*Can Establish yourself in virtually any context, growing ever more difficult to resist or dislodge with time, though the effect is slow.
I just want to say- the meme potential of Stranglethorn is immense. Any context.

"What do you mean 'he's still on the stage'?!"
"Literally what I told you. He's just there, on the stage, wearing that godawful suit."
"What is the security doing?!"
"Glaring at him? Look, it's a fashion show, not a military parade. They aren't equipped to deal with him."
"Did we evacuate the guests at least? That man's a menace."
"Oh, they stayed."
"Apparently they... got used to him just showing up? Heck, some people started dressing just like him! It's crazy."
"I hope it's not going to become a thing."
"Too late for that."
[X] Push in Further - Cut through, even if it cannot be cut. You will resolve this matter of the Calling as soon as humanly possible. There is a difference between discretion and cowardice. One can eschew the latter while keeping the former in mind. Else how could it be the better part of valor? [+0.5 Arete, +0.1 Rank, +?% chance of high-level Artifact, compounding advantage for each non-build red option further taken, tactics will help]
[X] Don't Bring Gisena - Letrizia won't be as bored! [+Letrizia, +0.1 Arete]
[X] Root and Branch
- Stranglethorn, Undying Vanguard
[X] Root and Branch

My second pick is strong sword-arm. But for now...

[X] Push in Further

The power gained from root and branch - including 80 Con Gisena! Makes this risk more reasonable.

I'm not sure CON works like you think it does...

Stranglethorn is significantly less risky since we already retreated, so I'm less opposed to it now. But before further consideration, support previous vote.
[X] Strong Sword-Arm

It's still risky, the risk was just translated to a form that allowed the plot to move on. A -5% penalty would have been quite bad in your previous fight, for example... and there's still the AGI reduction to think about.
[X] Push in Further - Cut through, even if it cannot be cut. You will resolve this matter of the Calling as soon as humanly possible. There is a difference between discretion and cowardice. One can eschew the latter while keeping the former in mind. Else how could it be the better part of valor? [+0.5 Arete, +0.1 Rank, +?% chance of high-level Artifact, compounding advantage for each non-build red option further taken, tactics will help]
[X] Don't Bring Gisena - Letrizia won't be as bored! [+Letrizia, +0.1 Arete]
[X] Root and Branch
- Stranglethorn, Undying Vanguard
um, Root and Branch has Undying Vanguard built in, which means that Gisena will automatically come with, and she can only come with if you go Sweep or Search. I don't think this combination works...? Is this valid?

As you're stronger now, you're confident you can keep Gisena safe against most of the monsters in the outskirts. You may bring her with you if you choose [ ] Sweep or [ ] Search, and will automatically bring her with you if a choice with Undying Vanguard is selected.
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If you guys are intent on Pushing Through, I would suggest Dreadnought or Strong Sword-Arm, as those have more immediate power than the two green options.

The fact she would give up the fish despite that just raises my opinion of her even more!

Give yourself the fish and you have one bite of fish. Give the fisherman his due and you have fish for life. Wheels within wheels, plots within plots... the wiles of Lady Nullity are truly beyond reckoning!

I just want to say- the meme potential of Stranglethorn is immense. Any context.

The old that is strong does not wither.
[X] Sweep the Outskirts
[X] Bring Gisena
[X] Root and Branch

Consistent with my rationale for my previous vote.
Hmm, I'm liking Stranglethorn and Search for Humans, I think we're decently strong enough now that we're at least stronger than the basic mooks that there's a good deal less risk, while the benefit for information would be helpful to potentially tailor our encounters to play to Stranglethorn's strengths rather than weaknesses.

The other option I'm thinking about is Apex and Push further in, .3 rank means it's not as suicidal as it might be, it's still probably too much though.

That depends entirely on the curses you take. If you don't have any that will bring you into conflict with others, you're probably fine just taking things chill from the start.

I'm very doubtful about this, even you don't take Progression-type, which probably means Accursed expects less of you, it's still called "Combat-type" I don't think it'll be that chill. If Seram had taken nothing but slumber as an example he still would've gotten caught up in whatever unspecified troubles were coming the Accursed alluded to.

at least until we're secure.

This is what your argument rests on that I disagree with though, I don't think there's any combination of 'safe' courses of actions that would have let us get secure. We'd instead have gotten snowed under. That's not to say we needed to go to the Temple or anything, but there was no '100% won't die if you take these actions'.
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[X] Push in Further
[X] Dreadnought
- Echo, Dreadnought's Bearing
-[X] Rune King
[X] Sweep the Outskirts
[X] Bring Gisena
[X] Root and Branch

Not actually changing my vote, but clarifying it for the tally in case it is possible to not take gisena and to not sweep if one chooses Root and Branch
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[X] Apex
[X] Bring Gisena
[X] Search for Humans

I am least interested in Stranglethorn. This seems like a great opportunity to get knowledge while staying relatively safe. We'd be fooish not to take it.
[X] Apex

Gotta go fast. I just can't get behind a build that plans to get hit by all the monsters (-20% AGI) in a quest written by old "Replaced Ishida's Arm with reiatsu" Rihaku.
[X] Apex
[X] Bring Gisena
[X] Search for Humans

I am least interested in Stranglethorn. This seems like a great opportunity to get knowledge while staying relatively safe. We'd be fooish not to take it.

Knowledge both temporal and metaphysical!

