Special Sortie: SEXUALIZER (The Glint of White)
Queen Fiona
Am I good enough for your heaven?
- Location
- The Throne of Want
- Pronouns
- She/Her
It's raining by the time you get past the small talk, and Rosary's the one who breaks the ice.
"Look alive, kids. I've got a pulse from the Mirage Colloid flight. Looks like they're about to begin their run. Time for us to make our descent while the boys in blue are distracted." You hear Rosary's engines roar to life, as she begins to leave the cloud cover. Finally, you can get a look at what's happening on the ground…
"That's our drop point. Can you get a look at City Police positions? They must be entrenched in tight - they know she's coming." Without an AC, they'll have trouble seeing in this weather, and you've been on enough operations to know Men of Honor transport pilots aren't easy targets for MTs. Especially not the City Police. You can't count on them to thin the herd during the drop.
"Deploying recon unit. We should be fine for communications." Elias knows your tap code, anyway, so if the contamination gets too heavy or they do jamming, it should be alright. Operating under Mirage Colloid cover is always a risk…
As the recon unit goes online, you pulse radar, and as expected, you get a response on the ground. Switching to one of White Glint's secondary cameras, you can just barely see City Police MTs, defense and support class - the usual mixture in a situation like this. Good against other MTs, not what you want if you're fighting Ravens.
"Right, what we expected on the City Police side, unless one of the Zodiac is hiding in there." You won't know reliably until Elias has dropped into the battlefield. "Can you patch in visual data, White Glint?" Right now, your monitors don't show much even on his scanners, and Rosary's camera is basically static. "I don't see anything right now, I want a view of the skies."
[System: Scan Mode.]
"Three choppers…no, no, there's more. Lots more, on radar. If those are all Red Rum…holy shit that's a lot of MTs."
You'll say this for Rosary - when she's worried, you take notice.
Once Elias switches to scan mode, you can see clearly - the sky is full of Men of Honor helicopters, only the Mirage Colloid flight's stealth allowing them to mix in. They're carrying squads of Muscle Tracers, all of them marked with Shamir RaviRavi's emblem, that arachnid-like shape…
"That must be nearly all of Red Rum's forces. Can you get any ID?" You'll rely on White Glint's scanners to fill the gaps.
"Looks like…lots of converted construction MTs, reverse-joint walkers…oh. Oh shit, no, look."
You pull up Elias' monitor, and check your database…
Oh no.
Oh no.
"Normals. Algebra Corporation models." You don't see many often in the City region; they're what the corporations use to staff their private armies. "I'd heard rumors at Collared, but…"
"Yeah, I've seen them before, Shadow," says Rosary. "'Fake ACs'…guess that backs up the whole corporate theory on Red Rum." 'Normals' are MTs which imitate the look and capability of an AC - they're still far inferior, and their operational time is low, but they approach AC levels of versatility and mobility. "But City Police MTs are heavily armored. Those Normals aren't really equipped for the job. Red Rum's definitely in that mix somewhere if she's serious about this."
"I wouldn't be so sure, Rosie. Normals are nasty things. That's a pile bunker on one of them, too - even I'd have trouble if I got hit with that." Even Elias is worried…
"Consider the Normals a priority target. We can at least make Red Rum foot the bill on this one."
All this just makes you more and more worried. Clearly she's had them the whole time, but she's not deployed them widely enough for Collared to know about it. At this point, if Red Rum is letting her hand show, she's probably taking off the kid gloves.
In the past two years, Red Rum's been building up her power base. Recruiting from the Underground and the contaminated area, attacking corporate facilities and Migrants to gain materiel to wage war. But she's been smart about it - keeping out of the City Centre, away from City Police hotspots, not taking unnecessary risks. For such a wild, monstrous woman, she's downright strategic, and more and more it's becoming clear that overwhelming force would never work as a solution - you'd be more likely to destroy the City first than Red Rum. (Not that Delacroix cares.)
