You should consider One + Prestige Classing. It'll force you to build synergistically! That's like a hidden advantage, and you definitely can outsacle Ber with Trinity + a synergistic EFB. He's not attacking for at least two more IC weeks, and likely longer!

hmmm... I wonder if ADS would fit that category.
I had a very disturbing realization about the worst case scenario. Ber's magic system. Teleportation = Refinement of Place? Blue Sword beams = Ranged Version of Cut Through? Could Ber have the Noble Praxis? If Prestige Classing wins, could he attain Royal Praxis?
I like how after the social option won, everyone is immediately collapsing into the votes that completely wreck any gains we get from social out of fear of Apocryphal-chan. :V

I don't actually care that much about the Sovereignty existing as a whole, but I do care that our Rank gains will be sharply penalized if we go Republic and Kaiju. I'd much rather just go One with Kaiju and have an epic monster fight with the Rotbeast and have Hunger take on most of the risk on a personal level instead. Or if the thread has the guts for it, we could go for Lucent Thorn and either outrun the Blade or maybe even subvert the Fairbright wielder to our side but the ominous 5 pick threat dooms its chances.

Not gonna lie, Ring War is attractive though contest of primacy probably scares the thread too much. Oh well.

Gonna think before voting, maybe do some discussion later once I get off from work.
I had a very disturbing realization about the worst case scenario. Ber's magic system. Teleportation = Refinement of Place? Blue Sword beams = Ranged Version of Cut Through? Could Ber have the Noble Praxis? If Prestige Classing wins, could he attain Royal Praxis?
Hunger didn't comment on any similarities between Ber's Zangetsu-knockoff sword-beams and the liminal blue of Praxis effects, but it is curious that we're both blue swordsmen.
Hmm, given we have a substantial amount of people, I don't think going One + Ber is actually viable in terms of making the Thread vote Synergistically. We went through the Temple without getting a synergistic build!

(We have spend more than 125 Arete so far)
Lucent Thorn could be good with Two and one of the immediate options, the 10% debuff would be very relevant since it's somewhat power-level agnostic otherwise.
Ah, but then I would have a 10% less cool swordfight! Is this really a sacrifice I am willing to make?

But, actually, thinking about it, Two with Prestige Classing and Lucent Thorn might be a very powerful choice. It's two long-term threats that we would have time to prepare for - and they both require the same preparation, just a synergetic and powerful build. It leaves both threats weaker than they otherwise would be and gives us a steady progression of power where we defeat 20% weaker Ber, still get a truckload of experience from him and use said experience to prepare for a fight with Lucent.

And, importantly, it gives me two cool swordfights, even if they are weaker than they otherwise would be.

[X] Two
[X] Prestige Classing
[X] Lucent Thorn
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Those are both really good builds! Your Three Wishes build is honestly pretty brilliant, I might take that same build but with Slumber or Lunacy instead of Tyrant or Decimator. I imagine the Accursed could figure out a way to grant power that gets around the weaknesses of Slumber or Lunacy.

The thing about Lunacy is that it's really, really rough with the Apocryphal. Effectively quartering your growth rate (more because Lunacy applies in the maximally anti-synergistic way) and removing the option of using many types of support magic is absolutely rough, as is the brand that hits any allies you'd take. Slumber is similarly rough, though an ally focused build with Retinue would actually do quite alright with it. It's especially good since substantially mitigating your Curses is explicitly one of the ways to earn a Lesser Wish, which is quite doable if you take Gisena. A Lesser Wish in the mid to late game is absolutely insane value and the defensive True Wish could resolve any fuck ups on your part.

I'd reconsider not taking Decimator though. While it is rough, having foreknowledge of your circumstances would do a hell of a lot to ensure your survivability while bonding with Verschlengorge would effectively solve the issue for the purposes of this universe and the many paths to mitigation available would do a lot to minimise the damage you do.
Losing the war of Primacy might lock out Ruling Ring, though (or at least make it unwieldy and difficult to take).

Considering Subordination, it'll likely do a lot worse than that...
You should consider One + Prestige Classing. It'll force you to build synergistically! That's like a hidden advantage, and you definitely can outsacle Ber with Trinity + a synergistic EFB. He's not attacking for at least two more IC weeks, and likely longer!

