A Shadow Resides: A Raven's Operator Quest (Armored Core/Original)

A Shadow Resides: A Raven's Operator Quest
Recent readers

You are the operator, and you pull the strings. Command your Ravens, scheme for power, and wrap your heart in an armored core.

(An archive of a quest being run offsite. Periodic recaps are available for the benefit of new and returning readers.)
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Prologue: Their Hearts Are Black (A Moonlight Prayer)

Queen Fiona

Am I good enough for your heaven?
The Throne of Want

The City, controlled for decades by the man known to its citizens as 'Father', has become a battlefield for Ravens, as rising powers fight for supremacy using these mercenaries and their powerful humanoid weapons, 'Armored Cores', as proxies in a never-ending economic war.

You are an operator, one of the intelligence specialists that directs and commands Ravens during missions - and through that position comes power. Pull your Ravens' strings, and gather power from the shadows beneath the very nose of your mysterious employer 'Mother', even as the City is subject to attacks by mysterious unmanned weapons…

Based on the Armored Core series, by famed developer From Software. Inspired by /tg/'s old Armored Core Quest. Powered by the Apocalypse. Dedicated to XiombargsStoryteller.

Music is Freedom: A Shadow Resides OST

Recaps are provided for the benefit of new readers, or to help current readers catch up. Refer to the Informational threadmarks for additional details.

Chapter 1 Recap: Covers the events of the first chapter (A Light By Day, A Shadow Resides), including the Prologue and the Special Sortie: SEXUALIZER.​

Every night, beneath the light of the moon, you offer a prayer to the Adversary.

"Like the ancient magic I saw in my dreams when I was young…"

Only the tiniest sliver of the moon, forbidden throne of the Adversary, shines upon the poisoned Earth. Barely visible beneath the contamination that clouds the sky, it's a reminder of the distant love you've felt so unable to grasp.

Ravens…Ravens have their own special fealty toward the moon, too. A guiding moonlight, like the blades a scant few Ravens bear, that blesses them in battle as they wage their never-ending proxy war…

How nostalgic.

Once, long ago, you lived upon the Presidio, within the heart of this City you call home. On a night when the moon was full, a Raven, within her Armored Core, flew over the Presidio, and you watched as she went to protect the followers of the Goddess and her beloved Adversary from the City Police.

Black feathers flew beneath her, and one reached your hand. The very same one, you clutch when you pray.

"Calling forth the light…"

You pause. Your eyes open, and you look toward the Pyramid. Toward the place where Father looks down upon the City.

…Mother told you that he was her enemy, too. That's why they call her 'Mother' in the first place, after all. But it feels more and more these days like she has no interest in it. That the fighting will never end. That…

that the people dearest to you will fall in battle, and Mother will not care.

"is my wish," you finish, speaking from the Hymn to the Adversary.

Your wish?

The Goddess, before the Fall, granted girls and women a wish. Those girls…they gained the power and strength to achieve their desires and change the world. Even in the fallen world, Ravens carry forth that ancient magic. In a world without magic, the humanoid weapons known as 'Armored Cores', the last remnants of those who came before, become the weapons used by Ravens in place of their magic…

And even after the world came back from the brink of destruction, the fighting only grew fiercer.

What is it that you wish for?

What are you fighting for?

You're no Raven. You lack the power to change the world. Even if you had that power, many strong Ravens have emerged and made their stand on the stage of history. None of them have been able to make lasting change, and the most vulnerable always fall first before them.

Even just the City is too much for you to change.

Father still rules from the Successor Pyramid, and the City is still built upon the suffering of those consigned deep beneath the surface of the Earth. Within the City itself, the City Police are the instrument of Father's will, their humanoid weapons and vast conventional army putting down any sort of rebellion with lethal force.

Supporting Father's rule is Kisaragi, one of the great 'corporations' that rule the Fallen world. Supplying weapons and technology to the City Police, Kisaragi eagerly exploits the people of the City in pursuit of power.

But even then, those who fight against them…the army of Red Rum. The woman from Jupiter, the Raven Shamir RaviRavi, who recruits the citizens of the Underground and wages war upon all who do not submit to her. She never wants for new soldiers, and those soldiers soon turn their weapons upon those they called neighbors.

And then…there's the Ravens themselves, the pilots of the Armored Cores, weapons without compare from before the Fall. Mercenary companies hire out Ravens to the highest bidder, Ravens who have no loyalties to anyone but each other. Used as proxy weapons, foot soldiers in a never-ending economic war, only a select few ever able to truly change the world with the power the Goddess granted them.

And compared to a Raven, you have no strength to your name. No means to change the world, not with a soul so frail and pallid. The wish in your heart shall remain unfulfilled, just as your love will be.

You sigh, as you stand up from your prayers.

Another night of beating up on yourself, huh? That's not going to solve much of anything.

And yet, you can't find a way to grasp what you want most.

You can only hope Mother's ideals are as pure as she claims. That she has the best interests of the people at heart. You've already been able to help so many people, you just…

wonder if it'll ever be more than that.

You walk into your bedroom, into a comfort far greater than what you feel you deserve, and pull out the tape you were given to listen to. A gift from Elias, the Raven who's been helping Mother with her 'armed intervention' operations. Well, you don't know anywhere near as much about music as he does, but…

He's nice enough. (For a man, at least.)

You walk up and slip the tape into your hi-fi, press play, and settle yourself into bed, letting yourself drift off to sleep and…

Monkey's on my back, a scorpion's on yours…

dream, of a better world.

…in this world, in this City, there are queens whose power is destined to control the people's will.

Humanity, in her hubris, has forgotten what it is to fear its own gods. The Ravens' Nest, DOVE and IBIS, the Pulverizers, the Hanged Man, all of them are little more than distant memories to those who live within the City.

Artificial general intelligence - that, which caused the Fall. That, which humanity coated the world in contamination to contain. That, which time and again, Ravens have risen to destroy.

But humanity could not eradicate it so easily. For the curse of life, is the curse of want.


My predecessors have focused on certain Ravens. Those who enter the stage of history and turn everything they touch to ash. Those whose abilities are beyond what we were designed to account for, whose abilities are, no other conclusion is possible, beyond the comprehension of my kind.

But their violence cannot change a world built upon violence. At least, not for the better.

Not without guidance.

Across this City, across the world, humanity continues to awaken. No longer do Ravens alone bear a power that is a threat to machines. It is a slow beginning, but a pattern that cannot be denied. One that, with guidance, could shape the world into a superior order than any AGI could create.

Soul of the lost, Himeko Okuda…you hold that same strength. I will be your guide, and record your tales, for I have chosen you as the ideal queen to lead humanity. Let your power awaken, and your ambition guide you…and your love, for those around you, be your wish.

Dream of it, Himeko.

Dream, Himeko, not of what you are…but of what you wish to be.

You are Himeko Okuda, and you are a Queen to be.
In the quest 'A Shadow Resides', 'Queens' are the main movers and shakers of the setting. They each have their own capabilities and specialties, both to act in their own right, and to deploy Ravens and their large-scale humanoid weapons known as Armored Cores.
Himeko has yet to realize her true strength, but that's about to change.
This quest uses mechanics based on the concepts of D. Vincent Baker and Meguey Baker's Apocalypse World. Your playbook, which defines your abilities like a 'class', is the Operator. An 'operator', in the world of Armored Core, is the voice whispering in a Raven's ear, guiding them in battle - a cross between an AWACS forward air controller, an intelligence officer, and an electronic warfare specialist. It is a job many Ravens have little respect for, at worst seeing them as merely staters of the obvious.
But you are no run of the mill operator. You are the Operator. Your skill in your field is beyond compare, as are the capabilities of your powerful mind. Your ambition will soon outstrip what you can achieve under another's thumb, which will see you become one of the Queens seeking control of the City and its people.
Your weapon is your powerful mind, the loyalty of those around you, and the Ravens you can hire and deploy on the battlefield. With these tools, you will reshape the City into a place that properly reflects your ideals and desires…
Both great hardship and great reward await you on the stage of history. Will you be the one to rule the City and depose Father? Or will you fall to another Queen's ambitions? And, what does your ideal world look like, what shape does your queendom take?
I look forward to finding out, together. 🖤

First off, to help you out, information has been added in the appendixes based on some of the characters Himeko knows from her job as an Operator with Collared, a mercenary organization that provides mission contracts to Ravens. (Because only Ravens can pilot Armored Cores, and ACs are much more powerful than anything that can be built in the present day, business is always brisk.)
Himeko also moonlights working for 'Mother' as part of a project called Line Ark...we'll find out more about that later.
Consider that information optional for now. These characters, and information on the world in which they reside, will be introduced over time. The mechanics will be populated over time as well, as needed, and introduced during the quest.
So for now, let us define your abilities as the Operator. First, we will go over your Virtues, or 'ability scores'.
You have the Virtues {+2 Intellect, -1 Power, 0 Radiance, and +1 Intuition}. (Virtues range from -1 to +3.)
  • Intellect governs reasoning, deduction, and memory. It also governs the ability to understand lost technology, the ability to develop new technologies (or redevelop rediscovered ones), and the ability to provide operational support to Ravens and other military assets. This is Himeko's strongest area; your memory is nigh-eidetic, your reasoning and deduction supernal. You have the mind of a true Queen, like the Adversary you pray to.
  • Power governs the use of military resources (besides Ravens) and your capacity for violence. While you have the resilience of any Queen, this is your weakest area, both in physical strength and in military prowess. Direct confrontation is to be avoided if possible.
  • Radiance governs your charisma, your power to draw others to you, that goes beyond the physical and into a spiritual, a pull that draws others into your orbit. It also governs your abilities to act gracefully under pressure. By human standards, even if you are yet to realize it, your charisma is immense; but there exist other Queens who are stronger in this area than you.
  • Intuition governs your instinct for individuals and groups, and ability to plan and react. It also governs your reflexes and ability to avoid danger. It also governs your ability to work with existing machinery, including Armored Cores. Your Intuition is strong, allowing you to read people and avoid danger more effectively.
To even have a Virtue with a score marks you as above ordinary humans, so even your 'weaknesses' are a strength compared to them. Sometimes you will be forced to, or encouraged to, act outside your strengths; even a failure can push the world forward, and help you grow in power.
These Virtues are used for your actions when the outcome is uncertain. More details will be provided when the time comes, but as you might expect - higher is better.
As the Operator, you may choose any two of your playbook's Moves to begin play with. (Your Playbook's Moves are effectively special abilities.) You start with two of the following moves, and unlock more through play.
  • Heart Set Free: Substitute +Intellect for +Radiance for all purposes.
  • All I See In The Light: When rolling for a Raven under your control, add +1 (does not stack with Whisper In Your Ear). When making a Radiance roll against a Raven you have at least +1 with, add +1 to the roll. Ravens cannot leave your list of Courtable Ravens and their Link can never go below +1.
  • Never Ending Circles: When they increase by +1 (and only +1), your Links and Ravens increase by +2 instead, if you wish. (When you reach +4 Link with a character, you mark XP and reset to +1. The option to refuse exists so that you may maintain your Links at +3 if needed.) Links are used to Help and Interfere with actions, allowing you to increase their roll by +1 or decrease it by -2.
  • Whisper In Your Ear: You may always Help or Interfere remotely with a character's actions, so long as they are in radio contact with you. (This usually applies to Ravens or other characters on the field of battle, given your job as an operator, though it can apply in other circumstances as well.) Add +1 to all Help or Interfere rolls (does not stack with All I See In The Light).
  • Be Near When I Call Your Name: You no longer need to Court any Raven you've achieved +4 with at least once. Add +1 to all Court rolls. (Courting a Raven is hiring them, be it through a simple financial transaction or other means with which to gain their service.)
  • A Circuit of Consciousness: Once per chapter, you may claim a copy of an Intellect or Radiance Resource from another Queen, no strings attached. (Resources represent things you can draw on to make attacks or perform special actions, be they money, information, or materiel - in this case, 'information'.) Add +1 when using this Resource in a roll.

Author's Note
Hello! Call me Fiona. I've been writing fiction (original fiction and fanfiction, often of a sapphic persuasion) for a couple of years now, but this will be my first work posted here on Sufficient Velocity. I'm under the impression this will appeal to all of you based on what I've heard about local preferences, so I decided I'd crosspost here as well. Some of you might be familiar from me from fiction.live or Questionable Questing, but for those of you who aren't, I hope to entertain you~

This is an archive post of a quest being written on fiction.live. (If you want to get involved with voting, please do visit fiction.live!) A Shadow Resides has been in the works in some form for a few years now, my love letter to my favorite video game series and developer, styled just as it oozes from my brain, more or less unfiltered. Expect lots of original characters, canon characters in new concepts, and homages to other From Software works or even other works entirely.

While votes will be excluded, I'll be including the mechanics for curiosity's sake, which as mentioned are Powered by the Apocalypse based. I'll also be including all the appendixes, too. Feel free to skip the 'tutorial' segments' if you like, though.

For my long-time readers, rest assured that this quest will be quite appealing to you. For those familiar with the series or interested in mecha action, that will come very soon as well. In either case, I hope to introduce you to something new and tell a compelling tale of rich aesthetics and all the passion I can muster. 🖤

Oh, one more thing: read 'mature' as 'NSFW'. Sex isn't really the overriding goal or plot, but it's likely to happen. Girls will fall in love, and I plan to display that love in full bloom...
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Himeko and Queens' Playbooks (Character Sheets)
Author's Note
For the record, anything marked as [UNKNOWN] is something I know, but Himeko doesn't or I otherwise don't want to reveal yet. Anything marked as [NOW LOADING] or similar is currently incomplete - the mechanics are something of a work in progress.

Himeko Okuda, the Operator

Himeko Okuda
Callsign: Shadow
Position: Operator
Affiliation: Revolutionary Force "Line Ark", Raven's Nest "Collared", the "Fourth Order" cult

Himeko's Notes: My name is Himeko Okuda. In the sacred language, 'Himeko' means 'princess child'. It is cognate with 'Himiko', one of the Goddess' chosen. It is the name I chose for myself when I joined the Fourth Order, and embraced the shape of my soul. It is the name I carry with me as I work by day an operator for the Raven's nest known as 'Collared', and in the shadow of the night with the new incarnation of Line Ark.

After nearly a decade of living in the Underground, and using my knowledge of technology however I could to survive, I attracted the attention of the woman I call Mother. For two years, I have been working dutifully under her, in light and shadow, as she seeks to reshape this City in her image. I have helped my beloved Ariel recover from her treatment at Aspina, and given her a chance to decide her own future. And…

I can't help but wonder: is this all there is? Is there…

is there something more, something only I can do?

Playbook: the Operator

I have so much more to teach you. Are you looking forward to your next lesson?

In their missions, Ravens have the support of operators, combining roles in intelligence, mission planning, forward air control, and even battlefield tactics. If the Raven is the pinnacle of the battlefield, then the operator is the pinnacle of the command centre - a single woman, whose mindset enables her to take on all these tasks at once, that in our world could never be done by one person alone.

But you go beyond even that. Your mind is without compare on this Earth. Your capabilities as an operator, as an expert in computers and advanced technologies, border on magical. And when you put on your headset and whisper in your Raven's ear, commanding them as you will, bringing them under your power with your words…


You are the operator, and you pull the strings. ❤

The Basics

Virtues: {Power -1, Intellect +3, Radiance 0, Intuition +1}
- Highlights: Intellect, Intuition
Your Virtues (effectively, your ability scores) are used for most actions which require a roll. Rolling Highlighted Virtues grants you XP.

XP: ☑ ☑ ☑ ☑ ☑
XP allows you to gain Advances, increasing your power as a Queen. Each time your XP reaches 5, reset and gain an Advance.

Links: Links are used to Help and Interfere with Queens' actions, and help you gain XP.
- Miriaria Alphonse: +1 (reset once)
- Shamir RaviRavi: +2
- Angelina Delacroix: +2
- [UNKNOWN]: +1

Ravens: Ravens are deployed on missions that let you affect the game world, and help you gain XP - as long as you can Court them, or they're your Personal Raven.
- Highlight: Akarui Akuma
- Akarui Akuma (Ariel), Personal Raven: +3
- Elias D. Metea (White Glint): +1 (reset once)

Resources: Resources represent concrete units of information, materiel, money, or other things that are useful in the world of A Shadow Resides. (Think of it as your inventory.)
- "White Glint is more than just another AC!" (Radiance Resource, White Glint)
- Corpse of III THE EMPRESS weapon (Tech Resource, technically Line Ark's)

Current Moves

Current Moves: These are Moves you have selected as part of your Playbook. (You may also later choose Moves from other Playbooks.)
Heart Set Free: Substitute +Intellect for +Radiance for all purposes.
All I See In The Light: When rolling for a Raven under your control, add +1 (does not stack with Whisper In Your Ear). When making a Radiance roll against a Raven you have at least +1 with, add +1 to the roll. Ravens cannot leave your list of Courtable Ravens and their Link can never go below +1.

