Given my realization that Lord Hunger's thematics are extremely compatible with Blumenkranz, I decided to play around with the concept a bit.
Blumenkranz(569 Words)
After discovering the secret of the Lunar Phasing Lens chamber and defeating the avatar of an entity masquerading as a version of yourself from an alternate history to begin learning their runic magic, you have finally reached the chamber where the false moon is being held prisoner. The humming is almost unbearable at this point, and you thankfully didn't need to resort to… that form in the previous fight. After preparing a rudimentary set of strength storage seals, applying them to yourself, and storing strength, you head down the stairs. The unfathomably heavy looking doors of some metal you don't recognize slide open without a sound, a flurry of runes resembling what you saw in Verschlengorge going dark.
Inside the chamber you find a field of white-petaled sunflowers under a nighttime sky. An inhumanly pale woman with white hair in a gothic dress is making a wreathe of flowers as Gisena did those days ago to herald your return to the realm of flesh. The humming has gone completely silent. The one tree in the garden crackles with fire and lightning yet remains unharmed.
"Congratulations, fellow Devourer. Would you like to sample my blood before I depart? The Foremost spent a great deal of time building this temple to harvest it for power, but for my liberator, a small sample of what sanctified my garden above is not undeserved." The woman says, gesturing in the direction of the tree that seems to be releasing a red haze into the air, flowing into a blue rune you didn't notice before.
"The Wreath should be sufficient to send the blood flowing in your direction" She says, offering you the wreath. You hear a faint hum as she offers it to you. A lesser man would have accepted immediately. Something is wrong. The flowers are withered. Everywhere. The flowers are withered.
"Why did you call me a fellow Devourer?" You ask pointedly. A flash of runes… a sense of static in your head… the pale woman is no longer a woman. She's like a treant made of chitin and covered in pale sunflowers both withered and living. Her branches undulate like tentacles.
"Is it not obvious Praehir? Greater members of my kind displaced their bloodlust onto your god. , who in turn displaced his bloodlust onto you. You're perfect. Once I devour you I will be strong enough to leave this timestream and rejoin my kin."
Her speed is unfathomable. Her whiplike branches easily force you on the defensive, though you manage to exert a cost in flowers for her assault. You're hurting her, but it's a slow process. Time to kick things up a notch.
After a quick blade wind, you start drawing on the seals you made to contain your strength. With a running leap, faster and stronger than you've ever been in a very long time, you manage to get above your adversary. Dodging a scarlet energy beam and directing your fall with a flurry of pressure, you begin descending upon her. With a seal-enhanced blade wind followed by a strike cursed by the power of ruin once you land in her branches though, and she begins to die. A flurry of stabs eventually finishes her off, making her blood begin pooling like sap around her, and you drink. You're far stronger now than you ever thought possible.
Decimator's Affliction Mitigation Unlocked- [Culler of Withered Flowers](Huntress Moon Upgrade)