A Shitty Shonen Quest

Quest: Royal Harem Subversion I
[X][OU] Ask about him
[X] [Wei] In

"Ou Zhi, forgive a lady such as I for being rude and presumptious, but may I ask what your life is like? I'm afraid that I wouldn't understand much of it, coming from the far reaches of the Ou," you say.

"No, I wouldn't call such curiosity rude or presumptious," Ou Zhi waves off. "In fact, it's a little refreshing to have someone interested in me rather than what I or my father can do for them," he smiled.

Then both of you blushed as you both realized what he had said.

[Trait: Proud]

Embarassment wasn't going to stop you from going forward, though.

"Ah. I can only imagine," you demurely say. Ou Zhi blinks, and shakes his head.

"Yes, but such importance is worth less than it appears; unfortunately, the Royal Family is so large that even my own blood will treat me as another viper in a pit filled several feet deep. Father himself only deigns to give me and Ou Yan attention when he is obligated to, and no more," he said, face drooping.

You wince sympathetically.

"Ah. Father meant the world to me, so I can only guess at how miserable that must have made you," you say, blinking slightly. You couldn't afford to cry in front of the highest-ranking noble you had ever met.

Ou Zhi laughed a little.

"Truth be told, it wasn't as bad as I think you imagine it was; even though I had dozens of brothers and sisters I was close enough to a few people that we sort of made our own family," he said.

He smiled wistfully.

"Dong Gancai acted as if he was my adoptive father or uncle, depending on how generous he was feeling that week; whenever he could be there for me, he would be there and tell me stories, help me train, and sometimes even play games with me. Even when he disciplined me he never raised his hand in anger; he would just look disappointed at me and somehow that was the worst punishment of all.

"Wei Yahui, when Dong Gancai finally recruited him, was like the big brother who did all sorts of amazing things, which I guess he was, in a way. He would be the one to spar with me more often, the one who would do things that my Father didn't strictly like, that sort of thing; even if I only knew him for a few years he was cool to be around.

"But the person I am the closest to is my wayward younger brother, Ou Yan; it is through him that I learned of you first, Han Xiao," Ou Zhi awkwardly laughs. "Ou Yan was always more interested in the common people than the nobles, and as a brother-by-blood and brother-by-choice I had to support him in his efforts to be kind; really, though, I just could not say no to him," he ruefully smiled.

You nod along.

"Aside from my adopted family, though, I am mostly relegated to studying classical texts and being a figure present for Father's galas and such; really, it is quite refreshing to meet someone likes you," he smiled.

The two of you make smalltalk the rest of the way to the training grounds.

Due to correct decisions and Charisma Critical, you start Ou Zhi's SL at 4/10!

"I'm in," you say without hesitation, standing up.

Wei blinked.

"Just like that? No questions about what you're going to be doing, how hard it's going to be, nothing?" he asks.

You shrug. And then smile. It's not a nice smile.

"I trust you for a number of reasons," you begin, deepening your voice into a register above his. "First, because it is plain to see that I am virtuous and meritorious and therefore you will not waste my abilities, second, because I doubt that you have any reason to send a woman on a suicide mission, and third, because you have put a great deal of trust in me and I have faith that my trust in you will not be misplaced."

Wei Yahui had buried his face in his hands at the word first and had been slowly sinking down ever since.

"Does that answer your question?" you ask impishly.

"Yes, and I regret so, so much," he said, dry heaving into his arms.

In the distance, you can almost hear Ou Zhi whispering to Gancai about learning your technique.

"Now, what do you want me to do?" you ask, tapping your foot right in his line of sight.

"Well," he sniffled, and wiping his face with his sleeve (it does not escape your attention that the sleeve comes away dry), he stands up.

"What I want you to do," he says, sniffles replaced with an evil smirk," is join Ou Zhi's harem."

[Trait: Perceptive]

You raise an eyebrow. Someone else, probably Ou Zhi, hacks up a lung.

[Trait: Proud]

If it's a reaction he wants, he's not getting it out of you.

And besides.

This has now become a contest of wills, between his evil smirk and your deadpan gaze.

You don't lose those.

He breaks eye contact first, running his hand through his hair.

