You dream of the Underground.
Of the vast networks of concrete tunnels and buildings, joined by quake-resistant joints and reinforcements, created by those who came before, those who existed before this Fallen world.
Coursing underneath the Earth, beneath the Alloy Gate, beneath the City. Beneath the San Francisco Bay, beneath the Port of Oakland, all across a vast, once-grand city where technologies beyond your wildest imaginations were born...
And now, where they laid to rest. The valley patrolled by the Abyss Watchers, lest a sleeping machine awaken once more.
The Underground is vast, so much of it closed off, collapsed...large enough for the Armored Cores, and their inferior Muscle Tracer copies of the Fallen world, to travel through. Old trains left abandoned, old tunnels whose memories of the world before have long since been scavenged and reclaimed by those consigned to never taste the sun upon their skin.
It's still not enough.
You remember, eight years of your life, spent here. Spent here, because you made a choice to reject Father. Because you needed
so dearly to be 'Himeko', that any sacrifice was worth it.
The taste of stale, recycled air. The dim light, powered by unreliable generators. The exposed wiring that connects the surface world above, as though you lived below a vast web of telecommunication, of pointless business deals and Father's intense paranoid security. Feeling the faint hum of electricity, of information, that you tapped into to survive.
You'd almost consider it nostalgic.
♪ ...but this is different.
You walk forward, through a vast hall, concrete pillars supporting the roof, the floor coated in silk blankets. Feeling eyes all around you, following you,
watching you.
In couplings, in triads, in groups...laying against one another,
kissing one another, touching, in ways that make your eyes wander, in ways that you more than once
linger upon.
Clothing that bears a resemblance to a Raven's plugsuit, in material or in sheen, yet that makes a mockery of its utilitarian nature. Some shaped into dresses, others merely gloves or stockings, some full-body suits that even cover the
All women.
You know this place, after all.
The Fourth Order, the cult you joined after leaving your family behind, holds ceremony with its faithful. It is not an act of sermons or moralizing, but of gathering into groups, of spreading tales, of singing and dancing, and celebrating what the Goddess and her beloved Adversary granted you.
But this is
As though all of them moved with a single will. All of them had all they could want. The bodies they want. The love they want. The courage to express themselves, and the will to spread it to others.
All those eyes on you.
This is not a place for sermons doled out from on high, and yet there is a throne...
No, not just a throne.
A vast chunk of the roof of the grand hall had been ripped away, huge hunks of earth, and through it you could see the night sky.
A night sky free of contamination, a night sky you'd never
once seen, the full moon shining down upon the throne.
You walked, your eyes wandering, from one side of the room to the other. These girls were so
shameless...even in the Underground, you would never see such displays so
publicly, save in private. And yet, what must be dozens of women - hundreds, if within the shadows there were
more - displaying their
No, not everyone.
Some hold strange devices, of technological provenance you've never witnessed. Gathering around, as one might a radio or television, but with displays of liquid crystal. Such technology you'd never see in the Underground, that was vastly out of the reach even of the surface.
Others...are demonstrating their own bodies. Mechanical limbs, vastly more advanced than any you've seen before. Or showing off their new selves, surgeries even more extensive than the ones Mother granted you, fantasies of the kind you'd never revealed to
anyone, not even the woman who gave you everything...
All those things you'd been working so hard to give these girls, and wondered if you ever would, whether Mother would ever achieve it, whether...
the throne.
You can see it clearly now, and it's a simple thing. Not extravagant, save for the violet neon light that lines the black surface, and a figure
lounging upon it, with two others flanking her, the three locked in a truly
lurid embrace.
As though they were waiting for you.
The girls, both seemingly identical. Wrapped head-to-toe in their pilot suit...the pilot suit Mother designed, when she worked with the corporation Rayleonard. Shining black, reflecting the moonlight upon them, their helmets featureless, smooth. And upon their collars, the marking of the Order.
...before you can consciously consider the implications - because you very much know
who those girls are - your eyes are caught upon the woman who has claimed this throne as hers.
Skin the very same color as the moonlight that fills the sky, and descends upon the throne.
Hair the color of a raven's feathers, as smooth as the silk that lines the hall.
