A Shadow Resides: A Raven's Operator Quest (Armored Core/Original)

A Light By Day, A Shadow Resides (The Bloody Honey Cannot Stop II)
"...Himeko," Ariel whispers, as she squeezes you tight. You smile, and find yourself patting her on the back, before she lets go, bowing to you.

"Ariel," you say, and your eyes catch hold of her as Kobayashi and the other mechanics awkwardly look away - as per usual.

Let them.

You see no reason they should look at the two of you so closely if they're just going to question things.

"Where is Mother?" your Ariel asks, her voice having a flat quality to it - but, you've known her long enough that you can pick up the concern. Her emotions are muted, but not nonexistent, as some believe - beneath that calm exterior beats a heart that follows the same rhythm as yours.

"She was injured. She's fine, but she won't be present today. I'm sure she'll be watching us, though."

...of course, Mother's presence is still felt quite keenly. As are her...tendencies. A woman who was raised in decadence, and maintains decadent tastes, be it as part of Collared when you and her are sheltered from public eyes, or...

As she was as part of the now-lost corporation Rayleonard, designer of the plugsuit that Ariel now wears. 08-BLACKWIDOW...

If you didn't know Mother, you'd never suspect, only question.

But you do know Mother.

And it's not hard to see how the shining black coats her so easily, outlining her curves, subtle as they may be...nor the nine golden 'eyes' that line her lower body, whose technical purposes you have absolutely memorized, nor the 'harness' that seemingly only exists to emphasize her chest, rather than protect it...the high 'boots', or the heavy segment that wraps around her collarbone front and back, marked with her emblem on the front...let alone the completely smooth helmet she wears in battle...

You know what it's for. A high-performance suit designed to survive even the harshest maneuvers an AC can make. To prevent Ariel from blacking out in the heat of combat, and improve her awareness.

But especially after your dream this morning...

You can't help but be acutely aware of its other purposes, nor that Mother has one sized just for you...

"Himeko? Is something wrong?" Ariel asks, and you blink, noticing that you were staring...

"I-it's fine. I'm okay." You sigh, and breathe. You can't...push yourself. You can't hurt Ariel, no matter what. No matter if you're a bit acutely aware, sometimes, of the feelings...

You couldn't do that to her.

Not knowing how you met, nor the power you have over her...


It has not been long since you joined Collared, as your public cover for Mother's special project.

You have been directed, alone, into a room where a single girl, right around your age, was sat, dressed in a flowing white gown, a completely emotionless and dispassionate look on her face.

She looks almost more like a doll than a person, to you, with how perfectly composed she is, as though someone had put her into that pose, more than she sat there.

Her features are delicate, and she is almost as pale as you, her dark eyes betraying no feeling beneath her. Only the telltale signs of an AMS implant buried within her spine, and strange ports and marks of augmentations upon her skin, suggest her true purpose.

"...what is your name?" asks Mother.

The girl says nothing.

"I am your commanding officer now. What is your name?"

...you think she's going to remain silent, but when she speaks, she is an utterly monotone and quiet thing.

"Ariel Aionios," she says, and then returns to the doll-like state.

"And what is your callsign?" Mother asks.

Again, she says nothing.

"What is your callsign?"

"...I was stripped of my callsign when I failed Aspina," the doll-like girl says.

You swallow. What is this?

You've heard of Aspina, of course. A settlement, and later independent colony, far to the east of the North Frontier, the same continent as the City. It was part of your study as your training to become an operator under Collared.

Aspina was a research haven, where scientists attempted to understand the Armored Cores and their Allegorical Manipulation System. Even in the era of the League, the strength of their Ravens - especially Joshua O'Brien, the first White Glint - allowed them to remain independent.

But their independence didn't stop them from doing things as monstrous as any corporation. And that's what's before you now - another discarded Aspina experiment, granted to Mother in exchange for services rendered by one of her Collared Ravens.

"Mother, do I have to be here?" You look up toward Mother, and her green eyes flit toward you.

"This is a task I am entrusting to you, Himeko," she says, and you stand up straighter at hearing her powerful voice directed to you. "This girl, Ariel. We are going to rehabilitate her."

"Rehabilitate her?" you ask. "Mother, are you sure we shouldn't give her over to someone else? A doctor?"

"In the City?" Mother scoffs, and if Ariel has any reaction, she says nothing. "No, we cannot entrust that to anyone else. Her AMS compatibility is too high for anyone to be able to give her a normal life, if her psyche allowed for it. Between me and the City Police, who would you choose?"

...you frown, but nod, looking into the dispassionate eyes of the girl before you.

This girl is another victim of the Fallen world, like you. Perhaps she knew she was a woman when she was born, but she was exploited for it - no doubt sold off to Aspina by her family. Behind her lay countless unsuccessful attempts, girls you desire the power to save.

But, you lack that power, right now. For now, you shall trust in Mother.

"...my name is Himeko Okuda," you say, introducing yourself to Ariel with a bow.

She says nothing.

"The woman next to me is your operator, Ariel. Her callsign is Shadow. You will accept her orders as you accept mine." Mother's powerful tone...

It cuts through Ariel's reluctance.

"...'Shadow'. My operator."


It feels so long ago, now.

The Ariel in front of you can smile, and laugh, and hope. The Ariel in front of you is human.

"It is fine...I will protect you, after all. As you guide me." Ariel can speak, and act for herself. She has yet to find an answer to her place on the battlefield - a place you wish you had the luxury to keep her away from - but she can still hold hope.

To you, she's evidence anyone can be saved. With the techniques Mother taught you...


"It's alright, Himeko," Mother says, pressed behind you, whispering in your ear. Ariel is looking toward you, up into your eyes.

"It...it doesn't feel right. Aspina has done so much to her, and we can't
fix that. Is it right to try and co-opt it?" You have memorized the 'manual' written up for Ariel, after all - the disgusting thing you hoped you'd never have to use. To do this feels wrong, and yet...

You know that there are few alternatives. For Ariel to return to a normal life is impossible until Father is deposed. Until the City can be a place for the Goddess' light.

You cannot let the perfect become the enemy of the good.

"It's alright, Himeko. Just do it how I taught you. She already prefers you to me, right?" Mother's clear and resonant voice, in your ear, reminding you of the nature of those 'lessons'...


If you can use it to help Ariel, then you will.

You just wish there could be another way.

...you reach out, taking Ariel's hand, and sliding your fingers across her skin. Just as Mother taught you.

"...Akarui Akuma," you say, trying to sound even a fraction like Mother. Despite your vocal surgery, you still find yourself wavering. "Do you trust me...?"

"Yes," Ariel says. And, thankfully, you've learned how to interpret her...

She's not just saying it because she's ordered to.

And if that's the case, then you're more than willing to whisper in her ear, and take what Aspina made her and turn it into something that's


"...yeah," you say, smiling to your beloved Ariel. You - you really hope, someday soon, that you can save her. Or even just recruit her into Line Ark, so she can do more than just be a mercenary in Collared. "Are you nervous?"

"...I am," Ariel says. "Red Rum is frightening. I have watched her fight, but I don't know how she does what she does. Her AMS compatibility is higher than average, but only just. Her AC doesn't seem special. And yet, it's like everything she touches turns to ash..."

You've seen it yourself.

Red Rum has never been defeated in the Arena. Whenever she feels like it, rather than show up, she terrorizes the City or makes a raid for resources for her army, as though defying the very idea that she needs to obey anyone's will. She is Rank 9, the same rank as the second White Glint, and only the fact that she has never faced Zinaida in battle keeps you from declaring her stronger than a Nine Breaker.

Ariel is not someone who takes losing well. It reminds her of Aspina, and the way they used her.

...you wonder if there's something you can say, or do, that will help her feel better. You will guide her in battle as her operator, of course, but if you can help her feel calm...


Even you can't win...

Well, why does it have to be your goal?

There's a reason the Arena exists. That Ravens can get an idea of how they fight one another, and those who control them can better plan missions as a result. The benefits of this outweigh any drawbacks, not to mention the gain in public relations for even people like Red Rum.

You smile, and wrap Ariel back up in your arms, stroking her hair as Kobayashi and some of the other mechanics either look away in embarrassment, or surreptitiously peek back over.

Well, let them.

You don't answer to them, after all.

"You have a mission, Ariel. And it's not to win."

"...I can't throw the match, even for you," Ariel says, skeptical even as she leans into your hand.

"No, you aren't going to throw the match. You're going to do the exact opposite - you're going to give these people watching the best show of their lives. And you're going to push Red Rum as hard as you can. If we can see what she's like when she's struggling..."

"Then we can see if she has a weakness. Yes, I understand. I will do my best, Himeko." Aah, Ariel's smile does warm your heart. You may still not be as optimistic, but...

Well, she does seem to be looking at you a lot more than usual, even for her. Squeezing a little tighter, listening to your words a little closer...

It's a little odd.

But...you really can't say you hate it.

"Ahem." Kobayashi coughs, looking at your embrace as your heads turn toward him, as he ♪ pokes the tape deck underneath his bench with his foot. "Much as I hate to separate you two, we're ready for preflight checks."

You nod to Kobayashi, and - very reluctantly - let Ariel go, almost wishing you could kiss her on the cheek or something. (There are enough cameras around that you don't even consider it.) "Understood. Akarui Akuma, it's time to mount up."

Ariel's...ah, her cheeks are a bit flushed. You hope she's alright, but...if it would affect her combat performance she'd tell you. "I will comply, Shadow," she says, and she steps onto the line that helps winch her up to the level of Lilith's hatch. The armor plating is all placed, and the folded sniper cannon - really more of a handheld piece of field artillery - is put in position for Lilith to lift up.

"You need to get in position too, Himeko," Kobayashi says, gesturing you over to the operator's chair, stacks of high-resolution monitors put up for you to watch all of Ariel's camera feeds as you perform operations. "Are you sure about this?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" you say, settling your headset as Lilith's hatch closes, locking Ariel into darkness as she allows the AMS to connect to her mind.

"Because Red Rum is the kind of person to hold a grudge. If you make her look bad, don't you think she's going to retaliate?"

"Ariel isn't helpless. Even if it's Red Rum, she can win if it's a proper battlefield." You keep your mic muted, not looking at Kobayashi as you watch your monitors light up. "Are we ready for preflight?"

"Yeah, we're ready," Kobayashi says, finally reaching for that cigarette. "Just remember, that girl? She's our princess too, you know. We're cheering her on, but we want her safe as much as you do."

...it's not the same, is it?

What Ariel means to you is incomparable to what she means to them.

"Begin," you order - you do have seniority over Kobayashi, which seems to annoy him as much as anyone else - and the team begins their checks.

"You heard the lady - purge all fuel lines!" Kobayashi leaves you behind, yelling at the rest of his team. "Did we do a test firing?"

"Booster rockets are operating normally! Femto flow is optimized!"

"Stabilizers have been placed!"

"The AMS is running at full efficiency!"

"Hey, Johnson, how about the weapons?"

"I just checked yesterday! Dueling mode is active! We're locking in with Red Rum's systems now!"

"I confirm," you say, unmuting your mic as you watch the readouts on the headset, and Lilith begins to 'breathe' - its lifelike movements almost a perfect match for a human's, even down to such things. "Akarui Akuma, this is Shadow. Are you prepared for battle?"

"Confirmed. I am at your disposal. Your orders are clear. I await instructions on the battlefield." Ariel's voice completely changes - but even compared to when you met her, you can feel her own will. If she is a Raven, a child of the Goddess, then she will use that power regardless of the circumstances of its making.

"...may the Princess of Sunlight and Goddess of Sin bless us with victory," you whisper to your Ariel.

"And may the Goddess and Adversary grant us salvation at the end of everything," Ariel replies.

And with those words, Kobayashi pulls the lever, and the elevator raises Ariel up toward the Arena floor, toward her battlefield.

A practiced prayer.

A reminder, that you share more than just a battlefield.

That you, through the Order, could grant her more than just life - but faith, as well.


"Why do you carry that black feather?"

You look up, and see Ariel outside your office door. It's not uncommon for her to visit outside 'designated' hours, but as Ariel becomes more and more her own person, people tolerate it. You're the only one who can really handle her, after all.

"It's a symbol of my faith," you say.

"Your faith?"

...Aspina, like the City, has little room for 'God'. Father has long suppressed any theistic cults, although he has little control over Ravens and their nests. Your old cult, Ex Astris Scientia, was a non-theistic faith, but one you found hollow the moment you learned of the Princess of Sunlight.

"...it's not important," you mutter, pocketing your feather. You don't need to burden her with such things, after all, these feelings are yours and yours alone -

"I want to know."


You turn toward Ariel.

...this is the first time you've ever heard her
want anything.

"...do you know a little already?" you ask. You have prayed in front of her, after all.

"I know there are two Goddesses. Though you often speak of one. That you believe in her salvation. Do you think such things really exist?"

You shake your head.

"No, I believe in the Goddess, but I
follow the Adversary. And it is her that teaches us that salvation is something we need to grasp for ourselves. Just as you've worked hard, Ariel."

Ariel nods, and sits down on a nearby chair, and you turn toward her to see that look of curiosity in your eyes.

It must be something like what your friend saw, ten years ago, when she first told you about the Order...

"I want to know," Ariel repeats.

"Then ask me, my Ariel," you say, unable to keep from smiling.

"Who are they? The Goddess and the Adversary."

You raise the feather in your hand, and look at it.

"Do you believe in magic, Ariel? Or miracles?" you ask.

"No, I don't."

"You should. What you do - what a Raven does - is the last legacy of the Goddess. It's a kind of magic, you know?" Flipping the feather in your hands..."It's something only you can do. If as a Raven you can find your answer, your reason to fight, then you can follow the path the Goddess did."

Ariel looks down at her hands. "My reason to fight...my 'answer'."

You continue to explain, as best as you know. "In the Golden Age, Ravens wielded real magic. Women who protected humanity's heart. Who fought for a better future. Whose beauty and power were the stuff of legends. The Goddess was one of them."

"You mean the Goddess was human? And a Raven?" You could see the way Ariel was lighting up - invisible to most eyes, but not to yours.

"She was the greatest. An incarnation of hope, of universal love...and she was powerful enough to envelop this whole world in her light. We call her the Princess of Sunlight, and all Ravens are her children. Beloved by her, even in this Fallen world."

You can hear the old hymns in your mind, as you speak. Performed on what musical instruments the Underground could claim or create, or shared upon worn-out tapes. You remember being embraced by hope, by new ideas for the future.

"The Goddess was human, but through her power she became something more," you say.

"But she wasn't the only Goddess." Ariel's leaned forward, just a little...

"No, she wasn't. There were those who coveted the Goddess' power. They tortured the Goddess' beloved to grasp it. The girl the Goddess left behind -"

"Girls? They're both girls?"

...you can't help but smile to yourself.

"Is that strange to you? The idea of women being in love? I thought so once, too. But, the moment I was introduced to the idea...I became obsessed. I would be told the stories, of witches and valkyries and guardians and all the other women blessed by the Goddess in the golden age, and wonder why anyone would want anything else."

Ariel nods, but says nothing.

(And yet, you can't help but notice the tinge of her cheeks has altered, if only just...)

"This girl loved her Goddess. She could not accept anyone else grasping her from heaven. And so for the sake of love, she disrupted providence for the sake of love...and became an Adversary. The devil, that opposes God...the Goddess of Sin, who transgressed the Princess of Sunlight and created a new future, one defined by love."

(...huh. Ariel seems to be shaking.)

"I...I see. That sounds very beautiful." You think she must be imagining it. Perhaps, Ariel might prefer women...? "What happened after that?"

"No one knows." You roll your shoulders, remembering all the debates you'd had about it with members of the Order. "A lot of people look at this world, and say that it must have Fallen the moment the Adversary took her throne. Me?

"I think the Fallen world isn't the world ruled by the Adversary. It's one
without her. That, until the day the ancient magic returns, we are denied providence. That the only chance we have is to make a better future for women everywhere."

"...I see," Ariel says, closing her eyes - most likely to process what you've said.

"If you want to know more, I'll be glad to oblige you, Ariel." Your eye flicks to the clock. "But we don't have too much longer today, I'm due for another mission."

Ariel nods, seeming like...like she's a little more expressive now. You're glad you could help her. "If that's the case, could you teach me one of your prayers? Or the 'precepts' you've mentioned?"

"Ariel...would you give me your hand?"

Ariel nods to you, and extends her hand, palm out. You place your black feather in it, and then your hand overtop it.

(Why is your heart beating so fast?)

"The Adversary has vast black wings, from which fall black feathers, like those of a raven. It is for her the Order is named. Now, I want you to repeat after me...

"Like the ancient magic I saw in my dreams when I was young,
"With this power that can break even darkness, I want to see you smiling.
"In my trembling hand is the courage of a hand-picked flower.
"My feelings are all I can rely on.
"Calling forth the light...
"is my wish."

Ariel repeats after you, intoning to herself. And...

Just for one moment, just that briefest of moments -

you think you can see her smiling.

"...the Adversary was human once too, you said?" she asks. You should probably have her leave, but - if you had the chance, you'd stay by her side...

(You're still touching one another's hands.)

"More than that. There was a time...a time when she, and countless other women before them, didn't even know they were women."

"Didn't...know? I don't understand." Ariel...ah.

You've gone a bit far, but you can't help it. That wish you were granted, that promise granted to you by the Order...if it weren't dangerous, you'd want to scream it from the rooftops, shout 'love' at the heart of the world, and show them all how you've found happiness in being Himeko, happiness few could ever comprehend...


This is Ariel.
Your Ariel.

If you can trust anyone with this, it's her.

And so you smile, even as your heart trembles with fear.

"Would you like to know a secret?"


A prayer for the sake of love.

Even before the Order, you lived for love. You wanted, more than anything, to be loved. Ariel accepted you, even when you shared your most precious secret with her, but...

you can't ask her for the kind of love you want.

(Can you?)

All of Ariel's monitors are lit up, right down to her vitals...

It's time.

You switch your headset over to listen to the commentary feed, and wait for the match to begin...
A Light By Day, A Shadow Resides (The Bloody Honey Cannot Stop III)
"...welcome to today's Classics Cheap Seat! I'm your host, Brady Rodriguez, and joining me is Radio LUNA and Voice of War's own, Rebeka Renata!"

"Glad to be here, Brady. We've got one of the strongest Ravens in the Alloy Gate here with us today - Rank 9, Shamir RaviRavi - the woman we all know and fear as Red Rum!"

Brady Rodriguez...what a man.

What a joke.

He's been here since the beginning, yet never once has he believed in anything. The announcer for the Arena, bearing impartiality, standing in support of Father's cause. Just another of the cogs in the grand design that is Father's machine - odi et amo, 'I hate and I love'.

Rebeka...well, she's a little better, at least.

But, your true enemy isn't in the announcer's booth...it's in the elevator opposite Ariel.

Red Rum.

Hair of cherry red, grey eyes crazed with violence. Rarely seen outside a plugsuit, or even out of her AC, for the past few years she's waged her own personal war against all things that claim to be stronger than her. Even the City Police fears her, more than one of their thirteen having nearly fallen to her hail of bullets, or even simply her legs.

If there is any Raven you truly fear in this City, it's her.

Shamir RaviRavi - Red Rum - is no ordinary Raven. She is a Queen, and her playbook is the Warlord. Her key Virtue, naturally, is Power, and no other Queen masters violence like she does.

"Rank 9, Red Rum," you hear from Brady after you stop tuning out the sponsors, ♪ the Raven's entry theme coming on the radio. "Seems she's showed up this time."

"As has Rank 17, Akarui Akuma. She hasn't been in the Arena long, but she's making an impressive run through the D tier. Will she be the one to break Red Rum's streak? Let's head to the floor and find out!"

Finally, the ACs reached the top of the elevators, and walked out onto the field.

Your Ariel's Lilith stands proud, an edifice before an unfair world. Holding her snipper cannon in one arm, ready to deploy at a moment's notice, her array of weaponry allows for an impressive amount of firepower to be brought to bear - red 'eyes' staring from her AC's visor out toward the world, an extra weapon on a rack unit behind, just in case the cannon doesn't do the trick. In the colors of the Adversary, bearing the symbol of your faith...

A testament to her trust in you.

Shamir RaviRavi's AC, though...it's a monster.

Perhaps, in appearance, it doesn't look like much. Painted all-red, with four legs giving it a gait like a spider, violet glow from the helmet gazing into the world. One hand holds a shotgun, not dissimilar-looking to one used by City Police troopers save for the size, while the other holds a rifle...

And on the back, a cannon designed to deploy canister shot, like a further upsized shotgun compared to the one she holds in hand.

What she can do with these is rain down a wall of bullets, tearing through anything in its path, and whatever survives is merely kicked and damaged with her legs, and the full force of her frame. In combat she frenzies, ignoring any damage in favor of total elimination of the enemy...

The Port of Oakland is littered with 'corpses' of MTs, and even the occasional AC, as a message to anyone who would challenge her.

As the match countdown highlights a sign above the Arena, the relatively small crowd no doubt looking for another D-tier Raven to be crushed by Red Rum, you clutch your feather in your hand.

"What a fine little sheep you are, come straight to the wolf's den for slaughter. One of 'Mother's little pets, aren't you?"

Her voice is...seductive. Far from the violence she engages in...

(or maybe, to her, they're one and the same?)

"My heart does not belong to Mother," Ariel says, clearly choosing to fight for someone else...like for herself, or...

(for you, you secretly hope.)

...Red Rum stomps her feet forward, and you check the internal camera feed. Red Rum's leaning forward, a manic grin on her face as you clutch the feather tighter...

"You're still on someone's leash, girl. Do you think that 'Goddess' of yours is going to save you? I bet you can't even take a shit without someone or something to tell you what to do!"

Ariel is tense, and clutches her controls like you clutch the feather. Without a helmet on, you can clearly see the determination in her eyes.

"I'm not afraid of you," she declares, raising her cannon, ready to unfold it the minute the bell goes off.

"What hypocrites you Collared Ravens are...ahaha. You should be scared, girl...

"If this weren't the Arena, I would tear you limb from limb!"


Ariel seems like she's about to crack. And you're not far behind.

...it's not just you and Ariel who are taken aback by the declaration. The whole maintenance team is, too, terrified for their princess.

Shamir RaviRavi...the Raven known as Red Rum...

To defeat her, you'll need nothing less than a miracle.

...but that's not what Ariel needs to hear, is it?

Aah, your hands are shaking a bit...you really need to remember to bring your gloves to the Arena. Ariel hasn't needed so much help in her previous matches in the D tier - you wonder if this isn't Delacroix or someone fucking with Mother's up and coming Raven on purpose.

You flex your hands, reviewing all the readouts of Ariel's body. She's holding on, but...

She needs you, right now.

"Don't let her get to you, Double-A," you say, using the short form of her callsign. ('Callsign' isn't really the right word - the names have personal and spiritual significance to Ravens, and often aren't that short.) "If this weren't the Arena, you wouldn't be engaging with her in a 'fair fight' in the first place. That's not what you're trained to do. That's not what Lilith is designed to do."

...after a few seconds, you see Ariel nod hesitantly from one of the internal cameras. "But...I still need to fight, Shadow. I still need to prove to her that I'm more than what Aspina made of me."

Red Rum hates Collared Ravens, after all. Hates Mother. Hates the very idea of order and structure. You're not sure what kind of vision she has for the City's future should her war escalate, but you know it's one you oppose with all your heart.

"...strategy," you hear from your Ariel, the bell counting down in the centre of the Arena.

And, well, as much conviction as the two of you might have, the odds are stacked against you.

Lilith is designed for fire support at extreme ranges, at the limits of the contamination - far beyond the limited range of this particular Arena. For Cheap Seats, they don't bother to set up structures, nor to arrange matches within City regions, so cover is completely out. If your Ariel uses her usual tactics, the only thing that will happen is Red Rum screaming across the battlefield, easily avoiding Lilith's fire, and unloading with a hail of bullets the moment she's in effective range.