"Man, you're no fun, you know that? Always serious, always accepting, whatever. Anyway," he said, slapping his thighs, "what I want you to do is a little bit more specific.

"See, thing is, each person we try to get in the Royal Court in preparation for our glorious enforcement of virtue costs us a little bit of political capital, especially if they're armed. Thing is, since you've got the right equipment," he gestured to your breasts,"we can induct you into the Royal Harem, and they'll put you on a trial period. Best part is, having warrior women in the Royal Harem is a bit of a time-honored tradition, because they tend to both be excellent as a hidden line of defense and in bed, supposedly."

You cough to try to pretend like the tips of your ears aren't burning.

"Anyway, that's not the only thing we want you to do; like I said, there's a coupla warrior women in the Royal Harem, but there are some other notably talented figures that we can't really get access to on account of lacking certain things, and you're the first woman we got to before they were inducted into the Royal Harem, so you also get another side job aside from 'help us when all hell breaks loose'.

"Now, we're not totally sure of these things because obviously we're depending on third-hand rumors, but we've heard of two to four people you need to keep track of: a bow-user and a spear-user for sure, but we're not totally sure about the rest. It's also gonna be your job to turn them to our side." he said.

"Understood. When do I begin?" you nod.

"Well, Big Dong, has Ou Zhi recovered yet?" Wei casually asks.

You glance over to Ou Zhi, blushing the color of your hair as Dong slams his palm into his back.

Dong Gancai looks up.

"Yeah, just about!"

You nod, striding forward towards the two.

Quest Acquired! Subvert the Royal Harem!

Background roll: 64
"So you are the rumored apple of Ou Zhi's eye," a woman remarks. Her eyes rove up and down your figure, almost stripping you down but more like dressing you up in fancier and fancier outfits that you could never afford. "Strong, fit, confident, and demure. Somehow I am not terribly surprised."

"I thank you for your kind words," you simply state.

"Well, in any case, I am Zhang Lei, and I suppose it falls to me to introduce you to the Royal Harem," she says. "You will be with us for a probationary period in which you are expected to familiarize yourself with the customs of the Royal Harem. After that, we and the king will further decide on your suitability. Should you be so lucky, the king will decide to marry you in an official ceremony."

You nod in understanding, as if you weren't aware of about ten thousand things that were about to go wrong with that plan.

"Excellent," she said.

Zhang Lei

Leadership: 84
Martial: 200 (76 with sword)
Charisma: 77
Piety: 80
Learning: 75

Perceptive: Learning thresholds lowered, effective bonus to background rolls
Noble: Bonus to Charisma, background rolls
Proud: Bonus to Martial training rolls

Archer: You were raised with a bow in hand, and have been training it until you could use it on the vast fields of battle. Allows for Ranged Martial Checks!
(Ranged Martial Checks do not inflict damage upon the initiator when lost)
To Shatter Limits II: Your stance is the stance of a woman who has shattered her image and made it better. +4 to Shattering The Limit. Requires To Shatter Limits I

Quest Mode Entered!

It is said that some decades feel like weeks, and some weeks feel like decades. This is the latter category. In Quest Mode, you have a very limited set of actions and a time table; on the other hand, none of these actions are any weaker than Seasonal Actions.

Your mission here is to both be Martially present and ready for the "enforcement" operation, and also to try to convince the other members of the Royal Harem to stand with you.

You have three actions you can take. Please vote by plan.
[] Network (Charisma) You have a mission here, to turn members of the Royal Harem to your side. To do that, you're going to need to get to know them. You have yet to find the woman proficient in spears.
-[] Zhang Lei Your guide, so to speak, appears to be your woman with the bow; you need to get closer with her, and fortunately you have a ready-made excuse.
-[] Ou Zhi The noble in whose name you are unofficially being sponsored by, you feel as though you are off to a good start with him. You should probably deepen those ties, though.
[] Training (Roll for specific stat) Things are coming to a head. You need to be ready for the challenge.

