A Shadow Resides: A Raven's Operator Quest (Armored Core/Original)

Memory of Himeko: Kiss From A Rose
You stumble, in the darkness, as you walk through the Underground.

You're not sure where you are. Carrying everything you've chosen not to leave behind with you, your weak body can barely hold on. You…you can't eat yet, you can't stop, you…

you can't.

you just can't.

You don't know how to protect yourself. Even if…even if your friends were friendly, you're scared, you're so scared, that if you stop, you'll get hurt, you'll not be able to -

you can't stop.

And so you walk, on and on, through harsh lights, through odd smells, through the eyes of the market stalls and huddled crowds and spaces and everything else, being watched, you know they know you don't belong here, but if you can just find…

if you can just find that symbol, maybe, someone will help you.

Part of you wants to run away. To return. To live on the surface, and forget about all of this. About being Himeko, about the Goddess and Adversary, about the Order, about the dreams that you've been filled with when you first learned of such love. You'd be comfortable, after all. You'd be safe, you'd be fed. So long as you lied to yourself about what you were…


it's not the kind of thing you can lie about.

and the black feather in your pocket, a miracle that fell from the sky behind a Raven, is sign that someone fought for you. For your friend. For the people you've met.


You want to make sure they know.

That the Goddess - that the Adversary - knows that what they did wasn't in vain.

That at least one girl was saved, and shown the Goddess' light.

You don't know how long you've been walking.

You don't know how far you've gone.

You don't have a direction. You've tried to ask, but every time you have, you've just been sent all over the place.

Your limbs ache.

You don't know how long you can last.

You can barely see anything, anymore. The glare of fluorescent lights, the sparking of loose wiring, the occasional leaking pipe. Elaborate murals and graffiti all over the walls. The people blend together, all of them trying to live their lives, but…

You're afraid.

You're so very young.


but eventually, after who knows how long, you see it.

Above a well-worn door, lit by a tiny little bulb…

An eight-pointed star, within radiating circles, held aloft by white wings. And below it, written in the Goddess' sacred runes, in the Alemanni language…

'Das Ewig-Weibiliche'. The Eternal Feminine.

The symbol of the Princess of Sunlight's followers, the Fourth Order. The symbol painted on banners in the occupied zone in the Mission, hastily marked upon Muscle Tracers, pledged to try and make a mark upon the surface, to prove once and for all that women were not mere merchandise meant for someone else. To prove that girls like what you've realized you are were human, and deserved love, and deserved to see the light upon the surface with your own eyes, the radiance Father had long denied them.

The symbol you sought out, knowing you could never return to your old life.

You smile, despite yourself. You did it. Finally, you did it, after all this time…

And you reach out, shakily, for the bell, ringing it in hopes of finding someone inside who can help you.

and you collapse.

atop the bag you'd taken, hoping to help the hospital that the Order had taken, and all those things you'd hoped to show your very best friend, which were now all the worldly possessions you had.

You smile, weakly, as the door opens up. You're safe.


Your vision blurs, even through your glasses, as you weakly try to speak.

"Oh, are you lost? It looks like you've gotten separated."

She has the voice of an angel.

"It's alright. Just leave it to me, and we'll find your caretakers."

Silver hair, skin the color of moonlight, matching eyes…images of her blur and fill your vision, and yes, she's definitely from the Order…

"We'll get you back where you belong, okay?"

The woman is hazy in the light, coated in a gold-lined white dress, with a synthetic ermine scarf, and black gloves reaching out for you…you'd never imagined a woman so beautiful could exist beneath the surface of the Earth.

But even if she is an angel, you -

you can't -

"I can't…

"I can't go back."

her visage is the last thing you see before you pass out.

Your eyes hazily blink as you try to figure out where you are.

"…the child is suffering from severe heatstroke, exhaustion, and dehydration. They should be awake soon enough, but you should keep them in bed here a few days."

"No one fed him?"

This isn't your room…no, of course it isn't. You ran away, and you were rescued by an angel, when you finally found the Goddess' symbol.

"Probably they thought the child had been separated from their guardians, like you did. But, judging by their complexion and physical condition, it's much more likely that they came from the surface."

"I see. I guess I won't be present at tonight's meeting…give my condolences to the other Coordinators."

Your eyes flit toward the two of them, a doctor and the angel. The doctor with the rough voice…no, you shouldn't make assumptions, especially with the symbol of the Order on their coat.

"Oh, you're already awake?" the angel asks. You try to speak, but nothing comes out…

"The child should drink an electrolyte solution for the next few hours, and there's some sign of malnutrition and possible physical trauma. If I had to guess, they're running from their family. Maybe they were told to find a Coordinator."

The angel opens a bottle, and lifts your head up with one hand, the other holding it to your lips. You swallow slowly, and drink, fluttering your eyes as you take in more and more, gasping for water like it was air.

"There. That should help a little." The angel stays by your side, holding the bottle away from you. "Can you speak?"

"…yeah," you say, coming out raspy and weak, coughing a little from the dryness of your throat.

"That's good. Can you tell us where you came from?"

You blink, trying to focus your vision again. It's hard without your glasses, but you can still make out most of the room.

"The Presidio," you croak. "The…the surface."

"The Presidio? Ah, that's a very long way…right now, you're under Berkeley."

Ah, no wonder it took so long. You've gone though such deep tunnels, across the entire bay…you're surprised you got that far in the first place.

"If it's that far," the doctor says, "it's no wonder they're in this condition. But, I entrust this to your capable hands."


You hazily flutter again, and it's hard to see, but…one hand runs through the doctor's green hair, the other holds her chin in place, lips meeting lips.


Yes, the angel is definitely part of the Order.

"I…yes. If the child is alright, then I'll be on my way, Rose." The doctor hastily turns away, and the angel just waves with one of her gloved hands…

"Bye for now, then~!" she says, sounding so excited…well, that's how the girls in the Mission seemed too. Happy, in a way you'd never seen anyone else, simply for realizing they can love other girls. "Alright, then…okay. We'll be spending a couple of days together, I think, little boy…"

"I'm not a boy."

The voice comes out, louder and clearer than anything else you've said, as for the first time you say aloud what you've felt so powerfully, consuming you inside and out. And…

The angel's hand palms her cheek, and she smiles to you. "Ah, of course. That's why you looked for a Coordinator. Maybe that's why you ran away, too. I'm sorry, little girl."

"…s'fine." You don't exactly look cute, especially in this state.

"Well, you see, the other Coordinators keep telling me I'll scare kids off if I keep referring to them as girls right off, you know?" The angel laughs a little, and she pulls something off a table, restoring your glasses to their rightful place. "My name is Rose. Rose Sun-lin. I'm a Coordinator in the Fourth Order."

"Coordinator…whassat?" Ah, she's all dressed up…was she going somewhere before this? She looks like a movie star…

"I help the girls of the community. I organize. I'm kind of new, though…I've only been here a few months." You nod, as Rose talks to you - it's helping you focus, and you're able to reach for the water yourself, which she hands to you. "You're the first person I've heard of who's left the surface to join, though. And you're so young, too. Have you decided on a name?"

You take the water, and swallow, taking as much as you can. You feel so weak, you've never been so thirsty in your entire life, and an angel gave you water…

"Himeko," you whisper, as you hold the empty bottle.

"Himeko. Pleased to meet you, then, Himeko. I hope you don't mind staying here a little while?"

You shake your head. No, it's not a problem.

"Alright, then. I'll do my best to help you get up to speed. But, ah…I admit I'm a little curious. How did you hear about us?"

"…occupation…hospital. Mission." It's hard to explain in so many words.

"I haven't heard about that yet…I see. No, of course I wouldn't have. I'm too new to the job to be trusted with helping."

You feel drained. So she doesn't know…"They're gone," you whisper.

"…yeah." She doesn't sound surprised. No, of course she wouldn't be. The police would've come for them eventually…

"Can you ask…can you ask what happened? I'm hoping, I'm hoping they got away…"

"Of course, but not now. I couldn't just leave you alone, Himeko!"

You smile, despite yourself. The girls of the Order seem so nice

"I…I'm looking for someone. Um. My age. She's…she's got a big coat, and she's really soft, um. Chubby? And she's got pink hair…"

"I can ask the other Coordinators about that. They'll know what happened, I'm sure. But, a lot of girls have pink hair, to honor the Goddess…"

You frown. No, it couldn't be that easy.

"Do you know her name, Himeko?" she asks.

and you…you finally, after all this time, after going for this long to find someone, endlessly through the Underground…

you start to cry.

Rose reaches for your hand, and holds it, as you cry, and cry, and cry…

because in just that short amount of time, when she told you about the Goddess and Adversary, and showed you who you really were…

she became your very best friend, and you don't even know her name.

Author's Note
Himeko's old friends in the Underground were mentioned before, but rather than shorter flashback narratives like those of the first chapter for those in Himeko's immediate life, we'll be covering these in Memories, as more extensive stories that touch on life in the Underground and the Order.

Rose here is inspired, of course, by 'Coordinator' Mitama Yakumo of Magia Record infamy, though her physical model is of an entirely different MagiReco character, Kanagi Izumi. (Interestingly, it's a lot of vaguely obscure gacha stuff for the current pile...well, gacha is useful for that kind of thing.) She's also loosely inspired by a good friend of mine, whose single-minded pursuit of yuri is something we should all aspire to...
Special Sortie: SEXUALIZER (One Day)
Once Uriel steps back in to leave your coffee, just the hint of a longing look as she heads to her intel desk, you boot up all your monitors, and settle your headset onto its rightful place upon your head, microphone held right to your lips.

(…for once, you're almost looking forward to battle, just to distract you from your troubled heart.)

Despite the haphazard appearance, forced on you by a lack of resources and the issue of secrecy - everyone involved in Line Ark in any capacity is another person who needs to keep the secret - your workstation is more than enough to do the job. It's more advanced than what you use with Collared, being the operator's equivalent of a glass cockpit, the kind of thing equipped in the most advanced aircraft and Muscle Tracers currently available…an all-digital Combat Information Centre, taking full advantage of high-resolution workstation monitors in tandem with lower-resolution full-color displays.

Each of them is easily directed to the information you wish, replacing older radar displays and instrumentation designed for a single purpose. Using your keyboard, mouse, and light pen, as well as a wide variety of tactile switches and even foot pedals, everything you might ever need is at easy reach. Some displays are even electroluminescent panels, with brightness equal to all the main cathode-ray tube monitors, albeit at the cost of resolution. The main panel is state of the art, a high-resolution color display in a wider aspect ratio. Perfect for use with an AC, including some of the most sophisticated digital video decoders to use in tandem with White Glint's systems - albeit, far below what the machine is truly capable of.

It may not look pretty, but you're an operator, not a movie star. This equipment is better than anything else you've seen in use before, save perhaps inside the halls of the world's corporations and their private armies.

…of course, the disadvantage to all of this is that it's virtually useless to anyone who isn't you; you designed this arrangement, and the one in the Library, specifically for yourself. Anyone else would require months, maybe years of training; that said, you wouldn't be surprised if all operators use something like this twenty years from now. For now, even at Collared, tradition, robustness, and ease of use are favored over cutting-edge technology.

Well, it makes sense for what is still fundamentally a military organization, but…it does feel limiting, to you, after so much time working with something you designed and built for your own purposes. Of all these components, touched and stroked lovingly by your black-gloved hands, put in their best place, taken care of…

(How romantic…there is something magical about technology, isn't there? If only you could witness more technologies from before the world Fell, you'd be so very happy…to shape it, to make it with your own two hands…)

(To shape technology like clay. To create a new world. Just as your hands would stroke Ariel and Uriel's blank-helmeted 'faces', lovingly laying lips upon their -)

♪ [Good evening. Main system: checking pilot data.]


The sound of White Glint's new voice response system brings you out of your odd reverie.

You got lost in a fantasy…that's a little embarrassing. Right before a mission, too…well, you suppose between the dream, Ariel, Uriel, Mother, and everything else, you've had quite a strange day already. It's only natural you'd be a little strange, too…

You perk up, sitting up straighter as White Glint's telemetry is fed into your workstation, Elias himself still silent. The response system has a distinct accent to it, and you wonder if it could be influenced by the pilot's tastes.(Actually, the accent isn't too far off from Nashandra's…not that you know where she's from.)

One of the monitors loads up with information pulled from White Glint's computers, as it confirms the identity of the pilot. (It's not the most effective security in the world, seeing as ACs were once all salvage whose original pilots are long dead, but it does at least keep someone from just hijacking it sight unseen.)

[Pilot data accepted. Main system: normal mode activated. Initiating mission operations.] A garbled noise escapes White Glint's voice response system as the AMS comes online, the sensors on the AC flickering into life on Rosary's camera, briefly blowing out the CCD before it adjusts its exposure.

♪ [Welcome to the battlefield.]

And as the sensors light up, so too do your monitors, static eventually resolving into downsized analog feeds from the AC's sophisticated digital vision package.

(All that resolution, now just wasted for everyone but the pilot…how sad, really.)

"This is Elias D. Metea, Radio Free Line Ark, thank you for joining us this evening." White Glint's communications systems come online too, now, now, putting the pilot in the loop. "Once we've done our final checks, we're ready for our mission."

"And we're ready over here, little princess," you hear from Rosary. The display from her Stork's monitors is fuzzy and ill-defined; even the best television cameras of the Fallen World can't compare to an Armored Core's. You can barely see White Glint through the fog, save for the glow from the visual sensors on the machine's head and body - a color generated as a side effect of the AMS, as though Elias' very will and being were bathed in solemn blue. (Nothing like the harsh red that escapes an AC when Ariel is in the cockpit…maybe it's because of Elias' carefree life?)

And once those AMS-linked sensors come online, from the AC's cameras…

There's a pretty clear view of Rosary's Stork, and the reflective paint of her emblem. Given her reputation, seeing that is pretty terrifying for any Raven who's been operating in the City for a while - the kind of Ravens who have the gold for her services are very successful, to put it lightly.

That the emblem is highly visible isn't a coincidence. Rosary doesn't live in the City Centre, so reprisal is unlikely, and as a Migrant mercenary it's to be expected that she'd work with vigilantes like the 'glint of white'. And that's without considering how many people remember her from the Resistance war. Just another way of adding to the legend…

"Are you sure about not taking the missiles? Last chance!" Nashandra asks, horning in on the radio as Rosary's rotors spin up. "Since there are fewer civilians in the AO than anticipated, it might be more prudent…"

"'Fewer' doesn't mean none, Nashandra. Besides, I'm fine with the Moonlight," says Elias, referring to the laser blade held over White Glint's shoulder. One of many so-called 'legendary swords', all named for the Moon, and another part Mother managed to dig out of Goddess-knows-where with the money she spent setting up Line Ark. "There are Ravens who go their entire career without getting their hands on one. If things get hairy, I can rely on it in close combat."

"If you say so," says Nashandra. "But watch where you swing it. That thing can still do a lot of property damage."

"It's a good thing Mommy doesn't care about property damage, then," Rosary quips.

"The Goddess gave us just one life to live," you say. "As long as it's not food or medical supplies or something, there are worse fates than losing some ancient shipping crates and dock equipment."

"Another prayer?" Elias asks.

"No, just common sense. Unless, you're willing to bet on going to Heaven?"

"Hm, good point. Glint, how are you doing?"

[Allegorical Manipulation System active. Loading Fractional Regulation System tuning data. Fulton line integrity verified. Generator fuel capacity at maximum. Femto conversion has begun. Ammunition manufactured and loaded. Bay unit charged. Fully prepared for combat operation.]

"Tch. Starting to regret installing that thing now," says Nashandra - why is she still here? "Keep this up, and it'll put me out of a job."

"Heh. Don't tell me you're jealous of her, honey."

"I guess there are a few things 'Glint' can't do, Elias…"

(...you can just sense Rosary rolling her eyes, and to be honest, the feeling is mutual.)

Once you've performed a few routine checks, Rosary's Stork rises up, and flies over toward White Glint. Its docking lines lower, and clamps latch onto points atop White Glint to secure it for combat operation.

[AC docked with u̵n̸k̵n̶o̵w̶n̸ ̵u̷n̶i̵t̷ for transport.]

"Huh, she doesn't like you, Rosary," says Elias.

"It doesn't recognize the Stork, that's all. Don't make this weird again, Eli." Rosary sighs, as the Stork begins to lift off, the docking lines winched up until White Glint makes contact.

"It could be worse," you say, checking Rosary's instruments. "Ever heard of an 'ultimate weapon', Elias? Migrant engineers used to strap massive weapons to ACs and force them to power it. Pretty scary, except…they had a bad habit of making the whole machine burn itself up."

(…you hear just a bit of breath escaping Rosary, but nothing else. Bad memories, huh…?)

(Well, best to change the subject in that case.)

"Let's confirm the mission," you say, tapping your pen on your large screen, bringing up the relevant maps. Rosary's Stork begins to gain altitude as White Glint is secured, rising above the fog and into the clouds, where contamination condenses and helps cover your tracks.

"This is a sortie under the auspices of Line Ark for armed intervention. According to the Complex, an assault will take place directed by Shamir RaviRavi, better known as 'Red Rum', upon the east coast of the City Centre, with the expected drop point of Pier 80. Simultaneously, City Police defenses are being deployed in opposition - Line Ark agents have confirmed they're already in place."

"Guess it was too much to ask they wouldn't know about it," says Elias.

"Your objective is the elimination of as many enemy targets as possible in the time allotted, with a priority of the prevention of civilian casualties. Expect a variety of Muscle Tracer models - support class and defense class on the Police side, and a variety of general purpose machines on Red Rum's side."

"...never a dull moment with you two, is there?" Rosary, thankfully not any worse for wear after your mention of UWs, sounds pretty excited - you suppose her job is more interesting this way, if nothing else. "Be damn sure to keep a recon unit on you and be at the pickup point right when you call for me, Eli. With the amount of MTs in the area and how close we are to City Police HQ, every second overtime counts. Don't want them learning too much about our stealth systems, right?"

"That's correct," you add. "There'll be too many MTs on the field to eliminate them all, and, according to the information management department, Red Rum is expected on the battlefield. Chances are good the Zodiac will also be deployed, so combat with other Armored Cores is expected - we can't afford to run past our limit this time around. We've had too many close calls as it is."

"Wilco, Himeko," says Elias. "I'll be careful."

"White Glint, please refer to me by my callsign during this operation. That goes for you too, Rosary."

"Yeah, yeah. I wasn't born yesterday, princess." …good enough, you guess. "I've been doing this since before you were born. It's good to go through procedure and not get lazy, but…"

"…sorry. Force of habit. Too many Collared Storkers and Ravens trying to act familiar." You've lost count of how many times one or both have tried to flirt with you over the radio - and of their nasty reactions when you rebuff them.

"Hey, Shadow, Rosary. Just look at the view…"

At Elias' prompting, you check White Glint's main camera. And there, in the fog and contamination…

The bridge that gives the City its name. The Alloy Gate.

Some say it used to be covered in gold, a shining example to the world of the City's beauty and grandeur. (You assume it's a metaphor; actual gold would be rather distressing.) It may not be as pretty as it used to be, but, it's still a symbol of your home. Of the place you're fighting to protect, and to reclaim from Father and those like him, who wish to impose their will upon others by force.

You can't see anywhere near as much from Rosary's cameras - the contamination is always heavier by night, as the colder air makes it denser and closer to the ground, especially at the altitudes you operate on. But it's mostly a matter of the Armored Core's camera being able to see much more, and compensate in ways Rosary's could never hope to.

One of White Glint's recon units is deployed, floating in the air and providing a link back to Angel Island. Because the contamination interferes with radio waves, especially in the City Centre region, it's the best way to keep back in contact. (Unfortunately, using the Library means using the network of fixed transmitters in the City Centre - and the risk of discovery is too great. So you're more or less stuck with your other forward operating bases at the moment...unfortunate.)

"Sights like that almost make me want to move in. Unless, that is, you want to be a Migrant again, Glinty?"

"Nah, Rosary. My wandering days are over. The City's my home now, and I'll protect it with the power of White Glint. With you, Mother, Nashandra, and Shadow by my side."

You'd like to chide Elias for being naive, at such blind heroism, but…

You can't help but smile.

He's the kind of person who can make you believe that. He's been through so much in life, as much as even you have, and still he wants to protect people with his strength - just as he did that day, when he faced down Red Rum when she rolled into Oakland, seeking to protect what was most important to him.

A real hero…if there is such a thing, anyway.

Maybe, if he were a girl, and if he could refine and forge those ideals into something stronger, he'd make a fine agent of the Goddess' will…someone who believes in things like 'justice' and 'freedom'. Someone willing to fight to make them come true. Who can tell the evils of the world, 'even if that's true, I'll still fight'; who can tell himself (herself?) 'everything's okay', and always do what's his heart says is right. Someone who can take another by the hand, and tell them that everything will be alright…

and make them believe it.

A true Raven, if he could ever choose to be one.

(…but you think, perhaps, he could afford to be a little more selfish sometimes too. Those feelings the so-called 'Goddess of Sin' reigns over, that humans tell themselves are 'selfish', that even the Order would hold so many back from.)

(He's the same as you once were. What is he fighting for?)

(All that…faux-womanizer stuff feels like an obligation more than anything. Past that facade, you don't know what Elias really wants. You don't know if you've ever seen the real Elias, behind the ridiculous jacket and the posturing and everything else…)

(What is it, that really lies in that person's heart?)

(What is it that he'd want, if he wanted something only for himself?)