But lately? More frequent attacks, more valuable targets - including Ravens. Those bastards at Men of Honor still maintain a bounty for Ravens regardless of allegiance, a holdover from the Resistance days and the Nexus conflict, and they've been paying out good money to Red Rum for taking out rivals. She's even started hiring Ravens of her own, and recruiting irregulars to her army - like Nightingale, who even joined up with Men of Honor to prove her skills, and just broke into the Arena at rank 30.
What is she planning? A war against Father? Is this all a front for a new Resistance? No, there's no way…no way someone from all the way out in the Jupiter Sphere has anything like that as a goal. She may be smarter than she looks, but you have no doubt she's as violent as she looks, too.
You don't know what Red Rum really wants, but you know one thing: none of you will like it.
"Alright, even I have a visual on the area of operations now. Seems like miss murder's not showing her face yet…but a lot of her friends are down there." Rosary sighs. "You know a Fulton's gonna cost you extra, right?"
"Mother will supply her usual fee," you mutter. You never know if Rosary's serious about it…"Other than that…Uriel, patch Mother in once the recon units are up."
From a hatch in the back of White Glint's core, Elias deploys one last recon unit, manufactured from raw materials by the AC's pre-Fall technology. Even through the contamination that blankets the air, you're able to get a bigger look at the area on the ground, and…
your radar fills up with at least twice as many blips from before. On both sides. Red Rum's serious about whatever this is, and you hate that you haven't been able to find out why.
"Goddess," you whisper under your breath. "This many MTs? In the City Centre?! White Glint -"
…the clear and resonant voice of Mother fills your ears, and despite yourself, you stand a little straighter. Ah, then she's here to order the Mirage Colloid drop…
"…Mother," you respond, on instinct.
"I'm giving you operational authority on this mission. White Glint is under your command now - and Rosary, you too."
"Understood." Normally, Mother handles orders once you're this close, but…her signal is indistinct. You get the feeling her instincts tell her how important this is. "Awaiting the signal from the stealth choppers."
"You heard your Mommy, White Glint. You're under the princess' command now. Shadow, orders?"
As the stealth helicopters drop their bombs, dispersing a colloid cloud that announces the presence of the Glint of White, Rosary descends to drop altitude, and holds her hand over the switch. Across the pier, bursts of mist cloud out the cameras, and even White Glint now has trouble seeing - combat won't be affected, but no one will be able to get a clear shot of it. Just another way of preserving White Glint's legend.
But, like this…
There's still civilians in the area. You caught a glimpse of some infantry transports - Red Rum's side is raiding. And with the City Police being set up like this…
Red Rum likes to use incendiaries. To set the City up like a firestorm. In the chaos, she can send in her forces to raid, and force first responders out into the line of fire - holding the City itself hostage. The City Police, of course, has a standing order to shoot to kill regardless of collateral damage. Here, there may be undocumented citizens seeking refuge, or trying to escape the Underground, all of whom are considered acceptable losses where Father is concerned.
You'll have to choose to have White Glint hit either Red Rum's forces or the City Police first. You know Red Rum is coming, but…if the City Police knows it too, they'll have brought one of the Zodiac. Maybe more than one. Uriel's reports from Collared claim that they're occupied with anti-Migrant patrols in the contaminated regions, but you'd bet money they've kept one in reserve. The recon unit's range isn't wide enough to know for sure under these conditions.
When it comes to battles like these, neither side is very interested in preserving human life. You'll have to choose someone to concentrate on. If you take out the City Police, first responders will have more time to work, and they'll be forced to deploy more of the Zodiac - so Red Rum might try to cut her losses in that case. But if you take on Red Rum's side, you'll do the cops' job for them, hopefully encouraging them to aim more carefully, or to fire toward White Glint…and you can directly deal with the incendiaries.
Either strategy will work, but it's a matter of which Raven you're planning to confront: either one of the Zodiac - potentially Rossweisse, the Rank 2 Raven - or Red Rum herself.
...well, it's not really a choice, is it?
Red Rum's forces will be using incendiaries down the field. It's doubtful they'll have any kind of concern whatsoever, save for not damaging what they're looking for too much. (It's probably something pretty big, if she's bringing this many forces to deal with it - there's not much chance of accidental damage.) Even if the City Police have committed countless atrocities in the name of 'law and order', they're not going to deliberately target civilians in this situation, where they're on the defense.
