Yeah, but we can expect Dien-like threats all the time. We can't go "oh just use Pillars for relaxation when we are not under pressure" because we will be under pressure.

And Pressure. Heh.
clearly we are not always under pressure because we did mental stability in the last Pillars. Sometimes apocryphal will be building up power, sometimes we've just thwarted a proc, sometimes we won't know the threat yet, sometimes we'll get lucky from mitigations like the Favor, etcetra.
clearly we are not always under pressure because we did mental stability in the last Pillars. Sometimes apocryphal will be building up power, sometimes we've just thwarted a proc, sometimes we won't know the threat yet, sometimes we'll get lucky from mitigations like the Favor, etcetra.
Apo isn't a random process. Its activations are targeted, strategically, to damage Hunger. Apo can time its activations to turn the Pillars jaunts into grueling & punishing sprints, if it so chooses. It's a mistake to treat this as a matter of statistics imo
but also Apo is about interesting times, so it wouldn't target its activations the same way every time. it's not statistics, but it isn't going to always make its activation "looming threat right after pillars!".
but also Apo is about interesting times, so it wouldn't target its activations the same way every time. it's not statistics, but it isn't going to always make its activation "looming threat right after pillars!".
Maybe not, but "hero slowly buckling under the ever increasing weight of responsibility & solitude" is more interesting than "Gatcha rolls every month without consequences or side effects"
..big derp moment. Somehow I saw that "0.2 rank before modifier", and what I understood was "from now on, every time you get + rank, that's boosted by 0.2 before modifier" instead of the more reasonable "this is the base rank gain, please apply modifiers", which would have been crazy!


and how can so many people be buying wishes?!

I suppose this is a testament to RIhaku's abilities to scam capture involve people in his stories, tricking convincing them to waste spend time and money in it...

Both Nameless and Hunger would be proud! Hook, bait and sinker! First you reel them in, then you scam them!

1)I Finally lapped myself!
Finally lapped myself lapping myself!

Now wait for the time I finally lap myself lapping myself lapping myself!

P.s. I just reached @DarkSideBard 's CYOA.. and it doesn't work! :cry:

well, the interactive version, at least. I suppose I'll have to make do with the text version, unless there's an image version somewhere else?

My bad, now it works. IT probably was my internet.

..I don't know if risk going through it NOW, or after I finish catching up.

After all, I have no idea how long I might stay trapped in there... or if/how many builds I'd end up making...

eh, thought for later, One more reaction now!
ok, let me think.. Last time Surgeon was chosen, we got Purpose and Imperial, Sharkey mentioned a third wish boost coming this turn, and there was a choice of what to spend 40+ arete on, with either 1 or 2 picks depending on how much we were willing to spend buffs on.

By the way, I had a random thought: Retinue would have actually sinergyzed pretty well with Hunger ring.

We get picks by fighting. We're soft-capped by the strongest enemies we can find.

Retinue lowering our rate of progression means that lower-level enemies stay relevant for longer.

While we take longer to reach a certain level, our end-world level cap is basically the same, or only slightly lower due to some high-level enemies being basically one-of-a-kind.

Example: the temple: we outscaled the basic knights after defeating the first few. If we had taken Retinue, we would have likely been able to achieve the same level of progression in slightly longer by facing more knights, and we'd also have had a stronger party at the same time.

It also makes timeskips more productive, allowing the party to catch up relatively quickly to us.

Of course it has its own downsides, but it could have been an interesting approach.

but I'm digressing. Back to the chapter.

Doreia was the penultimate citadel-world of the Republic Core, a bristling monument to military might and the polity's decaying-but-potent reserves of industrial and bellicose vigor. It was a glistening bastion of steel and gunnery capable of dominating its entire Inner System - four populated worlds and seven gas giants - through the sky-rivaling spires of its weapons-enclosure and swarm of Republic Fleet cruisers. Its stately guiding star, a sun whose reliable 1.25 sols of output blanketed the system in steady warmth, was the site of their prototypical Star Mining operation, Astral technology pushed to the bleeding edge of current engineering in the ever-increasing search for exploitable negentropy.

That was what Hunger's stolen intelligence had told them, secured by countless eyewitness accounts and the Pressure-decrypted software banks of their hijacked Special Operations warship.

pressure decrypted = we tried a random password and it worked?