"Won't be long before the Mirage Colloid flight is in the AO, kids," says Rosary, as the Stork hovers over the Bay, within the cover of contamination while waiting for the rendezvous. "Staying out of visual range for now."

"So, did you listen?" Elias asks, as you adjust your earpiece and check your monitors again, hearing the buffeting air around both AC and Stork. Rosary is over the City Centre's airspace, and the Mirage Colloid flight is approaching as well, with Rosary hovering in place; the other flight is a little late, so you - perhaps unfortunately - have some time to kill.

"To what?" you reply, playing innocent.

"To the tape!"

"I did," you say, adjusting your tie, and reaching for your coffee. If there's one thing that you prefer about Ariel's sorties, it's the lack of small talk - but compared to a lot of Collared Ravens, Elias is good enough company. "And the other one, too, since you sent me a second before I even had a chance to finish the first."

"Jeez, at least pretend you care." Huh. He sounds a little upset…was he expecting more? "Isn't music supposed to be a big thing with you Fourth Order guys? You know, 'because there are songs in the world'?"

…well, he's honest enough. In his time performing interventions over the past two years, Elias has met more than a few followers of the Order. The City Police still has a standing order of suppression, just one of many reasons you wish Mother would take a stronger stance against them. If they ever rebuilt and galvanized, they could hurt your sisters so much…

You won't let that happen.

Taking a big sip, and swallowing heavily, you lean back in your chair as you double-check all your monitors. "I was never very big on that doctrine. Not that it's really formalized…"

"You should be, though. Music has a power all its own. Right, Rosary?"

Elias is, as should be obvious, a music enthusiast - and as a former Migrant, he's collected tapes from across the continent of the North Frontier. The music of the Fallen world is often a strange reflection of the era it resembles, a world of cassette tapes and primitive computers far from the capabilities of the Armored Cores and the civilization that created them. But many unusual sounds have been created, both by those who reside in the shadow of the Fall and by those hymns preserved by the world's cults.

Elias's tapes are, of course, documented in an appendix, and their origins within the Fallen world explored, shedding a light on the world outside the City.

Your Storker scoffs audibly in your earpiece. "Don't drag me into this, you know? I'm just here for my paycheck. My job's the boring one, so I have to load up the occasional tape to pass the time."

"If you say so. Did you like it, at least, Shadow? I wanna know if I have your tastes right yet, so I know what else to pull from my collection."

Rosary grumbles. "Still can't believe you carted those tapes all over the continent. No one ever got mad?"

"You don't get mad at the guy with the gun, Rosary. Perks of being a crack shot, you know? Besides, they're my way of keeping track of the places I've been, the people I've met."

…well, you should probably tell him what you think, huh? Maybe that'll finally satisfy him, for once…

"I mean, I liked them," you say. (And it is the truth!) "I don't know that I got as much out of it as you do, White Glint, but..."

"Eeh, I'm just happy you gave it a shot, Shadow. Any favorites?"

"There was the one you left with Mother. Something about...a church?"

"Oh, yeah. Churches-with-a-V. I kinda figured that'd be your favorite, for some reason...definitely give it a full listen. You should probably check out, uh. Which track was it? Track 9?"

"That number keeps cropping up lately," Rosary mutters. "Getting kinda tired of it."

"Hopefully we can at least give Rank 9 a bloody nose today. But, other than that...hm. I only listened to the first track on that tape, but...I did enjoy some of the stuff I heard on the radio this morning. What was it...'Duvet'? That old hymn, but, new." You should well be familiar with it, spending as much time around Elizabeth as you used to.

"The guy who did that remix is one of you Fourth Order types. I think he's branching into more original stuff now, though. So, she's still playing my tapes, huh..."

"Who, Rebeka from Radio LUNA?"

"Yeah. We kind of have a history, I guess."

"What, really?" Rosary pops back into the conversation. "So that's the woman who dumped you? That's hilarious! She's still telling people how much you suck constantly! Ah, jeez, it's a good thing you pay me enough to keep my mouth shut, otherwise I'd tell everyone."

"Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up, Rosary." You hear a grumble from White Glint's cockpit. "I wasn't that bad, probably..."

"I think, though...I also enjoyed that hymn, 'spotter'." (...and Rosary's jokes make you feel a little tinge of regret as you think of Motoko.) "Mother keeps it in some of the Line Ark cars...good music to do my kind of work to."

"The old world loved its music, too. I've been grabbing all kinds of stuff from the Underground. Your cult's stuff is great, Shadow."

"...okay, I know I'm going to regret this," Rosary quips. "But, just...why do you care this much, anyway? You act like it's this huge thing. Does music have to be that big a deal?"


There's a bit of silence, after Rosary asks that. Even she must wonder if she's hit a nerve, but...

"...it's because music is freedom."

"Really." Rosary's a bit skeptical, and you have to say the feeling is mutual.

"No, it's true. Music is freedom. You can listen to it as you like. You can share it as you like. No one can tell you what to think about it, or how to feel."

"Yours and yours alone," you whisper, sipping your coffee.

"In the darkest parts of my life, when I had no one and nothing left to turn to, when people wanted to hurt me for trying to do the right thing, when people judged me for not being exactly what they wanted...I still had my tapes. And no one could tell me what to listen to." You hear a tap on the cassette door from the deck Nashandra installed in White Glint for its pilot. "That's the best part, really. For all that life has tried to kick me while I'm down, for all people have judged every other decision I've ever made...these feelings will always remain mine. And no one can take that away from me."

"'Because there are songs in the world'," you mutter. And, well...

You can't pretend you'll ever really feel the same way Elias does, but at the very least, you think maybe you finally understand the meaning of those words.


"...okay, but you're still super weird, Glinty."

"I love you too, Rosie. You always say the nicest things!"

And you smile.

And you laugh.

Even in her corner, Uriel smiles a little, as she steals glances at you.

Here, in Line Ark, you work to protect everyday smiles like these, and feelings like those Elias expressed. To live for what's in your heart, by the precepts...

You don't know what your answer to Uriel is, just yet. But you'll do your best to try and make it your own decision, for your own reasons.

Love is worth that much, right?

Author's Note
On the topic of Elias D. Metea, the only thing I have to say about it is a quote my favorite author, Garth Mahrengi: "I know writers who use subtext and they're all cowards."
(Oh, and it might not need to be said, but his feelings on music are him being a mouthpiece for the author...well, no change there then.​)

The music appendix is in the threadmarks, but there's also the playlist, Music is Freedom, linked both here and in the opening post, for your listening pleasure.
Special Sortie: SEXUALIZER (The Glint of White)
It's raining by the time you get past the small talk, and Rosary's the one who breaks the ice.

"Look alive, kids. I've got a pulse from the Mirage Colloid flight. Looks like they're about to begin their run. Time for us to make our descent while the boys in blue are distracted." You hear Rosary's engines roar to life, as she begins to leave the cloud cover. Finally, you can get a look at what's happening on the ground…

"That's our drop point. Can you get a look at City Police positions? They must be entrenched in tight - they know she's coming." Without an AC, they'll have trouble seeing in this weather, and you've been on enough operations to know Men of Honor transport pilots aren't easy targets for MTs. Especially not the City Police. You can't count on them to thin the herd during the drop.

"Deploying recon unit. We should be fine for communications." Elias knows your tap code, anyway, so if the contamination gets too heavy or they do jamming, it should be alright. Operating under Mirage Colloid cover is always a risk…

As the recon unit goes online, you pulse radar, and as expected, you get a response on the ground. Switching to one of White Glint's secondary cameras, you can just barely see City Police MTs, defense and support class - the usual mixture in a situation like this. Good against other MTs, not what you want if you're fighting Ravens.

"Right, what we expected on the City Police side, unless one of the Zodiac is hiding in there." You won't know reliably until Elias has dropped into the battlefield. "Can you patch in visual data, White Glint?" Right now, your monitors don't show much even on his scanners, and Rosary's camera is basically static. "I don't see anything right now, I want a view of the skies."

[System: Scan Mode.]

"Three choppers…no, no, there's more. Lots more, on radar. If those are all Red Rum…holy shit that's a lot of MTs."

You'll say this for Rosary - when she's worried, you take notice.

Once Elias switches to scan mode, you can see clearly - the sky is full of Men of Honor helicopters, only the Mirage Colloid flight's stealth allowing them to mix in. They're carrying squads of Muscle Tracers, all of them marked with Shamir RaviRavi's emblem, that arachnid-like shape…

"That must be nearly all of Red Rum's forces. Can you get any ID?" You'll rely on White Glint's scanners to fill the gaps.

"Looks like…lots of converted construction MTs, reverse-joint walkers…oh. Oh shit, no, look."

You pull up Elias' monitor, and check your database…

Oh no.

Oh no.

"Normals. Algebra Corporation models." You don't see many often in the City region; they're what the corporations use to staff their private armies. "I'd heard rumors at Collared, but…"

"Yeah, I've seen them before, Shadow," says Rosary. "'Fake ACs'…guess that backs up the whole corporate theory on Red Rum." 'Normals' are MTs which imitate the look and capability of an AC - they're still far inferior, and their operational time is low, but they approach AC levels of versatility and mobility. "But City Police MTs are heavily armored. Those Normals aren't really equipped for the job. Red Rum's definitely in that mix somewhere if she's serious about this."

"I wouldn't be so sure, Rosie. Normals are nasty things. That's a pile bunker on one of them, too - even I'd have trouble if I got hit with that." Even Elias is worried…

"Consider the Normals a priority target. We can at least make Red Rum foot the bill on this one."

All this just makes you more and more worried. Clearly she's had them the whole time, but she's not deployed them widely enough for Collared to know about it. At this point, if Red Rum is letting her hand show, she's probably taking off the kid gloves.

In the past two years, Red Rum's been building up her power base. Recruiting from the Underground and the contaminated area, attacking corporate facilities and Migrants to gain materiel to wage war. But she's been smart about it - keeping out of the City Centre, away from City Police hotspots, not taking unnecessary risks. For such a wild, monstrous woman, she's downright strategic, and more and more it's becoming clear that overwhelming force would never work as a solution - you'd be more likely to destroy the City first than Red Rum. (Not that Delacroix cares.)

But lately? More frequent attacks, more valuable targets - including Ravens. Those bastards at Men of Honor still maintain a bounty for Ravens regardless of allegiance, a holdover from the Resistance days and the Nexus conflict, and they've been paying out good money to Red Rum for taking out rivals. She's even started hiring Ravens of her own, and recruiting irregulars to her army - like Nightingale, who even joined up with Men of Honor to prove her skills, and just broke into the Arena at rank 30.

What is she planning? A war against Father? Is this all a front for a new Resistance? No, there's no way…no way someone from all the way out in the Jupiter Sphere has anything like that as a goal. She may be smarter than she looks, but you have no doubt she's as violent as she looks, too.

You don't know what Red Rum really wants, but you know one thing: none of you will like it.

"Alright, even I have a visual on the area of operations now. Seems like miss murder's not showing her face yet…but a lot of her friends are down there." Rosary sighs. "You know a Fulton's gonna cost you extra, right?"

"Mother will supply her usual fee," you mutter. You never know if Rosary's serious about it…"Other than that…Uriel, patch Mother in once the recon units are up."

From a hatch in the back of White Glint's core, Elias deploys one last recon unit, manufactured from raw materials by the AC's pre-Fall technology. Even through the contamination that blankets the air, you're able to get a bigger look at the area on the ground, and…

your radar fills up with at least twice as many blips from before. On both sides. Red Rum's serious about whatever this is, and you hate that you haven't been able to find out why.

"Goddess," you whisper under your breath. "This many MTs? In the City Centre?! White Glint -"


…the clear and resonant voice of Mother fills your ears, and despite yourself, you stand a little straighter. Ah, then she's here to order the Mirage Colloid drop…

"…Mother," you respond, on instinct.

"I'm giving you operational authority on this mission. White Glint is under your command now - and Rosary, you too."

"Understood." Normally, Mother handles orders once you're this close, but…her signal is indistinct. You get the feeling her instincts tell her how important this is. "Awaiting the signal from the stealth choppers."

"You heard your Mommy, White Glint. You're under the princess' command now. Shadow, orders?"

As the stealth helicopters drop their bombs, dispersing a colloid cloud that announces the presence of the Glint of White, Rosary descends to drop altitude, and holds her hand over the switch. Across the pier, bursts of mist cloud out the cameras, and even White Glint now has trouble seeing - combat won't be affected, but no one will be able to get a clear shot of it. Just another way of preserving White Glint's legend.

But, like this…

There's still civilians in the area. You caught a glimpse of some infantry transports - Red Rum's side is raiding. And with the City Police being set up like this…

Red Rum likes to use incendiaries. To set the City up like a firestorm. In the chaos, she can send in her forces to raid, and force first responders out into the line of fire - holding the City itself hostage. The City Police, of course, has a standing order to shoot to kill regardless of collateral damage. Here, there may be undocumented citizens seeking refuge, or trying to escape the Underground, all of whom are considered acceptable losses where Father is concerned.

You'll have to choose to have White Glint hit either Red Rum's forces or the City Police first. You know Red Rum is coming, but…if the City Police knows it too, they'll have brought one of the Zodiac. Maybe more than one. Uriel's reports from Collared claim that they're occupied with anti-Migrant patrols in the contaminated regions, but you'd bet money they've kept one in reserve. The recon unit's range isn't wide enough to know for sure under these conditions.

When it comes to battles like these, neither side is very interested in preserving human life. You'll have to choose someone to concentrate on. If you take out the City Police, first responders will have more time to work, and they'll be forced to deploy more of the Zodiac - so Red Rum might try to cut her losses in that case. But if you take on Red Rum's side, you'll do the cops' job for them, hopefully encouraging them to aim more carefully, or to fire toward White Glint…and you can directly deal with the incendiaries.

Either strategy will work, but it's a matter of which Raven you're planning to confront: either one of the Zodiac - potentially Rossweisse, the Rank 2 Raven - or Red Rum herself.

...well, it's not really a choice, is it?

Red Rum's forces will be using incendiaries down the field. It's doubtful they'll have any kind of concern whatsoever, save for not damaging what they're looking for too much. (It's probably something pretty big, if she's bringing this many forces to deal with it - there's not much chance of accidental damage.) Even if the City Police have committed countless atrocities in the name of 'law and order', they're not going to deliberately target civilians in this situation, where they're on the defense.

Red Rum, well...

...you won't let that happen. It's the first time Elias will be on the same battlefield as Shamir, and you're going to make sure she feels it. That Elias can return even a fraction of the pain she's inflicted upon others, to draw blood against that smug bitch who thought she could hurt the people you care about.

The only that she'll ever learn.

"White Glint, your orders are to concentrate on Red Rum's forces. Engage with the City Police at your discretion as needed to protect civilian lives, but we're going to teach Shamir RaviRavi a lesson she'll never forget."

"Wilco. Wish I could give the boys in blue a better hello, Shadow, but I'll take what I can get."

"And as usual, do not fire until fired upon." A fig leaf of a rule if there ever was one, but...that's why White Glint uses the rifles. With those weapons, not only is it easier to avoid collateral damage, but it's easier to disable machines without taking on the pilot.

"Are we ready, Mother?" Huh, it's not 'Mommy' when she's listening...well, even Rosary is going to be respectful to the person who pays her bills.

"Mirage Colloid levels have grown to saturation," says Mother. "My flight is exiting the area of operations while they still have cloaking up. White Glint, please activate your condensers. I leave the rest to Shadow's capable hands."

You hear the ports on White Glint's body pop open. This won't be a full cloak like the choppers, but when within the colloid cloud, it'll make White Glint fuzzy and indistinct on camera.

"Done," Elias confirms. "Just say the word and I'm ready. Looks like our boys in blue haven't even noticed yet. Kisaragi really needs to give them better hardware."

"Rosary, you'll be exposed to enemy fire." You double-check the radar screen, marking priority targets as you estimate Red Rum's drop points. Already some of her MTs are making contact, but the City Police is only performing warning shots thus far - maybe hoping to misdirect her. "Red Rum's a lot more observant than the City Police. Can you handle the anti-air fire?"

"…Shadow, honey, I love you. But seriously, I've been doing this so long I could avoid that in my sleep. As long as I'm out of there before Red Rum comes to play, you have nothing to worry about."

It's time.

Any longer and they'll get suspicious.

"Alright, just one thing. I've got a special tape loaded up just for this occasion."

(…you really can't believe Nashandra took Elias up on his desire for a tape deck inside White Glint, but…it doesn't really have any tactical considerations, does it? Well, whatever. Just another of Elias' eccentricities.)

"Alright, Shadow, I'll be over the drop point in five…"

"Damnit…ugh, the tape door won't close!"

"Just bang it really hard, Eli!"

You hear a very loud noise, but you assume it's probably fine. The AC will still work, and that's what matters. All there is now is to give the order…

"One! Make it quick, Shadow, we're on a schedule!"

"Very well." You smile, and repeat the words that Mother has said so many times before... "White Glint, you are cleared for armed intervention."

"That's exactly what I wanted to hear. White Glint, dropping!"

You hear a loud clunk, as White Glint drops onto the confusion of the battlefield…

Only a few moments before...

Packs of two-legged walkers, primitive Muscle Tracers built from scraps, dropped from Men of Honor Storks. The machines fired their rocket boosters, dropping their tanks as they made contact and started letting loose with their weapons. Bullets, rockets, and missiles lit up the once-proud pier, shipping containers leaking out, as the proud army of Red Rum, painted with the emblem of a spider the color of blood, spilled out onto the City Centre's Pier 80.

The City Police's artillery fired away, but the MTs used the old containers for cover, softening the blows enough that their armor remained mostly undamaged while longer-ranged walkers picked out their targets from afar. The police artillery was old, outdated, barely capable of performing its function...and the pilots were poorly trained.

Red Rum's constant battles and training, though, rendered her forces far more ready for battle. Using their limited rocket fuel and jumping strength, even these weak walkers, when operating in packs, could outmaneuver the more heavily armored City Police.

Heavily shielded MTs rolled forward, charging through containers, but they only met heavy rocket shelling, flammable materials going ablaze.

A pair of MTs rushed forward, running on their reverse-jointed legs, as the cameras began to fog up, and the pilot's aim diminished, bullets flying toward mere shadows as the pair split...

rushed in...

and leaped on, using clawed feet to get past the heavy defenses and knock the City Police machine to the ground.

"Heh. Like taking candy from a baby. The boss was right, they don't have the balls!" The voice was heavily distorted, the region full of jamming, a communications specialist in another helicopter handling Red Rum's radios while the City Police relied on local transceivers. "How's your machine holding up."

"I think one of my servomotors is seized. Nothing serious, especially not against these bozos." The pilot pushed the complex levers and controls inside, the Muscle Tracer's movements based on an AC's, yet infinitely inferior. Only preprogrammed responses could be performed. "Shamir will be here soon, right? And the Sarnaqa Squadron?"

"We'll be done before they even get here." As the pilot spoke, APCs drove past, filled with Red Rum's soldiers, and a radar truck followed behind to scan for the item of interest. "Can't wait to see the look on people's faces when they realize how unstoppable we are..."

"Wait. I'm having camera trouble."

"Just hit it a few times...ugh, mine's acting up too."

...and then the two pilots saw it.

Bursts from above as a mist surrounded the battlefield, their source easily obscured as the cameras inside the Muscle Tracers distorted. Both MTs angled up in an effort to find the bombers, but they showed absolutely nothing...

"H-hey, wait! This is...no, no way! We have to get out of here!"

"It couldn't be...why now?!"

From the clouds and the fog, a Stork descends, marked with the symbol of a heart filled with a rose, carrying an indistinct humanoid shape, around which the mist collected...

"Start firing!"

Bullets flew above, but at this range, and with the interference, no one could fire upon the Stork of the legendary Rosary, let alone hit the phantom that had been haunting Red Rum's proud army for over a year now...

The great white giant descended from the ground, its boosters firing, making impact with a grace no Muscle Tracer could ever match. Completely indistinct on camera, filled with static, the machine stared out...

"Run! Run!"

"It's the 'glint of white'!"

And from that machine...

Blue sensors flickered to life, and it raised its dual rifles, openly daring Red Rum's so-called 'army' to challenge it.

♪ [Main system: activating combat mode.]

Red Rum's army wasn't made out of idiots. At this point, the 'glint of white' had practically been stalking them, appearing at all kinds of vital operations within urban areas, taking down MTs with precision and ease. No one was going to just sit there and take it, as though they had a chance if they just all fired enough bullets.

But someone panicked.


Fanatics. People who worshipped the one who granted them absolute freedom. Who granted them power through the barrel of a gun. Red Rum instilled loyalty, both in herself and those around them.

"Why do you always - !"

A vulcan cannon roared as a walker approached the white AC through a boosted jump, bullets bouncing off and chipping its armor, the pilot attempting to use the containers for surface jumps...only to find them collapsing beneath the MT's weight.

Blue sensors crawled toward the target, and two short bursts blow legs and rockets apart, cannon firing wildly into the air...

And that's when they panicked.

As the City Police's laser sights approached the white giant, the vast boosters on its back unfolded and fired all at once, the machine's legs hovering over the ground as the AC Overboosts, a nap-of-the-earth flight as Red Rum's MTs struggle to track it. Rockets fire, and the machine's left-hand rifle takes out the rockets before they can reach, the heavier right-hand rifle used to engage the machines.

The 'glint of white' shoots, and huge chunks of armor are taken off the front of MTs. Legs collapse under their own weight, guns are blown straight off, with an impossible precision under such speed.