A few final words of advice: An ally that will raise her sword with you is worth ten friends that will say words and lift not a finger; on the other hand, two allies that will raise their swords with you is worth more than one that will charge and die for you.
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[x] Plan Train
-[x] Network (Charisma)
You have a mission here, to turn members of the Royal Harem to your side. To do that, you're going to need to get to know them. You have yet to find the woman proficient in spears.
--[x] Zhang Lei Your guide, so to speak, appears to be your woman with the bow; you need to get closer with her, and fortunately you have a ready-made excuse.
-[x] Training (Learning) Things are coming to a head. You need to be ready for the challenge.
-[x] Training (Leadership) Things are coming to a head. You need to be ready for the challenge.
[X] Plan Social Bee
-[X] Network (Charisma) You have a mission here, to turn members of the Royal Harem to your side. To do that, you're going to need to get to know them. You have yet to find the woman proficient in spears.
--[X] Zhang Lei Your guide, so to speak, appears to be your woman with the bow; you need to get closer with her, and fortunately you have a ready-made excuse.
--[X] Ou Zhi The noble in whose name you are unofficially being sponsored by, you feel as though you are off to a good start with him. You should probably deepen those ties, though.
-[X] Training (Martial) Things are coming to a head. You need to be ready for the challenge.
I will note that you can vote for unfocused Networking Actions; this will broaden your encounter pool for the Networking Action.
[X] Plan Socialite
-[X] Network (Charisma)
You have a mission here, to turn members of the Royal Harem to your side. To do that, you're going to need to get to know them. You have yet to find the woman proficient in spears.
--[X] Zhang Lei Your guide, so to speak, appears to be your woman with the bow; you need to get closer with her, and fortunately you have a ready-made excuse.
--[X] Ou Zhi The noble in whose name you are unofficially being sponsored by, you feel as though you are off to a good start with him. You should probably deepen those ties, though.
-[X] Network (Charisma) You have a mission here, to turn members of the Royal Harem to your side. To do that, you're going to need to get to know them. You have yet to find the woman proficient in spears.

Idea here is to do the best we can do: try to find the spear wiman with the general action, recruit the bow lady, and be available for when we're needed. I'm halfway tempted to replace thr Oh Zhi action with another geberal network action just to make sure we find spear lady, but this seems ok. Hopefully, our connection with bow lady will let us find spear lady without too much trouble.
Royal Harem Subversion II
[X] Plan Social Bee
-[X] Network (Charisma) You have a mission here, to turn members of the Royal Harem to your side. To do that, you're going to need to get to know them. You have yet to find the woman proficient in spears.
--[X] Zhang Lei Your guide, so to speak, appears to be your woman with the bow; you need to get closer with her, and fortunately you have a ready-made excuse.
--[X] Ou Zhi The noble in whose name you are unofficially being sponsored by, you feel as though you are off to a good start with him. You should probably deepen those ties, though.
-[X] Training (Martial) Things are coming to a head. You need to be ready for the challenge.
Background Roll: 18 + 10 (???) = 28. Nothing outside of expectations.

Training Martial:

Roll: 33 + 10 (Talented) + 5 (Proud) + 10 (???) = 58 Opposed: 35

Background roll: 9 + 10(???)
You have a full day ahead of you, and you'd rather not step on any toes if at all possible. For that reason, you wake up well before the sun rises, and complete your efforts just as the skies begin to grey from the approaching dawn.

The thrum of power and tension in the air lends your movements some extra urgency, and you find your form just a little improved.

+5 Martial

Zhang Lei's Wonderful Tea
Background roll: 83 + 10 (???) = 93
You finish adjusting the final tea set, and sit back, closing your eyes.

It's easier not to notice that you've set the morning table as though Father was there if you close your eyes, you think. Easier to hide the tears.

But that wasn't important, you quickly head off that line of thought. What was important was Zhang Lei, the woman you were about to present your efforts to.

Learning: 72 Opposed: 78 - 15 (Perceptive) = 63

Your etiquette lessons from your father are woefully inadequate for hosting someone of the Royal Harem's class, so you decide to double down on the opposite approach; come through with earnestness about your respective positions, and emphasize her own importance and your own relative unimportance.

[Trait: Proud]

That doesn't mean you have to like this kind of approach. But it's your best approach, so you must go straight for it without any hesitation.

To do any less, to do what you know would be wrong, would be shameful to yourself and your father.



