[X] Tell him about the time he took you to the market
"W-well, there was this one time he brought me to the market..."
"Alright, my little sunrise, do you want to come with me to the market today?" Dad asked, strapping his haul of grain to his back.
You nodded hard, pulling your own little basket of grain onto your back. It was a heavy load, but you were a big girl, so it was alright.
"Alright, if you insist," he laughed, "follow me."
It wasn't a long walk to the village, or it shouldn't've been, but carrying that grain was harder than you thought it would be, and you were getting tired faster -
[Trait: Proud]
But you wouldn't give up for such a small thing like this! You knew Dad was slowing down for you, so you'd just have to pump your legs harder to catch up to him! The hard, dusty road seemed to stretch onwards and onwards, and you knew the eastern mountains should've been closer by the time the sun was up, but you'd just have to make up for lost time!
Slowly, you pulled closer to Dad, then a little past him, then a little past him...
By the time you reached the noisy village, your legs were jelly, your feet stung, and all you wanted to do was fall over -
[Trait: Proud]
But you wouldn't, because you were a big girl. And because you couldn't set a bad example for Dad, still trailing a ways behind you.
"Come on, come on, weren't you going to show me the market today?" you shouted, despite your shaking knees.
"Hey, slow down, my little sunrise! I'm an old man, I can't go that fast!" he said, leisurely strolling towards you. It was hard to hear him over all that noise the village was making.
Learning: 50 Opposed: 51
Alright, so maybe he was having trouble. Then you'd just have to wait for him to come over here so that you can take care of Dad, because otherwise who would?
He was just. Taking. So. Long. You were almost ready to go another three hours of walking by the time he caught up, your legs not really burning all that hard and your breath totally caught up.
"Good job," he said, ruffling your hair.
"Dad, you're ruining my hair," you complained.
"Okay, my little sunrise," he laughed.
"I didn't say stop," you huffed.
He chuckled.
"Come on, then, daughter of mine, it's time to go to the market." Background Roll: 95
"That being said, it's awfully noisy for a fall harvest..." he muttered.
"What did you say, Dad?" you asked, trailing a little behind him; you hadn't ever seen that many people gathered in your life!
Learning: 50 Opposed: 20
Something really important must be happening today, something even more important than the Harvest Festivals!
"Nothing, nothing," he said, scanning the crowd. Suddenly, his eyes lit up. Cupping his hands together, he yelled:
"Hey, Friend Xin! Is there something going on today?!"
A man with a weird hat and clothes turn towards Dad, as somebody that looked an awful lot like his son ducked behind the stand the old man was setting up.
"Hey, Friend Han, it's been a while! Yeah, something's going on, alright! The army's coming through, and they need grain and fighters like you, the best swordsman in Erse village!" the man laughed.
"Aw, come on, that was a long time ago," your Dad blushed. "I'm sure there are plenty of young men who'd be better than me by now..."
"Come now, your false modesty's unbecoming, not when I hear they shut down the local tournament instead of letting you win a fifth year in a row!" the other man laughed.
"Be that as it may, I have a daughter now," your Dad said, stepping out of your way and gesturing to you. You almost flinch back behind him, but -
[Trait: Proud]
You decide to step forward, put on your biggest smile, and introduce yourself.
Learning: 50 Opposed: 45
Charisma: 60 Opposed: 39
"Hello, Uncle Xin! My name is Han Xiao. It is nice to meet you! What is your name?" you said.
"My name is Xin Qing, Han Xiao. It is an honor to meet you," he bowed, beaming at you all the while.
You beamed back. It was nice to be appreciated.
Xin Qing, meanwhile, took a moment to look back up at your Dad.
"Hey, Fu, you've got to tell me your secret! How did you raise such a cute, adventurous girl?" he said ruefully.
"Truth be told, Qing, she mostly raised herself," he laughed.
You stomped your foot, pouting.
"Da-ad, don't sell yourself short!"