Or even better: we looked at the keyboard, and some random debris falled on the right buttons to input the correct password?

or go even further beyond: A random glitch convinced the system we had already inserted the password :p

Well, it seems like the Republic is nearly at the point of economically apply star mining. That's quite the achievement!

It implies a post-scarcity society is nearly in reach!

well, not quite. There ARE some things that are inherently scarce yet. Magics, Armaments, but at least they're probably nearly beyond scarcity in regard to raw materials!

And yet that Doreia was nowhere in sight. What sprawled before them was a ring of immense vastness, a band of flesh and greenery that circumnavigated the whole of the system, a single monumental... creature in lazy orbit around a perpetually-dimming sun, whose yellow-bright fusion fires were being slowly transfixed into an unchanging rust-green. Of the planets and their moons that were their ostensible destination, there was no sign, not even the gas giants which dominated the outer band. He double-checked their navigational data. They had not gotten lost; with such Rank as theirs it was virtually a certainty.

Hunger blinked. "What the fuck is going on here."

well, the Surgeon didn't waste time.

he already created a living ringoworld that's corrupting the sun!

..can we get a refund and take the Shogun, please?



The Apocryphal Curse, obviously, but this specific manifestation was of a scale and power nearly unprecedented to Hunger's previous experience. The Armament-Fish had leveled continents by the day, but the sheer quantity of matter required to construct this rotating organism - biomass, elements frequently present in no more than trace quantities on the cosmic scale - was stupendous beyond the scale of mere moons and asteroids. Even the planets themselves, rendered into component atoms, ought not have produced even a tenth, or a hundredth of the material plainly present before them. And what was it doing to its sun?
It's obviously using the sun's matter to grow bigger...

damn, we risk having to fight star-sized monsters! Or, alternatively, a star's mass worth of minions!



We have to stop this NOW, before it's too late.

Adorie bit her lip. "What should we do, Lord Hunger? I've... never read anything about a monster like this. If only Lady Gisena were here, I'm sure she could provide some insight..."
and here we see the inherent problems in splitting the party...

"No point dwelling on maybes," Hunger replied, focusing himself. "We have the Praxis. There is no enemy we can conceive of that it cannot overcome. So long as we use it properly."
And it can even deal with inconceivable enemies, if the wielder is skilled enough!

In the Realm of Forms, it mattered little whether his enemy was the size of a mountain, or a galaxy. His Artful Thorn would sting nonetheless. And yet, even if he slew this thing - presuming it was in his interests to destroy - they still had little idea of what had created it, or whether there were more. He hoped that Verschlengorge and Novakhron would provide shelter enough for Gisena's party to withstand whatever storm was brewing.
mh.. Seal of Ruin would help a lot here, I imagine.

and this reminds me I'm actually not sure what won the previous vote.

As they drew closer, Hunger marshaled his energies, the Forebear's Blade snapping preemptively upwards into a guard position as the shadow of a hostile Pressure fell upon them. From the strength of its distortion it was rather distant, likely absent from their current system, but potent enough at least to rival his own. Like opposing currents the fury of their respective Pressures raged wildly and silently at the border of their confluence, his opponent's like an upwelling tide battering futilely but relentlessly at his own unyielding thicket.

He frowned. From this intimation of presence he could sense something of their enemy's nature. The foe was doing nothing to hide it, in fact seemed to be broadcasting his spirit over the full expanse of his influence. There was a jocularity to this enemy, an un-seriousness born of absolute confidence in their abilities and mission; savagery unmerciful like a wild beast, yet a keen-ness of intellect like a vivisecting stare, and amusement - that Hunger would so broodingly hide behind the walls of his own Rank, failing to reveal the same.

Hunger scoffed. Was it trying to shame him into giving away a tactical advantage? He had done more and far greater deplorable things in his campaign against the Tyrant.

..the Orochimaru-vibes are pretty strong here.

Like him, the shard of the Surgeon is a mad-scientist that's apparently affable, unmerciful and confident beyond limits in his abilities and the rightness of his actions.. and always amused by the actions of his lesser.

Unless they bore him. And you don't want to bore Orochimaru. It tends to be the last thing you do.

Of course amusing him is also hardly safe, but it might give you time to think of something else.

Letrizia had likened Pressure to the Astral version of gravity. If he and this foe were mighty singularities of Pressure, would their fate be that of those physical singularities that met in ordinary space - drawn ceaselessly into each other's orbit until collision was inevitable, their mutual stories inexorably become one? Triumph or subjugation, compromise or annihilation: the only option closed-off would be retreat.