The silent brush of naked feet against tile drifts in from the hallway, and you are prepared for her entry -

Her presence enters the room. A hateful, malevolent air demands complaince and obeiseiance from all that can perceive it, the instinctive bow and scrape not so much a sign of respect as clearing the area where one could be deemed collateral damage. Out of half open eyes and a curtain of jet-black hair stares the incarnation of hatred, directed at your damned soul.

[Trait: Proud]

[Trait: Perceptive]

Charisma: 100 Opposed: 1

You nod in silent deference to your comrade in difficulties with morning activities. Only your exercise well before dawn has prepared you in any way for -

"Cease your mocking, lowbred filthy cur, more like a beast of burden than woman," she hisses.

Charisma: 100 Opposed: 66 (Passed Charisma Check)

You mentally translated that to "How are you awake, strong one?" You incline your head.

"Tea is in front of you, Lady Zhang," you placidly say.

"If I had wanted your boiled leaf swill, I'd..." she says, snapping up your cup and discreetly sipping it, "I would ask you to do it again, because honestly you're better at this than I would've thought, and I could use a conversational partner to break the fast," she ruminates, sweeping her hair back. Tension leaves both of your shoulders, and you allow yourself a quiet smirk for a conversation well-handled.

"In all matters, I aim to please," you confidently say.

Zhang Lei allowed herself a small snort before suddenly visibly paling. Her desperate eyes turn towards you, and suddenly that domineering aura reappears.

"Do not. Speak. One word. About me. Laughing. Understand?" she enunciated.

You raise your eyebrow and smirk, bowing shallowly.

Learning: 72 Opposed: 32 - 15 (Perceptive) = 17

"I understand," you stress. That slowly creeping shadow, on the other hand, did not promise anything, your meaningful gaze indicates.

Somehow her lily-white face pales even further, and she rigidly locks into place, terrified of the redhead she might see if she just turned her head.

"She's behind me, isn't she," Zhang Lei whispers, as if a noose had tied itself around her neck.

"Ayep!" a bright voice calls out. "Hey, flashy, you didn't tell me you had a sense of humor! Of course, the great and cute Li Mao always knew that you had a cute side, but to even laugh at that? My, how lewd you are," she says, shaking her head. Zhang Lei's cheeks redden considerably.

Suddenly, you think back to what you said. How Ou Zhi acted around you.

You flush the color of your hair.

[Trait: Proud]

But you don't look away.

Suddenly the hurricane looks in your direction.

"Oh, aren't you the girl that Ou Zhi was interested in? Wow, I wish I was you," she pouted. "You get the handsome Ou Zhi to take interest in you just as he's about to become an adult, and meanwhile the old man Ou Quan picked me,"

Zhang Lei, who has been steadily blushing harder and harder as Li Mao hugged her head harder and harder, suddenly loses control.

"Li Mao, unhand me this instant! Stop accosting my charge!" she demands.

"But your hair's so nice and silky and dark! Meanwhile you and I," she says, looking at you, "have to deal with all the people talking about our hair color like it's our only good quality! Come on, we do have better qualities, right, sister?"

[Trait: Proud]

"Of course we do, Li Mao," you grin back.

Suddenly she detaches herself and how are you already in her arms.

"You're so cuuute!" she squees, and somehow you know that Zhang Lei's shellshocked expression is mirroring yours. "Wow, Zhang Lei, you're so lucky to get her to call you sister first," she whined on top of your head.

In silent horror, you watch Zhang Lei rush to interject, stop herself, eye you over, consider how bad it would be to throw you under the horse, and then make her decision.

"I have not actually asked her to call me sister," Zhang Lei coughs, embarrassed.

You feel her gaze crawling on your back.

[][Mao] Call her sister
[][Mao] Don't call her sister

Li Mao

Leadership: 71
Martial: 200
Charisma: 76
Piety: 100
Learning: 68

Upbeat: Bonus to Charisma checks
Greedy: Bonus to Leadership checks
Proud: Bonus to Martial training rolls


Instinct Tier I: You've got a gut feeling. And your gut's never wrong! +5 to all checks. Requires 100 Piety

"I...must apologize for Li Mao's impertinence," Zhang Lei awkwardly bows. "Li Mao is...unusual, and were we that we could afford to cast her out she would undoubtedly not remain here within the week, but as is she is too valuable to replace."

