A Shadow, an Eon, and a Worm (Worm/Pokemon)

Huh, I was under the impression that Leviathan was Amy's first Endbringer fight in canon. Guess this is an AU Element.
Just came back to mention this. I'd also add that Amy is definitely one of the greatest healers, but not definitely the greatest parahuman healer. Scapegoat, for example, might be significantly more powerful if paired with a decent regenerator. There may also be any number of healers who were not mentioned in canon.

Turning Amy into an Endbringer-Veteran of this extent also opens up several additional questions.
How did she survive so long? The fights are extremely dangerous to everyone in the vicinity including support capes. Being sent to them is effectively an extended death sentence.
Also, she was 12 or 13 when she triggered. To send a girl her age to Endbringer fights is far too extreme for what we were shown. Underage Wards were allowed to attend, but I'm fairly sure even those were several years older and had to jump through some hoops. I'm fairly sure the Dallons would have CPS and the Youth Watch on their door the moment Amy was sent to them, and with good reason.
On the Dallons side it also hints at an AU element of Carol being actively abusive instead of just somewhat neglectful. Expecting her to go to Endbringer fights may in itself be considered emotionally abusive.
whee, healed fox, still gonna be out of it for a bit, getting yeeted by your tails into a wall while tapped for power is ill advised. so many broken bones, bruising and organ trauma. nothing outright lethal but this fight would have put me in intensive care for a few months . as it stands i will be just fine, if i dont suffer another time scream in the meantime.

in regaurds to amy being a veteran level medic by serving in all the endbringer fights since she triggered. well that would put carol as a outright malicious asshole who wants everything that Marquis touched to turn to ash.
poor lass and vicky are in for a bad time after this once things are cleaned up.

now on to good news. Shadow is friggen HAX with her lineage. all sorts of stuff in her family tree. as for me, while i have amnesia and dont remember tooo much of my life before being foxy. i can atleast draw on that hax power and learn new skills. just not as easily as she can, or that ivysaur owned by that ketchum kid.

(fact, natural aura powerfor me is fire typed. so fire moves are easiest, while stuff like ice is a heck of a drain on the power reserves. gonna need a LOT more practice in the coming days, expecially if anyone tries to take advantage of the town after we busted our butts, and backs, ribs,legs and other bodyparts in kicking levi to the curb)
I think this is the first time I've read about an Endbringer fight where the Endbringer actually leaves after being damages sufficiently. Typically it's just an escalating series of "He was more injured than he had ever been before!" as the fight mysteriously continues.

Not much to say otherwise. Really digging the whole story so far, surprised there are so few people commenting.

Thanks, glad you're enjoying it. And honestly, I expected the thread to be kinda quiet. I don't have much set up that's good for speculation...

Huh, I was under the impression that Leviathan was Amy's first Endbringer fight in canon. Guess this is an AU Element.

Edit: Just confirmed it. Leviathan is New Wave's first Endbringer fight.

I have a defense for this!

I've never read Worm, and didn't actually check the wiki when doing this scene.

Just came back to mention this. I'd also add that Amy is definitely one of the greatest healers, but not definitely the greatest parahuman healer. Scapegoat, for example, might be significantly more powerful if paired with a decent regenerator. There may also be any number of healers who were not mentioned in canon.

Turning Amy into an Endbringer-Veteran of this extent also opens up several additional questions.
How did she survive so long? The fights are extremely dangerous to everyone in the vicinity including support capes. Being sent to them is effectively an extended death sentence.
Also, she was 12 or 13 when she triggered. To send a girl her age to Endbringer fights is far too extreme for what we were shown. Underage Wards were allowed to attend, but I'm fairly sure even those were several years older and had to jump through some hoops. I'm fairly sure the Dallons would have CPS and the Youth Watch on their door the moment Amy was sent to them, and with good reason.
On the Dallons side it also hints at an AU element of Carol being actively abusive instead of just somewhat neglectful. Expecting her to go to Endbringer fights may in itself be considered emotionally abusive.

My other defense!

Amy Triggered just before a Simurgh attack, which she wasn't allowed to go to. However, hearing a bit about the death toll (which she wasn't supposed to) made her feel guilty, because she felt her powers could've helped more there, so she basically guilt tripped/bribed Carol into letting her go to the next one, which she eventually reluctantly allowed. When Carol and Amy both saw how much she'd been able to help- admittedly not much, but every life counted- Carol made a deal that she could go to the attacks only if she wanted, and she wasn't allowed to go to Simurgh fights because of the risk of her getting Zized. Amy was happy to agree at first, because she felt it could help more, but she's slowly become more bitter over time about making that choice, but doesn't want to back out because she'd feel guilty for not helping save people.

If she'd spoken up, Carol would've understood and been ok with it, because she does enough work at the hospital, but she never realised just how much it was weighing on Amy to keep going to the fights, so things escalated.

Actually, I just misread the wiki and thought that the age thing was just one of those cases where there was contradicting information, and forgot about the time skip in Worm. I went with her being 17, so she Triggered at 15. The rest is actually true, though. It's also more like 7 attacks, not nine, because I can't count, so I'll drop back and fix that.

And while the PRT and others aren't really happy with it, they sort of let it slide a bit because it's saving lives, and Carol's made it clear that she's given Amy the choice, and Amy's kept going...

Yay, slightly incompetent governing and stuff!

Yay, excuses I made up over the course of an hour!

And fair enough on the other healer's thing, I didn't think of that. Let's go with... it's because Amy's being really bitter and emo in this moment, so she exaggerates slightly.

Also, she's alive this long mainly because she stays very far to the back of the fight, and everyone makes it part of the priority to do their best to keep the Endbringer away from the healing facilities. There's also an evacuation protocol with some fliers that can't really do much else, who's job is to get the healer's out of the way if things look like they're going south. They work, too, since they've already been used once or twice at other attacks, but for the most part Endbringers are actually fairly happy to ignore the healing stations in favour of going after the Capes currently attempting to blast their faces in.

We'll also go with 'this is the first Endbringer fight as a team' and that occasionally one or two have gone to see what they can do to help. The answer is 'not much' so they normally stay out of them, or they stay near where Amy is once she started going.

Anyway, I swear I wasn't trying to make Carol seem like a massive piece of shit, it seems to have just happened through implications. Whoops. Note; make this more clear in story.
Anyway, I swear I wasn't trying to make Carol seem like a massive piece of shit, it seems to have just happened through implications. Whoops. Note; make this more clear in story.

Yeah, it's weird how many people jump from her being suspicious of Amy's resolve to 'whip the sin from this demon whore of a child' (a la Carrie's mother). Carol is a lawyer, very pragmatic and keen on being perceived in a good light. The whole thing can be considered as a tactic to keep the one member of New Wave with no combat chops as "hands off" to villains... Everyone else would come down on them like a ton of bricks for reducing their chances of surviving an Endbringer fight.
We have seen that Tattletale has trouble Thinking about the Pokémon. Does that OCP factor carry over to the endbringers being able to account for their presence? Maybe lil sister Ziz sent Levi to try and get a better handle on the new things.
We have seen that Tattletale has trouble Thinking about the Pokémon. Does that OCP factor carry over to the endbringers being able to account for their presence? Maybe lil sister Ziz sent Levi to try and get a better handle on the new things.

There's actually a mini point about this sort of thing coming up in... checks buffer. Oh. This week, actually. So yeah.
Let's just say Ziz is not having the best of times. In fact, many precogs are not.

Also, due to an unexpected onset of writers block, my buffer ate the ground recently. I've got a couple of chapters, and am working on more, but if I suddenly vanish into the abyss you know why.

Though since Taylor Varga has a writing thing going on right now, we may need some help getting my muse back to it.
Chapter 14- Fortune, powers, and Time
Swarm groaned as she came back into consciousness, head pounding. Hesitantly opening her eyes, the slightly orange-tinted world spun on the other side of her mask, and she quickly closed them again with a hiss.

What happened? She thought, over the sounds of the drums in her mind. I remember I was doing search and rescue because of Leviathan… there was a wave. I hid behind a wall, didn't I? Then… Stiffening, she tried to jolt upright in remembrance, then stifled a scream as her left shoulder burned. "Fuuuck." She whispered, agonised. "What the-?"

Slowly turning her head to the left, she opened her eyes again, peering through the lenses in confusion and trying to figure out what was going on through the spinning.

Then she gasped, gorge rising in her throat, and she tore her gaze away again, staring directly upwards. "Oh." Very carefully, she contained her shudder by throwing the feelings into her bugs, the small swarm running around madly above and around her.

Her entire left arm was crushed under half of the wall she'd been hiding behind, and probably a large chunk of the rest of the building she was also in, the bricks and mortar having fallen and slammed onto her during the wave. She also appeared to have taken at least a few to the head, since she had clearly been knocked out and apparently had a concussion from it, given her dizziness.

The bricks had formed a sort of box around her, Swarm suddenly realised, tensing in panic. She'd only managed to not slam her head against the large section of wall- still mostly complete- over her because of her arm being trapped, and the rest of the brickwork had fallen just perfectly to avoid landing on her at all. She could brush her right hand across the wall pieces at her side, and probing with a foot showed the same.