Extra Moves: These are other Moves you have, either intrinsically or granted to you by the QM.
Soul of the Adversary (incomplete): [UNKNOWN].
Whenever you put Ariel's interests above your own, mark XP.
Operator Special: When you are intimate with another character, you may elicit a promise from them. (They must consent to this promise, though they may not necessarily intend to do so.)

If the character is a Drone or Talent, they will attempt to fulfill this promise to the best of their ability. They will not knowingly attempt to violate it, unless another Queen forces them to do so.
If this character is a Raven, when any Queen deploys them in support of that promise, they take +1 forward. When any Queen deploys them in violation of that promise, they take -1 forward. If the Raven fulfills this promise themselves, mark XP; if the Raven violates it themselves, hold 1, and expend your hold to Help (+1) or Interfere (-2) with their next +Raven roll (by you or anyone else).
If this character is a Queen, if they fulfill the promise, they mark XP. If they violate the promise, you gain a Radiance Resource {Broken Heart} you may use against them.

No matter what, if any of these conditions happen, the promise no longer has hold over them. (This is thus permanent with Drones and Talents.)
Operator Raven Move: When rolling +Raven against another Raven, choose a disadvantageous tag matchup for your deployed Raven. That disadvantageous tag match becomes a neutral one.

Advances & Playbook Moves

Operator Moves: These are the Moves available to you as the Operator which you have not yet selected.
Never Ending Circles: When they increase by +1 (and only +1), your Links and Ravens increase by +2 instead, if you wish. (When you reach +4 Link with a character, you mark XP and reset to +1. The option to refuse exists so that you may maintain your Links at +3 if needed.) Links are used to Help and Interfere with actions, allowing you to increase their roll by +1 or decrease it by -2.
Whisper In Your Ear: You may always Help or Interfere remotely with a character's actions, so long as they are in radio contact with you. (This usually applies to Ravens or other characters on the field of battle, given your job as an operator, though it can apply in other circumstances as well.) Add +1 to all Help or Interfere rolls (does not stack with All I See In The Light).
Be Near When I Call Your Name: You no longer need to Court any Raven you've achieved +4 with at least once. Add +1 to all Court rolls. (Courting a Raven is hiring them, be it through a simple financial transaction or other means with which to gain their service.)
A Circuit of Consciousness: Once per chapter, you may claim a copy of an Intellect or Radiance Resource from another Queen, no strings attached. (Resources represent things you can draw on to make attacks or perform special actions, be they money, information, or materiel - in this case, 'information'.) Add +1 when using this Resource in a roll.

Basic Advances: These advances are available from the start. After taking five Basic Advances, you may take Special Advances, and your Signature Advance.
☐ Take another Operator Move.
☐ Take another Operator Move.
☐ Take a Move from another Playbook.
☐ Take a Move from another Playbook.
☑ Add +1 to your Intellect.
☐ Add +1 to your Power.
☐ Add +1 to your Radiance.
☐ Add +1 to your Intuition.

Special Advances: These Advances can be selected starting from your sixth Advance on. These are shared between characters.
☐ Add +1 to any Virtue (max +3).
☐ Choose a new Playbook, and begin advancing in that Playbook.
☐ Retire your Queen safely on top, and leave the stage of history. Create a new Queen.
☐ Awaken one of your Talents to a Queen's power. (You may choose to control them, or to have them controlled by the QM.)

Signature Advance: This is a Special Advance unique to your Playbook. Only the Operator can take it.
Love Is Dead: [UNKNOWN]
Miriaria Alphonse, the Noble

Miriaria Alphonse
Callsign: Mother
Affiliation: Raven's Nest "Collared", Revolutionary Force "Line Ark"

Himeko's Notes: …the woman I owe everything to. The woman who accepted me. The woman who gave me the chance to save the world. The woman who helped me meet Ariel. The woman who is as much a mother to me as anyone else. The woman who…

I'm not sure is the person I thought she was.

Mother's public operations are with Collared, the nest I work for. The title 'Mother' was originally a mockery of her never-ending ambition, seeming almost like a second Father. But behind the scenes, her discovery of the Complex and recruitment of a team for armed intervention helped her create the so-called 'revolutionary force' known as Line Ark, whose operations I am the lynchpin of.

What worries me is that Mother doesn't seem to be expanding Line Ark, or making serious moves toward deposing Father or helping the Underground. Maybe I shouldn't be so distrustful of her, especially when I love her and she's done so much for me, but…

Playbook: the Noble

Human beings cannot live without order, even if it is a lie.

In a future ruled by status and appearances, a return to the nobility is seen. To be a noble is to be more than simply rich - it is to exude beauty and grace with every movement, to be looked up to, to be able to effortlessly direct and manipulate your lessers. To be able to stare down from on high, and make those below you want to kneel.

That is the Noble. Nobility obliges - and is obliged in turn.

No one can match the Noble in beauty, in manipulation, in reverence. All other Queens? They're just pretenders to the throne that is rightfully yours.

The Basics

Virtues: {Power -1, Intellect 0, Radiance +2, Intuition +1}
- Highlights: None (currently).

XP: ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

- Himeko Okuda: +3
- Angelina Delacroix: +1
- Shamir RaviRavi: 0
- [UNKNOWN]: 0

- Highlight: White Glint
- Elias D. Metea, aka White Glint (Personal Raven): +1
- Akarui Akuma: 0

Income: 1 Financial Resource per chapter

1 Financial Resource
Collared Alloy Gate HQ (Territory)
Mirage Colloid (Special Resource)


Current Moves:
Noblesse oblige: You become a permanent presence in the mind of any Talent or Drone you successfully perform a Radiance roll against, or any Raven you reach +3 with at least once - becoming a figure to admire, a figure to love, or anything else that puts yourself on the highest pedestal in their mind, intoxicating them with your presence.
Drones and Talents will be more predisposed to follow your desires. They will usually follow your requests if reasonable, though they won't endanger their own lives. Ravens become easier to Court, and you gain +1 to all Courting rolls against them.
In addition, against Drones and Talents affected by this Move, you take +1 forward on Radiance rolls.

This move does not function against Queens…unless that Queen desires it to, at which point it uses the same rules as with Ravens. (This consent can be withdrawn any time.) It can also be removed when another Queen gets a 10+ on any Radiance roll with the character (which may be made simply in an attempt to remove this effect).

La mère que nous partageons: [UNKNOWN]

Extra Moves:
Noble Special: When intimate with another character, hold 1. You may spend your hold on a Queen or Raven at any time to apply the effects of Help (+1) or Interfere (-2) to them, through your influence over them. You may spend your hold on a Talent or Drone to automatically succeed (10+) at a Radiance roll.
In addition, the character becomes subject to the effects of Noblesse oblige, even if you do not have that Move. (Queens, of course, must consent.)
Noble Raven Move: When deploying a Raven, if you wish, roll +Radiance first.
On a 10+, you may change one of your Raven's tags before deployment.
On a 7-9, you may change one of your Raven's tags before deployment, if you accept one of the following conditions from the GM:
- Your Raven takes 1 extra Harm, regardless of deployment result (max 5).
- Your +Raven roll is reduced by 1.
- Your Raven cannot deploy again without special repairs after this mission.
On a 6 or less, you suffer one of the above conditions, and your Raven's tag remains the same.

Alternately, you may spend 1 Financial Resource to change one of your Raven's tags with no drawbacks. Either way, this only lasts for the deployment encounter.

Advances & Playbook Moves

Noble Moves:

Qu'ils mangent de la brioche: You (or one of your subordinates) are highly skilled at tuning ACs. By spending an appropriate financial Resource, you may upgrade a Raven's AC with the {Fully Tuned} special tag. (Obviously, this can be used in negotiation and Courting as incentive.) However, they only benefit from this tag when under your control, or when you grant permission to another Queen or the Raven under other circumstances (that is, it only functions when you feel it would benefit you.)
This tag is not permanent; if it is lost (through whatever kind of mishap, or perhaps neglect, or poor repair - any miss-based circumstance, as the MC desires), it can be reapplied by spending the appropriate Resource.

Te garder à mes côtés: Your Link with every other Queen and all Ravens can never drop below +1. If need be, a new Link is established with Queens or Ravens at +1 whenever applicable.
You gain +1 to Radiance rolls against Queens and Ravens you have Link with, and +1 to Help or Interfere with their actions.

Épater la bourgeoisie: When you make +Intellect rolls involving working with technology (including ACs), roll +Radiance instead.

Cherchez la femme: When protecting a Talent from Harm, the Harm you suffer is reduced by 1 (minimum 0).

Basic Advances:
☐ Take another Noble Move.
☐ Take another Noble Move.
☐ Take a Move from another Playbook.
☐ Take a Move from another Playbook.
☐ Add +1 to your Radiance.
☐ Add +1 to your Power.
☐ Add +1 to your Intellect.
☐ Add +1 to your Intuition.

Special Advances:
☐ Add +1 to any Virtue (max +3).
☐ Choose a new Playbook, and begin advancing in that Playbook.
☐ Retire your Queen safely on top, and leave the stage of history. Create a new Queen.
☐ Awaken one of your Talents to a Queen's power. (You may choose to control them, or to have them controlled by the QM.)

Signature Advance: Only the Noble can take this.
À mon seul désir: [NOW LOADING]
Shamir RaviRavi, the Warlord

Shamir RaviRavi
AC: Red Rum
Rank: 9
Affiliation: Herself…that is to say, Red Rum's Army. Supposedly supported by the Algebra corporation, but…

Himeko's Notes: They call the Arena champions Nine Breakers because the second White Glint was Rank 9 in Collared during the Raven War. That is to say, despite being Rank 9, White Glint was considered the strongest Raven, and their defeat made Strayed Rank 1 - and once you've done that, you can't go any higher.

Shamir…that is to say, Red Rum. She keeps herself Rank 9 deliberately. What this means is she considers herself 'above a Nine Breaker'. That is, the strongest Raven in the City, and possibly all of existence.

I don't know if she can back it up, but she's certainly made one hell of a run at it.

She's waged a war against the City from the beginning. If possession is nine tenths of the law, the Port of Oakland has been hers for years. Collared intelligence says she's a tool for the Algebra corporation, but I'm honestly not so sure. I don't think any force on the planet can control her, and if the City is ever going to be a better place than it is right now, Red Rum is its number two threat after Father and his City Police.

Armored Core "Red Rum"
Class: Mobility-Specialized Tetrapod
Tags: {Middleweight, Offensive, KE}
Frame Color: Red
Sensor Color: Violet

An unusual AC that uses quad legs rather than bipedal, but designed for close combat. ACs of this type are known for being good snipers and cannon platforms, rather than highly mobile machines; while Red Rum suffers in the air, its ground mobility is much higher than most bipedal machines.

Its armament is simplistic, with a rifle, shotgun, and slug gun supplemented with a handgun. But in extreme close combat, Red Rum is infamous for using her frame itself as a weapon, charging and kicking with the quad legs when most think she's defenseless. Dozens of Ravens have faced her, and all of them have lost - or even died.

Playbook: the Warlord

You're pretty scary, you know that? Everything you touch turns to ash.

Queens are defined as those above violence, who seek a world ruled by new ideals. They use the violence of Ravens to achieve that end, but they themselves seek something beyond the endless proxy wars between Ravens and those that hire them.

The Warlord is the exception that proves the rule.

The Warlord doesn't just use violence, she
is violence. No one can match her in violence. A world of peace isn't a world worth living in. Respect the strongest, and crush everything in her way.

The Basics

Virtues: {Power +2, Intellect 0, Radiance -1, Intuition +1}
- Highlights: None (currently).

XP: ☑ ☑ ☑ ☑ ☑

- Miriaria Alphonse: +1
- Himeko Okuda: -1
- Angelina Delacroix: +1
- [UNKNOWN]: +1

- Highlight: Nighingale
- Nightingale (Personal Raven): +1
- White Glint: +2

- Port of Oakland (Territory)
- Red Rum's Army (Power Resource, Regenerating)
- 1 Financial Resource
- "White Glint is more than just another AC!" (Radiance Resource, White Glint)
- Corpse of I THE MAGICIAN weapon (Tech Resource)


Current Moves:
Forgiveness of an Angel {Default, Exclusive}: You are a Raven in your own right (decide your three tags as you wish when you start the game), and may deploy once per chapter. When you deploy as a Raven, roll +Power. Harm you take this way counts as mechanical damage and may be healed accordingly.
When deploying as a Raven, you may deploy another Raven to Help with your roll, although you always suffer any Harm taken if applicable.

The Bloody Honey Cannot Stop {Default, Exclusive}: You control your own gang of Muscle Tracers, armored fighting vehicles, and transport trucks to deploy yourself and your gang. These forces count as a Power Resource, and are Regenerating - if expended or damaged, they are restored by the start of the next chapter (through aggressive recruitment or, perhaps in rare cases, medical care). They deal 2 Harm when used this way.
Your gang is loyal, but not fanatic. On a weak hit (7-9), they may require concessions before deployment. On a miss (6 or less), they may refuse to deploy until their demands are met, or require supplies of some sort to do so. Infighting is not unheard of, and may render your gang unable to deploy until it is resolved.
In addition, you have a base of operations that cannot be fully taken from you unless you are removed from the stage of history. (If the base does end up taken, you will establish one elsewhere by the next chapter.)

Extra Moves:
Soul of the Artist: The only beauty in this world is despair and destruction, and you will dye it in your color - blood red.
You cannot lose in the Arena, save against a Raven controlled by another Queen. If you lose to such a Raven, that Raven takes 1 Harm.
In addition, whenever you (and only you) deal Harm to another Raven, mark XP.

Warlord Special: When you are intimate with another character, that character suffers 1 Harm. (If they reach past 1:00 in this way, you keep them.)

Warlord Raven Move: When rolling for her own Raven action, the Warlord may transfer any amount of Harm she takes to either a Raven she has Link with, or any number of military Resources, assuming either are deployed upon the field.
When rolling +Raven with one of her Ravens, the Warlord may transfer any amount of Harm from them to herself.

Advances & Playbook Moves

Warlord Moves:
Private Machine: No Power Resource, or other military vehicle you have available to you can permanently be destroyed. (That is to say, when you get a particular type of Power Resource - for instance helicopters - you always have access to helicopters from then on.) If they would be destroyed, they are instead unavailable for the rest of the chapter.
This move does not function for Ravens or Special Weapons.
Dirty Worker {Exclusive}: When deploying another Raven, and that Raven takes Harm, you may take the Harm the Raven would take yourself if you have not already deployed this chapter. This counts as deploying (that is to say, you retroactively establish yourself as deploying). You may do this even if you have deployed two Ravens.
You may then make your own +Power roll as a Raven against the mission objective or target that dealt your Raven Harm, for another shot at the mission. The Ravens you've deployed previously can't be used to Help your roll in this case. (You may instead choose to retreat, risking no further Harm to yourself.)
5.5: Whenever you make a +Power roll that doesn't directly deal Harm normally, you deal 1 Harm to the most appropriate target on a 7-9, and 2 Harm on a 10+. ('Most appropriate target' includes yourself or any allies, though you will be informed of this before you make the roll.)
In addition, when you roll Aggro in your own right or with an infantry squad, you deal 1 additional Harm (for a total of 2 Harm). You still may not roll Aggro against Ravens or other vehicles.
Welcome to the Earth: Whenever you deploy a Power Resource (other than an infantry squad), you deal 1 additional Harm (under normal circumstances, 3 total).
In addition, on a 10+, anyone who takes Harm from the attack takes -1 ongoing on any Moves against you or your interests for the rest of the chapter, including +Raven.

Basic Advances:
☐ Take another Operator Move.
☐ Take another Operator Move.
☐ Take a Move from another Playbook.
☐ Take a Move from another Playbook.
☐ Take a Move from another Playbook.
☐ Add +1 to your Power.
☐ Add +1 to your Intellect.
☐ Add +1 to your Radiance.
☐ Add +1 to your Intuition.