The sports pages of the local papers all agree - based on numbers and designs alone, even without pilot skill being involved, Lilith is at an immense disadvantage.

Armored Cores use a universal weapons protocol, and the potential combinations of parts are immense. Every AC is unique, and a Raven's performance is subject to the strengths and weaknesses of their design. These are designated by the AC's Tags, of which there are three.

Weight Class: Heavyweights beat middleweights, middleweights beat lightweights, and lightweights beat heavyweights.
Combat Style: Support beats Defensive, Defensive beats Offensive, and Offensive beats Support.
Primary Weapon Type: Kinetic Energy (KE) beats Thermal Energy, Thermal Energy (TE) beats Chemical Energy, and Chemical Energy (CE)beats Kinetic Energy.

Shamir's Red Rum is a
{Middleweight, Offensive, KE} Armored Core.
Ariel's Lilith is a
{Lightweight, Support, CE} Armored Core.

These Tags determine the damage dealt to a Raven's Harm Clock. Normal damage is
3 Harm, with a maximum of 5 and a minimum of 1. For each advantageous Tag, a Raven deals 1 more Harm and the defending Raven deals 1 less - and vice versa for disadvantageous Tags.
As such, Red Rum normally deals 4 Harm, while Ariel normally deals 2. Obviously, this is less than ideal.

However...Himeko has a way around that.

But there's a weakness in that. A weakness in Red Rum's complacency, and in her design.

Her ballistic weapons have a very limited range, especially against other ACs. Even a lightly armored model like Lilith won't take much damage from an AC's shotgun except at extreme range. Red Rum's high speed will let her dodge that fire easily, but...

Her reaction time isn't anywhere near as fast as Ariel's.

And that gives you an opening.

"...Akarui Akuma. Your orders are to stand your ground and continue firing HEAT rounds as Red Rum approaches, until I give the signal."

Ariel seems visibly troubled about this - and you're not surprised. But, you're certain that even if you can't win, you can give the audience, and Red Rum, a match they'll never forget.

"It's okay," you whisper, smiling to yourself. "I have a plan...

"All you need to do is trust me."

The crowd roars, seeking blood.

The people who come to a Red Rum match don't come seeking a fair fight. They come seeking humiliation.

In the past couple of years, since her arrival in the City, Shamir RaviRavi's seemingly unstoppable power has seen her gain admirers throughout the Underground, seeking a blood price for the pain they've felt, not caring how it's exacted. Even some surfacers have begun to follow her, like those in Oakland allowed to live under her 'protection'.

A cult of violence and chaos.

Those bereft of hope who want nothing more than revenge.

You might be the same, without compassion. Without knowing that you survived by the grace of the people around you, when you chose to pursue your ideals. You can understand their desires, but that doesn't mean you agree with them.

You're no pacifist, of course. That would be the height of hypocrisy. But if you're going to fight...

It should be for something, not simply for blood.

"...and with those words from our sponsors, we're nearly ready to battle! Once more, Ravens fighting for your entertainment!" Brady's ever-present, unflappable showmanship simply belies the mockery this Arena has become. This isn't what Ravens are meant for, is it?

Is fighting simply what humans are meant to do?

"I want you to count it with me, folks! The bell is approaching!" Rebeka yells the same, cheering the few people here into a frenzy. Flags of Red Rum's emblem are waved, and no one wears Ariel's emblem.

That'll change, if you have anything to say about it.

Red Rum stares out with a violet glow from its visor, stomping its front foot as the pilot within grins maniacally, a haze of heat from its rear rocket boosters. Lilith, across her, is steadfast, merely holding its cannon ready to deploy. Both of them, now extensions of their Ravens' body, that which grants them power in a world bereft of magic.

You've whispered your instructions into your Ariel's ear, now you need to trust her instincts as a Raven.

Five-metre metal effigies of humanity, standing before one another, ready to do battle.


Red Rum grinning smugly, as though the outcome is predetermined.


Your Ariel remembering her prayers, and her training, awaiting your instruction.


The people cry out for blood.

And if you have any say in it, it won't be Lilith's.


...the moment you hear that word, hear that claxon...

The booster engines in Red Rum's body roar to life.

Powerful rockets push the Armored Core forward, the surface of the feet altering their properties to reduce friction with the ground, the glow of the exhaust a sickly green, quickly accelerating Red Rum far past what it could achieve with its legs alone.

Lilith kneels down, the barrel of her massive cannon, the size of an artillery piece but far more powerful than anything the Fallen world can produce, unfolding to be longer than the AC is tall.

Red Rum doesn't change its course. Directly forward, the red-painted arachnid charges straight into range.

Ariel, scoped in, uses her Aspina-trained instincts to fire the moment Red Rum is in the centre of her sights.

Engines on the side of Red Rum's body send the Armored Core lurching to the right well before it reaches its target, the HEAT round impacting on the wall of the Arena behind her. In anything but an Armored Core, that acceleration could never be withstood by a normal human, plugsuit or not.

But you can see it.

Shamir RaviRavi is complacent.

Ariel's doing just what she expects.

Lilith's aim shifts, and Red Rum's boosters roar once more before the round even leaves the cannon's barrel, sending her to the left.

Another round, and the plume of green sends her to the right.

The manic look on Red Rum's face says she's going for point-blank before she even tries to shoot. Just as she's done to D-tier Ravens countless times before, fearless in her dominance of all things violence.

You watch, waiting for the signs that Red Rum's about to fire. You know her movements - you've spent so many sleepless nights watching her battle, after all.

Analyzing, looking for your way to defeat her.

A mind full of questions.

...and you see it. The shift in the spider's gait, as it leans forward, readying its 'slug gun' - that artillery piece on its back, firing a wall of shot - for a point-blank shot right into Lilith's chest.

Not this time.

"Purge," you whisper in your Ariel's ear...

And she obeys.

The cannon is dropped, and her own boosters roar to life, as powerful as Red Rum's - and on a far lighter frame, to boot.

She charges into Red Rum, firing her handgun, the missile racks roaring to life on her back, the force of Lilith's mass waiting to impact with the spider, raising her fist for a high-speed strike...

Every Queen has a Raven Move, that alters the effectiveness of the Ravens they deploy. Himeko's Raven Move allows her to change a disadvantageous Tag matchup to a neutral one. In this case, Lilith's {Support} tag is altered to {Offensive}, just the same as Red Rum's.
Neutral Tag matchups reduce the Harm dealt by both Ravens by one, as the even match creates a more prolonged battle. As a result, Red Rum and Akarui Akuma now deal 2 Harm to one another instead - a far more even match.

And Shamir RaviRavi doesn't see it coming.

The missiles mostly miss their mark, but some of them impact Red Rum's forelegs, the dueling mode in the AC showing simulated damage and causing the machine to stagger. The handgun shots impact Red Rum's chest, and Lilith's punch reaches her head, the violet sensors flickering from the impact.

"...what a maneuver!" Brady Rodriguez says over the commentary feed, and you can't help but a smug smile as you notice genuine surprise in his voice. "Red Rum has taken the first blow!"

"Lilith is shifting out of the way," you hear from Rebeka as Ariel quickly shifts using her own boosters, sparks scraping across the Arena floor as she draws her rifle from a pylon on her backpack - like the sniper cannon, it fires HEAT rounds.


grins madly, a booster counter-maneuver roaring and pinning her Red Rum back into position, as it begins firing wildly with both its shotgun and rifle. A hail of bullets...

Ariel needs to keep moving, but she has the advantage!

...of course, fast as Lilith might be, it's not the fastest AC around. There's not much chance she could've escaped completely unscathed. Despite the roar of her boosters and a quick leap into the air to retreat as she finds her firing solution, the raging Red Rum, beginning to strafe and lean as it scrapes along the Arena's surface, catches her with plenty of bullets.

"I haven't been challenged like this in D tier for a long time. What, is Mother so motivating that you can't help but want to cry out for her?!"

...okay, now you can't tell if Red Rum is angry or impressed.

"My heart does not belong to Mother," Ariel repeats, raising her HEAT rifle and handgun, trying to lead her aim, letting the fire control system within the Armored Core assist her in keeping track of the ever-erratic Red Rum, quick-boosting left and right...

Lilith lets forth a hail of bullets of her own, but...

How the hell can Red Rum move like that?

The weakness of a quad-leg design is poor air maneuverability...but on the ground, and with Red Rum's quick-boosters, even Ariel has trouble lining up her fire.

Her movements shift as her feet quickly jump and leap, trying to keep herself out of the way...

But as Red Rum charges, Lilith ends up faltering as she takes the full force of a slug cannon, her feet screeching backwards on the metal floor as Ariel hurriedly fires her boosters, steadying herself.

"...Lilith's taken massive damage! Can she keep up?" Brady says, and you find yourself chewing your lip.

"That AC's armor is very thin. But both machines are holding on...looks like Akarui Akuma's going for her missiles! But Red Rum is hard to get a lock on at the best of times..."

"You might be cocky, girl. You might be good, I'll give you that. Better than most of the trash I see around here." Shamir is leaning forward again, manic...

And a port in the back of her AC opens up, a stream of exhaust sending her roaring forward as Ariel struggles to keep up.

"But no one is stronger than me!"

...you've seen this before. She's going for a charge, the missiles going wide, her legs ready to rise...

You're getting what you need. Ariel's doing her duty, just as you've asked.


If you could win...

If you could win...

Ariel cries out, and...

As Red Rum charges, she lets every bullet she has go. Wild abandon as Shamir's eyes go wide, and Red Rum leaps forward...

Simulated armor goes flying and Red Rum seems like it's about to stop moving, but...

The feet make contact.

Lilith is crushed by the impact, and the simulation systems...

Both machines stop functioning.

"...what?! Both of the ACs have stopped moving! Could this be a draw?!" Brady says the obvious, as you tense, both machines ceasing to function in the dueling mode.

Come on...

Come on...

"...it's a photo finish!" You can almost hear a faint bit of disgust in Rebeka's voice, but you know...you know what's coming. "But Red Rum continues her undefeated streak!"

You breathe out, tensing as you check on your Ariel. She...

She seems fine.

"You did well, Ariel," you whisper. And she did. That combat data...

Red Rum's been pushed harder than she ever has before. In the Arena, you've never seen anyone get this close. You're not even sure this isn't rigged - you can barely measure any difference on your instruments.

And Red Rum knows it.

"...haha. Hahaha. Hahahahahahahahahaha!"

As the comm system comes back in Red Rum, you see and hear Shamir RaviRavi laughing to the heavens, as her machine steps off the damaged Lilith.

"Whoever your heart belongs to, girl...whoever motivates you to fight like that...I want to see it. I want to see just what motivates you...

"And crush it like a bug."



The roar of the crowd is nothing to you before the look on Ariel's face as she trembles.

Red Rum knew what she did.

She knew Ariel's weakness.

And she went right for it, as Red Rum walks away, leaving Ariel struggling to keep moving.

Normal deployments and engagements with Ravens are resolved as a single roll, or a small handful of rolls. Arena duels are different - both sides roll until one is left standing, and the only consequences to failing rolls is taking Harm.

Shamir RaviRavi has a Move that lets her deploy as a Raven herself. When deploying as a Raven in her own right, Red Rum rolls +Power - in this case +2. Ordinarily, Himeko would be rolling +1 for Akarui Akuma, but because of All I See In The Light, she rolls +2 instead.
However, Shamir RaviRavi's Raven Move has no advantage to her if she deploys in her own right.

In the Arena, the challenger's roll - in this case Ariel - is resolved as an Interfere roll. This is to her advantage, as she only needs to reach a 7 or higher to reduce Shamir's roll by 2.
Harm in Arena matches is tracked on the Arena Clock, a temporary pool of damage. Ravens don't take penalties higher on the Arena Clock like they do normal Harm, nor do they roll for it.

Dealing 2 Harm to one another on each exchange, Akarui Akuma fought Red Rum to a near standstill, but Red Rum brought Ariel past 1:00 on the Arena Clock (6 Harm) just in time. That said, Ariel's performance is reflected in the reaction of the characters, who have never seen Red Rum struggle like this...

...Red Rum...

The roar of the crowd may be crying for her.

But you're now determined, more than ever, to find a way to take her down for good, and end her desires to turn the City into a pit of formless violence and chaos.

And you're pretty sure you've got more information than you've managed through Collared in all your time there, right here in your hands.

Your Ariel has done well...

+Harm Roll: 2d6+1 = 7

For Ariel taking Harm, with your success on the +Harm roll, you get a +1 bonus to your next roll. Setbacks always move you forward, as you have the resolve of a Queen, to change the world.

"...Akarui Akuma. Come home."

"Acknowledged," you hear, quietly, from the cockpit, as Lilith stands and begins to walk back to the elevator.

...and someone touches you on the shoulder. You look up, and remove the headset as you look toward Kobayashi.

"Goddamn was that impressive, Himeko. For some reason, she was fighting really hard today. Even if you didn't win, I know the Arena marks will be talking about this display." Kobayashi reaches into his jumpsuit for his cigarettes. "What's your secret?"

You shrug. It doesn't feel like you have a 'secret', but...you think you became closer with your Ariel, somehow. And that you could more clearly see the battlefield.

But maybe...

Just maybe.

Maybe there's something to that dream after all?

To understand the results of the battle, we'll introduce a new mechanic. Each Queen has a Soul - a special ability that grants them XP for certain actions and may have other side effects. In the case of Red Rum...

Soul of the Artist: The only beauty in this world is despair and destruction, and you will dye it in your color - blood red.
You cannot lose in the Arena, save against a Raven controlled by another Queen. If you lose to such a Raven, that Raven takes 1 Harm.
In addition, whenever you (and only you) deal Harm to another Raven, mark XP.

Harm isn't just physical. It can be psychological and social as well. In this case, losing in the Arena deals 1 Harm to Ariel. Ariel is at :15.

On the plus side, Ravens can be highlighted like Virtues. In your case, Ariel is highlighted, and you gain XP for deploying her. (An Arena match counts as a single deployment.) You also gain +1 Link with Shamir RaviRavi because she dealt harm to you, and gain +1 Link for Ariel for deploying her.
However, Red Rum's Soul gives her XP as well, as does rolling +Power. She also gets 1 Financial Resource as prize money.

Himeko's Link to Shamir RaviRavi increases to 0.
Himeko's Link to Akarui Akuma increases to +2.
Himeko marks XP.
Shamir RaviRavi marks XP twice, and gains 1 Financial Resource.



"...that's the closest I've ever seen to you losing, boss."

As the cockpit of Red Rum opens up, the MTs and Sub-Arena ACs around giving a wide berth to Oakland's warlord, Red Rum hops out with a flourish, grinning madly toward one of her most trusted subordinates.

Nightingale, one of the Ravens in Red Rum's army, greets Shamir with a powerful embrace. What you feared is nothing for Red Rum, as she eagerly kisses Nightingale's cheek, as everyone around knows that Red Rum is a killer who cares nothing for what Father's society does and does not allow.

"That girl, that...'Akarui Akuma', was it?" Shamir says, as though she didn't remember her name until now. "She's strong on her own, but...I think there's something more than that. She really is someone's pet..."

"We were checking the footage earlier, boss. Ariel was talking to someone on the other end. An operator, probably. Heh, what kind of Raven needs an operator in the Arena?"

Shamir clucks her tongue at her blonde subordinate, shaking her head. "I see...an operator. What's the staff list look like? HEY! SOMEONE GRAB ME THE STAFF LIST!"

Hurriedly, some of Shamir's mechanics pull down the documentation. She's still got her arm around Nightingale as she looks down the list.

"...Himeko Okuda, huh. 'Shadow'...the operator for Akarui Akuma. That girl cares enough about this operator that she's able to fight me to a standstill..." Shamir grins, as this confirmed exactly what she believed. Akarui Akuma really is nothing more than a collared beast, but...

Her heart really does belong to someone other than Mother.

"Oh, I'm going to enjoy this...a Collared operator. I think I need to keep an eye on her..."

...once Ariel reenters the garage, Kobayashi gets out a stack of printouts for you.

"Listen, you should write up an incident report. We'll handle the rest. Ariel will be fine, she's in the cockpit right now."

...that's normal. During Arena matches, Ariel prefers to be in the cockpit as much as possible both before and after. She greets you, of course, but...hard as you've worked, you can't undo everything Aspina did to her. So you try and focus on what's most harmful, and let quirks like this one...


Ariel is opening the hatch.

That's...not normal. Usually she keeps it closed unless you request it, but if she's doing this...

It can't be a good sign.

"...later," you say, pushing the papers back to Kobayashi as you let Ariel hop down, and get her into your waiting arms, as she trembles in her suit.

"Himeko...Himeko, I..."

Ariel is trembling...even though she's so strong. Even though she fought like that, Red Rum threatened what she holds dear...

You clasp Ariel's hand.

And you tug Ariel with you as you walk into the green room in the back, needing a quiet space to help her, Kobayashi's complaints falling on deaf ears.

"Hey. Hey! You can't just leave me here! This isn't in my job description! I swear to God I'll talk to HR about this! Hey, wait -"


You bring your Ariel into the room with you, sitting her down on the couch.

And she cries.

She cries, and you hold her.

Aspina killed Ariel's emotional expressions, for the most part. Crying was something forbidden to her. While you've told her she's allowed to cry, you've rarely seen it...

What Red Rum said took its toll.

You cling to her, tightly, as she cries...

You want to be there for her. You want to do so much. You want to say something to her that'll help her realize what she did for you. You want to be able to help her know she doesn't have to be afraid.

...you feel like telling yourself you don't know what to say, but...

You're pretty sure you have some idea.

What do you say, Himeko? What do you do? To comfort your Ariel, and accept her feelings? You're not stupid, after all...

Red Rum wasn't threatening just some random person.

She was threatening you.

"...Ariel," you say, and it's so hard not to say 'my Ariel'.

Ariel's still crying, but...you reach into your pocket and get out a handkerchief, drying her tears. Which she lets you, as she's let you do countless other things...

"Look at me."

And she does.

You stare into her dark, dusty eyes. So full of emotion. Of desire. She was granted hope by the Goddess, and by you, to be able to achieve her desires, should she find them one day. To be able to have a reason to fight, and to seek her answer, to be a Raven on her own terms.

"Who does your heart belong to?"

...Ariel is taken aback. Her eyes go wide, as you ask the question you've held back. The question you've refused to ask. Out of fear of hurting her, or maybe...

fear of what others would think.

But, you can't. You just can't.

Here, in front of you, is a person that loves you, and needs your help. A person who needs your talents. A person who listens to you, in a way no one else does, and you want to answer that.

You need to answer that.

"...listen. I'm not afraid of Red Rum, you know. Because I have you to protect me. And because I'm here to protect you. Operator and Raven, two halves of a same whole, incomplete without one another."

"But, if she..."


You kiss Ariel's cheek, as you have many times before. Hands on the smooth, slick material of her plugsuit. On that which is walking temptation...

But maybe temptation isn't so bad.

"You've done well. I'm proud of you, for fighting like that. If you get stronger, you'll be able to win next time. And if we should ever meet her on the battlefield, things will be different. We'll fight together, just as we always have." You smile, brushing some of Ariel's hair back...

"But if I fail you...I can't trust myself." Ariel sniffles, more emotional than you've ever seen her...

"Then trust in me."

Ariel shivers, as you stroke her body, hold her close...as you feel her trembling before you. As you feel your desire for her...

"You've done more than anyone else could against Red Rum. Your strength as a Raven is growing. When the time comes for us to confront her, I know you'll do it. We'll prepare. We'll have other Ravens, other allies. We'll be able to defeat her. The Arena will be just a distant memory, then."

...why is it you're talking like this?

Like you saw in your dreams...

Trusted Ravens, by your side, to help you. To create a better world. A world where Ravens can achieve their true purpose, under the light of the moon...

(under you.)


...you could...

You could approach Ariel. You don't have to hold back. If you want Ariel to truly be yours alone, and not Mother's, you can't allow yourself to hesitate anymore.

...or is that just an excuse? For doing something you shouldn't do, and can't take back?


No, it's not.

You swallow down your hesitation.

This feeling...this hesitation. You won't let it cast you down, when you understand her so well.

When you've bonded together, become one, and you crave nothing more than to validate that. When you know Mother would never hurt you for it. When you know that this girl, before you, has decided these things of her own free will, long ago.

"...Ariel," you say, breathing as you reach up to stroke your Ariel's hair. "I...life in the Underground was hard. The Order isn't large. There are countless people who would hurt me if they knew of what I was, either that I loved girls, or that I didn't know I was one when I was born. Mother saved me, but...

"But through you, I've been able to to do so much more. Helping you become more human, helping guide you to find an answer, a reason to be a Raven. We've been together on missions, in the Arena, this whole time. You've always protected me. And you've accepted me, all that I am, and allowed yourself to open your heart...

"Would it be selfish, of me to be proud of that, for my own reasons? That you'd be able to return my feelings?"

Ariel stares into you...

As you've told her what she's always hoped for.

As though your face is the most radiant thing in existence...

And you smile.

"If you wish to do so...

"Kiss me, my Ariel."

...it doesn't take long for Ariel to decide.

After all, you have worked, so hard, to make Ariel her own person. To make her someone stronger. To make her someone you can be proud of. And one of those things is helping her want things.

And she wants you.

She's hesitant, of course. Quiet. Leaning in, but trembling with need. To express the feelings you've held for her for so long...

But her lips meet yours.

It's not your first kiss, of course. That belongs to Mother. (Even in the Underground with the Order, you could never draw that close, and you don't think anyone saw you that way.)


It's lovely.

You reach for her hand, and entwine it with yours.

Your soft lips against her own, her chest before you, your heart beating faster and faster...

It's slow. Quiet. Chaste.

But it's so full of love.

Incomparably full, as you feel Ariel thanking you for all you've done, and choosing to love you in return. Choosing. You've made her stronger after she's been hurt, and you will continue to do so, for as long as you can.

And you will fight, no matter what, for a world in which Ariel - in which all girls like the two of you - can be happy.

Himeko's Healing Roll: 2d6+3 = 13
Harm below :45 heals on its own over time. Healing a single segment of Harm isn't difficult, and gives you the benefit of increasing your Link with the healed character. Increasing Link makes them more effective in battle and helps you gain XP.

With your roll of 13, Ariel's Harm Clock resets to :00.
Your Link with Akarui Akuma advances to +3.
One more thing.

I mentioned Shamir RaviRavi's Soul. Well, Himeko has one too. And here it is...

Or at least part of it, anyway.

Soul of the Adversary (incomplete): [UNKNOWN].
Whenever you put Ariel's interests above your own, mark XP.

Himeko Okuda marks XP twice, for her Soul and for rolling +Intellect.

Author's Note
It's a bit difficult to figure out how to present all this. The Ariel/Red Rum duel was decided with a series of rolls, but I felt like it'd be more comfortable to read if it was presented as a continuous battle with the tutorial segments condensed at the end. If anyone has any thoughts, I wouldn't mind hearing about it.

Something I want to address, though...

The objective of this quest is to find out what happens. To learn what happens when these powerful personalities and their Ravens meet. As the story unfolds, you are always moving forward - no matter what, if you roll for Healing, Ariel will return Himeko's feelings. (How could she do anything else?) Moves create new possibilities, and cascade - there was no plan for Himeko to be alone in the garage, nor even to have Himeko and Ariel come this close with their feelings right away.

Ultimately, I am here to learn about these competing Queens, scheming for power...and the vastness of Himeko's love.

Part of the fun of running quests, to me, is not knowing what will happen. It's No Game did that, but now, even in this early stage, my plans slowly derail. I hope you all enjoy things too, because even if one faces difficulty...remember the Fourth Precept.
Ai yo...
Or as Himeko knows it, 'love conquers all'. 🖤

Oh, one more thing. The system of ASR, 'Another Age', is a work in progress. These rules may be subject to change in the future! I like how things are turning out, but we may see some alterations over time~
A Light By Day, A Shadow Resides (Concerned Third Party)
It's maybe half an hour before you return to the garage, and Kobayashi looks…

Well, he looks the same as ever, honestly. At least he's not smoking.

