[Citation Needed 2]
[><] Shogun: Harm Cognition, Honing the Mind, Honing the Form, The Blade. -3 Tokens, -3 Insights.
-[><] Fearless (+20 CON, +5 Something).
[><] Surgeon: Away, Engineer(Physical Tempering), Brains&Brawn (Strength). -7 Tokens, -4 Insights
[><] Egotist: Strive, Unblinking Tempest, Duality. -9 Tokens, -1 Insight.
-[><] +5 CON. Yin: +14 CON, +7 something.
[><] Arrogant Gambit (+3 Tokens)
Foresworn (Adventurers selected) Far Delve IV (+5 Tokens, +2 Insight) (This yield inferred from Rihaku's 'Eternity In An Hour' build, which only has +17 Drawback Tokens if the Delves don't stack.)
The base build has 1(+3, Delve) tokens left over at the 63 CON mark. Since foresworn swaps to Far Delve and it dropped Fortress, it's also got 3 Insights left...
🅇 To War (+5 Tokens) (Opposing both factions, gaining +2 All)
-🅇 Kid Gloves Off (+2 Insights)
So we've gottt 9 Tokens and 5 Insights here.
🅇 Surgeon: Bravado (-5 Insights)
-🅇 Emblem Of Power.
🅇 Emissary: Pathos, Diplomatic Immunity, Highborn (-8 Tokens)
The built can stop here- albeit it has a Token left, so it could drop to Disfiguring Gambit. If so, the Build has +77 CON- and crucially, the Emblem Of Power, meaning it can turn this into brief spurts of 78 All Attributes, at least 110 times times before it runs out of non-CON stats to burn. Kid Gloves are Off, but it's got as much Con as the Arcanist has
intelligence- it's not going to die to people with more reasonable stat spreads. It might even be able to take over the world by exercising the Emblem a few times, though I'm not confident in that.
Thus, 77 CON is sanely acquirable.
But it
can go further.
🅇 Hierarch (+3 Insights)
🅇 Emissary: The Gift (-3 Insights)
-🅇 Harm Cognition -> Tribulative Sovereignty
*+7 CON.
*Your sense of Harm per the original option still exists, but is clearer, more precise, and more reliable both initially and at any given capstone, increasing in scope and potency to match your resilience regardless of your mental faculties. With practice, you can even sense harm that befalls any who serve your interests, or even sense harm you can inflict on others.
*You possess a secondary sense of harm, easily comparable to the first and with clear contrast where they differ, which measures the objective scope of the danger without accounting for your resilience. It will alert you to bullets even if you are bulletproof; to shattering realities though you are inured to the space between worlds. With practice, it accounts for improbable or ridiculous choices, sensing dangers that would befall you if you deliberately walked into obvious traps or struck yourself without cause.
*You can control any harm you can sense. In doing so, you unavoidably suffer the harm in question or an equivalent, but may then relocate it, perhaps to another; this is reasonably efficient, but not perfectly, and degrades over time if unused. Targeting is reasonably permissive within the bounds of your Harm Senses. With training, you can control or modify the type of harm suffered and inflicted; although it is difficult, in due time this can attain nearly any effect, for one man's gain is his enemies harm...
*If willing to suffer grievous injury, a master of this Sorcery could even defray the cost of the Emblem of Power to a partial degree.
This makes for a final total of
+84 CON. I am acting on the assumption here that the 7-10 Magics the Hierarch can access suffer similar limitations to the Foremost runes, meaning the Hierarchs' stats cannot reasonably exceed the high 50's/low 60's without the help of an emblem, the low/mid 70s with, meaning they're hopelessly outclassed by an immediate usage of the Emblem of Power; even if they were to match the build's 84 CON in some stat(Which seems rather implausible, since even the Arcanist's INT can't!), the Build would, for the duration of their combat, be a full-rounded build with 85 in every stat! At this level of Agility and wits and so on, we've far exceeded infinite speed, so the 'five minutes' duration limit may as well not exist. Nor can it exploit the build's default low-stat state; it cedes the initiative for several years, more than enough time to activate the emblem and search this ontology and all neighboring ontologies for the Hierarch! And potentially enough time as well to perform the eons of focused training needed to raise its base non-CON attributes into the 50s, if it's personal time rather than sidereal. And then to beat up both sides of the Foremost conflict, probably.
Unfortunately, the build stops here; the only remaining Attainments which can grant CON are the Perfection Emblem and Uttermost. The former is locked behind the Entire Arcanist Line, and the latter, being locked behind the Halo, requires 8 Insights. 8 Insights is possible while keeping The Gift, but only by dropping Bravado- and dropping Bravado means the build returns to having ridiculous CON and little else of worth, for only 4 more net CON! Although an argument exists that it's still Sanely acquirable (the top-tier Halo members would possess highest-attributes of 83, plausibly allowing them to defeat the Hierarch, and the created magic system could directly leverage your 88 CON as its scaling attribute), it's shakier.
Notable Attributes:
Agility (5 Honing + 20 Blade + 7 Maker + 5 Brains + 5 Strive + 14 Yin + 2 Highborn + 2 Surgeon's Boon + 1 Away) = 61
Dexterity (61 Agility + 10 Brains & Brawn + 10 Emblem of Courage + 10 Emblem of Wisdom) = 91
Wits (5 Honing + 5 Blade + 7 Maker + 5 Brains + 7 Yin + 5 All Stats) = 34
Wait, couldn't you get to 98 by having Maker boost both AGI and DEX?