Of course, this assumed that Letrizia's metaphor was truly accurate even to such implicit details, and his impression of the Human Sphere's Astral science was that its conclusions were far from that level of precision. But it would not be wise to disregard the possibility, if the two were truly analogous.
eh, I don't think it reaches quite that level, otherwise wouldn't it mean that it's basically impossible for multiple sources of pressure to coexist close enough for long? Or should we equate Hunger and his companions to a Star and the surrounding planets, kept in a stable orbit by ties of friendship and comradery?

Beside him, a frowning Adorie drew unconsciously closer. "The Oath of Winter should provide an overwhelming penalty against any who oppose our Rank, and yet this enemy not only withstands us but seems to hold the slight initiative in our contest! And at such range, too..."

"He may be more skilled in using what he has," Hunger mused. "We employ our Rank passively, allowing it to warp the world around us. Even if we can't control it directly, there are likely nuances of interaction we haven't fully considered. If planets did battle, they would seek to exploit their gravitational fields, even if they could not actively reshape them."

A difference of skill instead of a difference in rank, then?

Or maybe he has a better control tool than the magic system we call Accretion, in the same way in which in d&d a wizard, a Sorcerer and a Bard all use the same kind of magic, but in different ways.

Adorie nodded. "It's a good thing we have tools beyond Pressure alone! In times like this, the best option is simply to cut through."

"You're learning."

😂 So proud!

"I have a good teacher. He doesn't talk very much, though."

"I'm an open book, perfectly suited for a shut-in like you. Are you beginning to recognize the genius of my teaching style?"

She pouted. "Lady Gisena is rubbing off on you..." that I think about it, Adorie WAS technically a NEET/Hikikomori...

and Gisena is very much rubbing on Adorie as well, even if she will likely never admit it!

Cut through they did, orienting the cruiser towards a direct collision with the ring-creature. Once more Hunger leapt from the ship with the queen on his back, plummeting down into the endless verdure of the monster's sun-facing surface. They landed without incident, encountering only cursory resistance - lance-like blooms that pulsed forth skewers at speeds capable of stripping fleets from the skies, but hardly sufficient to inconvenience him or the ship they sheltered.
tis' barely an inconvenience!

Beneath, the world was strange, oddly twisted and yet verdantly beautiful. Monstrous blooms of vegetation pushed endlessly heavenward: trees with leaves of lucent crystal, mottled-crimson disks like a cross between flower and mushroom; trellised-tendon vines overflowing with what appeared to be wholly ordinary grapes. A four-legged grazing creature with soft pale fur wandered over to them, craning its head in brief interest before turning to the vines. There was a sprightliness and wonder to the air, each blush of color shockingly vivid, and the wind's caress almost intoxicating.

"Findross," Adorie said immediately. "I have read about this! Lady Gisena penned some notes at my request earlier. The concentration here is fairly low, and seems to be declining... Oh! There are columns of higher concentration, streaming upwards towards the sun! But what is it all for?"

..Ok, the Surgeon's creation can both create AND absorb/use Findross. Makes sense.

Maybe he used the "humans" as sources of findross for his orc-like creations?

He's a mad genius. We shouldn't forget either half of such a title.

Hunger was no magus. Even the mystical arts he'd learned were all in service to his combat skills, or to supplement those areas where the blade was insufficient. The basic scholarly urge, the drive to accumulate and analyze, the fullness of capability that had allowed Augustine to foil and frustrate them at every turn... he had left all that to Gisena, choosing to focus on his own present strengths.
And she's done an eccellent job with that. Adorie helped too.

An enemy like this, fundamentally esoteric in nature, pursuing a goal whose contours he couldn't intuit, was dangerously unpredictable, and he lacked the advantage in Rank to blunt that edge. This ring was clearly some form of asset for the enemy - or an obsequiously-designed trap - but his bloodsense had already discerned that it was not a single organism but countless, bound together in interlocking array and interfacing with the Astral in ways imperceptible to the domain of Blood alone. The Artful Thorn would not avail him in its current state, even in simplistically destroying the asset wholesale.
mh.. the enemy knew we were a cursebearer, and user of the Royal Praxis.

Is Artful Thorn such a basic technique that he knew how to best work around it?

If this ringworld is, conceptually, MANY creatures.. then we can't use our usual go-to against it.

