A Shadow, an Eon, and a Worm (Worm/Pokemon)

...I was interpreting that last bit as Eon feeling the effects of an incoming curse, not using the move himself. Kind of like in Okami where curses are environmental effects.

I rather doubt that it's a Curse curse, cast by a ghost type. That would raise entirely too many questions.

I think it's not an incoming Curse, but rather due to the unstable landing of all of the capes that Strider pulled out of the building, Eon is about to Curse someone due to them accidently landing on one or more of his tails.
Pretty much. Ninetales and Vulpix movesets are decent. Not incredible (comparable to some Dragons, Normal types or friggin Mew, they are in comparison tiny), but they have tools which may work even against Leviathan. Again, it REALLY depends on what moves Ninetales has. And Vulpix as well, but he may be too squishy to even get too close.

Nope, he doesn't learn Trick Room in any shape and form. Not from breeding, not from Move Tutors. It would be INCREDIBLE support move here, but Ninetales/Vulpix line doesn't learn it.

Yeah, Ninetales doesn't learn Curse. And again, it depends on which generation 'mechanics' this whole situation is based on and moves.

Your entire Moves bit here makes me want to go quote myself and Eonmoon from the Discord, which is in the Moves info, but it's under spoiler... hmm, buggerit.

Along with this, I'm abusing the Field egg group a bit, since that theoretically allows for any Pokemon to be in the family tree- Shadow has a Lucario, for example, which is why she can use Heal Pulse, while Heal Bell comes from a Delcatty. As such, Shadow has a really weird and varied moveset- think Ashes of the Past Ivysaur, and you'll have something similar. She's also slowly working on teaching Eon most of her Moves, since that's possible.

I'm also abusing how the 'lineage' moves work in mine; that is, you can learn them, but it's way easier if someone else in your family knew them, since it'll pass down the ability to do it…

having to find a tutor. Though you can get lucky sometimes, and have a team that's willing to trade moves a lot. Wild Pokemon don't have that advantage… of course, you've also got those teams that have Legendaries… And believe me when I say that lack of legends on teams, laziness and time requirement are basically the only reasons why exclusive moves are exclusive.

So, yeah. While the games might have a small Moveset, with the rules here...

It pretty much works the way that they put Trick Room on fast Pokemon on purpose, because it has negative initiative. So slow Pokemon ironically will use it faster and the faster one will follow afterwards. When Trick Room is used when Trick Room is already on a field, it cancels previous one and nothing is slowed around.

World championships, etc. is pretty much always 2vs2 battles. Singles never happen (Stall Defensive Single Pokemon Teams could... make matches REALLY long sometimes) and 3vs3 is too random.

Gotta admit, didn't know that, but that's mostly because my competitive experience is less on the actual competitions, more building silly teams or Pokemon to mess with my friends with. And yeah, I can see the Simurgh figuring out how to mimic Trick Room.

Let me check... Yeah, it's not a physical contact move. In this case Ninetales doesn't need to touch target to apply it.

In this case, it's less a contact thing, more a range thing. If it can be applied from a mile away? Sure, fine. If the range means the target needs to be within some number of metres from the user? Less good.

Could easily explain why it's not used in later fights with more powerful Pokemon, though. Too far away from each other.

Yeah, this makes sense. Although if there is anything broken enough to swap abilities around, it's Leviathan, alright. Because it may as well be 'Water Absorb' or something similar.

Water Absorb makes sense, but I feel like Veil is more thematic.

Really thematic would be Drizzle or Primordial Sea, though. Because rain.

Pretty much to force him run away, because with those Pokemon here I don't see win as a realistic option. Maybe if new ones show up, destroying Leviathan may do the trick.

Although I could see for example Ninetales 'smelling' Endbringers on Eidolon, which would be pretty... yeah. If he could 'smell' AI on Dragon, I think I wouldn't be really shocked by this. And go with standard 'get this idiot therapy' solution.


I figured that the Endbringers have a command to leave the battle if certain conditions are met, and one of those is a damage condition, since if they're too damaged they wouldn't be able to be a worthy opponent to him.

Leviathan was strong physically as well, like really strong. So Foul Play should work like a charm here.

Fair enough, yes. Though with Foul Play being a contact Move, Eon then needs to get close enough for it to work. Which might be mildly unsafe.