Closing her eyes and trying to ignore the rising panic of being in a somewhat similar situation to the Locker once again, Swarm cast her mind out to the numerous cockroaches that were still under her control, sending them running outside in an attempt to find out what was going on, and maybe signal for help.

This became much more urgent when she remembered that her armband might've been able to broadcast that she was down before it got smashed under the wall piled on her left arm.

"Is this the place?" Shadow asked, as the girl carrying her hesitated for a moment.

"I think so." Hovering for a moment, the crystals on her wings jingling slightly as they did, Aquamarina scanned the area, taking note of everything, then nodded hesitantly. "Yeah, I think it is. Looks kind of different, but I think that's from the wave."

"Probably." Shadow agreed. "It looked like it wiped out loads of stuff, and probably did again when Leviathan left. Mind dropping a bit lower?" They did so, and Shadow inhaled deeply. The smell of water was almost overpowering, as was the corruption and mud it had brought with it, but dancing lightly under that was something more familiar. A moment of focus brought an Odor Sleuth to the front, boosting her senses, and she gagged a little as the water-mud-infection smell grew even stronger before she was able to force her way past it and find Swarm's scent, buzzing around the area attached to things, clinging despite the water.

"Are you ok?"

"Gross." Shadow coughed. "But I've got her. She went… that way." Pointing with one paw, Aquamarina glanced down for a second before making her way in the indicated direction, a little closer to where the main battle against Leviathan had been.

"So you can track people by scent?" Aquamarina asked, trying to make conversation as they flew slowly about the battlefield, letting Shadow search the area.

"Yeah, if I'm careful." She nodded slightly. "But I wouldn't be able to find anyone other than Swarm or Eon in these conditions. The water would've washed all the scent away that I could possibly use to track. Eon and I practised tracking each other in rain ages ago, and we did the same thing with Swarm whenever we could to prepare for probably having to fight Leviathan at some point. I'm not quite as good at picking her scent out as I am at doing it for Eon, and I underestimated how many other scents the water would bring with it-" Including the lingering scent of death that came from the number of people that'd drowned or been otherwise killed during the encounter, "-But I can still manage to find Swarm. Anyone else, though, I wouldn't be able to just because I don't know their specific scents. I wouldn't be able to pick them out properly through the rain."

"It's still a really cool ability though." The winged Cape told her. "It's a part of your super senses, right?"

"I wouldn't call them super senses, but yeah." Shadow twitched her nose, still searching. "I mean, I guess you would, because human senses are nowhere near as good. To me, though, they're just normal. It's something I've always been able to do... though I can boost them further, which is what I'm doing now, and I guess that could count as super senses. I don't do it very much, though. I don't normally need to; normal senses are enough most the time."

"Fair enough." Aquamarina shrugged. "I suppose having higher senses all the time would be good for stuff. Is that how you do a lot of your patrolling?"

"Basically. We have better hearing, eyesight, and sense of smell, so we use that to track people around. It's pretty simple." She explained. "Hmmm... left a bit, please? I think she's over there." Her helper glanced down at her, seeing where she was pointing, and changed course so that they drifted over there. "Yeah, she's somewhere over here. I can smell it, it's way more obvious here."

"So she's close?"

"Either she's close, or there's a really big amount of bugs over here that're under her control." Shadow acknowledged. "Her bugs relay the scent of her for some reason."

"Does that happen with other Master class Capes?" Aquamarina interrupted, curious.

"No idea, haven't actually run into any other Masters aside from Swarm. As far as I know, it might work for all of them, or only for Capes that have similar powers with animals, or maybe projections. We'll figure it out sometime, I'm sure, but for now I don't know." She shrugged. "Anyway, if there's a lot of bugs with her scent on them, then that probably means she's over here and awake. If I had to guess, Swarm's trying to gather a bunch of bugs that she can use to signal for some help from someone."

"It also means she's ok, but stuck somewhere, I guess."

"Yeah, it does. Still, she's alive, so we can get her back to the medbay and fix that, at least." Shadow sniffed, looking around as she did so, trying to pinpoint where the scent was coming from.

It was made slightly easier by the number of cockroaches running around the same area.

"She's over there, in that building." Shadow pointed, making Aquamarina nod and fly over.

"I think we're going to have to dig her out." The crystal-winged Cape commented, looking over the building in question. It was half collapsed, having been hit pretty directly on one side by the tsunami Leviathan had brought, and that entire end had fallen inward, which had taken down a lot of the other side too. Luckily, that part had fallen outward, onto the street, so it wasn't adding any pressure to the larger mess.

"Looks like it. Hopefully she's got enough space in there, Swarm doesn't do small spots very well." Shadow murmured, eyes swiping across it. "Aquamarina, drop me nearby, please?"

"Sure, Shadow." The Vulpix was quickly deposited next to the wreck, water splashing around her paws- while Leviathan had taken most of the water away with him when he made his escape after her Thunder attack, there was still enough left to form a thin layer of a puddle over the entire city. Wrinkling her nose in mild annoyance, she sighed and tried to ignore it, pacing around the large pile of fallen mortar.

It looks far too much like a tomb. Shadow scowled. Swarm, you had better be alive in there. Closing her eyes and focusing, she could hear the ragged, weak breathing of someone, along with the scurrying of insects both inside and out of the thing.

She smiled. "Swarm?" She called, hearing the sounds stop for a second, the person's breath catching, "Are you in there?"

"...Shadow?" Her team mate called back, sounding surprised. "It's me."

Shadow sagged with relief. "I'm glad you're alright." Swarm snorted.

"Not really 'alright', no. My arm's gotten crushed, which isn't exactly fun."

And I'm thinking you might be going into shock. Shadow thought, nervous. I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to be so relaxed about the idea that your arm's crushed. Closing her eyes and forcing out another Calm Mind, she shook her head. "Alright, that's fine, we can deal with that when you get back to the medical. Don't move, ok?"

"Don't exactly have room to, Shadow." The insect user replied, making Shadow wince.

Ah, good. Worst possible scenario. Brilliant. Biting her lip, she nodded. "Ok, fine. Let's see..." Looking around for a moment, she glanced back at Aquamarina, who was standing a little ways away in the water. "Aquamarina, could you help, please?"

"Sure." Some splashing brought her over, and the girl examined the pile. "I don't think I'll be able to lift all of this, if that's what you're asking."

"No, I didn't think so. But do you think you could get Swarm out from under there quickly if it was out of the way?" She went silent for a moment, thinking, then nodded slowly.

"I think so, yeah. What do you have in mind?"

"I'm gonna try and lift the pile up. It probably won't last long, only a couple of seconds, but..."

"I can probably get her clear." Aquamarina agreed.

"I'll hold it up for as long as I can-"

"Why not just move it?"

"The pile's holding some other stuff up, I think." Shadow explained, looking up. "So if I shifted it all to the side, that stuff would fall too. I'm only really lifting the bottom layer, and it's not all gonna be secure with the way it's fallen."

"Ah, I see." She nodded. "Makes sense." Shadow closed her eyes again, pushing as many Calm Minds as she could out- the Special boost would help make it easier on her, letting her lift more and hopefully do it for longer- before shaking herself out.

"Alright, I'm lifting... now!" As she spoke, the Vulpix reached out with Extrasensory, grasping the chunks of brick on the bottom of the pile and lifting, hefting all of it directly upwards. Some of the highest pieces wobbled unnervingly, and she edged out her grip to stabilise them, only vaguely hearing Aquamarina moving forward to grab Swarm and drag her out.

"Got her!" The Cape called, making Shadow sigh in relief and drop the pile. Shivering slightly from the work- something that wasn't very usual, given how much she practised using Moves that weren't her Type, but then again she didn't use Extrasensory that much and it had been a lot of brick and pressure- she turned around again, ignoring the pile as it began to settle, and winced as she spotted Swarm's state.

It wasn't as bad as some of the Capes that had been brought into the room, with missing limbs and enormous tears and Arceus knew what else, but it was bad enough on her friend that she shuddered. Swarm's left arm had been completely crushed, all the way up to the shoulder, and the mangled limb was still leaking blood from the mashed veins. Depending on exactly how long she'd been stuck there, there might've been some risk of an infection too, if any of the horridly corrupted water had managed to seep through into her prison and onto her arm.

"Aquamarina, can you take Swarm back, please?" Shadow requested, laying a paw on her team mate's side and pressing a weak Heal Pulse to her. "Get Panacea to heal her completely, then put her somewhere safe." Swarm was unconscious now, passing out from the effects of shock and her Heal Pulse taking away a lot of the pain that was keeping her awake in the first place, and Shadow used a mild Hypnosis on her to keep her that way. "I'll be back at some point soon."

"Alright. Stay safe, Shadow." The winged Cape nodded, lifting the taller girl into her arms. She took off, splashing water into the air and making Shadow cover her face, before she began piling on Agility's, planning on running back as soon as she was able.


Amy glanced up at the vaguely familiar voice that intruded on her work, nodding to the two PRT troopers beside her that were waiting for her to finish healing the current Cape so they could get them out of the way.

A blue-costumed Cape with large crystal wings had just come in for a landing outside of the building, and was holding another Cape in her arms. Taking a closer look, Amy winced at the state of them, gesturing for the other girl- what was her name? She felt like she'd heard it- to place her down on the table, the Cape she'd been healing as they came in already being taken out of one of the side doors.