I would be for it if we could do that and be able to save Praxis picks. Tell me we can can Rihaku! Tell me and I'm yours! *Swoon*
I feel like both Prestige Classing and Lucent Thorn are somewhat underappreciated, honestly.
[ ] Prestige Classing - Looks like poor Bearic has fallen behind! Still two weeks 'till he hits level cap and our hero is almost stronger than even that! Well, that simply won't do, looks like our friend Bearic needs an extra leg up. Something to really fire up his mettle and make him an opponent worthy of our dastardly Ring-Lord! You call it cheating, he calls it haxx; bust out you best Santa cosplay, 'cause Christmas is comin' early and Apocryphal Claus is going to be very, very nice to one particularly undeserving gamer. Cheer up Ber, your System may not be up to the task, but you've a far greater friend in your corner and she's coming through in the clutch! Avenge Seralize and all the others, and take back the title of Blue Swordsman from that one-eyed brooding hack!

*Conservation of antagonists, an important skill to learn for any budding Curse!
*Wouldn't you like to see Ber reach massively exceed his full potential? No matter who's defeated, the winner's going to get an absolute truckload of Experience...
*He still won't attack until he hits level cap. What a fruitfully assiduous boy! Could take a bit.
*Oooh, we just can't wait to see his disgustingly overpowered new capabilities brought to light! Make it a showdown worthy of the ages!
*With how fast 'Lord Hunger' grows, it might be possible for him to still outscale Ber after all this, if he steers his build optimally...
*Pfhaha. Like that's going to happen.

I know, I know, anti-synergy meme. But the synergistic option here is actually pretty simple? It's our current path, we'd just have to avoid getting distracted by any shinies. Which, yeah, I know, kinda weird to say that after Triumphal Gleam but then again, that was before we saw the shape of the Apocryphal proc in question! With that as a rhetorical bludgeon, it's very possible for us to take a direct route to Trinity, followed by All-Defeating Stance or Once and Future. That kind of power spike would do incredibly things for our strength and make this problem entirely solvable. Most importantly, ADS can be snap-bought, which means any fuck ups on our part could be compensated through sheer effort. Stressful for the Arete miners, yes, but having the option would make us a lot safer!

[ ] Lucent Thorn - The deadly A-class blade which hunts Ring and wielder alike has set its eyes on Miss Gisena Allria, wielder of the Azure! Lest the horrors of unbound Artifice be loosed upon the universe again, Justice Blade Lucent Thorn is here to punish you in the name of the True Moonlight! Will the evil Sorceress-Queen Gisena finally be felled? Or will her comtract with the devastating handsome and also evil Ring-Lord Hunger allow her to cling to unseemly life!? Find out next time in several dozen more episodes!

*Lucent Thorn has its own agenda and sees fit to chart its own course, defying recommendations despite your nigh-omniscience and sound judgement! Hmph!!
*It's also slow af. Gotta work its way from wielder to wielder alllllll the way across the Voyaging Realm...
*But once this good boy finds a Fairbright worthy champion, ohhh boy. You won't be ready. The world won't be ready. And Hunger's body certainly won't be ready! Unless he works on the Praxis a lot...
*Strength matters not! The nigh-limitless power of Hope, Love, and Determination shall strike down the cruel Rings, implements of naked Power made manifest, right where they stand! This time, a two-for-one special...
*In Realm Voyaging, 5-pick fight runs at you! Let's hope our hero doesn't just outpace this one, though it can tangle in the Human Sphere if it has to!

