[X] A mediocre man faced with an extraordinary challenge and whose inadequacy killed your father
You shrug.
You feel like a mask of apathy might make your emotions easier to deal with.
"He was mediocre. The Yang leadership was extraordinary, and thus our beloved King's inadequacy killed my father," you say.
Wei Yahui blinks.
"Ah. My condole-"
[Trait: Proud]
"Spare me." you bit out.
"Understood. You are proof enough of his success. Sadly, we are finding out that our dear King is much...less than that," he said. "But enough talk, for now. Teng Jian, do me a favor and close the door. Much as I enjoy the bracing night's air, we don't need anyone else to listen in."
"...Understood," Teng Jian slowly says. He staggered up, spun a few exaggerated circles, and then quickly shut the door.
You raised an eyebrow. Wei Yahui's face moved not in the slightest, simply letting his eyelids close in a perfect resting position.
When Teng Jian sat back down, Wei Yahui's eyes snapped open.
"Understand, you two, that what I am about to tell you is a great extension of trust." he began. "I, and the Duke, trust you for a number of reasons: first," he said, raising a finger," because it is plain to see that we are virtuous, second, because we doubt that you have anybody that you truly owe something to among the Royals that we do not already know, and lastly, because we have been kind and have faith that you will repay us in turn, understand?"
Both of you solemnly nod, matching his expression and posture.
"Okay. Now that we've gotten that out of the way, let's talk about the royal court intrigue for a moment, because that needs to provide context."
Learning: 72 Opposed: 85 - 15 (Perceptive) = 70
Given the subject of the King, and the Royal Court, and the intrigue, clearly someone was trying to make a power play in the capital and for whatever reason they wanted you to be a part of it.
[Trait: Proud]
Well, you were going to repay them for all their generosity anyway; if you couldn't have pride in your own honor and yourself, what else did you have to be proud of?
You just have a slight issue, the small one where you're barely better than an average recruit.
You raise a finger. Wei Yahui rolls his eyes.
"Han Xiao, we're bringing you into this because we like your spunk and your potential; the Duke said that you're a one in a thousand combination of talent and drive and frankly, while I might be a little less romantic about your prospects, if you'll let me finish you'll know why we need every talented hand on board. Teng Jian, this goes triple for you."
You tighten your lips. That was not the question you wanted to ask at all. But Wei Yahui kept bulling through.
"Now, like I was saying, about the intrigue in the Royal Court: there are basically three factions in play. One is ours, and our chief representative is Ou Zhi, but you probably know Ou Yan; we'd like to believe we stick up for merit and the little guy.
"The second one is the one with all the old money and the royalty and shit, and we know they think they're hot shit but they're mostly hot air; their chief representative is Ou Di, and honestly everybody wants to just punch his smug face in.
"The third is the King Ou Tie's faction himself, and he's stuck with the combination of having neither the money or the talent. They're basically the second faction's bitch, since Ou Di's willing to suck his shriveled dick and shower him in money."
Wei pauses.
"Well, actually, not so much anymore. See, thing is, Ou Di is getting kind of sick of sucking his dad's dick, and figures that nobody'd really complain if Ou Tie tripped off a high balcony and vanished forever. He then figures because he's got all the power and since nobody liked the dumbass anyway, that he'd just crown himself the new King, because which dumb bastard is going to contest his claim?"
Ah. It's clicking into place for you now.
"So you want us to help you help Ou Di off a high balcony too, and maybe put Ou Zhi in charge since he's got a good head on his shoulders," you say, looking up into space.
Wei Yahui blinks.
"Well, we're going to call it 'bringing him to justice' or whatever, but yeah, we're going to try to hang him and then install Ou Zhi in charge," Wei said.
Learning: 72 Opposed: 65 - 15 (Perceptive) = 50
You raise an eyebrow.
"...and how did you expect this to work, exactly? I mean, you just admitted that you're the weaker faction and that the nobility are all rotten pieces of shit, so why are you expecting them to just roll over and suddenly become virtuous?" you deadpan.
"Well, uh, kid, that's where you come in. And a whole bunch of the other command staff of the army."
"So you're bringing us into an overthrow of the corrupt government."
"Overthrow is a nasty word. I prefer 'enforcement of virtue'," Wei drily said.
"So...what do you want us to do, specifically?" you asked, finally getting around to the question.
"First things first; you're not obligated to come and risk your life, but we just ask that you don't blab about it to anyone, yeah?"
You signal him to get on with it.
"Well, if you're making up your mind about this whole thing, you should
go to the Capital sometime during the Summer; if everything goes well you'll be back by Harvest and if things go tits up that's not exactly something you need to worry about. We'll tell you more about it if we meet in the capital."
+100 Reputation! +Letters of Commendation (Duke Gancai)!
Planting Season
Background Roll: 36 - 15 (Absent) = 21
Well...this was a bit of an unwelcome surprise.
As it turns out, your neighbors had started getting a little bit cheeky about whose plots were whose. You stopped that.
Martial: 50 Opposed: 49
Unfortunately, your condition makes your neighbors start whispering about how that poor, rowdy girl whose father died was so infirm and needed a big strong man to sweep her off her feet and take care of all her land and all the nice stuff she swindled from a greater man and oh why don't they don't help her with that the poor thing.
You haven't forgotten how they didn't attend your father's funeral, either.
Assholes, the lot of them. See if you attend
their funerals.
+20 Effective Planted Crops
The sweltering summer is here, your back is wack, but you've got work and heavy shit to deal with.
But your pride won't let you back down. From anything.
Estate Stats:
Money: 215
Reputation: 115
Retainers: None
Inventory: Sword (250 Quality), Cloak, Heavy Leathers, Han Seal, Writings (Improved Learning training rolls), Mementoes, 4x Smoked Fish, Several letters of recognition (Duke Gancai), Noble Set of Equipment:
- Sword (Quality: 500)
- Armor (Quality: 400)
- Regalia (Quality: 300)
- Banner (Quality: 200)
- Bundle of Spears 25x (Quality: 200)
Five Actions available. Vote by plan, please.
[] Network (Charisma) You have no familial connections. That means you've got to create a network with your own abilities, and no one else's.
] Marketplace (Charisma+Leadership) Perhaps places other than a village with hardly any smiths and only swindling traveling merchants as weapon suppliers might have better wares, and better prices.
[] Train (Specific Stat threshold) There is much you need to improve, if you wish to surpass your father.
[] SPECIAL EVENT: Capital Clusterfuck (2 Actions) (???) Something big's going down in the capital. You should probably go.
[] SPECIAL EVENT: Tend Crops (Martial) You should carefully cultivate your crops, just to prove a point.