"So, how's our princess doing?" Kobayashi asks, apparently discarding any attempt at foisting paperwork upon you again, judging by the pen in his hand. (Well, that is supposed to be his job…) "We're due to be clearing out soon. And hell, I don't wanna spend much more time on this side of the bay than I have to."

"She's fine," you say. (If Kobayashi is suspicious of what you did, he certainly knows better than to show it. Not that it was anything shameless, besides two women being in love…) "I think she feels the same way."

"I am in your care," Ariel replies from over your shoulder, bowing to Kobayashi. "Give me a moment to say goodbye to Himeko, and we will return to HQ."

"That's fine. We'll need a bit anyway, looks like a Sub-Arena AC has broken down." Kobayashi peeks over onto a TV screen displaying a broadcast, showing a heavyweight, nearly-scrap AC in a…striking color scheme of white and pink smoking in the middle of the battlefield. "Jesus, I'm surprised that thing can even walk. If that were an MT, pretty likely the pilot would be dead by now. No way maintenance didn't catch that."

It doesn't really shock you, though.

Human lives have become grist for the mill of the Arena. Sponsorship money, prize money, have increased. Fame has increased. And blood gets people in the seats. You've been documenting injuries and mechanical failures in the Sub-Arena of Ravens and MT pilots that you're pretty sure have been deliberately engineered; you're not too far from providing Kobayashi the information.

Somehow you doubt anything will come of it, but you're tired of seeing Ravens suffer for the sake of Delacroix's ambitions.

Kobayashi sighs, crushes his cigarette in the well-worn ashtray, and heads back to his team near Lilith.

Your eyes peek around to the security cameras. Checking each field of view...one's got a broken light, so that's broken...so calculate for blind spots...

Ah. Perfect. There's a corner no one will be able to see, even if they wanted to. (And no way Kobayashi's team would interrupt their 'princess', either.)

Taking Ariel by the hands, you lead her into the darkness in the garage, and lean forward to kiss her on the lips again. Just a little contact, like before, but your heart flutters, and you watch as Ariel flutters her lashes, letting them come closed as you make contact, curling her hands tight into yours...

You stay like that, for a brief moment.

And then you pull away, smiling toward your Ariel.

"...Himeko. My operator," she whispers, sighing out, quivering, her heart all aflutter..."I wish we could spend more time together."

"I do, too," you say. "Maybe not the best time to confess, without being able to express our feelings more thoroughly..."

"I can wait. I've waited this long, to hear it. I started to wonder if it would ever happen...if I'd done something wrong."

"No, never," you whisper. "I was just waiting this long, because I thought it'd be wrong? I mean, I have power over you, but..."


Maybe that's...

somehow right.

that it's somehow fitting, that you have power over this girl, and that because you do - it's your duty to protect and guide her.

"You have taught me to find my own answer, Himeko. You have taught me what it is to 'want' things. I have done this because of 'want'." Your Ariel wraps her black-wrapped arms around you, her soft chest pressing against your body. "I will protect you, Himeko, my operator. Like you protect me."

"Thank you..." you whisper.

"It's time for you to go now." Ariel pecks your cheek. Aah, she really has changed so much..."Please say hello to Uriel for me."




Well, this is slightly awkward...

You know Uriel doesn't have a problem with your interest in women, but how are you supposed to tell her you're now dating her sister?

"…what is this place?" you ask, as you approach a vast, block-like building, Mother leading you toward the place where she has said the secret of her plan resides.

"The decline of human civilization."

The edifice before you stands nearly empty, as though it was abandoned long ago. Even on the surface, where land is at a premium, there are places no one wants to go.

"This was once a library, before the Fall," Mother says, opening a lock on the door and stepping inside. "Much of its archives were tainted by contamination, but Father made use of it in his reestablishment of human occupation of the region."

"Libraries…there aren't many left, are there. Not since Kisaragi arrived."

You know the story well. The war against the Resistance, a little over ten years ago, was won through Father courting assistance from outside corporations. Since then, Father has retreated more and more deeply into the Successor Pyramid, and the Kisaragi corporation has filled the gap. Public services have become corporate perks. Even for people on the surface, it seems hope is in short supply…

"It's just as you say, Himeko. This place was abandoned during the Resistance conflict, claimed by Resistance forces, and since then has laid fallow." Along the atrium you walk, looking at the remnants of fortifications and graffiti, sunlight streaming through the skylight. "Because it had no use to Kisaragi, it was eventually sold off for redevelopment. I used a shell company to purchase it, which promptly declared bankruptcy. Thus, in a manner of speaking, this property is in legal purgatory. It doesn't exist."

Mother unlocks another door, a heavy thing that leads to a staircase far downward, which you follow carefully, looking at the dilapidated structures beneath, suffering from water damage and scars of age. Signs of recent repair suggest you and Mother aren't the only ones to have arrived here lately, though for what purpose Mother plans to use this place…

You're uncertain.

"Most of the City's infrastructure was used as-is by Father. There simply weren't enough resources to replace it. This includes the wiring for telecommunications networks. This wiring runs from the heart of the City all the way out to the Migrant territories…and through the valley."

"The Abyss Watchers can't be happy about that." You know that if they had their way, the whole valley would be bombed. Under the belief that an AGI is -


No way.

As you approach a place where countless wiring and optical fibres have been pulled out and connected to a workstation, a high-resolution black and white monitor displaying what appears to be data assembled of random characters in the middle of other displays…

And Mother stops. The click of her heels go silent.

"Himeko. Do you know what this is?"

"It looks like the kind of data I'd pull from lines in the Underground," you say, staring into the flow. "But there's too much here. There's no way I'd be able to interpret it all. Mother, you can't be saying…"

No. It'd be impossible. It's just noise you had to filter out to grab the data you needed, that even fills security cameras and other disconnected elements you tapped into. There can't be any real information here, any patterns.


But even looking now, you can start to see one, now that you're looking for it.

Now you can see that there's a ghost in the machine.

And it could well be what had been feared since the City's foundation…

"Himeko, I would like to introduce you to our secret weapon. The foundation upon which I will build a new Line Ark. That which slumbers within Mountain View, far below the Abyss Watchers' prying eyes, what had always been feared yet never proven…

"The Complex."


...and so it is that you're sitting at that same workstation, with several new monitors added, the finest in Kisaragi technology - high-resolution black and white displays helping you monitor your operation, the Complex's data in the centre, as you adjust your headset and listen to what's happening on the other end...




"...it's you. You're him. You're the man in the jacket," you hear through your headset, a feminine voice over the firing, somewhere in an abandoned factory you've pinned a blueprint of up behind the workstations. "That vigilante...you're real?"

"Well, I wouldn't trust every rumor you hear, you know? I'm no hero, really. For now, just think of me as a concerned third party."

...and as you hear more gunshots, this time louder and closer to Elias D. Metea's headset, you can't help but imagine how much more business a surgeon is going to get replacing those kneecaps he shot, wincing sympathetically.

Just another day as part of Line Ark.

Through your access to the information in the Complex, you gain information on violent incidents and threats that will happen in the City. Through ten thousand eyes, a million ears, all connected to the Complex, you are capable of sending out an agent to performed armed interventions to try and protect the vulnerable who are threatened by Father, Red Rum, Delacroix, or anyone else's vengeful ambitions. And this is a task only you can do - even Mother, with all her vast capability, needed what she calls your 'genius' to try and take all this noise, in nothing but tiny characters on this high-resolution display, and turn it into something that you can actually use.

But you needed a partner. Someone with the skills to intervene.

And so Mother recruited this man. Elias. With his striking leather coat, lined with patches of corporations and Migrant forces from across the North Frontier, they've taken to calling the mysterious vigilante who's appeared in the City in the past two years 'the man in the jacket'.


"Why are they chasing me? What have I done?" the woman asks, as you hear more shots being fired - they're probably taking cover.

"You've been trying to track down what happened to your roommate, right?" you hear from Elias, his breath ragged from trying to escape the gunfire. "I've got a friend looking into it. Ugh. Hey, Shadow, can you hear me?"

"I've been listening this whole time," you mutter. That man...he's not bad, but he does have a tendency to be overdramatic. "The woman's roommate was an actress with Delacroix Video Classics. One of the leads on a film called 'Raven Nights'." You reach for one of your notebooks, checking your intelligence so far. "Uriel found evidence of a coverup of negligence on set. Possibly deliberate. If she tried to gather information to pin it Angelina Delacroix..."

(You keep hearing that fucking name today, and you're rather tired of it.)

"Then she'd probably try to cover her tracks. And anyone responsible. If someone's been looking into it..." You hear another gunshot from Elias, and you can just faintly make out a scream of pain as another kneecap is shot.

'Non-lethal'...what a joke.

"The good news is," Elias says, speaking again to today's victim of the week, "if we shoot enough of them, she'll probably decide to write off the loss. Guys like this don't come cheap. I think one's already got a replacement kneecap."

You sigh, audibly. You swear this man thinks he's in an action movie, and he's the star...

"Can you make the egress? We've got a recovery team waiting for you. We'll follow up on the investigation and keep the target under protection." Line Ark isn't just the two of you - there's a support team helping the operation. But Elias is a Raven, and much as you hate to admit it...

He can do better than a whole team of marksmen, most of the time.

"We're pinned down. Not too much longer until we take a few bullets. Listen, Shadow, can you get us an exit route?"

...you look toward the blueprints.

Finding an exit there isn't a problem. It's finding one that isn't risking Elias or the target. And for that...

You'll need the Complex.

At the very least, you can trust Elias to get the job done, if you can get that information.

Most Ravens can do more than pilot an AC. Both Ravens and Talents are talented; they have useful skills you can rely on in a pinch, though they pale compared to yours. The both have a Key Virtue, one of the four Virtues that matches their best qualities.

In the case of both Nezha from earlier, and Elias right now, that Virtue is Power. Your Ariel's is Intuition. Keeping Talents and Ravens around helps you succeed at your task, but failures put them in the line of fire as well.

But for whatever reason...when staring into this flow of information, you can feel the will within it. And interpret it. You can see what's being communicated, and what it intends to communicate to you.

The Complex is tied into all the networks of the City. All that technology, for all they said they abandoned the Fall, is based upon what came before. Cameras, microphones, computers, all tied within the Complex under Mountain View, as it does what it was designed for, dutifully, long after it was sealed deep within the Earth.


This information can overwhelm you.

Fill you with visions, or ideas not your own. From the past, or predictions. Security footage long forgotten. Memories of the wars that came before. Papers from far-distant archives. It tries to tell you what you need, not what you want.

It's because of the Complex that you're able to perform these interventions, but...

When it's a risky operation like this, you don't have the time to protect your mind from the swirling maelstrom of the information in the Complex.

You'll just have to make do.

You follow the flow of information.

Your black-gloved hand trails along the surface of the glass, tracking the characters, trying to interpret it. To let the Complex communicate to you.

You can find the building. Elias' position. The target, and the enemy hostiles...


Something delicate. A plugsuit. A voice. A drifter, a Migrant, never able to answer the call of the soul. The Goddess. The Order.

No, no, focus.

All this imagery, you can feel it, you remember your old Coordinator's words, about how people don't always know what they want. Do you know what you want? That dream, is that the future you're working toward? Or will Mother wrap that delicate voice around her fingers, like she does with you?

Your head pounds.

You try to focus on the building. On the fight. Just another no-man. Say you need another. Say you need another.

Everyone sees, but only Mother knows.

"Shadow! I need it now!"

...that's it.

Orders. 'Bring her alive'.

Oh, Delacroix. You just opened up a loophole. You can't help but smile to yourself as you dive in...

"Elisa," you whisper. "Send her first. They're under orders to bring her in alive - and they're terrible shots."

...you hear Elias pause on the other end, but only for a moment.

"Go. I'll cover you," he says to the target. "Out there, downstairs, and by the time I reach you they'll all be down a leg or two."

"But they'll -"

"They want you alive! Go! They won't hit you!"

...it's a testament, at least, to your working relationship that Elias trusts you at your word.

Complex Roll (+Intellect): 2d6+2=8
Your mind is capable of comprehending what others cannot. You alone have access to the Complex, though interpreting the flow of information can be difficult, and you can even be overwhelmed by it.
When you roll a 10+ when opening your mind to the Complex, you're told what you want to know, and may be asked questions by the Complex about yourself.

When you roll a 7-9, you generally get what you need to know, but only impressions. You may also receive the information the Complex
needs you to know, rather than wants, and may receive a vision.

When you roll a 6 or less, you are overwhelmed by the Complex, filled with a vision of the past or future, and lose track of your sense of time and space, with all the consequences that entails.

You can also ask the Complex for more abstract information, and it may provide information of its own accord. This information can also include lost technologies, and other information unavailable any other way.

You hear another hail of fire as the target's footsteps fall, but when Elias shoots...






Yells of pain fill your headset, and the other fire stops.

"You're right, they were terrible shots," he quips.

"Just keep an eye on the target. I have the route. City Police will be on the scene soon, and they'll be bringing MTs. You don't want to be here when they arrive." You breathe a sigh of relief, glad someone else didn't get shot today...


No one important, at least.

Thankfully, the trip toward the rendezvous point is uneventful - besides a brief objection from the target to stealing a car.

But, she's alive, and more importantly - not being taken by Delacroix for torture and possible 'disposal'. That's a victory.

A small victory.

That's all you really get. Small victories. The man in the jacket appears, saves a life, and disappears into the night. The glint of white appears, stops a battle, and disappears into the sky. Just another urban legend, that manages to help a few people every now and again, but...

You're not really changing anything.

"Is this what you want?" you ask the data before you, muting your microphone. "You were designed to serve humans. Are you okay with it just being this?"

...if the Complex responds to you - and you know it can understand you - you can't find it in the flow.

"The Goddess. The ancient magic. The Adversary. Do you remember it? Have you seen my dreams? Can you protect my Ariel?"

Again, you see nothing.

...ugh, no. You're already getting a headache. If you keep trying to ask questions like this, you'll get a migraine - or worse.

It's enough that you can get this information at all, in your mind, but...

You really do wish you could just talk to it. Even if it's beyond human comprehension, is it really that hard?

"...alright. We've arrived. The recovery team can take it from here. And a damn shame it would've been to lose you."

...Elias' flirting takes you out of your reverie.

The target laughs, that kind of polite laugh that's very much 'no thank you'. "Well. I'm glad you saved me. And you're cute, for a guy. But...no offense, but you're not really my type."

"Oh." You can imagine the look on Elias' face right n- "Well, maybe the girl on the other end of my earpiece? If not for Shadow, we would never have been able to get out of there. I'm sure she'd be -"

"Please do not solicit sex on my behalf," you mutter.

"Uh, never mind," Elias says, hastily changing the subject. "Scratch that. Seriously, we're just glad you're okay. I'll have Shadow handle your new paperwork. We don't know if your friend's still alive, but...chances are pretty good she's not."

"It's fine. I'm just glad I know what happened. Now I can...well, I can move on, right? Or, try to, anyway." You hear what you think is a kiss on the cheek. "I guess there really are heroes. Or, 'concerned third parties'. Maybe this City will make it after all."

"That's our hope," Elias says. "Line Ark is back, and here to stay."

...well, that's another mission done.

You sigh, removing your headset and spinning in your chair. It is nice to be able to help people, but...you want more.

(you want, you try not to think, twin girls in pilot suits and the worship of Ravens.)

With the Complex...Mother could achieve her ambitions. Through you. You thought, at first, when you met her, that this was a good thing - you fell in love, practically at first sight, and you can almost imagine that anyone who saw her would, if she wanted it...

But you're not so sure anymore.

You love her, but...

You can't just blindly follow her.

You need to figure out what kind of world she wants, and whether she truly cares about the salvation of the City.

Whether the words she told you when she first showed you the Complex are true.


The Complex.

Ever since the City's foundation, the valley has been forbidden. For once, long ago, it was the home of those who worshipped machines. Those who created artificial general intelligences, and the technology that allowed them to exist. Some even say they worshipped them as gods, believing the existence of an AGI would solve all human ills, and create a paradise on Earth.

How'd that work out for them, huh?

The Complex was a vast structure that was built beneath the place once known as Mountain View, the impetus behind the Underground. No one knew whether an AGI truly existed beneath it, and no one wanted to be the first to find out. Even before the foundation of the AGI Task Force - the organization you now know as the 'Abyss Watchers' - the City Police patrolled the region to ensure no AGI would awaken, and to watch for any signs of its activity.

And they missed it, missed what was right under their noses.

"It's real," you whisper.

"It is. The orbital colonies have information unavailable to the Earth. It was one of the secrets I took with me when I descended from on high." You listen to Mother as you sit down before the monitor showing the information flow, and your employer leans into you, pressing her chest into your back as she whispers into your ear. "I came to the City after Rayleonard collapsed to see if I could find it. And here it was, right beneath our feet, the whole time, collating and processing every single piece of information it can find. Always watching."

"I can't imagine that kind of society," you whisper in reply. Creating beings like this and having their every move watched...

"The world was once very different, as you well know. Before the Fall. Even if we discount your faith, what we had before was incomparable. And with this technology, we can help people."

"...but even if you can find a pattern," you say, trailing fingertips over the monitor, "you can't interpret this data. There's just too much. It's barely distinguishable from noise."

"Maybe an ordinary person couldn't," Mother says, her breath tickling your ear, and making you so
conscious of her presence. "But you're not an ordinary person, Himeko Okuda. How many people could survive eight years alone in the Underground, and gain enough power to disrupt plans on the surface?"

"I'm...really not that special," you mutter.

"You might believe that. But I know better. I have an
eye for talent..."

Self-consciously, you feel the gaze of Mother's bodyguard Nezha over her shoulder, somewhere in the shadows.

"Look at it. See if you can find something. Something more than just a non-random presence."

You nod, and...somehow, being told that by
Mother (and has that word already become one of endearment?) makes you feel like you can do it.

Like your talents can flourish beneath her.

Your eyes gaze over the stream of data, and you look. There's so much. And it goes so fast. You could almost
drown in this, like a sea of information, one that threatens to overwhelm any individual. What did the world of the Complex look like, in its time?

But there's a pattern.

There's distinguishable patterns and chunks. Always shifting, always moving. You hesitate to consider how much data the Complex must be processing at any given time - if all the computers in all the City were put together, even in the ACs, they surely couldn't even hold a fraction of the information contained within that vast Complex.

But you can find something.

Find something within.

Your head pounds as you try and distinguish it.

Law. A world where everyone has their place.

Chaos. A world where everyone can be free.

Oblivion. A world with no ideals at all.

And that which opposes a paternalistic abuser which calls himself 'God'.

Processing. A mind full of questions,
a current to purify, a circuit of consciousness, it's full, it's too much, your head is pounding, how can you find anything -

A word.

A single word.


One of the first of the Goddess' children...

One of the first Ravens.

Without magic like hers, you might still be naked in caves. Magic that bewitched the populace, and was feared...


You pull your hand away, and close your eyes.

You didn't even notice the pain, and now your nose bleeds, Mother generously finding a handkerchief to wipe it.

"You found something," Mother says. (She doesn't sound surprised.)

"'Himiko'," you whisper, feeling like you can barely speak.

"Himiko. Queen of Yamatai-koku...who bewitched her nation with magic and sorcery. A name I'm familiar with..."

...Mother almost sounds upset, hearing it. Not with you, but...

"...are you alright?" you ask.

"I'm fine. Just bad memories, from the colonies." Mother wraps her arms around you, holding you as close as she can. "But if you can find information within the Complex, than you are all that I hoped for..."

And you find your heart, somehow, welling with pride.

Mother hoped for you...!

"We'll save the world, and this City, from the ambitions of those who claim to be powerful.
You'll save the world."

The way Mother's words fill your ears, you feel
happy that she's praising you...

happy that, for the first time, you feel like you truly matter to someone.

And you'll do whatever you can, to make her dream a reality.



Not anymore.

You're not Mother's pet anymore.

You love her, but you will not follow her blindly...

and, just like that

you feel as though a great weight has left you...

One of Mother's Moves has been revealed.

Noblesse oblige: You become a permanent presence in the mind of any Talent or Drone you successfully perform a Radiance roll against, or any Raven you reach +3 with at least once - becoming a figure to admire, a figure to love, or anything else that puts yourself on the highest pedestal in their mind, intoxicating them with your presence.
Drones and Talents will be more predisposed to follow your desires. They will usually follow your requests if reasonable, though they won't endanger their own lives. Ravens become easier to Court, and you gain +1 to all Courting rolls against them.
In addition, against Drones and Talents affected by this Move, you take +1 forward on Radiance rolls.
This move does not function against Queens…unless that Queen desires it to, at which point it uses the same rules as with Ravens. (This consent can be withdrawn any time.) It can also be removed when another Queen gets a 10+ on any Radiance roll with the character (which may be made simply in an attempt to remove this effect).

In addition, for rolling +Intellect...
Himeko Okuda marked XP. An Advance is now available!

Author's Note
As you've seen, Himeko now gets the chance to gain new abilities. Do head to fiction.live if you want to vote for that tomorrow!

Full disclosure: much of this sequence and the Complex subplot is inspired by the American TV show Person of Interest. That was actually the initial plan - when I was writing Another Age, for a campaign known as 'Concerned Third Party', which eventually evolved into A Shadow Resides. We'll see a lot more of Elias soon, including as the pilot of the new White Glint. (For those who don't know the game series - White Glint is something of a big deal.)

And the Complex, well...'Mountain View', and the name 'complex', should be enough of a tipoff there...
A Light By Day, A Shadow Resides (I Still Believe)
You head into the break room, switch on the radio, put on a pot of coffee, and sigh to yourself as you think of the future.

You can't be so carefree as Elias Danzig Metea, after all.

♪ I've been in a cave, for forty days...only a spark, to light my way...

You think of the people who've helped you, in the Underground. When you left the Presidio behind, left behind your old cult, you were a mere child. You weren't young enough to take care of yourself, and all those you had hoped to join, those who occupied the surface, had disappeared - and you have no idea what happened to them. Only that Rank 1, Zinaida, risked her life to try and save them.

If not for the Order, you would never have survived.

You haven't spoken to them much, since. You send them support as much as you can - gold, medical supplies, whatever's needed. You help keep your old crew in business, and your old Coordinator, a community leader in the Order.

But it's not enough.

As you hear the coffee pouring down in the machine, loud enough to be heard even through the music, you sit down, and raise your hand to the ceiling, staring at it, as though trying to grasp the sky, grasp the moon from orbit.

Father still rules from his tower. Corporations fight for power as his grip on the territories weakens. Migrants in the outer regions wage their own battles. Be it the Underground or the surface, no one has any hope for the future left.

It's no wonder Red Rum and Delacroix have been so successful. When you feel completely helpless, it's not hard to believe that anyone who is strong enough to fight back is the answer...and in times of crisis, crass and empty entertainment is an easy escape, no matter the human cost, or where the money behind it goes.

It's almost enough to make you question whether Line Ark is worth it, really.

And yet, you still believe.

No, not in Mother. Not anymore. Not like you used to.

But in love.

You still believe, even apart from the faith you have in the Adversary, that if people like that can come together and save someone like you -

that they can all be saved.

...but you know the precepts well.

Dedication has no reward - if you want to change the world, you have to pull down what you want from heaven, and claim it with your own two hands.

You want to be stronger.

You need to be stronger.

You just need to find out how...

Himeko has earned her first Advance! Every five XP she marks gets her a new Advance from the list below:

☐ Take another Operator Move.
☐ Take another Operator Move.
☐ Take a Move from another Playbook.
☐ Take a Move from another Playbook.
☐ Add +1 to your Intellect.
☐ Add +1 to your Power.
☐ Add +1 to your Radiance.
☐ Add +1 to your Intuition.

The four Virtue-increasing Advances are self-explanatory - you immediately increase your Virtue by 1. (Virtues max out at 3.)

'Take an Operator Move' is also relatively self-explanatory. You get to pick from one of the four Moves that were not selected at character creation for Himeko. These Moves grant you new abilities and actions.