Red Rum, well...
...you won't let that happen. It's the first time Elias will be on the same battlefield as Shamir, and you're going to make sure she feels it. That Elias can return even a fraction of the pain she's inflicted upon others, to draw blood against that smug bitch who thought she could hurt the people you care about.
The only that she'll ever learn.
"White Glint, your orders are to concentrate on Red Rum's forces. Engage with the City Police at your discretion as needed to protect civilian lives, but we're going to teach Shamir RaviRavi a lesson she'll never forget."
"Wilco. Wish I could give the boys in blue a better hello, Shadow, but I'll take what I can get."
"And as usual, do not fire until fired upon." A fig leaf of a rule if there ever was one, but...that's why White Glint uses the rifles. With those weapons, not only is it easier to avoid collateral damage, but it's easier to disable machines without taking on the pilot.
"Are we ready, Mother?" Huh, it's not 'Mommy' when she's listening...well, even Rosary is going to be respectful to the person who pays her bills.
"Mirage Colloid levels have grown to saturation," says Mother. "My flight is exiting the area of operations while they still have cloaking up. White Glint, please activate your condensers. I leave the rest to Shadow's capable hands."
You hear the ports on White Glint's body pop open. This won't be a full cloak like the choppers, but when within the colloid cloud, it'll make White Glint fuzzy and indistinct on camera.
"Done," Elias confirms. "Just say the word and I'm ready. Looks like our boys in blue haven't even noticed yet. Kisaragi really needs to give them better hardware."
"Rosary, you'll be exposed to enemy fire." You double-check the radar screen, marking priority targets as you estimate Red Rum's drop points. Already some of her MTs are making contact, but the City Police is only performing warning shots thus far - maybe hoping to misdirect her. "Red Rum's a lot more observant than the City Police. Can you handle the anti-air fire?"
"…Shadow, honey, I love you. But seriously, I've been doing this so long I could avoid that in my sleep. As long as I'm out of there before Red Rum comes to play, you have nothing to worry about."
It's time.
Any longer and they'll get suspicious.
"Alright, just one thing. I've got a special tape loaded up just for this occasion."
(…you really can't believe Nashandra took Elias up on his desire for a tape deck inside White Glint, but…it doesn't really have any tactical considerations, does it? Well, whatever. Just another of Elias' eccentricities.)
"Alright, Shadow, I'll be over the drop point in five…"
"Damnit…ugh, the tape door won't close!"
"Just bang it really hard, Eli!"
You hear a very loud noise, but you assume it's probably fine. The AC will still work, and that's what matters. All there is now is to give the order…
"One! Make it quick, Shadow, we're on a schedule!"
"Very well." You smile, and repeat the words that Mother has said so many times before... "White Glint, you are cleared for armed intervention."
"That's exactly what I wanted to hear. White Glint, dropping!"
You hear a loud clunk, as White Glint drops onto the confusion of the battlefield…
Only a few moments before...
Packs of two-legged walkers, primitive Muscle Tracers built from scraps, dropped from Men of Honor Storks. The machines fired their rocket boosters, dropping their tanks as they made contact and started letting loose with their weapons. Bullets, rockets, and missiles lit up the once-proud pier, shipping containers leaking out, as the proud army of Red Rum, painted with the emblem of a spider the color of blood, spilled out onto the City Centre's Pier 80.
The City Police's artillery fired away, but the MTs used the old containers for cover, softening the blows enough that their armor remained mostly undamaged while longer-ranged walkers picked out their targets from afar. The police artillery was old, outdated, barely capable of performing its function...and the pilots were poorly trained.
Red Rum's constant battles and training, though, rendered her forces far more ready for battle. Using their limited rocket fuel and jumping strength, even these weak walkers, when operating in packs, could outmaneuver the more heavily armored City Police.
Heavily shielded MTs rolled forward, charging through containers, but they only met heavy rocket shelling, flammable materials going ablaze.
A pair of MTs rushed forward, running on their reverse-jointed legs, as the cameras began to fog up, and the pilot's aim diminished, bullets flying toward mere shadows as the pair split...
rushed in...
and leaped on, using clawed feet to get past the heavy defenses and knock the City Police machine to the ground.