Learning: 50 Opposed: 33
What did the other guy say....oh right!
"Dad, your false modesty is unbecoming!" you said, proud that you had just managed to get the words out.
Xin Qing threw his head back in laughter. Your dad became even redder in the face, trying to stammer out denials as you tugged on his tunic. Eventually, he gave up and just hung his head as Xin Qing eventually got himself under control.
"Hey, little Gold, this nice girl already introduced herself, why don't you come out," he said.
A little boy blushed and peeked out of the stand.
"Hello, uh, Mr. and Mrs. Han. It's nice to meet you!" he said, entering a deep bow from ten feet away.
"Little Gold, they still need to know something..." Qing sing-songed.
"Oh, uh, right! I'm Xin Jin, it's an honor to meet you!" he bowed again.
"Haha, that's more like it! At this rate you might actually become the greatest merchant under Heaven!"
The boy blushed furiously. "Papa-aaa," he whined.
"Right. Well, aside from just business, because we're good friends, I've got an offer for you Mr. Han. The army probably can't resist recruiting you and seizing your grain, so how about I offer you a guarantee: I'll be the first to buy up all your grain for the next five years, even if you have to send Han Xiao? In fact, how about I offer you a good 150 for your current crop!"
Learning: 50 Opposed: 49
"That sounds -" your dad begins. You tug on his tunic.
"What is it, little Xiao?" he said, bending over when you gestured to whisper.
"Dad, I think he's trying to trick you: he might give you 150 this year, but he said that he'd be the first to buy all of your grain next year, and he might only give you 50 next year and you'd still have to take that price!" you whispered.
"Ah, thanks, little sunrise. I would've been caught if you hadn't seen that!" he giggled.
He straightened up.
"Friend Xin, you're too generous, offering to buy all of my crops for 150 for the next five years! I simply cannot take that much charity, it would be too humiliating! How about, because we're friends, I sell my crops to you for 100 for the next five years?" your Dad responded.
Xin Qing laughed hard.
"Oh, your daughter truly is perceptive and wise! Fine, that deal is a good deal and I'll take it, so long as my son can honor the deal should the worst happen to me as well!"
The two shook hands, and you smiled, because you had helped Dad! Trait Gained: Perceptive: Lower Learning Checks and effective Background rolls!
Wang Chang smiled bitterly, and even if you can't see how you look you're sure you must be mimicking him.
"He sounds like he was a great father, Han Xiao. Would that I could've known him better," he said.
"Yes, he would've - did - like you." you said, wiping your tears. "Pardon me, I've been somewhat of a poor host, I should've - "
"No, I wouldn't dare accuse you of that, not when I bring such terrible news," Wang Chang said.
You sat in silence for some time.
"Tell you what," Wang Chang began, "if you'd be willing to host me I could stay and help you around the house, at least until you host the funeral or winter comes."
"Thank you, Wang Chang. That means a lot to me, that my father made such good friends so quickly. Yes, I would be willing host you, even if you couldn't help out," you said.
Hard Worker: +5 to training rolls
Humble: +5 to Charisma, minor malus to training rolls
Teammate: Provides bonus to Leadership to Team Leader
Dry your tears, girl, and get to work! The Han Family to which you belong (which is pretty much just you now, after disease and war wiped out nearly everyone in your family tree) rests on your shoulders, and you'll be damned if you let it decay on your watch!
Estate Stats:
Money: 200
Reputation: 50
Retainers: Wang Chang (temporarily)
Inventory: 20 Seasons worth of Planted Crops
You may select up to 5 actions. Due to special circumstances, 3 are immediately locked. Due to special circumstances, Wang Chang can provide one action, but you must specify that you want Wang to do that action by voting with a [Wang]. Vote by plan, please.