A glance across the wounded Cape told Amy exactly who it was; Swarm, the insect controller that was on Inari with Eon and Shadow. The girl looked a bit of a wreck, with blood stained into the material of her costume from the people she'd been rescuing- she vaguely remembered Shadow saying that she was on search-and-rescue- but the main issue was the completely crushed left arm, one that a quick touch told her was completely mangled below the material of the costume, which had held up quite well.

Easily beginning the familiar strokes of healing, Amy put the arm back together again- something that was a little harder than normal because of the lack of body fat to work with, but she could manage- and found that she couldn't help but think about Shadow's work.

Over the last fortnight, ever since she supervised Shadow's hospital stint, she'd noticed something… different, about Vicky's aura. It was almost like it had had more of a presence to it, as though her sister had been running around with it cranked up much higher than she normally did. Amy had thought about commenting on it when she'd got home and noticed, but since no-one else in the house had said anything and neither had anyone at school, she'd decided to keep her mouth shut.

The feeling had vanished pretty quickly, Vicky's aura weakening slowly until it ended up at the point where she could basically ignore it again with some ease.

Until today.

Merely being on the edge of her sister's fear aura had near enough completely paralysed her, leaving her shocked and frozen until Shadow had come running in and knocked her out with her strange Master ability, giving Amy the chance to gather herself again before getting back to healing.

But, she'd been caught on the edges of the fear aura before in the last two weeks, and Amy knew she'd never had as bad a reaction as the one she'd had barely a half an hour or so ago.

So what the hell had changed during that time?

Swarm groaned a little under her hand, drawing Amy out of her thoughts.

"Are you ok?" She asked, shoving her musings to one side.

"I still feel like crap, but less like I was sat on by a building and more like I got punched repeatedly in the stomach." The bug-user announced, slowly sitting up as Amy removed her hand. "So I guess that's an upgrade, at least."

"Means I've done my job pretty well, yes." Amy said dryly. "I'd recommend when you get out of here you eat more than normal, there wasn't a ton of body fat for me to work with so I had to borrow a little muscle mass instead."

"No problem. Rather have to work back up a bit than end up with a squashed arm." She half-shrugged, a grin in her voice. "Thanks, by the way. And thank you, too…?"

"Aquamarina." The winged Cape introduced. "And no problem. It's the least I could do; Shadow was pretty damn worried about you."

"She panicked pretty badly when she heard you go down during the wave." Amy confirmed, helping Swarm stand. She winced.

"Damn, I was sort of hoping the band didn't have time to broadcast that." She looked down at her arm, where the impression from the broken bit of Tinkertech was. "Actually, thinking about it, what's been going on?"

"Eon apparently did something crazy and went down, it hurt him pretty bad. He's healed, though, and in another room recovering- Shadow's advice." Amy explained. "Shadow took off after that on Eon's advice, and Shadow dropped lighting on Leviathan. That drove him off, and he took most of the water with him, from what I've heard so far."

"The battle's over, only thing left to do is find the rest of the Capes that're missing." Aquamarina chimed in. "I'm going back out there now, actually."

"Good luck." Amy offered, as a pair of troops came over to take Swarm into the back room to rest. Another two brought over the next Cape for her, and she laid a hand on them to start healing again. "If you spot Shadow, check if she's ok to come back and keep healing, will you?"

"I will."

"You will what?" Amy jumped, startled, and turned to look down at the red-brown fox on the floor.

"How did you get here so fast?"

"Abuse of Agility boosts." Shadow explained, standing very still. "Plus side, I can move pretty fast. Downside, I might end up moving way too fast sometimes." She twitched her head over to Swarm. "I take it you're alright now?"

"Just fine, excluding the feeling like crap." Swarm agreed.

"Good. Mind keeping an eye on Eon for me? Pretty sure he's still unconscious in the back room, and from what I know about what he was doing, he's not gonna be a happy guy when he wakes up again." She snorted.

"I don't doubt it, I've heard you tell him before about not over boosting." She agreed. "But no problem, I'll keep an eye on him."

"Thanks." Shadow grinned, before slowly stepping towards her end of the medical bay. "I'll go back into the other room and do what I can, Panacea, but I doubt I'll be doing much. Most of the injuries left are probably gonna be pretty bad ones that I can't touch."

"Just taking those better ones out of the way is great, thank you." Amy assured her, as the Cape was taken away again. "It's quite a bit less work for me to have to do, so I can deal with worse stuff." She paused. "And call me Amy. Panacea's for people who haven't just spent about an hour running around helping me save lives." Shadow chuckled.

"Alright, Amy. I'll be back once I'm done with everything I can help with. Maybe I'll be able to figure out a way to help you too."

Shadow made her way into her own room, a PRT trooper following her to help arrange for more Capes to be brought to her, Swarm was guided into the back room and Aquamarina headed out of the building back onto search and rescue, leaving Amy alone with her thoughts again.

I wonder why it would happen. She silently wondered. Come on, Amy, think. What's happened in the last couple of weeks that would mean Vicky's aura was on the fritz to me?

For a few minutes, and a few more Capes, she couldn't think of anything. Vicky- for once- hadn't been doing anything particularly dangerous at all; she'd not done too many patrols, and she'd been fairly safe throughout all of them- excluding the one time she'd been shot, which was honestly probably a record in this city- and there wasn't anything that could have happened at school that would've changed her powers in that way.

In fact, there was nothing that could've changed Vicky's powers at all. As far as Amy was aware, the only thing that could change how powers worked was a Second Trigger, and she was pretty damn certain that she'd've known if Vicky'd been through one of those.

No, she was fairly certain that nothing had changed with Vicky's powers since she'd been to the hospital with Shadow. So what caused it?

About thirty seconds later, the sound of a bark and wind chimes echoed in from the next room, and with it came Amy's sudden revelation.

Nothing had changed with Vicky's aura, true. But Amy had been in the room multiple times when Shadow had used her healing powers, back during the hospital trip at the end of April, and she'd been caught in one of the larger heals earlier on in the Endbringer attack, when she was still helping to check people over before the damage had started getting incredibly bad and she'd had to beg off to go and heal properly herself.

Had Shadow's healing done something to her that changed how she perceived Vicky's aura? It was about the only thing that made sense to Amy, since it was the only unusual thing she'd been exposed to during the period where she'd noticed Vicky's aura being stronger.

It was possible, Amy supposed. Even after working with Shadow a number of times, she still wasn't entirely certain as to how her healing worked. It refreshed minor injuries and energy levels of the patient, and would even heal brain injuries under a certain calibre- which Amy was incredibly grateful for, and it helped to relieve some of the guilt she felt for refusing to treat them herself- but unless it was being focused, then anything more serious than broken bones wasn't even effected, as if her power knew that it couldn't do anything for it and as such didn't even try.

And Shadow had mentioned about her healing, the 'Heal Bell' that was part of the whole thing, was something that focused on statuses, whatever those were. Apparently the burns caused by Eon's Will-o-Wisp ability was linked to it, but the ones coming from the Flamethrower and similar weren't. It didn't make much sense to Amy, but powers often didn't…

Pausing for a moment as she lifted her hand from her most recent patient, Amy turned and stared speculatively towards the next room, where Shadow's healing bark could be heard again.

Did Shadow's power work on Master effects? It would make… some sense, she supposed. Master effects were a type of mental effect, most of the time, so perhaps they'd come under Shadow's- or Shadow's powers, whichever was making the distinction- idea of an effect to be cured. Perhaps, then, Amy's being caught in the edges of the ability so many times had cured her of her own case, and stopped her being able to resist the use of Vicky's aura at the same time.

Again, Amy froze, staring at nothing as she laid a hand on her next patient to begin healing them.

She had just called Vicky's aura a Master effect.

She'd never done that before.

In fact, she didn't think anyone had.

But, the more she thought about it, it fit. Changing thought patterns, making a person fear or love her depending on what she wanted…

Shaking herself, Amy went back to healing.

Once all this was over, perhaps there would be time to make some very careful inquiries; to Shadow, to try and figure out exactly what she defined as an effect; to the PRT, to see if they could supply some Mastered victims for them to test things; and, if things played out right, perhaps arrange it so that she could make sure she was hit often with that power.

Amy had no intention of remaining under a possible Master effect, even from her sister.

Especially considering that it seemed to have knocked out some of the more… awful attraction that she held for her.

Marissa panted, leaning against the wall of the base thankfully.

"Holy shit." Luke muttered, slumping as well. "That was… that was not good." She snorted.

"Way to understate things, Luke." She snapped. "Fuck. Jess, you ok?"

"I'm fine." A growly voice came through the speaker system that separated them from the vault room. "Although it's been a hell of a lot harder than before."

"Where the hell is Oliver?" Luke asked. "I thought he'd be back by now. It doesn't normally take this damn long!"

"Normally we have Krouse here to keep her under control until then." Marissa replied. "And we're not normally in the middle of an Endbringer attack." Luke looked like he was about to snap back at her, when Jess' voice on the speakers came again.

"The gas is seeping in." It reported. "Give it a few minutes, and I think she'll be asleep."

"Thank god." Marissa sighed. "Keep her steady until then, will you?"

"Can do, Mars." With a relieved nod, Marissa slumped completely to the floor.

"We need a meeting." She stated. "We need to figure out what the hell to do next."

"Give it a few minutes, and we'll do that." Jess told her.