"If it would not be rude to ask, how so?"

"Her mastery of the spear is beyond most of the palace guards, and thus, she remains as one of the strongest wives the King has," Zhang Lei states.

"Ah," you state.

"But enough about her; I am more interested in you, Han Xiao. Why do you think Ou Zhi is interested in you?"

You slightly narrow your eyes.

Learning: 72 Opposed: 148 - 15 (Perceptive) = 133.

There's a hidden meaning behind this question, but Zhang Lei was too good at concealing it from you for you to figure it out easily.

[] [Lei] Strength
[] [Lei] Charm
[] [Lei] Confidence
[] [Lei] Excellence in Totality

Ou Zhi
Background Roll: 3 + 10 (???) = 13
Unfortunately, when you try to subtly inquire about how you might meet with Ou Zhi, you are met with unyielding refusal; there is a time, and a process, and you should wait in line before jumping the young, innocent king's bones, you vile seductress bastard.

Your eyes twitch. An insult against your father was uncalled for. But you'll pretend like it didn't affect you.

You can't afford otherwise.
Royal Harem Subversion III
[X][Mao] Call her sister
[X] [Lei] Confidence

Background Roll: 59

You turn and smile, or at least, as much as you're able, trapped within the vice of her hug.

Charisma: 100 Opposed: 1
Critical! Critical Roll: 13

"I would be honored, elder sister," you affect.

The hug tightens. You feel more than hear her joy, though you're sure the entire palace wing is awake by now. Finally, her incalculably vast lungs deflate just a hair, and she lets you go to take a breath.

Just as suddenly, she starts pacing back and forth, hand on her chin, loudly contemplating how to be a good elder sister since she's never done this for anyone else before, before snapping her fingers and suddenly realizing there is a person she can get advice from in the room.

Zhang Lei, for half a heartbeat, is blissfully unaware, closing her eyes to enjoy your tea.

By the time she realizes it, Li Mao is already in her face.

"Heyheyheyhey Zhang Lei, you gotta help me out here! How do I be a good elder sister for cute little Han Xiao?" she excitedly asked.

"S-Spend time with her?" Zhang Lei stammers, suddenly finding herself buffeted by the force of nature Li Mao.

"Got it! You're such a wonderful elder sister, you know that?" Li Mao giggles, just as suddenly detaching herself from Zhang Lei.

"So! Younger sister, how about we spar some time?" she confidently smirked.

"Li Mao, you can't j-"

[Trait: Proud]

"When and where?" you interject.

For once, Li Mao is caught on the back foot.

"O-oh, uh, maybe this weekend, early morning?" she asked.

You bow your head in understanding.

"I hope to see you there," you say, eyes glinting.

"Yes, me too," she says, eyes equally bright.

On this day, you knew the two of you had made a great and terrible friendship.

Due to correct choice and Charisma Critical, start with a 4/10 SL with Li Mao!

"If there was one thing that I believe Ou Zhi might be interested in me for, it would be my confidence," you state.

Zhang Lei's eyebrow quirked, as she brought the teacup to her lips.

"Oh? How so?"

Charisma: 100 Opposed: 97

You struggle with the words for a moment.

"Well...it's the one quality that I know is special," you begin. "I know that my beauty is nothing to nobility like you, nor is my martial strength in the end particularly noteworthy. My charm is...rustic, for all that you do an excellent job of acting as though I am acting properly for my station," you bow.

"But of all things, your confidence is what sets you apart?" Zhang Lei said, skepticism written across her expression. "Confidence, which any courtesan within a twenty league distance could display?"

[Trait: Proud]

"Could they?" you challenge. "Could they have the confidence to treat Ou Zhi the noble as a person worth listening to, rather than a noble title attached to a doll? Could they have done the same thing to Ou Yan? Could they have looked Dong Gancai in the face and said 'To prove my worth, I will gladly fight you'? Could they have decided, in that same fight, to Shatter The Limit because they saw an opportunity and were willing to follow through without hesitation?