[X] Hold A Funeral (-100 Money, + Reputation) [LOCKED] In the wake of a death, the only right thing to do is to host a fitting funeral. Your father deserves that much, at least. [X] Harvest Crops (-20 Seasons of Planted Crops, +20 Seasons of Crops) [LOCKED] Your father made a deal five years ago. You intend to see it through, even past his death. [X] Marketplace (-20 Seasons of Crops, +100 Money) [LOCKED] Your father made a deal five years ago. You intend to see it through, despite his death.
[] Network (Charisma) You have no familial connections. That means you've got to create a network with your own abilities, and no one else's. [] Marketplace (Charisma + Leadership) There are things you might need, beside just selling your crops. [] Train (Specific Stat) (Benefits person doing action) Your father was the strongest man you knew. Qiu Pan killed him anyway. That means you've got to be even better.
[X] Plan Getting Stronger Now
-[X] Network (Charisma)
-[X] Train (Martial)
-[X] [Wang] Marketplace
[LOCKED] Hold A Funeral
[LOCKED] Harvest
[LOCKED] Sell Harvest A Funeral, Part I
Learning: 70 Opposed: 65 - 15 (Perceptive) = 50
A funeral was a heavy thing, especially when the body could not be retrieved. Funerals were meant to appease the deceased, and to establish a connection between the spirit and the land of its burial so that passed ancestors might bless that land. The strongest connection for a spirit was obviously between the body and the spirit, but in the case that the body might not be retrieved, symbolically sacrificing an item that embodied the spirit in life and that the person had a deep connection with would serve as a lesser conduit by burial would serve as a conduit.
The will, also to be read at the funeral, was meant to create another connection, one between the descendants and the deceased. Such a bond would naturally be weaker, but it would be present, all the same; in this manner ancestral items gained their potency.
Keeping the terms so bloodless helped you distance yourself as you went through your father's possessions, few as they were. The seal that he had treasured, that he had said was the proof of his unshakeable word, even past his own death. The sword that he used to cut down the people trying to keep him away from you, that he said was the cold method of his guarantee. The mementos of your mother, who he never talked about but you knew that he gave up everything for her, but she died in childbirth. The parchment, inkset, and scrolls that he said were the key to becoming more than a simple farmer.
Those items sat before you, taunting you with his absence. Angrily, you smash your fists against the dirt floor, crying.
It wasn't fair! It wasn't fair!
What do you do with...
His seal?
[][Seal] Take
[][Seal] Bury
His sword?
[][Sword] Take
[][Sword] Bury
His mementos?
[][Meme] Take
[][Meme] Bury
His books?
[][Book] Take
[][Book] Bury
You must bury at least one item.
Martial: 80 Opposed: 19
You get up before the sun is up, while the air is that light hazy blackness that only farmers get used to. Instinctively, you find yourself in front of your father's room, calling for him to wake up as part of your morning ritual.
For a moment, you let yourself pretend that the silence is because he's still off at war.
That moment doesn't last long.
Only the silence and emptiness remain.
As you put on your basket and grab your sickle, you cry.
-20 Seasons of Planted Crops! +20 Seasons of Crops!
An Announcement Background roll: 6 Needed: 0
You tried. You tried to get people to care about your father's funeral.
The headman was out; apparently, the campaign was dragging on and your Dad's army was rotated off while your Dad's friends were rotated into the war.
Charisma: 80 Opposed: 58
The remainder didn't know your father well, and more than a few remarked about how strident you were, and honestly their faces kind of ran together in a tear-filled blur, but many of them at least agreed to pay respects to the man Erse village hailed as the strongest.
Someone killed your father. That meant they were stronger than the man you couldn't beat. That meant you had to be better.
The technique your father had taught you, you'd perfect.
The speed and power you had trained into yourself, you'd surpass.
Over, and over, and over, until you progressed.
You made progress here. You can feel it.
+8 Martial
Short update, because I realized the funeral options would affect your Marketplace actions and your Marketplace actions would affect your Marketplace actions, etc etc.