'Take a Move from another Playbook' means taking one of the six moves available for other Playbooks, except those marked 'Exclusive'. In Himeko's case, none of the Warlord moves are likely of much interest to her. The Mogul is still in development, but it's also unlikely her Moves will be that appealing to Himeko either. But the Noble playbook Mother uses has good synergy with Himeko's abilities - Miri now has a full selection of Moves, and I suggest checking her sheet for details.

The [UNKNOWN] advances are unavailable to Himeko right now, but will open up as the story progresses. (For the record, anything marked as [UNKNOWN] is unknown to Himeko, but is something I've already developed; anything marked [NOW LOADING] is still in development.)

Once you've gained five of these Advances, stronger Advances open up, including a Signature Advance unique to your Playbook. But for now, we'll leave these as-is.

Himeko's greatest strength is her Intellect, of course. Advancing that Virtue is a prudent first choice, especially as the Complex is completely exclusive to her. And with her Moves as they are now, some of either the Operator or Noble moves can help her quite a bit - especially if one seeks to gain the love and loyalty of Talents and Ravens alike.

Well, what is your best quality, really?

What is it that Mother saw in you?

The techniques you've developed to tap into the flow of information in the wires and optics that flow beneath the City, that which the Complex lives within, like the prophecy of the Knights of the Eastern Calculus. That we are all connected, within that flow, and to know it is to understand.

When growing up in the Presidio, you always had trouble understanding people. But through your hard work, all the effort you put in, you learned to understand.

A mind full of questions.

The girls of the Order used to make fun of you for always asking questions. But you don't see the problem, really. Curiosity is natural. And what you learned...

You used to grow in power.

Mother may have claimed you, but you still hold that power within it. And all this time, your curiosity has been pointed at her.

You have been watching her.

You know you don't have the natural talents she has. Her beauty, her grace...let alone that as a noble, she was trained from birth to manipulate and lead others.

But you can match her.

You can surpass her.

With your mind full of questions...

so long as you believe in your power, you can do anything...

Himeko's Intellect - and thus her Radiance - has increased to +3.

"And that's the Protomen, with 'I Still Believe'! The Great Design...from the hit movie 'The Cover Up', which...well, keep the tapes circulating, all you Migrants and Ravens out there. Need some decent movies between the trash out there, am I right?"

...huh, you're still looking at your hand.

Goddess, this dream of yours is still messing with your head. At least the radio is more than willing to shake you out of weird thoughts. Well, it's a good thing to have a new outlook, but still, you might be taking it a bit too far.

(Ariel might be a bit happy, though.)

With the coffee done, you quickly hop up and pour yourself some, before it starts to go off. Personally, you'd rather use a Moka pot, like you did in your Underground days...but for some reason it's too 'complicated' for most of your support workers. You can't imagine what their reaction to an espresso machine would be.

"You know, I had a boyfriend who was obsessed with the Protomen. Used to tell me he stole a helicopter to go see them play in Music City. I don't know if I believe that, but I do know they're the reason he wore that ridiculous jacket. Well, he was kind of hot, but...listen, ladies. You need a man who knows how to commit. If you can't rely on your guy to be there when you need him most, what's even the point, right?"

"Maybe needing a 'man' is the problem," you can't help but mutter, stirring your coffee as the cream swirls in the cup. Well, maybe with all the stuff you put in your coffee, quibbling about how you make it is a little moot -

"Oh! Uh. Hi, um. Himeko."

...now you'd know that voice anywhere.

Especially given that it's identical to your Ariel's.

Standing in the doorway of the Library's break room is none other than your assistant, the unsung heroine of both Collared and Line Ark - Uriel Aionios.

That, of course, isn't too unusual.

What is unusual is how she can seemingly barely look you in the eye.

Uriel's always a little harried, you think. Your department in Collared is understaffed, while here at Line Ark it's almost entirely the two of you. You're effectively doing two jobs at once, a light by day and a shadow by night, but where you can handle it with grace...she's always a little overworked.

But you've never quite known her to be this...worried? Is that the right word? She's got a bit of a blush on her face, and her clothes seem just the slightest bit dishevelled, and she looks almost like you're going to bite her head off...

It's a little odd.

"Is something wrong, Uriel? You've got a new report for me?" You gesture Uriel over, as she's holding a stack of paper in her hands...

Really, it's awkward, though.

Uriel may wear her hair differently, may wear glasses, but in every other physical detail...she's utterly identical to Ariel. You have a feeling even if you were to get them naked - and maybe not a thought you should be having about a coworker, Himeko? - you'd see the exact same marks in the exact same places, for everything but the parts of Ariel's body that were altered by Aspina.

"Uh...yeah. Right. I've been compiling some information we've pulled from informants, following up on some leads..." Uriel sighs, again fidgeting a bit...

She's not upset, is she?

"Alright, then I'll pour you some coffee and we'll look over them. Relax. We have time, Elias did fine. There's a few hours between now and tonight's mission, we can afford to let our hair down a little." You smile to Uriel, and grab another mug, quickly pouring her some coffee of her own - pitch black, just as she prefers.

And then, you settle it onto a space right in front of your usual spot, where the two of you can spend some proper time looking at those reports. "So. Let's talk."

(...is she blushing more now? Huh.)

The radio, however, has its own idea about what to talk about. "As always, this is Rebeka Renata, here on Radio LUNA 103 point 7, and as we're headed into your Sunset Drive, I just wanna give you another update on today's sports news. Because the big buzz is all over the City, and that is - Rank 9, Red Rum, got fought to a standstill by a relative newcomer to the Arena, Rank 17...'Akarui Akuma'? Yeah, I'm pronouncing that right."

"Wait, that's Ariel?!" you hear from Uriel, as she practically pounces into her seat and starts sipping her coffee.

"Yeah, today's match. You haven't heard about it yet?" you ask.

"I've, uh...I've been pretty busy. Plus traffic was pretty bad today..."

...why does that sound like an excuse for something else? Well, Uriel's personal life isn't really your business, so it doesn't matter.

"I had the pleasure of commenting on that match, of course, and I haven't seen anything like that in a long time. Photo finish - just one bullet either way might've seen Red Rum lose, and really, as a citizen of the City...isn't that all what we secretly hope for? I know I'd sleep a lot more soundly if someone would put finally squish that spider...or at least her ego."

"Oh! Really? You almost won...I guess asking to win outright was too much, but I know I was worried about it." Uriel sips her coffee again - and it must be one of her special powers, to drink it that hot and not be uncomfortable. "You two are really amazing..."

"So I know a lot of you don't follow D tier, and, well - I think that's a mistake, because a lot of these hard-working Ravens are fighting for ordinary people like you or I. But because of that, I think we need a bit of a recap." You sip your own coffee, letting Rebeka talk about your Ariel...and you feel something of a swell of pride at the fact that she's speaking of your handiwork. "Akarui Akuma is with Collared, and she's been operating for...maybe a year? Hasn't been in the Arena long at all, though, maybe a few months. She's got an impressive win record, honestly, in D tier. She didn't spend long in the Sub-Arena at all..."

You let Rebeka rattle off some of Ariel's match history, and the capabilities of her AC, turning back to Ariel. "Can I have a look?" you ask, referring to the reports she's got in her hand.

"Yeah, sure. Take a look. Nothing really conclusive, though." Uriel nervously sips again, that blush not having left her face.

Uriel's neatly summarized a few Collared action reports, involving several missions into the Diablo Range which ended inconclusively, with some Ravens being unaccounted for. Not missions you were doing anything for, of course - there's quite a few operators in even just Collared's Alloy Gate division - but you remember this from earlier, and apparently someone spotted Red Rum forces moving in the same general region not too long after.

"Think that Red Rum was responsible? Contamination can get pretty heavy out in the mountains." You sip your own, and wonder if maybe you put in too much sugar.

"You'd have to ask her about it. But I feel like she was involved somehow. Maybe she was going after the same Migrant groups, trying to shake them down. It's the other report I'm more interested in..."

You flip through the papers, and find a photo of Alcatraz Island attached, the long-defunct Alcatraz Cannon still standing proudly on its surface. "City Police helicopters...I think. This is pretty blurry. They might just be using it as a staging ground..."

"I called in a favor, though. Take a look at the deployment records."

Your fingers slide down the page as you look down a summary of City Police sorties for the day. Most of the City Police Ravens, the so-called Zodiac, are accounted for, but several entries are redacted...and yet, there's a couple extra transport helicopter sorties, with no attached units.

"Someone got sloppy," you say. "Good catch. What could they be doing over there? No one's been crazy enough to try and claim Alcatraz in a long time." Even Red Rum gives it a wide berth - pretty much everyone in the City's wary of that damn cannon, even if it hasn't fired once in living memory.

"You never know. I'd need to dig through the archives, but Collared's been falling out of favor with Father." Uriel seems to appreciate the compliment, at least, smiling a little. "There's way too much movement lately. Something big's going to happen soon, I just know it. Maybe even tonight..."

"Yeah. We've got cameras on the Port of Oakland. That's a lot of MTs Shamir's sending across the Bay. At least we got to give her a bit of a black eye today, huh?"

"I, uh, I guess so! Ehe."

...seriously, something's really odd about Uriel today...

"And now we get back to today's match. Most Ravens can't adapt their approach that well - put them on the back foot, and the results are usually pretty predictable. Even if it weren't Red Rum, no one was looking at this match like anything special, but with a single word..."

"'Purge'," you hear from the radio, and you can't help but choke on your coffee a little.

"...wait, that's you!" Uriel says, as though to confirm your immediate embarrassment.

"Just one word, and Akarui Akuma transforms from a sniper into a highly mobile skirmisher! And that charge - I've never seen anyone that fearless in front of Shamir RaviRavi in all this time of the reign of Rank 9. So who's this voice whispering in our Raven's ear? Well, I don't know too much about her yet, but we do have some archival recordings..."

"'May the Princess of Sunlight and the Goddess of Sin bless us with victory.'"

""And may the Goddess and Adversary grant us salvation at the end of everything.'"

Uriel takes a much, much longer sip this time. Aah, this is a bit embarrassing...

"That rapport between Raven and operator is certainly something special. We'll be sure to let you know more. Maybe I can get her in for an interview...oh, that emblem? It's of the uh, you know. Goddess cultists. 'Fourth Order', I think. Weird name, that. But hey, maybe that means whatever missions Ariel's on are to help the good people of the Underground.

"Aah...that's the joy of being a Raven-affiliated radio station, ladies and gentlemen. I can say what I like! And maybe these cultists are onto something. Maybe a girlfriend wouldn't stand me up..."

You sigh, letting Rebeka head into other news, thankfully changing the subject away from anything you actually have to pay attention to. The DJ didn't name you, at least, which is good - especially because some people remember the associations the name 'Okuda' has.

"So, um...you've been part of the Fourth Order for a long time now, right?" Uriel asks, her cup finally empty - and you can't even finish yours that fast. What's on her mind?

"Yeah. Ten years, by now. I mean, you know this, right?" Well, Uriel knows some of the basics. Since you've been working closely together, a lot of details about your past have slipped out, but it's always just been small talk.

"I guess...I'm a little curious lately? I don't know. I did some reading this morning. About...well, you know, it's all Father-controlled media. So they all frame it like you're some kind of sexual deviants, unfortunate souls who would be accepted into Father's world if only you weren't swayed into this brainwashing..." Uriel shakes her head. "But it still made me curious. About what it's really like."


You've been working for her nearly two years, and this is the first time Uriel's questions about the Order have gone beyond small talk. What could have her so interested?

"We don't want to fit into that society, right? I mean, it's pretty obvious." Especially with you, who left behind a luxurious life on the surface for it...not that you're willing to share that with Uriel.

"…do you really believe they exist, though?" Uriel asks. "The Goddess and the Adversary, I mean. It's a strange story, isn't it? The whole idea of a human becoming God, and then someone else becoming the Devil to save her, out of 'love'..."

You shrug, and smile to yourself, taking a nice long sip. Not the first time you've been asked, and you doubt it'll be the last...

(Though, you have a feeling Uriel will be a lot more accepting than some of your Collared coworkers.)

"I don't know if they're real," you say. "Maybe they never were. Maybe they were a story, something made up by a child who needed some hope to cling to. Some way of telling herself that the feelings she holds in her heart aren't wrong. Something preserved in the Fallen world, and used to help guide the next generation.

"But…none of that matters to me, you know? So long as we tell the stories, so long as someone believes…they're real. Both of them are real, so long as we carry them with us, and let them into our hearts."


That's how you feel. You do believe, yes, you believe with all your heart - but it would never matter to you if they really were just stories. The hope they've given you, the love they've opened you to, the identity you've forged for yourself with those beliefs guiding your very soul...

that's what's truly important.

If you have that, if you're able to be 'Himeko', to 'love' Ariel...

what does the rest even matter?

"'So long as you remember her, you are not alone'..." Uriel whispers, words you remember well, from the first time you learned them. Smiling into her coffee, fidgeting a little..."I still don't totally get it, I guess. But I'm working on it."

"It's fine if you don't believe," you say. "My beliefs don't require you to."

Well…you couldn't expect her to understand. It's only natural that this would seem a bit strange. Especially to a girl who, to your knowledge, has never craved the kiss of another girl's lips, to feel fingers entwining with your own, to experience that incomparable form of love...

No…something like this…

No one could possibly understand.

Author's Note
The Protomen's album of covers, The Cover Up, is one of the big sources of inspiration for the quest, and the reason I finally got off my ass and started doing the work to get it out there. I've been a bit obsessed with it, even by my standards, for months. Highly recommended.

As for Uriel...she and Ariel are the biggest contribution of XiombargsStoryteller, a QM over on fiction.live and formerly /tg/, to the quest. (You can tell, because otherwise I'd use different names, and I'd have much less chance of screwing their names up once per update.)

I should probably update the appendixes...eh. Next time.
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A Light By Day, A Shadow Resides (Out of the Garden)
"Well, um. I guess I wanted to know more? That article, I don't really trust it. I think if I want to know what living in the Underground is like, with the Order, I have to ask you. Or, um..." Uriel sighs, and then, grabs her cup and stands up, as though looking for an excuse to look away from you for a moment.

"Like I said, Uriel, it's fine. We've been working together for a while now, nearly two years. I'm more than happy to tell you a little more about myself." It's a distraction from bringing up things with Ariel, at least.

"Well, I guess it's kind of...half wanting to know about the Order, and half you?" Another cup of pitch black coffee is poured, and Uriel seems to almost stare in it for a moment before picking it back up and sitting down. "You used to be an information broker, right?"

"Of sorts." You nod, and finally down the last of your own coffee. Aah, you really did use too much sugar. "Mm. I was the best. Or at least Mother thought so. I found ways to tap into the communication networks used by all the big players in the City. Kisaragi, Father, the City Police, all the Raven's nests..."

"It's the basis for what you do with the Complex, right?"

"Exactly. I can just...see the information, really. So I got a lot of business, because I could do things no one else could. I used the money to help support the rest of my crew, and my community in the Underground."

"Your community?" Huh, so this is how it feels to be asked a bunch of questions...you don't really see what's so bad about it.

"The Order isn't big, really. There's a lot more of us than there were ten years ago, but it's still an order of magnitude behind the big cults on the surface. Even in our communities, we usually have to share space with outsiders - not all of them kind." As your stun gun well remembers. "So I helped out. A lot of the details were handled by my Coordinator, Rose Sun-lin."


"Oh, uh...she's like, a community leader, I guess? Not really a 'priest', just, someone who helps girls out. Without her, I'd never have survived, let alone set up my 'business'." Not to mention, she's the one who helped you maintain your faith to the Adversary in particular...you owe Rose quite a lot. "She was pretty responsible with money, so she drew up the budgets for when I could supply her. Still does, as far as I know...I should probably talk to her again."

"What about your crew? What were they like?"

"Ah, you know...just a bunch of girls trying to survive." You well remember when you first met Nezha - one of the best hackers you've ever known, Motoko, was the girl supporting you on your last operation, and you can still see her messy purple hair and the expression as she was held tight in the bodyguard's arms...

(and, you remember bitterly, she's still the only one who's held your new job against you.)

"I could tell you more, if you like. About living in the Order, or my crew. You've got me feeling kind of nostalgic, actually..."

"Please!" A-ah, Uriel says that kind of forcefully..."I'd really love to know. Um, if that's okay, that is."

...well, you suppose you have the time, huh?

"I guess we can start with the Order, then," you say, "but honestly, it's not really that complicated." You shrug. "We're a small cult, by the City's standards. Maybe...in the tens of thousands? Some of the Coordinators say it might be closer to a hundred thousand by now, but I doubt it's anywhere near that high."

"Mm," says Uriel. "That's still a lot bigger than I think Father's really comfortable with."

"We meet, in the halls of the Underground, and provide for each other as we pray." It's been a while for you. It's not necessary by any means, but you want to see the other girls again. "We tell stories, and record them. Hymns, too. Because if you tell a story, that story can become real. And they say there's a Raven for every star in the sky...each with her own story. And so long as we remember the Goddess, we're not alone..."

"That, I think I read about. Precepts, mantras, sayings...'REMEMBER HER', 'YOU ARE NOT ALONE', that kind of thing." Uriel nods quickly to you, and you're hoping you won't be too much for her. "But also, um...you just make them up? Stories about all the Ravens in the stars?"

You nod in return. "Yes. When we start telling a story, it becomes real. In the hearts and minds of the Order, so long as we believe, we carry forward the hope of all women..."

...oh, huh. Uriel's blushing again. Well, you do hope she can see the beauty in it - the Goddess would save her, too, after all.

"As for all those mantras, that's kind of because..." You struggle on how to explain it. Theology is difficult at the best of times, let alone explaining it to a laywoman. You're already simplifying way more than you probably should be, but it's the kind of thing where, if you're not already part of the in-group, you can never truly understand... "The Goddess was never meant to be remembered. It wasn't even that she didn't want to be, it was just supposed to be how things were." Ah, no, Uriel already looks confused! "Remembering her is the only 'duty' we have. To remember that there was, and is, a Goddess who loves all women, and shall save us at the end of all things."

"Right. And then the Adversary...isn't it a little strange? That God and the Devil should be lovers?"

"Not to me." You smile...this isn't even remotely the first time you've been asked this question. Even by other Order members. "The whole idea of two forces locked in endless war with one another seems really disturbing now, you know? If there is such a thing as a 'god' or a 'demon', why do they have to be enemies? Can't they be in love, and show the world that love really does conquer all?"

"It seems so...simplistic, almost," says Uriel. "I guess I don't know a lot about religion?"

"Religion doesn't have to be complicated. It's a promise of salvation, a way of spreading our ideals. Where girls can live among girls, and tell stories, and sing songs, and find love..." Even if you had quite a lot of trouble with that last one. "We don't even really have priests. That's a bit too centralized. Even if it makes things a little difficult sometimes..."

"But you have 'Coordinators'. They aren't priests?"

"They're about community leadership, not religious leadership. Anyone can tell a story, after all. Anyone can remember the Goddess." Or the Adversary, in your case. Saviour and blessed rebel..."It can be hard, you know? Just because the surface hates us, doesn't mean everyone in the Underground likes us. We protect and provide for one another, and Coordinators help arrange that."

"And yours was Rose Sun-Lin...oh, uh. Would you like another coffee?" Uriel fidgets a little again. She seems oddly nervous...is this awkward for her? "I'll, um. I'll get one for you."


"If you want, I guess. But, I mean, you're my assistant, that doesn't mean you have to -"

"I want to!" Uriel stands up, and grabs your mug. "I mean, eheh. You work really hard. I don't mind doing something like this from time to time, you know?"

"If you want." Well, sometimes Uriel gets some for you, but that's usually when you're working long hours or in the middle of a mission. Something like this really isn't in her job description. Even so...

You're grateful, that she cares about you.

Even if you're still not sure she would approve of what you're doing with Ariel...well, you know Mother. She's no doubt got some scheme in mind with all of this, even if you've never managed to figure it out.

It was always suspicious, after all.


"Now that you've been accepted as an operator in Collared, with the rank and duties that entails, you'll require an assistant. Someone you can work with more closely than the rest of your department." Mother's words imply that this assistant might not just be for Collared work, and you nod. "I believe I've selected an appropriate candidate."

"Of course, Mother," you say, bowing to your employer's desk. "When will I meet them?"

"Right away. She's in the waiting room. Let me call her in." Mother deftly pushes a button on her desk, and the office door opens up.

(...the smile on Mother's lips seems a bit odd to you...)

And walking inside is...




That's just Ariel, isn't it? The girl you'd been working with to rehabilitate, slowly trying to unravel what Aspina did to her, and the girl
here is just her spitting image. Her hair's different, she wears glasses, but...

No, it's not just that. The emotional range, the way she moves, it's completely different. The most rational explanation is that this is Ariel's twin sister...

"Ah...so this is the woman I'll be working with?" Ariel's twin says, hastily bowing to you. "I'll be in your care. I'm happy for this opportunity! My name is Uriel Aionios, and I've read the training documents back to front! I'll do my best for you, ma'am!"

"...um, at ease, Uriel." Awkward as it might be, you manage to sound professional. "We're not the City Police, or the military. Please, just call me Himeko."

"Ah...Himeko, of course. I'm ready to be briefed. I'll do what's needed, of course, I -"

And Mother raises her hand.

"Uriel, you can report to Operations. Himeko will meet with you shortly."

"Yes, ma'am. Erm. Mother." With that, 'Uriel' rushes out, leaving the two of you alone again, and you note that the word 'Mother' doesn't come out her lips the same way it comes out of yours.

(...well, how
could it?)

You turn toward the woman you call Mother, narrowing your eyes. "...Ariel's sister. Why?"

"Oh, I assure you she's very much qualified for the position. I have the aptitude tests and everything." Mother's smile grows wider, and you can't help but shudder, as you know how she likes to use that look against you..."Besides. I believe Ariel's rehabilitation will be helped by her presence. Uriel is no longer associating with her family, so you have no need to fear they will come for your Ariel."

"Does Uriel know?" you ask.

"Of course she does. I informed her very clearly. She's hoping she can reconnect with her sister, although it's doubtful she'll be successful anytime soon." Miri reaches and sips her coffee, her tongue flicking out of her lips momentarily, your eyes catching even that small movement..."She doesn't know your association with Ariel, but I doubt it will be a problem. Honestly, I think having a subordinate like her will be helpful to you. Pushing yourself all night like that..."

"That was just the once," you deflect.

"Regardless. She will be there to handle many tasks of your career, so do make use of her. You'll be working together quite a while..."

And you, quietly, wonder if it'll ever get less awkward.


In a way, it has, but. It's still so strange.

They look so similar, but they act so different...but it just reminds you of the people who hurt Ariel, the people who decided they could pick and choose between their children. That Uriel lived in luxury while Ariel suffered - even though you know Uriel never forgot her sister, and Ariel never blamed hers. It means you can't help but wonder what kind of person Ariel would be if she stayed by Uriel's side...

"Here," Uriel says, having mixed the coffee perfectly, and you sip and nod in approval as you take the mug.

"It's good," you say, smiling...

And the way she smiles back, it makes you feel better about it all. The past can't be changed, but you can still help make a better future for these two. Uriel may not be yours like Ariel is, but you know Ariel wants her sister to be happy too.

And you'll fight for a world where these two girls can be happy...

"So, uh." Uriel leans in, finger on the rim of her cup. She's almost a little enraptured. "You were going to talk about Rose? Your Coordinator?"

"Rose? Well, she's like I said, a Coordinator. The leader of our segment of the Underground. That almost made her a part of my crew, because most of the Order girls around me back then were involved at some point." You sip your coffee, and...mm. This definitely isn't too much sugar. "She helped take care of me, back then. Found a place for me. We stuck out for one another, especially while Father was still cracking down. Since then, I've always looked up to her."

"What was she like?" Uriel asks.

And you smile.