Maybe we should instead go for quickness + Ruin? That sounds like it would take a lot of time... maybe we could simply break the creature in pieces, and throw them into the sun... assuming that such would be enough to kill it.

And, though they hardly had time for the thought, he speculated grimly on the fate of the Republic citizens who had previously inhabited Doreia. The intellect he'd felt behind their enemy's Pressure was not that of a being even remotely concerned with collateral damage. That man, Hunger believed, was as wholly indifferent to human life as humans were unconcerned with the fates of livestock or wild animals. Unlikely to exert any effort to torment them specifically, but neither would he inconvenience himself by preserving them against the consequences of his ambition.

How many billions had he simply overwritten in the course of terraforming this system?
all of them

Again, it's the Orochimaru mindset. He won't kill you without a reason, but he'll kill you for the slightest advantage/gain. After all, everyone else is either an enemy, a tool, or a potential tool.

Or, sometime, entertainment.

For a moment, the despair of his war against the Tyrant threatened to submerge Hunger, sheer helplessness of a battle in which he was wholly outmatched and ignorant, but he was used to bleak realities and quelled himself quickly. He was not the powerless boy wholly reliant on the Fates to shelter him any longer, nor the failed hero betrayed by powers beyond his reckoning.

The Accursed had seen to that. Had made him a being who could seize destiny in his own hands.

In time, there will be no blade you cannot sunder, no force you cannot rout, no foe you cannot ruin, no throne you cannot claim.

The power of Progression was his remit, unlimited potential in every aspect of ability or skill, power with no ceiling or bottleneck. So he was not a magus? Then he would become one. With Ruin alone the Forebear had mastered whole realities and universes. Hunger would shame himself if, with his advantages, he could not do more. Still, it would take time.
Yeah, if our current skills are ill-suited to this enemy, we just need to learn more.

Luckily, we have what we need: The Praxis, the Evening Realm, Gisena and Adorie.

The ultimate magic, the ultimate training grounds, the ultimate arteficer/grace creator, and a helper to further develop our myth magic.

The ring on his finger pulsed.

Time, or a worthy challenge. Hunger stared upwards at the dull-green sun, its light like copper flaking, seafoam flecks like a comet-trail in the ocean of void. He was ignorant of his foe's intentions, but that did not mean he was bereft of options here. Whatever the foe was doing here likely involved both ring and star, the one feeding or enabling the other. This ring-beast was no single being... but was its sun a single object?

good thought.. but is killing a sun wise?

Well, we were told that a master of Accretion might just be able to parry a supernova, I suppose...

"We're departing," he decided, sheathing his blade.

Adorie faithfully climbed on. "What are we going to do, Lord Hunger?"

"The same thing we always do, Queen of Winter. Cut through. Even if it cannot be cut."
The same thing we try to do every night, Pinky: Try to take over the world! sorry, wrong franchise!

The heat of the solar surface was perilous indeed, and actinic bolts of viridian lightning lashed them with surreal force, but before the Armor of Midnight such efforts were as tiny and fruitless as the raging of pulsars before the universal void. Each stroke of his Blade cleaved away at its Form, and when it was reduced to a shadow of itself he introduced that emerald star to its Deathly nemesis.

Findross in titanic arcs blasted away from them as the sun ruptured and shattered into ash, convulsion of the universe as that unthinkable surfeit of energy flew into the void - only to swiftly reverse direction, consumed by crimson fit to outshine any sun, as they were devoured by his Ring.


..Well, we can add "killed a star" to our resumee!

Of course, we cheated a bit. Artful Thorn doesn't care for such pedestrian things as "size", as long as we're targeting a single conceptual entity!

Dien forged a ring of not-insubstantial power; but Hunger wields one of his own, and tied more intimately to his form and his nature than any the Surgeon could design. Though the Surgeon's general Rank is beyond Hunger's, the Bastion of Myth, alongside the benefits of the Oath of Winter, have thoroughly minimized that advantage for now. Still, who knows how quickly this cruelly unmerciful Foremost could grow if allowed to scale uninterrupted... who is to say how many projects Dien has already sown, needing only to await their ripening?

mh.. Oath of Winter gives Surgeon a -5. We reduce the rank advantage benefits of the enemy to.. I think it's a quarter?

In that case, I imagine the enemy is probably 1 whole rank beyond us at the very least, but not more than 2.

It might be stronger than Nova, I suppose, though not by much.