"Was already planning on it."

A few minutes later, and the remaining- and available- four friends were meeting in a quiet room, away from all of the mercenaries still running around in a panic.

Marissa felt it was justified, given the Endbringer running around outside, but it was still annoying.

"First, what the hell was Krouse doing?" Luke snapped out, taking the lead. "Why wasn't he down here with us?"

"He didn't manage to get back in time." Jess whispered, leaning on the armrests of her chair. "He got trapped outside when they closed the bunker down, and I guess he didn't manage to get to one of the civilian shelters either. No idea why he decided to help out, though."

"I didn't realise he was in costume at all." Oliver commented quietly.

"Neither did I. I didn't think anything of it, but he would've had to have been if he showed up at the attack." Marissa agreed. "What happened?"

"I guess we'll never know, unless a Thinker manages to figure it out."

The four were silent for a while, mourning their comrade while also trying to figure out exactly how he'd been so god-dammed stupid as to join up in an Endbringer attack.

"What do we do now?" Oliver asked, finally breaking the silence. "Do we stay? Do we move on and try and find someone else to help?"

"Where else would we go?" Luke snorted. "Without Krouse to keep her sort of under control, and without the vault, what the hell would Noelle manage to do before we got her somewhere safe?"

"So we need to stay here." Marissa said. "Should we try going to Panacea? I mean, I know he said she wouldn't be helpful, but it might be the only way. He's not helped…"

"We'd need to get Noelle out of the base to meet her, and that'd be dangerous." Jess muttered, chewing on her lip. "But, if she could help…"

"What about that new healer… Shadow?" Marissa suggested. "From what I've seen on PHO so far, she's a pretty good healer, can do stuff even Panacea can't, and she can do it from range, so there's not much chance of something bad happening to her."

It wasn't no chance, of course, but at least the general public wouldn't lynch them if something did go wrong.

"We'd still need to get Noelle out of the base, though." Jess countered. "I somehow doubt either of them would be willing to walk into a supervillain base, even if they were promised full immunity to go through safely… and probably not even if they were offered more than that."

"Still, we have to try, don't we?" Luke returned. "For Noelle's sake, and for Krouse's memory, if nothing else."

"We'll give it a few more weeks." Marissa suggested. "They'll probably be too busy cleaning up after the attack for a while anyway. Then one of us can approach them with the request."

"Plus maybe Coil'll come through for us in that time, and we won't need to." Oliver put it.

Thomas Calvert scowled behind his mask, clenching his fists.

What the fuck was that?! He snapped silently to himself, heart racing.

Something had just gone horribly wrong.

And the worst part, he had no idea exactly what.

He'd set up an alternate timeline just after he'd heard of Trickster's death, figuring he needed the backup to make sure Noelle remained contained once she'd heard of it. In one- this one, currently- he'd allowed Oliver to use a sedative gas on her to knock her out for a while, which would hopefully allow her to calm down.

In the other, he'd sent orders to one of his mercenaries, one who was posing as a PRT trooper helping in the medical bay, to capture the tiny kitsune known as Shadow with the intention of forcing her to use her Master ability to put Noelle to sleep, and then see if she could be healed using Shadow's more unusual healing ability.

It had all been going fine, he'd gotten the report from the merc that he had the kitsune and that he was on his way back.

And then nothing.

The timeline had merely collapsed on him, a few seconds after he'd put the phone down and begun to contemplate his next action.

That didn't make sense. The timeline hadn't closed because he'd died- which, honestly, he could almost understand, given that the two foxes in Team Inari had some very impressive Stranger capabilities and, while not apparently killers, could definitely do so very easily in a number of ways.
No, the timeline had just crashed, as if he'd closed it himself.

Which he hadn't.

But that wasn't the worst part to him, either. The worst part was the feeling that something was missing. Reviewing what he could remember of the now-closed timeline, there'd been a feeling, just before it had closed, of something being off in some subtle way.

As if he'd suddenly forgotten something very important for no apparent reason.

He was fairly certain that neither Shadow nor Eon had a power like that.

But then again, he thought suddenly, breaking out in a cold sweat, even if they did, no-one would ever know, would they?

Mentally, he crossed out any possible plans involving the kidnapping or blackmail of Shadow or Eon. He did not want to find out if they did by being on the wrong end of that power, if they had it.

A second later, he added Swarm to that list. From what he knew of their characters, they'd be more than willing to hunt him down if he went after their team mate, too, and he did not want that.

Far away, two beings talking over tea suddenly went silent, the larger one cutting off mid-sentence. The smaller frowned, bringing a hand to their head as if they had a headache, while the larger merely gazed into the middle distance.

"Something in the timestream just snapped." The larger mentioned. "Very interestingly, too. It wasn't one of my actions, or one of his destabilising mine. Nor was it one of yours, either. In fact, I don't recognise who did it…"

"I just got a message from a past self." The smaller muttered, sipping their tea.

"Oh?" The larger looked shocked. "That's… unusual. I've been lead to believe that hurts?"

"It does, but it doesn't really matter here. It was a me from the timeline that just snapped." They said. "Quite interesting, too. Apparently the Pixies had to step in to handle something, and once they were finished that timeline just snapped shut."

"…Intriguing." The larger being mused after a moment, delicately setting down their tea. "I suppose a trip to the Summit is required?"

"Probably for the best." The smaller agreed, also leaving their tea behind. Both of them promptly vanished in ripples of distortion.

Four seconds later, they reappeared again, both looking surprised and amused. They picked up their teas again and drank, merely thinking for a moment.

"Well." The larger said, after a few minutes. "That is interesting, don't you think?"

"Very." The smaller nodded, heartfelt. "It probably means we should pay more attention in the future. Especially you, no offense. You've a better connection to things, you can help make sure it goes alright."

"I'll have to discover how they're causing the splinters, first, but I will." They acknowledged. "We can't have anything causing trouble." They sighed. "Now all we need to do is figure out what happened to my brother."

"We'll figure it out, I'm sure." The smaller assured them. "Even if it's just me coming to tell me to tell you." The larger snorted.

"I suppose."

A little while after, their chat started up again, picking up exactly where it left off, with little apparent regard for their newest problem.

In orbit over Earth Bet, the Simurgh stiffened, eyes snapping open in reaction to her vision.

Slowly steadying herself, she mused over the strange twist of diamond vines that had overtaken her last foray into future business.

Whatever the hell that had been, it had been extremely confusing, and apparently deadly.

Silently, the Simurgh began tracing her way along that path again, trying to figure out exactly what had caused it, and if she could manipulate it to her advantage without getting destroyed herself.

It would be a considerable time before she got her answer.
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Hmm, big one could be Dialga? Which would make the missing brother Palkia (hmm, if Palkia is missing it might have something to do with how the entities mess with dimensions and physical laws).

Pixies would be Celebis I assume.

Not sure which one would be getting messages from a past-self, might be a bit of lore from a game I haven't played in a while.
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Hmm, big one could be Dialga? Which would make the missing brother Palkia (hmm, if Palkia is missing it might have something to do with how the entities mess with dimensions and physical laws).

Pixies would be Celebis I assume.

Not sure which one would be getting messages from a past-self, might be a bit of lore from a game I haven't played in a while.
I think the smaller one would be Celebi; the pixies would be Azelf, Uixie, and Mesprit. Which would also explain Coil's forgetting.
So Celebi closed Coil's timeline? I wonder who else is capable of interfering with the timestream (the 'his') Arceus? Scion? Also, urgh the Simurgh is on the move. A bit easier to fight than Leviathan but still nasty. The Simurgh is like the worst parts of Rayquaza, Mewtwo, Meloetta and Hoopa combined.
Slowly steadying herself, she mused over the strange twist of diamond vines that had overtaken her last foray into future business.

Hmmm... I suspect Deoxys. Its arms are kind of like vines and they are absurdly deadly and durable. In Pokemon Adventures Manga Deoxys was good enough at first (later on MewTwo learned) to own him of all Pokemon. So Simurgh being defeated by Deoxys wouldn't surprise me. Also it's an alien space traveling Pokemon, so Deoxys can easily keep up with Simurgh in outer space as well.

Silently, the Simurgh began tracing her way along that path again, trying to figure out exactly what had caused it, and if she could manipulate it to her advantage without getting destroyed herself.

Pokemon block or at least interrupt / disturb precogs here. I suspect one of Pokemon with Future Sight like Jirachi (also lore wise Wish in Pokemon is absurdly, absurdly strong hax level skill to possibly wish her precog screwed up) may also be suspects.

Not sure which one would be getting messages from a past-self, might be a bit of lore from a game I haven't played in a while.

Dialga makes sense, as Dialga is pretty much responsible for the concept of time, while Palkia is responsible for Space.

So Celebi closed Coil's timeline? I wonder who else is capable of interfering with the timestream (the 'his') Arceus? Scion? Also, urgh the Simurgh is on the move. A bit easier to fight than Leviathan but still nasty. The Simurgh is like the worst parts of Rayquaza, Mewtwo, Meloetta and Hoopa combined.

Celebi can do it.

I suspect strongest psychics in overall are capable of doing so, as I suspect for example MewTwo would be able to directly use his psychic abilities to 'enter' his brain and close connection between his brain and his power. Or he could brute force it with telekinesis (he is absurdly strong telekinetic) Simurgh style, but I doubt it, unless he hides for now. But from what I know about MewTwo he is very confident and prideful, so hiding would be beneath him unless people would pester him directly.