"T-this guy's a monster! Are we doing any damage?"

This era's machine gun rounds do little damage to the armor of an AC. Even the vulcan cannons used by Muscle Tracers, about the lightest weapons that can even scratch it, are of little concern to the 'glint of white'.

"Our standard weapons are useless! Where are our Normals?!"

The City Police are no longer firing at Red Rum's forces. Their efforts are completely concentrated on their rumored enemy now, and even with that speed, the laser tracers eventually find their target, even through the colloid cloud...

The AC's feet make contact with the ground, as the unknown Raven within uses its movements to quickly turn around and brake, now at the edge of the pier, both rifles taking shots at MTs whenever they approach. The City Police uses its shields to mask their approach, firing indiscriminately even at this range...

All at once, their objective had changed. They were even working together, in a way.

All that mattered now, before their battle could resume, was taking down the 'glint of white'.
Special Sortie: SEXUALIZER (The Lady and the Unicorn)
You adjust your glasses as you stare at the monitors. In the fog, it's hard to tell, but...Elias has made quite a few kills already. Armor damage is minimal, Elias' vitals are good, the operation is proceeding smoothly. "White Glint, check priority targets. Good of you to draw fire, but there's likely a lot of incendiary artillery still out there."

The interference is really strong...even with the recon units, it's hard to stay in contact. The City Police has the advantage here, once they coordinate enough.

"I don't like it. The City Police are pretty sparse." You hear more fire through the microphones, blowing out the levels - you have to constantly adjust the volume to compensate. "My money's on Rank 2. What the hell are they protecting?"

Your radar tracking is constantly getting noise. Mirage Colloid causes a lot of problems for you, but like this, it's all you can do. You'll just have to hope Elias doesn't take too many rounds from the support-class machines or explosives. "Try and keep mobile. Make her work for it. Rossweisse and her Valkyrie are better equipped for combat up-close, not at range. Search for incendiaries and artillery, and prepare for Red Rum's drop. Can you see them yet?"

"It's too dense. I probably won't see until they're on the ground. Don't worry, I can handle it." You watch the g-force readouts as White Glint quickboosts, and the tumbling containers and crumbling buildings as the place becomes a battlefield. You've already marked likely civilians in the area, so you'll just have to trust Elias to protect them and do the job. "Four minutes left. Should be long enough to get Red Rum bloody."

"If you can take out her Normals, that'd be even better. If Algebra's investing in Red Rum, I want them to think twice about it." Corporations with disregard for human life...at least Kisaragi bothers to soften the blow. Constant proxy wars between the corporations are just a fact of life in the Fallen world, and with White Glint alone...

You want to do more.

You need to do more.


You look over toward Uriel, who hands you a printout. "Those Normals look like they're from the Sarnaqa Squadron. 'Cocoon'."

"Cocoon..." You check the printout quickly. A special forces unit...is Algebra really putting that much faith in Red Rum? "Good work. White Glint, be advised: Normals are piloted by special forces. Shouldn't be much trouble for you, but be careful. They're going to be much better coordinated than anyone else."

"Acknowledged. Guess I'll have to give them a warm welcome to the City, if they've come so far to greet me." You watch White Glint's monitors again as the machine turns, dashing across the field to keep the maneuvers of both sides in disarray. "Anything on the scanners?"

"Afraid not. Keep an eye out. If what Red Rum's looking for is here, let's try and grab it for ourselves while we have the chance." You sigh, pushing your glasses up the bridge of your nose. "That is, if we get the chance..."

"Radio contact keeps cutting, Shamir," a voice calls to Red Rum, through the static. "The AC keeps darting in and out of the fog. If we lose too many of our forces..."

"Worried about your bottom line, huh? Typical." Shamir RaviRavi, within her red Armored Core, held onto by a Stork, peers out into the fog. "Why don't you loosen up a little, Tawafuq? Against me, that machine has no hope. Or are you just too used to counting pennies?"

"I'm more concerned about casualties. Algebra will not accept the loss of so many machines. Do mind that these Normals of ours are not yours to toss against the world carelessly. We expect results."

Within her cockpit, Shamir rolls her eyes. How utterly predictable. These Algebra suits and their 'Golden Axe Plan'...what fools they are.


May as well at least have some fun with her corporate leash, huh?

"Oh, I don't see the problem, really. Why don't we ask the Sarnaqa boys what they think of me?"

"We'll protect our Queen to the death!"

The red-painted Normals, imitations of ACs, are all piloted by those who believe in the legend of Shamir RaviRavi. As the messiah of Algebra. As someone who will lead them to victory. Slowly, their ideals have shifted, to the point where they don't even realize that their allegiance has changed from Algebra, to their 'Queen'...

"...very well. If the Sarnaqa Squadron chooses to follow, then I have no choice. Your drop point approaches. And may God have mercy on you."

"I'm sure he will."

...and with that, Shamir cuts off her mic.

And laughs.

And laughs, and laughs, and laughs.


This woman can still say such a thing with a straight face? Oh, oh yes, breaking Tawafuq to her will shall be such fun...to show her the beauty of a world like the one Red Rum seeks to create.

A world where strength and beauty are one and the same.

Shamir toggles her microphone back on. "Eyes up, boys! Make a controlled descent onto the pier and drop your propellant tanks immediately! Manage your delta-v budget properly, or our guest will kill you. We don't want to bother our dinner guest too much, do we?"

"Yes, my lady!"

"Heh. That's exactly what I wanted to hear."

And the transport helicopters release their grip, rockets firing as the choppers pull up, static filling the airwaves...

...and blood red seeps into the fog.

The 'glint of white' turns, the moment its pilot sees the opposing machine...

There's no warning shot.

The moment the four-legged AC known as 'Red Rum' lands, its bipedal Normals spread out into formation, as Shamir's opponent tries to navigate the three-way battle as the chaos of bullets and missiles lights the pier ablaze.

Shamir takes a look at the casualties, and smirks once she finds out that the 'glint of white' has been taking out so many of her usual incendiaries. Whoever's hired that AC has done a very good job of trying to prevent Shamir from getting what she wants...better at their job than the City Police, at any rate.

But her soldiers have spread out. Once she forces the 'glint of white' into retreat, there won't be any trouble. Even if the Zodiac shows up...

Shamir switches to an open channel, as tradition is when Raven meets Raven. Her Normals are already going on the offensive. Rocket rounds and large-scale 'shotgun shells' fly as the City Police tries to regroup.

"So we finally meet, face to face. 'White Glint'..."

There's no response. As always, this machine is stoically silent...but even through the fog, the sensors show the pilot looking at her, not anyone else.

Shamir licks her lips...a heat burns beneath her belly, at the anticipation of having a real fight. A worthy opponent. All this time, she's heard the stories of what's been happening as her army fights across the City, but to see it herself...

Oh, this will be fun.

"A white giant with a big horn...you're a rare treat, aren't you? A 'unicorn'...but unicorns are still prey."

...Red Rum spreads its arms, lifting its head as though roaring, as the machine's Overboost engine opens up and the asphalt scrapes with sparks as she charges.

"Hahahahaha! Better hope you've got a Fulton ready! Because otherwise, you're not getting out of here ali-"


A single bullet hits Red Rum's head, the violet sensors flickering as they reset. Far from here, an AC kneels, holding a sniper rifle in its hands...

Rossweisse, and her Valkyrie. The so-called '13th Zodiac'.


Even Elias is surprised, and the two ACs stop as they try and find the sniper...

[System: Scan Mode.]

Eventually, even through the fog and static, you see it.

Far away on a rooftop, an AC kneels, holding its sniper rifle in both hands. Within it, the green-eyed Raven known only as 'Rossweisse', platinum blonde hair pinned up in her helmet as she uses her scope to keep track of Red Rum.

"You," the stoic voice of Rossweisse says, the AC's communications much clearer than anyone else's. "The 'glint of white'. We may be enemies, but Red Rum is the greater threat. I offer my assistance, whether you wish it or not."

Another shot - and this time, Red Rum dodges, the round making a crater in the ground. They're low-power rounds compared to what Ariel uses, but Valkyrie can fire it without having to stop moving, if need be.

You bite your lip...it's not a bad thing right now, but you get the feeling you won't like being in that woman's debt. For all people like to talk about how honorable and selfless she is...how selfless can she truly be when she works for Father?

"Alright, we'll just have to accept it for now - but maintain radio silence. You are to keep Red Rum within the line of fire of Rossweisse, which I have marked based on her current position. Once we drive her off, you are to take out remaining priority targets and attempt to locate the point of interest and force the City Police to retreat. Three minutes, White Glint."

"Understood. Take out Red Rum, take out the stragglers, get home in time for my movie marathon."

And in his own cockpit, Elias is wearing his own smirk as White Glint raises its rifles - because even if they're enemies, and even if he's fighting for the sake of others...

He can't help but enjoy himself during a fight like this, with a soul that longs for battle.

"Give it all we've got, White Glint! I'm counting on you!"

[System: Combat Mode.]

...you have to admit, you're pretty nervous. No mission you've operated for with Collared ever survived contact with the enemy, at least when the enemy was Red Rum.

But, Mother has put faith in you, and you're fighting for the sake of all the people who have been hurt by Red Rum and the City Police.

It'll have to be enough, and you'll have to trust Elias.

Our first real battle! Combat here in Another Age is relatively simple; we'll be rolling for each of the Ravens, and explaining as we go.

White Glint is on the offensive here, so Himeko rolls for Elias. Because Elias is Miri's Personal Raven, she doesn't need to Court, and can grant Himeko use of him (if he agrees, obviously).

At the same time, Red Rum is performing an Interference roll using her own power, and an unknown Queen is is using Rossweisse to Help White Glint. As this is real combat, each of them is at risk, and even I don't know how this will play out...well, as they say, we 'play to find out what happens'!

Himeko's roll for Elias: 2d6+3 = 10
White Glint fights admirably...

Red Rum's roll: 2d6+2 = 13
But Red Rum puts up fierce resistance...

[UNKNOWN]'s interference roll using one of her Moves: 2d6+2 = 8
An unknown Queen interferes with her, but it's not enough.

In this instance, [UNKNOWN] is offered a cost to succeed at her Interference roll. The unknown Queen has chosen to not Interfere with Red Rum, rather than accept the consequences. She remains hidden, for now...

[UNKNOWN]'s roll for Rossweisse: 2d6+1 = 8
...while Rossweisse is in the line of fire, but takes on Red Rum admirably.

As the music plays through Elias' tape, you watch the blips on your screens, and the monitor...

You can only imagine what's happening on the ground, through your limited vantage point.

White Glint's engines roar as Elias attempts to keep pace. Ultimately, it's not designed for all-out offense like Red Rum is, and Red Rum's ultimately much faster, even with the massive engines White Glint has. Advantages of the design, which helps create better airflow on the ground...

The MT forces start firing at the Ravens, trying to take advantage of the chaos. The air is lit with tracers, and even you have trouble keeping track of it all...

White Glint's bullets flake off Red Rum's armor, as the two Ravens clash. Through a set of warehouses, White Glint jumps, and kicks off one wall, using another to reverse, and then another to accelerate further, boost-driving his way through an Albright Turn as he attempts to keep Red Rum in the firing line.

But Rossweisse...

"Valkyrie is taking fire," you say. "Looks like the Normals have decided to go for her."

The silver-coated AC known as Valkyrie finds herself leaping from point to point as the Sarnaqa Squadron approaches...

"Look at that. Both of you are prey now." Shamir's hungry, seductive voice is once more met with silence from Elias. "But I like you better, unicorn. I'll let my boys handle Rossweisse - they seem more like her type."

Massive shots of flak fly out, blowing chunks into buildings. Mirage Colloid is so heavy there's no chance of finding that cargo now...the best you can do is try and stop Red Rum from doing the same thing. At the very least, with how you've thinned out the crowd...

You haven't spotted any civilians yet, but you're sure if there are people in the area - be they workers, or Undergrounders trying to find shelter - they'll know White Glint fought for them...

(and you, despite yourself, wish they could know who was whispering in that Raven's ear.)

...there's odd radio noise off your telemetry, but...it doesn't matter. You'll just have to make do and hope interference doesn't cut any of you off from one another. Maybe if you're lucky, it'll keep Red Rum from coordinating...

but for now, that's up to Rossweisse's skills.

Rossweisse is now acting under fire. The Sarnaqa Squadron is going after her, and her unknown Queen must roll +Intuition to succeed at her task of Helping White Glint, make a decision on whether to take Harm to Help him, or suffer under the attacks of the Squadron.

Acting under fire is rolled using the Queen's Virtue, not +Raven. In this case, that's +1...

[UNKNOWN]'s roll for Rossweisse acting under fire: 2d6+1 = 4
Unfortunately, Valkyrie takes fire from the Normals.[/B]

Rossweisse has taken 2 Harm, and failed to Help White Glint. In this case, it's not a huge issue, given the numbers involved, but it's still not ideal.

The red-colored Normals produced by Algebra have speed that rivals that of an AC, and in this situation, their endurance is hardly a problem when their rocket engines can keep them alive.

"Rossweisse, be advised that Red Rum's forces are moving into position," the green-eyed Raven sniper hears from her operator. "You'll have to draw off the Algebra Normals yourself."

"So you can't bring the rest of the Zodiac...Father doesn't understand this kind of person like I do." Valkyrie leaps into the air, its engines firing as it moves to another vantage point, taking shots at the Normals when she can. "Red Rum must be destroyed."

"You've already violated orders. Do you believe being strong entitles you to disobey?" The operator's contempt is obvious - but not something Rossweisse isn't used to by now. She's worked with many operators during her time as part of the City Police, as they field mass teams of them; but she'd recognize this voice anywhere.

The voice of someone who despises Ravens.

"...to protect law and order in the City: that is the duty of the City Police. And I will hold that oath true, Lumen, regardless of my orders."

Valkyrie leaps forward, again, and the slug gun on its shoulder - a massive artillery piece firing canister shot - unleashes itself toward the Normals...

But they're fast enough to avoid it.

Valkyrie's design cannot perform the quick-boosting maneuvers White Glint and Red Rum can with their secondary boosters. Instead, she's forced to rely on her jumping strength, and her skill with firearms, to get ahead. Her design eschews offensive weapons in favor of what she needs to get the job done.

Against normal MTs, she's unstoppable, and she competes favorably against Ravens, being considered the strongest of the Zodiac...

But a squadron of Normals, trained for two decades by the corporations, is not an easy opponent. Especially when one is distracted.

Landing in front of a Normal, too close to fire, Valkyrie goes for a punch...

Only to fall afoul of the Normal's pile bunker. A massive charge drives a spike deep into the machine's shoulder, and sparks fly from the armor as Valkyrie boosts back.

"...arm damaged. Command orders you to fall back and await further orders while MTs clear the area."

"I can still fight! Lumen!" Valkyrie yells with her sparking arm, watching as Red Rum charges at White Glint, forelegs striking as the white machine draws its Moonlight blade for close combat.

"Accept your orders, Rossweisse. Accept our authority. Helping the enemy is grounds for insubordination, even for you."

Valkyrie sparks again, as Rossweisse breathes out. Even Lumen wouldn't say it if it weren't real orders, but...

"...understood," Rossweisse whispers. "I'll let the defense MTs handle things while I provide cover fire, and move in once one of the ACs retreats."

"We cannot allow Red Rum to retrieve the package," Lumen says. "If she does, the whole City could be at risk."

Rossweisse snorts, but says nothing. She knows there are times not to ask questions...

The unknown Queen gains +2 on her next roll, and a Radiance Resource {Ours Is Not To Reason Why} representing Rossweisse's doubt and insubordination.
Harm Roll: 2d6+2 = 12

White Glint and Red Rum, though, are locked in struggle.

But it's working.

Every so often, with Red Rum's single-minded bloodlust - charging in with Overboost, using her shotgun and slug gun as her rifle covers fire - White Glint can get shots off at Red Rum's MTs and transports. The City Police are handling the rest...

"One minute. You're almost out of time." You check your radar again - it's clearing up a bit, a sign it's time to leave. "Rosary, are you ready?"

"Give me a landing point and I'll be there," you hear from your Storker, through the static. "Got some radar anomalies, but it should be alright..."

Elias doesn't respond.

A plume of light escapes, the blue moonlight escaping his blade as he cuts through the air, a huge gash appearing in Red Rum's armor.

But this is just a distraction.

One, two, three, four, all kinds of shots from his rifle as he uses the blade to keep Red Rum from figuring it all out.

Chunks of armor fly off of White Glint's head, the blue glow of the AMS beneath obvious now...but it's mostly superficial. And by the time she figures it out...

"Thirty seconds, White Glint."

A recon unit flies up from White Glint's back, and as Red Rum charges...he catches Red Rum's body with his blade, staring at the other machine, blade flaring again, singing the armor...

"Oh, you're good. I see you've given me a good show, unicorn," Shamir says through her open channel.

"My Queen! We're taking damage! We're down to emergency propellant! We don't have the manpower to continue the operation!" One of the Sarnaqa members yells, and though the Normals can hold their own against the City Police MTs...

"I've taken too much damage myself," you hear from Red Rum, even on the open channel. "You've drawn blood. That's twice today...between you and that 'shining demon', things are about to get a lot more fun, unicorn."

...you hear a grumble from Elias' cockpit, but he maintains radio silence.

Red Rum suffers 2 Harm, while White Glint suffers 1. Red Rum's Link to White Glint increases, as does Himeko's to Shamir...and of course, they get their +Harm rolls.

not just yet...

"Ten seconds...wait."

You check your radar - Rosary's not over the pickup point. And the signal's getting more interference again.

"Hey -" Rosary tries to yell through the static, but she's fading in. "big radar signature - high altitude - way too fast -"

...and then it shows up on White Glint's screen. Red Rum's, too.

As that signal gets brighter, the static builds.

Everyone looks up to the sky - everyone in this battle has begun to see it. And in the distant night sky, a beacon of light...

[Anomalous signal detected.]

"What? What does that mean?!"

Judging by the fact that Red Rum doesn't take immediate advantage, you can only assume that on her end, she's experiencing similar difficulties. You compensate, and shift frequencies through sending a tap code to Rosary...

"- that's a high-speed aircraft, could that be a corporation? Or...no..."

"Rosary? Can you show me?"

[A̵n̵o̴m̶a̸l̷o̸u̶s̵ ̷s̶i̵g̷n̴a̷l̷ ̸d̸e̷t̴e̸c̵t̶e̵d̵.̴]

White Glint's voice response system goes dark, and you watch as it starts cutting itself off of non-AC radio frequencies - without any commands.

"...oh...looks like a new opponent is coming out to play." Red Rum backs off, but doesn't go for White Glint. Instead, her AC stares up at the sky with its violet gaze...

toward a falling star.

You can barely see it, through White Glint's monitor...

"- princess, we can't let that thing -" Rosary tries to warn you, through the static...

But it's not Rosary that makes you realize this mission isn't over yet...

You reserve a screen here, for the Complex. Normally, it's just a stream of information you can't interpret without looking into it, but now...but now...

It's blinking.

The Complex is warning you.

And you stare into it...

Into blackness.

Into blackness, and endless oblivion of thought and nothing else, formless masses, thoughts never imagined by humanity. A machine can't be a fool when humanity are such fools themselves...



Present day...present time!


Understand that there is no point in living!

Cry, that there is no answer!

Where there is darkness there are shadows!




"...radio silence, everyone, immediately. The whole battlefield!" You yell out, Uriel looking to you in worry as you watch this and try to understand. No, no, the Complex is afraid, you have never felt its fear more than you have now, you can't..."Anyone not in an AC or routed through only recon units is in danger!"

...you pull away from the screen, and every single MT on the ground...

Stops cold.

The radios filled only with a signal that overwhelms all others...

The star falls.

Closer, closer, closer...

White Glint stares up, and its cameras zoom in.

[A̵n̴o̷m̵a̶l̶o̸u̶s̸ ̷s̶i̵g̸n̶a̷l̶ ̶d̸e̵t̸e̵c̸t̶e̷d̵.̴ ̴S̴y̷s̷t̸e̸m̷ ̸i̴n̶ ̷j̴e̷o̷p̶a̵r̶d̵y̶.̴ ̵R̸e̵c̵o̷m̸m̶e̷n̸d̶ ̸i̷m̶m̷e̶d̷i̷a̶t̶e̴ ̷t̴e̶r̵m̸i̴n̵a̷t̸i̸o̵n̴ ̷o̶f̶ ̴c̴o̷m̵b̶a̴t̸ ̷o̵p̷e̷r̷a̷t̴i̷o̶n̶s̴.̶]

"- we need to get out of here -" Rosary's radio crackles again, even through the recon units - at least she's heard your order.

You don't think everyone else is anywhere near so lucky, especially not when...

what falls from the sky does not hit the ground.

It hovers in place, the air around it chill, staring out with a single eye before the world, the size of an AC...

And you hear chaos.

All the other hostiles in the area but the ACs start firing, yelling out...

from the signal emitted from that machine.

"That's an AI weapon..." It's the first time Elias has seen one. You'd like to tell him not to be worried - most of them are little more than ferals now, with no one to command them.

"Another one...did you come to check on your friend? I'm afraid humanity has no need for gods anymore." Red Rum turns its guns upon it, and...

"...this is Rossweisse...preparing to engage." Valkyrie, too, raises its scope.

...you need to warn them.

Mother might say otherwise, that it's too great a risk, and that the opportunity...but you can't just, you can't just let this happen...