It pretty much depends on how much Endbringers hold back. Because honestly if Leviathan wants Eon dead... he will end up dead with a nasty Water weakness and all. But it may as well be one of Simurgh plots to make Eon more involved or something as Pokemon may be a solution against Zion as they are 'out of context' problem and all.

Obviously they would prefer something MewTwo, Mew, Lugia, Deoxys, Giratina or Arceus to fix THAT problem, but yeah you deal with what you have :p.

Yeah, to deal with a high power, you really need the assistance of a higher power to handle it.

Escalation; solving issues since 2011!

But yeah, an Endbringer fight is not the safest place. Even if we assume that the Water weakness doesn't count here for whatever reason, you're not immune to high impacts or drowning.

I think it's not an incoming Curse, but rather due to the unstable landing of all of the capes that Strider pulled out of the building, Eon is about to Curse someone due to them accidently landing on one or more of his tails.

I think it's not an incoming Curse, but rather due to the unstable landing of all of the capes that Strider pulled out of the building, Eon is about to Curse someone due to them accidently landing on one or more of his tails.

Actually in this case it's more game mechanics based Curse or Kitsune legend thing? I assume second one, but I may as well ask for confirmation? Because unless 'caster' is a Ghost type, Curse isn't a problem really.

So, yeah. While the games might have a small Moveset, with the rules here...

It's not really that small, especially in later generations, but yeah. Also fair enough ;). In this case it may have more options and I can't really guess what he has in the end ;). For example mentioned by you Lucario does have some interesting options...

Gotta admit, didn't know that, but that's mostly because my competitive experience is less on the actual competitions, more building silly teams or Pokemon to mess with my friends with. And yeah, I can see the Simurgh figuring out how to mimic Trick Room.

To be fair many details like this are missed by players as well. Doubles and Singles battle and strategy wise are VERY different metagames. Trick Room teams in singles are close to being unviable outside of very few exceptions and specific metagames. While in doubles it's one of the best strategies around.

And unless you have straight up precog blocker, Simurgh will analyze all options and movesets and design counters to them, which is why I mention fighting her would suck immensly unless few potential counters would show up. Unless Pokemon for some reason all are precog immune or something and count as 'out of context' problem or something.

Hmm.... maybe it would be nice to write some omakes to present those scenarios? Sounds fun. Or similar story with different Pokemon? But I'm sooo lazy x_X.

In this case, it's less a contact thing, more a range thing. If it can be applied from a mile away? Sure, fine. If the range means the target needs to be within some number of metres from the user? Less good.

<Shrug.> No idea. Something like 'range' isn't part of games and I have no idea how those attacks look in anime. I suspect it's NOT that big, so yeah. But here it would be pretty much your decision.

Really thematic would be Drizzle or Primordial Sea, though. Because rain.

Yeah, I think Drizzle/Primordial Sea is hands down most logical choice here. Leviathan does always summon rain when he enters 'battlefields'. Which would make Fire attacks even more useless outside of few exceptions like Will-O-Wisp.

I figured that the Endbringers have a command to leave the battle if certain conditions are met, and one of those is a damage condition, since if they're too damaged they wouldn't be able to be a worthy opponent to him.

Yeah, I think this is how it works. Once you deal enough damage, they should retreat.

Fair enough, yes. Though with Foul Play being a contact Move, Eon then needs to get close enough for it to work. Which might be mildly unsafe.

Yep, yep. I wouldn't REALLY recommend it, like at all.

Yeah, to deal with a high power, you really need the assistance of a higher power to handle it.

Escalation; solving issues since 2011!

And it sure works! Sometimes. Or it works too well (collateral damage and all).

But yeah, an Endbringer fight is not the safest place. Even if we assume that the Water weakness doesn't count here for whatever reason, you're not immune to high impacts or drowning.

This also makes me wonder what Endbringers would do if people stopped showing up and simply evacuate? Straight up destroy everything around the place they visit to punish people for not showing up? Because all those casualties will sooner or later stack up to the point that showing up may simply be... pointless? If events of canon didn't go the way they did, how they would proceed? It's kind of interesting to think about ;).
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Actually in this case it's more game mechanics based Curse or Kitsune legend thing? I assume second one, but I may as well ask for confirmation? Because unless 'caster' is a Ghost type, Curse isn't a problem really.

Hmm, as I mentioned, Ninetales are known to curse those who pull on their tails. But yeah, Curse isn't a great big problem as a Move in this case.