[X][Meme] Tie! Decision to [Take] Made By Character!
Funeral II
In the end, you supposed, it would be best to do what Dad would've wanted: to bury the sword, take the proof of honesty, the learned materials, and the memories of the mother you never had. "The estate can have my sword, but you, my precious daughter, should have everything else," as he would've put it.
The hardest decision was whether or not you should bury the only mementos of your mother; on the one hand, your mother was "the second greatest treasure in all the vast heavens, second only to you, little sunrise" whenever your Dad ever talked about her; it would be a beacon to him to your estate. On the other hand, it was the only connection you had to the mother you'd never known; perhaps you might be able to feel just a little bit closer to her, and that would draw your father to you in particular. Put that way, it made sense to take the mementoes of her: a lovingly crafted comb, and the robes she wore to her engagement.
Gained "Han Family Seal"! When contracts are fulfilled, increase Reputation! Lowers Leadership checks for Contracts in proportion to Reputation!
Gained "Fu Library"! Bonus to Learning Actions!
Gained "Mother's Mementoes"! ???
Marketplace I
Character Decision! Wang Chang is going to help you carry the harvest, instead of buying/selling goods for you. Background Roll: 66 Needed: 0
"Thank you for your help, Wang Chang; I'm sorry to trouble you like this," you call out over your back.
"He would've done the same for me, so it's not a big deal," he said, strapping on a spare basket. You try not to think about who it was fitted for.
"Still...alright, if you insist, can I trouble you with watching over my crops as I run some personal errands?" you ask.
"Wha- oh, yes, I see," he said, nodding his head.
Excellent. Now you could get something for him as a gift.
New Mechanic: Item Quality
All items have a certain quality: this quality represents the combined check the item can withstand before reducing Quality. For example, the wooden sticks you and your Dad sparred with had a Quality of 160; that is to say, they could withstand the combined Martial check of your 75 Martial and your Dad's 83 Effective Martial without taking any damage. However, if your Dad had rolled an effective Martial of, say, 90, your combined 75 and 90 Martial would've dealt 165-160 = 5 Quality Damage to your sticks, reducing the wooden stick's Quality to 155. Each further exchange might lower the item Quality even further, and if a 400 Martial character decided to try and swing the wooden stick it'd shatter in their hands after a single exchange.
If unmaintained, Item Quality will steadily drop. If under heavy use, Item Quality might drop anyway.
Buy by plan, please.
For Sale:
Snake Oil: Est. 25 Money
Cloak (Quality: 100): Est. 10 Money
Kitchenware (Quality: 100): Est. 25 Money
Knife (Quality: 100): Est. 10 Money
Sword (Quality: 250): Est. 50 Money
Saber (Quality: 150): Est. 25 Money
Spear (Quality: 200): Est. 20 Money
Heavy Leathers (Quality: 150): Est. 25 Money
Can Sell
Nothing; you aren't willing to part with your father's things and you don't have anything else to sell.
Marketplace II
"Hey, Han Xiao! I see you've only become more beautiful since I last saw you!" a young voice calls out. Well, that saved you the trouble of finding Xin Jin, you supposed, turning towards him.
"And who's this handsome friend?" he said, gesturing at Wang Chang.
"I am Wang Chang, honored friend," Wang said, emphasizing the honored. "I am..." he said, delicately picking his words, "returning a favor to the Han family."
"Hey, Xin Jin. I got the final year of crops with me," you said, simply. [Trait: Perceptive]
His smiling face turns serious. "Hey, Han Xiao, is something the matter?"
"Yes," you say. "My father..."
"Oh." Xin Jin whispered, eyes going wide. "Oh, I'm so sorry."
"It's...it's what it is. My father wouldn't want something like his death to get in the way of completing a contract," you try to joke. It's halfhearted, even to you.
"I see. Well, here's the money I owe you, then," Xin Jin said, handing over a bag.