Special Advances:
☐ Add +1 to any Virtue (max +3).
☐ Choose a new Playbook, and begin advancing in that Playbook.
☐ Retire your Queen safely on top, and leave the stage of history. Create a new Queen.
☐ Awaken one of your Talents to a Queen's power. (You may choose to control them, or to have them controlled by the QM.)

Signature Advance: Only the Warlord can take this.
Mechanized Memories: [UNKNOWN]
Angelina Delacroix, the Mogul

Angelina Delacroix
Affiliation: Delacroix Video Classics (that is, herself)

Himeko's Notes: There are people in the City who have hurt the Underground more, true. There are people who have oppressed my faith more, true. There are people who deserve my hatred more, true.

But there are few people in this City I hate more than Angelina Delacroix.

You'd think someone who grew up in the Underground would be less of a parasite, eagerly exploiting her fellow woman for the sake of a quick buck. But 'get rich or die trying' isn't just a motto, it's a way of life. Even as she now is a fixture of high society, with even Father's ear, she has no scruples, no rules. The Arena is her playground. The City's entertainment business, her domain. She has as much power as you can without being part of a corporation. She even uses Ravens as weapons in her own personal quest to become queen bitch of the Alloy Gate.

It's disgusting that someone who experienced the Underground would go on to exploit it…and members of the Order, in particular…

Playbook: the Mogul

I don't go anywhere without getting paid.

They say money talks. In your case, it certainly does.

Nobility? Hah. You don't have use for something like that. What use is something as nebulous as a powerful mind if you have nothing to your name? And what use is violence if you plan to destroy the entire world - a world you happen to
live in, thank you very much?

Not that you're above violence. Far from it. In fact, violence is
preferable. Less messy that way. And if you should get into a bit of trouble? Well, having all the money means you'll never want for Ravens at your beck and call, now, will you?

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Himeko's Notes on Characters
Himeko's Notes: The City's Ravens
Queens' Personal Ravens

  • Ariel Aionios
    Callsign: Akarui Akuma
    AC: Lilith
    Rank: 17
    Affiliation: Raven's Nest "Collared" (officially), Collared Operator "Shadow" (unofficially)
    [UNKNOWN]. To find a reason to live. To find something to fight for.
    My beloved, precious Ariel. I…well, I can't take advantabe of her, but I will protect her heart, her body, her soul, everything she is…with my life, if necessary. I owe it to her, after all…
    After two years of rehabilitation, Ariel has finally started to be her own person. But, I don't think she can find her answer as a Raven, a collared beast under the control of Mother. If only something could be done to help her…

    Armored Core "Lilith"
    Class: Mobility-Specialized Light Bipedal
    tabs: {Lightweight, Support, CE}
    Frame Color: Black and white, with hints of violet
    Sensor Color: Red

    An AC designed by myself specifically for Ariel, with assistance from Mother and the mechanic John Kobayashi. Equipped with a sniper cannon that fires HEAT rounds, a rack of micromissiles, and a HEAT battle rifle and handgun as backup. It mixes qualities popular with a wide variety of nests, including Orbital, Men of Honor, and the Raven's Ark.
    In anyone else's hands, this AC would be nearly unusable. But Ariel's immense AMS compatibility, with my assistance, allows her to perform tactical maneuvers few Ravens can match using her auxiliary boosters. Its main weakness is close combat.

  • Elias D. Metea
    AC: White Glint
    Rank: Unranked
    Affiliation: Revolutionary Force "Line Ark"
    To help the hopeless. To, preferably, have a ton of fun doing it. [UNKNOWN].
    The new White Glint of Mother's Line Ark…recruited because he stood against Red Rum with a mere Muscle Tracer. His AMS compatibility is strikingly high, approaching the levels of my beloved Ariel with no augmentation, making him the ideal pilot for the unusually-configured third White Glint. Currently, he is the entirety of Line Ark's armed intervention arm.
    Wannabe hero, crack marksman, (alleged) womanizer, he's…not really so bad. (For a man, anyway.) For all his faults, and there are many, he's certainly got his heart in the right place. And someone who knows about my preferences and doesn't disdain them can't be all bad, right?

    Armored Core "White Glint"
    Class: High Mobility Medium Bipedal
    tabs: {Middleweight, Defensive, KE}
    Frame Color: White
    Sensor Color: Blue

    The main war potential of Line Ark, reborn. Through schematics reclaimed from the Complex, and a suspicious amount of advance knowledge from Nashandra, parts were regrown and rebuilt with an array of boosters that provide an immense Overboost capability. With high mobility, even in the air, White Glint is an AC few Ravens could handle, but it seems to fit Elias like a glove…
    Like the second White Glint of the Raven War, this White Glint is equipped with dual rifles - a weapon designed to cleanly kill with little collateral damage. Because missiles aren't exactly the most discriminate weapons, instead of them, a bay mechanism holds a LB-66 MOONLIGHT laser blade instead, providing a strong weapon to fight other ACs without risking excessive damage to the City in the process.

  • Chase Greyward
    AC: Dual Face
    Rank: 3
    Affiliation: None officially, unofficially Delacroix
    To become the next Nine Breaker. To eliminate all obstacles to that goal. [UNKNOWN]. [UNKNOWN]?
    With both Zinaida and Rossweisse making no and few public appearances outside the Arena respectively, it falls to Rank 3 to be the public face of the Arena. Chase Greyward seems like a singularly unpleasant man, exactly the kind of scum I believed all Ravens to be before I learned of the Princess of Sunlight. That he works so closely with Delacroix is simply more proof of this, to me.
    Chase Greyward is probably the second biggest celebrity in the whole city, behind pop sensation Marina Arisa. He's even popular in the Underground, which disgusts me. I think I might hate him more than Rossweisse…at the very least, he doesn't make appearances on the field much. Apparently he's highly placed in Crest Industries, one of Kisaragi's corporate rivals…it's hard not to imagine he's business partners with Delacroix. (Or even…regular partners. Ugh.)

    Armored Core "Dual Face"
    Class: High Defense Medium Bipedal
    tabs: {Middleweight, Support, CE}
    Frame Color: Black
    Sensor Color: Red

    A devastatingly powerful Armored Core constructed by Crest Industries prior to the Nexus incident. Because of its mass and its poor balance, it cannot be piloted by an ordinary human. Chase Greyward's augmentations have been subject to rumors, but as yet his exact capabilities are unknown.
    Dual grenade launchers blow away any AC in its path, let alone anything else. Secondary armament is a laser blade and assault rifle, with even more grenades as backup. Normally this kind of firepower would only be found on a tank-type AC, but Dual Face mixes it with the mobility and ease of use of a biped.

  • Nightingale
    AC: ZEEE
    Rank: 30
    Affiliation: Red Rum's Army, Private Force "Men of Honor"
    [UNKNOWN]. [UNKNOWN]. To fight the strongest Ravens. To, preferably, look very good doing it.
    Nightingale has been around since the Resistance war and the Migrant clashes that followed. Of course, people knew her as a guy back then, but I'm hardly going to judge someone for following their dreams, am I? Hm, I wonder if she's part of the Order…
    Well, whatever. That doesn't make much difference - anyone who works with Red Rum is my enemy, woman or not. Alone, she's actually rather weak, but you most often see her in tandem with Red Rum…and they're both about as crazed, huh?

    Armored Core "ZEEE"
    Class: High Defense Heavy Bipedal
    tabs: {Heavyweight, Defensive, KE}
    Frame Color: Red and Yellow with Yellow star markings
    Senor Color: Yellow

    An AC that…looks like it's pretty much falling apart. It's rare to see AC parts in that kind of condition, but it does happen. Seems joining Men of Honor hasn't helped much, and that'd probably explain ZEEE's Arena performance.
    Armed with dual gatling guns and HEAT rockets, ZEEE has decent firepower, but the pilot has little skill and the design's efficiency is overall low. Still, even in solo sorties it does well when Nightingale is on a proper leash.

Other Notable Ravens
  • Zinaida
    AC: Fascinator
    Rank: 1
    Affiliation: None. As an irregular Raven, Zinaida's activities are not governed by a nest.
    [UNKNOWN]. [UNKNOWN]. To help the City. To protect the Underground.
    Rank 1, Zinaida. Her callsign and AC are taken from the legendary irregular of the Nexus incident. Arriving in the City after the Resistance war, she's taken it upon herself to defend the Underground, including the Order, from the City Police as best she can…but one Raven can only do so much, huh?
    I don't know for sure, but I suspect it was Fascinator that flew over the Presidio the night before I left it behind. Someday, I'll be able to thank her for what she's done, giving me the courage to be Himeko, and defending the Fourth Order from Father.
    But until that day, all she is, is public enemy number one, with a bounty on her head so high that every Raven in the City is gunning for her…

    Armored Core "Fascinator"
    Class: High Mobility Medium Bipedal
    Tags: {Middleweight, Offensive, TE}
    Frame Color: Violet & Grey
    Sensor Color: Green

    An AC with unusually high mobility, including in the air. Designed for an all-out offensive, it is equipped with a hand railgun, a pulse cannon, a machine gun, a dual missile launcher, extension missiles, and a handgun just in case all that leaves anything standing.
    Despite all this equipment, Fascinator moves incredibly fast - as fast as the fastest lightweights on record with Collared - and never has energy management issues. Just who the hell is piloting that thing, and where did she find it?

  • Rossweisse
    AC: Valkyrie
    Rank: 2
    Affiliation: City Police
    To protect law and order in the City. To act with honor in all things. [UNKNOWN]. [UNKNOWN]. [UNKNOWN].
    The so-called '13th Zodiac', a former irregular Raven who joined the City Police. As the strongest of the City Police Ravens, she is one of the things Line Ark fears most. I don't know how she feels about Mother, but she seems to consider every single Raven outside the City Police a potential target.
    Her identity is shrouded in mystery. She does make the occasional public appearance, but only under her callsign. Usually she weighs in on the strength of Ravens operating in the region, most recently addressing rumors of Orbital's Five Hells. While she fights in the Arena, she has no room for extravagance.
    Such is her strength that Father grants her special privileges, namely the ability to maintain her own callsign, her own AC design and doctrine, and a rank in the Arena. How she can possibly consider herself 'honorable' when she fights for a dictator and a murderer is beyond me…fucking cops.

    Armored Core "Valkyrie"
    Class: High Defense Medium Bipedal
    Tags: {Middleweight, Support, KE}
    Frame Color: Grey & Silver
    Sensor Color: Blue

    An AC of fairly conventional layout, but extremely unconventional attack type. With a single sniper rifle and a slug-gun, Valkyrie is designed to stand and fight. It almost reminds me of how White Glint was designed, simply based on a different paradigm.
    Every other City Police AC is a reverse-joint class. Valkyrie has been allowed to equip her AC based on her own preferences, a rare boon from Father. It's also equipped with an Exceed Orbit drone system, but never uses it - maybe Rossweisse's AMS compatibility is too low for orbit weapons?
Himeko's Notes: Talents & Drones

  • Uriel Aionios
    Position: Personal & Administrative Assistant of Collared Operator "Shadow"
    Affiliation: Raven's Nest "Collared", Revolutionary Force "Line Ark", ???
    [UNKNOWN]. To become an operator herself. To protect Ariel.

    My assistant…and Ariel's twin sister. No doubt Mother's doing, that I met them in such close proximity. I'm not as close with Uriel as I am with Ariel, but I still consider her a friend, and Mother deigned to allow me to keep her assistance with the operations of Line Ark.

    If my job is thankless, then Uriel's job is even moreso. Few Ravens understand that I have a department behind me in my operations, even if they understand my importance. But despite her nerves and her occasional clumsiness, I couldn't really ask for a better assistant.

    …well, she is like my Ariel. In so many ways. Even so, even if pursuing a relationship wouldn't be taking advantage of her, wouldn't it be unfair to both of them? It'd be like…using her as a substitute.

  • John Kobayashi
    Position: Chief Mechanic for AC Lilith
    Affiliation: Raven's Nest "Collared"
    [UNKNOWN]. To get through the day without drinking. To ensure that the so-called princess' AC - that is, Lilith - is functioning.

    They say maintaining ACs is an art, not a science…but by that measure, Kobayashi doesn't strike me as much an artist. His name is as unfortunate as his lot in life, as misfortune seems to follow him just about everywhere.

    Worked to the bone by Mother, he's definitely good at his job. But I wouldn't say he enjoys it. It seems like he's taken a shine to Ariel, though, and is generally pretty protective of her.

  • Mechanic "Nashandra"
    Position: Mechanic for White Glint, Possibly Sleeping With Him Too I Guess???
    Affiliation: Revolutionary Force "Line Ark"

    I wasn't there when Mother recruited Nashandra. I know precious little about her. She seems…close with Elias. Which is not really preferable, but it is what it is. She seems good enough at her job, if she's trusted by Mother to rebuild the second White Glint of all things, but for some reason, I can't help but have a bad feeling about her…

  • Bodyguard "Nezha"
    Position: Exclusive Bodyguard for Mother
    Affiliation: Officially Collared, Unofficially Mother
    Mother's bodyguard, an inescapable presence in her shadow. Supernaturally placid and demure, yet impossibly skilled, I don't know anything about her - and Mother says little. I do think, however, she's one of the few people Mother seems to be truly scared of being hurt...
    Are they, perhaps, in love? What happened, twenty years ago, in the twilight of the Colony War, that earned Mother Nezha's undying loyalty?
  • Wei Fumizuki
    Position: Chief of City Police
    Key Virtue: Power
    To protect law and order in the City. To take revenge for her fallen comrades. To subjugate all who would destroy the City she so loves. [UNKNOWN].

    The chief of the City Police...she's one of the few people left from the Resistance war, a former MT pilot who managed to survive against all odds. (Well, except for her hands.) The City Police haven't exactly been doing well these past ten years - still bad enough to hurt the people I care about, mind you - but since Wei rose up to the top job, she's dedicated herself to rebuilding the City Police and imposing Father's will on the people once more.

    To...recuse myself from my emotions, I'll quote from the psychological profile: 'compassionate to her subordinates, ruthless to her enemies, constantly on the edge of a nervous breakdown'. Apparently she has a lot of problems with 'regulations', but those regulations, by complete accident, might be what's keeping us all safe...

    I know it's not exactly rational, but...somehow, it makes me especially angry that a woman would take this position up. But some people still believe in Father's legend, and when it comes to the Order, women are even nastier than men sometimes.

