Goals check-in:
1. Decimators Affliction management - A Deferred reprieve could theoretically help with this.
2. Dealing with Aobaru's Terminator - Souping Aobaru up would help with this problem, as would souping hunger up.
3. Getting Letrezia out of the Voyaging Realm - Only a deferred reprieve has a chance of directly helping with this problem(Edit: Or maybe Stars Align).
4. Getting ourself/Aeira/Aobaru out of the Voyaging Realm - Only a deferred reprieve has a chance of directly helping with this problem(Edit: Or maybe Stars Align).
5. Conquering the Human Sphere - They all could conceivably help
6. Successful Odds of Vengeance/Avoiding Death by Epilogue - Seraph's Grace would help with that. If we genuinely need it though to survive the epilogue though...
7. Ruling Well - Haeliels Advice corner may help with that. Haeliel's Favor may help from a mental stats standpoint?
8. Curse Mitigation - Haeliels Favor is a form of apocrypha protection. Saving a wish is a form of apocrypha protection. Haeliels Grace is a form of Apocrypha protection.
9. Returning to Financial Stability - We can hope my tactics were enough. That we didn't spend too many rerolls. I don't know if wishing for a deferred reprieve would help us at this point. The next route we could take is wishing for Aobaru's Exaltation like in complete overkill.
10. Preparing for a Buffed Apocryphal Proc - We have not sufficiently invested in our party. Combine that quote from the Truth Manifest with 2 of the Forced Induction options(The ones that weren't Haeliel) giving us a high tier combatant and the point is our party needs more power too. I recommend Exalting Aobaru.
But he should not have to pay it, not had she discerned the truth sooner and called for a temporary retreat. They had all of them grown overconfident, sheltering under the central pillar of Hunger's Rank. A single point of reliance, no matter how sturdily fortified, was vulnerable to the Apocryphal Curse.