"Heh. Like taking candy from a baby. The boss was right, they don't have the balls!" The voice was heavily distorted, the region full of jamming, a communications specialist in another helicopter handling Red Rum's radios while the City Police relied on local transceivers. "How's your machine holding up."
"I think one of my servomotors is seized. Nothing serious, especially not against these bozos." The pilot pushed the complex levers and controls inside, the Muscle Tracer's movements based on an AC's, yet infinitely inferior. Only preprogrammed responses could be performed. "Shamir will be here soon, right? And the Sarnaqa Squadron?"
"We'll be done before they even get here." As the pilot spoke, APCs drove past, filled with Red Rum's soldiers, and a radar truck followed behind to scan for the item of interest. "Can't wait to see the look on people's faces when they realize how unstoppable we are..."
"Wait. I'm having camera trouble."
"Just hit it a few times...ugh, mine's acting up too."
...and then the two pilots saw it.
Bursts from above as a mist surrounded the battlefield, their source easily obscured as the cameras inside the Muscle Tracers distorted. Both MTs angled up in an effort to find the bombers, but they showed absolutely nothing...
"H-hey, wait! This is...no, no way! We have to get out of here!"
"It couldn't be...why now?!"
From the clouds and the fog, a Stork descends, marked with the symbol of a heart filled with a rose, carrying an indistinct humanoid shape, around which the mist collected...
"Start firing!"
Bullets flew above, but at this range, and with the interference, no one could fire upon the Stork of the legendary Rosary, let alone hit the phantom that had been haunting Red Rum's proud army for over a year now...
The great white giant descended from the ground, its boosters firing, making impact with a grace no Muscle Tracer could ever match. Completely indistinct on camera, filled with static, the machine stared out...
"Run! Run!"
"It's the 'glint of white'!"
And from that machine...
Blue sensors flickered to life, and it raised its dual rifles, openly daring Red Rum's so-called 'army' to challenge it.
♪ [Main system: activating combat mode.]
Red Rum's army wasn't made out of idiots. At this point, the 'glint of white' had practically been stalking them, appearing at all kinds of vital operations within urban areas, taking down MTs with precision and ease. No one was going to just sit there and take it, as though they had a chance if they just all fired enough bullets.
But someone panicked.
Fanatics. People who worshipped the one who granted them absolute freedom. Who granted them power through the barrel of a gun. Red Rum instilled loyalty, both in herself and those around them.
"Why do you always - !"
A vulcan cannon roared as a walker approached the white AC through a boosted jump, bullets bouncing off and chipping its armor, the pilot attempting to use the containers for surface jumps...only to find them collapsing beneath the MT's weight.
Blue sensors crawled toward the target, and two short bursts blow legs and rockets apart, cannon firing wildly into the air...
And that's when they panicked.
As the City Police's laser sights approached the white giant, the vast boosters on its back unfolded and fired all at once, the machine's legs hovering over the ground as the AC Overboosts, a nap-of-the-earth flight as Red Rum's MTs struggle to track it. Rockets fire, and the machine's left-hand rifle takes out the rockets before they can reach, the heavier right-hand rifle used to engage the machines.
The 'glint of white' shoots, and huge chunks of armor are taken off the front of MTs. Legs collapse under their own weight, guns are blown straight off, with an impossible precision under such speed.
"T-this guy's a monster! Are we doing any damage?"
This era's machine gun rounds do little damage to the armor of an AC. Even the vulcan cannons used by Muscle Tracers, about the lightest weapons that can even scratch it, are of little concern to the 'glint of white'.
"Our standard weapons are useless! Where are our Normals?!"
The City Police are no longer firing at Red Rum's forces. Their efforts are completely concentrated on their rumored enemy now, and even with that speed, the laser tracers eventually find their target, even through the colloid cloud...
The AC's feet make contact with the ground, as the unknown Raven within uses its movements to quickly turn around and brake, now at the edge of the pier, both rifles taking shots at MTs whenever they approach. The City Police uses its shields to mask their approach, firing indiscriminately even at this range...