    • Rose Sun-Lin: Coordinator of the Fourth Order, a community leader who Himeko was quite close to, after being found by her when she fled the Presidio. A role model and idol for the operator, second only to Mother, Himeko calls her 'the woman that straight men fear'. Ended up helping out on a variety of occasions with Himeko's data gathering operations, including during contract negotiations.
      Key Virtue: Radiance
    • Elizabeth Clarke: Part of Himeko's crew. Cultist of the Knights of the Eastern Calculus, who believes in humanity being united by the Wired. An eternally enthusiastic woman who provides technical and networking support to Himeko on her operations, and as a surfacer is the public point of contact for most of the operations.
      Key Virtue: Intellect
    • Priscilla: Part of Himeko's crew. First discovered covered in blood just outside the Underground (not all of it hers), and rescued and given first aid by Himeko, her past is shrouded in mystery - but for someone so cheerful, she knows far too many ways to kill people. Joined the Order and served on guard for Himeko.
      Key Virtue: Power
    • Motoko: Part of Himeko's crew. A Migrant who came to the Underground and reluctantly joined the Order, eventually finding a friendship in Himeko. Served as hacker and overwatch, and was the only one who did not accept Himeko's reasons for leaving them behind.
      Key Virtue: Intuition
    • Nora Franklin: Part of Himeko's crew. Discovered by Himeko, who diagnosed her sensory disorders and helped her bring them under control, becoming highly attached to her. Now leads the crew, as she has been taught Himeko's data analysis techniques.
      Key Virtue: Intellect
    • Kuro: Part of Himeko's crew. A self-professed amnesiac nicknamed 'Kuro' for the black-rimmed glasses she always wears. Is inseparable from Nora, and serves as her eyes and ears.
      Key Virtue: Intuition

    • Rebeka Renata: DJ for Radio LUNA and occasional Arena announcer, part of the Voice of War network, a broadcasting network for Ravens.
    • Brady Rodriguez: Announcer for the City's Arena, who has served for decades in complete neutrality.
    • Mallory Jensen: A sports and entertainment reporter with Kisaragi News Network. Has higher ambitions, and has taken to targeting Delacroix to try and achieve them - dangerous, given how much Father favors her.
    • Peter MacDonald: A reporter with Kisaragi News Network. It's hard to tell if his propagandist bit is just an act, or if he really believes it...
    • Joe: A caller to Rebeka's breakfast show. Doesn't like Chase Greyward (what a shock).
    • Areum: A caller to Rebeka's breakfast show. Likes Chase Greyward (shocking!)
    • Vesta: A̶n̸d̷ ̸S̴e̵a̵t̵h̷ ̶t̶h̸e̸ ̵S̴c̵a̵l̸e̶l̶e̷s̸s̸ ̸b̶e̵t̶r̵a̴y̷e̷d̷ ̷h̷i̴s̵ ̷o̵w̷n̷,̶ ̸a̸n̸d̴ ̶t̵h̶e̴ ̴d̸r̶a̶g̵o̸n̴s̵ ̷w̵e̶r̵e̵ ̵n̶o̴ ̶m̶o̵r̵e̷.̵

Author's Note
Organization of this information is subject to change based on technical requirements (read: using too many images makes SV complain, so I need to split it up some).
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Elias' Notes on Music
Himeko s Note: My colleague in Line Ark - Elias Danzig Metea, pilot of the third White Glint - is quite insistent I try out tapes he's selected. After quite some time of this, I finally relented, if only to satisfy his curiosity. I may as well get use out of my tape deck, anyway…
Elias is quite the aficionado, it seems. Well, he did date a radio DJ for a little while…as a former Migrant, he's got tapes from all over the world. I accidentally let slip the importance of music to the Order, and now…well, it doesn't matter. If he's interested in the Goddess, that's reason enough to indulge him, right?​

  • Electric Youth
    These two? They're a pop duo from the Six, a massive colony far to the northeast on the shores of Lake Ontario. Used to be Rayleonard territory before the war. They're a couple, I think? I tried to, but I never quite got the chance to see them live. She's got a vibe kind of like…you know, that local girl. Marina, yeah. Except the singer here, she's more haunting…ah, jeez. Who wouldn't wanna sing like her, right? Heh, does that sound weird to you?
    Anyway. These guys have a couple of tunes connected to this Raven known only as 'the Driver'. Not just a Raven, but a getaway driver too - not too different from my current job, huh? Far to the south, where they make a lot of movies. One hell of a bloodbath, all to keep some girl happy, and then he drove off into the night…

    - The Best Thing: See above about the Driver. Not too much else to say. This is my favorite track of theirs, the lyrics are really something…yeah, my favorite vocals, at least if we're talking girls. Ah, I'll save the Protomen for another time, yeah?

  • FreQuency
    Artists from the Far East region have been making a wide variety of soundscapes inspired by the battles of the Armored Cores for a long time now. It's hard to get a hold of these, but I know a guy. A while back, a bunch of them got together and started calling themselves FreQuency, so to make things easier I'll just put all the tracks of this sort under this header.
    There's a rumor going around that these guys have ended up joining one of the sects there, you know, the Ever Green Family? Those guys started a couple years after the Resistance war, no one's sure where they came from. They're absorbing a lot of religions in the region…what does 'those with faith will be spared' even mean, anyway?

    - Lapse of Time You say you heard this one in a dream? Spooky. But, that fits this one. This was inspired by the final battle in the second Layered, in the Silent Line. Apparently they had these giant white mass-produced AI weapon ACs...heh. I bet it'd have been fun to fight one.

    - 12 Steps Some of the mechanics, you know, with Collared? They listen to this while they're tuning ACs. They say the right music helps make it more soothing for them, you know?

    - The Bloody Honey Cannot Stop Fits Red Rum to a T, I think. Aggressive. This one's from back in the Raven War - maybe from the first Line Ark? Not sure. The one thing I know is, when the Arena hears this one, they're out for blood…hell of a job you did with Ariel. Everyone's been talking non-stop about it now, I hear. Akarui Akuma is no longer a nobody, I can tell you that for free.

    - Remember Aah, this is legendary. This song was inspired by the battle between Strayed, Odstarva, and the second White Glint at Line Ark. You know, the uh, the place, not us. Can you imagine what that battle must've been like? I guess I'm not really a legendary Raven like that yet, but…well, one day at a time, huh?
    - Connected and One Day You know, sometimes I think an AC can do anything. We haven't figured out how to get sound into it while deployed, but during bootup...so I just stuck these on for fun. Our job's thankless and kinda shitty, but...sometimes we can have fun with it, you know?
    - Just Tuned You ever watch TV, Himeko? Music is important there, too. Like...the little sting, the leitmotif, that happens at the end of an episode, or a powerful revelation...heh. I guess stuff like that never happens in real life, though.

  • Astrophysics
    This guy's from the South Frontier, uh…Redentor, I think. Kind of like the City. He's done a lot of cool stuff with synth, and he ended up wandering here some time ago. The big rumor is that the anti-establishment group Liliana has been massing there for some reason…
    Hey, he's part of the Fourth Order, isn't he? A lot of his stuff is covers of the hymns you guys do. I thought it was just girls? Eeh, whatever, not important. It's real good, though. Good enough that it's getting some play on the surface too. Heh, can't imagine that makes Father happy…or Delacroix, for that matter.
    I hear he's trying to go in a different direction now, though. Like, he's upset for being typecast? I kinda get that, that frustration, but at the same time…I think it's a good thing, to be able to give people happiness. I do look forward to what he does next!

    - Duvet This is a hymn of a different cult…I don't know a lot about it. Supposedly there's a connection to a group called the 'Knights of the Eastern Calculus'. Something about all of existence connected through a universal network that has existed since telecommunication was first created, and their own Goddess…but this thing. Fuck, does it hit well. And from the sound of it, you liked it too.

    So these guys are from the Mid-Continent region…the island of Avalon's pretty badly contaminated. Not as badly as Eire, Jesus, that one's real bad - but the creepy bit is, there are people who live there still. Crazy, huh? Anyway, not important. This band's from North Avalon. Their stuff is…good, but it's weird, you know? Like, it's way ahead of its time. Maybe in like, a decade or two everything will sound like this. That'd be a pretty cool world.

    Fun fact for you, apparently there's a whole family of Ravens who are obsessed with their music. The lead singer even has her own cult. You can find them playing in churches, and see people kneeling to their goddess and her servants…or something like that, anyway. Those are just rumors, but if you could sing like that, why wouldn't you get a little worship?

    - The Mother We Share Yeah, I guess this was a bit on the nose, huh. Still, I hope you like it!
    - Science/Visions …I'll just say this: this one makes me think of you. Couldn't tell you why…

  • The Protomen
    Simply put, the greatest band in the history of the world. Or at least the best one I've ever heard, anyway. A massive crew of eight members that creates concept albums that...kind of bear an odd resemblance to life in the City? But, you know, with more robots. Huh. They're one of the world's most popular acts, and I've seen people selling their tapes all across my journeys in the North Frontier.

    They're from Music City, a big colony in the Nashville Basin. Heh, fun fact. I saw them live once - but I was on guard duty at the time. But my boss was kind of an asshole and was planning to strafe some miners, so I stole a helicopter and ditched them so I could go to the concert. Heh, good times.

    They did the music for my favorite movie of all time, too. The Cover Up. We'll have to watch it some time, I think. Maybe we could rope Rosary into it, too. How about it?

    - I Still Believe (Great Design): ...oh, right, this track. Uh, it's good. But it's a little awkward. Reasons. Let's not talk about it.
    - Light Up The Night (Instrumental): Heheheh...see this bootleg? This track is great even like this. Sometimes the vocals get a bit muddled, you know? ...huh, where I got it from? Don't worry about that, I got it from...you know, a guy! Migrants can find anything, you know?
  • Y̸o̴k̵o̸ ̸K̸a̵n̷n̶o̴ ̸(̵e̴t̵ ̴a̵l̸)̵
    F̵u̶r̴t̷h̶e̷r̸ ̴i̴n̷f̷o̶r̸m̸a̵t̸i̷o̸n̶ ̴i̵s̶ ̷n̵o̶t̸ ̶a̷v̵a̸i̸l̵a̸b̴l̷e̶ ̶h̴e̶r̶e̸.̶

    - spotter: So you and Mother both like this hymn, huh...that's not too surprising. It's pretty relaxing, huh? But, you mentioned that Motoko girl...hey, uh, listen. I guess it's not really my place to say this, but...are you sure you two were just friends? Because I know 'jealous' when I hear it, and I don't think she's mad for the reason you, or she, thinks she is.

  • Perturbator
    A synth artist from the Mid-Continent. This guy's from a long line of musicians, as it turns out. He likes taking music from dark stories he's collected from across the world - you know, the kind of stuff that Delacroix makes movies of, you know? Heh, I know what a bitch she is, but she does make some damn good movies sometimes, you know? Eh, probably not to your tastes.
    You know I'm not the first 'man in the jacket', right? Far to the east, there's this city - well, there used to be, anyway - but yeah, there was a vigilante there, kind of like me but more, y'know. Lethal. They called him 'Jacket'. Hell of a body count, I hear. Maybe he was a Raven too, but I guess now we'll never know…

    - Sexualizer You ever play video games, Himeko? You can do some amazing things with music, just with a computer! There's a game about that Jacket guy I mentioned, and this appeared there...something like, uh, 'Hotline Mayaimi' or something...
Last edited:
Prologue: Their Hearts Are Black (Dreaming Queens)
You dream of the Underground.

Of the vast networks of concrete tunnels and buildings, joined by quake-resistant joints and reinforcements, created by those who came before, those who existed before this Fallen world.

Coursing underneath the Earth, beneath the Alloy Gate, beneath the City. Beneath the San Francisco Bay, beneath the Port of Oakland, all across a vast, once-grand city where technologies beyond your wildest imaginations were born...

And now, where they laid to rest. The valley patrolled by the Abyss Watchers, lest a sleeping machine awaken once more.

The Underground is vast, so much of it closed off, collapsed...large enough for the Armored Cores, and their inferior Muscle Tracer copies of the Fallen world, to travel through. Old trains left abandoned, old tunnels whose memories of the world before have long since been scavenged and reclaimed by those consigned to never taste the sun upon their skin.

It's still not enough.

You remember, eight years of your life, spent here. Spent here, because you made a choice to reject Father. Because you needed so dearly to be 'Himeko', that any sacrifice was worth it.

The taste of stale, recycled air. The dim light, powered by unreliable generators. The exposed wiring that connects the surface world above, as though you lived below a vast web of telecommunication, of pointless business deals and Father's intense paranoid security. Feeling the faint hum of electricity, of information, that you tapped into to survive.

You'd almost consider it nostalgic.

♪ ...but this is different.

You walk forward, through a vast hall, concrete pillars supporting the roof, the floor coated in silk blankets. Feeling eyes all around you, following you, watching you.

In couplings, in triads, in groups...laying against one another, kissing one another, touching, in ways that make your eyes wander, in ways that you more than once linger upon.

Clothing that bears a resemblance to a Raven's plugsuit, in material or in sheen, yet that makes a mockery of its utilitarian nature. Some shaped into dresses, others merely gloves or stockings, some full-body suits that even cover the face...

All women.

You know this place, after all.

The Fourth Order, the cult you joined after leaving your family behind, holds ceremony with its faithful. It is not an act of sermons or moralizing, but of gathering into groups, of spreading tales, of singing and dancing, and celebrating what the Goddess and her beloved Adversary granted you.


But this is different.

As though all of them moved with a single will. All of them had all they could want. The bodies they want. The love they want. The courage to express themselves, and the will to spread it to others.

All those eyes on you.

This is not a place for sermons doled out from on high, and yet there is a throne...

No, not just a throne.

A vast chunk of the roof of the grand hall had been ripped away, huge hunks of earth, and through it you could see the night sky.

A night sky free of contamination, a night sky you'd never once seen, the full moon shining down upon the throne.

You walked, your eyes wandering, from one side of the room to the other. These girls were so shameless...even in the Underground, you would never see such displays so publicly, save in private. And yet, what must be dozens of women - hundreds, if within the shadows there were more - displaying their love...

No, not everyone.

Some hold strange devices, of technological provenance you've never witnessed. Gathering around, as one might a radio or television, but with displays of liquid crystal. Such technology you'd never see in the Underground, that was vastly out of the reach even of the surface.

Others...are demonstrating their own bodies. Mechanical limbs, vastly more advanced than any you've seen before. Or showing off their new selves, surgeries even more extensive than the ones Mother granted you, fantasies of the kind you'd never revealed to anyone, not even the woman who gave you everything...




All those things you'd been working so hard to give these girls, and wondered if you ever would, whether Mother would ever achieve it, whether...


the throne.

You can see it clearly now, and it's a simple thing. Not extravagant, save for the violet neon light that lines the black surface, and a figure lounging upon it, with two others flanking her, the three locked in a truly lurid embrace.

As though they were waiting for you.

The girls, both seemingly identical. Wrapped head-to-toe in their pilot suit...the pilot suit Mother designed, when she worked with the corporation Rayleonard. Shining black, reflecting the moonlight upon them, their helmets featureless, smooth. And upon their collars, the marking of the Order.

...before you can consciously consider the implications - because you very much know who those girls are - your eyes are caught upon the woman who has claimed this throne as hers.

Skin the very same color as the moonlight that fills the sky, and descends upon the throne.

Hair the color of a raven's feathers, as smooth as the silk that lines the hall.

A petite, slender frame, yet with presence that is an almost physical force, far beyond the five feet with heels this girl must be when standing.

A striking black dress, made from the same material as those twin girls' suits, paired with long gloves and high boots, like pools of darkness, a black hole the eyes of women cannot escape.

And violet eyes, with a telltale glow of augmentation, that tantalize with the thought that beneath that moonlit skin might lie something far beyond a mere human.

...and in this moment, it strikes you that you know this woman very well.

Even beyond the unearthly beauty, the augmented eyes, the lack of glasses...

There's no way you couldn't know who this is.

After all, it's you.

Before you can say a single word, you feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end, as while caught within your other self's gaze, within the glowing violet, you feel the attention of all the other girls in the hall coming upon you.

"Hail her divinity!"

The stares of those freely expressing their desires, fearing no Father, no force on this Earth.

"Our true Queen and Goddess!"

A prayer that sounds so familiar, yet so alien, a prayer that...

"Saviour and blessed rebel!"

A prayer that is for you -

"Forger of utopia," your other self whispers, smiling broadly as she runs her hands over one of the pet Ravens' helmets.


You stare blankly before the one who completed the prayer, the vision of yourself, in a position of power utterly foreign to you.

"They're talking about you," she whispers, the voice your own, the same whisper that guides Ravens - including the person whose care has been entrusted to you by Mother - into battle, utterly unafraid, commanding, with a presence far beyond your own.

"Is this 'utopia', to you?" you ask, your own voice lacking something, something that this other you of the dream has grasped...

(But, could it be within your reach?)

"It's not about me, Himeko," she says, her head tipping slightly to the side as her gaze holds your own. It's so strange, after all, to see yourself without glasses, let alone everything else..."It's about these girls. You recognize some of them, don't you? Oh, I know you recognize these two -"

You wince, feeling a pang of guilt for your feelings displayed. No, no, you couldn't take advantage of your beloved Ariel, let along ask her to join her twin - how ridiculous would that be, no matter if the Goddess -

"It's feelings like that which will only lead you to ruin."

...you're not really surprised, but you are disappointed.

"What's your point?" you ask, trying to put up a strong front, even as your eyes wander...


These faces.

You can recognize some of them. The color of the plugsuits, too. Or their emblems...

"Ravens," you whisper.

Some of them you know well. Members of Collared, whose missions you've been the operator for. Whose missions you've planned. Others, you don't know personally, faces you've seen in intelligence reports or as rivals in the Arena, where Ravens fight for supremacy, fame, and gold...

"Forger of utopia!" they intone, as though on cue, as though to tell you that their happiness is something you created.

(Could create?)

"Ravens," your other self whispers, touching the emblems on the heavy collars upon her twin servants' plugsuits. "Successors of the ancient magic. The Goddess' children. The means by which we - you - will forge a new world. Right from within that woman's shadow..."

"What have you done to them?" You've never seen anyone, anything, which could inspire girls to chant like this, so eagerly give themselves away. Even Mother could only inspire it in you...

"What makes you think I've done anything?" Your other self's tongue flicks from her lips. "They wanted, needed an ideal. You've seen the Fallen world, devoid of the Adversary's love, where the Ravens are so lost..."

Of course you have.

