Something very valuable about oblique means that I think has been missed so far is the information gathering aspect.

We know precious few things about Lord Protector and his capabilities. We know that he's a very good mage. We also know that he uses summons.

Look at how Turn E the astral cat was deployed. The set up domain and lack obvious enemy movement imply that using high level summons as longer term guardians was not an unusual thing, he had to be preparing for whatever hero might try to make the story book ending happen.
We also know that he's going to be summoning again, something developed to counter us harder.

Summoning an astral being ourselves would give us a chance to perhaps get a sense of his past or present summonings. We're summoning strong, we might be able to summon someone summoned by him previously and gain critical insight on how he operates or what he expects summons to do. We're summoning after him, it's possible that whatever he summoned yesterday would be know via their abrupt absence from their astral domain.
"Any Astral news recently?"
"Sea urchin wolf, known for her ability to mess with rank, went missing yesterday."

That's also something we shouldn't forget while going to save Versh. Astral beings generally don't get along with Armaments to put it lightly, so it's likely that whatever strong Hunger tailored summon LP brought up could be part of the trap around Versh. Maybe even paid by snacking on him after he deals with us, the one person capable of interrupting his snacking. It's looking like we're going to be heading to Vershe whether we summon or not, so a smidgen of extra information on part of the trap surrounding him could be a game changer.
[X] Rescue Versch.
[X] Don't Take Adorie

I'm not sure which of these two I favor more, as both play into the Lord Protector's hand. Ultimately, the clincher was that I care more for Verchlengorge and Letrizia than I do for Adorie and the people of Nilfel. If I've got to risk their well being for our friends' then, so be it.
Honestly it comes down to the simple issue that we have no idea what Astral beings want.
So, thought experiment time!
We're Astral Hunger, summoning one of those strange non-Astral humans to do our bidding. We don't know what humans like or would do in exchange for stuff. Normally you could just pay an Astral denizen astral hula-hoops, but humans are so strange that they might not accept that as currency. And while you can gihalavente them, are they interested in that? Are they going to work for werthabgas either? Maybe, maybe not
Now that the vote is closed, I just wanted to say that this post was absolutely brilliant.
Update this evening, a portion of which (The Lord Protector's interlude) will be posted right now to the Patreon for subscribers!

Was it a consequence of consuming the Opalescent Tower, or had Adorie's dreamt-for hero completed some monumental quest for strength? His Rank alone now brushed full Legions aside like dust from his linens. What abilities unrevealed could the Interloper boast in addition? The very prospect was unsettling.

Specifics mattered. His immunity to divination cast a pallor of uncertainty upon all their calculations. Even the minds of his companions were secured against the possibility of profile-building, and the Purple Bitch was properly immune!

For the first time in twelve years they felt the possibility defeat looming. What mattered guile or adroitness in the face of such power, such sheer unfairness, as this?!

[The Lord Protector] steadied their self, breathing deeply of the smoke that wreathed them. The taste of ash settled their mind and calmed their heart, as always. Their memories of the crucible were not dear to them, but they were familiar, and familiarity was the anchor of their vengeance.

From the age of eight they had ruled the greatest nation in the world with a fist of iron. They would neither falter nor yield.
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What does undying vanguard get us again?
The higher the relationship +s an ally has with us, the more of our defenses they'd get. (PROT, CON, etc.) High enough, and they'd get our full defenses.

It's basically an ally-survivability thing.

(Gisena has 11, Letrizia has 9/10 depending on this vote, Adorie has 6/7 depending on this vote, Aobaru has ???, and Aeira has ???++)
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Some thoughts unrelated to the update, which was posted while I was writing this:

Given that the sword offers advancements for companions it's safe to assume that the Forebear had companions as well. Did they follow him through multiple Processions? It seems likely, since building deep relationships is really hard. Will we find more bodies in those tombs?

If the Forebear build the Voyaging Realm then he knew about the Cursebearers and the Accursed.