Not in a direct contest, at least. And we don't know his stats beside his rank.
In a rather literal culmination of its namesake, Hunger has acquired the Feat: Orb by destroying Dien's Green Sun Incubator. This has yielded a formidable .3125 Rank after multipliers, completing his second Special Advancement in the form of Trinity!

Special Advancement: Trinity II. Select one.

Not to complain, but if Fear:Orb is the result of a wish, isn't that a bit expensive?

I mean, usually wishes have given the equivalent of EFBs (and sometime a bit more than that). Feat Orb is NOT an EFB equivalent, If I remember correctly.

Trinity would be, I suppose, but as you can't get one without the other...

well, let's see the possible trinities...
[ ] Breaker of Suns - Fear will keep the other systems in line. Fear of this battle, and of the terrible force at its victor's command. For he who can extinguish the very stars, lamp-lights of the universe, who dares chance his fury and see their own light snuffed out?

*The Advancement of the Saber, which above all else prizes power. An incredibly potent advancement, by far the greatest among these in strength both abstract and temporal. But take care, for he who lives by the sword...

Gain 50 base +s in Strength, Willpower and Wisdom, and upgrade Triumphal Gleam to Conquerer's Nimbus:

+++++++++Charisma, +++++AGI and Might, +150% Rank gain
*Apply the character's full military Rank to all actions taken while on a campaign of conquest or defense, including social interaction or the use of Empyreal Signs.
*Note that Rank becomes increasingly difficult to improve naturally as it increases.
*Vastly increases the wielder's innate memetic appeal, and reframes all acts he performs into their most positive interpretations - even his minor exploits will blaze with adulation unending, while his disappointments and shames are charming foibles or relatable tragedies that inspire sympathy and aid.
*Such a power can justify even tyrannical behavior, and insulate one from the consequences of tyranny. Charisma improves your personal presence, but this Advancement helps people know of you beforehand, and ensures your reputation is one you would be proud of.
*The reputation-burnishing power can be de-activated if the character wishes to fall on their sword for some particular event.
*Take care that you do not become what you despise. An unlikely prospect for Hunger, but the allure is greater when the consequences of overreach are so easily dispersed.

mh.. definitely good for rank-path, and also to actually accomplish our actual quest of CONQUERING AND RULING THE HUMAN SPHERE.

With this, we could likely get the Republic, Empire and Association on our side pretty fast, and show ourselves as the only possible defense against the Surgeon's genocidal creations.

In the end I'm not too worried about Hunger becoming a (evil) tyrant. Our companions will be our moral compass.

It's also the advancement of the Saber. Cut, even if it cannot be cut!

[ ] Tower Above - Trismegistus! three times greatest! / How thy name sublime / Has descended to this latest / progeny of time!

It is said, that to be a magus is to walk with death. Who then could be more suited to the calling than the heir to the Forebear himself?

*The Advancement of the Orb, by which Hunger commits to the magus' path. No lukewarm road of muscle wizardry, but a full and earnest commitment to the arcane to match his martial prowess.

Gain +0.3 Rank before modifiers (+.75 after modifiers), triple the character's Intelligence for purposes of spellcasting and magic-related discernment, and discount the character's next major magic-related Advancement by 12 Arete or the equivalent. Praxis techniques count as magic if it would be favorable to the caster.

...somewhere, somewhen, the Sord Gang is proclaming a crusade against the Maeg Gang, to stop them before it becomes too late.

There's a lot to say in favour of this.

+.75 rank. Triple Intelligence for magic. A 12 ARETE DISCOUNT ON NEXT MAGIC ADVANCEMENT, PRAXIS INCLUDED.

Honestly, if the praxis count, I think this might even somewhat calm the SORD Gang. It's not really magic if we then decide to take a Praxis technique, isn't it? :V

Who knows, maybe this could be an olive branch, a point of contact and reconciliation between two so different Gangs!

..I'll be honest though: my next advancement, if this was to win, could very well be Total Eclipse.

I mean, IF we can just copy Gisena's graces, that's basically an EFB that unlock multiple potential "advancements" "technically graces" for nearly free, isn't it?

It just depends on how much easier it is to copy Gisena's graces and apply them to ourselves, instead of making our own.

Already Gisena is about to unlock Make Whole (which further improves our regen AND gives us limited resurrection abilities), and her current graces, If I remember correctly, were a physical boost and a temporal grace.

We can't keep up the time boost active at all time, or that would burn through our Decimator mitigation.. but we COULD use it in battle, where the "burned time" is negligible compared to the extra effectiveness.