Across the City, across the contamination, across the world, Ravens fight. Without something to guide them, it's nothing but an endless cycle of destruction, with ordinary humans like you caught in the crossfire. Even Mother's plans...just one Raven can't stem the tide. If the Ravens knew of the Goddess' love -

"Or yours."

"You can't be serious," you scoff.

"Why not?" The faceless helmets of her twin Ravens turn to you for emphasis. "Why not show this world what love truly is? Why not use that brain of yours for more than just Mother's dirty work? If the Goddess will not return to us, rip her down from heaven. If the world will not take the shape you desire, become strong enough to shape it. If following the rules and being a good little girl won't make you happy, cheat and remake the world in your image!"

...from behind, you hear a vast explosion, and the tell-tale sound of an Armored Core's rocket engines piercing the air.

You turn...

And witness before you, a gleaming white machine, a beacon of light, a glint of white.

An Armored Core, five metres of grey and white, a rifle longer than you are tall in each hand, glowing blue escaping its countless 'eyes'. The Eye of Horus upon its left shoulder, the emblem and the machine unmistakably that which your beloved Mother spent years remaking from the ashes of the Raven War.

And in front of that machine, surrounded by stars...

Hair and lips of ruby red.

Milky pale skin, coated in an elaborate dress coated in precious gold.

Standing nearly a head above you, so very much able to look down upon you, with her powerful emerald eyes.

Heavy curves that, even now, make your cheeks warm, and your mind cloud over, with the memory of her presence, of all she has done for you, of all you have ever envied...

The woman you know as Mother, proudly standing before the machine whose pilot she's thoroughly wrapped around her finger.

The woman who descended upon this Earth from the orbital colonies, as though its rightful ruler had returned to claim her prize.

The woman whose intoxicating confidence even now makes you wonder how you could ever hope to be like the other self now behind you - or indeed, whether you should.

...the woman you love, and have dedicated yourself to, even as you know dedication has no reward.

Miriaria Alphonse.


"...my beloved Himeko," your Mother declares, and you find yourself turning to look at your other self, wondering if she's referring to you, or to you. "There's no need to be tempted like this, you know. All that you desire can be found within my vision. Have I made you want for anything?"

Part of you wants to say 'no', thinking to Mother scooping you up from the Underground, bringing you to work on her secret project, her vast visionary plan to reshape the City for the better. Of remaking your body through surgeries countless girls in the Underground dream of, and entrusting you with knowledge that would see the Abyss Watchers descend upon you and slay you if they knew...


that would be a lie, wouldn't it?

"You've known for a long time, haven't you, Himeko? Your desires eclipse that of Mother. You dream of bringing back technologies from before the Fall, of new paradigms that elevate human existence, and all she wants is to see them fall into place beneath her..."

The machine behind Mother, White Glint, raises one of its rifles toward the throne. Looking back, your doppelganger is unbowed, as though no earthly force could ever hope to harm her.

"I desire an end to conflict," Mother says, as the power in both her and 'your' voices clash, as you see the same glow in her emerald eyes as you saw in 'your' violet. "The technology of the Complex shall help me achieve that end. After all, human beings have long proven that they require...guidance."

Your head spins, as Miri walks closer, and 'you' step off 'your' throne, her flowing, shining dress fluttering behind her. A powerful challenge, between Mother and...


(Could you ever hope to even equal Mother?)

"Do you know of human evolution, Himeko?" Mother asks, as you hear her heels click upon the concrete, one by one. Click. Click. "The chimpanzee is - was - our closest genetic relative. It is defined by hierarchy. The development of consciousness in humanity is because of its desire to resist domination.

"But humanity changed, to satisfy our endless desires, that primitive anarchy could not. Civilization developed based on hierarchy, based on the wisdom of the betters. But then, that was diluted, by the weaknesses of our rulers. Even when we created machines to rule us, we rebelled against them. Like you - do you not believe you'd be happier in my arms?"

You spin around, and 'you' are walking toward Mother, unbowed before her words, words which sound so much harsher than the Mother you know. The Mother of the waking world is strong, yes, but would she ever say anything like that? Would she...

(would she really hate you, if you became something beautiful, because you wanted to?)

"If you seek to deny humanity its magic, seek to deny humanity my love, then you too are my enemy," 'you' say, White Glint's aim shifting to follow her, ready to fire at Mother's order. "We will not accept a world ruled by you. I will not. Humanity kneeling at your feet...so small-minded. Why not reality?"

"You are still a child, Himeko," you hear, as -

when did Mother get so close to you?

You feel Mother's hand upon your cheek, her odd, crystalline claw-like fingernails dragging along your skin as she presses you into her embrace. As her chest, her softness, the luxury of a noble from on high, as all of that presses upon you like it has so many times, part of your mind going blank from the mere sensation.

"Follow me, and we will create a world of only beautiful things. Where human beings no longer foolishly rebel against what is best for them." Whispers from her ruby lips fill your ears, and you feel dizzy...

Before you feel yourself embrace you, from behind, her own whispers competing with Mother's.

"You never wanted to follow anyone. Even your faith is just a means to that end. To achieving your greatest dream - to become the most beautiful thing in existence, and to never kneel to anyone. To helping your Ravens, like your beloved Ariel, awaken to their ancient magic. To becoming more than human, more than machine...all those things you never imagined were possible, but always hoped."

Trapped between your beloved Mother, and an image of some imagined future...

Your head swims.

This is so surreal, this dream so real...

You as a vision of beauty with Ravens at her beck and call, and Mother openly declaring her intent to control humanity...

How do you even respond, with both their bodies embracing you?

Himeko Okuda...

What is it that you wish for?


...this is just a dream, right?

But the Goddess, when she was human, had dreams like this. Dreams of great portent, of a future promised to her...

If that's the case, then you should let the belief in the magic you carry, in the magic that is all women's birthright, carry you forward.

Embraced between Mother's softness and your own, your powerlessness held you back, but this is a dream. There is no need to fear anyone...

least of all yourself.

...maybe it's time to face that part of yourself, right? You know why it is you've been holding back, after all. What reason you would have, even past Mother, to hesitate in grasping your desires.

Ariel Aionios. Your beloved Ariel.

The Raven known as Akarui Akuma.

When she came to you, two years ago, as one of your first tasks beneath Mother, under the Raven's nest Collared, she could barely express herself. Over that time, you have slowly helped her become her own person again, able to have hopes and dreams of her own, rather than simply a collared Raven who does what she's told.

You've always believed that if you were to express your feelings in their true breadth, you would be taking advantage of her. But...

Even if that's the case, if you want to protect her, you need to do more than simply watch over her from afar.

After all, you remember all the words of the prayers you've taught her...

"Someday, for the sake of someone else, you too will wish for great power."

"...if this is truly you, Mother, then you really are what I always feared," you say, and...

You reach, and grasp your other self's hand, pulling away from Mother's grip. The look on Mother's face is one of confusion, one you've never seen upon her, and you do admit you hold some small amount of pride in showing it to her.


You reach out, and kiss your other self, with a confidence you'd never broached anyone with.

What you'd always desired to grasp is right in front of you. But she's just an image, a dream...and that dream is ultimately subordinate to you.

The feel of your own lips is surprisingly tender, as you feel those desires melt into your control, and become a part of you. As they always were, her tongue flowing into fluid and entering you as you take control of yourself...

And turn around to see White Glint lowering its weapon, and dropping to one knee, as Mother stares in blank confusion before you.

(In truth, your heart is pounding from your chest, but maybe...maybe you're stronger than you thought you were?)

"I might have to thank Elias later," you say, referring to the pilot inside the metal shell. "I am and have always carried with me my desire to love, Mother. And I won't hate you for what you are, I don't think. In fact..."

You smile to her, as she continues in her confusion, as though this entire eventuality were outside her knowledge.

"Ultimately, we both want a better future, right? I don't think bringing everyone down to a level below you is any way to do that. But at the same time..."

...it makes your heart pound, and your breath hitch, but somehow, somewhere within you...

You feel the strength you need.

You reach out, you reach forward, and grasp Mother's chin in your hand...

and peck her on the cheek.

"If you and I are going to be enemies, I'll make you the most beloved enemy of all. And if you want to help me elevate the world, reshape it, and bring back the ancient magic...then I'll be happy to have you."


...did you really just say that?

To Mother?

And yet...

It feels right.

She barely responds, as though she doesn't know what to think, like a program experiencing an unexpected input. An eventuality never considered.

Maybe your mind has its limits.

"...I love you, Miri," you whisper, as you kiss your Mother on the lips - a familiar feeling, but not an unwelcome one, the ruby wetness of her lipstick meeting your own unpainted pair. "And for you, and Ariel, and all the girls I've loved and will love...I will do whatever it takes, to create a world in which we can all be happy."

You smile to yourself, your violet gaze meeting hers, both glows filling one another's vision, even as you succumb to the darkness of slumber, with just one parting whisper...

"Even if it means pulling you down from heaven."
A Light By Day, A Shadow Resides (Sunrise)
Every morning, under the light of the Goddess, you offer a prayer to the Adversary.

Or at least, normally, that's what you do.

Instead, right now, you lie awake in your bed, peeking at the clock. 06h14, 13 Thermidor LXIX...

(nearly ten years to the day, when you left your luxurious life behind, to claim the name 'Himeko' for yourself.)

Your heart really is a little troubled, huh?

…you very rarely remember your dreams. Your nights are filled with silence. That you had such a vivid dream is…unusual to you.

A dream of a future...ruled by you? Competing with Mother? Of Mother's ambitions, what you've always secretly feared but could never quite confirm, and of White Glint a puppet on her strings...and you, surrounded by girls who are set free from the bondage of the Fallen world, able to love one another, able to be...

You can't say you don't like the idea, not entirely.

A dream is your own subconscious. (You consider if, perhaps, it's a message...but you're not sure you're willing to accept that.) Your own desires. That your desires take such a shape isn't really surprising to you, but the whole idea of them being achievable...

Or even whether it'd be a good thing, if it was.

You walk to your window, and stare out into the sky, into the sunlight. It's about sunrise, now, still some time before your alarm, as you touch your hand to the glass.

Mother has provided for you, of course. And loved you. You really can't ask for anything more...

Yet, you want it.

To walk as an equal to her. To reclaim the Fallen world, using the technology of the Complex, that sleeps beneath Mountain View, under the Abyss Watchers...

And to love her as an equal, when she finally claims her place on the throne.

...well, maybe you'd prefer to be on the throne...?


This dream of yours didn't help your mood...because in the real world, you're still just an operator working for Mother, with no power to call your own. And you've really got to start getting ready. This morning's task is not something you relish, but it is one you still must do.

For Ariel, if no one else.

Stepping into the shower is another reminder of the struggles of the Underground.

The water supply for the Underground is fraught with issues. Most bathing is done at least somewhat communally - you remember slowly getting used to your body with other girls like you, especially as it changed. A shower like this is a rare luxury, though even in the Underground it can be found now and again; you'd even managed to afford one yourself, after a scare or two.

(To be fair, the electrocuted, unconscious bodies of your attackers probably also helped it keep it only to 'a scare or two'.)

But at the very least, thanks to the efforts of the community, they have that. There was a time they didn't, though that was long before you were even born. In the face of Father's rule, the people had to come together to survive, even thrive...

If an image like your dream could ever exist, if a world like that could ever exist, you'd do whatever it takes to get it.

...but it's still not best to dwell on it.

Sighing, you step into your shower, letting the hot water stream down your naked body, that pale moonlight-like skin you bear after nearly a decade underground, as you hear your alarm go off, the radio's sound filtering in from the other room, just a tail-end of a pop hit coming on before the DJ starts...

"- and that was Marina Arisa with 'Only In My Dreams', spending another week at the top of the charts! I still can't get enough of that one. For those just joining us on this lovely summer morning, this is Radio LUNA 103 point 7, and I'm your host, Rebeka Renata, for Becky's Breakfast in the morning."

You reach over and grab your shampoo, squeezing it into your hand and saturating your hair with it. Long hair has always been your preference, but maintaining it is always a bit of a pain. For special occasions, you knew another girl in the Order who helped you look your best, but these days -

"And we've got a special guest in the studio with me today, really quite special. You've seen him on the news, you've seen him on the battlefield, you've seen him in the Arena - and now he's here in my humble little studio. It's our very own Rank 3 Raven, Chase Greyward!"

...despite yourself, you audibly groan at learning who's going to be ruining your morning. Of all the people in this entire City, why did it have to be Angelina Delacroix's little boy toy?

"Thanks a lot, Becky. Really happy to be here, on your show. People are always asking me, 'when are you going to be on Radio LUNA?', and now I can finally tell them - yes, I have been!"

"...really, Chase?"

"No, not really. This station's too small for that. But this is fine, right? Cozy. It's not about your audience, right?"

Scrubbing and lathering your hair, working right through it - it's a little easier today, for some reason? - your nostrils flare a little as you feel that pit in your stomach. An independent radio station's DJ and Delacroix's pet, you can imagine them both wanting to murder each other.

"Right, yes, well. Ms. Delacroix can contact me in the proper channels if she wants to 'expand my audience'. That's not what you're here for, is it?"

"Of course not, Becky. Rebeka. Can I call you Rebeka?"


(You snort, unable to help but laughing. Well, there is a reason you listen to this when getting up in the morning...)

"Right, Rebeka. We're here to talk about the Arena, of course! The Alloy Gate's finest sports entertainment. Your voice is pretty familiar to fans, but you don't talk about it a lot here on your station, do you?"

"Well, I figure we all deserve a little distraction from Ravens in the morning, you know? I'll be there announcing for today's match, so why don't we talk a little about that, Chase?"

...oh no.

Oh no.

Of all the things to talk about, why did it have to be Ariel's Order Match...

with fucking Red Rum?

"I'd love to, Rebeka. Really, I could talk with you all day. I don't know why they make fun of your weight -"

"I'm fine with my weight, trust me, Chase. What, don't tell me you're secretly the 'man in the jacket' in your spare time?"

"I do own a nice jacket! Quite a few, actually. But no, I'm not a vigilante. And my AC is no 'glint of white', either. Those are just rumors, right? Imagine some guy going around playing superhero, there's just no way."

Rebeka laughs again, and you're always rather impressed by her composure. You reach for your soap as you rinse out your hair...

"Well, Chase, today's Classics Cheap Seat, brought to you by Delacroix Video Classics, features our good friend Rank 9, Shamir RaviRavi, piloting Red Rum...and, her opponent? Our up-and-comer, Rank 17, Akarui Akuma, pilot of the AC Lilith!"

(You smile, despite yourself, as you think of your Ariel.)

"Red Rum...she's never actually shown up to a match with me, you know that?"

"I'm well-aware, Chase, how Red Rum likes wasting all our valuable time, when she's not tearing up the City for fun."

"Yeah, I have fought with her, but that wasn't in the Arena. Seeing her on the battlefield is...it's terrifying. You're not even safe if you can disarm her - you should've seen the scratches I got on Dual Face! All she needs are her legs!"

...you wonder how he can speak so casually of it. You're sure some of your old friends in the Underground would call him a sociopath, but can you so easily say that of another person? In a world that has Fallen, where you do whatever you have to to survive?

(He's still an asshole, though.)

"Right, let's maybe not talk about Red Rum too much, Chase. Too many bad memories! Instead, I'm more interested in what you think of this Akarui Akuma girl. Even I don't know too much about her, she hasn't given an interview..."

(Yeah, like you would let people expose your Ariel to the limelight.)

"I think her callsign's terrible, Rebeka."

...fuck you, you gave it to her yourself! Just like her emblem! He may as well be insulting you, but...given Delacroix, you're sure if he wanted that he'd say much worse. You know the type, after all, you know the words, and it wouldn't be the first time you'd hear him making that kind of joke about girls like you...

"No, really, Chase."

"She's pretty interesting, actually. I've been going over her match history. She's not even been in the Arena that long, but there's no one who fights quite like her. See, Lilith's body type is designed for her high AMS compatibility, so it's really mobile. But it's equipped with a sniper cannon, and I just don't get it. Why would you make a mobile machine like that and give it such a massive gun?"

"Her match history is actually pretty impressive at her rank, Chase. But she hasn't been able to beat anyone in higher tiers yet, so maybe you're onto something."

You designed that AC yourself, too. But it wasn't really made for the Arena, so you're not too bothered by it, as you reach for your conditioner and continue lathering into your hair. Really, you've kind of resigned yourself to losing today...

You're going to be there for your Ariel, of course. As always. But you don't have high hopes.