It's not really that small, especially in later generations, but yeah. Also fair enough ;). In this case it may have more options and I can't really guess what he has in the end ;). For example mentioned by you Lucario does have some interesting options...

To be fair, that's for Shadow's family tree, because Eon's a human turned Pokemon, and thus doesn't have one. Even still, learning the Moves is possible with time- admittedly something they're lacking right now- but Eon's been working on grabbing some of Shadow's stuff.

And in her case, it's just that it's easier to learn the Moves. She still needs someone to teach her, which is why Rescue Teams are great in this case; wide range of Pokemon to act as teachers.

And unless you have straight up precog blocker, Simurgh will analyze all options and movesets and design counters to them, which is why I mention fighting her would suck immensly unless few potential counters would show up. Unless Pokemon for some reason all are precog immune or something and count as 'out of context' problem or something.

Hmm.... maybe it would be nice to write some omakes to present those scenarios? Sounds fun. Or similar story with different Pokemon? But I'm sooo lazy x_X.

Thinker issues have been brought up before, actually- see Tattletale, where she had trouble with both the idea of Time Gears, and also with Hoopa, her power just spitting out errors. Precogs and other types of Thinkers will slowly be touched upon as things progress.

And please feel free to omake things. My little sidestory idea- which I'm pretty sure will be happening, by the way, and I'm looking forward to working on that as soon as the muse returns from their little trip to who-knows-where- is only going to focus on the canon past of Shadow and Eon, after all, so anything on the end of branching paths will end up omakes.

Though any past omakes for Team Inari might well end up canon, if they don't contradict ideas too much.

Yeah, I think Drizzle/Primordial Sea is hands down most logical choice here. Leviathan does always summon rain when he enters 'battlefields'. Which would make Fire attacks even more useless outside of few exceptions like Will-O-Wisp.

Yep. I'm thinking I'd rather it was Drizzle, because that still allows Fire Moves, just weakened. Primordial Sea cancels them out completely.

And man, I'm only now realising how much of a pain it is to not accidentally spoil stuff about how the Pokemon are interacting with things on Bet. Damn you, overly elaborate future plans that give this story a reason! You're making it hard to confirm and deny stuff!

Yeah, I think this is how it works. Once you deal enough damage, they should retreat.

Which makes sense, given that otherwise they'd just continue on until everyone was dead or they were. I figure they have a sort of checklist; deal damage to area, deal damage to Capes, provide challenge to Eidolon, take certain amount of damage. If any of those are checked off, then they can leave.

This also makes me wonder what Endbringers would do if people stopped showing up and simply evacuate? Straight up destroy everything around the place they visit to punish people for not showing up? Because all those casualties will sooner or later stack up to the point that showing up may simply be... pointless? If events of canon didn't go the way they did, how they would proceed? It's kind of interesting to think about ;).

Maybe, yeah. It is interesting to wonder how much worse things might've gotten if canon hadn't ended as it did. I figure the Endbringer's little checklist has a fairly low number of casualties required for a retreat, though, otherwise it wouldn't be a proper test of the Capes and Eidolon.
Yeah, this makes sense. Although if there is anything broken enough to swap abilities around, it's Leviathan, alright. Because it may as well be 'Water Absorb' or something similar.

Levi wouldn't necessarily need to switch abilities. In the Mystery Dungeon games (or at least the first two series) everyone has all of their potential abilities at once. Yes, even if they contradict each other, like Riolu being immune to flinch and getting boosted when flinched (I believe that one resolves by having the boost also apply to another MD-exclusive effect). So there's precedent for having more than one ability at once.

Incidentally, Mystery Dungeon either helps resolve the turn dilemma or makes it worse. Moving one square in any direction, using a move, making a non-move basic attack, and using an item all take one turn. Speed boost effects give you a greater number of turns relative to everyone else, but this also speeds up the rate at which you lose buffs and take turn-based damage.
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mwahaha. yes a curse has been applied. to who and what sort... well you need to stick around til next time.

in reguards to upcoming battle. there is going to be a LOT of setup time to max my attacks. after that. well levi. your about to be foxed up.
Levi wouldn't necessarily need to switch abilities. In the Mystery Dungeon games (or at least the first two series) everyone has all of their potential abilities at once. Yes, even if they contradict each other, like Riolu being immune to flinch and getting boosted when flinched (I believe that one resolves by having the boost also apply to another MD-exclusive effect). So there's precedent for having more than one ability at once.