Both Palkia and Dialga have specialties that may cause disruptions here without issues here IMO as well.

Arceus is a given as pretty much God Creator of their universe. Hax and all.
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whee, not in this chapter. but it looks like my curse worked! poor swarm is suffering, but living thru this event. in other news i AM in the med bay sleeping off being yeeted into a wall, and breaking most of my everything. however healing worked, but im gonna need sooo much bacon and sausages when i get up. hopefully there will be food soon.
Thanks for the chapter.

I don't normally need too;
find the rest of the Cape's that're missing.
She had just called Vicky's aura a Master effect.

She'd never done that before.

In fact, she didn't think anyone had.
Interesting. I wonder if Amy just didn't understand that people avoided calling Vicky a master for PR reasons or if no one actually considered her a master.
Interesting. I wonder if Amy just didn't understand that people avoided calling Vicky a master for PR reasons or if no one actually considered her a master.

They might have also avoided calling her a Master due to the simple fact that her aura doesn't seem to grant any sort of control over those affected; and thus if you are fighting against Glory Girl, you don't have to worry about combating any human minions aiding her or her subverting your forces.

At most, you'd likely she her labelled as a Shaker with a sub-Master rating, as her aura does have an emotional manipulation component to it.
It wasn't as bad as some of the Capes that had been brought into the room, with missing limbs and enormous tears and Arceus knew what else, but it was bad enough on her friend that she shuddered. Swarm's left arm had been completely crushed, all the way up to the shoulder, and the mangled limb was still leaking blood from the mashed veins. Depending on exactly how long she'd been stuck there, there might've been some risk of an infection too, if any of the horridly corrupted water had managed to seep through into her prison and onto her arm.
And be glad that she didn't die from crush syndrome.
They might have also avoided calling her a Master due to the simple fact that her aura doesn't seem to grant any sort of control over those affected; and thus if you are fighting against Glory Girl, you don't have to worry about combating any human minions aiding her or her subverting your forces.

At most, you'd likely she her labelled as a Shaker with a sub-Master rating, as her aura does have an emotional manipulation component to it.

PRT Rating is more about guidlines how to deal with potential opponents and not accurate description of the potential power. In this case Glory Girl is a trademark Shaker - her emotional aura affects certain area and it may affect several people at once. It also wouldn't get Master sub rating, because Masters are people which directly control either specific minions (like Skitter and her insects) or people directly (like Heartbreaker). Glory Girl can't directly control anyone, so she doesn't get Master rating.

Also potential guidelines when dealing with Masters (which is pretty much ignore minions and jump the Master) are really, really not adviced when dealing with Glory Girl which may punch you and turn you into a bloody salsa this way.

Also I don't think Sub Rating Master would also fit. Gallant gets one, as he can directly provide emotions to even control someone if he chooses the right one depending on situation, while Glory Girl can either cause fear or awe, but people don't become her marionnettes even if affected.

But I can see how people can use slang like Amy and call it 'Master effect' even if IMO it's not perfectly accurate. And well, Glory Girl's aura is the problem no matter how it is classified.

Personally I find whole 'PRT Rating system' to be a mess and possibly could be far, far better organized. But yeah it is the way it is.

And be glad that she didn't die from crush syndrome.

Yep, Taylor is really, really lucky here. Or simply she could bleed out, which taking into account this kind of wound could happen pretty fast.
Yep, Taylor is really, really lucky here. Or simply she could bleed out, which taking into account this kind of wound could happen pretty fast.[/QUOTE]

Her costume is made of spider silk, and spider silk is a wonderful coagulant, so her not bleeding out may have been a combination of it being a crush injury (that stayed crushed until Shadow got there and helped stabilize it) and an effect of her costume.
@MirrimBlackfox you need to fix your quote box

but in other news love to see the start of the after effects of the battle, Coil I'm happy to see is end for a bad time, I love the smell of butterflies in the morning
If you want to get into the nitty gritty, she may be classified in various ways.

Stranger: Her aura changes how people perceive her, making her appear 'awe' inspiring.
Shaker: Her power affects people in a radius.
Master: Her power changes people's feelings towards her. Long term effects may be similar to Heartbreaker's power, short term effects allow her to intimidate people into doing what she wants.

I think it is much about how she uses her powers and how the threat assessment should reflect that. In a direct fight, she will try to beat people up as a brute, using her aura to break morale. I consider that to be a master effect primarily.
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Thanks, fixed.

Interesting. I wonder if Amy just didn't understand that people avoided calling Vicky a master for PR reasons or if no one actually considered her a master.

Nah, she gets it. In my eyes, though, it's basically what's said down below,

They might have also avoided calling her a Master due to the simple fact that her aura doesn't seem to grant any sort of control over those affected; and thus if you are fighting against Glory Girl, you don't have to worry about combating any human minions aiding her or her subverting your forces.

At most, you'd likely she her labelled as a Shaker with a sub-Master rating, as her aura does have an emotional manipulation component to it.

But also it's a PR thing. The reason Amy's having a moment is because she's never heard it before from anyone, even in private. Personally, I'd figure that if my kid Triggered with that sort of power, I'd sit the entire family down to explain that, yes, it's kind of a Master, but we aren't going to be calling it that because of PR, so it's an emotional Shaker effect instead. (/carol impression)

Personally I find whole 'PRT Rating system' to be a mess and possibly could be far, far better organized. But yeah it is the way it is.

Yeah, it's one hell of a mess in my eyes. I had a right game doing my own threat report for SEW a few posts back, I spent most of the time in the Wiki trying to define what on earth each thing would count as, and poking at the Discord a few times for opinions on things.

I'm just glad I'm unlikely to have to do it again anytime soon... unless Shadow or Eon decide to keep escalating.

And be glad that she didn't die from crush syndrome.

Yep, Taylor is really, really lucky here. Or simply she could bleed out, which taking into account this kind of wound could happen pretty fast.

hums for a few seconds, then points vaguely in the direction of Eon.

but in other news love to see the start of the after effects of the battle, Coil I'm happy to see is end for a bad time, I love the smell of butterflies in the morning

Coil is indeed having a bad time, and trust me when I say it'll continue for a while. I'm not very fond of that man.

And butterflies are very pretty. So very, very pretty.
hiya, yup if you look back to the CURSE i laid down.
Live. Eon thought, trying to push that idea into the curse. Live through this battle, so that you must handle the aftermath. Nothing seemed to change, and a moment later there was a slight white ripple over his fur, the curse taking effect. He sighed. I suppose we'll never know if that did anything. At least I tried.

welp there ya go, the curse did work. she DID live thru it, not painlessly. and she has to deal with all the aftermath just yet.

now as to ol levi-chan. well they got a much much worse curse on them, since they YEETED me into a friggen wall by all NINE of my tails. what this does in the future? well you just gotta wait.
Actually, I just misread the wiki and thought that the age thing was just one of those cases where there was contradicting information, and forgot about the time skip in Worm. I went with her being 17, so she Triggered at 15. The rest is actually true, though. It's also more like 7 attacks, not nine, because I can't count, so I'll drop back and fix that.

If you mean Amy's age it is one of the cases where there is contradicting information. The 17 year old age is mentioned by Marquis while it's still 2011, and he computes the age by subtracting her birth year from 2011.
Chapter 15- Reaction, hopelessness, and recovery
Vicky's eyes slowly fluttered open. She moaned, reaching up to run a hand over her face, and looked around with confusion at the inside of the medical tent.

What the…? She thought blearily, rubbing her eyes. Why am I in the medical tent? Did I get injured? She didn't remember anything like that happening, and with her invincibility it was pretty unlikely anyway… though she supposed that it could always possible that Leviathan had moved quickly enough to knock out her shield and then her as well.

Though the fact that she didn't remember that happening probably wasn't a good thing.

Lying back down on the bed she'd been put on, Vicky screwed her eyes shut and thought hard about the situation, trying to figure out exactly what she could remember, which would hopefully lead her to figuring out what had put her into the medical area.

The flying Brute could easily remember being out in the rain, in the middle of that Endbringer battle, and spotting someone injured floating in the water below. She'd dropped down and, after confirming that they were alive- at least for now- she'd lifted them up and made her way back to the medical area as fast as she could without risking hurting the Cape she was now carrying.

She'd dropped them off with some random PRT trooper and quickly headed into the tent itself to check on her sister and see how she was doing, and had quickly seen how much of an impact the small six-tailed fox named Shadow had been having on the Capes inside.

Shadow's area had been sectioned off from Amy's, since her healing power had that strange room requirement, but the little fox had just been coming out and going through a bag set on one side as Vicky had entered, pulling out a strange red and yellow thing and eating it. Amy had slipped into that room for a few minutes, leaving Vicky hovering there slightly surprised that her sister hadn't noticed her, but she'd assumed that was because the girl was in work mode, so she'd just waited until Amy had come out of the room again, leading a number of Capes out as well who quickly left the building to get back into the fight.

Vicky had flown over to have a moment with her sister, making sure she was alright while being thankful that Shadow had backed into her own room to give them their privacy, then-

Brandish deceased, CG-5.