All at once, their objective had changed. They were even working together, in a way.
All that mattered now, before their battle could resume, was taking down the 'glint of white'.
"Look alive, kids. I've got a pulse from the Mirage Colloid flight. Looks like they're about to begin their run. Time for us to make our descent while the boys in blue are distracted." You hear Rosary's engines roar to life, as she begins to leave the cloud cover. Finally, you can get a look at what's happening on the ground…

"That's our drop point. Can you get a look at City Police positions? They must be entrenched in tight - they know she's coming." Without an AC, they'll have trouble seeing in this weather, and you've been on enough operations to know Men of Honor transport pilots aren't easy targets for MTs. Especially not the City Police. You can't count on them to thin the herd during the drop.
"Deploying recon unit. We should be fine for communications." Elias knows your tap code, anyway, so if the contamination gets too heavy or they do jamming, it should be alright. Operating under Mirage Colloid cover is always a risk…

As the recon unit goes online, you pulse radar, and as expected, you get a response on the ground. Switching to one of White Glint's secondary cameras, you can just barely see City Police MTs, defense and support class - the usual mixture in a situation like this. Good against other MTs, not what you want if you're fighting Ravens.

"Right, what we expected on the City Police side, unless one of the Zodiac is hiding in there." You won't know reliably until Elias has dropped into the battlefield. "Can you patch in visual data, White Glint?" Right now, your monitors don't show much even on his scanners, and Rosary's camera is basically static. "I don't see anything right now, I want a view of the skies."
[System: Scan Mode.]

"Three choppers…no, no, there's more. Lots more, on radar. If those are all Red Rum…holy shit that's a lot of MTs."
You'll say this for Rosary - when she's worried, you take notice.
Once Elias switches to scan mode, you can see clearly - the sky is full of Men of Honor helicopters, only the Mirage Colloid flight's stealth allowing them to mix in. They're carrying squads of Muscle Tracers, all of them marked with Shamir RaviRavi's emblem, that arachnid-like shape…

"That must be nearly all of Red Rum's forces. Can you get any ID?" You'll rely on White Glint's scanners to fill the gaps.
"Looks like…lots of converted construction MTs, reverse-joint walkers…oh. Oh shit, no, look."
You pull up Elias' monitor, and check your database…

Oh no.
Oh no.
"Normals. Algebra Corporation models." You don't see many often in the City region; they're what the corporations use to staff their private armies. "I'd heard rumors at Collared, but…"
"Yeah, I've seen them before, Shadow," says Rosary. "'Fake ACs'…guess that backs up the whole corporate theory on Red Rum." 'Normals' are MTs which imitate the look and capability of an AC - they're still far inferior, and their operational time is low, but they approach AC levels of versatility and mobility. "But City Police MTs are heavily armored. Those Normals aren't really equipped for the job. Red Rum's definitely in that mix somewhere if she's serious about this."
"I wouldn't be so sure, Rosie. Normals are nasty things. That's a pile bunker on one of them, too - even I'd have trouble if I got hit with that." Even Elias is worried…
"Consider the Normals a priority target. We can at least make Red Rum foot the bill on this one."
All this just makes you more and more worried. Clearly she's had them the whole time, but she's not deployed them widely enough for Collared to know about it. At this point, if Red Rum is letting her hand show, she's probably taking off the kid gloves.
In the past two years, Red Rum's been building up her power base. Recruiting from the Underground and the contaminated area, attacking corporate facilities and Migrants to gain materiel to wage war. But she's been smart about it - keeping out of the City Centre, away from City Police hotspots, not taking unnecessary risks. For such a wild, monstrous woman, she's downright strategic, and more and more it's becoming clear that overwhelming force would never work as a solution - you'd be more likely to destroy the City first than Red Rum. (Not that Delacroix cares.)
But lately? More frequent attacks, more valuable targets - including Ravens. Those bastards at Men of Honor still maintain a bounty for Ravens regardless of allegiance, a holdover from the Resistance days and the Nexus conflict, and they've been paying out good money to Red Rum for taking out rivals. She's even started hiring Ravens of her own, and recruiting irregulars to her army - like Nightingale, who even joined up with Men of Honor to prove her skills, and just broke into the Arena at rank 30.
