This also makes me wonder if Elixer has a true quintessence equivalent or if when you reach that level the substances end up the same. Is the true quintessence simply the ultimate understanding of dross substances, a substance born from the meta singularity, or something stemming only from findross? I am really curious now. Also does this mean the foremost were a race of True quintessence users. Makes it honestly that much more attractive to me, particularly because our access to the advancement is through the cloak not edeldross. I wonder did the foremost make the cloak or perhaps they learnt from it.

If we had chosen to be a Threefold statbuild, she would have a counter to our smash'y shenanigans, too. We just got in a very unpleasant situation with Apo-strike, yes.
Apocrypha had a counter to Rank, why not Stat? Her magic is extremely versatile so I wouldn't be surprised if she can do something about Threefold amount of Stats.

This battle shows our skewed build needs to be fixed as soon as possible.
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As far as plans, this seems like another dramatic increase in the value of downtime for Hunger. With Gisena's help, we could maybe even reach a grace allowing +30% attack speed!

You already have Whiteout! Which contributed to Hunger taking effectively no damage this encounter.

What a truly powerful Grace...

Anyone else stunned that Augustine just had a complete counter to Rank. Or maybe we are not yet ranky enough to contest it. I really wonder what besides building stats more and taking the stat tripling we could have done to overcome this more effectively. Perhaps one of the methodical options or mor focus on praxis, or even grace development or rushing signs.

That effect (severing the Astral) actually auto-kills anyone who doesn't have enough Rank, as their soul is no longer able to communicate with their body. Rank is greatness of spirit, while Pressure is the gravity generated thereby, and your spirit needs to be immensely potent to survive the disjunction of realms!
... I have a question, and I really can't find an answer (even using statement index):
[ ] Grand Nullification - 2 Arete. Focusing on the single greatest threat to the party's safety and livelihood, Gisena mitigates the Apocryphal Curse one full step further. This will sharply decrease the amount of energy and potential she has to spare on combat applications, unless you invest considerably into her future development options.
What is a full step mitigation? Is it a set % of reduction of it's raw power, or some change in curses' functioning?
We also have 15% (or is it 25, if global Grand Nullification includes the first stage too?) incidental reduction of the Geas from this and the All-Defeating Stance! Schrödinger's mitigation, undefined until such a time as it would become relevant, truly a potent technique.
It's ten percent, Grand Nullification is really good. The Apocryphal Curse should be at 72.5% power now.
Full Step means a stage. Grand Nullification does it a stage beyond what she earlier did, which is a stage. Thus, Ren. Woman gives 2 Stage Mitigation to all Curses.
Oh wow.
If 100% Apocryphal Proc was a roll with DC100, then this made an inescapable death merely challenging.
Edit: ... The % works through rolls, right? 80% Tyrant is 80% to proc?
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Yeah, we finally have some good mitigation now.

Further mitigation is going to get a lot more difficult, though. Stuff that granted incremental mitigation before probably not going to even ping now and things that offered ridiculous full-steps and such would be incremental instead.
Doom of the Tyrant does not have % to proc?

It is always on. Mitigating it sufficiently allows Hunger to consider obeying a law that is considered incredibly important, if a trusted companion speaks up for it.
uh, holy shit, a lot happened while I PVP'd and went to the grocery store, huh? I've gotta make dinner and then I'll properly catch up, but real quick:

@LordOfMurder , uhhh seeing as we have unexpectedly secured Renaissance Woman without a vote, I'll go ahead and just convert that RW-specific Microwave marker into a regular vetoless marker, and I'll get to work on that Renaissance Woman Gisena art I was planning on. Use the marker wisely!
Us feeble questers: "Man I wish Gisena wasn't such a banter bot, doesn't she do anything else?"
Gisena, superior lifeform: "I already know about the secrets of the Foremost, Letrizia's actual family situation and the true nature of the Tyrant's Doom, but I never seem to get a good opportunity to say something about it. Truly, being such an incredible genius is a heavy burden..."
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This was certainly a refreshing change, enough for me to return to looking at the story more.

Also, it appears the answer was Hypothesis C) or B). Apocrypha-Chan clearly had her estimates on Hunger wrong..
So, considering that Gisena got Renaissance Woman by herself at a whopping 28-Arete discount, what do you think about potentially getting RW II, the next time we're offered her Companion EFB?

After all, the best way to compound a growth curve is to jump to a higher spot. When that growth-curve is boosted by Retinue, that's especially relevant.

More importantly though, Hunger's covered on the pure-power angle of things. While Renaissance Woman is fabulous for utility on its own, getting even more would completely squash that problem.

Just look at this update. Hunger's only recourse was to power through against Augustine's multifarious utility effects, and he'd have taken serious drawbacks considering he'd have to burn his essence for power, if not for Gisena's timely ascension.
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Man, @Sharkey_smt in shambles.
Hypothesis: Her powers and Augustine's own were degenerated forms of the same magic.
Hmm, people were speculating before as to whether the three Foremost castes were actually the three races of the Manifest Realm engaged in jolly cooperation, but what if it's the opposite? The Manifest Realm could instead be a very, very post-apocalyptic Foremost colony that after the civilization's mysterious disappearance split along caste lines. And the Maiden could have been an atavistic throwback like Augustine herself, and the Elves could have pieced together enough to manufacture a throwback of their own with the Hero out of Legend. Interesting to think about.
Make time to decompress from your adventures, Cursebearer, even if there isn't time. a self help book or something, jeez. Get a hobby.

Hunger's Hobby is fishing. The problem is that it doesn't count as relaxation due to him doing it to the uttermost. Any other hobbies he gets would probably face the same problem. I don't think relaxation is even in the guys vocabulary.