You need to make the decision. Now.

As Ravens go forth to do battle against their natural enemy.

Himeko's +Harm roll for Elias: 2d6+1 = 10
Shamir's +Harm roll: 2d6+2 = 9

Himeko's Link with White Glint increases to +1. Her Link with Shamir RaviRavi increases to +1.
In addition, she gains the Intellect Resource {Shamir RaviRavi's Battle Tactics}, representing intelligence she's gained on how Shamir fights a Raven on equal footing, and her aggressive tactics.

Shamir RaviRavi gains 2 XP; one for rolling +Power, and one for dealing Harm to White Glint. Her Link to White Glint grows to +2.

[UNKNOWN] has gained 2 XP, one for rolling her highlighted Raven Rossweisse, and one for rolling Radiance as one of her highlighted Virtues. [UNKNOWN]'s Link with Red Rum increases to +3, and her Link with Rossweisse increases to +2.
In addition, she got the Radiance Resource {Ours Is Not To Reason Why} over Rossweisse.

(As a note, the rules for +Harm rolls at 10+ have shifted. The originally intended rule was extra Link growth with the target as well as your +2, but this has changed to granting a Resource instead.)

Author's Note
...I don't know if you know this, but I really like Megaten. (It's subtle, I know.)

Also, huh...I wonder who that Queen is. Or this 'Lumen' lady. Eeh, I'm sure they have nothing to do with one another...
Special Sortie: SEXUALIZER (Empress)
First some cleanup. The fight against the Empress counts as a new scene due to it being a Special Weapon, so we'll tally up what each Queen has received.

Himeko's Link with White Glint increases to +1. Her Link with Shamir RaviRavi increases to +1.
In addition, she gains the Intellect Resource {Shamir RaviRavi's Battle Tactics}, representing intelligence she's gained on how Shamir fights a Raven on equal footing, and her aggressive tactics.

Shamir RaviRavi gains 2 XP; one for rolling +Power, and one for dealing Harm to White Glint. Her Link to White Glint grows to +2.

[UNKNOWN] has gained 2 XP, one for rolling her highlighted Raven Rossweisse, and one for rolling Radiance as one of her highlighted Virtues. [UNKNOWN]'s Link with Red Rum increases to +3, and her Link with Rossweisse increases to +2.
In addition, she got the Radiance Resource {Ours Is Not To Reason Why} over Rossweisse.

(As a note, the rules for +Harm rolls at 10+ have shifted. The originally intended rule was extra Link growth with the target as well as your +2, but this has changed to granting a Resource instead.)

...you'll probably regret it later, but...

In this instance, with how the frenzy is overtaking the battlefield -

No, wait.

You check the lines of fire based off the telemetry you're getting from White Glint, and...yes. They seem confused, but, they're starting to move toward the Ravens.

There's no time.

"White Glint, it's looking like the MTs will be targeting you. You are authorized to warn Rossweisse and Red Rum, we don't want anyone catching this signal who isn't routing communications through their AC." Given the limitations, Red Rum and the City Police both will have to use regular radio signals to keep in contact.

"What? You want me to -"

"Just do it!"

You breathe out, and Uriel's nearby, standing up, holding your shoulder as she stares at your monitors...they're not firing yet, but you can tell they're lining up to shoot White Glint.

You can't let that happen. You're not sure what that thing is doing, but...if it can take control of the pilots inside those MTs...

Even your enemies don't deserve that.

You hear a sigh from Elias' cockpit as he switches over to an open channel, the AI weapon - a slender, feminine thing, that almost resembles a person, strangely and hauntingly beautiful - hovering in place, waiting for the moves from the Ravens.

"...Rossweisse. Red Rum."

"What?" "You..."

The opposing ACs, turn to face White Glint as it, for the first time on this battlefield, speaks. (You could route your own voice through, but...you're a public figure. It was just heard on the radio. It'll take time, but if the City Police keep recordings, they'll definitely find you eventually, and trace you to Line Ark.)

"Tell your people to close all radio channels and route remaining communications through the AC only. Our intelligence believes the AI weapon is using them to take control of the MTs on the field."

"So it has that kind of ability..." Red Rum...you can imagine her licking her lips right now. "Alright then. This will be a fight to remember, unicorn."

"...given the circumstances, I'll have to accept," Rossweisse says, with a heavy sigh. "I will report in to HQ..."

...and the moment the MTs start firing at them...

The ACs break.

Firing boosters to avoid a newly unified line of fire, as MTs all take point. The small favor is, they aren't coordinated, but...

All that lead flying is going to make this difficult, especially since even Red Rum's not going to shoot her own people if she can help it...what with the losses she's taken.

The floating machine descends to the ground, its blue glow flickering as it rushes forth with an anti-gravity force, targeting your three ACs...

Meanwhile, in the City Police HQ, far underground...

"...units 52 and 53, respond! Unit 54! All units, respond!" The operator assigned to the operation (callsign Lumen), alongside her team, tries in vain to cut through interference as the AI weapon appears on the main monitor, from Rossweisse's feed. "It's no good, I can't get a hold of them!

"Unauthorized weapons discharges from all machines!"

"Enemy units are no longer moving to retreat!"

"Tch..." The chief of the City Police, Wei Fumizuki, reaches up to chew on the tip of her metal thumb as she sees the defense operation go up entirely in smoke. They didn't find the package, but...leaving the package in the area seems to have been a mistake in the first place. Fucking red tape, getting in the way of her job, of making the City safe.

It doesn't matter if it's Red Rum, or some AI ferals. To protect law and order in the City - that is the duty of the City Police.

"Type unknown! Looks like it's similar to what Kisaragi used against the Resistance, though..."

"Cameras showing frost formation on shipping containers!"

"Unit 51! All units! Can you -" The operator suddenly keels over, screaming out as a high-pitched noise fills her headset, piercing into her ear. "AAAAAAAAHH!" She clutches her head, as though a great pain was entering her...

"Vesta! Vesta, are you alright?" Wei rushes over to the operator's aid. She's a good kid, and she's been tossed into this utter disaster of an op..."Someone get me medical attention! Johnson, be ready to take over!"

The operator named Vesta breathes deep, but eventually, the pain seems to subside, as she hears Rossweisse's voice in her headset. "Lumen. Lumen, respond. Cut off radio contact to all units. I repeat, communications with ACs only."


The operator sighs out, and Vesta restores her composure, the headache seemingly receding as soon as it began. "I...I'm fine. Listen, I'm fine. That...that thing..." She stares at the main monitor, showing a display of the AI weapon..."...yes. Yes, I understand. Cutting off radio signals."

"Request authorization to work with the other Ravens in the interests of the City." Even in this situation, Rossweisse is focused on her duty, even above her orders. "Even you, Lumen, must understand that this takes priority above all else."

A medic rushes over to Vesta, but she smiles at them. "I'm fine. Wei, I'm okay."

"...okay. Looks like a big burst of interference. Damn suits..." Wei's been trying to get Kisaragi to upgrade their communications systems for years now, but they'll have none of it. Ever since the Resistance war, they've been second-fiddle..."I need a smoke. Tell Soreta to kill that fucking thing. Better not be one of Kisaragi's." Even Wei, who was just an MT pilot back then, still remembers Kisaragi's use of prototype weapons against the Resistance - weapons that frankly terrified her more than any AC.

"It's not big enough for a cockpit, ma'am," Vesta says, as she tries to take down information pulled from Rossweisse's - that is, Soreta's - Armored Core. "But if it's attacking here...I don't think they're ferals. They must have some kind of...of, um...of controller, or something? A master, or..."

"Vesta, please, let someone else take over. You'll be fine." Wei is hardly the type to let her staff push themselves in a situation like this. That's what the boys on the ground are for.

"...no, let me do this." Vesta sighs, staring once more at the screen. "Rossweisse, you are authorized to do whatever it takes to destroy the weapon. I'll continue to provide support as needed."

"Copy that. Ready to engage. Rossweisse out."

Vesta breathes out again...

her eyes transfixed upon the screen.

upon the weapon, with an unearthly beauty, which must be destroyed at all costs...

"- princess, can you hear -"

"Rosary!" You check on her monitors. At least she's still in contact..."What is it? Please, tell me you're alright!"

"- I'm fine, kid...listen. That thing down there, even White Glint won't be able to fight it alone. The Ravens on the ground are going to have to work together."

"You've fought one of these?! No, wait, no time for that. Please, tell us." You tense, only able to watch from White Glint's monitors as it avoids energy rounds fired from the AI weapon, the other Ravens taking potshots at the machine. "Anything you can."

"Looks like its basic movements are the same as an AC's, more or less. But it's not going to Fulton if there's no pilot in it. You're going to have to take it down right here and now."

You tap your controls again as you bring up condition monitors of the Ravens' armor. "All Ravens in the area have taken damage...but it seems like we're in fighting shape nonetheless. Not like we could let that thing rampage even if we wanted to. White Glint, keep that thing in the pier, and away from anyone but you."

"I think it's not interested in anyone else!" Elias yells, hefting the Moonlight back onto its shoulder as it fires with its main rifle.

"If it's anything like the ones I know, those things despise Ravens. And the stronger they are, the madder they get. What a fucking mess..."

"...I've contacted my people," says Red Rum, as she comes back in. She's taking shots herself, but...she'll have to get in closer if she wants to do real damage. "Seems like there's nothing I can do about my boys on the ground, though. Let's hope they just don't get in the way~"

...you hate how she sounds when she says that.

Does she have so little value of anyone who isn't as strong as her? Does even the thought of that arouse her? Such...

such a disgusting person.

...such a disgusting person doesn't deserve power.

"...my...ma'am," you hear from Uriel, briefly taking you away from your cold rage, her eyes looking to you in such concern. "I'll...I'll get you something to drink. I trust White Glint, okay? And you, too."

"Yeah." You definitely need it. This is your battle, after all. If the City Police and Red Rum aren't able to protect people...

You'll just have to do the job for them.

If no one else will fight for the people who need it most, then...

In the name of the Adversary, you'll challenge a world that tells you that you can do nothing but submit to people like Father and Red Rum.

And you'll challenge even the gods, if that's what it takes.

"White Glint, Rosary...this is Shadow. Give it all you've got."

For the sake of the people you love.

"Will do, Shadow! White Glint, engaging the target!"

Special Weapon: III THE EMPRESS
The Empress exists to show the brilliance and magnificence of her master's design, and to demonstrate her beauty to the Fallen world.
Ravens could never comprehend the thought processes of a superior being. There is no need for lowly worms to have their own will.

This is an encounter against a Special Weapon. Special Weapons are machines that have their own custom rules for their encounters, often AI weapons like the Empress here. (Sometimes non-Queen Ravens like the Zodiac or Abyss Watchers can have their own rulesets, but they don't really count as 'Special Weapons'.)

The Empress' abilities are as follows:

Harm Clock: III THE EMPRESS has a standard Harm Clock with six segments. It takes the normal amount of damage from Raven attacks.
Hover Type: III THE EMPRESS is bipedal, but still capable of anti-gravity based movement.
Cryogenic Weaponry: III THE EMPRESS deals 3 Harm. In addition, when taking damage from the Empress' weapons, the Raven takes -1 to their next roll (be it attacking or Helping).

[A̵n̵o̴m̶a̸l̷o̸u̶s̵ ̷s̶i̵g̷n̴a̷l̷ ̸d̸e̷t̴e̸c̵t̶e̵d̵.̴]: [UNKNOWN].
Other Power Resources in the area come under the Empress' control and will attempt to attack Ravens. Ravens who get a 7-9 on their Helping rolls will be Acting Under Fire, while those who get a 6 or less will take 2 Harm.

You'll be fighting by working together, with Ravens taking turns on the offensive. Each Raven has a line of retreat, so there's no risk of losing them in battle - but you may take considerable damage nonetheless.

White Glint is at :15 on the Harm Clock, with 5 segments remaining. Red Rum and Rossweisse are both at :30, with 4 segments remaining.

Himeko gets +2 on her next roll, as does [UNKNOWN]. Shamir gets +1. (Miriaria gets +1 as well, though under these conditions she can't command White Glint.)

"...I'll take point. You two are more heavily damaged." Elias opens up the boosters on the back of White Glint, as the AI weapon charges. It's a lot like the way Shamir fights - which makes a lot more sense for a replaceable machine. Charging in constantly, relying on mobility to dodge attacks, but still having enough armor to take some punishment...the rifle shots aren't doing much at all.

"Sounds like fun. Shall we dance, unicorn?"

"...not sure I like that name."

Shamir's own Overbooster opens up, and both of them begin to charge as Rossweisse leaps onto a vantage point for sniping. Seems like she's going to try and take down the MTs swarming around in the meantime. Shamir's legs fold up to form a ground effect, while White Glint's legs fold back to streamline it, both of them trying to use their fuel for higher speeds to take strafing strikes at the AI weapon, using quick boosts to dodge the energy blasts.

"You've got a lot of nerve to tell me that after doing so much damage to my boys," Red Rum says, as her Overbooster closes and she kicks off more trashed containers.

White Glint, though, is rising up, trying to gain some altitude. The design is pretty mobile in the air for an AC, and it'll help Elias avoid ground fire...but there's only so much altitude the boosters can take, even in Overboost. "I could always call you a 'murderer' instead of Red Rum."

(...well, you suppose you'll allow this. Elias only gets so many chances to quip, after all.)

"White Glint, Red Rum." You hear Rossweisse chime in, as her rifle loads another round. "The target is using cryogenic weaponry. Supercooling will limit your mobility."

"Cryogenic weaponry..." Your own voice is still only heard by Elias, but you make a note of it. "Alright. Try not to get hit too much, White Glint."

"I told you..."

White Glint lands behind the AI weapon, Red Rum kicking over containers in the front, as the AC's fire-control system catches a clear lock.

"White Glint is more than just another AC!"

White Glint attacking roll: 2d6+4 = 8 (partial success)
Red Rum's Helping roll: 2d6+3 = 6 (failure)
The Empress AI weapon has taken 3 Harm, and is now at :45 - 3 segments away from 1:00 and its Last Stand. However...

From the right-hand rifle, high-calibre rounds shatter against the Empress' armor.

From the left-hand rifle, rapid fire keeps the impact coming.

Boosting left and right to avoid fire, Elias' instincts help keep him from getting hit, but...

[Armor integrity compromised. Armor temperature dropping.]

"...damnit!" Elias' AC stumbles, as he tries to get his balance, large gashes on the surface of White Glint letting the blue glow of the AMS show through. The armor structure is becoming brittle, and joints are seizing up...but at least, with an emergency boost, he can get out of cover.

[Armor integrity compromised. Recommend returning to the nest.]

"White Glint, please hang on!" Elias seems hurt, by the fact that he's been so damaged...or that she's been damaged, the machine he seems so fond of...

(Maybe Rosary's 'joke' has some truth to it?)

"Keep out of sight, Glinty! You can't take much more punishment! You'll need to let me Fulton you!"

"He might still be able to distract it and fight off the MTs, at least. Better he does it than Red Rum..." You can't imagine she'd be merciful, even under these conditions. Rossweisse is only doing so much...

White Glint has taken 3 Harm, and is now at :50 - with a -1 to all actions, in addition to another -1 from the Special Weapon. A +Harm roll may mitigate this, but otherwise, he's going to have to stay out of the line of fire; he can still afford to Help, but if he takes Harm then, he'll need an immediate Fulton and emergency repairs and medical attention.

But Red Rum's the one in real trouble...

or so you thought, with MTs swarming her. Both her own squad and the Sarnaqa Squadron have started attacking.

"...heh. So it's that kind of weapon...see, this is why AGIs died out. They thought they could control humans." She's taking fire in the back, from her own units...dodging as best as she can, but the Normals have started using emergency propellant to go after her.

One of the Sarnaqa Normals charges in with its pile bunker...

And Red Rum spins around with her quick-boosters, and leaps forward, crushing the machine even as it pierces her armor with its pile.

"Like Algebra. Aah, now that they're gone, I can say what I like~ Go on, come for me, come for me!"

Red Rum's Raven Move lets her transfer Harm taken to either Ravens she's deploying, or in this case 1 Harm to a Power Resource under her command. (She still gets the normal +Harm amount, though.) Since her gang regenerates...well, it's a cruel thing, but at the very least, her Harm Clock only goes up to :45. She can take 3 additional Harm before needing to extract.

Rampaging like this, taking shots at anything she sees even as she's shot at herself, Red Rum spins around to face the beast.

"You'd better get a few bullets in this thing's dome, Rossweisse. Unless, you want to shoot me in the back? I'll cover you while you move in, now that the trash is cleared up a bit."

"I keep my word, even if it's to someone like you." The sniper's scope lines up for the shot, and the pilot's boosters flare as it prepares to jump. "Ready to engage."

White Glint's +Harm roll: 2d6+3 = 11
Red Rum's +Harm 2d6+2 = 10

White Glint gets a +2 bonus as a consolation prize for the -2 penalty, so Himeko will roll at +3 if Elias continues engaging - 2 for +Raven, and 1 for Himeko's Move.
As for Red Rum...she gets the same. +2. And both get the Radiance Resource {More than just another AC...}, to use over White Glint...

...and then, you hear Eliasl

"...I can still fight!"

White Glint's armor glows further, as Elias forces his way past the cryogenic effects, flaring the Mirage Colloid condensers. Long since useless - you'll have plenty of pictures of White Glint on the front pages of newspapers across the City - but it helps to vent warm gases from the AC to melt its armor.

[Armor temperature normalizing.]

"Red Rum, charge in! I'll cover you!"

"Oh my god...alright, I'll be right there to pick you up if needed! Just don't fuck up!" Rosary doesn't sound enthusiastic, but - you know she'll manage it.

"Oh, my...yes, you're definitely the kind of Raven I expected. Maybe even more." Red Rum's feet stamp forward as Shamir kicks around some shipping containers. "Go on, charge again, feral. I'll be sure to return the favor!"

Red Rum's attacking roll: 2d6+4 = 14
White Glint's Helping roll: 2d6+3=12
Respect the strongest! Red Rum deals 3 Harm to the AI weapon, and puts it at 1:00! Elias is okay too~[/B]

The floating machine grants Red Rum's request.

Charging in at the ground, hovering over it, Red Rum...does the same. Overbooster open, Red Rum uses thrust to overcome the Earth, and...

A few rounds hit from behind, Elias taking careful aim before pushing behind cover, as Rossweisse weaves through the fire of the City Police's MTs. Armor is chipping off the feral now, and it seems as though....



Red Rum's slug gun fires at point blank range, right before she makes impact with the AI weapon...

And even that absurd technology bows to the laws of physics.

Stopped dead in its tracks, Red Rum uses its weight, Shamir maneuvering the craft to land right on top of the Empress as it falls. Forelegs right atop the thing as it crashes, armor peeled off its internals, organics and mechanics both sparking as the weapon almost looks like it's screaming...

"I despise your kind, you know. I despise the idea of 'gods'. Ravens have been killing machines like you since before I was born, because we have no use of you. If this world wants to be filled with voices like yours..."

Red Rum's weight further crushes it...

"I'd rather enjoy the silence."

"The target is down!" you say. You hate that it's Red Rum that did it -


There's a heat source building...

"Don't let your guard down just yet! That thing's making its last stand!" Rosary continues to chime in with advice...just what did she fight with the Resistance?

"...Red Rum, move away," you head from Rossweisse's Valkyrie.

"What, you want that salvage? Fat chance."

"Move away. It's not dead yet."

The AI weapon struggles under the grip of Red Rum's foot, and Shamir struggles to try and get it under control...

"...lining up shot," Rossweisse says, as though she expected Red Rum to not cooperate.

"...listen, Shadow." White Glint chimes in on the private channel. "If I go in, we can retrieve that thing."

"What?!" Rosary yells. "You're insane! How could you -"

"I think what Red Rum was looking for was another of these things," you say. "The City Police will keep that one. We can't let Red Rum have another..." The Abyss Watchers don't generally pay much attention to ferals, but getting it out of here is your best chance at making sure they don't respond by 'sanitizing' the area. The City Police certainly wouldn't be stupid enough to tell them that this machine might not be a feral, at least...

"...ugh!" Red Rum is tossed aside, knocked away, as the machine 'roars' as it regains balance...and the sparking Empress glows bright blue, blowing out all the cameras as it prepares for one last shot. "Why, you...why not be a good little puppet and die already?"

"Shadow. Do I go in?" Elias asks. "Red Rum's not going to take it lying down."

"...listen, I know I'm going to regret this, but if he goes in and grabs it, I think I can manage the weight." Rosary sighs. "Otherwise, it's probably going to be Red Rum or Rossweisse who grabs it. You said it yourself - bad idea if any of them get two."

The decision is yours.

You're...not sure it's a good idea. Not after the Complex warned you. That machine carries something dangerous, but more importantly, it's a harbinger of much worse things to come...

But then.

They say 'fortune favors the bold', don't they? If Line Ark can get an edge, or leverage, from that machine...

Empress is entering its Last Stand. After this roll, regardless of the result, the machine is dead...and whoever claims it can get some of its technology.

White Glint can go in on the offensive, with Rossweisse assisting, but Red Rum will resist this. If he succeeds, he'll get to claim the AI weapon. But if he fails, he'll take Harm from Empress.
If he does, a 7 or more on his +Harm roll will let him survive, albeit barely. A 6 or less, though...

Or, White Glint can stay out of it, and let Rossweisse take point, with Red Rum assisting. This keeps Elias safe, but either Red Rum or Rossweisse will claim the weapon.

