i'm old enough to remember when we had the opportunity to re-up our Decimator mitigation with 7 days to spare

maybe the thread just doesn't care about statistical lives lost? We didn't know that there was a metropolis around the tower, but we did know that there was a Kingdom who we'd be putting at risk of affecting with the Curse.

Hell, maybe unmitigated Decimation is a way that we can level the playing field so that the Temple Remnant + Sovereignty army can come live in safety and prosperity inside the Walls of Myth. In less than ten years, we'd have reduced the numbers and powers of the Tower Society to well within striking distance of the Temple civ. (That time-span would be even lower if Gisena would agree to equip our army with Artifacts, etc.)

(Do not do this, obviously)
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[X] Entrench
[X] Become All-Defeating

Fuggin sweet, no need to contemplate this vote when the SORD options are clearly labeled~
Eh, in a few days some people will merely lose an very small part of there lifespan, considering how stronk this society, they probably have fairly long ones? I am not going to cry over that.

In exchange we will potentially be freeing them from the Tyrant!
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Eh, in a few days some people will merely lose an very small part of there lifespan, considering how stronk this society, they probably have fairly long ones? I am not going to cry over that.
that's quite a take

not sure it would be worthwhile to dive into a whole ethical thesis, but even the non-consequentialists would probably have trouble endorsing it in this case
Man, why don't we kill ourselves right now and spare us all this trouble? It would clearly save an incredible amount of lives.

Every single one of our Curses endangers people around us. Might as well go hide in cave so people don't become casualties of our Apocryphal procs. Clearly, we want to live. Due to the previous choices we made in our build, in terms of living Saving up for Once and Future is much better than buying ADS right now, given the threats we know about and even the power-level expected of the Tower. We are kind of relying on getting that EFB ever since we voted for Core Panoply. Less rewards now for much, much less risk later is a no-brainer for us, so we should actually save up for an EFB that synergises with our build, not trying to get by with stats after committing to Rank.

Stay on target. If we are conservative now we will have much bigger latitude to be daring later. Let's prioritize preparing against the threat we know about and can't deescalate in any way rather than the complete mystery that are our opponents in the Tower, all right?
Man, why don't we kill ourselves right now and spare us all this trouble? It would clearly save an incredible amount of lives.

Every single one of our Curses endangers people around us. Might as well go hide in cave so people don't become casualties of our Apocryphal procs. Clearly, we want to live. Due to the previous choices we made in our build, in terms of living Saving up for Once and Future is much better than buying ADS right now, given the threats we know about and even the power-level expected of the Tower. We are kind of relying on getting that EFB ever since we voted for Core Panoply. Less rewards now for much, much less risk later is a no-brainer for us, so we should actually save up for an EFB that synergises with our build, not trying to get by with stats after committing to Rank.

Stay on target. If we are conservative now we will have much bigger latitude to be daring later. Let's prioritize preparing against the threat we know about and can't deescalate in any way rather than the complete mystery that are our opponents in the Tower, all right?

What's your vote going to be if we have 25 Arete and a Praxis pick after tonight's update?
Why are people voting ADS along with the one option that doesn't need it? Seriously, if it wins we are basically going to sit on our ass to train the Praxis while we send other people to scout for us. Stats won't matter for that, they physically can't. It's completely non-synergistic.

What's your vote going to be if we have 25 Arete and a Praxis pick after tonight's update?
You know the answer to that. Scenic is way more guaranteed, but I'm hoping the new Praxis Advancements synergise with our build more, Refinement of Battle was way more Stats focused.
The current winning combination seems quite dangerous, the Mythic Realm isn't a place we can afford to faff about in. The Scenic Route bets a lot on the information gathering and forays into local politics paying off, but may end up wasting precious time and ending up with a longer Decimation activation than Entrench. Remember that our subversion of Larissa and House Alynne was the result of a very good roll, and isn't the baseline level of success we can expect, especially with the populace gripped by the eponymous Shadow of Nilfel.

The +5 (3.5, really) Luck from All-Defeating and associated mental/social boosts might make that haphazard approach more viable, but comes at the cost of once again burning through our Arete stockpile. I wish there was a clearer way to save for Once and Future, maybe the Forebear lore of Entrench will help? Taking ADS alongside that is painfully antisynergistic, though.
Why are people voting ADS along with the one option that doesn't need it? Seriously, if it wins we are basically going to sit on our ass to train the Praxis while we send other people to scout for us. Stats won't matter for that, they physically can't. It's completely non-synergistic.
ADS is so far behind that it makes sense to vote to bring it closer, so we'll be more likely get a powerup even if Entrench doesn't win. The noble ADS voters have my gratitude. :s
[X] Scenic Route
[X] Save

B Ack to the scenic route I go. I do rather want to follow up on our plans for once and future after missing out on Elixer.
I don't think Once and Future is particularly likely with Scenic, since we will probably have the option to spend arete on Artifacts and magic....and not taking them after Scenic route would be kinda waste of an option.
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I don't think Once and Future is particularly likely with Scenic, since we will probably have the option to spend arete on Artifacts and magic....and not taking them after Scenic route would be kinda waste of an option.

Yeah, but it is more likely give the allure of praxis, and the fact that the direct approach doesn't seem to have much support. While I do expect there to be shines I also hope for less overall cost in terms of options.
I don't think Once and Future is particularly likely with Scenic, since we will probably have the option to spend arete on Artifacts and magic....and not taking them after Scenic route would be kinda waste of an option.
I'll commit to not spending more than 2 Arete on any further update until OaF is bought.
Entrench tactics, in case it wins.

