, though you manage to exert a cost in flowers for her assault. You're hurting her, but it's a slow process. Time to kick things up a notch.

After a quick blade wind, you start drawing on the seals you made to contain your strength. With a running leap, faster and stronger than you've ever been in a very long time, you manage to get above your adversary. Dodging a scarlet energy beam and directing your fall with a flurry of pressure, you begin descending upon her. With a seal-enhanced blade wind followed by a strike cursed by the power of ruin once you land in her branches though, and she begins to die. A flurry of stabs eventually finishes her off, making her blood begin pooling like sap around her, and you drink. You're far stronger now than you ever thought possible.

Decimator's Affliction Mitigation Unlocked- [Culler of Withered Flowers](Huntress Moon Upgrade)
I'm abandoning the Dreadnought ship and pulling any argumentative weight I contributed towards other options in order to make Rune King less likely to win. If we turn into Odin I want to feel like we put in a little work for it.

[X] Push in Further
[X] Strong Sword-Arm
[X] Apex
[X] Bring Gisena
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By that token we might as well save the arete and get the One Ring, since that increases our overall advancement by an order of magnitude!

And this is very doable by picking Apex.
I voted for Ruling Ring, but remember it was pretty unpopular. It didn't even make consolidation. The Ring upgrades like dominance in general haven't gotten much support, I question whether they have much of a chance even after we take Apex.

Apex just defers the vote, but we got pretty strong choices here. It seems unwise to think we'll get anything better next time.

This is actually one of your better shots at getting Ruling Ring since it's very possible Apex will pick up some Ring Magic because of its higher Rank making those upgrades way better. And of course, once we've got those, a two cost surcharge really isn't that much Arete to be able to buy an EFB piecemeal.

Seriously, Dominion + Preminence for War is within our reach with some change left over. That would be a +0.5 Rank and +All Stats. Do you think voters could resist something as sweet as that, especially considering how powerful it would make our Form of Rage?
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My only issue with the ring picks is an unhealthy suspicion of conditional stats. I've killed myself in multiple games by having a conditional boost vanish after the fight is over. I know health here doesnt work like that, but I'm still suspicious.
All else being equal, conditional boosts that don't last are fine as long as they end up contributing towards us gaining more concrete potency.
A tactic for Searching for Humans: we could try looking for groups with injured people in them, assuming our Rank allows the necessary degree of fidelity. There should be quite a few of those around here, and it's much easier to accept a healer's strange personality quirks after he offers help than it is to be forced to interact with an asshole that can't be reasoned with just because he's stronger.
Guys, Apex is so close to victory. If your main objection is to Rune King or Stranglethorn, it's already a strong competitor! Sword is good but given the currently winning option, Apex would be so much better. And if we get it, we can end up with a total 4.8(!!!) Rank for the purposes of combat as well as +All Stats, with some Arete left over.

That would leave our Form of Rage at 5.3 Rank and +++All Stats for combat. That's includes stuff like Willpower, Intelligence, Wisdom and Protection. Imagine the kinds of beasts we could kill at that point, how well we could spend our Form. Rihaku's already said Sword is vulnerable to those it can't kill the fuck out of and there's quite possibly a lot of people like that in the Temple.
Why not? It's not like a vote is an oath!
I just have an aversion to posting blank votes and feel compelled to produce a paragraph of accompanying arguments. An advantageous reflex when participating in Rihaku's quests, but it makes swapping repeatedly tedious.
To be fair, I might not have dared to make the switch if I'd seen Alba's menacing face advocate Rune King. :p
Hm... he did study runes for a while, at least until that dirty red Aozaki woman surpassed him!
[X] Dreadnought - Echo, Dreadnought's Bearing
-[X] Rune King

Gotta go for some magecraft at least. If we don't how can we be a degenerate muscle wizard?

Apex looks sweet too, but *shrugs* its losing and best to give my support to the one ahead.
The wurm fight felt much more fast-paced, but that sensation probably stems from how action-packed and how close we were

The fight itself was quick, killing the now-mindless wurm was a lengthy chore.

Mm, Hunger could try summoning the Rod of the Ages or even the Mondo Bait from the nether and go looking for a nice spot.

As if one could so easily conjure the Mondo Bait after abjuring its beneficence once!

Right now the countdown is still ticking and Apocrypha's return looks far off, but this state of affairs isn't going to persist for long. I suspect we'll start panicking and accelerating our actions the closer the date inches towards the deadline.

Or perhaps desperately try to shore up weaknesses in an attempt to enter a defensive stance before the Apocryphal Curse strikes! Only to be forced into wariness, a perpetual state of vigilance as the Curse declines to...
Apex looks sweet too, but *shrugs* its losing and best to give my support to the one ahead.

It's absolutely not, Apex is actually higher than Rune King currently. Moreover, you can approval vote so you don't actually have to decide. If that's your only objection, you might as well add Apex to your vote to stop Sword from winning and ensuring we get no magic system at all.
It's absolutely not, Apex is actually higher than Rune King currently. Moreover, you can approval vote so you don't actually have to decide. If that's your only objection, you might as well add Apex to your vote to stop Sword from winning and ensuring we get no magic system at all.
That and I think Apex is benefiting from a ton of the omake power right now, given it has me, you and Conjured on it...
That and I think Apex is benefiting from a ton of the omake power right now, given it has me, you and Conjured on it...

And you shouldn't underestimate Sword's chances of winning considering it has both Orm and Microwave on its side. If you want to get a magic system, Apex is definitely the more viable choice right now.
Hmm. I am coming around to Apex since if we do go for it and get magic, than Rune King seems like an natural fit when we have arete to spare.
Hmm. I am coming around to Apex since if we do go for it and get magic, than Rune King seems like an natural fit when we have arete to spare.
But Rune King is a rare chance to get from an encounter, who knows when it will be offered again? And it's getting more likely we'll have 7 Arete next encounter to be able to pick a magic system anyway.