Vicky had frozen hearing that, and she vaguely remembered Amy shrinking back from her and Shadow running back into the room through her shock, before catching the slightly glowing eyes of Inari's healer and feeling the world gently go away…

That bitch. She hissed mentally, clenching her fists. That complete and utter bitch. She used her power on me and knocked me out! How dare she! Without a second thought, Vicky lifted off the bed and flew out of the opening, looking around for her sister and the Cape that had attacked her.

She found both of them in the same place, standing outside of their own medical building- she hadn't even noticed that she'd been set up elsewhere than the main one- and talking to each other in low voices. Amy! Her eyes widened and she dropped in a panic, ignoring the fact that they were just talking and landing right next to them, tearing Shadow from the ground immediately and glaring at her, fear aura on full blast as she floated backwards and upwards a few dozen feet, away from Amy. Stay the hell away from my sister!

"Hey!" Shadow yipped, startled. "What's the big idea?"

"How dare you attack me!" She snapped, glaring harder. In the background, she noticed Amy cowering away, but for the most part all her attention was focused on the brown fox in her hand as she drifted further and further away from her sister. "How dare you attack me with your Master power. How dare you!"

She inhaled, ready to continue her angry rant that was getting up steam, only to let it all out in a gasp as something sharp scraped along the bottom of her hand and arm, the slight stinging pain that followed it making her reflexively drop Shadow and cradle the injured area, looking at it to see a slight cut there.

Suddenly realising what she'd just done, Vicky gasped and whipped her head around, trying to catch sight of Shadow, only to notice the brown fox's fall slowing as yellow light crackled around her. Vicky practically cut her own flight to get to her side, though they were both nearly at the ground- well, building rubble- before she reached her.

"Thanks for that." Shadow said tartly, as she touched down on the remaining brickwork. "Any more angry yelling you want to get out of your system, or should we move along to the part where you try and fight me? I'd rather we skipped that as well, but if we have to, I suppose we can find somewhere it won't draw attention."

"I'm so sorry!" Vicky yelped instead, landing away from the fox as what she'd just done hit her. She'd nearly killed her sister's friend, one of the only one's she'd ever made by herself without needing Vicky to intervene- sure, their bond had formed due to their mutual duties of healing, but it gave Amy someone to share that burden with who understood, and Vicky had nearly killed or at least seriously injured her because she hadn't been thinking. "I didn't- I wasn't-"

"Yeah, I know." Shadow snorted, shaking herself. "You weren't thinking. I'd noticed that." Her tiny claws scraped against the rubble, and Vicky winced slightly as she noticed that she was shaking. "I'm alright, though." The Brute vaguely heard her mumble something about something called Arceus and an uncle who taught her something to do with magnets, but ignored it and stepped forward slightly.

"I'm sorry." She said again. "I just… I wasn't thinking, and I was still too angry about… y'know."

"I'm sorry I put you to sleep without your permission." Shadow replied. "I'm too used to people not really minding when I do it, and I kinda forgot how people here see Masters."

"I'm… not actually too mad about that." Vicky admitted, surprising herself a little. "I mean, I get why you did it, I would've been a problem to everyone if I went after Leviathan like that. Hell, I probably would've gotten myself killed. I'm just… not happy that I missed my chance to get back at that damned thing for what it did."

Shadow bridged the gap between the two of them, resting her paw on Vicky's arm. "Hey, it's not really like you would've been too much help, really. You're a close range fighter, and from what I saw Leviathan's too fast to really be dealt with like that- unless you're Eon, who can just boost himself to be useful, or you have a speedy Mover rating, I guess. So you were better off on search and rescue before then. Just… mourn your mum, yeah? I think she'd appreciate that better than one of her daughters throwing her life away in a futile attempt to get revenge on the monster that killed her in the first place." She paused. "Your mum'd probably rather you were helping to save people that were hurt in this, right?"

"Right. Probably, yeah." Vicky nodded, before a thought hit her and she buried her face in her hands, dislodging Shadow's paw. "Oh god, Mom'd be so mad at what just happened. I could've killed you!"

"Hey, it's all water under the- wait, bad choice of metaphor. Umm… it's all in the past now?" She stumbled, making Vicky snort. "I'm fine, you apologised, and I saw you drop to try and catch me. I might've been ok anyway, even with the fall, or I might've hurt myself and needed healing. I'm a bit more sturdy than most people that could've happened to, so I like to think a mere fifty foot drop wouldn't've been too bad for me. Still, thanks for the apology." She paused again, then glanced behind her at the small figure of Amy in the distance. "Now, mind giving me a lift back down to Amy, please? I've still got some healing to do, and I think she wants to make sure I'm alright. And yell at you." Vicky winced.

"I suppose I really deserve that." She sighed, before crouching down to take Shadow into her arms again, this time carefully cradling her to her chest before she lifted into the air. "Thanks for forgiving me."

"Just don't drop me again, and we're all good." Shadow snarked, making Vicky giggle.

That laugh was quickly frozen in her throat from the glare that Amy gave her- holy crap, I don't think I've ever seen Ames look so mad!- before the healer gently and promptly took Shadow from her arms, holding her for a moment before sighing in relief and putting her down.

"I'm glad you're ok." She said softly, making Shadow bump her nose against her palm in reassurance. She smiled, then turned back to glaring up at Vicky, who landed on the ground next to her. "What the hell was that?! You just come charging in here like some mad bull and drag Shadow away, then you fucking drop her from about fifty feet in the air! What the hell were you thinking, you-!"

"I wasn't." Vicky flinched, cutting her sister off. "I know I wasn't, Ames, and I'm sorry. I was just mad about losing Mom, and Shadow using that Master power to put me to sleep just made her an easier target than Leviathan was. And when I saw her with you, I kinda… panicked. I wasn't thinking about the fact that Shadow's Master power just puts people to sleep, I was just thinking about the fact that she had a Master power and went off on one trying to get her away from you."

"The bit where she dropped me was my own fault, though." Shadow admitted, making Amy look down at her in surprise. "I Scratched her to make her let me go, and didn't think about the fact that I was fifty feet up until I'd already done it. I have some ways to make myself slow down, though not all of them are very good, so I just used one of them, but I didn't really think before I acted. I was a little confused so I went off of instinct."


"Sorry, Ames."

"It's not me you need to be apologising to…"

"She's already apologised to me, Amy." Shadow patted her hand. "Stupid things happened, and could've had bad consequences, but they didn't. Vicky needs to learn to think before she acts, and I need to be more careful about remembering that most people wouldn't react well to being put to sleep without warning by a Cape." She grinned. "Stuff happened, we fixed it, water under the bridge, let's go back to healing?"

"Still a bad turn of phrase, Shadow." Vicky pointed out, making the fox pause before muttering something softly under her breath.

"Dammit. Um, whoops?" She blushed, making Amy and Vicky laugh.

"Right, ignoring that little blunder there…" The healer smiled, crouching slightly to run her hand over Shadow's head plume. "I agree that we should get back to healing. There's still quite a bit to do, even though you cut this fight pretty short."

"She did what?" Vicky butted in, gaping.

"I'll tell you later, Vicky." Amy promised.

"I'll hold you to that." Vicky returned, before floating a few feet off the ground. "I'm gonna go do some more laps of the city, see if there's anything I can do in terms of search and rescue. Go save some lives, sis."

"We will." Amy turned away and walked back into the main building, where there were no doubt more casualties waiting, while Shadow looked up at her.

"Be more careful from now on, ok Glory Girl?"

"I will." She told her. "And by the way, it's Vicky. Amy likes you, and it's the least I can say for forgiving me." Shadow's face lit up.

"Thanks, Vicky. I'll see you later." The vulpine waved before following Amy into the building, while the other Cape flew away to go see where she could help.

That could've been bad. She mused softly as she flew. In any number of ways. I guess I'm lucky that Shadow's got so many weird powers that she keeps pulling out at the drop of a hat, and that she doesn't seem to hold grudges for anything, no matter how severe it is. And that Amy seems to trust her enough to be ok with what she says.

But still… Mom would've
murdered me for a stunt like that, especially on a hero who's basically allied with us through working in the hospital with Ames. I'd've been grounded for forever if she'd heard about it.

Frowning heavily, Vicky nodded to herself, her resolve firming.

That's it. I'm going to do my best to be better, for the memory of Mom if nothing else. I've done way too much stupid shit since getting my powers, relying on Ames to bail me out. I'm going to start thinking before I act, and being more careful with my powers. I'm going to be a hero and help get this city back on its feet after this attack, not just because it's my home, but because it'll help others.

Twisting to stare up at the sky for a moment, watching it slowly lighten as the sun rose, she caught sight of a few stars still shining in the sky and smiled.

I'm going to be a hero you could be proud of, Mom. Just you watch.

"Hey Shadow!"

The Vulpix's ears pricked up slightly at the sound of her name being called, and she waited for the Heal Pulse to end before trotting into the next room, looking around for Amy. She was standing over one of the beds on the furthest side of the room, and as she headed over she noticed Assault hovering next to her.

Shadow liked Assault. He was funny, and though they didn't always encounter each other on patrols, or have much time before one of their patrolling partners dragged them away, she always found it amusing to listen to his endless stream of jokes and quips, and even random bits of advice disguised as a joke or a quip. She also found it endlessly amusing how Battery- who was apparently a pretty close partner to him, given how much of a mix their scents were- seemed to have totally given up on trying to reign him in and had just resorted to joining in somewhat.