"That is what I mean by confidence, Zhang Lei, if you'll forgive my impertinence. The confidence that a heavensent opportunity is an opportunity and no false disguise, the confidence that I am capable of following through, and the confidence and the trust that my trust in you will be repaid, as I hope it will be, Zhang Lei."

Charisma: 100 Opposed: 91 (Raised by Opposed Perceptive)

"Crude," she snorted.

"Is it working?" you shamelessly smile.

"Much to my eternal dismay," she offhandedly remarked.

Due to successful Charisma checks, Zhang Lei is willing to see what becomes of you. Starts at 3/10 SL.

Well, the first few days could've gone better, you think, snuggling deeper into your heavenly bedsheets. Might've been nice to not be whispered around as Ou Zhi's pour courtesan pity project, but such was life.

No matter. You'd just have to wake up tomorrow, and continue preparing, continue waiting.

The heavens and the earths would not always be as peaceful as the silent night tonight.
Global roll: 63 + 10 (???) = 73
Your mission here is to both be Martially present and ready for the "enforcement" operation, and also to try to convince the other members of the Royal Harem to stand with you.

You have three actions you can take. Please vote by plan.
[] Network (Charisma) You have a mission here, to turn members of the Royal Harem to your side. To do that, you're going to need to get to know them.
-[] Zhang Lei Your guide, so to speak, appears to be your woman with the bow; you need to get closer with her, and fortunately you have a ready-made excuse.
-[] Ou Zhi The noble in whose name you are unofficially being sponsored by, you feel as though you are off to a good start with him. You should probably deepen those ties, though. Perhaps when you can do so without being politely accused of being a needy harlot, thank you very much.
-[] Li Mao The spearwoman of note, force of nature, and your elder sister? within the hierarchy. For one thing, she's one of the notables you have to convince, while also inviting you out to spar. It would probably be rude to ignore her.
[] Training (Roll for specific stat) Things are coming to a head. You need to be ready for the challenge.
[X] Plan Meowtial
-[X] Network (Charisma) You have a mission here, to turn members of the Royal Harem to your side. To do that, you're going to need to get to know them.
--[X] Zhang Lei Your guide, so to speak, appears to be your woman with the bow; you need to get closer with her, and fortunately you have a ready-made excuse.
--[X] Li Mao The spearwoman of note, force of nature, and your elder sister? within the hierarchy. For one thing, she's one of the notables you have to convince, while also inviting you out to spar. It would probably be rude to ignore her.
-[X] Training (Roll for specific stat) Things are coming to a head. You need to be ready for the challenge.
--[X] Martial. Train with Li Mao?
Royal Harem Subversion IV
[X] Plan Meowtial
-[X] Network (Charisma) You have a mission here, to turn members of the Royal Harem to your side. To do that, you're going to need to get to know them.
--[X] Zhang Lei Your guide, so to speak, appears to be your woman with the bow; you need to get closer with her, and fortunately you have a ready-made excuse.
--[X] Li Mao The spearwoman of note, force of nature, and your elder sister? within the hierarchy. For one thing, she's one of the notables you have to convince, while also inviting you out to spar. It would probably be rude to ignore her.
-[X] Training (Roll for specific stat) Things are coming to a head. You need to be ready for the challenge.
--[X] Martial. Train with Li Mao?

Background Roll: 15 - 10 (???) - 5 (Rumors) + 5 (Perceptive) + 10 (Training Critical) = 15
Martial Training

Training Roll: 80 + 10 (Talented) + 5 (Proud) + 10 (???) = 105 Critical! Critical Roll: 75 + 10 (???) + 5 = 90

On a lark, you decide to expand your morning training routine somewhat, incorporating the few times you had felt what the other side of the Limit had felt like.

That's why you when suddenly come to, you realize that your sword has parted your cutting target in a single mighty blow.

[A Moment Beyond] Upgraded to [Malleable Limit]! +10 to Limit, +19 to Shattering The Limit!

+20 Martial

Background Roll: 48 - 10 (???) + 5 (Perceptive) = 43
Li Mao

Birds chirp, the clear skies let the sun shine down on the palace floor, and you sqaure off against Li Mao on the palace tile.