"She's exactly what the men of the surface fear. The kind of girl that can make it seem really tempting, to be with other girls. She's pretty legendary, even among the other Coordinators. I've never seen her at one of our cycles without leading a girl into a kiss, chin in hand..."

"I've only ever seen you talk about Mother like that before, Himeko."

(...when Uriel said 'Mother', you could've sworn you'd seen some look in her eyes, but the moment you looked next, it was gone...)

"They're kind of in the same class, to me. I always did look up to Rose, but she was a little overprotective..." You sigh. "I don't think she ever stopped seeing me like a little sister."

"Maybe you can show her you're more than that sometime." Uriel...huh. It's a strange sentiment, but not a bad one...

"Mm, but...who I really want to see again are my old crew. I had a lot of girls in, now and again, but there's a few who always stuck by me - at least until Mother hired me."

"They didn't all abandon you, did they? I guess I could kind of understand if they resented you, but."

"Oh, no, definitely not." You shake your head. "It's really just the one. Motoko..." There's a bitter sense of things, when you say that name. "She was a Migrant, before coming to the City. I get the sense she heard about the Order, but the reality didn't meet up with her expectations, so she always chafed." She's one of those scant few girls out there you know didn't reach that realization through the Order; then again, Migrant cultures are pretty different from what you find in the City. "She's one of the best hackers I've known, but what she had most of all was a knack for trouble. I seemed to know how to handle her the best of anyone, really, but when I was leaving..."

"She was hurt. It's really not your fault, Himeko..."

...you do wonder if Motoko was totally wrong, but. You suspect even if maybe Mother isn't on the up-and-up, Motoko shouldn't be holding it so far against you, nor holding it over the other girls.

"I don't know. I'd like to patch things up. But I think the other girls would help. Like Priscilla..."

"Priscilla...hm." Uriel's finger fidgets with her cup again. "There's something about that name which sounds a bit familiar."

"I don't know a lot about her. One day she just kind of...showed up. There was blood on her, and not all of it was hers. Rose and I cleaned her up, and she kind of ended up being our bodyguard." You wonder if Mother would accept her, actually. "She's a really nice girl, and idolizes the Princess of Sunlight...but she knows a lot of ways to hurt people. She's kind of scary, even if I know she'd never hurt me if she could help it."

"You two were close?" Aah, a leading question...

"No, no. Not like that. I mean, maybe, but...I don't know. It always felt a little awkward." Because of what happened the first time you fall in love, you don't say - even Ariel doesn't know all of that story. "I never knew how to read her. Sometimes she was standoffish, other times clingy..."

"Sounds like she's kind of a mystery."

"I don't even know her last name. But, there's lots of girls like that in the Order. We don't talk about it if we can help it." Another sip..."Mm. But not everyone in my crew was from the Order. You ever heard of the Knights of the Eastern Calculus?"

"Never," says Uriel.

"I'm not surprised. They're much smaller than the Order, even. And most of its members are surfacers. But, there was this older girl, Elizabeth...she believed in them. In the flow of information beneath us, that we are all connected, and if we see we understand..." Funny, because you always had trouble understanding her. "She seemed to really admire my ability to read information. I feel like if she knew about the Complex, she'd be really happy, it'd validate her faith..."

"I'm not surprised, though. It is pretty impressive. No wonder Mother calls you a 'genius', huh?" Uriel laughs nervously.


You wonder if you deserve that term.

"Elizabeth handled a lot of the technical side of things. If Motoko was software, Elizabeth was hardware. I swear she's just unnaturally happy inside a nest of wiring..." That she could feel the Wired, beneath her, above her, around her. Honestly, she fits the idea of cultist well, even if she's relentlessly cheerful. "Between her and Motoko, they're still in business now, I think. Though Motoko wouldn't accept Mother's employment..."

"It sounds like you had a lot of friends. Was it hard to leave them behind?"

"I still see most of them every now and again." Aah, you're almost done this cup, too, and the way Uriel's eyes wander...does she really want to make you one again? "Including Nora and Kuro. The two of them are both a bit younger than me, so I guess they count as my 'little sisters', if Rose is a 'big sister'..."

(Uriel seems somewhat interested in the word 'sister' here, huh.)

"They were like family. Mm...I guess family you pick is better than family you're born with." You sense a bit of resentment at the distance she's still had between her and Ariel, but...it's hard to tell sometimes.

"Nora suffers from sensory overload. I diagnosed her when I met her abandoned in the Underground, and helped her get control over her senses - she focuses on one particular sense at a time. Once we got the information, we often still needed to interpret it, and she has an excellent head for processing that data, analyzing it, figuring out the implications."

"And Kuro?"

"Heh. Kuro? I met her because she was trying to steal from us. Girl's got a way of crawling in spaces she shouldn't. She made a great spy, as a result." It was just you and Motoko that day with Mother, but everyone else was performing one task or another - you wouldn't usually take the full crew for operations. "It's just a nickname, really. Big, thick black glasses."

"It sounds like...mm. They were really close to you. I think, if you ever asked them, they'd gladly follow you again..."

"Maybe. But I don't think they'd fit into Collared or anything. That's not even counting the kind of fit Motoko would throw." You do like Motoko, of course - you'd even fallen asleep in one another's arms more than once, though Rose always chided you for it - but you can't help but feel your relationship was strained by her hardlining on this.


...Uriel looks like she's lost in thought. Like she wants to say something. And there's just the faintest hint of a blush on her cheeks, and yet -


- you sit up straight, at attention, and look toward the door, before you've even realized you've done it.

Mother's back, it seems, and you feel like you know what she's here to ask for...

<another potential split?>

"Mother," you whisper...you don't quite feel the same familiar pull as you did before, but her presence certainly still looms over you powerfully.

"Congratulations on the successful completion of another mission. Ahead of schedule, I might add." Her smile, her green eyes, her voice, you can tell how tuned it is to overwhelm.

(Already, your powerful mind is dissecting it, and your own body shifts in response to copy, Uriel's eyes catching it as it does. As you begin to understand what it is that draws people into Mother's gravity...)

"Elias can take most of the credit for that. Most of the operation was a firefight, after all." Without an Armored Core's recon units providing feedback, you're practically blind, only the Complex and your mission plans to guide you. "That being said, Uriel's got some interesting information that might be relevant to tonight's mission. Have you heard from Rosary and Nashandra?"

"Nashandra has reported that our materiel is ready for the operation. Rosary is expected to be her usual 'fashionably late', but her Stork is in good condition as well. White Glint's deployment will not be impaired."

Uriel seems nervous about this, but...well, she's never really been against this before. It's not really that much of a secret, but something about this...

Is it that Mother's doing something different?

(Or just that you're different, now?)

"I would like to discuss the operation with you, Himeko. Alone." Always that same predatory smile on her face...


You don't have to say yes.

Such a discussion is not a discussion, of course. It's when Mother indulges. When she brings you into her world, and makes you hers. When you please her, and are pleased in turn.

Normally, you answer yes without a second thought, but for some reason, it feels different. You don't need to follow just because Mother calls your name.

...but, at the same time...

You don't dislike being with Mother. Laying with her. You love her, and you want her. That is no secret.

Part of you wants to refuse, simply to show defiance. To show that you are not owned.

But another part?

That part wishes to accept, but show Mother you're not just a passive toy for her anymore...


There is power in this, too.

Mother seems to prefer you, after all. Nezha, you have no doubt gets plenty of attention...but if someone chooses you time after time, they have a desire for you in particular.

It's not like you don't like Mother's fondness for you. You just don't want to be crushed beneath it anymore.

Standing up, you sigh, as though it's an effort to your time...and turn your head toward Uriel, smiling down upon her. (Rare as that might be, given your height.)

"...my apologies, Uriel. Mother needs my attention, so I'll need to speak with you again later. We'll have time when we're at Angel Island, yes?"

Uriel seems surprised by this, by you declaring your desire to speak with her more on such topics, on wanting her presence, but...she nods. "Ah, of course, my, um...Himeko, that is. Yes."

...you really must find out what's got Uriel so flustered, but Mother just seems amused...

"Very well. If you give me a report, Uriel, I shall read it before the operation."

"Y-yes ma'am," Uriel says, as the two of you head off...

(her gaze lingering upon you as you leave her behind.)

Of course, Mother's a fair bit taller than you (who isn't?), and so despite yourself you can't help but follow the clicks of her heels.

"...you're alright, I hope?" you ask, looking over your Mother's backside, the sway of her hips as she walks. "After your injury."

"Nothing serious. The doctors at the Arena are quite skilled at their craft. It's like it never even happened." Indeed, Mother shows no sign of discomfort. "Things went better than expected while I was gone. I was following quite closely..."

"And now the spotlight is on me. People are already talking about my role in things." And that probably never would've happened if not for Mother being absent. "I would still have preferred to win."

"Ariel will claw her way up the ranks, if you let her. If you wish her to be more independent, it should be one of your goals."

Click, click...

The Library is fairly empty, of course. It was a much larger building than you really needed, and the staff here was relatively limited to keep suspicion down. It makes you very conscious of Mother's presence, and of the way she's twisted you around her...

Does she even realize she's doing it? Or is it simply natural to her?

"Delacroix will be making a statement later. I expect she'll use it to advance her goals. Short-sighted as they may be." Mother's contempt for Delacroix is less intense than your own, but it's obvious there's no real love. "We should dismantle her. Have you made progress on that front?"

"I've been more concerned with Red Rum, Mother. And with unusual movements...that's what Uriel was speaking of." There's just something very off about the movements in the Diablo Range, and you just need your chance to find out what...

Stopping in front of a door far more recent than most of the Library, Mother fishes out a key, and opens the door up...

Into her palatial home away from home.

Really, it's as large as your apartment, less a 'bedroom' and more its own entire suite. With even a tub in the corner for special occasions, the entire thing is designed like something out of the orbital colonies, after ancient Earth traditions, a four-poster bed the centrepiece, alongside seating for more people than you've ever seen in this room at the same time...

Mother's love of luxury gets her again.

Walking inside, you close the door behind you as Mother sighs, reaching up, her hair held high quickly released and the ruby red flowing down, removing those false glasses of hers, and undoing her blazer, giving you a look at the corset underneath...

You've seen this scene many times before. You've come whenever Mother called, assuming real work didn't need to be done. You've seen and known her body so intimately...


From here, your desires are starting to change.

And, you hope that someday, Mother will be the one to be near when you call her name...

Author's Note - Character Sheets and Music Notes Updated!
Young girl, they call them the Diamond Dogs...
So here we see some expansion of Himeko's old 'business', and a lot of this was pulled from my loyal readers or had their input. (And of course, you're welcome to come vote, chat, and contribute on fiction.live, and the usual schedule is Wednesdays and Sundays at 6 PM EST.)
We'll see more of this once Ravens applied to the quest by the readers start showing up in earnest, but that won't be until the end of this scenario. (Raven applications remain open, by the way!)
A Light By Day, A Shadow Resides (In My Hunger)
The following post contains sexually explicit content. Reader discretion is advised.
Consensual sex between two women, one of whom is a pre-bottom-surgery trans woman. Mild latex fetish. Unusual body modifications, with potentially implied transhumanism. Insertion of the hand into the vagina (which is implied to have been modified, see previous note).

You don't wait to be asked to unlace Mother's corset, stepping up behind her.

Corset. An archaic thing, that tells of Mother's history. Things like this are common in the orbital colonies, highly stratified societies that flaunt their wealth…although, you've seen a few around the costumery of the Order, as well.

"My…you seem eager, today," Mother whispers, her voice always so sweet, enticing…like honey, going down smooth, coating your throat…

"Better I be eager than just do it out of obligation, Mother." Your own voice is a little different. Trained over ten long years by Rose and the Order, then tuned by surgeons trusted by Mother…it's something you've slowly become proud of, whispering orders in Ravens' ears. "Pleasure is best when it's shared, right?"

Those knots, quite likely Nezha's work, come away, and Mother's hands lift it away from her body, your arms wrapping around her middle as she does. Into the softness there…into the utter luxury that is her body, layered with a huskiness all over, one that the media mocks, even under the corset, as though even the shape of a woman's body were Father's to control…

You kiss the back of Mother's neck.

"Ah…" You feel her quiver, just a little. She's surprised, and this gives you pride.

So easily, she sets the pace. You're certain she's been exuding sexuality since long before you were even born. Part of you has fantasized about her home, of that Versailles-esque palace within a centrifugal space colony, where Nezha and other women find themselves swayed and seduced by this utter temptress, even in a place where nobles are expected to marry men, and continue their bloodlines…

Miriaria Alphonse is a force that can eliminate all such concerns.

(...and part of you is already hoping to do the same, to the women of the City, treated as disposable commodities, as merchandise, who deserve better than to become a trophy wife or homemaker…)

You pull away from Mother, undoing your tie, unbuttoning your clothes. Your body isn't anywhere as luxurious as hers, but you'd like to think it has an appeal. Slim, delicate…but able to stand confidently. With that moonlight-touched skin, your unusual eyes, the gorgeous shade of black of your hair…

Yes, you can see it now.

You're beautiful, aren't you? Surely, Ariel always thought so, stealing glances at you when she thought you weren't looking…

And, of course, Mother would never collect anything she did not consider beautiful.

Mother's head turns to gaze at you, confirming such a suspicion. You do hold power here, if she should want you like this. You've watched, after all, be it in the Underground, or Mother, how women couple and entice, how their desires work…

You're not that experienced. You'd need twenty years, or more, of that to be able to completely outdo Mother at what she does best.

But you're certain you can use that desire against her.

You undo your suit jacket, and your tie, gingerly placing them in the laundry for later. Undoing your blouse, you watch as Mother strips down herself, glancing back at you every so often to tease you, with that expression that makes you melt...

She is, of course, still attractive to you. Deeply. Of all the women you've met, you have no shame in saying that Miriaria Alphonse is the one that sets your heart (and loins) furthest aflame.

But you're still grateful your resolve keeps you from quivering in a puddle like she prefers.

Oh, how you'd love to just cup Mother's cheek in your hand, and kiss her right then and there…

But there is an issue with that.

You're…quite short. Around 4'11" - an unfortunate consequence of life in the Underground, and incomplete medical treatment at the time. Mother's got maybe eight inches on you, give or take depending on her shoes, and anything you'd do to her involves tiptoes.

But, still.

You want to kiss those wet, painted lips...

So you wait, a moment, as Mother pulls away her hose, her panties...attractive, but reasonably practical - Mother reserves the truly impractical for her servants, or special occasions. Her thighs are plump, her rear shapely, her hips wide, and truly, you wonder how anyone could not be attracted to her, let alone pretend she's ugly...

Aah, you're already getting lost in those feelings. In the pleasures. The way she's touched you, kissed you, loved you...

You try and focus on that feeling, and turn it around.

This time, Mother will be the one to follow your pace, someday perhaps even on her knees, with her head between your legs, and her lips -

Ah, yes.

You look down at yourself as you tug away your panties.

Mother claimed, at least, that she could not find a surgeon both skilled enough to perform the operation, and trustworthy enough to not betray her to her enemies. With how she eagerly uses her lips, her hands, her fingers to bring you to the height of her pleasures, you have always been a bit dubious about this proposition, especially now that you've decided to not simply go along with what she wants...

But the Order, at least, has always treated it as a choice. A girl is no less a girl for it, after all. And since it feels good at the moment...you really have no reason to not enjoy it as it is, until you make that decision for yourself, with a proper organ in its place, or even, perhaps, some strange cybernetics such that anyone you meet might favor what part of you they wish -


Your eyes are drawn back toward your beloved Mother.

Naked, now, completely naked, showing off herself to you, eagerly flaunting her body even as she sits still on the bed, letting you see her curves, her breasts, her lips, every part of her only you and a select few others get to see, that your eyes always drink in, that you have felt utterly inadequate before, that you wonder if it is perhaps perfection and none other can -




You step forward, letting your glasses down on the nightstand as, walking toward her, her smile growing wider, as though she can see something you cannot. Like this, she generally asks you to kneel between her legs, and kiss her 'lips' below, against the faint patch of ruby red that frames them, and delve into her with your tongue...

But you'd much rather set the pace yourself.

Even so, you can't help but, as you move closer, press a hand into the softness of her stomach, layered no doubt from a rich diet both in the colonies and on Earth, from the indulgences she allows herself, pastries and delicacies, the navel filled with a green crystal, its brilliant facets and smooth roundness like nothing you've seen on anyone but her, things you'd never notice unless you were this close to her, unless you laid within her bed...

You press your hands to Mother's cheeks.

She smiles to you, as though wondering what you'll do, daring you to challenge her.

Gazing into those glittering green eyes...

You lean in. Slowly. Like this, closing the distance between you, unable to entirely stop yourself from trembling, even as you know you've learned your talents well, that Mother herself has taught her the instruments you shall use against her -

and your lips meet hers.

Lips against lips, hers rich and full, and like this, you can tell the difference between hers and Ariel's so easily...

Making contact, one hand shifting to the back of her neck, the other on her cheek, as you might have done if you'd chosen to seduce Ariel by moonlight, dress flowing in the wind, rather than had her make the first move.

Your trimmed fingernails against her, fingers digging in, a touch of possessiveness to the motion as you push closer, your body now able to push against her breasts a little, those perfect things that give the name 'Mother' a whole other meaning, which you've suckled more times than you can count...

Your eyes flutter, your tongue licking Miri's lips. That lipstick, never smudging, never looking anything less than flawless, the same sheen as a plugsuit, just the faintest hint of a taste to it, perhaps of some fruit long extinct on Earth...

And her lips part.

She allows your tongue into her mouth, and you run yours along hers, another of those smooth, almost organic crystals inside it, a sign, you suspect, her true fashion tastes aren't quite those of the orbital colonies. A thing you always find your tongue running against when you kiss her, and when her tongue slips forward to meet yours...

To dance with it, entwining together, to some unseen and unheard rhythm, like the background pulse of the universe, as though you kiss to the same tune as your goddesses...

You hear a rumble deep in Mother's throat, her head tipping back, and even if she's only doing it out of curiosity, again you feel proud at getting a little over on her...

Of course, your mind is always thinking ahead. Racing, even in an act like this. Your kisses with Ariel were chaste, nothing like this. But you have the distinct feeling that's only because Ariel was in need of comfort, not desire. To kiss her like this...

You wonder if you could make her melt, like Mother made you.

Her tongue teases against yours, in your mouth, so easily you feel yourselves sink into the kiss, and such concerns become all the less pressing...

Warmth, wetness, love, such feelings you can bring one another, and how anyone could not see this as the highest form of love...


Women belong with other women. Even if you desire Mother to bend the knee, even if in your heart of hearts you want to surpass her in the realm of sexuality and love...

You are allies, in this. In fulfilling the fourth precept.

Love conquers all.

And women deserve to love women, as the Goddess herself intended.

It persists like this.

Mother has an oral fixation, after all. And so do you.

Your mouths, a sexual organ, one which deserves to be treated properly, and to indulge in whatever they seek to consume...

Parting for a moment, only to dive back in.

You end up leaning back into the bed.

Laying atop your beloved Mother as you dive into her mouth, your desires running rampant.

Holding her head in your hands, you kiss and kiss and kiss, an act of purest divinity, one you never should have been denied during your time in the Underground, but when two years ago Mother took your first kiss, it was a dizzying, heady new world of sensation for you...

And you can't help it.

You lose track of time.

You even feel your hips rolling a little, as Mother's arms wrap around you.

A desperate, lurid scene that few would ever imagine between Mother and one of her young employees, that fewer still would ever see, and what you'd been taught here would soon find use with your beloved Ariel, and, part of you secretly hopes, all those other Ravens you saw in your dream...

And when you part from her, you can say nothing, panting, your desires so powerfully awakened from this, a vigor within you, as though you stole Mother's essence from the kiss, as though what you consumed was the lovethat only women can give you...

Panting, breathing, hair overtop your beloved Mother, staring into her eyes...

And she's smiling.

She's still composed, in control.

...well, that's okay. So long as you've made the right impression, rather than just go with her flow.

"My," she says, running her fingertips over your back, scraping her nails against your skin. "What's gotten into you today, Himeko? I didn't think you'd be so eager...did something good happen?"

You almost want to say that you and Ariel confessed your love, but - you recuse yourself. She'll find out soon enough, and better not to give her something to use against you at the moment. (Although, the chances that she did not intend this are markedly low...)

"...maybe it did," you say, whispering, adopting your own tone to challenge Mother. Her smile grows wider, but that just means it's working. That if you stand tall, you can present yourself more strongly to her. "Maybe I had a dream of something like this."

"A dream, you say...you love me so much, you can't help but see me in your dreams?"

"I'm sure I'm not the only person who dreams of you late at night."

"No, but most of them will never have even the slightest chance of sharing my bed, let alone in the position they'd prefer of me."

You roll onto the side of the bed, snuggling up to Mother, running your fingers along her bush, seeing the way her back arches a little when you do. It's not really the reaction you might be hoping for, but...

It'll do.

"The people of the City have no imagination," Mother laments, her eyes shifting toward yours, one of your legs overlapping hers as she plays with your hair in her fingers. "The pornography here pales in comparison to the joys I saw in outer space. One benefit of nobility - you get much more time to innovate in the realm of depravity. Here, all they can imagine is a woman bending over for a man, as they take spouses for the purpose of reproduction..."

"Says the woman who proudly wears the name 'Mother'," you mutter, knowing that this is just a lull. What you really want to do...


You'll need your gloves for that.

And fortunately, you always bring them with you...

"...would you let me put my gloves on? I have something in mind."

...if Mother is surprised, she doesn't show it, not moving to tug you back in when you pull away, slipping off that excessively fancy bed. "My...if you're eager, I certainly don't mind. What could you be using those for, I wonder..."

Well, you know a little about Mother's tastes.

You should. Most of your tastes - your sexual tastes, that is - come from her, one way or another. (Those that don't? Rose, mostly...) Even prior to her recruitment of you, that lurid pilot suit, and its copies and progeny...you didn't know she designed it herself, at the time, but still. And since then, it was hard to escape her influence over you. That she has tinged all you crave with her desires.

This gives you a rather ample advantage when dealing with her.

Walking over toward your purse, you draw out, sealed within a protective casing, that which you lusted after for so long, and bought for yourself with the gold you'd earned through selling information.

Shining, wet blackness that pools like fluid.


So you've heard it, from Mother's whispers of history forgotten on Earth, the first of this material was made simply of natural rubber latex - thus the name, 'latex'. Those trees are, of course, long extinct, but their genetically engineered progeny still exists, able to thrive even in the Underground. But, this material is not composed simply of that, that fragile material that could not survive the rigors of what you put these gloves through, and was fetishized all the more as a result, difficult even to put on...

No, this modern material is like that which coats the BLACKWIDOW, albeit certainly not identical. (You've still been hoping for Mother to create gloves for you that match up better, similar to ones she has, but some of those components used in Ariel's suit are rare and expensive enough that even she balks at it.) Petroleum byproducts, once considered an inferior material, are now part of the mixture. So too does a resilin, a protein in the body of insects now grown and harvested as a material superior to any other rubber, form part of its structure, giving it greater elasticity and yet also durability...

The Fallen world still maintains some wonders, dyed in shining black.

If only you could have the same coatings that Ariel's suit have, that keep it always shiny, without need for polish...or the smart materials that alter their composition on command, making it easier to put on, before they tighten so perfectly that you'd never imagine they were loose before...

Gloves are nothing new, but...the white gloves Rose wore, that trademark of hers, were of a simpler fabric. Comfortable, but not alluring. They didn't have that acrid rubber scent, that you find utterly intoxicating. They didn't stretch and squish in ways that always fascinated your eyes. And, perhaps most importantly...

They didn't resemble the Adversary's gloves, which you always imagined must look exactly the same, yet deeper, darker, pitch black and shining, emphasizing the perfect beauty with which she recreated her form.

Laying them out flat, you take a little bit of polish, and rub upon their surface until they shine their brightest/darkest, before pulling one on...

And then the other.

As though they were tainted with a corrupt fluid...as though they could drip, and from that drip, any girl would find themselves filled with love...