This is a thing I forgot was a thing. Thanks for that.

Still, probably gonna say that Levi would have the equivalent of Water Veil and Drizzle, for the echo and the rain.

Not that I'm saying he has Abilities, though!

Incidentally, Mystery Dungeon either helps resolve the turn dilemma or makes it worse. Moving one square in any direction, using a move, making a non-move basic attack, and using an item all take one turn. Speed boost effects give you a greater number of turns relative to everyone else, but this also speeds up the rate at which you lose buffs and take turn-based damage.

Also true, and a thing I'd sorta remembered? I do need to figure it all out properly in terms of everyone else, but I know how I've got it working for Shadow and Eon.

Additionally, now we've had some time to settle, I'm gonna mention that there's a part of this chapter that I'm slightly surprised hasn't been commented on at all. Actually, there's two and a bit, but one's the major cryptic event of the chapter and the other two are sorta more little bits else that I'd've thought someone would poke by now.
Additionally, now we've had some time to settle, I'm gonna mention that there's a part of this chapter that I'm slightly surprised hasn't been commented on at all. Actually, there's two and a bit, but one's the major cryptic event of the chapter and the other two are sorta more little bits else that I'd've thought someone would poke by now.

Perhaps we're all just waiting to see how the mysterious being plotline plays out, rather than comment on it? I mean, it's wonderful that you're setting up for future chapters, but the ominous end of the chapter showing that Eon is about to unintentionally break the Endbringer Truce, and the fact that freaking Leviathan is coming, are both kind of more attention-grabbing.
This is a thing I forgot was a thing. Thanks for that.

Still, probably gonna say that Levi would have the equivalent of Water Veil and Drizzle, for the echo and the rain.

Not that I'm saying he has Abilities, though!

Also true, and a thing I'd sorta remembered? I do need to figure it all out properly in terms of everyone else, but I know how I've got it working for Shadow and Eon.

Additionally, now we've had some time to settle, I'm gonna mention that there's a part of this chapter that I'm slightly surprised hasn't been commented on at all. Actually, there's two and a bit, but one's the major cryptic event of the chapter and the other two are sorta more little bits else that I'd've thought someone would poke by now.

You mean the bit that had what may or may not be the shade of a goddess crying in despair at being completely unable to stop what's happening to the world? Possibly Inari, given the circumstances?

I dunno, I just didn't feel like there was enough there yet to really comment on.
Perhaps we're all just waiting to see how the mysterious being plotline plays out, rather than comment on it? I mean, it's wonderful that you're setting up for future chapters, but the ominous end of the chapter showing that Eon is about to unintentionally break the Endbringer Truce, and the fact that freaking Leviathan is coming, are both kind of more attention-grabbing.

You mean the bit that had what may or may not be the shade of a goddess crying in despair at being completely unable to stop what's happening to the world? Possibly Inari, given the circumstances?

I dunno, I just didn't feel like there was enough there yet to really comment on.

Eh, fair enough. Was wondering if anyone wanted to comment, but yeah, I guess there isn't much to it. Serves me right for putting it in a chapter where there's a bunch of other important stuff going on as well.

I'm good at this!
Thinker issues have been brought up before, actually- see Tattletale, where she had trouble with both the idea of Time Gears, and also with Hoopa, her power just spitting out errors. Precogs and other types of Thinkers will slowly be touched upon as things progress.

Mkay. In other words Pokemon have here pretty good advantage. Yeah, I have an idea for a MewTwo vs The Simurgh omake, I just need to sit and possibly write it. One day. When I will motivate myself. Also MewTwo at pre-Endbringer battle gathering would be... interesting. And once he learned about Cauldron and Case53's, he WOULDN'T be happy. At least I planned to base him more on Pokemon Adventures version, which is far more mild and not completely 'I HATE HUMANS!' thing.

And man, I'm only now realising how much of a pain it is to not accidentally spoil stuff about how the Pokemon are interacting with things on Bet. Damn you, overly elaborate future plans that give this story a reason! You're making it hard to confirm and deny stuff!

It's pretty fun to speculate :p. Just make sure to ignore things if people like us guess some things :p.