"So, are you ready?" Li Mao cheerfully asks.

You nod.

"Then in three, two, one -"

Martial: 110 Opposed: 46 (Holding Back)

You're past the tip of the spear, and closing in fast.

Li Mao blinks twice, before suddenly speeding up like she should've all along.

Martial: 110 Opposed: 95

She quickly shuffles back but you push forward even faster, the tips of her spear filling the air around you but unable to hurt you.

Martial: 110 Opposed: 163

So you don't see it coming when Li Mao suddenly whips around and plants the butt of her spear firmly into your chest, throwing you back.

Martial: 57 Opposed: 151

Winded, in the spearwomen's perfect range just as she started bursting out into top form, you never stood a chance.

When the tip finally stopped just short of punching into your leathers and to your heart, you turned your sword down in surrender.

"Wow, you're really good!" Li Mao said, bouncing over to you as she twirled her spear over her shoulder. "I wasn't expecting you to force me to stop holding back!"

[Trait: Proud]

"Made you get serious, huh? Next time I'll just have to beat you when you're serious, too," you say, smile breaking out across your face.

[Trait Resonance]

"Aw yeah, little sister, I'd like to see you try!" she said, hugging you tightly.

"Next week?"

"Next week."

+1 SL!

Li Mao considers you a comrade, someone she doesn't have enough of within the Royal Harem.

Background Roll: 68 + 10 (???) + 5 (Perceptive) = 83
Zhang Lei Li Qiu Interrupt!

"I thank you for the invitation, honored Zhang Lei," you say, bowing to her as you hold on to your towel.

"Please," Zhang Lei waved off. "It's the least I could do for you as compensation for loosing Li Mao on you."

[SL: 5 Required: 5]

[Trait: Proud]

"Hey, Li Mao's not all that bad once you get to know her," you say.

"Pff, all the more reason to compensate you then, since somehow she's wormed her way into your heart," she dismissively said.

Insulting your friend like this...didn't quite sit right. But Zhang Lei was your host, so you were obligated to let such a thing rest, at least for the moment.

Quickly and efficiently, you hang up your towel and get into the h-AAAAAA-

"It's not that bad," the thrice-boiled woman said, steam rising off in great gouts. "You'll get used to it, trust me."

[Trait: Proud]

If...if the individual bits did not make it better...than enduring it all at once would be far superior to a slow and torturous process.

Nodding, you braced yourself, held your breath, and let yourself fall in.

[Trait: Proud]

Martial: 110 Opposed: 27

[Trait: Talented]

You endured. Endured the distant screaming, the boiling, the comfortable heat, and...

"-have you ever used a hot spring in your life you lowborn country hick!!" Zhang Lei's immense displeasure at being splashed, apparently.

There was only one course of action.

Bowing as deeply as you could, you apologized to Zhang Lei.

Charisma: 100 Opposed: 93

"Fine, I'll accept your apology, but only because you couldn't know better and I should take care of my younger sisters in the Royal Harem," she pouted. "Now, lie back and enjoy the bath; you've earned it after sparring with Li Mao this morning," she said.

Following her orders, you simply sat back and lost yourself in the warmth.

Suddenly, Zhang Lei shakes herself awake and slaps her forehead.

"Oh! That's right! So, uh, Han Xiao, I apologize for not mentioning this to you earlier, but -"

"Ah, you forgot your elder sister?" a voice says from the hallway.

You level a very deadpan gaze at her.

"You'll really want to meet her!" Zhang Lei frantically whispers to you. "No, I did not forget, Li Qiu! In fact, I was just introducing you!" she yells at the hallway.

Grimly, you consider your options, before realizing that you have to allow it.

Then Li Qiu enters, and you are taken aback.

Long red hair frames a cherubic face and eyes so fascinating you swear they were multiple colors.

Her laugh lightly tinkles throughout the room.

"I see you did not totally prepare her for me, Zhang Lei. Is that any way to treat your new younger sister?" she chided.

"Well, you see, Li -" Zhang Lei blusters.

"Don't worry about it. I'll just add it to the list of things not to tease you about, like Ou D-"

"Didn't you say you weren't going to tease me about it?!" Zhang Lei sharply says, complexion reddening too much to be the steam bath.