[Trait: Perceptive]
Something flickered in his expression, his smile seemed a little more fake, and he seemed to be having a slightly harder time lifting it than he should've.
You picked up the bag. 100 Money shouldn't feel this heavy; it was closer to...
[Trait: Proud]
"Xin Jin, you've paid me 50 extra," you say. Charisma: 85 Opposed: 90 Leadership: 93 Opposed: 49
"Han Xiao, don't think of it as extra, think of it as a tribute to a man who richly earned it in life as in death," he said.
His performance seemed a little on the smarmy side, but the extra money would help with paying for his funeral, so you reluctantly took it.
"I am in your debt, then," you bowed.
"I wouldn't put it that way, but if you must," he said. "Anything else?"
"Yes, actually. I would like to extend an invitation to you and your family to attend the funeral," you say.
He winced.
"Well, I guess I'm the only one that can make it, so..." he said, scratching his head. "Sorry about that..." he chuckled awkwardly.
[] Pry
[] Don't Pry
The funeral is sparsely attended. The Lais sent a few family members, the Xu their son, Wang Chang came himself, and Xin Jin stood in his for his father.
You laid his sword in the empty hole. Placed the coins where the meridians on his body would have been. Buried everything. Kneeling there, unable to cry.
Xu Jian left after a few minutes. The Lais wished you well a short while afterwards. Wang Chang and Xin Jin stood by and silently watched.
You were out of tears.
You had cried them all out.
The sun fell.
"Come on, Han Xiao. Your father would not want her daughter to rest atop his grave," Wang Chang said, gently.
[X] Plan Buying Swords and basic gear + kitchenware
-[X] 2x Swords - 100
--[X] Gift one to Wang Cheng
-[X] Heavy Leathers - 25
-[X] Cloak - 10
-[X] Kitchenware - 25
[X] Plan Buying Swords and basic gear + kitchenware
-[X] 2x Swords - 100
--[X] Gift one to Wang Cheng
-[X] Heavy Leathers - 25
-[X] Cloak - 10
-[X] Kitchenware - 25
"I understand. Don't worry about it," you tell Xin Jin.
It's not your business whether one of Dad's few friends attend. Not if the reason might be that he died in the interim. It hurt enough being reminded that your Dad died already. You wouldn't want someone else to poke at that raw spot for you, so you won't do the same to him.
"Actually, on that note," Xin Jin says, leaning in: "Can you two watch my stand for a bit? I promise I won't be gone long."
You nod, as Wang Chang agrees.
Xin Jin comes back some time later, carrying a jar of something back.
"Thanks, friends! I owe you one," he said, conspiratorially.
"Wang Chang, I thank you for your aid," you say, hollowly.
You bow, present the sword, and carefully do not think about how Wang Chang did the same to you less than a season ago.
"My thanks, Xiao of the Han. May your hospitality ever be remembered, as long as the Heavens bear witness," he bowed low, taking the sword.
You straightened. Bowed again.
"Safe travels, Chang of the Wang. May your aid to the Han and to me, Xiao, ever be remembered, so long as the Heavens bear witness," you mindlessly repeat.
"Well, I won't impugn on your hospitality any further," Wang Chang said, starting away from the house. "I hope you come and visit us sometime; my family would be happy to see you!" he called out over his shoulder.
Distantly, you watch his retreating back.
You look back at your house, the creaking door a constant subject of your Dad's complaints.
You look back at Wang Chang's departing form.
You listen to the house which only has a breeze blowing through it, the sounds your Dad makes as he fumbles his way through cooking missing.
You think back to Xin Jin's offer.
"Hey, Han Xiao...I heard you're not bad with a sword. If you need a place to go, you could...join up with me for a few weeks and get away from your house," Xin Jin said, a million miles away from your seat two paces to the left.
You say nothing.
"I can't stay forever, but I won't leave for a while; if you decide to come with, just find me and I can get you set up," he said.