What is she planning? A war against Father? Is this all a front for a new Resistance? No, there's no way…no way someone from all the way out in the Jupiter Sphere has anything like that as a goal. She may be smarter than she looks, but you have no doubt she's as violent as she looks, too.
You don't know what Red Rum really wants, but you know one thing: none of you will like it.
"Alright, even I have a visual on the area of operations now. Seems like miss murder's not showing her face yet…but a lot of her friends are down there." Rosary sighs. "You know a Fulton's gonna cost you extra, right?"
"Mother will supply her usual fee," you mutter. You never know if Rosary's serious about it…"Other than that…Uriel, patch Mother in once the recon units are up."
From a hatch in the back of White Glint's core, Elias deploys one last recon unit, manufactured from raw materials by the AC's pre-Fall technology. Even through the contamination that blankets the air, you're able to get a bigger look at the area on the ground, and…
your radar fills up with at least twice as many blips from before. On both sides. Red Rum's serious about whatever this is, and you hate that you haven't been able to find out why.
"Goddess," you whisper under your breath. "This many MTs? In the City Centre?! White Glint -"
…the clear and resonant voice of Mother fills your ears, and despite yourself, you stand a little straighter. Ah, then she's here to order the Mirage Colloid drop…
"…Mother," you respond, on instinct.
"I'm giving you operational authority on this mission. White Glint is under your command now - and Rosary, you too."
"Understood." Normally, Mother handles orders once you're this close, but…her signal is indistinct. You get the feeling her instincts tell her how important this is. "Awaiting the signal from the stealth choppers."
"You heard your Mommy, White Glint. You're under the princess' command now. Shadow, orders?"
As the stealth helicopters drop their bombs, dispersing a colloid cloud that announces the presence of the Glint of White, Rosary descends to drop altitude, and holds her hand over the switch. Across the pier, bursts of mist cloud out the cameras, and even White Glint now has trouble seeing - combat won't be affected, but no one will be able to get a clear shot of it. Just another way of preserving White Glint's legend.
But, like this…
There's still civilians in the area. You caught a glimpse of some infantry transports - Red Rum's side is raiding. And with the City Police being set up like this…
Red Rum likes to use incendiaries. To set the City up like a firestorm. In the chaos, she can send in her forces to raid, and force first responders out into the line of fire - holding the City itself hostage. The City Police, of course, has a standing order to shoot to kill regardless of collateral damage. Here, there may be undocumented citizens seeking refuge, or trying to escape the Underground, all of whom are considered acceptable losses where Father is concerned.
You'll have to choose to have White Glint hit either Red Rum's forces or the City Police first. You know Red Rum is coming, but…if the City Police knows it too, they'll have brought one of the Zodiac. Maybe more than one. Uriel's reports from Collared claim that they're occupied with anti-Migrant patrols in the contaminated regions, but you'd bet money they've kept one in reserve. The recon unit's range isn't wide enough to know for sure under these conditions.
When it comes to battles like these, neither side is very interested in preserving human life. You'll have to choose someone to concentrate on. If you take out the City Police, first responders will have more time to work, and they'll be forced to deploy more of the Zodiac - so Red Rum might try to cut her losses in that case. But if you take on Red Rum's side, you'll do the cops' job for them, hopefully encouraging them to aim more carefully, or to fire toward White Glint…and you can directly deal with the incendiaries.
Either strategy will work, but it's a matter of which Raven you're planning to confront: either one of the Zodiac - potentially Rossweisse, the Rank 2 Raven - or Red Rum herself.
...well, it's not really a choice, is it?
Red Rum's forces will be using incendiaries down the field. It's doubtful they'll have any kind of concern whatsoever, save for not damaging what they're looking for too much. (It's probably something pretty big, if she's bringing this many forces to deal with it - there's not much chance of accidental damage.) Even if the City Police have committed countless atrocities in the name of 'law and order', they're not going to deliberately target civilians in this situation, where they're on the defense.
Red Rum, well...