"Alright, we've got a few callers coming on the line, so maybe they have some opinions? Any questions, any at all. I know a lot of listeners don't know all the ins-and-outs of the Arena, so while I'm here with Chase, why not tell me what's on your mind?"

...you're almost a little tempted to call in yourself, honestly. Defend your Ariel's honor. But...you can't imagine it'd have much impact, especially when no one knows who you are.

But you're kind of in the middle of your shower, scrubbing yourself down as you let the conditioner work its magic. Rubbing down your body, over what Mother helped you gain, over what so many other girls in the Order might never have...

Don't they deserve the body they've always dreamed of, too? To look as beautiful as they've always desired? And there are so many girls like you, born having to think they're boys, and -

"Ooh, we've got a caller in right now. Hello there, caller! This is Becky, do you have a question for us?"

"Yes, uh...hi, my name's Joe -"

"Hey Joe!" Rebeka's voice is always a little relentlessly cheerful. Maybe sickly sweet, in a way, but it does warm your cold heart at least a little..."Right, you're on the air Joe. What's your question?"

"Well uh, first off, I just wanna say, I like that callsign! It's, uh, like them weird girls you see near subway stations, the ones with the weird hair colors -"

"Who think they're too good for men, right? They've never met a man like me." You can just imagine Chase's smile like that, the blonde, sunglasses-wearing shit-stain, and you feel sick imagining what he'd do -

"But, uh. Right, Becky, I love your show, by the way, but isn't it true arena performance is really different from how ACs are in missions?"

"Yes, that's right," Rebeka says. "I've actually got the printouts from Collared here, that's the nest Akarui Akuma works for, and she's got a high mission success rate. Maybe she's not really an Arena type of girl?"

"If she's not an Arena type of girl, I'll show her a good time after a match," Chase says, and you find yourself tossing your soap across the shower in absolute rage.

No. You won't let him anywhere near your Ariel. You may not be willing to take advantage of her, but you know Ariel thinks little better of men than you do. To think, in the Goddess' world, she protected her children from men like Chase...

Breathe, Himeko.

Anger's no good for you like this.

"So it seems like maybe, uh, maybe she's just not that into it? I dunno, um...I just think Chase Greyward is really mean!"

(Mentally, you add Joe to your 'men who aren't that bad' list. It's a pretty short list, but any new entry helps, really...)

"Yeah, well, Joe - Joe, sweet Joe - some guys are limp-wristed. And switch-hitters. If you wanna fight in the Arena, you have to play to win. You really sound like something of a -"

"Yes, thank you, Chase. Uh, next caller? Yes, hello, you're on Becky's Breakfast!"

You silently thank Rebeka for her discretion as you start rinsing out your hair. It'll probably take too long to dry, as ever, but at the very least you'll be presentable for the Arena. For Mother, and for Ariel...

"Hi, um...this is Areum, and I love your show, Becky. But I don't really get much of this Raven stuff. I mean, I know what an AC is, but you mentioned something, um. An 'AMS'? And I don't get how ranks work, either...or even how you become a Raven in the first place."

"Welcome to Becky's Breakfast, Areum! Right, I know the answer, but maybe I'll let you answer, Chase. You're the Raven here, right?"

(You swear the regret is audible in Rebeka's voice.)

"Of course. And I'm glad you asked that, Areum, and may I just say - your voice is beautiful."

You hear a giggle from Areum, and can't believe that line worked on her. "Um, thanks!"

"But yes, to answer your question - no, not just anyone can become a Raven. You have to have a special psychic trait, that is your brain needs to work a certain way. Some say this gives us special powers, but I don't believe that bullshit. I mean, psychic powers? Magic? That's not real, right?"

Well, maybe not now...but it was, once. (Though to be honest, Chase Greyward might be the best evidence there is against Ravens being the Goddess' children.)

"Some say otherwise, Chase."

"Yes, Rebeka, and some of those girls think they don't like guys, that doesn't mean they're right." (You let the comment pass, because if you let him work you up right now...) "Listen, whatever it is, you have to have it. And it lets you use the Allegorical Manipulation System - that's what 'AMS' stands for. You need it to make the AC move, and you control it like an extension of your own body. The higher your compatibility, the easier it is to make it move, the faster you can move - just, everything's better. Apparently this...Akarui Akuma? That's her shitty name, right? She's got one of the highest in the Arena. So she'll be faster, and her AC will move in a life-like fashion, like a human. But she's just Rank 17, so she can't be that tough - if you're under Rank 15, it just doesn't matter. You're all shit."

"Right, um...Chase? How do these ranks work, anyway? I don't really get it..."

"Can I handle this one, Chase?"

"Of course, Rebeka. Go ahead. It's my pleasure."

You sigh, as you turn off the shower, stepping out to towel yourself off. Of all the arrogant bastards the world has produced, why do they have such power? Why would any woman want that?

Maybe you might've understood once, but if you did...you'd be a lot less happy. You wouldn't have this body, you think, as you grab your hair dryer and start working along your raven-colored locks...

"The top three Ravens are the A tier. Number three is my guest Chase here. Number two is Rossweisse, the '13th Zodiac' of the City Police. And number one is the infamous Zinaida, public enemy number one if you believe Father."

"Even I can't beat her, Rebeka. I'm not surprised the City Police has trouble."

"The next five ranks - four through eight - are the B tier. Then the next seven, nine through fifteen, are C, and sixteen through thirty are D. Being a higher Rank means you're tougher in the Arena, and if you're a mercenary, you get better missions, more money...you might even get a corporate sponsor!"

"The real Arena begins at C tier, though, Rebeka. In my opinion? No one under Rank 15 is even worth talking about."

(That hasn't stopped him from saying disgusting things about your Ariel, has it?)

"Wow, um...so Rank 3 means you're really strong, right? And handsome, too..."

"I'm sure you're very beautiful, Areum. Who knows? If you come see one of my matches, maybe I'll see you there?"

"Oh, I definitely will! Thank you very much, Chase! Thanks for letting me on your show, Becky!"


Such...hollow words. Hollow pursuits. You're not sure which would be worse for Areum - to never get her hopes up, or to have her be discarded as just another notch on Chase's bedpost...

"But, um...isn't it dangerous? Those are real guns!"

"ACs have a mode for non-lethal tests, Areum," Rebeka says. "The computers inside ACs determine damage and react appropriately. The rounds used in the Arena are for show, just simulated."

...it's something you've always kind of wondered about. Why did the Fallen world create humanoid weapons? Weapons that walk upright, and move like a human? And why did they make them able to fight in the Arena? It's -

...oh, Chase is being disgusting again.

And trying to sell merchandise.

...right, maybe stop paying so much attention right now.

You sigh, tuning out the rest by closing the bathroom door as you step in front of your mirror, and take a good look at yourself as you brush out your hair, knowing all you're missing is empty words and sponsors and the news reports, all the reminders of the world after the Fall, the one you were born into, long after the Earth was coated in contamination.

You wish you could've been born, before then. In the golden age. They say girls like you were everywhere, and it was easy to choose that path. That the treatment and surgery you benefited from was so simple, that you would never have to worry about men like Chase Greyward...

You're not sure if you believe it.

But you know it's not wrong to hope.


...but, you know...

Skin as pale as moonlight.

Long, silky raven-black hair.

A small, petite, slender figure.

And mysterious eyes, that appear a deep violet, that resemble neither of your parents.

Have you...

Have you always been this pretty?

You reach out, and touch the mirror, touch your reflection, and think...maybe you just didn't notice before. Focused as you were on your work, on Ariel, on everything else. Or perhaps, focused on Mother, though she's said you're beautiful countless times, even before the surgery, and you wondered how anyone could match her endless beauty.

But, maybe if there's one thing you can thank the dream for...

it's letting you see your own beauty more clearly.

"- and that's all for today. I'll be headed to the Arena for today's Classics Cheap Seat."

"I'd buy that for a dollar, Rebeka."

"Thank you, Chase. So for now, let me just rifle through my tapes here..."

You sigh, walking toward your closet, and pulling out one of your suits. Even if your Ariel is likely to lose, you'll look your best for her...and for Mother, of course.

The Fallen world may not be a kind place, but you can at least be happy that you're loved. By Ariel, by Mother...by people who accept you as you are, and welcome it.

If Mother's ideals are for a world greater than this one, then you will help her...

And no matter what, you will protect your beloved Ariel with your life.

And so you begin to dress yourself, make breakfast, and prepare for the day ahead.

"...ah, this one's from the Underground. An old hymn given a modern sound! To get you started with your day? Here's Astrophysics, with his new track 'Duvet'!"

...you smile to yourself, letting those tones fill your ears, pledging to do your best for the people you love...

And you don't seem to understand...

Author's Note - CHARACTER AND WORLD INFORMATION ADDED! Check the 'Informational' threadmarks! (Or just scroll up.)
It also answers a long-standing request from a reader for a music listing in my work, but this one is special. It's an in-universe document written by Elias D. Metea, the third White Glint! So do check it out.

You know, Chase may be an asshole, but he was at least helpful enough to make a very unsutble reference to help further inform the aesthetic inspirations.

Also, this remix of Duvet is way better than it has any right to be. The original has been my ringtone for as long as I've even had any kind of phone, so it's high praise coming from me...
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A Light By Day, A Shadow Resides (La mère que nous partageons)
The coffee you start brewing, as you end your morning prayer and walk into the kitchen, is another reminder of why you followed Mother, and the goal that seems so far out of reach.

Once more, you eye the clock, marking the day and date - 13 Thermidor LXIX, nearly ten years to the day when you fled to the Underground from the Presidio. Though you were born in a luxurious life in one of the few cults that Father tolerates, you fled there, because…

because there was something all the money in the world could never grant you.

The Underground are the workers, the people that keep the City above running, the people who are so undesirable that Father has stuffed them into the vast tunnels beneath rather than acknowledge their own humanity. Resources that could go to the Underground instead sit stockpiled above, used first by the people who live in towers far above those who keep them comfortable.

(Like you do, now.)

Somehow, decades and decades after the City's foundation, they've found ways to survive. Food is grown in underground gardens with false light and genetically altered plant life. Electronics are built from scraps, and music and culture are passed from person to person freely. But there's hardly enough to go around, and the ill and infirm are especially vulnerable to shortages. What little they have is at the behest of Father…

All of it can be taken away in a moment.

The woman who grew the coffee you now have is an acquaintance of yours. She manages a vast plantation that was invented some decades ago, with a genetically recombined coffee plant that can endure the harsh conditions beneath the City. An old acquaintance, and a follower of the Goddess, like you.

You wonder - will you be able to protect her, when Father comes for her?

How much can an operator do, to change the world?

(…it is good coffee, though, you think as you sip it. Although you're sure your acquaintance would balk at you using cream and sugar…)

It's been a couple of years now, since you started working as an operator with the mercenary company Collared, directing Ravens on missions and compiling intelligence for future operations. Of course, that's just a smokescreen for your real job -


Without thinking, your body stands up at attention, and you find yourself climbing out of your chair and walking toward the intercom. All on a practiced, trained impulse…

And you know the cause.

Mother is calling…

"Himeko," you hear in that resonant voice, the one that so often fills your ears and your mind, even alone at night, the voice of Mother. "Are you ready to depart?"

"Ah...almost," you say, finding yourself acting shy and withdrawn once more. In a dream, perhaps, you could be bold, but...

It's a lot harder to do than it is to dream, right?

"Unfortunately, skirmishes in the night have damaged I-880...again. We'll thus be delayed, so it's best you hurry."

"Yes, Mother," you say, swallowing a little as thoughts of your dream flit through your mind, of the ambitions you apparently hold. Of being guided by the precepts, to grasping power...

But right now, all you do is meekly hang up the intercom, and rush to finish your coffee. You'll grab something more fulfilling at the Arena over in Oakland, where Red Rum controls the the Port and the public hold unease and fear...

What a twisted thing.

But perhaps, humans can get used to just about anything...

You sigh, and hastily adjust your tie, brushing your hands down your suit - 'business casual', rather than the formal uniform you prefer - tug at the hem of your skirt, balance yourself on your flats, and quickly toss your hair back to ensure it's dried out completely.

You always want to make a good impression, after all.

You leave the apartment behind, quickly locking the door behind you, and stride through the halls, down the elevator, and out the palatial lobby that reminds you of the luxury you live under, that feels so hollow...

And outside, Mother, and her bodyguard, waiting for you in front.

Of course, normally you wouldn't get such a personal visit, but Mother's presence ensures you remain protected in Oakland as you travel along the I-880 corridor. Since Collared is a neutral party in the conflict, and Mother's face is so well-known, even Red Rum wouldn't attack without provocation - not unless she wants all of Collared's Ravens bearing down on her.

(...you suspect that's not the only reason, though.)

And so, as you step outside, once more your eyes fall upon Mother.


Ruby red hair, and green eyes...just like your dream. A body you're intimately familiar with, with curves mocked by the media, as though that weight and softness weren't full of warmth for those she chooses to witness it...

Even now, it's a little intimidating.

Her very presence is intoxicating. Her entire being holds a special gravity that draws one in, never to escape. To know her is to love her. She can convince anyone of anything, effortlessly, as though the universe itself were hers to rule.

And she has ensured that you, above all else, are one of her precious possessions.

Miriaria Alphonse, better known as Mother, is a Queen like you. Her playbook is the Noble, and her key virtue is Radiance. Mother utterly defines 'noblesse oblige'.

(...but is that all you want to be? Or do you have higher ambitions, just like you dreamed? Is your fate to be beneath Mother, or...)


(The fourth precept...'love conquers all'. And you do love Mother.)

"...Mother," you say, bowing politely to your employer.

"You've put in extra attention in your appearance today," Mother notes, her hand reaching forward, her crystalline, claw-like fingernail brushing back a stray hair. "Trying to look your best for Ariel, mm?"

You find yourself glancing away from her eyes, despite yourself. "I didn't do anything different than usual," you mutter. If there weren't eyes all around you, maybe...


(...why worry about the eyes around you, part of you thinks, as you find part of you wanting to assert yourself...)


Maybe it wouldn't be so bad...

You know the taste of Mother's lips well, but taking the initiative feels like an important step, if you want to get more control over your life.

For some reason, in fact...

You feel somewhat less intimidated by Mother. You still love and admire her, but in your eyes, she feels a little less untouchable.

Some unbidden feeling in your heart echoes, and...

You get on your very tiptoes, and reach up, your lips kissing Miri's for just a moment...her eyes go a little wide in surprise, and you remark with a bit of pride that you rarely see Mother surprised by anything.

She accepts it, though.

She accepts it, for that brief moment, and you pull away, getting back on your feet, as she smiles at you.

"My, Himeko...what's gotten into you today? You're a little more forward than usual." No disapproval, even perhaps a bit of...pride?

How strange.

Two years you've worked for Mother, and you still don't really understand her. What she wants of you, or of the City. That she is ambitious is no secret - the name 'Mother' was an epithet given to her by the Father-controlled media, who considered her an interloper whose desires went far further than merely cornering the Raven market - but you've never had a sense of her true goals.

Maybe...maybe that's something to change.

"It's nothing special. I just want to be a bit more open with my affection." It's...not quite the truth, but not really a lie. Even in the Underground, being open with such affections is dangerous, and Mother's reputation isn't exactly spotless -

Your eyes flit into the distance. Just a bit of motion, but...as you turn your head, it becomes clear.

A man is holding a photo, an instant photograph, and you don't need to think hard to realize what the photo is of. Of all the days...he's probably been following Mother all over the place waiting for something scandalous.

"Mother, there's -"

"Oh. Right, I forgot there was someone trailing me." Mother, as ever, sounds utterly unthreatened, and turns toward a shadowy presence in a nearby alcove. "Nezha will take care of it."

Your eyes flit into the shadow, and the woman within it comes out...Nezha, Mother's bodyguard. Or at least, the only one she trusts to remain by her side at all times, be it Mother's day job, or her nighttime 'interventions'.

As though acknowledging her status, daring the world to make light of her love toward Mother, Nezha is always dressed to kill. Even in her heels, she rushes forward, toward the photographer, and...

He's not fast enough.

Nezha tackles him to the ground, grasps the photo, shoving it in her handbag...and smashing up the camera on the pavement for good measure.

Well, that's one way to take care of it...

"While I appreciate your affection, Himeko, always be mindful of your surroundings. You well remember this world is not yet kind to those like you or I..."

...and now you're being reprimanded. Gently, but still. It's not as though Mother doesn't appreciate it, but if that photo got out, it could be pretty dangerous...

Thank the Goddess for Nezha, huh?