A petite, slender frame, yet with presence that is an almost
physical force, far beyond the five feet with heels this girl must be when standing.
A striking black dress, made from the same material as those twin girls'
suits, paired with long gloves and high boots, like pools of darkness, a black hole the eyes of women cannot escape.
And violet eyes, with a telltale glow of augmentation, that tantalize with the thought that beneath that moonlit skin might lie something far beyond a mere
...and in this moment, it strikes you that you know this woman
very well.
Even beyond the unearthly beauty, the augmented eyes, the lack of glasses...
There's no way you couldn't know who this is.
After all, it's
Before you can say a single word, you feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end, as while caught within your other self's gaze, within the glowing violet, you
feel the attention of all the other girls in the hall coming upon you.
"Hail her divinity!"
The stares of those freely expressing their desires, fearing no Father, no force on this Earth.
"Our true Queen and Goddess!"
A prayer that sounds so familiar, yet so
alien, a prayer that...
"Saviour and blessed rebel!"
A prayer that is for you -
"Forger of utopia," your other self whispers, smiling broadly as she runs her hands over one of the pet Ravens' helmets.
You stare blankly before the one who completed the prayer, the vision of yourself, in a position of
power utterly foreign to you.
"They're talking about you," she whispers, the voice your own, the same whisper that guides Ravens - including the person whose care has been entrusted to you by Mother - into battle, utterly unafraid,
commanding, with a presence far beyond your own.
"Is this 'utopia', to you?" you ask, your own voice lacking
something, something that this other you of the dream has grasped...
(But, could it be within your reach?)
"It's not about me, Himeko," she says, her head tipping slightly to the side as her gaze holds your own. It's so
strange, after all, to see yourself without glasses, let alone everything
else..."It's about these girls. You recognize some of them, don't you? Oh, I know you recognize
these two -"
You wince, feeling a pang of guilt for your feelings displayed. No, no, you
couldn't take advantage of your beloved Ariel, let along ask her to join her twin - how ridiculous would
that be, no matter if the Goddess -
"It's feelings like that which will only lead you to ruin."'re not really surprised, but you
are disappointed.
"What's your point?" you ask, trying to put up a strong front, even as your eyes wander...
These faces.
You can recognize some of them. The color of the plugsuits, too. Or their
"Ravens," you whisper.
Some of them you know well. Members of Collared, whose missions you've been the operator for. Whose missions you've
planned. Others, you don't know personally, faces you've seen in intelligence reports or as rivals in the Arena, where Ravens fight for supremacy, fame, and
"Forger of utopia!" they intone, as though on cue, as though to tell you that their happiness is something
you created.
(Could create?)
"Ravens," your other self whispers, touching the emblems on the heavy collars upon her twin servants' plugsuits. "Successors of the ancient magic. The Goddess' children. The means by which we -
you - will forge a new world. Right from within
that woman's shadow..."
"What have you done to them?" You've never seen anyone, any
thing, which could inspire girls to chant like this, so
eagerly give themselves away. Even Mother could only inspire it in
"What makes you think I've done anything?" Your other self's tongue flicks from her lips. "They wanted,
needed an ideal. You've seen the Fallen world, devoid of the Adversary's love, where the Ravens are so
Of course you have.
Across the City, across the contamination, across the
world, Ravens fight. Without something to guide them, it's nothing but an endless cycle of destruction, with ordinary humans like you caught in the crossfire. Even Mother's plans...just one Raven can't stem the tide. If the Ravens knew of the Goddess' love -
"You can't be serious," you scoff.
"Why not?" The faceless helmets of her twin Ravens turn to you for emphasis. "Why not show this world what
love truly is? Why not use that brain of yours for more than just Mother's dirty work? If the Goddess will not return to us,
rip her down from heaven. If the world will not take the shape you desire,
become strong enough to shape it. If following the rules and being a good little girl won't make you happy,
cheat and remake the world in your image!"
...from behind, you hear a vast explosion, and the tell-tale sound of an Armored Core's rocket engines piercing the air.
You turn...
And witness before you, a gleaming white machine, a beacon of light, a
glint of white.