Leadership: 93 Opposed: 57
Maybe...maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Just for a season.
Journey In Progress, Decided by Character Decision, Leadership Check!
You let your cloak hang over your leather shoulder-pads, insides uncomfortably warm even as the winter chill approached. Your newly acquired sword hung down at your side, and the rest of your things were in the grain-basket you had temporarily decided to use as a carrying pack.
"Hey, Xin Jin!" you call out.
"Hey, Han Xiao! You're coming with?" he asked.
You nodded.
"Yeah, I'll go with you for a bit, if you're okay with that," you say, bowing with your fist in an open palm.
"Good to have you," he nodded, snapping a salute back.
Genius: +15 to training rolls
Perceptive: Learning thresholds lowered, effective bonus to encounter rolls
Charming: Bonus to Leadership roll if Charisma Check passed
The Favor Of Heaven: Things just seem to go…right for you. Lowered Background Checks, Increased Background Rolls
Unlimited: You can just seem to grasp things…a little beyond your limits. Increased Limits By Twenty! +9 to Shattering The Limit
Well...it's a weird thing to see your village fade into dust behind you. You've lived there all your life, with your Dad, but...since he died, you might as well see the world he told you about, the great kingdom of the Ou. At least a little bit.
Due to Traveling on a Journey, 1 Seasonal Action has been [LOCKED]! Due to Traveling on a Journey, Estate Actions are [LOCKED]!
Estate Stats:
Estate Stats:
Money: 90
Reputation: 60
Retainers: None
Inventory: Sword (250 Quality), Cloak (Improved Winter Background Rolls), Heavy Leathers (Reduced Martial checks), Kitchenware (Improved Martial: Cooking checks), Han Seal (Reduced Leadership Checks), Writings (Improved Learning training rolls), and Mementoes (???)
Four Actions available. Vote by plan, please.
[] Network (Charisma) You have no familial connections. That means you've got to create a network with your own abilities, and no one else's. -[] Xin Jin If there's somewhere to start a network, with who else other than the traveling merchant you know? [] Marketplace (Charisma+Leadership) Perhaps places other than a village with hardly any smiths and only swindling traveling merchants as weapon suppliers might have better wares, and better prices. [] Train (Specific Stat threshold) There is much you need to improve, if you wish to surpass your father. [] SPECIAL EVENT: Nanhu Winter Tournament (Martial) (-75 Money, possible winnings, possible Reputation gain) (Reduced to 1 Action by Journey) "Hey, Han Xiao, I heard of a tournament around Nanhu village. From what I heard from Wang Chang, if you're anywhere close to your Dad...well. Nothing's guaranteed, but the best fighter there probably wouldn't be exceptional, if you know what I mean, so it probably won't be a big deal for the daughter of Erse's greatest swordsman." [] Return Home (1 Action) On the one hand: having to hike alone in the cold winter. On the other hand: having to move quickly during the muddy spring season in time for the sowing season. Decisions, decisions.
[X] Plan I'm On The Road -[X] Train (Martial) There is much you need to improve, if you wish to surpass your father. -[X] SPECIAL EVENT: Nanhu Winter Tournament (Martial) (-75 Money, possible winnings, possible Reputation gain) (Reduced to 1 Action by Journey) "Hey, Han Xiao, I heard of a tournament around Nanhu village. From what I heard from Wang Chang, if you're anywhere close to your Dad...well. Nothing's guaranteed, but the best fighter there probably wouldn't be exceptional, if you know what I mean, so it probably won't be a big deal for the daughter of Erse's greatest swordsman."
-[X] Network (Charisma)[/b] You have no familial connections. That means you've got to create a network with your own abilities, and no one else's. --[X] Xin Jin If there's somewhere to start a network, with who else other than the traveling merchant you know? -[X] Marketplace (Charisma+Leadership) Perhaps places other than a village with hardly any smiths and only swindling traveling merchants as weapon suppliers might have better wares, and better prices.