A 5-pick fight is quite rough but Rihaku has highlighted how it doesn't necessarily need to come down to a fight, both in the option and in his advocacy. With Triumphal Gleam, we're already very incentived to pursue Errantry, which would massively improve our reputation. Considering how the Thorn is travelling through the Voyaging Realm its wielder would almost certainly hear of our good deeds. Combine that with our superhuman degree of Charisma (which Silver would massively improve) and we'd actually be in very good shape to convince the Fairbright pursuing us that we're not actually evil, that Rings are more than just tools of mere power and can be a genuine force for good in the right hands. It's not like the Thorn is unfamiliar with seemingly non-sentient objects working towards their own agendas...
So the Kill-Team: if we get in a fight with them instruct Aeria to keep her former classmates out of it. They will only make the fight more difficult for us and likely die without being much assisstance. Those with support surges can help from the back (cloaked) while we handle the actual fighting. Aeria knows them so hopefully they are will actually listen to her telling them we've got this. Hopefully we'll have enough time before they arrive to have taken down at least one squad member - proving we do, in fact, have this.

Depending on Hunger's read of the captured mage if viable either cut them loose if he believes they will assist and not be a serious problem, or kill them before they can escape on their own and cause us a headache.

Otherwise: They outrank us in combat but not by too much with HDS in play, and our Blood abilities are significantly stronger than theirs. Any that are still wounded get bled out that way. The rest get debuffed as hard as we can. Use our Outer Shadow to suppress them for a time - Gisena stays back and uses tides of nullity to suppress their armor-granted rank. If we can have Versch defend her. He may not be armed but he has ~.5 higher rank and is exceedingly tough.

Generally we want to aim for keeping their weapons fire contained with our Outer Shadow, Gisena's Nullity, and any assistance the surgecrafters, etc can provide at keeping missed shots in check. The name of the game here is collateral damage - the fight itself is well within our capacity to win, but the unfortunate location means we are going to have to hit hard and fast having everyone who can soak as much damage as possible. It's still liable to do quite a bit of damage to the area if we get into a fight, but it should be containable.

Suppress. Move too quickly for them to actually get a bead on us - this is a disciplined group, they aren't liable to fire wildly if they can't get us in their sights. Do not give them an appreciable target to shoot at, and keep our allies covered for they can't be targeted either. Buff anyone that joins to assist us. Use solid edeldross walls to intercept particularly dangerous wild shots, if possible. They don't have to block it, just weaken it sufficiently.

If possible we want to take the fight outside the city itself - without collateral damage to worry about we'll thrash them.
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[X] Two
[X] Republic Kill-Joys

[X] Lucent Thorn

Ok, I think this is the play, the Republic will act first, but with a 20% reduction that gives us more leeway to save the kids, check out the mage, and gank the armor.

The Lucent Thorn is coming for us anyway, eventually, I would rather trigger that fight at a guaranteed 10% reduction, then have it hit us full force at the worst possible time, like say, the next time the curse needs to throw something at us.

I also just like the cut of it's jib, that it's independent of the curse to a significant extant is also a bonus, opens more options for us to deal with it, as well as the possibility that it makes a mistake.

Plus, epic sword fights are epic, GO PRAXIS!
[X] Two
[X] Republic Kill-Joys
[X] Keepin' it Simple

Step 1: Lure Republic shits to Rotbeast
Step 2: Let them fight.jpg (and destroy the academy but whatever)
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Profit
Inserted tally. Guys, can we not go for kill teams + keeping it simple? It fucks up our entire R A N K farming plan by potentially seriously damaging and even wiping out the sovereignty which would seriously fuck up Hunger mentally, he still hasn't recovered from losing his wife etc.
Adhoc vote count started by DkArthas on Jul 16, 2020 at 3:48 AM, finished with 132 posts and 42 votes.
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Generally we want to aim for keeping their weapons fire contained with our Outer Shadow, Gisena's Nullity, and any assistance the surgecrafters, etc can provide at keeping missed shots in check. The name of the game here is collateral damage - the fight itself is well within our capacity to win

You guys have gotten awful confident about dealing with the Kill-Team, but perhaps you should wait until you see the actual state of their augs and equipment before making judgements! Especially now that they're healed, how do you know they don't massively outstat you in all the ways that matter? And that's to say nothing of their potential competence, group / kiting tactics, hostage-taking, going to ground and harassing you with guerilla warfare, killing your companions, etc. You're going up against one of the most elite special ops forces in the galaxy, writing them off as a trivial combat challenge is a recipe for annihilation.
I'm not sure why you guys don't want Refinement of Quickness or Place, but sure, there's at least one build that can do it with guaranteed-odds and without cashing in any Praxis picks at all.