An Armored Core, five metres of grey and white, a rifle longer than you are tall in each hand, glowing blue escaping its countless 'eyes'. The Eye of Horus upon its left shoulder, the emblem and the machine unmistakably that which your beloved Mother spent
years remaking from the ashes of the Raven War.
And in front of that machine, surrounded by stars...
Hair and lips of ruby red.
Milky pale skin, coated in an elaborate dress coated in precious gold.
Standing nearly a head above you, so very much able to look
down upon you, with her
powerful emerald eyes.
Heavy curves that, even now, make your cheeks warm, and your mind cloud over, with the memory of her
presence, of all she has done for you, of all you have ever
The woman you know as Mother, proudly standing before the machine whose pilot she's thoroughly wrapped around her finger.
The woman who descended upon this Earth from the orbital colonies, as though its rightful ruler had returned to claim her prize.
The woman whose
intoxicating confidence even now makes you wonder how you could ever hope to be like the other self now behind you - or indeed, whether you
...the woman you
love, and have dedicated yourself to, even as you know dedication has no reward.
Miriaria Alphonse.
" beloved Himeko," your Mother declares, and you find yourself turning to look at your other self, wondering if she's referring to you, or to
you. "There's no need to be tempted like this, you know. All that you desire can be found within my vision. Have I made you want for anything?"
Part of you wants to say 'no', thinking to Mother scooping you up from the Underground, bringing you to work on her secret project, her vast visionary plan to reshape the City for the better. Of remaking your body through surgeries countless girls in the Underground
dream of, and entrusting you with knowledge that would see the Abyss Watchers descend upon you and slay you if they knew...
that would be a lie, wouldn't it?
"You've known for a long time, haven't you, Himeko? Your desires eclipse that of Mother. You dream of bringing back technologies from before the Fall, of new paradigms that elevate human existence, and all
she wants is to see them fall into place beneath her..."
The machine behind Mother, White Glint, raises one of its rifles toward the throne. Looking back, your doppelganger is unbowed, as though no earthly force could ever hope to harm her.
"I desire an end to conflict," Mother says, as the
power in both her and 'your' voices clash, as you see the same glow in her emerald eyes as you saw in 'your' violet. "The technology of the Complex shall help me achieve that end. After all, human beings have long proven that they require...
Your head spins, as Miri walks closer, and 'you' step off 'your' throne, her flowing, shining dress fluttering behind her. A powerful challenge, between Mother and...
(Could you ever hope to even
equal Mother?)
"Do you know of human evolution, Himeko?" Mother asks, as you hear her heels click upon the concrete, one by one. Click. Click. "The chimpanzee is -
was - our closest genetic relative. It is defined by
hierarchy. The development of consciousness in humanity is because of its desire to resist domination.
"But humanity
changed, to satisfy our endless desires, that primitive anarchy could not. Civilization developed based on
hierarchy, based on the wisdom of the betters. But then, that was diluted, by the weaknesses of our rulers. Even when we created machines to rule us, we rebelled against them. Like you - do you not believe you'd be happier in my arms?"
You spin around, and 'you' are walking toward Mother, unbowed before her words, words which sound so much
harsher than the Mother you know. The Mother of the waking world is strong, yes, but would she ever say anything like that? Would she...
(would she really hate you, if you became something beautiful, because
you wanted to?)
"If you seek to deny humanity its magic, seek to deny humanity my
love, then you too are my enemy," 'you' say, White Glint's aim shifting to follow her, ready to fire at Mother's order. "We will not accept a world ruled by you.
I will not.
Humanity kneeling at your small-minded. Why not
"You are still a child, Himeko," you hear, as -
when did Mother get so
close to you?
You feel Mother's hand upon your cheek, her odd, crystalline claw-like fingernails dragging along your skin as she presses you into her embrace. As her chest, her softness, the luxury of a noble from on high, as all of that presses upon you like it has so many times, part of your mind going blank from the mere sensation.
"Follow me, and we will create a world of only beautiful things. Where human beings no longer foolishly rebel against what is best for them." Whispers from her ruby lips fill your ears, and you feel dizzy...