...you won't let that happen. It's the first time Elias will be on the same battlefield as Shamir, and you're going to make sure she feels it. That Elias can return even a fraction of the pain she's inflicted upon others, to draw blood against that smug bitch who thought she could hurt the people you care about.
The only that she'll ever learn.
"White Glint, your orders are to concentrate on Red Rum's forces. Engage with the City Police at your discretion as needed to protect civilian lives, but we're going to teach Shamir RaviRavi a lesson she'll never forget."
"Wilco. Wish I could give the boys in blue a better hello, Shadow, but I'll take what I can get."
"And as usual, do not fire until fired upon." A fig leaf of a rule if there ever was one, but...that's why White Glint uses the rifles. With those weapons, not only is it easier to avoid collateral damage, but it's easier to disable machines without taking on the pilot.
"Are we ready, Mother?" Huh, it's not 'Mommy' when she's listening...well, even Rosary is going to be respectful to the person who pays her bills.
"Mirage Colloid levels have grown to saturation," says Mother. "My flight is exiting the area of operations while they still have cloaking up. White Glint, please activate your condensers. I leave the rest to Shadow's capable hands."
You hear the ports on White Glint's body pop open. This won't be a full cloak like the choppers, but when within the colloid cloud, it'll make White Glint fuzzy and indistinct on camera.
"Done," Elias confirms. "Just say the word and I'm ready. Looks like our boys in blue haven't even noticed yet. Kisaragi really needs to give them better hardware."
"Rosary, you'll be exposed to enemy fire." You double-check the radar screen, marking priority targets as you estimate Red Rum's drop points. Already some of her MTs are making contact, but the City Police is only performing warning shots thus far - maybe hoping to misdirect her. "Red Rum's a lot more observant than the City Police. Can you handle the anti-air fire?"
"…Shadow, honey, I love you. But seriously, I've been doing this so long I could avoid that in my sleep. As long as I'm out of there before Red Rum comes to play, you have nothing to worry about."
It's time.
Any longer and they'll get suspicious.
"Alright, just one thing. I've got a special tape loaded up just for this occasion."
(…you really can't believe Nashandra took Elias up on his desire for a tape deck inside White Glint, but…it doesn't really have any tactical considerations, does it? Well, whatever. Just another of Elias' eccentricities.)
"Alright, Shadow, I'll be over the drop point in five…"
"Damnit…ugh, the tape door won't close!"
"Just bang it really hard, Eli!"
You hear a very loud noise, but you assume it's probably fine. The AC will still work, and that's what matters. All there is now is to give the order…
"One! Make it quick, Shadow, we're on a schedule!"
"Very well." You smile, and repeat the words that Mother has said so many times before... "White Glint, you are cleared for armed intervention."
"That's exactly what I wanted to hear. White Glint, dropping!"
You hear a loud clunk, as White Glint drops onto the confusion of the battlefield…
Only a few moments before...
Packs of two-legged walkers, primitive Muscle Tracers built from scraps, dropped from Men of Honor Storks. The machines fired their rocket boosters, dropping their tanks as they made contact and started letting loose with their weapons. Bullets, rockets, and missiles lit up the once-proud pier, shipping containers leaking out, as the proud army of Red Rum, painted with the emblem of a spider the color of blood, spilled out onto the City Centre's Pier 80.
The City Police's artillery fired away, but the MTs used the old containers for cover, softening the blows enough that their armor remained mostly undamaged while longer-ranged walkers picked out their targets from afar. The police artillery was old, outdated, barely capable of performing its function...and the pilots were poorly trained.
Red Rum's constant battles and training, though, rendered her forces far more ready for battle. Using their limited rocket fuel and jumping strength, even these weak walkers, when operating in packs, could outmaneuver the more heavily armored City Police.
Heavily shielded MTs rolled forward, charging through containers, but they only met heavy rocket shelling, flammable materials going ablaze.
A pair of MTs rushed forward, running on their reverse-jointed legs, as the cameras began to fog up, and the pilot's aim diminished, bullets flying toward mere shadows as the pair split...
rushed in...
and leaped on, using clawed feet to get past the heavy defenses and knock the City Police machine to the ground.