Mostly it's about waste I think, any tech we buy at this lower tier of Praxis, will eventually be rendered obsolete by it's Imperial counterpart, as such, as we are determined to get Imperial, rushing that selection, then investing in techs seems prudent.

Right now seems like the time to invest in our potential, with the power we gained from the temple, your repeated assurance that we had out scaled the curse, and the fact that we can buy Praxis points piecemeal.

With that much of a cushion, if we cant afford a potential EFB now, when could we?
Especially now that they're healed, how do you know they don't massively outstat you in all the ways that matter?
The probability of a group that massively outstats us in every way that matters being nearly killed capturing a single mage the republic believes they can control is fairly unlikely. At that point you basically have to park an armament behind the mage.

You're going up against one of the most elite special ops forces in the galaxy, writing them off as a trivial combat challenge is a recipe for annihilation.
That isn't what I'm doing? I'm assuming they are threatening but Hunger is good enough to actually beat them in a fight, probably about 3 picks total, just based on the level of the other possible procs. It would be quite a thing for you to slip in an entirely unwinnable immediate fight in here.

But due to where they are they are a harder challenge than they would otherwise be.
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Just to make sure people have the right info about RANK:
Rank ~7.9 = Grand Solipist
Rank ~9 > Titan
Rank 10 > Level 15 Cultivator

Gotta get those Rank 8+ goodies
You guys have gotten awful confident about dealing with the Kill-Team, but perhaps you should wait until you see the actual state of their augs and equipment before making judgements! Especially now that they're healed, how do you know they don't massively outstat you in all the ways that matter? And that's to say nothing of their potential competence, group / kiting tactics, hostage-taking, going to ground and harassing you with guerilla warfare, killing your companions, etc. You're going up against one of the most elite special ops forces in the galaxy, writing them off as a trivial combat challenge is a recipe for annihilation.
Meh, we can take em
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Republic Kill-Joys + Prestige Classing

A strong combo. Would let Gisena contribute in the fight (or at least not get ganked and die instantly) due to the Armour Prototype and Artifice, potentially give us an extra support character with the Magus and doesn't potentially distract us with a shiny Arete that we'd likely get from a much stronger Rotbeast. All we have to do is take some steady, low risk options until we can afford our EFBs, then we kill him. It's also pretty easily to resolve diplomatically if we don't feel like risking it, since we won't be distracted by a big kaiju fight and can just decapitation strike the Sovereignty's obvious corrupt leadership as soon as we get back home. Also very solid, minimal risk of death if we can remain focused on our build.

Keepin's it Simple + Lucent Thorn

Take Errantry options while investing heavily in the Praxis to both maximise our Rank gain. With the resultant reputation for heroism spread through Triumphal Gleam (which Simple will be a great start towards), it's very possible we can just diplomatically resolve the issue. Even without that, the investments we've made into the Praxis would still let us put up a strong fight, especially if our Rank can influence things. Pretty solid, better power growth though probably more risky than the above. Getting a Fairbright wielding an A-Rank Blade on our side would be amazing for the Ring-War though, especially since it's confirmed she can head into the Human Sphere.

Republic Kill-Joys + Keepin's it Simple

Probably burns down the Sovreignty, minimises our chances of successfully completing either task satisfactorily and deals massive damage to Hunger's mental state when he fails since a bunch of civilians and teenagers are gonna die in the process, while also lowering our the rewards we get and messing up Aeira. I guess it probably minimises Hunger's immediate odds of dying and would make it easier to add Shadowcord to our party permanently, if only because she'd have nowhere else to go?

Lucent Thorn + Prestige Classing

The builds required to face these challenges are different and if the Apocryphal nudges them to work together, we'd be in some deep shit. Bearic telling the Thorn's wielder about the time we murdered his friends while protecting a terrifying monster likely throws diplomacy out the window while his ability to teleport would massively speed up the Thorn's journey. God help us if the thing considers him a valid wielder (though that's pretty unlikely).

I'm fine with either of the top two combinations but the bottom two are really, really not ideal.
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