The time stop ability is also a nice hidden ace.

and of course, GIsena is going to unlock more graces each Pillar proc, which means we could get more as well.

@Rihaku and everyone else: did we ever get confirmation of how hard it would be for Gisena to make copies of her graces for us if we also achieved true Quintessence?

[ ] The Shoguness - You do not prosecute this war alone. The Surgeon, foiled, draws out his rivals and interlocutors. And while the enemy of my enemy is an ally of convenience, in time they may become something more...

*The Advancement of the Crown, whose splendor refracted draws defenders from the furthermost reaches of space and time.

Once per Geas task for every Geas task the present onwards, Hunger or a loyal companion will receive an offer of alliance from an exceptionally powerful or influential entity. This is most likely to manifest in situations where Hunger is out of his depth or otherwise contending with factors he is ill-suited for.

In this task, his stymieing the Surgeon's plans has brought forth the Shard of the Shogun, who sees Dien's untrammeled ascent as unconscionable. They will agree to impart the status of a Primary Avatar upon either Gisena Allria or Adorie Mirellyian, granting them the rank of Foremost Maker and nigh-unbelievable martial ability. Given their diminished position, they will consent to exerting the lesser influence in such a merger, causing only a minor modification of the chosen character's personality and nature.

++Gisena or ++Adorie, either would certainly leap at the opportunity to become a Foremost Maker, even a diminished one, under such favorable conditions. While not as perfectly suited in essential nature as Catherine of Amarlt, they would still represent composite fighting strength only a sliver behind Hunger himself, as well as some fraction of the Shogun's preternatural strategic acumen. Gisena would be more individually potent, while Adorie would become a pre-eminent military commander. There are still logistical issues with reaching Gisena swiftly, but the benefits of the alliance should well outweigh the cost in time.


Ok, first of all: we should heavily consider this simply because it's also a bonus FOR EVERY FUTURE GEASS QUEST.

In the present, I'd probably go with Adorie.

In the end, GIsena's role long term is going to be of support, mage, and crafter.

Adorie, on the other hand, has both the highest rank AND the least martial experience. She'd likely have the greatest % gains, and in battle she could likely pilot Nova (though that would come at the cost of losing our praxis stamina buff).

Also, I don't want to give even MORE duties to Gisena. She's already tasked to make graces, artifacts, research magics, and offer support wherever her genius can help. I'd prefer to REMOVE duties from her, as to make her more effective in what she's already tasked to do.

The winner last time was [X] Golden Goose with [X] Seal of Ruin, Hunger's first foray onto the magus' path!

mh.. I approve, I think.

I probably would have gone for two picks, but I can see the value in holding off for now, and Seal of Ruin would have definitely been my top pick among the 1-pick advancements.

We should be able to afford another EFB next time we get to choose picks.

so, from these three... there's good arguments to be made about all three of them.

Shogun is, I think, the weakest of the three, though it has the advantage of offering (hopefully, if it remembers) knowledge of the other shards, and of the foremost in general, AND it applies to all future geass quests as well.

..I think I'd go with the Saber version, as it's the one that actually helps in our geass quest the most, offers MORE rank gain bonuses to continue our growth, and I'm not too worried about the potential negative consequences.

I could probably be convinced by a good argument for the other two though, especially for the orb version.

That's a LOT of immediate rank, AND the 12 arete discount means we can likely get TWO efb in the next pillars proc. One of which could be Total Eclipse, which should grant us multiple graces from Gisena easily.

2086 words
It was basically a gamble that being able to nonlethally incapacitate an agent of Dien affected by a metaphorical Flesh Bud would be useful at some point. Whether or not that's going to happen ever, we have no idea.
I haven't tracked wordcounts in months, but:

I did ctrl+f on "word" to highlight any posts that listed their wordcount, and also included any posts hidden by spoilers. Taka didn't have a wordcount so idek.