The park was probably never fully completed, since things were still "proceeding as scheduled" when all the Foremost died and everything was abandoned.

The park has security forces. We kinda knew that, given how it responds when people try to remove any attractions or exploit the place, but it's good to see it confirmed. It might be just as well the place is busted since I'd bet extracting people would be far more difficult if the place was actually functioning.

It appears that the powers of the elementalists are unlicensed and unintended. Could the springs be a leak of sorts, Ruhuk essence escaping some containment pipe or vessel to cause mutations? This also leads to questions about the Rotbeast and the recent uptick in the spring's power. Maybe the Rotbeast was the magical equivalent of a blood clot scabbing over an open wound? Or maybe it's just another sign of the general disrepair and dysfunction of this place.

Rihaku rated this insightful so I'm going to assume everything here is 100% correct and throw as much wild mass guessing on top as I can.

Ruhuk essence turns your eyes gold, is heroic, is associated with orcs, focuses on physical excellence, and reminds me of Solars in Exalted. It likely originates with the Forebear, evidence of this being the fact that Hunger got gold eyes after picking up his sword and the fact that Elixir EFB which gives us Ruhuk essence discounts the Forebear's final form by 7 arete, and is spread by the Forebear's dynasties. It's his essence, or at least it's used by him. As for where the Forebear got it, who knows, but given the thematic similarity to Solar Exalted I wouldn't be surprised if the Accursed was somehow responsible for it.

Given the use of Ruhuk essence in creating the armor it would seem that this substance is used heavily in their society, like how we have water pipes and they have Ruhuk pipes. If so, then it's likely that the Ruhuk pipe (assuming such a thing exists and bears any similarity to our water pipes) would have the Foremost ruin where that kid got transformed into his armor as its destination, with the springs being a nearby leak. If so, that means the springs tie into the underlying infrastructure of the realm as a whole and we could find other Foremost ruins by following those pipes.

The other obvious thing to do is find the source of the springs then bathe in pure Ruhuk essence and hope for the best. Might let us get the Elixir EFB free or discounted? At the minimum we'll be able to unlock it again. And of course, everyone knows how much the quest has struggled with having too much Arete and too few EFB's to spend it on!

Finally, not all of the leaked Ruhuk essence goes to the springs, it seems some of it leechs out into the environment and resulted in the Rotbeast having minions with gold eyes. Did the Ruhuk essence create the Rotbeast? Could all socities that are constanly assailed by Kaiju be located near Ruhuk leaks? Or did the essence just modify the existing Kaiju creation process? Personally I'm 50/50 on Kaiju being an intentional product of the park that are created to keep everyone entertained, and being an unwanted side effect of the park breaking down. Either way the next Kaiju that gets spawned should be more interesting as it has more Ruhuk essence to work with now that the spring is more powerful.
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Their memories of the crucible were not dear to them, but they were familiar, and familiarity was the anchor of their vengeance.
Hmm, interesting. It seems that the rulership of Nifel might have been just a stepping stone to their true aims? It would have made approaching them originally far more interesting, considering we are a Progression-type and much stronger than any nation with time. Man, I might actually be feeling the Royalist regret for the first time, how annoying.
The LP is an 18 year old... yeah okay why not. So do we commit to killing this young overlord or are we willing to go for negotiations?
Is the Lord Protector Adorie's sister or something? They seem to know each other, and "evil" sisters are very traditional.

Edit: Oh the purple bitch is Gisena isn't it, I was thinking of Adorie.
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Finally managed to stumble my way out of my block and figured out how to go about this one! A big thanks to @Orm Embar for sponsoring this one and being so patient! I may do some extra proportion tweaks in a bit, since I've had to make a number of corrections this morning and suspect I may be missing more, but Uly and Moon are pretty much done!

Bonus: a page of Hungers that I did as warmups/calibrations before trying to do serious draws