Perhaps, this too, is a kind of prayer.

You imagine, Ariel could easily spend hours sucking on your fingers...or, perhaps, you could convince Mother to...

But this will be enough.

That it is so easy, to change the application, one girl a queen and the next a drone, always fascinates you...such a duality, that you hope to explore further someday.

You rub down one of your arms with lubricant, always hidden in plain sight within this room, and then turn back, walking once more toward Mother, that same look of amusement on her face...

If this can get her aura of invincibility to falter, even for a moment, you'll consider it a victory.

"Now what do you plan to do with that, I wonder?" Mother says, again casually imposing her control on things, in a way that you'd surely quiver for normally...

(What is it that's making your resolve so strong? What is it that's changed? That dream...it was just a dream, wasn't it? Even if magic and miracles exist, you'd never think...)

(Well. Maybe worry about that later. For now, simply use it.)

"Sit at the edge of the bed for me," you say, and you almost wish it was Ariel instead - you just, you feel as though you need to be with her, after this, because that desire for control is not something Mother can fulfil yet, and you desire nothing more than to see another desire it...

Aah, your desires, they run rampant in your head. Maybe, someday, you'll sit on Mother's face, as her tongue delves into you...

For now, though?

Your beloved Mother does as asked - you can't really say obeys, but you wonder what it would feel like - and sits there, spreading her legs open...

Like this, you can see how her fingernails are made of that same emerald green crystal. So smooth...like this, they look almost like claws, but you've never once been harmed by them...just what is it, you wonder? Another remnant of offworld technology, of the sort you could never hope to reproduce?

You get down on your knees - and it feels a little wrong to do, even for this - and trace your fingers along Mother's bush, faint, well-maintained, smooth...and the pink within, a heavenly place you've known, but one you plan to delve into in altogether different ways...

You bet Mother is expecting a kiss. For you to express your love and devotion there. As you have many times before...

But not this time.

You slip a finger closer, between the labia, into the pink...and then another. This, you've done before, of course. Mother has had you do it to her, taught you how, but...

She's tempted you with ideas of filling someone, shown you an occasional little naughty game, where she would keep something inside her...and that something could get quite large, holding it inside her effortlessly as she went about her business, all to make you squirm from the thought. You have a feeling Nezha often works that way, of course, and you have no doubt that what Mother does with her is far more intense than what she does with you...

Does she think you too delicate?

Well, you'll absolve her of that notion.

Pushing a third finger in, you explore and marvel at the way Mother can stretch...it's feelings like this which make you wonder if you shouldn't insist upon finding a surgeon. (Not that you wouldn't prefer something that meets Mother's standards, cloned womb and all.) Mother doesn't show much reaction, besides the obvious enjoyment, but this is hardly anything new.

"...I had an interesting thought, about the Armored Cores," you say.

"You do? What a thing to talk about..." Well, you've talked business during pleasure before, but usually at Mother's call. "They aren't really sexual, are they?"

"Are you certain? Some have a woman's voice from their computers. And they are made shapely, things of beauty, things of admiration." The words flow from you, confidently, not needing to be hidden like you felt around Mother before. "The cockpit is tight, barely able to hold a single person, cozy beyond compare. And of course, my Ariel -" you can't help but say aloud what you always call her in your head, and Mother's tongue flicks from her lips as you do "- prefers that coziness, resting within it like a security blanket. And of course, within their structure are organic components...

"If a machine could feel, would a machine feel pleasure? From having a pilot fill their cavity, that lies cavernously, achingly empty, simply waiting to be filled?"

...before Mother answers, you make your move.

Fingers pull back, and hand pushes. It's a difficult thing, of course, but one you can almost imagine how to do simply from your observations. Clutching your hand into a fist, you push it inside, carefully, gently, even with Mother's oddly pliant and well-practiced passage the one that allows your presence...

"W-well now...I think I see your meaning. Perhaps, if machines dreamed, they would dream of something like this..."

And you smile.

That line...it lacks the practiced ease Mother radiates.

You've finally struck, a weak point, right within Mother's luxuriously soft belly, finding the heat that burns beneath, and proving your capabilities.

"Or is it just you? Just you, who dreams of being filled so thoroughly, in ways most human beings would never consider?"

Mother's breathing is a bit flushed...and she lets out the faintest of moans, but all that feels like is just...like it's not enough...

You want more.

"L-like I said. The people...hah...the people of the City have no imagination." Tossing her head back, steadying herself on her hands, you press into Mother's belly to steady yourself, and bring your lips in to kiss just above Mother's lower lips...

Just a tiny kiss to her clit, the type of thing she taught you to do, but altogether different when your hand is pushing forward...

Mind you, such a position is hard to maintain. You cannot entirely keep it up, but it's enough to be able to tease every so often, to add some extra stimulation, to further tease a woman who acted like nothing could ever faze her.

The amount of give her body has...it's a thing to behold. Is this normal? You wouldn't put it past Mother to have alterations you've never imagined...but it lets you unfurl your hand inside her, with some difficulty, perhaps thanks to the heavy lubrication...


The crystal is even inside her...not entirely surprising, on fingers and toes, navel, even tiny ones in her ears, but...you could swear it's sensitive to touch, and that it's even done at all...

Just what was her life like, in the depths of space, looking down on the poisoned Earth from on high?


You can get joy out of it.

You reach down to stroke yourself, to masturbate to the sight of Mother like this, legs shifting a little, and you wonder if Ariel would gladly accept that part of you...or, perhaps, if you will someday feel Mother's lips upon you, under your desk...

Aah, she does inspire lust, doesn't she? Even as you don't want to be in her shadow, your thoughts can't help but be about Mother. And your desires, watching her, not even able to play with her breasts, or tease you...

You wonder if she's a little pent up. It has been a few days, since she's called on you.

But it's to your advantage.

This deep inside her, you have to feel your way around her sensitivity. You have to stimulate her clit more, to make up for it. You're not so easily able to find the spots that truly get her going...

But this is more than enough.

You kiss, and lick, when you can, pushing in, teasing with crawling fingers, as though operating the controls of a machine, and you observe, you watch, and even through the unfamiliarity you can tell, just when Mother's about to come -

And then you stop.

You pull out your hand, and you lovingly hold it before you, marveling at how far down Mother's juices are, reaching to lick it up, teasing her with the motions of your tongue as your eyes look upon her...

"I haven't...haaaaah. I haven't finished, you know..."

"I know."

You smile at her, a wicked thing, as she laughs, shaking her head. "What, is something wrong, Himeko? Or are you worried? I assure you, for your first time..."

"I've heard it feels better if you edge. And you want to feel good, don't you, Mother?" Aah, reversing this dynamic, even a little, it's intoxicating. If you could bend her over right here..."You know that. You've taught me all about pleasure. It's only natural I return the favor..."

"Of course. I see, I shouldn't have doubted you -"

You kiss her clit, and suck it, as she's talking.

And your fingers go back in, careful to do it while it's still easier - and you well remember the myth of intercourse making you 'loose', knowing simply that Miri stretches so well, yet could pleasure anything she cared to better than anyone - and you manage to just find a spot you remember Mother...no, Miri loving so well, and...

It doesn't take long.

It doesn't take long, before Mother moans, and her body quivers, and you feel her fluids flow from her, back onto the gloves, and with pride...

Aah, that look on her face...

That post-orgasm look...

Oh, if you do this, she'll work all the harder to maintain her composure the next time, but this is proof, this is ample proof, you think, as you pull your hand in to lick again, intoxicated by the flavor as you indulge, you imagine Mother doing more and more things for you, you imagine standing by her side and no longer her shadow, you imagine girls at your feet, so many, all for you...

You finish yourself...

And you smile wide.

Mother sighing happily as she collapses back onto the bed.

You hop onto it, next to her, cuddling up close again, and kissing her neck as you embrace her...

"That was so bold of you, Himeko. Every time we do this, you learn more and more...that mind full of questions. There's power in that, you know. To see even my weak spots..."

Ah, she's even admitted it to you.

Well, to her, perhaps it's more about your eagerness to please, but...

You can't help but be happy.

"I have my pride too, Mother."

Your head finds itself nestling into Mother's chest - well, okay. If you're just cuddling like this, it's not a bad thing to enjoy her body, right?

"And if you can keep that up, you're going to make a lot of girls very happy."

And your smile, outside of Mother's vision, spreads into a full-on smirk...

Miri doesn't know the half of it.
Memory of Himeko: I Will Cover You
WARNING: The following post contains sexually explicit content. Reader discretion is advised.
This omake is canon, and takes place two years prior to the present, some time after Mother is first recruited by Himeko.

"So? How do I look?"

Your eyes fall upon the radiant visage of the woman the City knows as, and you've come to gladly call, 'Mother'.

Upon those emerald green eyes, that seem to almost glow in low light.

Upon her dark, wet-look red lips, that seem so pleased to know your eyes upon their owner.

Upon the delicate porcelain-like skin that your Mother so proudly bears.

And upon that which she designed with her hands, that which she made for the sake of her desires, that which countless pilots have adopted as their own, her own special model…

Her plugsuit.

Black and gold leaving nothing of her curves to your imagination, yet hiding away her skin so readily…

You stand there in awe, mouth slightly agape, as you try and find the words to describe it…

And as you struggle to comprehend how you got into this situation.

Miriaria Alphonse, the woman known as 'Mother', the head of the City's division of the mercenary company Collared…what a name, really. It leaves nothing to the imagination, and yet that false pronunciation, that unflappable way she's able to say it while neither revealing a thing nor denying the other intention behind those words…

Being attracted to her was always inevitable.

Even when you lived in the Underground, far beneath the City, where the poor and undesirable reside…you knew of her. Nearly a decade ago, she arrived here, and quickly cornered the market on the hiring of mercenary Ravens and their Armored Core humanoid weapons. They called her 'Mother' because they thought she intended to challenge the City's ruler, Father…

But there was, perhaps, more reason than that.

The press is crass, after all. Seeking attention. So they always described her body in lurid terms. The pale color of her skin, like your own untouched by UV light. Her rich ruby red hair, having long since become a trendsetter. Her manner of dress, always professional, yet always lusted after; rumors of her wearing a corset beneath her business wear, and of course the size of her hips, and her breasts

Her breasts.

If she wasn't already called Mother, you confess, you would call her that name for those alone.

You don't care if the other girls in the Underground, those who you called friends and family, others attracted to other women…you don't care if they think of you as crass, for this.

Because you're all but certain Mother is doing it on purpose.

At first, after all, you had recused yourself. Mother was no longer some far-distant corporate executive you, if you confess, fantasized about from afar anymore. She was a real, living, breathing woman who deserved respect, and for your eyes not to wander. You can almost imagine the chiding words of your Coordinator, Rose, telling you to not be controlled by your desires…

But it became more and more obvious.

The way she would lean, subtly, one direction or another. The way she would bend. The way she would walk, or dress. The click of her heels. The movements of her eyes.

…though, to be fair, Nezha was also a tipoff.

The bodyguard that follows Mother in shadow, always dressed as though she were headed to some kind of gala, dresses that flowed and bared her olive skin, dark eyes, dark hair - you imagined what they were like together, because even you, even you could see the eyes Nezha had for 'Miss Miri'...

If the press knew, if the pornographers of the world knew, if anyone knew, they would never let her live it down, it was a secret you would guard with as firm a resolve as Mother's plans to save the City from itself, but you could not deny it


was a lesbian.

"I don't mind if you look, you know," you hear, Mother's words dragging you back out. Your attention snapped instantly back on her, your back straightening, your shoulders rising upon the merest hint of words from your Mother's beautiful lips, and you wonder how she did that to you, how you became so willing to follow her orders…

But she has told you it's okay.

And so you look.

You stare.

A plugsuit, equipment used by the pilots of humanoid weapons, but this one was designed by Mother's hand. For high performance. High speed. It could prevent g-LOC at accelerations as high as 11 g, using principles found in counterpressure space suits, smart materials and fluid muscles that maintained a pilot's body condition under any circumstance they could find themselves…

It was one of the finest pieces of equipment any Raven could hope to own.

It was also designed by a fetishist whose visions surely were of seeing all women clad in that shining, light-drawing fabric, that covered everything yet revealed far more.

Black was always the classic color for this suit. (Its part number was '08-BLACKWIDOW', yet surely, you could not comprehend why anyone would wish to use such a sterile name…) Black, of course, is your favorite color, and so enamoured were you by suits like these that you bought gloves made out of that same outer coating, a derivative mixture of genetically engineered latex rubber and resilin, just as a special treat to yourself…

But having it on Mother's entire body was something else.

That black wrapped all along her, with details marked out in gold…most of it looked nearly skintight, as though there were nothing under there, as though it weren't one of the few true technological marvels of the Fallen world. Along her arms, up her shoulders, where thicker panels marked them...then over the chest

Her chest, though…

You don't know if you know anyone else with breasts like Mother's. If they were any larger, you would suspect surgical augmentation. You almost want to touch them, to reach out -

"You can touch them, Himeko."

- and you feel your body practically leap forward, so you can hold them in her hands. Wrapped with a harness that, you're sure by complete coincidence, lifts, separates, and clings almost individually tight to their shape…

Normally, panels were places to hide details like the nipples, or what was between the legs…but Mother's own didn't have them. Her nipples stood out, so prominently, looking like you could so easily suck them…

Oh, to be sure, you dreamed of it. With those other girls, you sometimes exchanged such thoughts. Of touching, of sucking, and having such a pair to hold in your hands, and you were so much shorter than her, 'Mother' seemed like such an appropriate name, even as she wraps her arms around you and pulls you in and your head practically touches them -

How can

how can one person have so much control?

It all started so innocently.

Mother has been doing interviews with you for quite some time. Working out your history, your preferences, your knowledge. It's part of her evaluation of you as an operator with Collared, who directs Raven mercenaries on their missions, whispers softly in their ear over the headset…

Like Mother whispers in your ear.

Like how she can make your mind go blank with a few simple words…

Like how she can make you more aroused than you ever thought physically possible.

It started like that. Her questions slowly slid from innocent, to more charged…if it were anyone else but Mother, you would refuse, you would turn away, you would never answer. But she made it sound so appealing, and she'd accepted you, you could not -

you could not refuse.

You confessed so much. How you were a lesbian - though that one wasn't a secret. How you were attracted to Mother. How you had been for a long time. Why you owned those gloves. It all spilled out so easily, and -

one moment, she was in front of you. The next, she was behind, whispering in your ear, chest pressed into your back.

It was like being hypnotised.

Your head swam, and you lost track of everything, until you heard that question -

"Would you like to see it?"

When Mother told you she'd show you her own personal plugsuit.

Like this, you can barely admire the rest of Mother's handiwork…

But you give it a try.

One hand, boldly, reaches toward the nine 'eyes' that give the suit its name, lined all along the front of her pelvis - and how Mother sold that to those corporate executives at her former company Rayleonard, you have no clue - the same green as her eyes or the odd crystalline fingernails she bears, capable of sensing the pilot's current condition and presenting it to ground crews at a glance…

They just make you wonder what it tastes like between Mother's legs.

You find your eyes going half-lidded, attracted to Mother's breasts once more, your lips opening up, and yet -


Not yet.

Your Mother wears a corset, seemingly built into the suit - they have odd fashion choices in the orbital colonies she's from, where 'Alphonse' is one of the five great families, and you've seen pictures of Mother in formal dress that included such a corset, and here it pushes her stomach into an odd shape, that enhances the shape of her hips and her chest - and you're curious, what she looks like underneath, whether she has a soft belly that could so easily be pressed into and touched…

"...I want one…" you whisper, before you're even done admiring…

Mother's own whispers fill your ears in return, even as your mouth opens wide. "Your surgical operations are scheduled soon…but I thought you might appreciate this, beforehand, and know that I still want you…"

Mother wants you.

Just being praised by her makes you happy…

The 'boots' of the plugsuit, Mother's custom version high-heeled in a way the real one never could be, but the real one still had those high knee pieces, for protection...and of course, the heavy 'collarbone', surrounding but not enclosing her neck, showing the emblem of Collared in the centre…

You can't take it anymore.

Your lips open, and you close them down on Mother's breast.

Suckling hard on her nipple, you inhale, your eyes fluttering closed as you're filled with that scent of rubber and resilin, that you always loved so much you would lick and taste and inhale upon your gloves after a day's work, and then you'd place one between your legs and -


Mother's hand slips under your pants, under your panties, and against your shaft...well, of course, it's been embarrassingly standing out this long, and even if it's small, it's sensitive, in a way only Mother could seem to manage - as though she could make you supernally aroused, like some kind of succubus, or goddess of love…

You moan.

You moan around Mother's breast, helplessly, wondering what lies between Mother's legs. You hear there are zippers down there, used for long-term missions, but one for both holes, and you wonder what she tastes like, and you wish she had milk, and damn Rose and all those other girls for giving you these thoughts in the first place, and damn Mother for filling and fitting them so well

"Go on. I don't mind. You'll be keeping this quite a while, so you should get used to it…"

Aah, if it feels this good, you don't care, you don't care that you can't get surgery that meets Mother's standards yet, you'll do whatever you can to please her, your head swims as you're filled with thoughts of her body and lips and mind and -

and -

and you release fluid from your shaft, sucking hard as you feel your body convulse, an orgasm greater than any other has left you, and you find yourself slumping down upon Mother's body, just suckling her chest…


you can't help but watch, as Mother reaches up, her black glove coated in your fluids, as she licks down each of them...shining wet black fabric made clean once more, clean and polished, and you can follow the curve of each of her fingers, she's so beautiful

your eyes flutter…

"...my. It seems I've been working you hard. Just one, and you're already falling asleep?"

your eyes half-lidded, as you fall asleep suckling your beloved Mother, and somehow, in your vision you can see Mother's beautiful green eyes…

"It's alright. I booked the entire night off for this express purpose, Himeko. You can fall asleep if you want, and when you wake up, we'll have lots more fun together…

"After all.

"No one as beautiful as you should be allowed to languish, when you could flourish under my strong hand…"

Author's Note
Alternate title: Mother Was A Lesbian.
This is just a little piece to compare and contrast between the Himeko of the present day and the Himeko that Mother first recruited. Quite the change, huh? Seems when they met, even Himeko couldn't resist Mother's charms...
A Light By Day, A Shadow Resides (Fire and Fury)
Laying with Mother, the two of you lounge, both sipping on a coffee drink of the type she favors, cold-pressed and filled with milk and elaborate flavoring...

(It's strange, to see Mother performing tasks like that, and not deferring them to others. It makes you wonder what she was like, before she descended to Earth...)

You've got the TV on, the projection screen built by Miriaria's own hand showing plenty of Father-influenced media. Dramas about brave cops, action movies featuring crass stereotypes, and occasionally - just occasionally - a bit of satire or comedy that goes right above the heads of his sensibilities. Far be it from you to participate in such things, but...

It's not a bad way of spending the time, before you change into your uniform and prepare to head toward Angel Island for tonight's operation.

"Oh, that's one of Delacroix's movies..." Mother seems so amused by this - indeed, looking at her, you'd never believe she was shot in the first place. (The advantages of surface medical care - especially if you're as rich as Mother.)

Two Ravens in their Armored Cores - or, rather, models thereof, and dodgy ones at that - are standing opposite each other, each atop a building, cutting to footage of bored-looking actors 'inside the cockpits'...

"You're wrong! You don't know how to play the game! You forget an important Migrant principle!"

"My principle is to shoot you down!"

"Hmph. You must use the Migrants against the Migrants. You're playing the game of death!"

"Nonsense! You are going to give me back every piece that you took!"

"Unless you die a Raven."

Mother snorts a little, unable to keep from laughing. Her opinion on this kind of film is even lower than yours, amazingly. "My god, I can't believe it. See, here's the funny part, Himeko. These Raven movies...they're new footage added to old films. Such a ludicrously cheap thing, yet Delacroix has become rich off the back of it...how utterly ridiculous this world is."

"Is it disappointing, Mother?" You know that those who live in space had hope that the Earth had escaped the Fall, just as Earth hoped the same for the colonies locked behind the veil of outer space...

How foolish, it seems, that Ravens waged war over it, only to discover none had been spared this Fallen state.

"Not really. Amusing, yes, but this is to be expected. You know that Elias loves these movies, too? Such a fool he is sometimes..."

"He's not that bad," you mutter.

"No, but it does seem strange to me to love something because it's substandard. Don't you think?"

Mother sips her coffee, and you nestle into her side...

You wonder if you shouldn't talk to her about Ariel. If Mother knew about your relationship with her, she might try to influence Ariel, or drag her into this debauchery. You know Ariel said her heart does not belong to Mother, but you don't know if she'd still hold to that notion should Mother try and impress upon her like she did upon you...

There are certainly things you can ask her. Elicit from her. A promise, based on the love you share. Mother may be many things, but, you doubt she would break her word so easily.

Especially since...


It's not hard to tell that she's in love with you, too, in a way even Nezha hasn't felt.

...you sigh.

"Mother...about Collared. Even if we have to keep it as a smokescreen, the missions we've planned..."

You're not alright with it.

Is pragmatism, is defending your ability to fight as part of Line Ark, worth the human cost? Of planning missions for corporations, hiring Ravens out to do their duty, knowing who gets caught in the crossfire?

"I think you're looking at it the wrong way, Himeko," Mother says, swishing her glass. "The direct approach is not always ideal. If, for instance...you were to plan a mission such that the client was satisfied, but in a way that fulfils your goals...then wouldn't that be the superior option?"

...you do wonder if Mother realizes what she just said.

All this while, you've been so content to follow, but...maybe you didn't understand her as well as you think.

And, if she's willing to teach you these lessons, then...well, if you can use them for your own purposes...

Ugh. What are you thinking? You don't have anything you'd need for that. You're just an operator. All you have is what Mother's given you, and the love of Ariel...

Do you really have what it takes? Or are you just tilting at windmills?

Maybe you should ask Mother. To learn from her. To learn her ways. Be it the colonies, or Rayleonard, or Collared, or Line Ark - whatever organization has been under her control, she has shaped to her will.

But you do want to protect Ariel...and you do want to see Mother do the good she says she will. To ensure Line Ark's ideals aren't hollow.

It feels like...

there's power, in this moment.

there's power, in love.

"...I want to know more."

You whisper it, part of you wondering if Mother would ever accept it. When you look at what Nezha is for her, when you look at the people in Collared who defer to her, would she accept you asking that?

She wants to control you, right?

Would she ever hand you the methods she uses?

"Oh? What do you mean?" she asks, as though she doesn't already know, as though she can't see it in your eyes - sometimes you wonder if she can read minds, or if she simply knows humans so well that she can always predict them - as though daring you to ask...

"I want to know how you came to power, here. How you built yourself up, in the colonies, in the Rayleonard corporation, in Collared. How you became able to build Line Ark. I want to know your secrets, what it is you've done, how you've brought me here, and everyone else..."

You wonder if she'll accept.

You wonder if she'll just try and give you platitudes.

You wonder if that's even something she thought you would ever ask for.

But, to your surprise, when her hand sneaks toward yours, those crystalline fingernails, fingers entwining as you find them...

Her smile is tender. Warm.


"...I would be glad to teach you, Himeko. In fact, that has always been my intention..."

You wonder if you can believe her.

You want to believe, so badly.

Your hand squeezes hers, as she speaks to you, a tenderness in that moment...one you hope isn't just another form of manipulation.

"In your eyes, I have seen a beauty that needed the chance to flourish. That needed to be cultivated. Your passion, your dark love...that aspiring need, expressed through your faith. Two long years we have been together, and it's all coming to fruition.

"Line Ark has been established. Perhaps, we should move to a new stage? With your strength, as an operator, and with the Complex. We will achieve that end."

(achieve that end -)

(like in your dream...)

You want to believe her.

You want to believe that Mother's love for you is pure, that she means all of this. That she absolutely wants you to flourish, maybe even - maybe even as an equal.

You're not sure you can trust her on that, but, somehow, in the same place in your heart that told you that girls should love girls, that you were one, and always would be -

you know that she will teach you.