Levi wouldn't necessarily need to switch abilities. In the Mystery Dungeon games (or at least the first two series) everyone has all of their potential abilities at once. Yes, even if they contradict each other, like Riolu being immune to flinch and getting boosted when flinched (I believe that one resolves by having the boost also apply to another MD-exclusive effect). So there's precedent for having more than one ability at once.

I never played those, so it's good to learn new things about Pokemon ;).

Incidentally, Mystery Dungeon either helps resolve the turn dilemma or makes it worse. Moving one square in any direction, using a move, making a non-move basic attack, and using an item all take one turn. Speed boost effects give you a greater number of turns relative to everyone else, but this also speeds up the rate at which you lose buffs and take turn-based damage.

In such situations my advice is to always go for more simple explanations and solutions ;). This start to make things more complicated then needed IMO.

mwahaha. yes a curse has been applied. to who and what sort... well you need to stick around til next time.

I'm really curious how this will apply. If anything close to game wise, it may actually be... even a boost instead of punishment :p.

in reguards to upcoming battle. there is going to be a LOT of setup time to max my attacks. after that. well levi. your about to be foxed up.

Problem with this approach is that Endbringer may read this and simply start killing people far more aggresively then normal to force action. I don't think I would recommend doing it if I were there.

Well a shame that we don't have Smeargle for example to Baton Pass Belly Drum or something :p. It would sure speed things up. Or Shell Smash. Curse you lack of proper Pokemon support when you are needed! :p

Still, probably gonna say that Levi would have the equivalent of Water Veil and Drizzle, for the echo and the rain.

Not that I'm saying he has Abilities, though!

You could even say that he has simply powers which can mimic abilities in some bastardized way and not being abilities at all. And it would make more then perfect sense, really, as in the end Endbringers aren't Pokemon.

Where is Master Ball when you need it! :p

Additionally, now we've had some time to settle, I'm gonna mention that there's a part of this chapter that I'm slightly surprised hasn't been commented on at all. Actually, there's two and a bit, but one's the major cryptic event of the chapter and the other two are sorta more little bits else that I'd've thought someone would poke by now.

Hmmm... forcing me to reread chapter :p.

Ok, what it may be...

1. "Just drop one of those stone thingies on it and make a cloak." Ok, I'm curious about this :p.
2. About Eon and Danny conversations. Especially how they bonded and their speculation on Case53's. Maybe this is some sneaky AU Element as Case53's are like Eon here instead of being completely Cauldron thing. I doubt it, but it sounds like a fun theory :p. And possibly maybe some of those Case53's are in fact Pokemon :p. Especially that part:

The stories other than that had been quite amusing, though Eon was mildly suspicious of the stories about the animals he'd been told, but in the end both of them had bonded over the mutual wish to protect their two girls from everything they could.

Well... this sounds like a hint of those animals possibly being Pokemon or something, some possibly unlike Eon not even knowing they were pulled in or something, alright ;).

4. This part:

He looked on alone, tears in his eyes, sad yet proud, terrified yet hopeful
He could not save them this battle.

But he could make the aftermath easier for them.

If they all survived.

This is POV from a perspective of one of Pokemon who can manipulate events in some fashion from the way I see it. So Eon, Shadow and Swarm by proxy aren't really alone in this whole mess? Or that mysterious Pokemon can't help them yet if we take into account 'but he could make the aftermath easier for them'.

Arceus? Or someone lower on power totem like Dialga? Celebi?

Or it may be indeed whole 'Inari' thing like some of you mention ;).

5. Freeze-Dry thing is also an interesting little information. Also that 'learning from Raichu Speed Swap' thing for Shadow.
6. Also Lung participating in this fight is a rare thing in fanfiction stories. Also whole 'call his gang away from them' thing. I also have a feeling that in this whole Endbringer mess Lung may be a crucial player, especially if Shadow and/or Eon pull off some good support moves to help him out. As no one said that they must directly be main players and let him be the main 'actor' here instead. And it would make sense as both are really not suited for dealing with Leviathan of all things.
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1. "Just drop one of those stone thingies on it and make a cloak." Ok, I'm curious about this :p.

I think I've mentioned it somewhere before, but it's an idea that Eon got from a Zoroark a while before about anchoring illusions to stones with certain properties; it came from the fact that Zoroark can make solid illusions and transform themselves- which is another thing Eon and Shadow picked up- but Ninetales illusions can sometimes linger in the background where they were set- it's also a tactic of Legendaries, anchoring illusions to hide things. They experimented, and managed to set it up. Eon just brought a bunch of them with him, which he's used to trap the hell out of the base; there was a quote about a repelling field that only affects you if you don't know it exists, and the woods are now full of random traps and Pokemon that'll chase people away if they get by that.