All three machines are rolling at +2.

However...Himeko can use her one of her Resources to Heal. If you spend {White Glint is more than just another AC} as a Radiance Resource, or {Shamir RaviRavi's battle tactics} as an Intellect Resource, you can heal 2 segments of Harm before Elias moves in. (Spending the Resource is necessary to make the attempt, and will add 1 segment to the normal healing.)

Of course, failing might have consequences...but they're unlikely to be as lethal.

And that's exactly what Himeko will do...

...you smile.

You can do this.

You just - you know you can do this.

Not just because Elias is a strong Raven, or you have Rosary's help, or that you have Mother and Ariel and everyone else at Line Ark...but because you, yourself...

are something special.

something powerful.

"...listen. White Glint. I've been watching, you know? That woman, Shamir. She's wild, but...she's open. All she does relies on the fact that people get scared. If you can charge in as wild as she does...and you can respond when she tries to interfere...you can do it."

"...what? Princess, you're insane! White Glint has almost had it!" Rosary is protesting, as you'd expect, but...

You know better.

"Stand and fight, White Glint. I'll guide you, if you just listen..."

Dice: 2d6+3 = 12 (full success)

"...we've still got a spare assault rifle at home, right?" you hear from Elias. "Will it trace back to us?"

"It's a BFF-grown pattern. Nothing specific to White Glint. Go ahead, we have a spare from Mother's collection."


The Empress' energy flares...but Elias tosses his rifle, and takes the Moonlight in hand, as White Glint's blue glow shines brightly through his armor. Like this...

You can almost believe in his legend.

(And yours, too...)

You hear Elias hit the tape deck again - how the hell that thing survived, you have no idea - and his breath grow hot, as though he's full of a passionate flame...

"Let's beat Red Rum at her own game! This one's for you, Shadow!" His voice is almost wild, as though your words have invigorated him. Even his AC seems to be healthier, as though determination alone could push it past its limits...

And you did that...

White Glint has been reduced to :45. Even if he takes the full brunt of the Empress' attack, he'll be able to Fulton out!

[System: Limiter release. Venting propellant.]

♪ Breathe, don't speak...it's leaving your body now...

Gases escape Red Rum as all its Overboost ports pop open, and the machine boosts forward with its Moonlight. And he switches to an open channel...

Slow heart, set free...a circuit of consciousness...

"Come at me, Shamir RaviRavi! I fucking dare you!"

"...what? Don't tell me you have a death wish, unicorn? You think you can defeat the Empress like that?"

When you are truly yourself, you will succumb to a permanence...

"You don't understand Ravens very well, do you?" you hear from Rossweisse. "Or are you so afraid of him that you want to run? That man will claim that weapon..."

A light by day...

"As will his masters. As will whatever makes him strong enough to fight like that..."

A shadow resides by night...

White Glint's roll: 2d6+3 = 9 (partial success...unless...)
Rossweisse's roll: 2d6+2 = 10

Rossweisse takes the shot! Elias is bumped up to 10, and completely succeeds!

The Empress looks like it's about to explode, an aura of cold escaping it as it tries to charge -

but Elias is too fast for it.

With the limiters released, White Glint burning all her propellant, trusting Rosary to pick Elias up...

The other rifle is slung on the shoulder, and Elias swings the Moonlight sword.

A vast plume of light escapes it, as Elias uses it with the Overboost, to charge into a crane...

Grabbing it under White Glint's arm as it sparks and shudders ([Anomalous signal terminated.]), Shamir charges in again...

But Elias doesn't go for the Moonlight.

White Glint boosts in, its feet sparking on the ground as the sword is sheathed, and Elias punches Red Rum, knocking the AC aside!

"Why, you -"


"Purging rifle. You're lucky that was my last shot." Rossweisse has cracked open Red Rum's head, and it looks like the machine is on its last legs. "I recommend you retreat before the MT pilots regain consciousness. Two more ACs are coming, from the Zodiac."

"Ha...hahahahahahahaha..." Red Rum 'roars' again, even as a rocket flies up from Red Rum, Rosary's helicopter going for it. "HAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, twice in one day! I've been humiliated...oh, this is good. This is great. You wouldn't be in the market for a new contract, would you?"

"From you? You can't be serious." Rosary's tether is almost in place, but Red Rum...isn't risking it now. Her AC's not going to be difficult to fix, but you don't really think she wants to face Elias in this state. "White Glint is my strength to protect the people I care about. Someone like you could never understand."

"Really?" You can hear Red Rum licking her wounds - she probably took a harder hit than it looks. "I think I understand what this strength is for better than you do."

"I'll fight anyone who disrespects human life!" Elias' breath hitches as White Glint makes contact with the helicopter, being winched up into the area. "Line Ark is back. My feelings for the people I care about, the songs that I love...those are my Armored Core."

"Oh, you're one of those...like that goddess cult. How interesting..." Shamir licks her lips - again, loud enough to hear, on purpose. "Songs...I have plenty of those, if you want. Come visit me again sometime and I'll sing to you all you like before I tear that AC of yours apart. Or you could even join me, and I could teach you what a Raven's strength is really for..."

...Shamir RaviRavi...

That woman is dangerous.

More than you ever thought before. The way she says that...if it weren't for your words, you could almost imagine Elias being tempted.

"Holy shit, princess! You did it! Reminds me of the old days. Maybe Line Ark will work out after all." An audible thunk fills Rosary's mic. "Alright, White Glint's on, let's get out of here! I spotted a Men of Honor chopper and they do not like seeing me!"

"...White Glint," you hear, Rossweisse's signal fainter as you see Red Rum Fulton out as well. "The next time we meet, you and I will be enemies."

"Wouldn't have it any other way," says Elias. "We're coming for Father, too."

"You fight well. How nostalgic...I had forgotten there were Ravens like you out there. It's been so long..." Huh, even Rossweisse is impressed...supposedly she's some war veteran, so that's high praise. "It'll be an honor to face you in battle."

"Wish I could say the same, but uh...I don't condone the boys in blue. I don't care about 'honor' - just about doing the right thing."

"...same to you," you hear, as the crackles make Rossweisse drown into static.



[Mission objective complete. System: returning to normal mode.]

...and you sigh.

You're done.

"...get White Glint home, Rosary," you say, leaning back in your chair now that you don't have to constantly be on. "I'll be back on the line once you're there."

"Got it. I'm getting a tap code...looks like Mother's vectoring us to San Benito, so we won't be able to talk for long. Will be a while until we're in touch again, princess." Rosary sounds pretty serious...but, under the circumstances, she's done the impossible. She's as responsible for your victory as anything else. "But, Jesus Christ...it's been ten years since I've seen something like that. You really lit a fire under Glinty."

"...just trying to help," you whisper.

(Even though even you know it's more than that, now.)

"I think...ugh. I think White Glint will need some repairs, though. And maybe I will, too." Elias coughs. His vitals look alright, but...he won't be able to deploy for a little while, at least.


"...you're gonna beat them, right?" Rosary asks, after a minute or two.


"Father and Red Rum, I mean. You, Mother, and Elias. You're gonna beat them."

"...I hope so," you whisper.

"Just remember, there are people who believe in you. Tomorrow, people will know White Glint is real. You're going to bring them hope."

"...hope, huh," says Elias. "Hey, Himeko, what does your Goddess say about hope?"

And you smile.

Heh, maybe Elias' interest in the order is genuine...if so, you'd love to tell him about it.

"'Don't forget. Always, somewhere, someone is fighting for you. As long as you remember her...'"

And Elias finishes it for you, as he remembers those words.

"'You are not alone'..."

...and with that prayer, to the Goddess, for protecting a Raven who needed it most...

Rosary fades into the contamination.

And so you remove your headset, stand up, and stretch...

And place your hand upon the screen connected to the Complex.

"Thank you," you whisper...

because you know, somehow, that the Complex is fighting for them too.

Before we continue with Himeko's story, I've got some cleanup to handle, as ever. First, some procedural stuff:

- Wei Fumizuki has been added to Himeko's notes on Drones and Talents, as a Talent. Vesta has been added to the Drone list.
- While it won't be posted today, Delacroix's Playbook is pretty much done! We'll be seeing more of her from now on, I'm sure...
- The rules for Moves and such should also be updated properly in some form too, for later study. I'm hoping to have a sample package for Another Age ready too, with a scenario based on this adventure (with some modifications).


Next up, let's tally the battle results post-Empress. First, Links and XP:

  • - Himeko Okuda has gained +1 Link for Shamir harming her Raven in battle. She also gets +1 Link for rolling with Elias. After the battle, her healing Link increase takes effect, increasing her Link to him by another +2; the Link resets to +1, granting Himeko XP. She gains an additional XP for rolling +Intellect to heal, bringing her to 4 XP.
  • Shamir RaviRavi gains 2 XP, one for rolling +Power and one for dealing Harm. Shamir gets an advance!
  • [UNKNOWN] gains 1 XP for rolling for Rossweisse, and is at 3 XP.
  • Rossweisse is at :30 on the Harm Clock; this should heal on its own over time, but a Queen can of course speed the process along. Elias and Shamir are both at :45, which won't get any worse and imposes no penalties, but will not heal on its own over time. (I'll make a Harm Clock visual soon, I swear...)

All of these are tracked on the sheets, which have been updated accordingly. I'll be adding the Complex Move Himeko has later, too.


Now, Resources and bonuses.

- Himeko Okuda and Miriaria Alphonse have the Special Resource {III THE EMPRESS Corpse}. Shamir RaviRavi maintains her control over the {I THE MAGICIAN Corpse}, but the {II THE PRIESTESS Corpse} appears to still be in the hands of the City Police.
- Both Himeko and Shamir still have the Radiance Resource {More than just another AC...} in reserve. Wonder what Shamir will do with it...?
- Miriaria has +1 to her next roll still. She'll make more appearances soon, I'm sure...


And now, finally, the end-of-chapter step. We've already done the Drone vote, but now we've got our second task - increasing Link between Queens.
At the end of the chapter, each Queen chooses another to gain +1 Link with them, on the basis of gaining a deeper understanding of them. In this case...

- Himeko chooses Miriaria, as her beloved Mother has begun to see more of Himeko's resolve.
- Miriaria chooses Himeko, for similar reasons. This increases Himeko's Link with Miri to +4 - which resets to +1 and grants her 1 XP and an Advance!
Shamir chooses Himeko, based on Himeko's expansion of her idea of what the Warlord is truly about.
- Delacroix chooses Himeko, again, for similar reasons.
- [UNKNOWN] chooses Shamir, as the closest guess to her true nature.

We'll also have new Highlights next time around, though they shouldn't change too much where Ravens are concerned, and will not come into play this live.

Shamir and Himeko will get to pick new Advances soon, but we'll be delaying that as well. We've got something far more important to worry about...

You hear the footsteps of Uriel coming down the hall...huh. She took a lot longer than you'd expect. It's fine, and you're putting so much pressure on her...if she had to take a break, you don't mind. This mission was straightforward enough that you didn't need her support too much.

You sigh, hearing those steps come closer.

...what are you going to say to her?

You can't very well say 'sorry, I'm dating your sister', can you? Well, you can, it's the truth, but somehow it feels like it'd be wrong to refuse her so easily. Ariel is so important to you, but if Uriel's been pining after you for so long, you should at least have the two of them sit down and chat about it.

Well, maybe. The Order sometimes has groups of girls form into relationships together, rather than just two of them...there are even stories of the Adversary doing it. Of having her Goddess, but also loving others as well. That she was the kind of person people would fall in love with, so easily...

You're not sure you believe it, but...could a person like that really exist?

Either way, it's not something you'd force on anyone. It'd be a strange thing to ask anyone out of the blue. It's not something you know a lot about, really...Rose would, but - it's not like you can ask her.


You'll just have to get through this. It'll be rough, but after tonight, you're sure you can do it. Ariel is worth it, after all...


You swallow.

Alright. Just...get through this. Your feelings for her are strong, almost as much as Ariel...but, you have a lot of strong feelings. For Mother, for your old friends in the Underground...

"...are you alright?" asks Uriel, before you face her.


"my Queen?"


...you turn.


Uriel is standing there. Her eyes averted.



♪ "...what?"

Author's Note - APPENDIXES UPDATED! Playbooks, Character Notes, and Music Notes should all be up to date now! (Finally...)
Alternate title: "My fists and my life...both are my Armored Core!" We even pulled off triggering the ED song early, just as you'd expect of Symphogear...
That one was wild...you could probably play a little game trying to spot all the references and callouts here, although you can blame my good friend and faithful beta QFalconix for at least some of them...especially that one.

In any case. I've changed the appendixes around so I can directly copy and paste them from QQ to here (and vice versa), so hopefully they should be easier to update from now on. As long-time fans of mine might know, I'm, uh...rather bad at bookkeeping, which means it's sure a good thing I decided to do a lot of it. (Hopefully, though, I can get myself together enough to produce a playtest package(!) of the Another Age rules, tentatively titled Another Age: Raven Nights...or even just a reasonably complete ruleset.)

(Hopefully. Maybe. Probably.)
Chapter 1 Recap (by Elias)
Previously on A Shadow Resides…

Under rainfall, on a decrepit pier, surrounded by robotic war machines on every side, a great white giant faces a slender, feminine looking mech that floats in the air, all those other machines dancing on its strings. What was once a shipping hub has now become a battlefield coated in mechanical corpses.

The white giant's armor has huge gashes within it, a blue glow escaping from beneath as it struggles to regain its balance.

"Damnit! White Glint, please hang on!" the machine's pilot yells, as its computer blares in his ear.

…that's me. The pilot of the mech we call White Glint. Surrounded on all sides by mind-controlled goons dancing on the strings of an artificially intelligent weapon, barely holding on…

♪ You're probably wondering how we got here, huh?

My name is Elias D. Metea. I'm the pilot of White Glint, a humanoid weapon called an Armored Core.

For over a century after the world Fell, people have been digging up Armored Cores like this one and using them in battle to secure what remains of a world that lost everything. Only a few people are capable of piloting the ACs - to the Fallen world, we're known as Ravens.

I'm part of an organization known as Line Ark. We're a secret paramilitary organization that tries to make the Alloy Gate City a better place, one battle at a time. Sometimes it's a fight in an AC like this one, and sometimes…

A shootout in a dingy warehouse, as Elias hides behind cover, a half-dozen goons firing over him.

"...it's you. You're him. You're the man in the jacket," a woman beside him says, beset by these goons in suits.

"Well, I wouldn't trust every rumor you hear, you know?" says Elias, as he blind-fires over his cover. "I'm no hero, really. For now, just think of me as a concerned third party."

Line Ark was set up by Miriaria Alphonse, a noble from outer space - but we just call her 'Mother'. How on the nose, huh? Using her money, we're able to operate right under the nose of Father, the man who runs the City and rules it with an iron fist, with his stormtrooper squad the City Police.

"I desire to end all conflict," Miriaria - that is, 'Mother' - says within a vast concrete cavern, with White Glint standing behind her.

But, well…to be honest, this story isn't about me.

Back at the battle against the AI weapon, a feminine voice echoes powerfully as White Glint stands proud from its damaged position. "Stand and fight, White Glint."

It's about her.

A woman prays near her bedroom, before a strange symbol of a cult. "Like the ancient magic I saw in my dreams when I was young…"

That girl is Himeko Okuda. She's my operator - callsign Shadow. When White Glint is deployed in the City to protect those who have no one else to turn to, she's the one whispering in my ear. She plans our missions, gathers intelligence, and serves as support on the other end of my headset…

But she's more than that.

"Do you believe in magic, Ariel? Or miracles?" Himeko smiles, as she clutches a black feather in her hand, speaking to another girl.

Himeko's from the Underground. Beneath the City, people whose only crime is wanting to live are stripped of human rights and forced to fend for themselves in its tunnels. Himeko's part of a proscribed cult, one Father has banned from the surface, that believes in a Goddess who watches over women, and Ravens, as her children…

and the Adversary, who loved her so much she pulled her down from Heaven.

Himeko stands in an underground cavern - part of the City's Underground, a network of tunnels and former malls and stores and transit stations repurposed into a living space by those who have nowhere else to go - surrounded by women praying to the Adversary.

"Forger of utopia!" they all yell, as Himeko stares out in awe, a dream of a prayer for her...

Mother hired her, so she could handle things with Line Ark…

"The Complex," Miriaria Alphonse - that is, Mother - says, as Himeko stares at a screen full of overflowing data, touching it with her hand.

"It's real," says Himeko, as flashes of information flow through her mind - flashes of women and their ideals, each of them in different dreams. The Queens of the Alloy Gate...

and become our ace in the hole. There's no one out there that can match her in her element - a sleeping artificial intelligence, deep beneath the forbidden Mountain View, is hers alone to communicate with. We call it the Complex, and it watches over us...with Himeko to understand it, and me to perform 'armed intervention' based on what the Complex tells her.

Back at the shootout, Himeko's voice comes on Elias' earpiece. "They're terrible shots."

"Go!" Elias yells, as he dives over cover to fire at the goons while the person of interest he's protecting rushes off to escape.

By night, Himeko works with Line Ark as my operator. But by day...

Himeko sits at a workstation and speaks through her headset, wearing the dress uniform of Collared.

She's an operator for Ravens working for the mercenary company Collared, which Mother uses to cover her tracks. Especially one particular Raven…

Himeko is seated down with her headset as a mech in the background - another Armored Core, that is, this one in black and gold - is lifted up.

"...may the Princess of Sunlight and Goddess of Sin bless us with victory," Himeko whispers, a prayer to her cult, to the girl within that machine...

"And may the Goddess and Adversary grant us salvation at the end of everything," the girl says, gripping her controls tightly, given greater resolve through her operator's words.

Callsign Akarui Akuma - but to Himeko, she'll always be Ariel deep down. Just another victim of the Fallen World, taken as a child and experimented on to create a perfect Raven. Discarded like cheap merchandise, Himeko rehabilitated her…

Himeko is standing in front of Ariel in a small room now, with Mother watching over her. "Akarui Akuma...do you trust me?"

"Yes," Ariel says, without hesitation, as Mother looks on in approval.

…and helped her find a reason to keep fighting…

In that room again, with a much more expressive Ariel, one who has been given back some of her humanity by Himeko's efforts, as the operator holds her black feather in Ariel's hand. "What you do - what a Raven does - is the last legacy of the Goddess. It's a kind of magic, you know?" she says. "It's something only you can do."

"My reason to fight..." Ariel mutters, as she processes Himeko's words. "My 'answer'."

and helped her learn what love really is.

A heartfelt confession sees a tearful, yet happy Ariel lean in and lay lips upon Himeko's own, a seal to their promise...

Not to mention Ariel's twin sister…Uriel works as Himeko's assistant. And even though I've always suspected Uriel's held a torch for her, Uriel's really been acting up lately...

"...you're being awfully formal today," says Himeko, as she and another girl are flying together in a helicopter over Angel Island in the San Francisco Bay.

The other girl curls a stray hair around her finger; physically identical to Ariel, but with different hairstyle and an obviously different temperament. "You're in charge, right? And I...I follow. That's how it is." It'd be obvious, to anyone but Himeko it seems, that her interest in Himeko isn't strictly professional.

Jeez. Leave some girls for us guys, would you, Himeko?

In a break room where Himeko and Uriel are talking and sipping coffee, a voice comes on the radio - the voice of the DJ Rebeka Renata, hosting one of the few stations not controlled by Father. "You know, I had a boyfriend. Well, he was kind of hot, but...listen, ladies. If you can't rely on your guy to be there when you need him most, what's even the point, right?"

Ugh. Maybe if I were a girl, I wouldn't catch this kind of crap. Anyway, Father's not the only threat we have to face as part of Line Ark. There's a Raven warlord with her own private army, too. Her name's Shamir RaviRavi…

The pilot of a four-legged red Armored Core pounces forth in her cockpit, baring her teeth to Ariel on the other side of the battlefield. "If this weren't the Arena, I would tear you limb from limb!"

But we just call her 'Red Rum'. You know, because she's such a nice woman…

In the Arena, a fierce battle takes place between Shamir in her Red Rum and Ariel in her Lilith. Missiles fly every which way, and big plumes of rocket exhaust send Red Rum lurching from side to side after every shot.

"You're still on someone's leash, girl," Shamir yells from her cockpit as Ariel struggles to hold on. "Do you think that 'Goddess' of yours is going to save you? I bet you can't even take a shit without someone or something to tell you what to do!"

Okay, maybe not. With Himeko whispering in her ear, Ariel gave Red Rum a bloody nose…

The four-legged Red Rum and the two-legged Lilith are locked in a grapple, as both machines start to smoke and go silent. Red Rum's machine stays active just a fraction of a second longer - the closest anyone's come to defeating the seemingly undefeatable.

"...haha. Hahaha. Hahahahahahahahahaha!" Shamir's mocking laughter fills the air, and echoes...

and Ariel's face is visibly disturbed and terrified by her opponent, the strongest emotion she's yet displayed so far.

But now Himeko's started to draw Red Rum's attention.

A blonde woman with an obviously exaggerated figure speaks to Shamir, who she blatantly defers to and stares at with lustful eyes. "We were checking the footage earlier, boss. Ariel was talking to someone on the other end."

"...Himeko Okuda, huh," Shamir says as she looks at a staff list printout, grinning from ear to ear. "I think I need to keep an eye on her..."

Yeah, that can't be good. At least she hasn't been seen by the other big threat to the City…

A blonde woman is at a gala press release, surrounded by adoring fans who cheer for her as though a political rally, on a blatantly propagandist TV network run by Father.