Right now, though, Assault looked anything but happy. Instead, he was worriedly standing next to the bed, tapping one foot on the ground in a nervous beat, and as Shadow jumped up onto the stool a PRT trooper placed down for her, she realised why.

Battery was resting on the bed, looking like she was peacefully asleep, while Amy had her hand on her cheek. Physically she looked perfectly fine, but the fact that Amy had called her over gave a different story.

"What's up, Amy?" She asked.

"I've managed to heal Battery of her actual injuries, but there's something wrong. I think it might be brain damage of some kind, but I can't heal that and I'm not very good at picking out the differences because of it. I was wondering...?"

"Sure, give me a minute." Sitting down and placing her paw on Battery's arm, she inhaled deeply before howling out a healing Move, letting the pulse go on for almost a minute before halting. Taking her paw from her arm, Shadow fell back slightly, chest heaving, while Amy put her hand back on Battery's cheek again.

"Oh. Now I can see the differences. I guess it helps to see things as they shift… the injuries have healed, I think, but I don't know why she's not woken up." Amy frowned.

"Should I try again?" Shadow asked, gasping.

"I... don't think it'd be a good idea." She replied. "It doesn't look like anything would change, anyway. What did you do?"

"Heal Pulse and Heal Bell, like normal." She said. "Heal Bell normally heals issues like this, though..."

"Then I don't see you trying again being able to do anything." Assault sagged. "Thanks for trying, though."

"No problem, Assault." Shadow smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, she'll wake up when she's ready."

"I hope so…" He said lowly, quiet enough that Shadow nearly missed it even with her hearing. "Thanks, though."

"No problem." Shadow jumped down from the stool, wobbled slightly, then walked slowly around to pat him sympathetically on the leg. "Sorry I couldn't help more."

"It's ok, you did what you could." Assault shrugged, crouching down and placing a hand on her head plume. Amy followed over, putting a hand on her side for a moment, and frowned.

"Maybe you should take a break, Shadow." Amy suggested, sounding concerned. "You look really tired."

"I am a bit." She yawned, sitting down. "My Moves take a lot of energy, and even the different things I've been using to give me back the power to do them don't work very well after a while. The energy needs to be there at least a little to restore it properly, and at this point I'm basically just using the remade energy instead of my own, and that... doesn't work too well." Amy sighed, shaking her head.

"C'mon, Shadow, you should go rest. You've done loads here, and you've really helped me out, lowering the amount of work I'd have to do normally. It's... what, half six? You can afford a break." The healer said, slipping her arm under her, across Shadow's chest. "You can sit at Swarm and Eon's side, and take a nap or something."

"What about you?" Shadow asked, as Amy lifted her up into her arms and Assault took his hand from her head. "You've been working just as much as me, shouldn't you take a rest?"

"Healing with my power doesn't actually tire me out." She said. "So you don't need to worry about me. Besides, there's not really many people left that need healing, so I can finish things off here and go grab something to eat and a nap somewhere, unless more people get brought in from search and rescue."

"I'll hold you to that." Shadow yawned again, waving to Assault as Amy turned and carried her towards the room where Swarm and Eon were being kept. "Seeya, Assault."

"See you, Shadow. Thanks for helping." The red-costumed man seemed down still, making Shadow frown sadly, but she wasn't able to do anything about it before Amy nudged open the door to the private room that the PRT people had apparently set aside for Inari, depositing her on the bed between Swarm and Eon's.

"Get some rest, Shadow." Amy commanded lightly, running her hand over her head. "And I promise I'll get some later as well. Don't worry about me."

"Ok, ok." Shadow grinned tiredly at her, resting her head on her front paws. "I'll see you later, then."

Amy hummed an agreement to her, then dimmed the lights and left the room. Shadow gladly closed her eyes and let herself drift into sleep, relaxing properly for the first time since about half four that morning.

Ethan grimaced as he trailed after the PRT troopers, following them into the small room where Alice was being taken to recover. Behind him, he could hear Panacea giving orders to some of the others, and mentally half-smiled at the thought of the small, mousey healer giving people commands.

He couldn't manage to force that smile onto his face, though, as he looked down at the sleeping form of his wife. The troopers left quietly, leaving him sitting in the silent room holding her hand.

Ethan hoped she'd wake up soon. It had only been a few minutes, but he already missed the sound of her voice as he teased her about things.

Admittedly, if Shadow and Panacea couldn't do anything, then it might be a long time, but he would keep hoping.

Ethan was known for his unending optimism, after all, and it'd do him well here.

Armed with a three hour nap under her scarf, Shadow shook herself out slightly and trotted out of the room, seeing the main healing room that she and Amy had been working in was now empty. It didn't surprise her too much, since she knew that she and Amy had been working hard managing to heal people, but it was still nice to know that they'd apparently managed to heal everyone who'd been found after the battle.

Ignoring her bag, still sitting over on the side and looking untouched- though Shadow could vaguely smell that Amy had been around it, probably closing it up to make sure no-one would mess with it- she made her way straight out of the building, looking around at the empty area.

Splashing through a few puddles on the way out of the mass of hastily set up tents, Shadow looked out over the city of Brockton Bay, frowning sadly at the very visible results of the Endbringer battle that had happened about four hours before.

"Damn." She sighed, huffing through her nose. Most of the damage was down near the beach, where the waves had come in, but the large tidal wave that Leviathan had brought in near the end of the fight had spread the damage through a lot of the rest of the city, knocking down a massive amount of buildings. His retreat had done similarly, Leviathan hurriedly pulling all of the water he'd brought with him back out into the ocean.
Shadow was unfortunately sure that at least a few injured or dead Capes had been taken with him, but it was always possible that they'd been left there from the Endbringer's natural water manipulation abilities.

Scanning across the rest of the city, she made a rough guess as to where Taylor's house was and was glad to see that it looked reasonably unaffected by the attack, and the area where the Den was seemed to be completely safe- which made sense, given that it was a good mile or so into the forest and the damage from the attack had been mostly confined to the area the Endbringer had been in the first place.

Still, Shadow thought, that much damage is... one heck of a sight.

Turning away from the image of the wrecked city, Shadow quietly started walking again, plotting out how Team Inari could possibly attempt to help with the rebuilding- and coming up somewhat short, aside from maybe levitating brickwork out of the way to clear areas faster or put up new buildings- when she noticed a familiar white-and-green costume sitting off on her own.

"Hey, Vista." She said softly, changing course to bring her next to the Cape.

"Oh. Hi, Shadow." The girl replied, smiling slightly. She sounded down too, and after a few seconds of thought Shadow reckoned she had the reason.

"I heard about Shadow Stalker while I was healing." Shadow told her, sitting down and curling her tails around her feet. "I'm sorry."

Vista shrugged. "I don't really mind too much. Stalker was a bit of a bitch, and she never liked me. I think because I'm a kid, so I'm supposed to be 'weak' and need protecting all the time." Her voice had taken on a low, bitter tone, and the Vulpix winced before putting a paw on her hand. "She was still a team mate, though, and I do feel bad for her family, but I can't really say I'll miss her much, I guess."

"Suppose that makes sense." Shadow hummed. "Is the rest of your team ok? And you?" A lot of the group had been brought in just after the attack that had brought Stalker down, but Shadow didn't remember seeing them, so presumably they'd all gone to Amy instead.

"We're all fine. Kid Win's going to need to repair his armour, and Aegis wasn't too happy after that happened, but they're all fine. Amy's really good at what she does."

"She is that, yeah." Shadow grinned. The pair sat in silence for a few minutes, before Shadow perked up, thinking of something that might help the young Ward get over- or at least forget about for a while- what happened. "Hey, how about I tell you a story?"

"A... story?" Vista looked down at her, and Shadow could imagine that there was a raised eyebrow behind her visor. "Why a story?"

"I just figured you might want something else to think about, is all." She shrugged. "And I know a lot of stories. Some my Momma told me when I was a kit, some I've picked up while travelling around with Eon and Inari, and way too many of them are my own ones from stupid situations that we've gotten into."

"...You know what, sure." Vista said, after a moment. "A story would be kinda nice."

"Neat!" Shadow thought for a moment, tapping her paw against the slightly muddy dirt, then nodded to herself. "Ok. One Momma used to tell me was the story of the selfish human. I guess it was kinda supposed to be a cautioning story, but it's not a bad actual story too."

"Weird name."

"Mhm, I guess. Anyway, the story's about a human who one day encountered a Nine... tailed kitsune, like Eon is. The human insulted the Kyuubi, which obviously angered them. The Kyuubi cursed the human, but the human had friendly spirit with them who took the curse on herself to save the human. However, the human didn't care and used the Kyuubi's surprise to run away and save themself, abandoning the spirit. In their anger, the Kyuubi made a prophesy that predicted that one day, the human would be reborn as a spirit as well, and they would bring about the end of the world by upsetting the balance of nature.