"Heh. Like taking candy from a baby. The boss was right, they don't have the balls!" The voice was heavily distorted, the region full of jamming, a communications specialist in another helicopter handling Red Rum's radios while the City Police relied on local transceivers. "How's your machine holding up."
"I think one of my servomotors is seized. Nothing serious, especially not against these bozos." The pilot pushed the complex levers and controls inside, the Muscle Tracer's movements based on an AC's, yet infinitely inferior. Only preprogrammed responses could be performed. "Shamir will be here soon, right? And the Sarnaqa Squadron?"
"We'll be done before they even get here." As the pilot spoke, APCs drove past, filled with Red Rum's soldiers, and a radar truck followed behind to scan for the item of interest. "Can't wait to see the look on people's faces when they realize how unstoppable we are..."
"Wait. I'm having camera trouble."
"Just hit it a few times...ugh, mine's acting up too."
...and then the two pilots saw it.
Bursts from above as a mist surrounded the battlefield, their source easily obscured as the cameras inside the Muscle Tracers distorted. Both MTs angled up in an effort to find the bombers, but they showed absolutely nothing...
"H-hey, wait! This is...no, no way! We have to get out of here!"
"It couldn't be...why now?!"
From the clouds and the fog, a Stork descends, marked with the symbol of a heart filled with a rose, carrying an indistinct humanoid shape, around which the mist collected...
"Start firing!"
Bullets flew above, but at this range, and with the interference, no one could fire upon the Stork of the legendary Rosary, let alone hit the phantom that had been haunting Red Rum's proud army for over a year now...
The great white giant descended from the ground, its boosters firing, making impact with a grace no Muscle Tracer could ever match. Completely indistinct on camera, filled with static, the machine stared out...
"Run! Run!"
"It's the 'glint of white'!"
And from that machine...
Blue sensors flickered to life, and it raised its dual rifles, openly daring Red Rum's so-called 'army' to challenge it.

♪ [Main system: activating combat mode.]
Red Rum's army wasn't made out of idiots. At this point, the 'glint of white' had practically been stalking them, appearing at all kinds of vital operations within urban areas, taking down MTs with precision and ease. No one was going to just sit there and take it, as though they had a chance if they just all fired enough bullets.
But someone panicked.
Fanatics. People who worshipped the one who granted them absolute freedom. Who granted them power through the barrel of a gun. Red Rum instilled loyalty, both in herself and those around them.
"Why do you always - !"
A vulcan cannon roared as a walker approached the white AC through a boosted jump, bullets bouncing off and chipping its armor, the pilot attempting to use the containers for surface jumps...only to find them collapsing beneath the MT's weight.
Blue sensors crawled toward the target, and two short bursts blow legs and rockets apart, cannon firing wildly into the air...
And that's when they panicked.
As the City Police's laser sights approached the white giant, the vast boosters on its back unfolded and fired all at once, the machine's legs hovering over the ground as the AC Overboosts, a nap-of-the-earth flight as Red Rum's MTs struggle to track it. Rockets fire, and the machine's left-hand rifle takes out the rockets before they can reach, the heavier right-hand rifle used to engage the machines.
The 'glint of white' shoots, and huge chunks of armor are taken off the front of MTs. Legs collapse under their own weight, guns are blown straight off, with an impossible precision under such speed.
"T-this guy's a monster! Are we doing any damage?"
This era's machine gun rounds do little damage to the armor of an AC. Even the vulcan cannons used by Muscle Tracers, about the lightest weapons that can even scratch it, are of little concern to the 'glint of white'.
"Our standard weapons are useless! Where are our Normals?!"
The City Police are no longer firing at Red Rum's forces. Their efforts are completely concentrated on their rumored enemy now, and even with that speed, the laser tracers eventually find their target, even through the colloid cloud...
The AC's feet make contact with the ground, as the unknown Raven within uses its movements to quickly turn around and brake, now at the edge of the pier, both rifles taking shots at MTs whenever they approach. The City Police uses its shields to mask their approach, firing indiscriminately even at this range...
All at once, their objective had changed. They were even working together, in a way.
All that mattered now, before their battle could resume, was taking down the 'glint of white'.