Before you feel
yourself embrace you, from behind, her own whispers competing with Mother's.
"You never wanted to follow anyone. Even your faith is just a means to that end. To achieving your greatest dream - to become the most beautiful thing in existence, and to never kneel to anyone. To helping your Ravens, like your beloved
Ariel, awaken to their ancient magic. To becoming more than human, more than machine...all those things you never imagined were possible, but always
Trapped between your beloved Mother, and an image of some imagined future...
Your head swims.
This is so surreal, this dream so real...
You as a vision of beauty with Ravens at her beck and call, and Mother openly declaring her intent to control humanity...
How do you even respond, with both their bodies embracing you?
Himeko Okuda...
What is it that you wish for?
...this is just a dream, right?
But the Goddess, when she was human, had dreams like this. Dreams of great portent, of a future promised to her...
If that's the case, then you should let the belief in the magic you carry, in the magic that is all women's birthright, carry you forward.
Embraced between Mother's softness and your own, your powerlessness held you back, but this is a
dream. There is no need to fear anyone...
least of all yourself.
...maybe it's time to face that part of yourself, right? You know why it is you've been holding back, after all. What
reason you would have, even past Mother, to hesitate in grasping your desires.
Ariel Aionios. Your
beloved Ariel.
The Raven known as Akarui Akuma.
When she came to you, two years ago, as one of your first tasks beneath Mother, under the Raven's nest Collared, she could barely express herself. Over that time, you have slowly helped her become her own person again, able to have hopes and dreams of her own, rather than simply a collared Raven who does what she's told.
You've always believed that if you were to express your feelings in their true breadth, you would be taking advantage of her. But...
Even if that's the case, if you want to protect her, you need to do more than simply watch over her from afar.
After all, you remember all the words of the prayers you've taught her...
"Someday, for the sake of someone else, you too will wish for great power."
"...if this is truly you, Mother, then you really are what I always feared," you say, and...
You reach, and grasp your other self's hand, pulling away from Mother's grip. The look on Mother's face is one of
confusion, one you've never seen upon her, and you do admit you hold some small amount of
pride in showing it to her.
You reach out, and kiss your other self, with a confidence you'd never broached anyone with.
What you'd always desired to grasp is right in front of you. But she's just an image, a
dream...and that dream is ultimately subordinate to you.
The feel of your own lips is surprisingly tender, as you feel those desires melt into your control, and become
a part of you. As they always were, her tongue flowing into fluid and entering you as you take control of yourself...
And turn around to see White Glint lowering its weapon, and dropping to one knee, as Mother stares in blank confusion before you.
(In truth, your heart is pounding from your chest, but maybe...maybe you're stronger than you thought you were?)
"I might have to thank Elias later," you say, referring to the pilot inside the metal shell. "I am and have always carried with me my desire to
love, Mother. And I won't hate you for what you are, I don't think. In fact..."
You smile to her, as she continues in her confusion, as though this entire eventuality were outside her knowledge.
"Ultimately, we both want a better future, right? I don't think bringing everyone down to a level below you is any way to do that. But at the same time..." makes your heart pound, and your breath hitch, but somehow, somewhere within you...
You feel the strength you need.
You reach out, you reach
forward, and grasp Mother's chin in your hand...
and peck her on the cheek.
"If you and I are going to be enemies, I'll make you the most beloved enemy of all. And if you want to help me elevate the world, reshape it, and bring back the ancient magic...then I'll be happy to have you."
...did you really just say that?
And yet...
It feels right.
She barely responds, as though she doesn't know what to think, like a program experiencing an unexpected input. An eventuality never considered.
Maybe your mind has its limits.
"...I love you,
Miri," you whisper, as you kiss your Mother on the lips - a familiar feeling, but not an unwelcome one, the ruby wetness of her lipstick meeting your own unpainted pair. "And for you, and Ariel, and all the girls I've loved and will love...I will do whatever it takes, to create a world in which we can
all be happy."
You smile to yourself, your violet gaze meeting hers, both glows filling one another's vision, even as you succumb to the darkness of slumber, with just one parting whisper...
"Even if it means pulling you down from heaven."