Charisma: 100 Opposed: 98

You almost can't tell, but Li Qiu's smile just seems ever so slightly more brittle.

"Why wouldn't I tease you for liking someone with his history?"

"Because they're made up by attention-seekers!" Zhang Lei hotly contested.

"Very well, if your mind is so set, then let us move to other topics," Li Qiu said, smoothly sliding into the hot bath.

"Fine," Zhang Lei huffed. "What shall our topic be,oh enlightened elder?"

"How about..." Li Qiu said, finger to her lips, "telling stories about meeting the Royal Family?"

Zhang Lei narrowed her eyes, slightly flushed.

"You're still on about Ou Di?" she asked.

"No, younger sister, this is just about welcoming a new potential member by sharing stories about meeting the Royal Family!" Li Qiu said, smiling slightly. "In fact, you don't even have to bring up Ou Di, at all, should you so desire!"

"Well, alright, then... Han Xiao, since you're the new one, why don't you start us off?" Zhang Lei quickly diverted.

Li Qiu

Leadership: 89
Martial: 79
Charisma: 200
Piety: 100
Learning: 81

Magnetic: Significant bonus to Charisma Checks, bonus to SL actions
Sloth: Bonus to Learning
Talented: +10 to training rolls


So As To The Weak: The strong must protect the weak, even if the strong have just rendered the weak so. Significant Bonus to Charisma Checks and Leadership Checks against victorious opponents!

[][Lei] Tell them Ou Yan's story
[][Lei] Tell them Ou Zhi's story
[][Lei] Tell them both

Background Roll: 19 - 10 (???) - 5 (Rumors) + 5 Perceptive) = 9
You sunk into your bedsheets, letting your sore everything go.

The last week had felt like a dream; living as a potential Royal Harem member was truly luxurious.

[Trait: Proud]

Something about doing so on borrowed reputation and merit felt...wrong to you; you'd even go so far to say it almost rankled as much as your injury.

[Trait: Perceptive]

Perhaps that was why you hadn't slept easy; already a light sleeper from years of living on the estate alone, for some reason you felt especially on edge tonight, even going so far as to prop your sword against the bed.

That's when you hear the footsteps and the silence.

Under other circumstances, if you were less attentive, if other people were talking, if you hadn't become used to the noise that the night was supposed to make when the moon came out, you wouldn't've noticed.

But right now, the soft, sliding noise of the footsteps rung like bells in your ears.

Learning: 72 Opposed: 48 - 15 (Perceptive)

That wasn't how anybody you knew who should be there should act.

There was no more time. In one motion, you slipped out of bed and drew your sword.
Learning: 47 Opposed: 50
Stopped and listened.

Learning: 72 Opposed: 120 - 15 (Perceptive) = 105

You lost track of the footsteps. But you hadn't seen the hallway with your own two eyes.

Slowly, you stepped around the bed, sword raised in a guard position as you shuffled through the moonlit world.

Finally, just before you opened the door, you stopped and listened again.
Learning 47 Opposed: 122
Learning: 72 Opposed: 87 - 15 (Perceptive) = 72

Your eyes opened. The shuffling was coming from right outside your door!

[Trait: Perceptive]

You took a few, cautious silent steps backward.

The person at the door jostled the door handle for a few moments, and then swung it inside.

Before you was a black-haired man, smirk accompanying his blood-red eye as it judged the entirety of your being.

note: traits of avatar not representative of character traits

"So this is Ou Zhi's little harlot," the silken poison issued. "I had thought he was pathetic, but now I know he is."

[Trait: Proud]

"So this is the inferior brother," you shot back. "I had thought him to be pathetic, but now I know he is."

His eyes narrowed.

"You dare talk to me like that, insolent wre-" he walked forward.

You raised your sword.

"One more step, and you choose whether you are found or gelded. I am not eliminating the possibility of both."

"You wouldn't dare."

In response, you begin obviously and loudly breathing in.

The two of you stare at each other for a long moment, before he eventually huffs, and turns around.

[Trait: Proud]

[][Di] Call for Zhang Lei
[][Di] Call for Li Mao
[][Di] Knock him out and present him before the Harem
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