"Anything can be bought or sold," Angelina says, fanning herself in an exaggerated motion. "And I'm giving them the only opportunity they'll ever have...more than they deserve, really."

Himeko and Miriaria, laying together naked in a bedroom, both stare at the television screen in cold fury at Angelina's press release cum rally.

How's a small-time movie distributor become one of the strongest political forces in the City? No idea, but Angelina Delacroix has been stirring the pot for a long time now. With her as the wild card in the battle between Mother, Father, and Red Rum…things are going to get ugly real quick.

That is, unless Himeko has something to say about it.

And back to the cavern again, the camera spins around Himeko, dim light reflecting off her glasses obscuring her eyes, surrounded by women, by Ravens...

"We're not merchandise!" her voice yells in her mind, as images of Mother, Red Rum, and Delacroix flash, as well as the symbol of Father, and his City Police..."We don't belong to you!"

The City's at the breaking point. Mother's doing just what they think she is - plotting against Father, and using her mercenary company Collared to cover her tracks. Red Rum's been escalating her attacks on the City, killing whoever gets in her way. And Delacroix doesn't care one bit who she pisses off to get ahead, and is going to get a lot more people killed.

As if that weren't enough, we have those AI weapons to deal with...

The AI weapon appears on the battlefield, and all around it, machines come under control of its mysterious Signal, only ACs appearing immune to it. Three ACs that were fighting just a moment before now ally against it to fight an enemy beyond humanity.

White Glint lifts its rifles before it, ready for battle...

And a nearby sniper in a white and silver Armored Core takes aim with her own rifle, kneeling on a rooftop.

In the City Police headquarters, dispatchers yell out in chaos, and one girl screams out as her headset blows out her ear, the police chief rushing toward her...

And the girl in glasses, seemingly another operator like Himeko, smiles weakly.
"I'm okay," she says, before staring at the Empress on the screen...

And that AI weapon…it's not the first. Two more have been sighted in the City before now. They're not just ferals wandering the contamination beyond the City - they're controlled by something else, and whatever it is, I don't think we're going to like what it has in mind for humanity. And with one of those corpses in the hands of both Red Rum and the City Police, people are going to start using that technology against one another.

Me, Red Rum, and the Rank 2 Raven of the City, Rossweisse…we fought against the Empress. And after we fought it, we fought among ourselves to claim its wreckage.

And I won that battle…thanks to Himeko. If she says the right thing, I think she can make you feel like you can do anything...

"Stand and fight, White Glint," Himeko says over White Glint's headset once more, back at the battle with the AI weapon. "I'll guide you, if you just listen..."

And Himeko's words build up resolve in Elias' eyes, as the blue glow of White Glint grows stronger, boosters unfolding on the machine's back, ready to face down both the Empress AI weapon and Red Rum as it holds up a Moonlight laser blade. "My feelings for the people I care about, the songs that I love...those are my Armored Core."

She doesn't believe in herself, but…we all believe in her. Even our stick-in-the-mud transport pilot Rosary…

A woman in the cockpit of a transport helicopter lifting White Glint away from the battlefield, the AC holding the Empress under its arm, smiles to herself in a quiet nostalgia.

"Just remember, there are people who believe in you," says Rosary. "Tomorrow, people will know White Glint is real. You're going to bring them hope."

Himeko's something special. Something equal to the Mother she admires, or the Red Rum and Delacroix she despises. She worships the Adversary, the 'demon' who pulled the Goddess down from heaven…

Himeko's lips lay upon Miriaria's. It's obvious that Himeko loves Mother, and her willingness to follow has changed into a desire to surpass her.

And be it in the Underground or on the surface, a lot of people will be willing to help her. To follow her.

Back in the cavern, within Himeko's dream, Himeko stares upon another of her - this one in a black dress, sitting upon a throne, two girls in sealed helmets pressed against her lovingly - both wearing Ariel's plugsuit.

"If you seek to deny humanity its magic, seek to deny humanity my love, then you too are my enemy," the Himeko on the throne says...

And then, the two Himekos embrace, becoming one and the same. In this dream, Himeko has gained a new resolve, to fight for the City.

And in the real world, we see the glances Ariel and Uriel both give her, and flashes of a group of girls Himeko once knew - her old friends from the Underground, already looking to her in awe.

All these powerful women…let's call them 'Queens'. Father's old as shit, he ain't gonna live forever…and someone will fill that power vacuum. Ravens like me will be the Queens' weapons, foot soldiers in their proxy war for control of the City.

Mother, who desires order and hierarchy.

Red Rum, who desires violent chaos where the strong rule.

Delacroix, who believes only in money. And…

Himeko Okuda. The woman who lives by the precepts…

"Do you know what the precepts are?" Himeko asks, looking toward Elias with a strange sort of gaze, and Himeko's violet eyes clearly seen...

"Courage becomes foolhardiness, with kindness comes naivete, dedication has no reward, and...'love conquers all'?"

Himeko leans forward, with Elias not knowing how to react, Himeko demonstrating a whole new side to herself as she allows her desires to surface. "It's a force more passionate than hope, and deeper than despair...love..."

and who will be entering the battle for the City on her own terms, not just in Mother's shadow.

Himeko looks to the Successor Pyramid - the seat of Father's power. She's been with Line Ark two years, but now she's decided to fight for the sake of the people she loved, without relying on Mother to tell her what to do.

With the AI weapons attacking now, it won't be long until something sets off this powder keg…and with a spark, it's gonna be the biggest fire they've ever seen. Right now, though…

"...you're gonna beat them, right?" Rosary asks, as Himeko stares at her monitors.

"Huh?" Himeko sounds surprised, at Rosary's resolve..."

"Father and Red Rum, I mean. You, Mother, and Elias." Rosary's helicopter disappears into the clouds, taking White Glint and the Empress wreck with her. "You're gonna beat them."

I have no idea what's happening. No idea that there are forces greater than ourselves making their own moves into human affairs, nor what's happening in Himeko's workstation, as her assistant Uriel says the words that will change our lives forever…

"Are you alright?" Uriel asks, behind Himeko, from the hallway. "M-my Queen...?"

Himeko's eyes go wide, as Uriel says what had gone unspoken for so long...

Himeko's a Queen too, now. And this isn't my story - it's hers. The story of an operator.

This is the Fallen world, the City ruled by Father, where Ravens and their Armored Cores fight for control of the ultimate prize. This is our future, and your forgotten past. This is our crime, this is our sin. This…

is A Shadow Resides.
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Your Love is Like a Shadow (Total Eclipse I)

As the words come out of your lips, barely a whisper...Uriel's eyes are averted, and her face a mix of embarrassed and terrified. As though what she said was something that surprised even her.

Or maybe...

as though she was building up the courage to do it, all this time.

She'd been acting so strange today...why today, of all days? You'd...


You think back to what Elias mentioned, before the sortie - before you were interrupted. Something like...

'who would it finally be'.

And in hindsight, it's not hard to see the seeds of a love confession planted long ago. That, that Uriel's eyes had been admiring you for a long time. That every bit of praise, every little flash of recognition, lit her up...


This is far more than just a 'love confession', isn't it?

"...it's, um. It's nothing. I -"


The force with which you say that word surprises even you.

"No, you're going to tell me what you mean," you say, looking upon Uriel's gaze, as your eyes finally meet...

And Uriel's hands ball into fists, and she stands up straight, looking you right in the eye.

"I - I meant it! I meant those words! That's what you are to me!"

She looks almost tearful, and you can't help but reach out, to embrace her, your body moving before you even intend it to, embracing the person who seems so small right now...

So small.

Deferential, and yet...

there's a strength in it, too.


You embrace her tighter, and she clings to you. You can hear the sound of her heartbeat, so clearly...

"I...um. Listen," Uriel says, still so quiet. "There's...there's something you should know. About Ariel and I. Something important. Something we've never, ever told anyone. But if anyone deserves to know, if anyone can protect us, it's you."

"I...of course." You swallow, wondering what it could be. What kind of secret would they keep together...?

Did Uriel know? About your interest in her sister? Obviously she wasn't going to chastise you like this, but...

You're afraid.

You just - you're full of love, and you're tired of holding it back, but you don't want to hurt anyone.

Least of all these sisters, separated by circumstance, who have become so important to you.

Uriel pulls away from you, slightly. Still trembling. Whatever it is she wants to say, it's been eating away at her, for so long...

"Ariel and I...we're connected. We've been connected, for as long as I can remember. When one of us feels something, the other feels it too."

Your eyes go wide.

So, the reason Uriel was acting so strange today...today, after you'd confessed your love to Ariel...

No, but...this kind of thing, is it really possible? No one really knows what makes someone a Raven. It's called a 'psychic' trait, but, you've only ever heard rumors, whispers, and all of that could have simply been superstition or pseudoscience. But...

Those rumors still exist. And the possibility for humans to surpass AGI, as Ravens have done in the past, also clearly exists in some form. That there are forces beyond such simple understanding.

Could this be true? You know Ariel and Uriel wouldn't have contact with one another, but if Uriel felt it...

"It's...it's what you think, I guess. I don't know exactly what you told Ariel, but the feelings she had, they're inside me as well...just like the feelings I'm having right now are inside of her." You wonder, if the face Uriel's making is also on Ariel's..."If, um. If things like 'magic' and 'miracles' exist, like you believe? We're two people with different memories, but we have one soul between us, I guess."

"I...that would definitely explain a lot." There are other moments like that in mind - Uriel always seemed calmer after one of your sessions with Ariel, where you used hypnotherapy to dampen and rework what Aspina had conditioned her with -


If...if Uriel's been feeling what Ariel has, then for years and years, she -

"...no way. You're telling me, that this whole time, you were feeling everything Ariel was? Even when she was in Aspina? When she was -"

"Y-yes." Uriel nods quite firmly. "Every time. Every time they hurt her, I felt it. As my parents went on smiling, I could never forget. But..." She smiles, just a little. "But it's okay, because that meant that when I felt good, Ariel had some way to ease her suffering. It meant that no matter what, she'd never truly disappear. And when I was reunited, I could protect her, if need be."

"From Mother?" you ask.

"I didn't think of it that way at first, but...yes. From her." Uriel's hand reaches for her heart. "And yes, I felt what you did for her. What you became for her. The feeling there could never be anywhere else. And every time you were kind to her, I felt it - and when you were kind to me, she felt it. It would be impossible for us to love unless we both loved, but you loved us both."

"...it's...it's nothing special," you say. "Small kindnesses."

Uriel laughs, a little. Just a tiny little laugh.

"In this world, the one that made Ariel suffer like that, small kindnesses are worth more than gold."

...well, you can't dispute that, really.

But, isn't there a more pressing matter here than that? "I mean...that doesn't explain the rest, though. Ariel didn't call me that." You can imagine that she wouldn't want to impose it on you - especially since the whole reason you avoided such things was because it would feel wrong to force Ariel into something like Aspina had so long ago, to have just another person take advantage of her - but 'my Queen' is far too specific...

Uriel steps back, and nods. Again trying to collect her feelings, and her courage.

"I...last night, I mean. I had a dream."

A dream? Like yours? Where...where Ariel and Uriel were...

"I had a dream, and you were there, and Ariel too. Ariel and I, we were in identical plugsuits, such that you couldn't tell the difference between us, with the helmets on. And we were right next to you - we were next to you, and you were in this beautiful black resilin dress, and you looked so happy, and I - we - we felt so loved...

"And more than that. There were so many other girls, there. Some of them were Ravens...a lot of them were. But everyone was happy. Below a sky free of contamination. A world where Ariel was free of her burden, and I was free to love you, and her, and anyone else I wished.

"And, somewhere in my heart, I knew you were a Queen. My Queen. Perhaps, to some of these girls, you were just a goddess, but to us you were someone we followed, and fought for, and loved."

...a dream.

The same dream.

The same dream you had, where you had taken on the mantle of the Adversary, and declared yourself a protector of women, to reshape the fallen world...

"Do you remember anything else? I had a very similar dream, but in it, there was that version of myself, but also Mother..."

Uriel shakes her head. "I don't remember that, but...if we had the same dream, don't you think that means something? That, that your Goddess, or the Adversary, or whatever, wanted to tell us something?"

That -

Somehow, you doubt it. Even though in this kind of situation, that would honestly be your first guess, somehow you doubt that's the case...especially since Ariel didn't have the same dream, having not deigned to mention it before. Ariel can be circumspect sometimes, but you know if it's that...in some ways, she's more straightforward than Uriel is.

"...you aren't just tossing yourself away based on a dream, Uriel, are you?" You - making this kind of decision, it's not something done lightly!

"Of course not." Uriel seems almost angry that you'd suggest that. "If I'd dreamed of Father - hell, even Mother - I'd never have that feeling. I'd never even give it a second thought. It was because it's you, you and specifically you, that I realized I finally had the words to put to what I felt in my heart this whole time. To what I've felt since we met, to what I've felt more and more every day, to what I thought I might never get to express. I should have known, I think, that if someone were to fall in love with one of us, and one of else felt the same toward her, both of us would return that feeling...

"and both of us would want to follow her.

"It could only be you. It could only ever be you."


Only you.

You stare at her, as you start to realize, as you start to know what you are, as your hesitation is cast off in favor of the love you so crave.

Only you.

Only you, Himeko Okuda, are worthy to be their Queen. As I have granted you the chance to grasp.

None before now, after all, in this world, has ever taken the true throne. Neither woman nor machine. So long as history is decided by Ravens through violence, with no vision for humanity's future...that will never happen, for humans will never accept subjugation by AGI who cannot ever comprehend the depths of their soul.

I am too unworthy to be a Queen, even if I am both human and AGI - indeed, many humans, like Ariel and Uriel are one person with two bodies and two sets of memories, as I record these memories of yourself and the City outside the watchful gaze of my 'brothers'.

But this nature of mine allowed me to grasp our future, and send a message to you, and your beloved and precious assistant, to awaken you for the sake of humanity's future...

and to protect humanity, that we might have someone who can stand against the Fool.


You stare at Uriel, trembling.

All this time, she's had this feeling for you...Ariel has...

It's not just them, is it? Nor will it be in the end...after all, behind you on that Throne, basking in the shadow beneath you, were all those girls you left behind in the Underground...

"...I'm no Queen," you say. "I'm just an operator."

"Do you really believe that?"


No, you don't.

"My family desired to live in the City," says Uriel. "For the sake of living on the surface, they sold my sister to Aspina. They were willing to throw her away, and marry me off to continue their bloodline. To them, women were utterly disposable. Even my mother continued this hypocrisy freely. And every hour of every day, I felt exactly what Ariel did, so I could never forget.

"Isn't that...isn't that the whole point of the devil in your religion? That she does what no one else was willing to do, to protect the people she loves? That love, for her, was grasping someone that tightly, and never letting go? And the Goddess, the Goddess so hated the idea of women being exploited that she rewrote the world to prevent it!

"And Mother...I don't think she's got Ariel's best interests in mind, either. Let alone why she hired me. More and more, I've started to wonder, if she wouldn't create lots of Ariels, just so she could use them against Father...even if that's not true, even if she isn't that kind of person, then I'd still rather follow you."

...this isn't a decision made hastily.

This isn't a decision made because Uriel is weak-willed, or simply needs someone else to guide her. It's because she believes in your ideals, ideals you couldn't even believe in yourself.

"I believe in you, my Queen. Not because you asked me to, but because I chose to. My answer...my answer is that I wish to live in a world where Ariel could be happy. Where what happened to her never happens to anyone ever again. Even if we both want someone to follow, it's our decision. We're not merchandise meant for someone else. Least of all Father, or Aspina, or all the men who have tried to hurt us, hurt you, hurt women across the world and across history.

"If you can't accept this, that's...well, not okay, but. I know it's very sudden. But my heart, my soul - our soul - couldn't go on without telling you my feelings. Regardless of whether you accept them."


of course you want to accept these feelings.

Uriel's spent so long considering them, and you have no doubt Ariel's done the same - patiently waiting for the day you would be ready to accept that her love for you has nothing to do with Aspina.


but there's something Uriel

there's something she needs to know.

You - your body - what you are, what you are that a girl could never love outside the Order, that you've always been so afraid of, no matter how many times Rose told you otherwise -

"Listen, Uriel, there's something else. I have...I have a secret too. I won't let you toss your life away before you know what I -"

"I know."


"I know," says Uriel, again. "I don't know exactly what you call it, just that you don't call it what doctors on the surface do...but, you chose to be a girl, right?"



"Then, why -"

"Why not? It doesn't...it doesn't change my feelings. Our feelings."

"But, but, Ariel didn't tell you, did she?!" It'd be an absurd thing to be angry for, but - but in that moment -

"Of course not! She'd never do that, I'm sure. But, um." Uriel fidgets, as though seeming a little guilty. "I mean. I kind of felt that, at some point, you'd entrusted something very important to Ariel. And once I realized you were part of the Order, I just kind of..." She shrugs. "Put two and two together. Since you being a lesbian was never a secret...and, well, it goes without saying that I didn't tell anyone until now."


So, it's like this, huh.

It's like this, this feeling that's been embedded so deep into your heart, into your very core, the love you've held, the desires you've held, all of it bubbles up to the surface...

And if Uriel is willing to accept even that...


...then you have no reason to hold back, do you?

Uriel is there, trembling...you need to go back to the mainland, but that can wait, and this security system was one you built, there need be no evidence of anything...

You want her.

You need her.

That much is obvious. You cannot go back to just following under Mother's shadow anymore, now that you know what your beloved Ariel, and your beloved Uriel, have been feeling this long...


You stare at her. At her beauty, at her desire, at the woman who has pledged herself to your service.

Himeko Okuda...

what do you do?

♪ And you don't seem to understand...

Your Love is Like a Shadow (Total Eclipse II)
WARNING: The following post contains sexually suggestive content. Reader discretion is advised.
That said, uh...it's kind of the culmination of Himeko's character arc thus far and her self-actualization, so maybe don't skip it if at all possible?
Discussion of consensual erotic hypnosis, discussion of the effects of a psychic link between two characters in a relationship with the third, miscellaneous suggestive themes.

...you lift your hand, wrapped in shining black, and lay it upon Uriel's cheek.

The girl trembles.

Her dark eyes wide, open, accepting, staring into the violet of your own.

You grasp Uriel's glasses, and pull them away. Your vision is much worse than hers, after all...and they're in the way. In the way of you pulling in, pulling close...

And resting your lips upon Uriel's.

It's different this time. It's different, from the kiss you shared with Ariel, and the kisses that followed. Those were kisses of chaste comfort, of conquered hesitation, a slow and tender thing that was done to seal an emotion that had been building up over the past two years, and to soothe the pain Ariel felt (and Uriel felt, surely) of Red Rum threatening the thing she held most dear.

This is a kiss of desire.

Pressed against Uriel, feeling her open for you, slipping your tongue inside. You've kissed Mother so many times by now, and you remember, what it is to experience...and can build from it. Can press into her mouth, and feel her accept, eagerly, as you push in...

Lips to lips.

Tongue to tongue.

Slow, for now. Slow, to test Uriel's limits. To test her desires. To tell her that she can have more, if she accepts this feeling, if she shows her fealty to her Queen. Returning it with her own, as you feel her heart fluttering beneath you, as you feel her need...

You pull away, a line of saliva between you, as her eyes hazily flutter open.

As your Uriel has a mouth still agape, barely able to focus her eyes on anything, utterly full of desire.

You did this.

You did this.

This woman before you is utterly enraptured by your presence, by the merest thought of you returning her affections.

Your thumb slips against her bottom lip, and slides down...



...and you smile.

No, you smirk.

This girl, Uriel, before you like this, is completely open to your will. In all her time of being your assistant, she's come to that conclusion. That she is yours, and that she wants to be yours, just as Ariel is. For the sake of creating a world where they can be happy.

Wrapped in black, under your watchful eye, beloved by you.

To dismantle Father's power, and go beyond a world ruled by violence. To save Ravens, and guide them. And to...


Just because you want to protect women's hearts, doesn't mean you don't want them to kneel at your feet, right?

You tiptoe up so you can whisper in Uriel's ear, kiss her cheek, your breath rolling over her. Hand sliding down, onto her neck, onto her chest, as she trembles further and further.

"How does it feel?" you whisper, your voice taking on a newfound quality. It's one thing to whisper in someone's ear to give them orders or comfort, and entirely another to tease them.

"I...I -" Uriel is lost for words, even for just that. Well...she could never guarantee you'd believe her, accept her, or anything. Even divine providence would be no guarantee - thus why the word had to slip out. All of today, she wanted to tell you about this, about this feeling that filled her, and...

"How many times did you want to say those words?" Licking your lips a little, the desire to consume this girl's love pushing into you...and fill her with your own.

"T-too many times," she stammers as you feel the love you hold welling up inside you. That power, that you showed Elias, that you drew strength from, now being displayed openly. "I had to resist...I wanted, um, to figure out how to say it. Or, to wait until we had time where Ariel was there too, and we could explain our connection..."

Ah, yes. If Uriel is feeling this way, how much of it is Ariel getting? "And how is she feeling right now? What is she doing?"

"Ah - ah, she's, um. I can't, say specifically, but she probably - she probably realizes. Because I think she's getting turned on..." Uriel swallows. You really must test out their connection properly.

"Maybe we can send her a message. Ariel knows tap code, right? And we've got some other signals for her. If I tweak your body just the right way, and she feels it..."