[X] Sweep the Outskirts
[X] Bring Gisena
[X] Root and Branch

Not actually changing my vote, but clarifying it for the tally in case it is possible to not take gisena and to not sweep if one chooses Root and Branch

I suppose it is technically possible, but realistically you'd have to make a strong argument for Hunger not to take Gisena if he takes Undying Vanguard. The option doesn't help him much otherwise.
[X] Push in Further
[X] Strong Sword-Arm
[X] Don't Bring Gisena

I'm fine with any build except Root and Branch and partial to Push in Further, so for now going with a full-out attack plan. If Apex gains more traction, might switch to a more careful strategy... but probably not. Gotta see the Form of Rage.
Well, it definitely doesn't sacrifice long term potential! It's one of the long-term options, after all!

Considering the power a Grace might bring us, it's also a short term option. To be so useful at all timescales, what a great choice! Of course, I now realise this relies upon us encountering an option that allows for this. I don't suppose we could exert Pressure to make that happen?

Take all the ranks increasing options, and we're in a strong position despite not spending Arete. Then we can grab some magic next update.

That relies on them being possible to kill despite Apex's relative weakness. The
This is what your argument rests on that I disagree with though, I don't think there's any combination of 'safe' courses of actions that would have let us get secure. We'd instead have gotten snowed under. That's not to say we needed to go to the Temple or anything, but there was no '100% won't die if you take these actions'.

Of course there's not, that's just the nature of life. Nevertheless, a person that goes through the Geas consistently taking options with a 99% chance of not dying will naturally make it further than someone who takes options with a 90% chance of not dying. When Progression means we'll grow in power at an absurd rate so long as we put forth the slightest effort, our choices should be oriented towards safety first and foremost. Only take a serious risk when the stakes are more important than your life.
[X] Search for Humans
[X] Root and Branch

We've known Gisena for what, a week? and we still haven't taken her around to show off to randos?! Criminal. Think how awful the teasing will be when she has an audience!
[X] Root and Branch

80 Con Gisena is mostly a meme - While Undying Vanguard does take our multiple forms into account, it also takes into account the weaknesses and limitations of said forms. It's also not clear how it distributes defenses across Con, Agility, and straight up Protection, compared to our own build. Ability plusses are also slightly non-linear: twice as many plusses is a bigger bonus than just twice the power, IIRC.

With Root and Branch, if we assume her CON scales to ours, I'd expect her to have something more like:

16 (Our Base Con) + [16 (Second Stage Con) * 0.7 (Vulnerable to Dispellation Malus) * 0.9 (Scaling Factor)] + [48 (Form of Rage Con) * 0.5 (Uncertain Activation) * 0.8 (Scaling Factor)] = 45 Con

Which is still obscenely high, mind you, and enough to make her all but indestructable against peer level opponents, but it's not quite as much of a meme.
Kinda torn on the non build vote. Sweep is the safe option that still brings consistent rewards; but as they say, time burns. But that same aphorism applies even more for Search. However, I'm essentially voting to bring Gisena along, so social might be good anyway.
Gotta go fast. I just can't get behind a build that plans to get hit by all the monsters (-20% AGI) in a quest written by old "Replaced Ishida's Arm with reiatsu" Rihaku.
Come the fuck on, it's just a single -Agility at this point. This is discounting the fact that we already have protection with Evening Sky and can get even more out of it with Progression. We aren't tanking attacks directly with our face here.
[X] Sweep the Outskirts - No need to move on too aggressively. Though you don't gain much from the
[X] Don't Bring Gisena - Letrizia won't be as bored! [+Letrizia, +0.1 Arete]
[X] Dreadnought - Echo, Dreadnought's Bearing
-[X] Rune King

This is a perfect opportunity to level up and collect another magic system, then the next turn we'll be swole enough to push it with Nully!
[X] Dreadnought - Echo, Dreadnought's Bearing
-[X] Rune King
The power of the Rune King is well established in vs debates... and think of the aesthetic!
[X] Search for Humans
[X] Root and Branch

We've known Gisena for what, a week? and we still haven't taken her around to show off to randos?! Criminal. Think how awful the teasing will be when she has an audience!

GISENA: "I'm flattered! Which part of me do you think shows off best?"

80 Con Gisena is mostly a meme - While Undying Vanguard does take our multiple forms into account, it also takes into account the weaknesses and limitations of said forms. It's also not clear how it distributes defenses across Con, Agility, and straight up Protection, compared to our own build. Ability plusses are also slightly non-linear: twice as many plusses is a bigger bonus than just twice the power, IIRC.

It only grants CON, Protection and regeneration, not AGI, since AGI can easily be used offensively. Still a great ability of course!
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Of course there's not, that's just the nature of life. Nevertheless, a person that goes through the Geas consistently taking options with a 99% chance of not dying will naturally make it further than someone who takes options with a 90% chance of not dying. When Progression means we'll grow in power at an absurd rate so long as we put forth the slightest effort, our choices should be oriented towards safety first and foremost. Only take a serious risk when the stakes are more important than your life.

Seram decides not to go rescue the village to prioritize his safety. The orcs come upon his trail after slaughtering the village due to searching for their scout, hit him while he's not prepared and he gets killed.

I don't think think that specific example was that likely to come to pass but it gets the point across that trying to break things down into 99% vs. 90% is missing a lot of the picture.