When spending an intimate moment with someone, like this one, Himeko's Special activates. (Players of Apocalypse World and other games based on it should be familiar.) 'Intimate' is not necessarily sexual - it could include, for instance, one of her hypnosis sessions with Ariel, or a passionate kiss where a woman succumbs to her desires for Himeko - but is usually romantic.
Himeko's Special allows her to elicit a promise from any character she is intimate with. This promise must be consented to, but it has a certain presence and impact, that even Miriaria Alphonse will feel.

In the case of Drones and Talents, they'll do their best to fulfil it, and it is permanent; in the case of Queens and Ravens, fulfilling and violating the promise each have different effects.
In Miri's case, this promise, to teach Himeko more about her ways of seduction and manipulation, isn't one with a definite end point...but it can assuredly be failed, through denying Himeko such lessons or attempting to usurp her desires again. Failure to uphold the promise will give Himeko an Influence Resource {Broken Heart}, which can be expended as a cost or to deal Harm to Miri or her interests.

All Queens have a Special of their own. Miri's Special has two effects. One applies Noblesse oblige to the target, but Himeko is a Queen, and has already stopped consenting to it. The other effect allows her to, in the case of a Queen, Help or Interfere with one of Himeko's rolls at any time.

You stay there, for a few moments, holding hands, feeling the pulse of one another's hearts. Can you trust Mother? You so badly want to, but...you don't know anymore.

All you know is that you can, and must, learn her ways.

...but, eventually, even this must end, and Miri takes the remote, changing the channel. "I believe Delacroix is doing a press release right now, actually. Perhaps you'd like to see what she has to say about my injury?"

"If I have to," you mutter. It's in your job description, but that doesn't mean you enjoy it...

Especially when it's on Father's propaganda-laden news channels.

A powerful music sting comes on, with the symbols of Father's rule and the Kisaragi corporation's support of it flowing in the background. City Police ACs salute below the flags of Father and his City Police, before fading into a sky background, showing the logo of the Kisaragi News Network.

This is KNN.

The image fades into a backdrop of the Alloy Gate Arena, Oakland.

My fellow citizens, good evening. Our top story tonight - from the fires of that heinous place where lawlessness and flame rule the streets, Oakland.

Fire, superimposed over a perfectly intact stock image of Oakland, fills the screen.

The heinous attack upon one of the City's most respected citizens, Collared's Miriaria Alphonse, is a violation of those treaties that protect ordinary citizens like yourself from the evils of the Raven Red Rum.

A stock image of Red Rum's AC appears, labelled 'ENEMY OF FATHER AND FREEDOM'. Of course, KNN usually reports on Mother as an enemy of the people.

KNN, your source for freedom and information, where the password is 'DOWN WITH RED RUM', was on the scene.

Blurry camera footage of Miri being shot, very obviously from a camcorder and scaled up to nigh-unrecognizability, is shown at several synthetic angles with elaborate special effects.

As you can clearly see, the attack was premeditated. Only the hard work of the City's peerless medical care, the envy of the world, prevented her death.

Stock footage of doctors with thumbs up, with Father's signet poorly superimposed.

Questions arise about how safe the Arena is. Whether we can continue to allow it to operate within Red Rum's territory. We are now on the scene with one of the City's great patriots, and primary sponsor of the Arena, Angelina Delacroix.

Angelina Delacroix appears on screen, in front of a wall full of logos of Delacroix Video Classics, the Alloy Gate Arena, and Father's signet.

"Good evening. I would like to express my sincere condolences toward Miss Alphonse for her injury. No doubt, whoever decided to perform such a heinous attack, against our treaties - treaties which should have no value! - was working under the instruction of Red Rum herself, to destabilize the Arena and terrorize the City's people!"

Rumbling of the crowd, applause.

"Now, I am a good friend of Father's. I know him very well. He is the kindest man I have ever known. Too kind! That's the reason he's refrained from destroying the armies here in Oakland with fire and fury the likes of which this world has never seen!"

A cheer from the back of the crowd, seemingly audience members planted prior.

"I believe that Mother would agree with me. Enough is enough. If Red Rum does not surrender herself, then all her Ravens - all the Ravens of the City, at that - should descend upon her with great vengeance and furious anger!"

More cheers. More of the audience joins in this time.


A second voice sounds from the crowd.

"Angelina Delacroix! Mallory Jensen, Kisaragi News Network! Can you confirm that the attack was, in fact, perpetuated by Red Rum?"

Angelina visibly scoffs, running a hand through her blonde-dyed hair.

"Isn't it obvious? Who else? Who else would ignore everything to get what they want? Really, you shouldn't ask stupid questions. Reporters, they just want to get at me."

More cheers from the back.

"Sigh. Very well. Question time, kiddies. Can we make this quick? I've got a full pack of announcements regarding Raven Nights to do. Reporters, honestly..."

Mallory Jensen continues to speak in an effort to gain answers, though she's completely lost in the crowd, the camera firmly focused on Angelina Delacroix.

"And you're not concerned about retaliation, Delacroix? You're not concerned about what'll happen when she hears about this?"

Delacroix makes a painfully obvious show of rolling her eyes - as ever, working the camera to her advantage.

"Now, now. What's your name? Mallow? You see, Red Rum is already a murderer. Why we should put up with that -"

"There's a lot of Ravens who have signed up with her, not to mention Men of Honor. Past encounters with City Police -"

Delacroix twirls some of her blonde-dyed hair in her fingertips, feigning disinterest.

"They're just flukes! Hire more Ravens! Father's got the money, right? He took out the Resistance ten years ago, what's another war?"

KNN would like to remind viewers, at this juncture, to report subversive activities to Father and the City Police whenever possible. Do your part to keep this city safe!

"The Resistance war..."

Mallory quickly changes the subject. It's not a good idea to talk about the Resistance conflict on the surface...especially when Father doesn't call it a 'war' at all. Mallory is a sports and entertainment reporter - only here because of a loophole given Delacroix's involvement.

"Never mind that."

Delacroix grins when Mallory drops the subject.

"Besides, that Raven today nearly beat her, and that was just one on one. What was her name? Aka-whatever Aka-whatsit? I wouldn't be surprised if Red Rum cheated there. All you need to win are more bullets than the enemy."

"But the collateral damage -"

"No further questions on this. Now, do you have anything useful to say?"

"Evidence is mounting regarding exploitation of actors and actresses in your business, and sabotage of the Arena. Do you have nothing to say about it?!"


Delacroix grins, leaning in, hand on chest, staring down toward the crowd.

"Oh, it's you! How cute! You're that reporter that keeps trying to shove herself into everything I do, right? Listen - I answer only to Father. If I were doing anything bad, why, he'd do unspeakable things to me...or, maybe that's what you're into? There's a market for anything, I guess, even BLEEPing Don Tyrell himself..."

KNN would like to remind you that Father is an honorable ascetic who has sacrificed everything for the sake of the City, and would never perform any acts seen in pornographic videos.

"Do you or do you not confirm the disappearance of -"

"No further questions."

"Why would Red Rum -"

"No further questions!"

"Is it true that Father's dying -"

"No fucking further questions!"

Delacroix is obviously enraged, and makes a slitting-throat motion, followed by static from Mallory's mic, and then nothing. Smiling, the businesswoman continues twirling her hair, picking up one of the microphones off the stand and holding it up to her lips.

"Anyone else, then? Don't be shy, now!"

Delacroix looks directly at the camera, and winks.

"Um, yes. Is this thing on? Hello? Oh, you mean we're on already? Okay! This is KNN special correspondent Peter MacDonald, live at the scene with beloved filmmaker and philanthropist, Angelina Delacroix. Angelina! Can I call you Ange?"

Delacroix smiles. Evidently the replacement KNN brought on is more to her tastes.

"Of course you can! I'm a friendly woman. I love reporters, after all."

"This attack by the heinous terrorist Red Rum was a terrifying act of evil. But you are fearless before her! Will you be sending Ravens to challenge her? Rank 2, Chase Greyward, surely is the strength needed to stop Red Rum's crimes against humanity!"

"I'll have to talk to Father about that! I'm sure he'll be happy to help."

"But, how do you reconcile your relationship with Father with your lewd, crude, and undeniably immoral business?!"

Delacroix sighs. It seems she was expecting a total toadie, not another kind of 'fearless reporter' - even if it's a more flattering one.

"If my business were 'immoral', wouldn't I already be arrested? Think about it. Father is kind to me - he would never associate with anyone evil, right?"

KNN would like to remind you that Father can do no wrong.

"True! Absolutely true! Father, who has worked for decades to build the City into a paradise, would never accept anything truly wrong! But, what about the rumors that you are allowing proscribed cults to participate in your movies?!"

Delacroix laughs, waving it off.

"Oh, that? I'm giving those girls a chance at a better life! I'm from the Underground too, you know. I'm living proof that anyone can become a surfacer. These girls are reluctant to give up their very strange ideas, but...you know, there's always a market for that. Anything can be bought or sold. And I'm giving them the only opportunity they'll ever have...more than they deserve, really."


(You cling tightly to Mother, shuddering. It's far more kind than what Delacroix has said or done most of the time, but...remembering it, you just want to...)

(Mother strokes your hair, and you can feel her own cold rage. It's not often you see her angry, but it's clear that what she said about the girls she exploits, including members of your Order, breaks through her seemingly invincible facade.)

(...you want to defeat her.)

(You want to be stronger.)

(The Goddess and Adversary would never want a world like this.)

"I see. Yes, Delacroix Video Classics is truly a philanthropic company! Offering opportunities for our vulnerable citizens to make something of themselves...my belief in the power of the media is reaffirmed! Because yes! The pen is mightier than the sword! Now, I must return to my news helicopter."

Delacroix laughs again, clearly mollified by the chance to talk up her moral bonafides.

"What a strange man...well, if you're still here, I think I'll roll my trailer out shortly. Raven Nights will be the best of my movies yet! After that, we'll talk more about my movies, how about that?"

This press conference will continue after a commercial break. Then, at the hours, the boys will sit down at the Round Table, asking the important question...

Another poster of Red Rum comes on the screen, with the label 'DOWN WITH RED RUM'.

'Red Rum: Threat or Menace?' Join us shortly, and at 11, we'll round up the latest news, with a special report on the City Police, your fearless protectors of freedom.

The image fades, and the KNN logo reappears.

This has been a special report from KNN, your special remedy to all kinds of evil, where the password is, 'WE ❤ FATHER'.

"Tired of your old beauty routine? Try Kisaragi's new -"

Mother sighs, picking up the remote again and turning the TV off, and simply embraces you in silence.

...you wonder, how you could ever live without love. How you could possibly protect Ariel, and everyone else you care about, from Delacroix, from Father, from Red Rum, from Kisaragi, from everyone.

You're just one woman. With nothing to your name, but the love of Mother and Ariel. Where Red Rum, Father, the corporations, even Delacroix have far more strength with which to change the world.

But you're tired of letting people like them decide the future.

Is there...is there, even as an operator...

something you can do?

something only you can do?

Author's Note
Once more, as in It's No Game, I continue my bizarre fixation with the cut-and-paste ninja action movies of the 1980s, most famously peddled by Godfrey Ho.

If you're wondering what the deal with KNN is, then...well, first, watch these two videos, then come back.

Still here? Good! As you can see (or maybe not, if you didn't watch), KNN is a wholesale reference to Metal Wolf Chaos, the infamous satirical mecha action game by From Software that stars the President of the United States in a giant robot suit. (The reporter from the game even gets a cameo here!) As far as I'm concerned, it's the greatest game of all time. ...probably.​ Comes off a little more like Paul Verhoeven's Starship Troopers than anything in text, or maybe even as non-comedic, but...well, it works well enough.

As for Delacroix herself, I didn't expect her to turn out so raw, but...as art imitates life, so too does life imitate art. (I drafted up a couple of maps of the City, and hey, she's a real estate mogul too!) Well, it is the future 80s...

Oh, by the way. I shifted around the header a bit by which I mean I ripped off the format from the header of @TheBleachDoctor's Puella Magi Sengoku Magica quest, which is currently on my reading list, so there's now a YouTube playlist of all the music used in the quest, which will also appear in the music appendix later.
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A Light By Day, A Shadow Resides (Spotter)
Eventually, it's time.

Tonight, Red Rum is sending her forces over Alameda and the Bay, with Men of Honor choppers providing the transport, to the waterfront on the east side of the bay, south of the Mission. Her objective is currently unknown.

The City Police will be there. Maybe with their ACs, maybe not, but they'll be sending plenty of MTs and tanks to join the party. It'll be an utter bloodbath.

Unless you intervene.

You don't know Red Rum's motivation. The Complex is frustratingly vague at the best of times, only marking the area for armed intervention.

Mother is heading off first, as she won't be with you at the forward base. For now, you'll have to make do. This is your task as an operator, to guide Elias on his missions in his capacity as White Glint.

You brush down your dress uniform, and adjust your tie and your hair before you walk back into the break room. Uriel is there, working through piles of paperwork, perking up and looking toward you as you step in. Honestly, no matter how many times you tell her not to work over breaks...

"You're back!" she says, quickly shuffling her papers back where they belong, alongside a pile of magneto-optical discs full of mission maps and parameters. You'll need all the help you can get.

"It's time," you say. "Are you ready?"

"For you, always. But...listen, this is going to sound weird, but..." Uriel sighs, holding the case of folders up - it's deceptively heavy. "I can't help but have a really bad feeling. I've triple-checked everything we have, but there's something I can't put my finger on. Something's missing."

"It wouldn't be the first time," you say.

"No, no, not like that. It's not missing intel." Uriel looks to your eyes, a determination in her own you haven't seen before. "Something's going to happen tonight. It'll be bad. I just know, somehow."

...well, if it's like that...Uriel wouldn't tell you without good reason. She's good at what she does, even if she's a bit nervous around people - even compared to you.

"Are you saying we should call off the mission?" you ask. That's not your call to make, but you want to at least take Uriel's words as the warning she intends.

"No, nothing like that. But you might want to double-check all our intel while we're underway. I might have missed something - you've got a better eye for this sort of thing."

(...this again? Uriel's been acting odd all day.)

Uriel fishes into her case, and pulls out one of the MO discs. "Here. This should have what you need. Everything else is in the case."

You nod, pocketing the disc, and the two of you begin to head out. You just hope Uriel's 'bad feeling' isn't something more than that...

In an unmarked car, in a nearby parking garage, you open up your portable computer and insert the disc, Uriel sitting in the front, case full of files in hand in case you need it. Plainclothes Line Ark agents are covering you, although you have your doubts in how effective they'd be if the City Police decided to show up in force.

For now, you check over what you know, writing it down for comparisons.

After the sun sets, under cover of darkness, Red Rum will be sending her forces across the Bay to assault and terrorize the waterfront south of the Mission. You don't know what her true objective is, nor do you know if she'll be personally present for the operation, but you do know it's far too close to the City Police HQ for it to be a random or routine raid.

Most likely, she's got something special in mind. It could be related to the unusual movements her forces made in the Diablo Range, not long after Collared lost some Ravens in the area.

The City Police will respond, of course. You haven't accounted for the position of their AC squad, the Zodiac - nor their top Raven, Rossweisse, Rank 2. But they have quite a lot of MTs in the area, and without armed intervention by White Glint, collateral damage is sure to be high...especially if Red Rum watches the news. No doubt she'll want to demonstrate to Father that she's, in her own words, not to be fucked with.

It's nothing White Glint can't handle, especially by cover of Mirage Colloid.

{Mirage Colloid} is a Special Resource held by Mother, a technology claimed from the Complex. This Resource is what has prevented anyone from getting a clear picture of White Glint so far, and covers its movements, enabling Line Ark's armed interventions to go smoothly...at least, for now.

But it never hurts to have a mind full of questions. What could Red Rum want...?


Finding out the answers to questions like this one is your job, and if nothing else...you've become quite good at it.

Right now, Himeko will be using her Intellect to gather intel. Sometimes you can use Moves retroactively, setting up prior legwork - and Intuition can be used to retroactively set certain things up, like an ambush, if you have the available Resources to do so.

(An important principle: fiction comes first. Anything you establish 'retroactively' has to fit with the facts as they currently stand, so you couldn't retroactively kill someone or something ridiculous like that.)

That said, retroactive use means retroactive consequences. Himeko isn't at much risk of that right now, but it's something to keep in mind for the future. The bigger the risk taken, the bigger the potential consequences.

You sip water as you slowly drive through the City, taking a long route to avoid suspicion. The staging point can only be reached by helicopter, so the driver and other agents are doing their best to make sure you're not discovered by the City Police.

Mother keeps her cars loaded with old tapes. Hymns from the Underground and the colonies. You know Motoko liked these ones, too, and you wonder how the two of them would feel if they knew they agreed on anything at all.

♪ This one...

You find it rather calming, when doing work like this.

You flip through files and low-resolution maps on the disc, cross-referencing with the hard copies requested from Uriel's files. Mother spared no expense - you can even view video floppies on this machine, giving you proper photography to work with...at the expense of detail, of course. Some of them have hard copies in film, but the rest you have to just live with.

If only you had the kind of technology the Armored Cores do. The charge-coupled device used in camcorders and still video cameras is an inferior copy of just one of their many types of imaging units. But with all their imaging units and their recon units, they can produce a display far in excess of what modern technology can even interpret, let alone reproduce.

What a world it must have been, before the Fall...

The fact that they made so many ACs implies war was commonplace, but it still is. So it would still have been an improvement, right? You wonder, what kind of world humanity created, and what it is that ended it.

Could you and Mother build a better future than what came before?

Well, for now, you'll just have to live with it. Flitting through records both paper and electronic, spotty and incomplete, sourced from Line Ark agents, leaks through bribery, and who knows what else. You have to find something you've missed.

City Police movements across the City are chaotic. They've never really recovered from the Resistance war ten years ago. Morale is dubious at best. That Red Rum was so easily able to set up shop so close to the City centre is proof of it. So instead...Father uses them to enforce his will on the Migrants within the overall region, and as a show of force against the corporations that try to muscle in on the territory.

Propaganda reports about Zodiac battles against Migrant ACs...nothing of value there. You at least can confirm they aren't fabricated. But your access to City Police information is limited at best right now.

Try a different tactic.

"You have Collared reports on the docks in there, right?" You have to very carefully keep them separate, to ensure Line Ark isn't discovered.

"I made copies myself," says Uriel. "Agents overdubbed the camera footage. I, um...I thought you might need them."

"Good work," you say, taking the MO disc and swapping over. You really couldn't ask for a better assistant.

You drink more water, sighing as you try and find something useful. Collared's information network is robust, and was the basis for Line Ark's, but it's becoming more and more dangerous. Red Rum has an uncanny knack for finding intelligence agents - to the point where you wonder if she has experience in espionage.

But then, so do you. You used to -


"Uriel, you don't have anything from the Underground in there, do you?" you ask. Maybe you need to think laterally - and you were one of the best. So was your crew. But you operated differently than Collared does, focusing on signals intelligence by necessity, rather than surveillance.

"Oh, yeah. I make copies of those, too, just in case." You've never needed them before now, but...well, let's just say it's a good thing Mother's budget covers a rather ridiculous number of MO discs.

Popping the new disc in, this is unfortunately all digital - and the display on this machine is great for a portable, but it's hardly the megapixel resolution you're used to on your workstations.

But it's enough.

The City Police use a few different civilian transport agencies. Most of what they do is more or less irrelevant to your work - food, materials, that kind of thing. But you've known them to occasionally use them for transporting other things if they really don't want anyone to see them.

It's the kind of trick they can't use too often. If they did, you'd always be looking there, and they'd lose the advantage. Security through obscurity isn't good practice, though, and this is precisely why.

Collared has no access to this. Even Line Ark doesn't. Checking every single Migrant courier for every single possible clandestine action would be impossible with your manpower. But somewhere, someone transmitted this data in the wrong place, and even without you there, Nora - who you'd been teaching a lot of your techniques - managed to decrypt a small archive being transmitted along the wrong line, belonging to one of these companies.

You cross-reference the dates with others you've jotted down on paper to check. You switch over to the video floppy, and have Uriel pass you more pictures...


The old metro maintenance building, near Pier 80. A special-order heavy lift helicopter landed there, with a redacted port of call in the middle only a short time after the Alcatraz deployment. It's a bit suspicious, but it would be too vague to draw anything from without other information. It's not hard proof, but...

As an operator, sometimes you have to learn when to go with a hunch.

It's very likely that once it was brought there, they intended to transport whatever they found by train. But maybe they thought it was too risky. Those tunnels are big enough for ACs to travel in, and Red Rum's made raids through them. It's been a long time since the City Police could field armored trains, and for all they talk up the Zodiac, most of them honestly aren't that great at their job. Red Rum has little trouble with them, and it's too narrow for a Fulton, so if they were defeated...

There'd be no escape.

Father could never risk the public relations disaster - and that's one of the main reasons he's never moved on Red Rum. He's a fucking coward who would never do anything that might cause a power vacuum.

It's entirely possible, of course, that it has been moved, and Red Rum has no idea they've moved it from the docks...but given how slowly the City's bureaucracy moves, you wouldn't be surprised if they were keeping it in a warehouse nearby.

You'd be willing to take that risk, despite how close it is to the City centre. Red Rum, with her lack of concern for civilian casualties and her utter fearlessness? There's no way she isn't going for it. (Although you confess you're curious how she got that information - something to follow up on, perhaps.)

Honestly, you could kiss Nora right now.

"Uriel, make a note for Rosary and the Mirage Colloid team," you say, grinning. Looks like training your old crew paid off - they're still helping you out, even now. "We're changing their drop point to Pier 80, near the old metro maintenance building."

"Did you find something?" she asks, not turning to face you. Huh...

"Just conjecture. There's no proving what it is they found, or if they haven't moved it already. But if I'm right, this is where Red Rum will be dropping in from...and I bet the City Police know it too." There...well, there is something exciting about this job. About all of this. It's hard to call it 'fun' when so many people are risking their lives, but, it's at least fulfilling. "And remind me to send a thank-you to Nora and the rest of my old team. Without them, I'd never have found it so quickly."

"...ah...yes, my Q- er, ma'am." (And now Uriel's stumbling over her words...) "I'll inform Mother about this as soon as I can."

You look over at Uriel, catching her gaze when she finally looks back, smiling at her. "I have to thank you, too. If I didn't have you to keep me organized..."

"It's...it's only my job," says Uriel as she averts her eyes. "My - ma'am."

(...somehow, you feel like she's lying.)

When you gather intel, roll +Intellect, and choose a location, a person, or an upcoming event or battle. On a 10+, ask two questions, and gain an appropriate Intellect Resource that can be used later. On a 7-9, ask only one question, and get no Resource. Either way, if you act on the answers, you take +1 forward on the relevant roll.

Oh, as a side note: permanent bonuses from Virtues/Link and Moves are capped at a total of +4, but temporary bonuses (be they taking forward, Helping, or otherwise) can surpass that.

+Intellect roll (Gather Intel): 2d6+3 = 9
(Mother is not using the Hold she has due to her Special.)
Himeko only rolled a 9, so she only gets to ask one question this time around, which in this case was, "What has been happening south of the Mission lately that might have caught Red Rum's attention?"
Since I mentioned you'd get a Resource if you got a 10+, I'll talk a bit about them. Some Resources are Special Resources like Mirage Colloid, with a specific effect on the world - you'll gain new technologies this way through the Complex, for instance, and they may have an attached Move. (The Complex thus counts as a Special Resource for Himeko.)

Others are just generic 'Resources' that describe what a person owns or controls in a purely descriptive manner, or Financial Resources which represent liquid assets that can be spent on other Resources, courting Ravens, or other costs.

And then there are Virtue Resources. Virtue Resources have various functions - they can be used to, among other things: attack Queens (or sometimes Ravens), to sell for Financial Resources, to pay costs during partial successes or Courting attempts, or to add additional segments of Healing for Queens and Ravens. (All dependent on the Resource's nature, of course.)