The main problem is that it runs over time, subjecting the billions of people here to Decimation. There's no clever way to make Praxis training go any faster. The only thing to do is try. (Maybe there'll be an Arete cost that saves time? I doubt people would go for it. Myself maybe included honestly.)

Unless we charge directly at the tower and have to figure out a Praxis technique before we get there, but that's more Direct than Entrench.

We could firmly stick to a time limit, charging directly at the tower as soon as the Huntress' Moon wears off (or is about to). Might inspire Hunger to greater effort, and it's kinda like Direct but with whatever info the teenage squad uncovers for us. Problem is, that's such a drastic change that I'm not sure it counts as a tactic for Entrench rather than a separate option.

Though, even if we do go over the time limit, I think the three investigators should focus on the tower construction over politics: Entrench supports a more smashy plan, since we won't have time to waste on making nice with any faction. We will also ideally be strong enough to not have to care, since that's the point of Entrench.

I previously suggested running away to an uninhabited land so no "people" get decimated. The problem is that our radius is huge, and we don't have an easy way to know if we've escaped far enough. Maybe Verschlengorge has some sensor for that? And oh, right, we'd have to take him with us. Might not be possible, unless we can grab Refinement of Place in time- but at that point, we'd already have succeeded. Maybe if Gisena can build us a portal or something to get us far enough away? Or a juice box of ultralife. Who knows.

I'd suggest self-cannibalism, since I think a few percent of percent ontological damage is... better than letting it run wild. In the short term. But I don't think getting to a place without life is any easier than getting far enough away from the civ anyway, so it's a moot point.

Gisena will be artificing. With time running out, a bomb might be helpful- but then again, with the right Praxis pick, we won't need it. Guess that vote will come as it comes.

There is the option to pull her off of artificing and have her investigate as well, I guess. But eh, I support Praxis smash if we take this route, so. Tactics for gathering materials might help. Investigating tower construction could serve double duty as demolition planning and inspiration for her. But that's more Scenic. Any quick mercenary work to be done? Wizards needing an experimental subject?

Hm. The core can't be tacticed. It's not likely Hunger will finish in time. All I've got left is memes and effort. Do it, even if it cannot be done.

Or do something else, like vote for Scenic. :V

500 words exactly, and one smiley. Wasn't gonna wordcount it, but the number amused me so there.
[X] Scenic Route
[X] Save

The current winning combination seems quite dangerous, the Mythic Realm isn't a place we can afford to faff about in. The Scenic Route bets a lot on the information gathering and forays into local politics paying off, but may end up wasting precious time and ending up with a longer Decimation activation than Entrench. Remember that our subversion of Larissa and House Alynne was the result of a very good roll, and isn't the baseline level of success we can expect, especially with the populace gripped by the eponymous Shadow of Nilfel.
I don't want to subvert the populace, I just want Hunger to learn if dashing in is going to kill billions of people like how if we just dashed inside and stole the Azure ring ten million people would have been slain by the dimensional collapse we didn't know about at the time.
Having some idea what the Tower is seems important to me, especially if either the Princess or the Tyrant want the thing gone and thus we can leverage that support for no cost.
Scenic depends on a lot of factors to work out, without ADS, I am not sure that we will actually have particularly good chances of success. Our non combat endeavours tend to not be that successful. Sounds like something that might end up with us running out of Decimators mitigation while being brought no closer to being able to destroy the tower. Let's not half ass this thing, this place is fucking dangerous.
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Scenic/Save is a dogshit plan. Either get Scenic/ADS or Etrench/Save, not the thing that does nothing(well, it allows us to be super greedy and get a shoot at 25 Artifact, but no one is picking it for thing it actually does so..).

"B-but we might want to get Praxis instead of OaF!"

If we get better options of course we will pick them. If Praxis is not better, we just save. It's as simple as that.
Scenic depends on a lot of factors to work out, without ADS, I am not sure that we will actually have particularly good chances of success. Our non combat endeavours tend to not be that successful. Sounds like something that might end up with us running out of Decimators mitigation while being brought no closer to being able to destroy the tower. Let's not half ass this thing, this place is fucking dangerous.
Scenic/Save is a dogshit plan.
ADS gives us 3 charisma, general autodefences, and the power to demoralize opponents at the cost of Guile Defeating Stance's +2 Rank and Ruin autodefences against manipulation and deception.

I'm not sure why it's being touted as a big game changer while we're scoping out the political scene first instead of fighting. It's absolutely amazing at fighting, but Scenic is about delaying exactly that first.
Re-tallied, to since it wasn't combining votes well.
Adhoc vote count started by Aabcehmu on Aug 4, 2020 at 7:08 PM, finished with 371 posts and 54 votes.
ADS gives us 3 charisma, general autodefences, and the power to demoralize opponents at the cost of Guile Defeating Stance's +2 Rank and Ruin autodefences against manipulation and deception.

I'm not sure why it's being touted as a big game changer while we're scoping out the political scene first instead of fighting. It's absolutely amazing at fighting, but Scenic is about delaying exactly that first.
And +5 Int and Luck and +3 Wis, and 5% Apocryphal mitigation, and more power for when we do attack. It's not any one thing in particular that ADS defeats. :s