Nah, Walls won IIRC, so we're going on a roadtrip.
Nah, the Tower took it, so we're heading straight into maximum danger. In other news, that's exactly why we should take the Halo.

*Slaps the roof of our build* This bad boy can fit so many Charisma increases in it!

[X] Vanquisher Halo [7 Arete]
[X] Agents of the Throne

On a more serious note, Vanquisher Halo's just really good. Vigor Incarnate already converts Charisma to Protection and we've got a +100% (net +70%, after accounting for Uttermost) increase to all pluses from Silver of Evening. So our Cha'll be pulling triple duty from here on out, overflowing into Strength, which the Power of Ruin scales with, which'll make the All-Defeating Stance even more broken when get it. The unholy alchemy of Cut Through transmutes ADS's +5 Will into +5 Str & Agi; this means +5 Cha is also +5 Prot & Str.

Steadily negating Uttermost's downsides is also appealing, we're already back in the black in terms of percentage-increases from Charisma and Protection, but outright removing a malus resonates with me. Also, this is another Rank multiplier, which'll stack with Stranglethorn for shocking total of +140% to all Rank-up opportunities if we get it through Core Panoply, though Stranglethorn is sadly Sir Not Appearing in this Build Vote.

Anyway, why would we want to rein in the radiant glory of our presence? Hunger is not a subtle man; his attempts at stealth tend toward the Malfean. Interactions with people without the strength of will to withstand Hunger can and should be delegated. It's even a decent heuristic for who's worth talking to! We've had so many negative experiences with memetic hazards in these quests: Kaguya, Aria, Imperia, etc. Why not revel in the opportunity to play the memetic hazard, a social wrecking ball that shatters any semblance of objectivity?

Skyveil lowers us to the level of our interlocutors, but a Progression-type Cursebearer should aspire to more than that. Why diminish ourselves when we can empower others, create a truly superhuman society? What is the Ring of Blood and its associated power of Ennobling for, if not that? +3 to all attributes includes Will, and that's just the tip of the iceberg if we water that skill tree. Mind-shattering glory, speeches that change the course of lives... we could give Rihaku the opportunity to write legendary social feats! And conveniently, the Halo even increases the resulting Rank.
Nah, Walls won IIRC, so we're going on a roadtrip.
[X] Crown with [X] Be the Change and [X] The Tower Itself has won. Where now shall Hunger focus his efforts? The option selected will be prioritized with the majority of his and Gisena's attention directed towards it, while the other option will be largely delegated. As both are major undertakings, it would be most efficient to direct their time to fully understanding one facet of the task before them.
That not what happened though so I'm asking for clarifications.
A Halo or the Veil itself? A cunning ploy, but I see through your tricks, Godhead!

[X] Sky Veil [7 Arete]
[X] Agents of the Throne

Can't turn it down, sorry. Stealth and disguise, plus extra protection AND bait potential? Evening Sky upgrades through novelty first and then power, not the straight line of a Blood Knight build. We've seen it before with Outer Sky, Inksky, and Shadowlord. It's just how it works; the Sky doesn't slay or rule, it encompasses.
[X] Vanquisher Halo [7 Arete]
[X] Without Form

Hunger's charisma is reaching through the screen, convincing me to give him more charisma. Help, I've been subverted by his glory.
[X] Honing
[X] Agents of the Throne

While without form might seem like the most moral option, it does have a chance of blowing shit up, and a society that has a chance to blow up is...not very good.
Hunger's charisma is reaching through the screen, convincing me to give him more charisma. Help, I've been subverted by his glory.
It's okay, with the help and support of the Sovereignty's newly-minted Ministry of Love, you too can win the struggle against yourself.

Anyway, going further beyond the limits of human possibility and seeing such things depicted with glorious eloquence is part of these quests' appeal. I'm here for a few reasons, but one of them is the opportunity to do Cool Shit™, and the Vanquisher Halo is both synergy and the ability to Cool Shit™ in a single package. You could hardly ask for a better bargain!
It's okay, with the help and support of the Sovereignty's newly-minted Ministry of Love, you too can win the struggle against yourself.

Anyway, going further beyond the limits of human possibility and seeing such things depicted with glorious eloquence is part of these quests' appeal. I'm here for a few reasons, but one of them is the opportunity to do Cool Shit™, and the Vanquisher Halo is both synergy and the ability to Cool Shit™ in a single package. You could hardly ask for a better bargain!
What is your plan for dealing with Ber, spending 7 arete on the first random option to cross your view when we need OaF to not be at serious risk?
Also, this is another Rank multiplier, which'll stack with Stranglethorn for shocking total of +240% to all Rank-up opportunities if we get it through Core Panoply

It's +140% or 240%, but certainly a massive increase! Still, you'll have to contend with the steadily mounting difficulty of Rank gains themselves... it took Hunger almost 11 full years to reach his Rank naturally!

[X] Honing
[X] Agents of the Throne

Christmas color vote, here I come.

May you be filled with the Holiday spirit!
Now that I think about it can we actually afford to leave our close allies behind to speed up our travel? Considering we have Cursebearer level protections so that our location can't be divined by some methods, how is Ber going to track us? Is the Apocryphal Curse going to guide him directly to Hunger or is he going to gun for Versch?

[X] Honing
[X] Agents of the Throne

Changing my vote to this to follow the plan to get OaF. I'm fine with anything as long as its not Vanquisher Halo.
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[X] Just Take Echoes
Tenfold echo could perhaps one day be available, if proper forebearness is harnessed
As one of the most hilariously cost efficient things i have ever seen i can't miss another opportunity to enable such a purchase (+thirty stats split between agi + might, stats we have heavy multipliers on for only three picks or 7 arete)
I simply have to reach for it, there is no other option for me.

also save
[X] Without Form
that is all
Current vote count?

Now that I think about it can we actually afford to leave our close allies behind to speed up our travel? Considering we have Cursebearer level protections so that our location can't be divined by some methods, how is Ber going to track us? Is the Apocryphal Curse going to guide him directly to Hunger or is he going to gun for Versch?

Hunger's planning to travel with the full complement.
Now that I think about it can we actually afford to leave our close allies behind to speed up our travel? Considering we have Cursebearer level protections so that our location can't be divined by some methods, how is Ber going to track us? Is the Apocryphal Curse going to guide him directly to Hunger or is he going to gun for Versch?
It was Versch he was after in the first place, he was even surprised by the 'adds.' So probably the latter, Apo-chan knows it would be interesting anyway because Hunger cares. The solution is to go even faster and be back in time if we don't take them with us. I think the risk of failure is low, but disagreement would be entirely reasonable there.

Edit: nvm doesn't matter anymore. :s
Another Element! For fun.
Phantomweight can apply the properties of 'heavy' or 'loaded' to whatever it comes in contact with, and likely other concepts in the same cluster. While invisible and very difficult to detect directly, the element will manifest as a zone of massively increased gravity if not otherwise directed.
One of the stronger direct-attack Elements, at least in combination with high-power-single-shot weapons - both for near-instant ammo-duplication, and for making the attacks conceptually 'weighty'! A charge shot that charges ontological potency, how formidable!

Alas, I didn't get this done before the update. I was planning to null my previous vote, on account of None losing, and request that all my omake and discussion power to go toward competence in this government reform, or split half-and-half with Arete generation if that would be more efficient.