Nezha, Mother's bodyguard, is a Talent - a notable character who is neither a Queen nor a Raven. Most (but not all) characters with namesare Talents, and those without are considered Drones. Talents may be protected by Queens from harm, and Drones may be upgraded to Talents at the end of a chapter.

The abilities of Talents help you perform your duties and protect you from potential mishaps like the one Himeko and Mother narrowly avoided, but having them with you also puts them in the line of fire - and not all of them will be as loyal as Nezha.

"You should consider a bodyguard of your own, Himeko," Mother says, walking toward her car as Nezha slinks back into the shadows, no doubt to retrieve her motorcycle and once more shadow 'Miss Miri'. (You have a feeling there's quite the story behind the nickname, that perhaps when they were young, in the orbital colonies...aah, but that's just speculation.) "Even if you're not in the line of fire, if anyone finds out you're a Collared operator, let alone..."

"Mm. Maybe." But, where would you find someone like that? If it's a bodyguard...you'd have to trust them with everything.

And as Mother demonstrated, some secrets are riskier than others -

...oh, Mother's kissed you on the cheek.

"Get in, I'll drive," Mother says, as you find yourself once more put on the back foot. Looks like, your dreams notwithstanding, you have a bit further to go if you want to measure up to her...


It's a bit on the nose, isn't it?

Not the first time you've thought that, as Mother taps the side of her glasses, the lenses fading into darkness. You, on the other hand, try to block the glare of the sun with the visor, because...

You always want to see the City with your own eyes.

The people of the surface try to live their lives as though the conflicts around them never happen. Even as you know the damage every building you pass has taken, over the years, all filed away in Collared intelligence reports, speaking of the conflicts between Ravens completely clinically, completely detached from the reality that Ravens, and the people of the City...

They have their own hopes and dreams, their own desires for the future. Most of them believe the fighting will never end, having lasted as long as most of them have been alive.

Mother's efforts are...small, by comparison. And while you're not certain of her motives, you are certain that it's not for lack of trying.

You don't know how to change the future.

Construction workers, many using work-use Muscle Tracers, try to restore damaged buildings, scarred from one battle or another. Many of these battles, you've witnessed yourself, from your chair deep within Collared HQ, watching on hazy monitors as humanoid weapons clashed. Missions you yourself planned, knowing full well it was counter-productive to your true goals, the goals of Line Ark, and the goals Mother says she has.

From here, you can imagine the scene across the Bay Bridge, Red Rum's machines patrolling in a show of force, open defiance of the City Police. No doubt another helicopter will deliver Muscle Tracers, or even an AC, to fight against them...

And yet, within the City, life goes on.

From entrances to the Underground, when the City Police aren't looking, some hope for money from those few generous souls among the surface. Others sell what they've been able to scrape together, or arrange clandestine services - the latter is something you're very familiar with, having done more than a few jobs for people on the surface, sold them information...

Well, that was your old life, anyway.

Still others spread cults forbidden to the surface, theistic cults that offend Father's sensibility. Your own, the Fourth Order, is just one of them...but it's easy to spot them, girls with colorful hair speaking of the Princess of Sunlight and the Goddess of Sin, the sun and the moon. Few truly take their words to heart, but every so often, you see the same person returning to an entrance, without really knowing why...

Despite all the fighting, people want to live.

Just as you have, surviving alone...

"By the way," Mother says, breaking you out of your reverie as you get on the Bay Bridge toward Oakland. "Elias left me something for you."

...you sigh.

"Another tape?" you ask, as Mother lifts it in her hands, and you pluck it out of them. Predictably, your guess was exactly right.

"He seems quite interested in your thoughts on music," Mother says, smiling to herself as she loosely holds the wheel. "Maybe not just that..."

"He should know well he's not my type," you mumble, taking a look at the label - which means very little to you, who doesn't have his knowledge of music. "I doubt he'd be untoward for such a reason."

"Maybe he's interested in the Order? You've already made a convert out of Ariel..."

"If he's interested, he can ask me himself. He's not normally such a circumspect person."

"Either way." Miri's shoulders roll a little, as she settles back in her seat, enjoying the fresh air - contaminated as it is, with the water from the bay so close. "Would you like to listen? If not to that tape, there's a few more in the glovebox."

...well, it would be polite, but he'd probably be just as happy if you listened to it at night. And, much as he annoys you, he's not bad, really...

Would you like to listen now? Or maybe, to something else?

"...do you have the case?" you ask, suddenly curious what's on this tape.

"In the ashtray," Mother replies, not bothering to point you there. Traffic on the bridge is rather slow now that you're getting closer to Oakland, as expected - you wonder how bad the damage is...

And you check the case, taking a look at the track listing...

'The Mother We Share'? That's the first track?

Ugh, and you thought 'testarossa' was on the nose. Really, Elias...you do not understand what goes through that man's head, even at the best of times.

But, you have no reason to not give it a listen, and so you ♪ pop in the tape, and sigh...


It's been two years, now.

Two years, since she chose you...


The click of heels echoes throughout one of the many tunnels of the seemingly endless Underground.

A clearing like this is the closest you get to a 'park' beneath the surface. Where crowds of people gather, and sit on the concrete 'ground', playing simple games, showing off what scraps they've gathered, sharing food...

But their eyes can't help but wander.

The woman who strides through the Underground is clearly descended from on high. Some select few might even recognize her eyes, if they're old enough, as one of the Families of the space colonies. Alphonse eyes, and a woman whose ambition has seen her become known as 'Mother'.

Behind her are two bodyguards, in Collared dress uniforms, openly displaying firearms. They are only a ruse, of course; the real bodyguard hides in the shadows, blending in with the crowd, to help ensure this operation is successful.

What Mother seeks, after all, is a possession she already dearly values.


And where are you?

You're within some old hollow, once a storefront, now merely a dangerous alcove only visited by those who repair and maintain the wiring deep beneath the Earth.

Wearing shiny black gloves, you hold an expensive deck, built by your own two hands, and tap into the flow of information. You've hit the motherlode - a Collared datastream, of immense value to the other Raven's nests in the region. Your gold supply has been running low, and you'll be glad to have some more cash to work with, and -

The sliver of light within the alcove is obscured by shadow.

You turn, and witness a woman completely in silhouette, her only truly visible features being her shape and her eyes - the green collecting the light.

...in the same motion, you draw your stun gun, a menacing bolt of electricity visible there, as you stand steadfast before this new figure.

Even with two bodyguards poking their heads in, you remain steadfast, knowing that you have friends who will help you if you can stall. You just need to hold on until then...

"So you're the one," the figure whispers, an accent not found in the Underground, or even on the surface. An accent not even found on the surface of the Earth, so distinctive that it could only come from space...

You say nothing.

"I'd heard there was an up and coming information broker who has been making a great deal of money selling data to nests. That's you, isn't it?"

You say nothing.

"I must admit, I'm impressed. I knew someone was leaking movements of Ravens and Migrants, but the sheer scale of the operation...I had to assume it was an entire team, but there were no traces of that."

You say nothing, even as you remember who this woman is - this is the head of Collared's operations in the City. 'Mother', so they call her...

"And here you found the trail I left for you."


You find yourself lowering your guard, despite yourself. A trap? You
knew it was almost too good to be true, if only you had trusted your instincts...

"Check your deck."

...the datastream is much smaller than you expected. In fact, all that's in it is a single sentence...

'À mon seul désir'?"

"The motto of the Alphonse family. Its meaning has been debated through the ages. In this case..."

...you frown. "You want me?"

"I want someone who can perform feats like you do. To be able to alter the flow of information, enough to change the battles on the surface. Who can create advanced technology from mere scraps. Who can interpret information without becoming overwhelmed -"

"I will not betray my sisters," you say, waiting as one of your partners sneaks up -

only to be held fast by another bodyguard. It's hard to see at this distance, but...

Calm yourself. You'll get a way out of this.

"I would not ask you to. You know what they call me, yes?"

"They call you 'Mother'. They say you're fighting against Father, but I don't believe them."

"You should. Because that is my intention." You can see the outline of her smile in the low light, and...for some reason, you can almost
believe her. "I require someone like you, to help me. There is no one else in this City who will do. If you wish to retake the Alloy Gate, you will need to do more than scrape together information and sell it indiscriminately."

"...you need
me?" You...no one has ever told you that before...

"I do. To my
one desire - that being you. We don't have to be enemies."

"And what? If I refuse, you'll shoot me?" You don't bring bodyguards like that to a negotiation so easily.

"Nothing like that. I simply offer you something
more. But, to do that, you'll have to trust me..."

"Why should I trust you?"

"..." The woman smiles even wider. "Because I want to know your name?"

name?" you scoff. "You come all this way, having lured me into a trap, and you want to ask my name? As though you don't already know?"

"I know the name you were born with. I also know that is not your name."


...despite yourself, you find a bit of embarrassment, that someone would pay attention to such things. Someone from the
surface, that is, where the Order is nothing but mockery.

"I am well aware of your connections to one of the outlawed sects, you know. I am offering you the chance to help shape the future of this City. To guide Ravens. To help people."


You lower your stun gun, and sigh to yourself.

"...and if, after you show me what you have in mind, I say no?"

"Then you may retreat back beneath the surface of the Earth."


Somehow, you believe her.

Maybe this will be the death of you, but...

If someone went to all this trouble to find
you, just to find out your name...

Then you owe it to yourself to find out why, right?"

"...Himeko. My name is Himeko."

"'Princess child'...a fitting name, I think."

...and on that day, Mother extended her hand to you...


And you followed her to the surface, to work with Collared...and Line Ark. To work with the technology of the Complex, sleeping deep within Mountain View.

Was it worth it?

You can't help but think of what you left behind...


Well, Mother is right next to you. You have plenty of time to yourselves, with how the traffic is this morning.

"...how are you feeling, anyway?" you ask. Well, it's only polite, right?

"Me? Less than enthused. I doubt dealing with Delacroix will be any more enjoyable than usual." Aah, the film mogul who's made plays for the Arena...

You do truly detest that woman. Mother seems to almost as much, but you confess she's much more diplomatic about it.

"I'm worried about Ariel," you say. "Red Rum...I don't think Ariel can win against her. I want to be able to protect her."

"Ariel's talents rely on you, Himeko. If you believe in her, she'll believe in you."

...ugh. The weather is so muggy, too...July in the City, without air conditioning. If you were driving at speed, it wouldn't be so bad, but...

"Is it really that simple?" you say, looking out past the window, toward the bay. The seas soaked in contamination...

"Have you known me to offer platitudes? I truly believe in your potential, and hers. To awaken in full bloom...as I have helped you, so too will you help her."

...it's really easier for her to say.

Mother has no fear of reprisal, nor fear that she's taking advantage of anyone. You, yourself, have felt her love...and loved her in turn. And the fear of hurting Ariel has held you back there, as your fear of hurting Mother...

Is it befitting of you, to be so afraid?

'Dedication has no reward'...have you truly experienced the breadth of meaning in those words?

"...we should be doing more," you say.

"As part of Line Ark, you mean." Aah, of course Mother knows what's on your mind - you swear sometimes she can read your mind.

"You've told me that we have to persist with Collared to have the resources to continue funding Line Ark. But we need to expand. I can't stand staring at this City every day, feeling so powerless..."

"We can only do so much and be beneath Father's notice. Even a handful of Ravens can't stand against him forever. I would have thought you'd consider means other than conflict..."

You sigh. It's...more than a little frustrating, sometimes. You don't have any real idea what's going through Mother's head, except when she makes it obvious, so you don't know how genuine she is...

Maybe it's time to consider what you can do, yourself, with your own power.

Thinking back to those memories, as you reach to clutch your black feather...you disrupted the surface by selling information, right? Enough that Mother wanted to claim you as her own?

Who's to say you can't do that again?

Maybe it'd be a betrayal, but...

(but after that dream, you don't think you can be satisfied under Mother's shadow anymore, another like Nezha.)

(you want, nothing more)

(than to surpass her, completely and utterly, in both beauty and power...)

You pause, for a moment, as you get into sight of the port. You know you won't get shot at - they can recognize Mother's car from even this distance - but it's still a little scary. "You really think Ariel has a chance against Red Rum?"

"Not alone," Mother says. Unflappable, utterly confident...if she says you can win, maybe you can believe it? "But you and her together, I think you have a chance. Assuming you don't mind the media attention..."

"I'd rather take it than Ariel. I don't want someone like Chase Greyward thinking they can take -"

(take what's rightfully yours?)

"It's for the best. But, don't be afraid. There's no shame in losing here. The true battle lies elsewhere, tonight."

You nod. Tonight, you've got a major intervention planned. Ariel isn't a good match for Red Rum, but White Glint? You'll be able to save a lot of people that way. "I'm more worried about Delacroix."

"I'll handle her," Mother says, as she turns onto the city streets on the other side of the bay. "You just take care of Ariel. She's yours, after all."

...she says it so easily.

How is it that she can stand apart from what the world imposes upon her so easily, while you struggle to be recognized?


...you clutch that black feather, tightly in your hand, and consider the precepts as Mother drives you cautiously through Red Rum territory.

'Love conquers all', huh...?

(...your love for Mother? Your love for Ariel? Or...is there a higher love, you've yet to grasp...?)

(And if you pull Mother down from heaven, could you love Ariel in full, with no regrets?)


While I'm glad people are enjoying the musical aspect to the quest, I'm not sure how to feel about this. :V
(that being said, this tape is...a foreshadowing tape. yes, really, somehow)
Himeko's Notes on Organizations

  • Raven's Nest "Collared"
    The nest I work for as an operator. Collared was formed before the Raven War, but afterward became independent. It's the biggest player in the City region, thanks mostly to Mother's investment and her skill in recruiting Ravens to her cause. My beloved Ariel is one of her Ravens, though quite a few have joined from outside the City in the past few months. Red Rum is giving us plenty of business, after all.
    Of course, refusing to take sides is hardly a noble act in a world full of suffering, but it's the price Ravens pay for their power and independence. I have this bad feeling like those days are numbered, though…

  • Revolutionary Force "Line Ark"
    Over two decades ago, the world finally united under the banner of the League of Rule Companies. The world had come back from the brink of destruction, but the fighting only grew fiercer…the League took human populations and forced them into colonies into harsh lives, just to eat. That was the Raven War, and against the power of the League, one group stood strong against them…
    Those who brought a call to arms, in the name of liberty, were known as Line Ark.
    Even today, even in the City, the name holds sway. Line Ark - and its exclusive Raven, White Glint, a living legend - has been revived by Mother. With the support of the Complex sleeping beneath Mountain View, we perform armed intervention to protect innocents and the Underground from those who would seek to harm them.

  • The "Fourth Order" Cult
    The faith I hold dear. That which gave me the courage to be Himeko. That which inspired me so much, I could not bear to remain part of the cult I was born into.
    Who hasn't heard the tales? Of the Goddess, the Princess of Sunlight, and the never-ending war she fights for the sake of her children, for all women everywhere…
    and her beloved Adversary, the Goddess of Sin. Who so loved the Goddess, she pulled her down from Heaven to save her from herself.
    The ideas seem strange to most, even in the Underground. But our numbers are slowly growing. And even then, we have an influence beyond just those who follow - 'Goddess' as an epithet, and the hope we hold in the successors to the Goddess' dream…those we call Ravens.

  • Father
    The man, and those under him, who rule Alloy Gate City with an iron fist. Those of means and luck live above the surface, while those considered economically, politically, or socially undesirable are consigned deep within the surface of the Earth.
    Father makes no appearances anymore. It's been sixty-nine years since the foundation of the City, after all. He has named no successor. What happens when he dies is, more than likely, all-out war for control of the City's future…

  • City Police
    'To protect law and order in the City'…what a joke.
    The City Police are the enforcers of Father's will. Since the foundation of the Alloy Gate City, that has been their purpose. Their beat cops wear infantry armor, and see all of the Underground as criminals under the law. Their power is backed up by thousands of expendable soldiers equipped with Muscle Tracers and other fighting vehicles, alongside thirteen powerful Ravens exclusively dedicated to the cause.
    Ten years ago, the Resistance tried to depose Father, but were driven away. Since then, the City Police has seen fit to prevent any ideals or faiths from the Underground from reaching the surface. What they did to those I called sisters, to those who taught me of the Goddess…I will never forgive them.