Unelemental: 559 word arg
Zamp: 416 word arg
Shark: 1 Newspaper
Pittauro: 2437 word reaction
Kurowari: 815 word arg
Taka: Epilogue
ilbgar: 3515 word Praxis blurbs
Zamp: 1020 word arg
Pittauro: 1745 word reaction
ilbgar: 24610 word tacNuke
Unelemental: 527 word Grace plans
Wolfy / Brain: long arguments w/o word counts
Pittauro: 2580 word reaction
Unelemental: 6606 word reaction
Pittauro: 1393 word reaction
Pittauro: 1964 word reaction
Birdsie: ?Word Pittauro meme
Unelemental: 2747 word fanwork
Pittauro: 2086 word reaction

Total wordcount: 53020
Total reaction wordcount: 21558
Total pittauro wordcount: 14952

(Apologies to Kurowari - their work straddled argument & reaction so i made the judgment call that resulted in a more dramatic pittauro figure)

As always, I make no comment about wordcount quality modifiers, and I did not take any efforts to measure posts that didn't report their own length
Since it looks like we're going there, I'm going to try estimating what we just bought for Gisena, mathematically speaking. I'm operating under a flat pluses as stat points model. This is probably not properly representative.

A lot of this is influenced by my original deductions here: A Simple Transaction I Original, and this post here, A Simple Transaction I Original

Aobaru's Vigorflame and Edeldross are being ignored, though Companions of the King is being taken into account for a 10% buff through Gisena and Hunger fighting in the same battlefield.

Strength: (41*3.1)+(True Perfecting Blade*3.1)+(Vanquisher's Grace*3.1) = 127.1+(True Perfecting Blade Bonus*3.1)+(Vanquisher's Grace*3.1)
Agility: Something in the territory of 206 because Vanquisher's Grace/Temporal Auspictice(Estimated 195), 195*3.1 = 604.5
Constitution: (37*3.1)+(True Perfecting Blade*3.1)+(Vanquisher's Grace*3.1) = 114.7+(True Perfecting Blade*3.1)+(Vanquisher's Grace*3.1), possibly something approaching Hunger's constitution due to undying vanguard
Intelligence: (3*3.1)+(Gisena Tier Geniusness*3.1) = 9.3+Gisena Tier Geniusness*3.1
Wisdom: (3*3.1)+(Gisena Tier Geniusness*3.1) = 9.3+Gisena Tier Geniusness*3.1
Wits: (28*3.1)+(True Perfecting Blade*3.1) = 86.8+(True Perfecting Blade*3.1)
Charisma: (3*3.1)+(Outrageously Superhuman*3.1) = 9.3+(Outrageously Superhuman*3.1)
Manipulation: (3*3.1)+(???*3.1) = 9.3+???*3.1
Willpower: (3*3.1)+(???*3.1) = 9.3+???*3.1
Luck: (3*3.1)+(???*3.1) = 9.3+???*3.1
Protection: (3*3.1) = 9.3, but probably something competitive with Hunger because undying vanguard.

Gisena. With Triple her current intelligence. We need her near us for Haeliel Ordinalism tutoring. At all costs. She probably reaches what, 12th Ordinal in a single lesson or something. If she takes Accelerate...
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It was basically a gamble that being able to nonlethally incapacitate an agent of Dien affected by a metaphorical Flesh Bud would be useful at some point. Whether or not that's going to happen ever, we have no idea.
What the fuck. No one picked it because of this because affecting one person out of trillions would be worthless. At least I hope no one did. It got picked because people thought that we would get teleported to Dien by magic plot resolution fairy so we would use it to defeat him despite his protection. It's worthlessness in this situation was readily apparent, and has only got more pronounced since.

Since it looks like we're going there, I'm going to try estimating what we just bought for Gisena, mathematically speaking. I'm operating under a flat pluses as stat points model. This is probably not properly representative.

A lot of this is influenced by my original deductions here: A Simple Transaction I Original, and this post here, A Simple Transaction I Original

Aobaru's Vigorflame and Edeldross are being ignored, though Companions of the King is being taken into account for a 10% buff through Gisena and Hunger fighting in the same battlefield.

Strength: (41*3.1)+(True Perfecting Blade*3.1)+(Vanquisher's Grace*3.1) = 127.1+(True Perfecting Blade Bonus*3.1)+(Vanquisher's Grace*3.1)
Agility: Something in the territory of 206 because Vanquisher's Grace/Temporal Auspictice(Estimated 195), 195*3.1 = 604.5
Constitution: (37*3.1)+(True Perfecting Blade*3.1)+(Vanquisher's Grace*3.1) = 114.7+(True Perfecting Blade*3.1)+(Vanquisher's Grace*3.1), possibly something approaching Hunger's constitution due to undying vanguard
Intelligence: (3*3.1)+(Gisena Tier Geniusness*3.1) = 9.3+Gisena Tier Geniusness*3.1
Wisdom: (3*3.1)+(Gisena Tier Geniusness*3.1) = 9.3+Gisena Tier Geniusness*3.1
Wits: (28*3.1)+(True Perfecting Blade*3.1) = 86.8+(True Perfecting Blade*3.1)
Charisma: (3*3.1)+(Outrageously Superhuman*3.1) = 9.3+(Outrageously Superhuman*3.1)
Manipulation: (3*3.1)+(???*3.1) = 9.3+???*3.1
Willpower: (3*3.1)+(???*3.1) = 9.3+???*3.1
Luck: (3*3.1)+(???*3.1) = 9.3+???*3.1
Protection: (3*3.1) = 9.3, but probably something competitive with Hunger because undying vanguard.