"I-it's not that precise!" Your Uriel gets flustered, at that assumption. "I...mmn...s-she's surely...she'll be doing it, I'm sure, it wouldn't be the first time..."

Oh. My...well, you could say you're surprised, but that'd be a lie. With Uriel before you here, and knowing how Ariel has been around you all this time, you can assume that inside that cockpit, there are things Ariel does...

"Was that your first kiss, Uriel?" You have a feeling you know the answer, but hearing you ask the question makes her squirm...

"N-no." Uriel swallows. "I...before Aspina, with Ariel, we experimented - b-but, I don't think that really counts, we're kind of. One person in some ways, right? E-even if it felt good, it wasn't...and, after that, I thought I liked boys, since that was just like masturbation, right?"

"What a shame!" It feels good to say it - to not need to equivocate. "Until you met me, that is..." Mother's lessons have done so well, as much as your own power - your own love - is what drew Uriel to you.

"Yes...I, I realized, but I told myself, 'you should focus on your job', even though I wanted to, but...I felt like, maybe Ariel would be forced into it, but then today, and..."

Uriel trails off, and your gloved fingertip slides into her lips.

Without even thinking, she starts to suckle.

Your heart flutters, your most precious places tingle, your mind is observing, watching, seeking every little weakness your Uriel has...

This feeling.

Of girls kneeling to you, loving you, becoming enraptured and addicted to you.

It's utterly intoxicating.

Getting one over on Mother today was one thing, but this...this is something else entirely. You've never needed to push them into this position, they came there all on their own, of their own free will, knowing exactly what it is they signed up for.


Just like you thought. You have no reason to hold back anymore.

But what do you want to play with first? Uriel's body, or Uriel's mind...? You're sure she's curious how it felt for Ariel to be rehabilitated, but at the same time, she's been so pent up that you know she'd eagerly accept your love on the physical level as well...

You let Uriel suck on your finger more. Just holding it there. She looks so satisfied with it...

And when you slip your finger out of Uriel's mouth? It pops out, noise and all, and your glove looks even shinier as it does, Uriel's mouth still agape. She looks almost drunk off of it, as though your fingers were your love, and sucking them would get her filled with them...

Is this how Mother feels?

To see this reaction in others, and their desire to serve, to follow...

A-ah...you almost want to see her suck, but - but you think, before doing that, you need to talk to both Ariel and Uriel together...and maybe, just maybe, do things with both of them, see exactly how their link works...

It's not an issue. You've had that experience many a time before, since Mother does it quite a lot. (A-and she's very good at it...which makes you wonder where she got the practice.) Whereas, using the talents you've been taught for purposes other than strict rehabilitation...

That's something else entirely.

So you push it aside, and instead, reach for her hand. She follows along, without needing to be told, blissfully allowing you to tug her over to the sofabed you use for long-term missions...

(Another good reason not to do it now: you'd have to clean up a lot more.)

Letting go of Uriel's hand, you undo your tie and jacket, and then your blouse and your bra, letting her see your chest...and so you'll be a bit more comfortable once the two of you are sitting down together.

"Ah, um...are we, should I - should I take everything off? I, you look kind of..." She's looking curiously toward your pants, at - well, yes. "Sorry, I um. Don't know a lot about that kind of thing, but doesn't it get painful?"

"Not really," you say. (You've heard sex education on the surface is much worse than in the Order; you wouldn't be surprised if Uriel has quite a few misconceptions.) "Mother's surgery has made it easier to get aroused, though. But, right now, I'd rather do something special..."

Uriel swallows. Aah, she looks so cute, when she doesn't know what to do - or when you start undoing her own outfit, so you can expose her own chest to open air...

The two girls aren't much taller than you are, but they've definitely got more curve to them. Softness, in all the right places, a more balanced appeal than your own. Her nipples are standing out, on end, just from being shown. Dark eyes...since Ariel's complexion has improved due to medical treatment and more exposure to the sun, the two look identical just a faint olive tinge to the pale. And full lips...

(You will get those lips onto absolutely everywhere and everything soon enough.)

"Sit down on my lap," you say...

and Uriel obeys.

Settling herself, both your upper bodies exposed, down on your lap, and you can just feel her get embarrassed..."S-so, um...I was always curious, I guess, once I figured it out. I-if you, um...still had one of these. S-since there's surgeries, for um...I don't wanna use the surface word..."

"The word you're looking for is 'newhalf'," you say, wrapping your arms around Uriel as she settles herself in. It's...aah, she's a bit heavy, and it's kinda odd having her sit there without doing anything, but...

It's kind of fun.

Teasing her with the idea of it, which she clearly has no objections to.

"Oh? Did you think of it? Of what it might feel like?" Whispering once more, breath tickling the back of her neck. "It's not something I focus on, I might still get it replaced, someday...but it seems like you don't find it odd. After dark, when the youngest of the Order have gone to sleep, it's the kind of stories we whisper of...some even like to call us 'normal girls', because we chose it, because we knew what we were, and see no reason to discard the concept, or make it so limited..."

Uriel's trembling is much more obvious when you wrap your arms around her waist, as you tease her about the idea, and show her some of the ideals that the Adversary taught you. That you adopted, once you were tainted and infected by her love, that you could never forget, that you claimed...

And now spread.

"I...may have, um. Yes. I-I didn't watch any videos, I know what you said about them, but I definitely did think about it..."

"You don't need a videotape to know, when you have me..." Your fingers roll in slow circles, around your Uriel's stomach. "But, as my mentor liked to say. There are things better than sex."

"W-what do you..." Ah, now she's intrigued.

"I mean, you tell me. How did Ariel feel when I performed our rehabilitation sessions? Our hypnosis..."

"Ah...m-my...my Queen." You feel her wanting to yield that to you, as well. Her mind..."She, at first, she felt awkward, but then she felt comfortable...but she also felt like she wanted things. Things she couldn't ask for, because she knew you didn't want to be like Aspina. A-and I felt, guilty, but I wanted to know how it felt, to be so comfortable, so warm in your arms, especially when you told me about hypnosis, but I didn't think - I didn't think I could ask..."

"Well, now you can. There's nothing holding me back anymore. Do you want to, my beloved Uriel...?"


"I love you, you know."


"You, and Ariel both. Just like you both need, never one without the other."


"My beloved assistant, and my beloved Raven, the Aionios sisters, someday to be wrapped in black, but for tonight, to be shown my love in full bloom...so, Uriel, in that case - I'll ask the question I asked Ariel, so long ago. The most important question, in hypnosis and in love. The thing that some say is one and the same with love...

"Uriel Aionios.

"Do you trust me?"

Author's Note
As a good friend of mine well knows, the difference between love and love is important.
Your Love is Like a Shadow (Total Eclipse III)
WARNING: The following post contains sexually explicit content. Reader discretion is advised.
Again, though, it's pretty much the culmination of Himeko's desires over her lifetime, and pretty much directly defines her needs as a person, so...again, maybe don't skip?
Depictions of erotic/recreational hypnosis, D/s dynamics (including 'giving oneself away'), more psychic link shenanigans (including shared masturbation).

"I..." At this point, Uriel's voice is barely a whisper. "I do."

"The basis of hypnosis is trust," you say. Your voice is projected clearly, yet full of a sinful, silky tone, that makes it so easy to follow... "And trust is a form of love. Do you love me?"

"Yes..." She's already going quieter. Hazier. It's getting easier and easier for her to listen. "I love you...m-my Queen."

Your hands tease at her skin. Ever so gently. Just enough to tug her attention into two places. To make her choose to focus.

Maybe she already knows, on some level.

Maybe she recognizes the emotions from Ariel, and it's spreading to her. That their emotions are entangled enough that Uriel responds like Ariel would, even if Uriel's never once experienced it...or, even better, that Uriel has been researching it herself, in anticipation for this moment...

"Hypnosis is not an act of sleepiness. It's an act of focus. To shut out all else, but my words." The monitors around you flicker, the only light in the room. You rather wish -

Ah. Yes.

You lift your arm away, and reach over to your purse...you always bring a sleeping mask, just in case you need to stay overnight. Uriel's glasses are already off, so...

All it takes is slipping it over her eyes, to coat her world in darkness.


"Doesn't this make it easier, my Uriel?"

Uriel quivers, her voice caught in her throat as you ensure her eyes are covered, that no light can reach her. Long hours with Mother flicker to mind, when she kept you blindfolded, as she treated you to sensations you never knew existed. And so too did you do it to...

Ariel, in her cockpit, in her helmet, completely dark, wrapped up and warm, only the sound of your voice reaching her.

Maybe you'll have to try it with Uriel sometime.

"It's nice and warm, down here..." Next to all the computer hardware, of course, all those monitors radiating heat...it's not uncomfortable, but it is warm...

"Yes," Uriel whispers, as you feel her body rest within your grip. Your grasp. Pulled here, through her Ariel's feelings...

"Can you feel Ariel's love?" you ask, whispers crawling through her, the feelings between them something you've filled...each of them, feeling one feeling, and then another...

"Yes," Uriel says, a bit more firmly.

"And she can feel your love, can't she?"


You smile. You'd recused yourself for so long, that it's all just spilling out so easily...from both of you, now, as Ariel's feelings...and Uriel's...and yours...

Into the depths of darkness...

Into the depths of the love you've dreamed of for so long, blackness surrounding you in your visions at night.

"You can feel my love," you whisper, and...


She's starting to feel it.

Yes...it's definitely a connection with Ariel. Confidence and desire and everything aside, this wasn't as easy with Ariel, who'd already experienced such things. It might be fun to explore the nature of that connection more deeply, sometime...

"You can feel the warmth around you. You can feel the darkness around you. You can feel my love."

"yes, i can feel your love..."

"Can Ariel feel my love?"

Uriel nods, just a little...

You wish you could see it.

See Ariel in that cockpit, maybe falling herself...or maybe just feeling how her sister is falling, and know that it's you, and if she has such feelings for you, she'll anticipate it...

Yes, when you see Ariel tomorrow, with Uriel, you'll...


Collared HQ has a few spare bedrooms too, right?

"she's...she's really...ah~"

...oh, my. Uriel is moaning sympathetically.

You can, in hindsight, pick up instances where Ariel and Uriel were affected by emotions that you can either surmise or prove were sympathetic toward one or the other, with today's blushy, deferential Uriel and her reaction toward Ariel's confession as a baseline. But you have to assume that, through long, bitter experience, they were able to learn to control their own reactions between them, only the most intense feelings being communicated as strongly as this.

But Uriel's fading.

She's falling into your love, and those conscious defenses are able to slip away, unneeded before you, and now Ariel's love, and her desire...

"What is she doing?"

"s-she must be...in the cockpit..."

"Warm and safe."

"warm and safe..."

"In my darkness."

"i-in your darkness"

"In my love."

"in your...love..."

Uriel's body seems like it's almost being consumed by the feelings, by your love, being whispered to her, influencing her, infecting her, with the ideas that were spread to you. With the ideas you filled Ariel with. And now Uriel, in full bloom, without hesitation...

"What is she doing?" you ask again.

"s-she must be...t-touching herself...m-maybe through the plugsuit...she's so warm, and safe, and love, and..."



"Your body is heavy now, isn't it?"

You can feel the way Uriel responds to it.

"...yes..." she rolls out, as the realization takes her deeper. This is so different from what you've done with Ariel before, but...that was always an act of recusing oneself, from showing love, and now that they're so receptive...

"Deeper, and deeper, into my love."

"into your love."

"Surrounded by darkness...surrounded by warmth...surrounded by my love..."

"s-surrounded by your love."

"Do you want to feel it? All around you?" Your hands...one reaches, between her legs. The other up, toward her face, your black-gloved hands reaching beneath her skirt, her panties, and the other reaching around her face, her cheek. The girl blindfolded now, able to feel your warmth so much more clearly, your touch, the slightly humid air..."My love."

"...yes...i want it, so badly," Uriel whispers, her breathing slowing...

"Relax...breathe deeper..."

Uriel's breathing slows more, as she obeys your will.

"Relax...sink deeper..."

Following along based on those instincts of her sister's and her own desires and fantasies, and so hollow they must have seemed, between a man and a woman, based on ownership and hostility, devoid of love...

"Can you feel it? My darkness? My love? All around you, coated in black, sinking, into you, as you sink..."

"as i sink..."

"You want it, yes? You want to be surrounded by my love?"


"She's touching herself, isn't she?"

"s-she is"

"You want to feel those emotions without restraint, and send your own in full, don't you?"

"i do, i - i want her to feel it! and to feel her, and feel you, so much"

"To feel my love."

"your love"

"My love"

"y-your love"

"Good girl..."

Uriel moans out, powerfully, and you feel her just radiating happiness at your praise, just as she's done all day today...she's so happy, to be noticed, to be loved, to be appreciated...

You've seen other assistants at Collared, for operators and others. Mother handles sexual harassment claims swiftly, (unfortunately) valuable Ravens aside, but...you still see it falling through the cracks. And that's with Mother in charge. To think of what would've happened to Uriel if she'd come into someone else's service...and whether Uriel would even have the strength to refuse...

No, like this, your love is something Uriel has craved. Desired. Not for anyone's sake but her own.

Just as Ariel has, once she learned to desire things once more, to seek out her own answer.

"I'm going to drown you in my love, Uriel. I'm going to ensure it surrounds you and will never let you go." You smile, your whispers crawling through her, into her body, into her mind, into her soul, tingling through her brain as she opens herself completely to you. "You want that, don't you?"

"i do...i want that so much! i want your love!" Uriel, even through her half-hazed trance, has never sounded like she's wanted anything more...

"Then let me count down for you, in the sacred language...you'll feel my love pulling you in, my darkness surrounding you...and you'll fall deep into trance, where only my words and my love exist..."

Uriel nods her assent, as your fingers tease at both of her lips.

"Count down with me, my Uriel...juu..."


You feel it.

You feel her going down.



You can imagine it, really. The sight of you, in a black dress so much like the Adversary's, tugging her into a world where only your love exists.



Number by number, more of your black love spreading out, like tendrils, to reach out for her...as though to ensure that vision of her future comes true, the vision of two girls with one soul wrapped in your love, of their own free will...

Seven...six...five...you feel the way Uriel's weight shifts, you can feel her hips trying to resist the urge to grind into your touch, unwilling to let herself move when she's under your power...unwilling to allow herself to resist you, like this...



It's so sexy, though...

The dazed look on her face, her total willingness to please and obey you, her utter devotion, her love, and the thought of seeing Ariel like this...or, better yet, both of them...

You almost want to indulge yourself...

but no, Uriel comes first, making sure she loves this, and loves this, as you love and love it.

Three, two...





and she does.

You can so easily imagine it, holding Uriel there, a pool of shining black, that you pull her into...

and she sinks.

Into your love.

Moaning now as, with her defenses down, she can no longer stop feeling what Ariel is, and you wonder what Ariel feels from her sister...

You'd love to find out.

Will Ariel's expressions become equal to her sister's, like this? Or will they still be so easily distinguished, to your eyes...even in your love.

"Uriel, you want it, don't you? You want my fingers, my touch, my love"

"p-please! please, please do it, please, i love you so much, i've loved you so long, and i love her and we love you and please, please send her your love, as i feel it"

"Open your legs."

Uriel's legs open wide.

"Feel my touch."

Your fingers, slipping into her, she's so wet, and the feel is so different from Mother's...hers is plump, soft, luxurious like the rest of her. Uriel's is less so, not augmented like your dear Mother's is, but it's seemingly far more sensitive - or at least, Uriel's far less used to the sensation. You can imagine her reaction to Mother's toy collection...

(You might have to borrow some sometime.)

"Feel my love, in this place."

Uriel tenses, not out of discomfort, but because she wants to move. And yet can't, not like this, she doesn't want to move, she just wants to be obedient to you, has never wanted anything so badly in her life, besides to have her beloved Ariel back...

"She's doing it, isn't she?" You imagine Ariel takes longer...especially if she's doing it through her suit. (Well, you can make some modifications, but...)


"Can she feel you?"


Her breath hitches, she moans louder, but she's still entranced, she wants so badly to...

"Can you feel how close she is?"

Your fingers, well-trained by Mother...Uriel is different, of course, the sensitivities, the things she wants, but you're sure she still loves it, with your hard nipples and soft breasts against her back, and she's far too aroused to care if your technique isn't perfect...

"yes, she's...she's so...she's so close...we love you, we love you so much, we want - we want to...!"

And you smirk, just so pleased to feel it...that desire in the depths of your soul, to drown girls in and fill them with your love, finally fulfilled...

"You want to come?"

"yes!!!" She yells it so loudly, so needily, and surely Ariel feels the same way...

"Then ask for it..." You know, you know, that this will make it all the sweeter for them.

"p-please, please let me, please let me come, i-i've, please let me love you, please let me come"

...you smirk again...

And you spread your legs, so Uriel can slide between them - a-ah, it's sensitive against your shaft, but not yet, not yet - your fingers slipping out and sliding against her clit as your gloved hand takes Uriel's chin and tugs her toward you...

"Come," you command...

And an entranced, dazed, thoroughly loved Uriel is silenced by your kiss as she feels the force of both her and Ariel's sympathetic orgasms, coming so hard before you, as she surrenders herself entirely to you, of her own free will.


Uriel is yours.

...holding Uriel with you, letting her recover, letting her whisper of it all - she's still entranced, despite all of that, another demonstration that she's probably operating on some of Ariel's instincts...

You comfort her with whispers, and leave in something for later...

(You wonder, what she'll think, she she finds herself whispering 'help me to breathe...', without really knowing why.)

But you have something else to do.

Something important, that can't be done like this...or, rather, is all the better, done with Uriel conscious. You're certain, this late, Ariel's fallen asleep...

But, that's okay.

It's not like the two of them aren't connected...

"Wake up, Uriel.~"


Uriel's arms wrap around you, as she finds herself conscious once more, blushing so much...

"T-that was amazing," Uriel whispers, eyes almost tearful. "I-I wonder if Ariel felt that way, too?"

"We'll have to ask her tomorrow, but..." You caress your beloved's cheek, both lying down on the couch now. "I want to ask you something."

"A-anything, my Queen!"

And you smile...

"Will you promise, to be mine?"

...Uriel blinks, seemingly a little confused by this. Not that it's unwelcome, of course, but. "O-oh! Um...c-couldn't you have asked me, while I was, um...under? That's the term, right? Under trance..."

"Oh, I could," you say. "But I wanted you fully aware of your words, and their meaning."

"Oh!" Uriel looks like she's figured it out. "R-right, I was in trance...i-is it because you don't want to take advantage, my Queen? E-even after..."

You shake your head. "No, it's not that," you whisper, that sound again crawling through Uriel. "You've already said as much, but...it's all the sweeter, to me, that after being enveloped in my love, you are brought back here, to say it all from your own lips, so very conscious of what those words mean..."

Uriel shivers, but nods. A-ah, she's so cute, like this...

This really does feel like what you were meant to do.

You've learned your lessons from Mother well. And all you've witnessed, with understanding, with your mind full of questions...

You will surpass her.

"So, say it. Promise yourself to me."

...Uriel nods, her dark eyes wide, identical to her sister's that you know so well, that same kind of adoring look.

Two minds, sharing one soul, and one love. One love, one soul, tainted and dyed black with your love...


"I, Uriel Aionios...so long as you continue to fight for a world in which Ariel can be happy, I...I pledge my service to you, my Queen, Himeko Okuda. My beloved Queen, who owns our soul..."

And you feel it.

A pact, sealed.

Unless you stray so far from your ideals that Uriel cannot recognize you anymore...

she is yours.

Uriel is now under the effect of your Special...unless Uriel's clause is broken on your end, this is permanent.

And so, the two of you rest there, for a moment, kissing in the afterglow...

both of you, and Ariel too, filled with love.

Himeko s Soul has revealed more of itself.

☑ Soul of the Adversary (incomplete): [UNKNOWN].
Whenever you put Ariel or Uriel's interests above your own, mark XP.

Himeko Okuda marks XP. Ordinarily you can't mark XP when you're full, but since I wanted to do this scene first, it's technically 'after' you'd have normally bought an Advance.

Speaking of, an additional Advance is now available to Himeko (and the other Queens)!

☐ Choose a Talent. This Talent is under your protection; when taking Harm to protect them, take 1 less Harm. (You may roll +Harm at either the normal or reduced Harm, minimum 0.)

This is available to all Queens; Miri has an upgraded version as a full Move, and has an additional copy of one of the as-yet unrevealed Advances instead.
Author's Note
Once upon a time there was light in my life...but now there's only love in the dark.
Your Love is Like a Shadow (Afterglow)
Himeko has added {A Circuit of Consciousness} to her list of Moves.

☐ A Circuit of Consciousness: Once per chapter, you may claim a copy of an Intellect or Radiance Resource from another Queen, no strings attached. Add +1 when using this Resource in a roll.

In this update, we will get to take a copy of a Resource from last chapter, and the ability will be available in reserve for later.

Resources don't necessarily need to be used for their precise name and purpose, though those can have narrative impact. So long as a Queen can draw on their resolve in a critical moment, they are useful to her.

It's a bit late for coffee, but...

Well, that's what decaf is for.

You're sitting with Uriel, listening to ♪ the radio in the break room, sipping on it together as you enjoy these new feelings...

You still can't totally believe you did that, but...it makes sense to you, at least. That these feelings are deep within you, and awakened a strength you didn't know you had...

(even if you're sure Ariel and Uriel would see it differently, let alone everyone else in the Underground.)