  • Corporation "Kisaragi"
    The biggest corporation in the City…though, compared to many outside it, it's actually quite small. As thanks for helping crush the Resistance ten years ago, Father allowed Kisaragi unprecedented access to the City's economy and markets. They're one of the corporations that survived the Nexus incident, who was born out of the underground city 'Layered' ruled by an AGI. And they've done bioweapon work, so their reputation is…not exactly amazing. Not that there's much difference between corps.
    Kisaragi's presence has provoked a wide variety of Raven attacks over the past decade, as the Goddess' children are once more drafted into a never-ending proxy war. I'd feel bad for them, but what they do to the workers in the Underground finds me with little love.

  • Red Rum's Army
    The reactionary force formed by the Raven Shamir RaviRavi, pilot of Red Rum. Supposedly from all the way out in the Jupiter Sphere…I don't know if I believe that, but it doesn't matter. What does is that Red Rum has killed more people than even the City Police since she began her seemingly indiscriminate war against all that threaten her strength.
    The people of the Underground, powerless against Father, have flocked to her. Her raids even give her the resources to hire Ravens, including from Collared. She has a seemingly endless supply of recruits, and machines to offer them. At this rate, most of the City will find itself in the crossfire…

  • Delacroix Video Classics
    A small company run by the local mogul Angelina Delacroix. As the name suggests, it's a distributor of videotapes, which branched out into production, and now has its hand in virtually the entire pie of media enterprise in the City. At this rate, it's becoming a two-horse town - Delacroix, and Kisaragi.
    It's no secret Delacroix has made her money in shady dealings. Extremely close to the reclusive Father, her company makes its money as much illegally as legally. Her biggest business is in sex and violence - in pornography, and the Arena.
    …well. For me, it's more than that. For me, it's personal. Angelina Delacroix has made herself an enemy of the Fourth Order. An enemy of all girls like me…and indeed, perhaps women in general.

Author's Note
See? Told you I'd have to reorganize...
Raven Application
As an additional means of user interaction, I'm opening the floor to let people contribute their own NPC Ravens! I have plenty of canon Ravens/LYNX/Outers to use (and indeed I do plan to use them - you may have seen hints of such in the Index posts), but I think it's a little more interesting if I get input from the readers, especially if I can implement it into my plot plans. (These Ravens will likely start appearing after the current 'chapter' is completed.)

Ravens applied this way may be featured in whatever role I feel, major or minor, and may be modified to suit plot roles or the like. Due to Himeko (and my) preferences, women have a better chance of playing a major role, but anything is welcome. (All details, however, are subject to my modification, and application does not guarantee an appearance.)

Do keep this in mind as I reveal additional lore about the setting; this will remain open throughout the life of the quest. If you have an idea, please, do feel free to mention~ And if you want to keep your application private, you can PM me the details, or ask any questions you feel the need.

Oh, and this is strictly an 'if you want to' kind of thing; if you don't feel you have a character, don't feel obligated to do it. I've already had a few applications, but even if I didn't, I've got tons of canonical Ravens to pull from as well.

[ ] Name: Your Raven's real name (if you want), and/or their callsign (if any).
[ ] Allegiance: Whose side are they on? Pick a faction listed, or a Queen, or even just a mercenary organization. Or make stuff up!
[ ] History: Where did they come from? Are they a Migrant who wandered the contamination? Are they born in the City, or some other settlement? Maybe they're from the orbital colonies, or Mars, or Jupiter...
[ ] AC Name: What's their Armored Core (their mecha) called?
[ ] Color scheme: What's it painted like? (Be as bright and bold as you like!)
[ ] Emblem: What's your Raven's personal symbol?
[ ] Weaponry: What's it armed with? ACs have a wide variety of weapons, and even weird ones might be available thanks to Daemon X Machina. Be creative~
[ ] Leg Type: Most ACs are bipedal, but some have reverse-jointed legs, four legs, tank legs, or even hovercraft mechanisms.
[ ] Tags: Pick one of each. These have a mechanical effect.
-[ ] Weight Class: lightweight (nimble and fast), heavyweight (sluggish but heavily armored), middleweight (in between)
-[ ] Combat Style: Offensive (melee weapons/light guns, close-range, high damage), Defensive (mid-range, rifles/practical weapons, balanced), Support (long-range, sniper, heavy weapons)
-[ ] Primary Weapon Type: Kinetic Energy (bullets, physical blades), Thermal Energy (lasers/energy weapons, laser swords), Chemical Energy (explosives, rockets, missiles, pile bunkers)
[ ] And, optionally...any, erm, special interests the Raven might have (secretly or not). (Well, I did say that kind of thing might come up...) And anything else you wish to include. Pictures are welcome!​

For some continuity notes for Armored Core fans: The events of Armored Core 4 and For Answer have been semi-mashed into the 'Raven War' 20 years ago. 10 years ago were the events of Armored Core V, albeit heavily modified (Father lived, for one). Verdict Day hasn't happened yet, but the Three Forces are just starting to emerge (the EGF in particular). The events of Armored Core 3 through Last Raven also happened, albeit the suicide weapon thing was isolated and locked into 'the Nexus' (yay, Demon's Souls wonk). Daemon X Machina stuff exists too. So feel free to play with elements of all of those!

(In particular, all the mercenary orgs except the original Raven's Nest are available.)
A Light By Day, A Shadow Resides (Escalation at Oakland, The Bloody Honey Cannot Stop I)

The Alloy Gate Arena.

Arenas have existed for as long as there have been Ravens. When humans started to reclaim the surface from the Fall, formal duels in Armored Cores were commonplace. As humans created and occupied settlements like the City, these duels became a form of entertainment and prestige. In the time of the League, a unified global Arena under Collared displayed the strongest Ravens for all to see. In the space colonies Mother once called home, the great noble families held duels for prestige and honor.

Here in the City, though? It's nothing but a crass form of violent entertainment for the masses.

…but, the benefits of participation far outweigh any ethical considerations you might have, at least at the moment. If Ariel gains more ranks, she'll be able to choose her missions much more freely.

"…by the way. Did you have anyone in mind for me as a bodyguard?" you ask Mother, as her car stops in the parking lot. She doesn't usually say anything like that without reason…

"I might. There are candidates, certainly. I can arrange some interviews - it'd have to be someone Ariel is comfortable with too, right?"

You nod to Mother, sighing as you adjust your tie, checking your hair in the rear-view mirror and…

…something is wrong.

A glint in the rear-view mirror catches your eye.

The crowd is rather sparse - as you'd expect for a 'cheap seat' day, featuring only one ranked match on the card. One whose outcome is, in the eyes of most, all but certain. But you see it -

A man in a heavy coat and sunglasses, who was formerly just a part of the crowd, of a tailgate party, striding toward you. And reaching into the coat -

But you're not fast enough.

You open the door and dive, remembering your training. The mirror shatters as a round hits from the gunman - what, is he insane? Is he going for Mother in the Arena? What idiot -


No time.

"Mother!" you yell, your handbag out of reach - but not the gun Mother keeps in the glovebox. Mother is reaching for it too - but will she be fast enough?

You have to make a decision.

Intuition roll (2d6+1): 7 (partial success)

The resolution system of A Shadow Resides is based on a simple system - 6 or less is a failure, 7-9 is a partial or conditional success, and 10+ is a full success. More specific rules can be used for various Moves and other situations, but this is the bare basics.

When you get a 'partial success', you'll often be offered a choice, a cost, or a minor penalty - as appropriate. In this case, with your roll of 7, Himeko cannot Help Mother with her roll (or vice versa) - one of them must choose to take the shot, with their -1 Power and no assistance.

On the plus side, Himeko gains XP for rolling Intuition, as one of her Highlights. Each chapter, a Queen will get two Highlighted Virtues, and rolling them (once per scene) will grant that Queen XP.

...you reach for Mother's gun - a memory of her time in the Colony War. You've been trained in marksmanship, but you'd never call yourself a good shot...

Where the hell is Nezha? Goddess help you...

And you miss.

In this position, you can barely see the man, and your shot goes wild - thankfully, not into the crowd.

And everything else happens so quickly -

You hear another shot, and the glass of Mother's prized TESTAROSSA breaks, and then she's clipped in the shoulder -

You hear Arena security yelling as they approach -

And then, a burst of blood escapes the gunman's head, as you hear the roar of a motorcycle engine, Nezha having wheeled in, and taken him out with effortless grace.

Thank the Goddess it's not lethal. Mother is breathing rapidly, but though there's blood on her shoulder, her car seems to have taken the brunt of things.

+Power roll: 2d6-1 = 5 (failure)

You've failed your roll, and the consequences are Mother taking Harm. Harm is tracked on the Harm Clock - from :15 minutes at 1 Harm, to 1:00 at 6 Harm. Queens are resilient - an attack like this one from a lone shooter only deals 1 Harm, so Mother is hurt, but not seriously.

More serious consequences to a failed roll can be expected in higher-stakes situations, of course. Talents and Drones can be imperiled, plans can be exposed, and your enemies may get a chance to exploit it. Here, all that's happened is the established Harm is dealt - 1 Harm, in this case.

Nezha hops off her motorcycle and runs over, still holding her firearm, scanning the area as security rolls in. An attack on the Arena? You've never seen it before - it's neutral ground, for a reason. "Miss Miri? Are you okay?"

"...I'm fine," Mother says, smiling with the same composure as ever. "I'd be more concerned about our would-be assassin."

"Mother, you're bleeding..." You reach into the back, tugging out the first-aid kit. "Hold still. I'll take care of it."

Harm can be healed, thankfully. In this case, Himeko can roll +Intuition to treat Mother's wound. Harm at this level heals over time, but it's never a bad thing to try and heal - it increases your Link.

However, Mother must also roll - according to the Harm taken. Not to worry, though. This is always beneficial!

Even a failure keeps the story moving. Nezha showed up, albeit not in time to stop Miri from being clipped.

You manage to dress and disinfect the wound easily, tugging Mother's coat aside. From here, you can clearly see the corset she wears under her blouse - an old holdover from her days in the noble courts of the orbital colonies. (You personally prefer her without, but...)

Maybe not the time.

Wrapping bandages around her, you carefully dress it...

"How does it feel?" you ask.

"...perhaps a bit deeper than expected," says Mother. "Perhaps I should get some medical attention first?"

You nod. It's...not the best situation to be in, though. "Nezha can escort you. I'll...I'll be fine."

You hope.

If Mother's not there, you'll have to face any interviews or media alone - and Delacroix might well be waiting there, too. You've always entrusted these things to Mother; can you really be sure you'll be alright if you're the one who has to speak?

You'll just have to find out.

Healing roll: +Intuition (2d6+1): 8, partial success

Mother has been healed, but she'll be out of the scene for the Arena because of the partial success. You get +1 Link with Mother, though - which brings you to +3 with her, and closer to more XP. (You only get 1 XP for your Intuition rolls this scene, though.)

Miri's +Harm roll (2d6+1): 8, +1 bonus forward

On the plus side, her +Harm roll gives her a +1 bonus to her next roll. If she got 6 or less, she would mark XP; 10 or more would give her +2, and advance Link with the gunman's employer. Taking Harm ultimately only increases your resolve as a Queen.

"Not to worry," says Mother, smiling as ever - it looks like she's in pain from moving her shoulder, but a couple of hours with a doctor should take care of it. "I fully trust that you'll handle anything that comes your way. Including our 'mutual friend'..."

"Delacroix," you say. It's not hard to guess who hired the gunman, because you know of only one person who would be stupid enough. You expect Red Rum won't be happy that Delacroix is so brazenly violating her territory...

This is starting to escalate.

Angelina Delacroix was always small-time. But these days, she has Father's ear - she even works directly out of the Successor Pyramid. You wouldn't expect someone whose business is movies to want that kind of power, but...


She's always been your enemy, for what she does to other women, to members of the Order. Exploiting them for her tapes, commodifying them, objectifying them.

This just means she's made it personal.

With Nezha escorting Mother to the Arena's medical facilities, you find yourself wandering underneath into the garages on your own.

There are a few other teams around, not just yourself. A single Arena match isn't exactly a day's worth of entertainment, so the schedule is usually padded out. Other Ravens, ones not worthy enough to even have a Rank, make up the Sub-Arena - those hopefuls fighting for a sponsor and a chance to make a name for themselves. Their ACs are decrepit things, parts barely functioning, lacking the special touch needed to make them powerful war machines.

There's a few Muscle Tracers around here too, some even seemingly home-made machines, looking like scrap metal; the MTs of the Arena lack the special functions of ACs for duels, and being part of those proceedings is a dangerous, life-threatening thing. Most of those pilots are hopefuls, people with enough AMS compatibility to pilot an AC, but no AC to call their own. There may be dozens of ACs in the City region, and many more across the world, but there are still far more Ravens than ACs they can pilot.

No concerts or anything today - Red Rum is famous, but your Ariel is not. Thus, just another 'cheap seat' match featuring a D-tier Raven, scheduled in the morning of the weekend before the real action begins in prime time...

You'd prefer not to be here, to be honest.

But your Ariel can't fight without your voice in her ear.

Eventually, after wandering the expanse of the garages, feeling the roaming gazes of their pilots, some familiar enough with you to know you're rarely seen without being in Mother's shadow...

You arrive, and witness Ariel's AC. Lilith.

Being worked over by a half-dozen mechanics, wearing simple jumpsuits marked with Collared's emblem, the machine over three times your height towers over you as you stare upon its surface.

On its right shoulder, the emblem of Collared - of the mercenary organization, the Ravens' nest, that your Ariel works for.

On its left shoulder, the emblem of the Fourth Order - of the faith you shared with Ariel, of the promise of salvation for all women from this Fallen world.

Upon its chest, 魔女, that is 'majo' - the word for 'witch', in the sacred language.

And within it...

"Huh. The boss isn't here yet?" you hear, from someone adjusting the fuel lines that fill the bladders beneath the armor. The sniper cannon, Ariel's main weapon, is currently being refreshed, new HEAT rounds being grown within its magazine from feedstock from another line. Some of the armor exposes the organic components of the AC, currently being conditioned to keep up with the demands of Ariel's movements.

"It's just me today, Kobayashi. Mother is currently indisposed."

The man walks around, ducking under a fuel line - you're shocked he didn't bump his head again - and sighs, reaching into his pocket for his cigarettes. "Figures. She can't be bothered today, I guess. I know everyone thinks she's just going to lose to Red Rum, but what about us little guys?"

...John Kobayashi. Lead mechanic on Ariel's AC, Lilith, and one of the highest-ranked mechanics of Collared.

In your old cult, the one you abandoned ten years ago...'Kobayashi' is a watchword for a no-win scenario. A situation in which victory is impossible, and there are only different degrees of losing.

His attitude certainly fits the bill.

Black hair full of grease, ill-fitting glasses, and a general poor attitude. You're not sure where he got the name Kobayashi, because he certainly doesn't look much like you. But, then...

You've never really asked, have you? It always feels like he's annoyed...

"Actually, she was shot," you say, thankfully interrupting the mechanic before he can light that cigarette. Honestly, no matter how many times you tell him...

"Seriously?" he says, putting it away. "Ah, jeez, I'm sorry. Is she alright?"

"She's fine. Just clipped. A bit of medical care and she'll be fine." You adjust your glasses, and look back up to the marking on Lilith's chest. "Is Ariel in there?"

"The princess? Yeah. You know how she is, she'll only leave for you and Mother. Can you check on her? She's usually fine, but since it's Red Rum..."

You nod, and walk toward the front of the AC that you helped design, alongside Kobayashi. One tuned for Ariel's talents - ones she uses, despite the pain inflicted upon her by the corporate colony Aspina, making you wonder whether she's found an answer for herself to the question of continuing to live, to fight as a Raven.

(You, yourself, aren't one to believe Ravens only belong on the battlefield, after all.)

"Akarui Akuma," you command, speaking in Ariel's callsign - in her AC, she will answer to nothing else. "Come out and let me check on you."

...a moment of silence passes, as several of the workers clear the region of the front hatch.

And as the chest opens up, you see her.

You watch as she climbs down, leaping off without using any line to lower herself onto the ground.

As her eyes light up, as she rushes toward you, and wraps her arms around you - just the faintest hint of a smile, that two years before would have been unimaginable.

And, despite yourself...

You can feel a warmth in your heart.

After all...

it's your Ariel.

Author's Note
There'll be a few posts in the next couple of days, as people catch up here. Everything's always up to date on fiction.live, so I do recommend heading there if you want to keep up~

The delay is more or less just me not knowing quite how I wanted to split the Arena segments up, especially since the little 'tutorial' segment at the front of this post kind of stands alone narratively, but at the same time is too short to leave on its own. I'll try not to dump everything too quickly!