Gisena. With Triple her current intelligence. We need her near us for Haeliel Ordinalism tutoring. At all costs. She probably reaches what, 12th Ordinal in a single lesson or something. If she takes Accelerate...
300% is added to the base value, so the math is x*100%(base)+x*300%(increase) for a total of x*400%. Or x*510% with Edeldross and full Companions.
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300% is added to the base value, so the math is x*100%(base)+x*300%(increase) for a total of x*400%. Or x*510% with Edeldross and full Companions.

So it should be a 4.0 multiplier to all Gisena's stats with mythology halo as the only buff, and the stats are even more ludicrous. Gisena with Quadruple intelligence. This is Tsubasa wo Kudasai hard takeoff singularity ridiculous.

10 percent improvement = 1.1 multiplier
100 percent improvement = 2.0 multiplier
200 percent improvement = 3.0 multiplier
300 percent improvement = 4.0 multiplier
510 percent improvement = 6.1 multiplier
So I had a thought about how Hunger and Gisena's builds are going.

Hunger is becoming a Metaphorical Scion
Gisena is becoming a Metaphorical Eden

As in the Wormverse entities, they're a Warrior Thinker pair.
Is this gonna be the new Godwin's law? :V

I don't thing the metaphor is particularly strong. Neither Hunger nor Gisena are thoughtlessly relf replicating space worms, and their codependence is much more lop sided and variable.

Seram and Jeane were the incomprehensible universe hoppers indescriminantly scattering their kids everywhere.
Anyway, hopefully we will get Praxis + Robot or Gisena + Robot, Gisena + Praxis has next to no synergy outside of CtF shenanigans.
Anyway, hopefully we will get Praxis + Robot or Gisena + Robot, Gisena + Praxis has next to no synergy outside of CtF shenanigans.
One previous version of Artifice (False hand of the Maker) required a power source, like the Azure Ring. Gisena seems to be accessing a more powerful version of Artifice, but the same principle of needing a power source could apply. I'd guess that both Adorie and Hunger have Astral Rank that is much more powerful than the Azure Ring back in the Temple.

So, there could be synergy between Regalia of Strife and Singularity Halo. If Gisena creates a machine that runs on Hunger's Astral Pressure, then Conqueror's Nimbus could be used to propagate the effect across galactic-scale distances. A form of radar that scans everything Hunger's Pressure comes into contact with would be a decisive finishing blow to the campaign against Dien.
Update in 10-20.

The Realm of Evening was the site of magnificent opulence beyond mortal dreams of luxury. Few places were better suited to mirthful indolence, though there was little such in evidence today. Gisena had recruited all their companions into assistants for her experimentation, which proceeded at a feverish pace unmindful of bodily or spiritual demands. The ambrosia of Evening, and their own Rank and magics, would more than suffice to supply them with vigor enough for the interim. All the power around them had been turned to the purpose of bare function, and the wonders that spilled forth merely prelude to war.

It was a shame, Hunger thought, that none of them would get to enjoy the Realm as it was intended this jaunt. Theirs was a voluntary conscription, but perhaps he could still intervene...

He strode in wearily, finding the Sorceress of Nullity at the center of a mystical conflagration, prismatic elements fluxing and blazing in controlled pandemonium around her. Runes carved in Vigorflame and Shadowcord guttered about on her periphery, straining to maintain their shape as they one-by-one winked out. Gisena released a tide of Nullity, extinguishing the rest as she strode pertly over to greet him.

"How stereotypical," he scoffed. "As soon as she gets magic, it's onwards with the multi-colored explosions and incomprehensible sigils. At least try to maintain something of your dignity as an anti-magic specialist."
definitely not going to complain about seeing some magic theory!
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