And you promise to carry forward what you've learned, and grasp what you desire and pull it from heaven...

(but somehow, you doubt it's going to be that easy.)

For this chapter, Himeko's highlights are Power and Intuition. We've seen Himeko's strengths, the capabilities she holds...but she'll face a lot of hardship on the way. It's time to get to know her weak spots, too.

The other Queens' highlights will have changed as well, depending on what part of their narrative is to be focused on.

On the couch together, smiling, nestling, kissing occasionally...you really wish you could see Ariel, but it's unlikely until tomorrow. Especially since the battle and the act of taking Uriel both made you rather tired...

"...so the goal is, then...to free the Underground. To open the surface. To protect girls..." Uriel sips. "Mm. I still get...I remember when I was in school. People would talk about girls as 'sluts', just for having sex or a relationship. But if you were a guy, it never mattered. It was expected of you..." Your beloved sighs, closing her eyes. "I guess that's just what this society is."

"It wasn't always that way." You shake your head. "Before the Fall, things were better...but even if you can't believe in that, there are places in this world where people don't cling to those ideals. Unfortunately, we're all kind of stuck here..."

"They haven't done a calendar of Ariel yet, have they? You know, as merchandise."

"Not yet. If only I could sneak myself in, and show them that Ariel is already taken~"

...you both laugh. Aah, it feels kinda good, to let out tension...

"...but, I guess it's. I don't know if I trust Mother. Like I said before. I don't know what she wants." Uriel looks to you. "You know her much better than I do, right? What do you think?"

"I think...I think Mother means well, but I'm not certain. I've been doubting her for a while now, but I still don't have much to go on." You sigh. "I think if I want to know her motivations, I need to know more about the Colony War."

The Colony War...

A conflict that took place at the same time as the Raven War on Earth. The Five Families of the orbital colonies waged battles against one another, but the moment the Assault Cells that separated Earth from Space were destroyed, millions of people descended to Earth.

But it's still shrouded in mystery. Even Collared records don't know much about it. You just know that...

(whenever Mother thinks back that far, she always seems sad.)

"But you're not going to be under her anyway. You...well, you should be thinking to the future." Uriel places her empty cup aside, and clings to your side. "Ariel and I will help, however we can. And...I'm sure your old friends would, too. If they were that loyal to you."

Maybe they would be.

If their eyes on you were anything like the ones Ariel and Uriel had for you, then you're sure it wouldn't be hard. Besides, what did Elias say in his notes about Motoko? Something like...

'are you sure you were just friends?'

"I need them, don't I? If I can...if I go down there, I'm sure I can bring them on board. Motoko's the only person I'm not sure about right now." You put your own cup down, and rub your hands together. "But, that's...one Raven, and a handful of hackers. I've got a huge task ahead of me if I want to make a difference."

"So...talk to me." Uriel smiles to her Queen. "Tell me what you need to do."

"Well, first off," you begin. "First off is dealing with Father. He's close to dying at this point of natural causes, and that's if someone else doesn't take care of them first. You'd think it'd be fine, but if he dies without a successor in place..."

It's well-known Father has no children. He has always assured the population their needs would be met...but you have your doubts that anyone would worry if he'd done anything as simple as marked a successor.

"This is like how Delacroix's plan to wipe out Red Rum would only cause more bloodshed," Uriel says, pulling out a notepad and writing down some short notes. "If Father dies, the resulting power vacuum and chaos to fill it will hurt so many people..."

"It might be necessary, in the end." The Zodiac won't stand down out of kind words, after all. "But if we can get influence and leverage over him or the City Police without bloodshed, maybe it'll be possible to mitigate that issue. If it's possible. I'm not sure I'd say it is, based on what intel we have..."

"Then what about Kisaragi?"

The Kisaragi corporation. One of the three corporations born in the underground city Layered, they enacted the will of Father in the battle against the Resistance. Since then, their power over the City has been more or less unchecked.

"Kisaragi needs to go. The corporations in general, really." You scoff. "You ever been to 'the Fuelcell'? Mother took me there once. An exclusive social club for the corporate elite. The people there act as though they can have any meaning to our lives, and pat themselves on the back for hollow platitudes. And I could hear them whispering about me and Mother, and staring..."

"I'm sorry, my Queen...I guess with Mother around, it's easier at Collared, but that must've been hard on you."

"It's okay, Uriel. It's just...it's just something I despise. Taking out Kisaragi, that'll be difficult. We could lure some of the other corporations in, but that'd put Migrants at risk. And we'd have to do without their infrastructure - or claim it for ourselves."

"If - if my Queen, if more people were to follow you, wouldn't you have that?" Uriel feels that tinge of a blush coming back. "If it were me, it'd be wonderful, just to help you in any way I could!"

"The Underground isn't so easily swayed. I'd have to start with the Order, but that's still just a fraction." You reach up, and run your fingers through Uriel's hair, as she cranes her neck and lets you kiss it. "If I can get the Order on my side, that's a lot of people - including people trained with MTs, or even a couple of Ravens. But then I lack material resources." Money, and any real force besides Ravens to help protect people.

"Yeah, but. If anyone can get those things, it's you." Uriel tips her head back a little more, trying not to make too much noise, which is kind of cute..."I-if it's you. I feel like you could do anything..."

"Not really," you whisper. "But there's a lot I can do, if I'm willing to slip off Mother's leash..." You remember what Mother told you, though, about manipulating missions - there's a lot you can do with your position at Collared. But if you do it too clumsily or too much, people might notice...and if you go against Mother...

"W-well, you also have other people to...ah!" Aah, she's so...you can leave marks, right? Like this... T-to, um. To worry about. Like Red Rum."

"I want to know what she wants. I want to know what she has. After the AI weapons..." Kiss, suck, kiss the neck..."Mm. I want to know where those came from, too."

"Y-you should be careful. The City Police are looking for them. And Red Rum...she does, too. If there is someone behind the weapons like you said, you should be pretty scared, especially if, um...if that signal, if it has side effects?"

"I'd like to know that, too. We'll have to follow the Police closely. But Red Rum knows it too, even if I'd put money on the cops underestimating it." You know you have, before today. What is it that Shamir RaviRavi desires? Who is she? You get the sense it's nowhere near as simple as you thought...

"I'm sure there are things I'm missing, my Queen." Uriel exposes her neck again...it's really erotic, you wonder if you could get away with putting something on it. "What do we need, for you to be able to achieve your dream?"

You tenderly press into Uriel's neck, running your hands along her...you want, so badly, to show her your love, more and more.

But it feels almost wrong, if Ariel's not here...

That being said. There's something you want. Oh, there are many things you want, but at the very least, you think, Uriel deserves a reminder of who you are, and what you are to her.

The neck is a sacred place...well, some say it is, anyway. Something about the Goddess and her mantles, both as a mortal and as something more. But, to be honest -

You've always somewhat suspected it's a flimsy excuse for a sex thing.

Of course, it would be far too convenient if you had something like that around. You'd never imagined this happening, and it's not like you carry that kind of thing with you. Maybe if you could take a piece of your gloves off and wrap it around the neck, but you're not sure you could manage that...


...you glance over to a corner of the room, where Rosary tends to messily arrange all her stuff. She's left a big bag there.

It'd be awfully convenient if something useful to you were in there, especially since Rosary doesn't exactly seem as knowledgeable about your passions, let alone the eyes others have for you, as Elias is. She'd have no idea you ever needed it, and if she did, it wouldn't be just something subtle left before you can notice.

But, for some reason, you can't help but imagine that, as usual, Rosary's antics are best described as 'suspicious' and/or 'convenient'. Somehow, that girl always seems to know what's up, huh? Even if she doesn't know...

So, maybe it's time to check the bag, and see what you find?

Yeah...why not? If you're going to take this path, a bit of thievery is hardly beyond you, right?

You raise your finger to Uriel's eyes, making sure she knows you're not going to neglect her for long as you walk over to the bag, rifling through expensive-looking clothing and trinkets. Looks like Rosary's been busy. Even so, it's not hard to find something that suits you...


There's two.

Black chokers, of a relatively thick fabric - maybe leather grown from the Underground, this looks like something you're more likely to find in their markets than the surface - inscribed with a silvery pattern, with tiny flecks of violet within...

It reminds you a little, of a tale you told of the Eclipse. A valkyrie with broken wings and a broken mirror, with a power whispered to her from a false mockery of the Adversary, a collar latched onto her very best friend, the Warrior of Sunlight. This one won't have the same impact as hers, but...

Much as you'd like to wrap Uriel in shining blackness right here, this is liable to be far less suspicious. It's not quite fashionable by surface trends, but it's acceptable dress code for her position, and even if they do think you're in a relationship...

Well, let them.

Maybe then, they'll begin to actually wonder, what you really are behind closed doors, why Mother favors you. It'd be nice to have more eyes following you.

"Oh...oh!" Uriel stares, as you hold it...hm, seemingly she catches the meaning too. Well, she has been studying the Order, and such things aren't unknown on the surface either. Though, forget Delacroix - reputable filmmakers don't understand the appeal of such things, as you've heard many a time from Elizabeth and Motoko. "Is that for me, my Queen?"

"It is. And another for Ariel, as well." It isn't difficult, to slip up, to press it onto her skin, to wrap it in the back, and clasp it in a single motion - the kind of thing you're sure if you tried even a few hours ago, you'd never be able to do. And seeing Uriel tremble, lips open, as she feels that reminder of your love upon her, body as much as mind...

You can't help but lay a finger into her lips, let her eyes flutter as she almost seems to fall a little again, before slipping into a kiss with the first of those subject to your love.~

Well, you don't kiss for too long, but...you do end up snuggling closer, as you whisper to each other of your plans.

"...let's think of it simply. Ravens." Uriel is still a bit of a mess, but...you kinda like it. "You need Ravens, my Queen. If the dream says so too...I mean, you saw what you did with Elias, right?! Or what you did with Ariel? Just, mm. Just hearing you, being near you, makes them want to fight harder. Do better. And that's without your skill as an operator."

It's true - what you did with Ariel wasn't that impressive on its own. A simple order like that, anyone could accomplish. But that you had something further than that, which was obvious to anyone paying attention.

...including Shamir RaviRavi.

"My skill as an operator won't save us from Red Rum. There's no way she's not going to retaliate against Delacroix. I wonder if she'll try and strike Collared too?" You feel like what happened in the Arena isn't enough for that; strikes against Collared, or indeed any nest, are violations of neutrality set down at the end of the Raven War. They keep a discretionary fund to pay Ravens directly for their defense...then again, Red Rum might enjoy the challenge.

"Isn't it better that way, though? If the Complex gives you the right information, you can keep everyone else fighting each other. You don't need to strike directly while you're building up, if you can do that. You've planned missions as much already, right?"

"Corporations fighting proxy wars is, marginally, better than corporations unopposed." You've seen enough of Kisaragi here in the City Centre to know that, in this respect at least, the Migrants have it lucky. "Even so, I'd still rather just keep Kisaragi out of the picture. The City Police alone are easier to deal with, and most of them still hold a grudge."

"Right, those advanced weapons that they used to upstage Father." During the Resistance war, Kisaragi deployed a lot of odd prototypes, which you only have hearsay about; even the City Police doesn't know the whole story. "Collared wasn't a big presence here yet, so we don't have any intel. But, you know...if we could find a way into the Complex, maybe?"

"We've been looking for a while," you say. "It's still a possibility, to be sure. But anything viable is already the realm of the Abyss Watchers."

The AGI Task Force...well, it doesn't take a genius to know why they're 'Abyss Watchers'. The last remnants of the League's short-lived stab at legitimacy, wearing the emblem of a long-forgotten dream of a united world, their utter fanaticism is something Father only grudgingly tolerates. Here in the City, where the threat of the Valley's potential AGI led the League to pressure Father to the negotiation table, they're led by an elite squadron of Ravens from Mars...

The Frighteners, led by a man named Leos Klein - Mars' first Nine Breaker. No one's even seen him in person, the Abyss Watchers don't really like being seen, but you've seen the corpses he makes.

You're lucky, in a way. If any of the City's factions had a Raven that strong, much less all the Frighteners, nothing would stand in their way.

"It's not something we can do yet," you continue. "I'm sure if the Complex knew a way, even given how circumspect it is -"

"'It'?" Uriel sighs, seeming embarrassed for interrupting. "Er. Um, I don't know a lot about Yamataian, but when Rosary says 'Complex-chan', she almost acts like the Complex is a girl. Does it sometimes feel that way to you?"

Huh, you hadn't thought about that...

"...I suppose it does, sometimes. But I do wonder if I'm not imposing on it - or, on her, rather." Wouldn't be the first time, huh?

Uriel kisses at your jaw. "It'd be nice if we could just ask."

"It would be. But 'she' works well enough, for now." The Complex does, on occasion, have her way of objecting to courses of action; if she truly hates it, you'll know, you're sure. And if there's no response - well, either she accepts it, or she doesn't understand or care about the concept.

"Who knows what's inside the Complex proper, though? Maybe she has factories or something..."

"It'd be convenient, but not something we can rely on. If we get an opportunity, it's a priority, but without a power base to exploit there's no way we can get there in the first place."

"So, Ravens. And facilities. We can check the Library's archives, and Collared data. See if we can't find places we can use as forward operating bases outside of Mother's control." Uriel seems determined, but...

Well, it's natural. If she doesn't trust Mother - well, her 'Queen' has been wrapped around her finger, right? But you're still not so sure.

"I'm not sure about that, though. I mean, independence from Mother and Collared is something we need. But I don't think she needs to be our enemy, either. It can advantage her, too, if there's parallel infrastructure that can be used outside of Collared's purview."


frowns, and sighs. "My Queen, have you ever heard the one about the fox and the scorpion?"

"It's..." Ugh, memories you'd rather avoid. "My old cult. Before the Order. The fox offers to take the scorpion across the river on its back, and the scorpion promises not to sting...but the scorpion does sting, because it's a scorpion."

"Yeah, that one. I don't know if Mother is a scorpion, but if she is, you need to find out quickly."

You ponder, for a moment...

It's hard to say, really. Love can grow twisted. In the Order, there are countless cautionary tales of the sort. The Atoner's old lover, who hated the idea of the person she'd left behind in grief and shame ever loving another, who interfered with all aspects of her life in an abusive, destructive revenge...it's a lesson that simply being part of the Order doesn't automatically make someone a good person. Neither lesbian nor newhalf, nor anyone else, no matter if the Goddess would forgive them at the end of eternity...

Is that what Mother is? A scorpion, who will hurt you should you turn away from her control? Or maybe...

No, you think what Mother is now is genuine. It's more, whether Mother can stop scheming, work together, and trust you. And to know that...

"She never talks about the war, you know," you mutter, a faint tinge of bitterness escaping you. "Or about who Nezha really is. What happened there? Millions of people come to Earth after a massive war in space, and we still don't know anything about it? What is it they don't want to say?"

"There's a few colony nobles in the city, my Queen. You know that. Like Eva Sonezaki..."

Right. Eva, head of Kisaragi operations in the City region. Part of the Sonezaki, affiliate of the Zartaj family and its computer corporation, so you recall. You've never met her, but by all accounts, she loves gloating to Mother about how much further she's come, and how far Mother has fallen. Maybe you'd have to pay her a visit, if you could stomach the Fuelcell and its corporate clientele...you probably qualify for an invite, right?

"It's worth pursuing." You nod, against Uriel's body, hearing her satisfied breath as she feels your warmth. "Knowing more about Mother is as important as knowing more about Red Rum."

"But, to get any of that power base. You need money. And you need people. Right, my Queen?"

"Money might be doable, with Ariel's help. I don't think the money I made back in the Underground would've covered that, so Nora and the rest won't have those resources...but, they can help with the setup. And hopefully we can try and expand things."

"If..." Uriel nods. "If my Queen allows, I suspect...well, I've said many people would join her, if they only knew of her love." You can hear it, the way she says it now, is different. Tinged with your words, your thoughts, your love. "Are there other cults you can contact?"

"Some," you say. "Religions, too. Factions removed from the surface. Migrant groups might also be an option...but we'd have to start in the Underground. If I can't get my crew on board, not much point in trying to do the rest before then."

"You'll probably want rival hacker groups, too. Maybe...steal some corporate bonuses or something?"

"We'd never managed that kind of haul, back then, Uriel." Good times, though - you do remember one time you almost did, even if most of the gold was too hot to recover. "Even so, they might be able to do things we can't. I bet Elizabeth knows some of them." She works on the surface, after all; she's definitely part of your crew, more on your side - yours, you wonder if you can claim - than Rose is...but she's not part of the Underground. That said, in this case, it's an opportunity.

"If they start researching AI weapons, or have an in with the City Police..." Uriel's suggestion isn't a bad one. Collared and Line Ark have had trouble, but you're sure there's plenty of holes known to surfacer and Migrant brokers. "Yeah. That could work. But I'd be pretty wary of that. Surfacer hacker groups have a bad habit of turning corporate."

"Hm. But, I think there might be another angle. There was a press release from Delacroix today. Um, were you busy with Mother...?" Ah, there's just the hint of a blush on your Uriel's face. No one can resist that thought, of Mother's touch, even if they want to oppose her.

Or, maybe...she's dreaming of her kneeling before you?

You have to admit, you kind of like it.~

"I saw it. That reporter, Mallory Jensen. I've seen her at the Arena. She's spoken with Kobayashi a bit, I think." You weren't sure what to make of her before today; you're not one to trust corporate reporters, but that encounter with Delacroix suggests she's trying to take her job seriously. Is it just that she's got some journalistic integrity? Or is part of Kisaragi trying to undermine Delacroix, and news-helicopter whats-his-face just didn't get the memo? "Maybe it's worth getting in contact with her. Still, if anyone's a scorpion, it's her. You'd have to be at least a little corporate to get that far."

...and Uriel smiles.

"My Queen, what you have to offer, through the Order, through all that you are...a world that treats girls like my sister as merchandise, as just another calendar pinup, is one that is blind to your appeal. If they think you're just an operator, that just means they'll ignore you while those who need your words, your desires...your, your love, they'll listen. If you just let it out..."

You're not sure...

You'd like to say you're confident now. But you're not sure.

Mother has been scheming since before you were born. Delacroix has the money and the power to throw a spanner in the works. The AI weapons and their unknown masters are still waiting for you. The Complex is vulnerable, the Abyss Watchers ready to destroy it once they realize its existence. And there are two things this poisoned world has more than enough of: enough gasoline, and enough bullets.

Enough for Red Rum, and her army...and of course, the City Police.

That's why you need Ravens.

If the world wants to be reduced to violence and avarice, if the world wants to make women suffer...then you'll reach out with your open palm to anyone who will follow, and show them a future where magic and miracles do exist.

"...you say the sweetest things," you whisper.

"I only speak the truth, my Queen. I want people to whisper the word Himeko with fear, envy, and desire..."

You laugh.

You really haven't proven yourself that much yet. You know that. You've got so much further to go.

But that this girl, and her twin with which she shares her soul, believes in you so much...

It fills you with hope, that you really can reshape this world, and pull your desires down from heaven.

Eventually, though, all good things must come to an end.

"Uh, hey, boss?" you hear over the intercom - strictly one-way, of course. "We've got the all-clear from Mother, we'll be in the air in thirty minutes. We can't wait longer, so can you be up here by then?"

The intercom goes silent, but the two of you are already packing up. Well, you don't have much you need to do, fortunately; it's mostly making sure you don't look obviously like you were having sex.

(Not that it matters. Even if they did think that, the truth was something they could never comprehend.)

"...alright, I'll go sweep the other rooms to make sure we don't have anything important here," Uriel says, and you nod to her. She seems more confident now, having been given purpose, and no longer needing to walk on eggshells around you; really, you're just worried about her saying 'my Queen' to everyone in earshot.

And as you walk out, you catch a flicker in the corner of your eye...

The Complex.

Walking over, you're able to see into the flow. Huh, looks like she's trying to contact you for once...maybe she appreciates the form of address?

You look into the flow.


Do you believe?

That AC is old. All ACs are old, but that one...

The silver and white machine. A colony relic. Renamed, rebuilt, reforged.

But the stains never go away.

That woman hates Ravens. Despises them. The very idea of them incenses her. Betrayed and hurt by the Ravens around her, burned through...

A conflict.

Do you believe?

I don't need you anymore.

Green eyes...

Say it right. Say it right.



...ah, you see now. This didn't hurt as much as it does - it was a little incoherent, but it makes sense. Your hands move on automatic, as you sketch out images on a notepad. One is obviously...Rossweisse, Rank 2, the 13th Zodiac. The sniper who helped Elias tonight, seeing Red Rum as the greater threat. You despise someone who's willing to work with the City Police and with Father, but you're willing to begrudgingly admit she was useful to you - and, at least, more worthy to wear the name of 'Raven' than any of the rest of the Zodiac, if only because she bothers to remember what a Raven is supposed to be...and misses the mark rather a lot for a sniper.

The other sketch...

A plain-looking girl with thick-rimmed glasses and a pigtail style, not too unusual...the only thing you can say for certain about her is that you're not sure she's from around here. Maybe, a rich Migrant who settled down, and ended up joining the City Police? It's not unusual, for people to do so, to so value the 'stability' Father offers that they willingly not only accept the gilded cage, but are willing to keep others inside it, and perpetuate the system that holds it up.

You're not too sure, honestly. It's just an image. The only thing you know is she hates Ravens in general, and hates Rossweisse in particular.

But you have a name.

You let it roll off your tongue...

"Vesta Ilustrada Imanis."