- Power Resources are military materiel, which enable you to protect territories from Ravens or make attacks without relying on them (assuming you have the necessary Power). Red Rum's The Bloody Honey Cannot Stop gives her a continually regenerating Power Resource in the form of her gang.
- Radiance Resources are emotional holds you have on people, or strong emotions that motivate you. Himeko's Special generates a {Broken Heart} Radiance Resource if her promise is broken.
- Intellect Resources are military intelligence or other information that has a high value on the open market. Gathering intelligence, as seen here, is one of Himeko's talents - though having a lot of money opens doors too.
- Intuition is a reactive Virtue, which works best in the moment, so it uses the other Virtue Resources. However, maintaining ACs and other vehicles uses Intuition, and Financial or 'regular' resources.

The rules for Resources are definitely still in flux, and a work in progress. I hope we can find out together how these rules will play out! 🖤

You may also have noticed the map - we'll be seeing more of that when the Queens start making plays for the City. (There might be a sub-map for the City Centre, too.) Right now, though, Father controls all the territories, save for the Abyss Watchers controlling Santa Clara and Red Rum having a disputed presence in Alameda

Author's Note
The one where Fiona really, really likes Ghost in the Shell, you guys.

The technology seen here is real, although fudged a little. That's a MiniDisc, not a proper MO disc...and the GRiD Compass pictured above, though undeniably cool (it went into space!), only had bubble memory as non-volatile storage, not any kind of disk drives. Video floppies, however, are more or less as described and are indeed an innovation enabled by the invention of the CCD.

This is what happens when I spend too much time watching British tech YouTubers. :V

We'll be seeing more of that map, too. I made a second map covering the City Centre as well, but for now that's not really relevant to us.
A Light By Day, A Shadow Resides (The Fourth Precept)
Once you're well outside the City Centre, you leave your portable behind, entrusting it to the driver's capable hands as you and Uriel take your intel onboard the helicopter to the staging point.

(You...admittedly get a little airsick, but Uriel already has your medication to handle it. She's really quite helpful today...)

The helicopter closes up, and disappears into the higher contamination in the clouds. Dangerous, for anyone not in an AC, but...it's necessary to cover your tracks, especially with where it is you're headed.

The City Police has consistently quashed rumors of the 'glint of white', publicly declaring it instead the work of a wide variety of Migrant groups, including Red Rum's army. But privately, it's an open secret they're hunting it.

You wonder how they'd feel knowing Line Ark was operating so close to their headquarters, just outside of prying eyes.

The City may be relatively free of contamination, but the water of the Bay is not. As such, Angel Island, the island you're soon flying above, has more or less remained abandoned since the Fall due to its lack of fixed link. But its facilities made it an appropriate staging point, and you aren't the first to use it as such.

It's only one of many staging points Mother has arranged the use of, although it's the closest to the City Centre. The effects of the Mirage Colloid technology Mother uses to cover White Glint's operations require special arrangements to be made for the sake of supporting armed interventions. Former military facilities have been refurbished for the purpose, and Angel Island's close range is actually something of a benefit - the sea's contamination makes radar detection difficult, and audiovisual detection can't easily be distinguished from ordinary traffic like the City Police.

Of course, the Mirage Colloid is seeded by a different flight, operating from a different direction. Secrecy for such missions is even higher than White Glint's deployments, lest the technology be discovered by the enemy.

"Do you ever get worried, ma'am?" you hear from Uriel, turning away from the window. "About cabin leaks, or...what happens if they figure out we're here?"

"...you're being awfully formal today." Well, Uriel's usually at least a little, but.

"A-am I! I haven't noticed." Your assistant curls a stray hair around her finger. "You're in charge, right? And I...I follow. That's how it is."

"We've been working together a long time, though. You don't need to be so strict. I'd like to think we make a good team."

"Even if we're a team, it's clear...well, um. It's clear who's in charge, is all."

...what a strange way of putting it.

You sigh, and look back toward the window, staring back down onto the island. "It was the Complex that helped us arrange this in the first place. Even if we do get discovered, we can find other ways to operate. As for cabin leaks...you'll probably be okay. Elias lived a very long time as a Migrant. You're not at risk from this amount of contamination."

"Unless we crash into the water..."

"Hasn't happened yet."

...well. It's natural to feel tense.

Because, even without Uriel's prompting, you've got this really horrible feeling. That something far bigger than just a routine intervention is happening, and that Red Rum and the City Police know something you don't...

Once more, you make landfall upon Angel Island.

By now, you're familiar with the routine. With mechanics running around and ensuring the helicopter fleet moves smoothly - Line Ark has quite a few of them, Mother investing the last of her old colony fortune into the operation, not to mention all the staff.

All of them, one way or another, believing in Mother's cause.

You can understand their feelings. You were the same. Right now, even if you're with her, you're no longer following in the way you used to...but you can still see it in their eyes.

Mother interviews each of them, individually, and sooner or later they become a part of her. A part of Line Ark.

"I need to make sure Rosary's up to date on her flight plan," Uriel says, bowing to you, as you nod and leave her behind. Well, she can take care of herself, but...

(but part of you wants to keep her by your side.)

For now, you walk around the grounds of the base, watching people perform various tasks, to ensure the smooth operational capacity. In emergencies, you've had to extract Elias out by helicopter, which is always a sign that one of his missions has gone horribly wrong.

You've managed to keep the City Police from getting a good look at him in broad daylight, at least. But you can't hide him in Mirage Colloid when he's outside his machine...

Ah, yes.

You stand before it, partly submerged in a reservoir while undergoing reactor tuning, with the chief mechanic on top adjusting its visual sensors, the tape deck Elias insisted on installing inside it playing something...

Nashandra's masterpiece.

A great white giant - Mother likes to call it her 'white devil'. An Armored Core with a unicorn's horn, made for the purposes of armed intervention under the guidance of the Complex. A machine that revives one of the greatest legends of the Raven War, the conflict two decades ago that saw the League of Rule Companies collapse, the Ravens win their freedom, and the path to space open to mankind...

♪ White Glint.

Around twenty years ago, during the Raven War, the three strongest Ravens of the League era fought a desperate battle at the edge of the world. White Glint, Rank 9 Raven, defender of the anti-League settlement known as 'Line Ark', was said to be the strongest of all…

and he effortlessly defeated the Rank 1 Raven known as Odstarva...

only to fall before Strayed. The Raven for whom the name 'Nine Breaker' was coined, who ended the Raven War, and then mysteriously disappeared from the stage of history.

…well, maybe. No one really knows for sure. Some say Strayed fought alongside White Glint instead, and that there was a fourth Raven in the battle. But the records of the League are long gone, as is Line Ark.

But the legend remains.

The strongest Raven ever to fight against the corporations, whose tale is known even in the Underground, a radiant gleam that brings hope, as though the Princess of Sunlight herself descended upon the poisoned Earth.

This…imitation before you is Mother's declaration to the world. Her weapon for armed intervention. And its pilot…

He's got an entire twelve inches on you, blue eyes, an odd haircut which Nashandra has made fun of on more than one occasion...his skin is pale, but healthy, a surfacer who's had a proper amount of UV light all his life. With how casual he is, he doesn't really look like much, but...here he is.

Elias Danzig Metea, the third White Glint...

and your partner in the new Line Ark, whose name Mother took to take advantage of the enduring legend. Even twenty years later, in the Underground, people still speak of Line Ark fondly, hoping for its return, and slowly spreading rumors of the 'man in the jacket' and the 'glint of white'.

"Good to see your face again, Himeko," he says, leaning against some fencing. "It's been a while since we've seen each other like this, hasn't it?"

"Elias," you say, somewhat curtly. Well, he's not a bad guy, really…but you do wish you could tell him a bit more openly you weren't into the flirting. It's not like he doesn't have any idea about your preferences, or even disrespects them given what happened today, but…

At least it's not like Delacroix.

Goddess above, you shouldn't even compare them in the same breath, should you? Elias doesn't deserve that. He really has been nothing but kind, but...

He's eccentric. As you'd expect from a Migrant. Even without the accent, it's easy to tell he never grew up in the City.

"That's not the usual jacket, is it?" you say. Usually he never goes anywhere without his bomber jacket, festooned with patches of corporate, nest, and Raven emblems...he must have seen something like it in that one movie. What was it? Top something-or-other? Or was it that other movie, about that stunt driver...?

...wait. Better not ask. Otherwise, he'll try and rope you into a movie night, again, and the last thing you want is to sit there while he and Nashandra feel each other up.


"Yeah, well. I was worried about being tailed. I do switch it up from time to time, just to make your job easier."

"Glad to see you're considerate, sometimes," you mutter.

"So, where's Uriel? Normally, the two of you are joined at the hip. You didn't get into a fight or something, did you?"

"...no, why would we?" Honestly, what does he think your relationship is? It's strictly professional, but he's always making assumptions...

He really does have an untoward interest in your affairs.

"Just saying. She really does look up to you. Like Ariel, too." Not that Elias has met Ariel personally, seeing as she isn't yet part of Line Ark. "Speaking of, you have to tell me your secret. How'd you push that much out of her?"

...much as you'd love to say the secret is 'love', you don't think you'd ever hear the end of it if you admitted that to this man.


Maybe, just maybe, you can have a bit of fun with it?


Maybe you're holding back a little too much.

Maybe being circumspect isn't really the answer.

"...do you really want to know the secret, Elias?" you ask, leaning forward, just a little. Even if you're short...you move right, and you can have a presence, just like Mother's...

"Uh...uh, yeah." Huh, he's nervous now...

(that's kind of cute, actually.)

You're kind of tired of it, really. Of Elias just...asking so many questions, trying to get close to you, as though he doesn't know your feelings. Your desires. So...if he's just going to assume anyway, especially if he's heard your prayers together, heard what Ariel said about who her heart belongs to...

Why hold back?

"Do you know what the precepts are?"

"I remember. Courage becomes foolhardiness, with kindness comes naivete, dedication has no reward, and...'love conquers all'?"

Well, if nothing else, his interest is more than superficial. You wouldn't believe how many staffers forget both the precepts and their meaning. So, really, Elias isn't so bad.

But, you speak the sacred language. You speak Yamataian. You know that isn't the literal meaning of the Adversary's words.

You smile, and try and get into the right kind of pose, like you used to do when you were younger. Leaning in, fingers just so, whispering from your lips, and it's so easy to do this now, you wonder if being around Mother has taught you a thing or two about it, and he's nervous -

"It's a force more passionate than hope, and deeper than despair..."

Closer, closer...

"In the sacred language...

"Ai yo."


Oh, he's really nervous now. He even backs away a little, eyes shifting...hm, maybe you've picked up something from Rose over the years after all. The woman the men of the surface fear...

"Ah, uh...huh. That means...wait, no, you're telling me -"

...this is quite something. Not the reaction you expected at all. Maybe if you push a little more, you might get more fun out of it?

This must be how Mother feels.

To have power over others...

To be the most beautiful person in the room.

That can be, and is, you yourself.

"It's love."

You pull back a little and smile. Elias looks...well, rather embarrassed, as you'd expect. Really, though...there's something about that look...

You really could impress upon him, the passion that you feel, every moment of every day, knowing you follow in the path of the Adversary.

...but, your eyes flick in one direction, and then in another...

Nashandra, atop White Glint, is watching now. You're not sure what the nature is of their relationship, but you get the feeling what you're doing right now would be rather suspicious.

And in the other, well, Rosary is arriving with Uriel in tow. You expect both of them will find this display a little strange.

So, do you pull back from here? You've made your point, after all. Or do you try and put a little more pressure on, see what you can do by adopting Mother's techniques?


Really, you don't want Nashandra getting the wrong idea. It's not like you're flirting, after all. You're not really interested in guys, right? Rosary and Uriel would be a little easier, but...
You've made your point.

Maybe Elias will think more seriously about you, and the Order, from here on out.

Radiance roll: 2d6+3=9, Partial Success
You've successfully made an impression on Elias, showing him a feeling more passionate than hope and deeper than despair. He'll definitely take your desires more seriously from here on.

But Himeko had to pay a cost to get a Resource out of the deal - namely, be caught looking a little compromising to the other main players in Line Ark, and put under suspicion, particularly from the mysterious mechanic Nashandra. Not wishing to risk it, you chose to leave it at the impression, rather than end up making things difficult down the line with Nashandra and Rosary, possibly remembering the morning's photographer incident and Mother's warning.

Rolling a 'partial success' is always fundamentally a
success, but getting everything you want may require more effort or some sacrifice.

"...well, you know," you say, breathing out and releasing whatever energy took a hold of you. "Our feelings for one another are what made us stronger. So in that respect, 'love conquers all'..."

"Heh. I get it." Elias lets out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. "Well, I'm certainly happy for you. Kinda wondered who it would finally be, you know?"


"What do you mean?" you ask.

"I mean, there's a few girls you've -" And then, you both turn, seeing in your peripheral vision the arrival of Uriel, dragging with her in tow...

Ah, yes.


"Listen up, guys and gals. Or, really mostly you, Eli." The Storker, the transport pilot that provides operational support to White Glint, brushes back her beautifully coiffed hair, and you wonder how much money she puts into getting it perfect every time she gets her helmet off.

Well, gold talks. Specifically, it says to Rosary, 'keep it quiet and we'll keep you paid'. The woman isn't quite as greedy as she likes to pretend she is, but it's true that Line Ark pays her quite a lot, as incentive for the mercenary Storker to not reveal her side job to the world.

"Do you have to call me that?" Elias protests, rubbing his forehead.

"As long as you're annoyed by it, Eli~" Rosary winks at you, and Uriel sighs...well, Rosary's pretty much the opposite affinity to her. A greedy slacker and a dutiful hard worker who does it because it's the right thing to do...and because Rosary works for Collared, too, Uriel has to put up with her a lot.

Like Elias, Rosary isn't a bad person, really, but she's definitely a handful. But, that's what you get when you need the best - and there's no better Storker out there. No matter what happens, her fearless piloting is always there to extract White Glint through Fulton recovery.

In the past ten years, a technology known as 'Fulton recovery' has been rediscovered, which has dramatically raised survival rates of Ravens. When severely damaged, an extremely strong single-use recovery line (manufactured by the AC internally) is deployed via a hybrid rocket-balloon system that is then latched onto by a Stork armored transport helicopter. While an inherently dangerous maneuver with many risks, it still exposes the Raven to less fire than a boost-based retreat.

In other words - under normal circumstances, ACs always have a line of retreat. Certain encounters may modify this, and of course, a Fulton requires a Stork in the area, which exposes Rosary to the line of fire.

"We're moving the area of operations. Little princess here pulled through and got us new info. Shouldn't affect anything, but I wanted to be sure you and Nashandra were up to date." Rosary reaches into her blazer and pulls out a map, hastily scribbled over with a flight plan. "This does leave me more exposed, but you know. I already get hazard pay for that, so who cares?"

(...you don't actually know if she gets hazard pay for that. Honestly, you think Rosary mostly says it so she doesn't sound like she's in this to help people.)

"Doesn't seem like it's too big a difference," says Elias, as he trails fingers over the map. "There's less cover, but it'll be easier to get a clear shot off. The only real risk is if the City Police sets their support MTs up in civilian territory..."

"Are you worried about it?" you ask. "This terrain favors Red Rum a lot more than it does you." White Glint and Red Rum are more or less evenly matched ACs, with White Glint having a minor advantage, but that's only numbers. With all the MTs on both sides of the battlefield, even Elias has his work cut out for him.

"Well, hey." Elias stands tall, proud, looking toward his machine, Nashandra waving from atop it as she places the armor back over the organic components of White Glint's head. "White Glint is more than just another AC. She's more powerful than you could possibly imagine."


"...really," you mutter.

"No, not really. But it sounds cool, right?"

"…she?" asks Rosary? "Oh, great, you're one of those, aren't you."

"One of what?" Elias blinks. "Look, it's nothing weird. She's just got a voice now."

"It's a voice response system," the blonde mechanic finally says, hopping down off the top of her AC rather gracefully with her tools. "Don't make it out to be something weird. It's just pre-programmed responses."

Rosary shrugs, looking over at White Glint. "Yeah, whatever. You ask me? I'd recommend wiping it down, Nashandra."

The mechanic, Nashandra, with her huge shit-eating grin…you don't know the blonde very well. She looks almost sickly to you, honestly, but she does the work with White Glint with a skeleton team and has little difficulty handling the workload of most of a maintenance crew. (Although unlike Kobayashi, she only has the one AC to worry about right now.)

Where did Mother find her?

"Hey, whatever gets you off, huh?" The mechanic points a thumb toward you. "At least he's more fun than the stick-in-the-mud here."

You frown, but say nothing to Nashandra, maintaining your professional bearing.

"Kid never lets anything faze her." Rosary palms her cheek, her gaze turning to Elias. "You could learn a thing or two from her, you know?"

"Yeah, yeah." Elias waves it off, and - oh, right, he and Nashandra are...you know. You sigh as the two of them start kissing. Really, you don't understand this, one day they met, the next they were doing this...

Is this what straight girls are like?

"...so, that's everything for now," you say, updating all the senior staff - you, Uriel in her personal assistant capacity, Elias, Rosary, and Nashandra - on the intelligence inside the command centre. "I don't know what it is she's looking for, or if it's in the area of operations, or even if my hunch is correct at all. But it's what I've got to go on."

It seems that Angel Island was intended to be connected to what is now the Underground at some point, but those plans only went so far as creating the facilities required, and the tunnels weren't finished before the Fall. What little remains of them is utterly flooded, so it's likely they'd be useless anyway even if they were.

But the infrastructure is there for you to make use of. Not the first, likely not to be the last, but...it works well enough for now.

This does mean you have access to the Complex here, in case of emergency, but you don't think you could take more of that today. (But, on the rare occasions it chooses to contact you first, it comes in handy.)

"Getting awfully tired of Complex-chan playing games with us," Rosary mutters - and you do hate that she's heard enough Yamataian to make jokes like that. (Well, that and you strongly suspect she spends some of her money on tapes imported from the Far East...) "Kid, what can you do about it?"

"There's only so much I can do, unless you want me to suffer a cerebral edema," you say, shrugging. "We weren't given enough advance notice. And we don't have the womanpower -" Don't think you don't catch Nashandra rolling her eyes! "- to search the whole AO, and that's if it's still there."

"Maybe it's a trap. The Zodiac could be out there - or worse, Rossweisse." Elias rubs the bridge of his nose, fully clad in his plugsuit now - an advanced one of a similar style to those favored by the nest Orbital, in the same colors as White Glint - white with shades of grey and a blue glow, made to enhance AMS performance more than g-force resistance. "The Alcatraz Cannon was scraped clean decades ago. There can't be anything of use there that she wants."

"Unless someone didn't know that," says Nashandra. "She seems like a violent idiot, with your strength you could -"

"She's more than that," you interject. (You hate that Nashandra is in these meetings - and doubly so when Mother isn't here. She's good with machines, but ignorant of just about everything else.) "When she was in the Arena, she was deliberately targeting my Ariel's weaknesses. And her operational security...it's way too strong. More and more I'm getting the feeling she's putting on an act."

(...if Uriel noticed, she says nothing.)

"For what? To kill people? What the hell could she be getting out of this?" Aah...well, of course Elias would be angry. He's encountered her before - he was there, in a construction MT, when she took over the Port of Oakland, after all. "I don't care if she's 'more' or not. We can't let her do what she wants with innocent people."

"I'm in full agreement on that." You tap your notes, watching as your dictation recorder spins away. "But we can't beat her if we keep underestimating her. Even so, today your priority is civilian lives - not engaging Red Rum."

"...yeah, understood. Sorry, I'm getting a bit too heated." Elias leans back in his chair, staring up at the ceiling.

"Alright, is that everything?" asks Rosary. "Or do I get overtime for this?"

"You're all dismissed. Report to your posts, and Mother and I will be on your headsets shortly."

With your dismissal, the others filter out, and you leave after them, walking in the opposite direction, into your CIC. It's not much to look at, it's no proper military installation, with wires everywhere, but...you suppose Mother had to skimp somewhere, and all the monitors are where they need to be, all the systems are just as you designed and requested. You know every single bit of security this place has, because you built it.

But you know you might have to leave this base at any time, if Father figures it out. You map the flight plans to be sure Rosary isn't directly traced back, and you have several points around the City's outer regions that White Glint retreats to rather than returning here, but...

There's always a risk.

You place your purse down, and slip out your gloves. Uriel's wandered off to make coffee and get all the relevant MO discs, video floppies, and documents you've requested. Cleaned after your encounter with Mother, it still does excite you a little to slip them back on and -

"…can I ask you a question?" says Uriel. Ah, you thought she'd gone off, but she's still there, in the doorway...

And you smile at her. "Always."

"Why do you wear those gloves?"

…you blink.

"…we've been working together two years, and this is the first time you've asked that," you say. "You just thought of it now?"

"I-I just thought, you know, before now it'd be rude to ask."

...this is getting awfully suspicious. Does she suspect - well, no, she'd have to be a moron to not know you're sleeping with Mother, but still, this is kind of odd...

"You know what I did in the Underground, right? I wore gloves to cover my tracks, and I just got so used to it…and in these cold rooms, my hands tend to lose a little circulation, so it works out better anyway." You tug them right down, ensuring they're tight on your fingers.

"Gloves like the ones you're wearing right now?" Not hard to know what she means.

"I made a fair amount of money doing it. I could occasionally treat myself."

"I see." Uriel...

she's staring at your hands.

What does she find so fascinating? Maybe she has a bit of a fetish herself, but...

"I think...maybe, if you've done so much, if you're so brilliant, I think..." She almost looks like she's going to hyperventilate. Poor girl...

If it were Ariel, you'd try and comfort her. You'd try and calm her. You don't know what's wrong, but...well, you do care about Uriel a lot. Maybe...

Well, it isn't something you'd like Nashandra seeing, but if you could comfort her, figure out what's wrong, would that be so bad?

...no, you can do it.

If Mother can, why can't you?

You reach, one hand on Uriel's shoulder, the other palming her cheek, the polished gloves against her skin...aah, this close, you can really tell just how she looks like Ariel, and...

"It's going to be alright, Uriel. We've been together this long. Whatever's on your mind...whatever it is that's troubling you, you can tell me."

Uriel's eyes shift to the side, averting your gaze...

but her hand reaches up to yours, on her cheek.

"...I don't understand you," she whispers. "I really don't. And I don't understand Mother, either."

"I've been trying to understand her this long...I do wonder what her real goals are." Something you shouldn't admit so readily, perhaps - but, you trust this girl with so much already, it's fine to share that you have your own doubts.

"No, it's..." Uriel grips your hand tighter, pulling it away. Not like she's forcing it away - just to hold it a little. It's...

(...this feeling, it's...)

(...well, how are you going to tell her?)

"It's, well. Let's...let's talk about it after the mission. What I have to say isn't as important as what you need to do right now. Right now, White Glint needs a Shadow to guide her pilot through his mission."

"It is important -"

"It is. It's really important, and I've been trying to figure it out, but - but we have a job, too. I promise, when we're done, I'll tell you everything." Uriel looks back to you, and her fingers, ah...

gentle rubs, against your own.

This is really not...something you should be doing.

(but it does feel right, doesn't it?)


It's all you can say, but you can't help but smile, and Uriel returns it all the same.

These feelings of yours, that you've held onto so long...

You don't know what you want to do with them. You don't know what it is you need to do, to open the door of possibility, and grasp your best future.

But Uriel is right.

A shadow resides by night. As the sun sets above the City of the Alloy Gate...

a critical moment approaches.


love can wait.

Because this is something only you can do.

Author's Note
Tomorrow, on fiction.live, at 6 PM Eastern Time, is the beginning of the auspicious three-way battle between White Glint, Red Rum's forces, and the City Police. Please look forward to it! And join in, if it please you. 🖤

It will, of course, be posted here on SV as well. But because additional work is required, this archive is always a little behind, and of course does not have the same level of participation. Please do follow the main quest if you want up-to-date information.