"Many years later, the prophecy came to pass, and the human was reborn as a grudge spirit. At the same time, another human was brought into the world as an ocean spirit, in the hopes that they would be able to remove the grudge spirit and rebalance nature again. The ocean spirit was helped by a lightning spirit, and they travelled together to find the Kyuubi from the legend and discover if the legend was true. The grudge spirit was revealed, and the ocean and lightning spirits went to the peak of the world to awaken the Guardian of the Sky, a great green dragon, who then helped to save the world from the meteor that the arrival of the grudge spirit had caused. During this, though, the human that became the ocean spirit ended up lost in the netherworld, until the grudge spirit saved them and dragged their spirit back into the world.

"After this, the grudge spirit apologised to the ocean and lightning spirits for antagonising them while they were travelling, and requests that they escorted him to the Kyuubi so that they could find the guardian spirit they abandoned as a human and apologise to them too. They did so, and the Kyuubi sent them to the guardian spirit. However, the spirit had forgotten everything about their past life before the curse, and didn't remember what the human had done to them. The human that had become the grudge spirit apologised anyway, and the two went their separate ways, never to meet again."

Shadow looked up at the sky, sighing lightly. "For my kind, it's a cautioning tale about the power of our curses. We can do horrible things with them, if we wanted, and we should always try to control ourselves, and not get so angry that we hurt someone. But I know others use it as a warning against annoying the kitsune, and especially the Kyuubi, since they're the main ones who cause curses from pulling on their tails. Kitsune tend to just prank the heck out of people."

"Wow." Vista muttered, after a moment of letting it sink in. "That's... cool." She paused, cocking her head. "Hey, if I pulled on Eon's tail, would I get cursed?"

"Yeah. The curses are kinda controlled by the Kyuubi making it, pulling one tail is less than pulling on all nine, and if you do it while knowing what'll happen it's gonna be more serious than if you didn't, but you could get cursed if you did it to Eon. Pulling on one by accident with Eon and you'll probably just break your favourite mug or something." She grinned a little. "He's pretty relaxed when it comes to things like that."

"It was a very interesting story." Both girls jumped as a new voice broke into the conversation, whirling around to look up at Swarm, standing a number of feet away with her arms crossed over her chest. "And hello, Vista. I didn't realise you were awake, Shadow."


"I woke up a little while ago and decided to come look around." The Vulpix said easily. "What do you need?"

"I found where they've set up a cafeteria, so I started looking to see if I could find you."

"Oh, you want the illusion?" Shadow realised, standing. "Sure, no problem. Are you coming, Vista?"

"I suppose so." The young Cape agreed, following her up. "It's better than sitting out here brooding."

"Most things are." Swarm told her, as she crouched down and offered her arms to Shadow. She allowed herself to be picked up by her team mate, using the higher position to look around more as they began walking towards one of the more crowded buildings. "Though I don't have much of an opportunity to brood about things. Shadow here is way too bouncy for that."

"And Eon wouldn't let you get depressed about anything either." Shadow quipped, making Vista snort.

"Eon does seem like that." She nodded. "Though I think he sometimes seems really serious."

"He has to be, with this one as a second-in-command." Swarm poked Shadow in the side sharply, making her yelp quietly, before leading them into a building.

It was surprisingly empty, but Shadow supposed that, being about four hours after the attack, most of the Capes that had been there would have gone home by now- or, for those in Brockton Bay, they might still be outside and trying to get started sorting things out. Still, there were a few people still around, and as she glanced about she spotted one that she knew.

Swarm clearly did too, since she headed straight over to the table she was sitting at. Vista trailed after them, since none of the other Wards were in the room and apparently she didn't know any of the other Capes there.

"Hey, Aquamarina." Swarm greeted politely, making the blue-wearing Cape look up in surprise. "Mind if the three of us sit here?"

"No, go ahead." She replied after a moment. "No-one else is here, after all."

"Thanks." Swarm gently placed Shadow onto the bench, a smile bleeding through her mask. "I'm pretty sure there's bacon up there, should I get you some?"

"Oh, please." She grinned, ears flicking up. "That'd be great, thank you. Healing was… not conductive to not being hungry?" Swarm chuckled.

"I know, you complain enough about it every time you come back from the hospital." The bug user said. "I think I've gotten more practise cooking in the last few weeks than I have in my entire life." Shadow stuck her tongue out at her, making the Capes snicker. "Mature of you."

"Thanks." Shadow grinned as her team mate walked away, Vista going with her to get food. She tracked them for a moment, then looked back at Aquamarina, who'd gone back to her plate of eggs and sausages with a slightly awkward air. "Hey, I never got to say thank you for earlier on."

"What for?" She blinked, startled, and stared at her.

"For bringing Eon in when he got hurt, for taking me up to the storm, and for helping me find Swarm earlier." Shadow explained. "It was really nice of you to do that, especially since you didn't have to."

"Of course I did." Aquamarina seemed vaguely insulted, her crystal wings shuffling behind her. "I was nearby when Eon was hurt, and you had a way to end the fight, so of course I was going to help you. I couldn't just leave things as they were."

"You didn't have to help with Swarm, though. You were just there, and you could've left to go and do more searching outside, but you took me with you and helped me find her." Shadow pawed slightly at her muzzle, discreetly brushing away the tears that had formed. "I've been avoiding thinking about what might've happened if you hadn't helped, so thank you for that, if nothing else at all."

"You… really, you don't need to thank me for that, either. I couldn't just leave someone to die out there, and you were certain she was alive, so I knew I had to help you." Aquamarina returned, blushing slightly under her mask. "And it was easier for me to help you than for you to go find someone else to take you. You might've lost the scent, and I knew I could get you to where I'd seen her last."

"Still, thank you. I don't think I could've coped if I'd've lost her." Hesitantly, Aquamarina patted her on the paw sitting on the table, then withdrew back into her food as Vista and Swarm arrived.

"Here you go, Shadow." Swarm said, placing the plate in front of her before sitting on her right hand side. Vista somewhat awkwardly took a place on her left, and Shadow looked up at her friend with a smile.

"Thanks, Swarm." The Vulpix replied. "Now, looky here?" The three chuckled at her phrasing as Swarm looked down at her, Shadow frowning as she pictured the illusion she wanted to layer over her head. "Alright, done."

"Nice." Shadow made sure to keep her focus as Swarm lifted up the lower part of her mask to let her eat, and once the girl had started tied off the illusion and lifted her knife and fork with telekinesis to start on the massive amount of bacon and sausages that she'd been given.

"Wow, that's really cool." Vista exclaimed quietly, and Shadow shot a sideways glance to see that she was staring at the illusion, as was Aquamarina. "Weird looking, but cool."

"Is that one of your powers?"

"Yeah, illusions." Shadow explained. "This one's simple, I just stick a field over her head that looks kinda like static. No-one can see her face, and no-one wants to spend a long time staring at her trying to look past it because it's kinda hard to look at."

"I can sure see that." Aquamarina commented, shaking her head and tearing her gaze away. "It's tricky. Impressive, though, for sure."

"Thanks!" Shadow grinned, ignoring the slight strain of holding the illusion there. "Oh, by the way, Aquamarina, this is Vista, she's one of the local Wards. Vista, meet Aquamarina, an independent from Los Angeles. She's the one who helped get Eon and Swarm back to the healing area, and she helped me do the Thunder thing at the end of the fight."

"Nice to meet you." The space-warper offered, holding out her hand. The flier shook it, before Vista looked back to Shadow. "So that lightning bolt was yours, then?"

"Yeah. I got lucky as heck with it, but it's one of the lineage Moves I have from my great aunt. I need something or someone else to do the clouds, that's one thing I've never been able to do no matter how hard I try, and I need to get lucky with the Charging, too. I went positive, and I just got lucky that that was what I needed." Shadow smiled, blushing slightly, hovering her fork in midair. "I didn't know how effective it would be, either."

"It's a good thing it worked, though." Vista commented. "That fight was starting to get a bit worrying."

"It can get a lot worse." A new voice put in. Everyone turned to see Vicky and Amy standing next to the table, plates in hand. "Mind if we join you?"

"Go ahead, Amy." Shadow stated, among the other's nods. "Everyone, this is Amy and Vicky, also known as Panacea and Glory Girl. Amy, Vicky, I guess you know everyone from the Bay, but this is Aquamarina. She helped me with the Thunder." She added, for Vicky's sake.

"Oh, cool." Vicky beamed, waving hello. "You took the lightning bolt?"

"I didn't get hit." Aquamarina demurred. "I don't think it'd be a good idea to take a lightning strike when I fly using my wings. I just took her up into the air so she could use it."

"That's fair. I know my invulnerability can take one, but it's a better idea to avoid them if I can."

"Oh, Amy mentioned something about that." Shadow remembered. "Something about prior experience?" Amy laughed loudly, covering Vicky's groan.

"Yeah, she is. She went out flying in a storm. Turns out, flying high in the air during a thunderstorm is a good way to get hit." Amy told them. "I had to put up with her whinging for weeks afterwards, and she ended up grounded for being irresponsible."

The story caused a large number of other laughs, and the entire thing dissolved into a story session, with the older Capes telling tales of patrols and Swarm chipping in on occasion with things that had happened, and Shadow returning the favour with some stories she'd heard from her parents when she was younger- modified for a different audience, of course.

In the end, Shadow thought, listening to Vista talk about Clockblocker's name announcement, this isn't such a bad way to end an attack after all.

I do not own Pokemon Red/Blue Rescue Team, which is where the original version of the tale of the selfish human comes from.
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