5. Freeze-Dry thing is also an interesting little information. Also that 'learning from Raichu Speed Swap' thing for Shadow.

Like I've said, Pokemon can learn a lot. It's mainly Aura-based, to be honest; criminally underused in canon, almost criminally overused in fanon. It just takes a damn lot of effort to do something that's not your base Aura type- expect for Normal- and the idea for the others in the Move list is that they're weaker than they would be without a lot of practise at using another type.

6. Also Lung participating in this fight is a rare thing in fanfiction stories. Also whole 'call his gang away from them' thing. I also have a feeling that in this whole Endbringer mess Lung may be a crucial player, especially if Shadow and/or Eon pull off some good support moves to help him out. As no one said that they must directly be main players and let him be the main 'actor' here instead. And it would make sense as both are really not suited for dealing with Leviathan of all things.

Well, Lung has been rather busy shitting himself and trying to figure out if those are actual kitsune in the bay, or just lucky Triggers. And unfortunately for him, evidence seems to be stacking up on the 'real' side of things. So he's doing his damndest to avoid accidentally angering them, just in case. Self-preservation is paramount, at any cost. Even his image.

Image can be recovered. His life, not so much.
Chapter 12- Curse, death, and battle
Warning, this chapter also contains some lines ripped straight from Worm. None of those are mine.

Eon yelped slightly at the tug on his tail, likely coming from one of the nearby Capes that'd fallen over from the effects of whatever had just happened. It was only one tail, luckily, so the curse wasn't likely to be heavy, but it was still a curse.

And in the middle of a fight with this Endbringer a bit of bad luck was the last thing they needed.

Then again... it was a weak curse, meaning they didn't know what they'd triggered when pulling the tail and also done it accidentally, so it might not be too bad... and he'd also heard, once, a story of a Ninetales controlling the curse they set.

Admittedly it'd been a much more powerful curse than this one, and also one caused on purpose, but maybe...

Live. Eon thought, trying to push that idea into the curse. Live through this battle, so that you must handle the aftermath. Nothing seemed to change, and a moment later there was a slight white ripple over his fur, the curse taking effect. He sighed. I suppose we'll never know if that did anything. At least I tried.

"Are you ok Shadow, Swarm?" He asked, as the pressure on his tail vanished- whoever had landed on it had moved away, and would probably never know of his hopeful curse on them.

"Fine, Eon." Shadow muttered, shaking her head.

"Me to." The bug user agreed. "Eon?"

"I'm fine. Shadow, get moving, find Panacea and find where the medical's going to be, get healing. Swarm, stay on me, start searching with your bugs but don't leave until you have to. I'm staying for research, then I'll go in." He commanded them. "Stay safe, both of you."

"We will, Eon." Shadow promised, as Panacea came over, somewhat unsteadily.

"Come on, Shadow!" She called, over the howling rain and crashing sounds of the approaching waves. "Vicky's gonna take us over to Strider, he'll teleport us to where the med-bay's being set up!"

"Alright!" She barked back. The little Vulpix glanced back at her friends. "See you later?"

"Of course." Swarm nodded, sounding a little choked up.

"Go help people, little pix." Eon grinned slightly as Panacea reached them. Glory Girl was hovering behind her, and for a moment the healer looked uncertain before lifting her up into her arms and stepping back, letting the flying Brute pick them both off the ground. Instead of watching them leave, Eon turned forward to look at Leviathan, the imposing figure now in fairly easy view for his eyes.

The creature was thirty feet tall at least, but slightly hunched over, making it look slightly shorter than that. The face area was flat; no nose, no mouth, just five slightly yellow eyes, staring into the gloom at the defenders. The rain was slightly heavier where he was, though he looked unbothered and- Eon squinted a little- completely dry, the water running off him before it even touched him and joining the awful water echo.

"Get ready!" He heard Legend call, the Endbringer bracing himself as well. Eon made his way closer to Swarm and stepped in front of her slightly, breathing in.

Then he moved.

The creature blasted past the defenders before he even had time to react, the echo following a few seconds later. Instinct alone sent the Flamethrower towards it, bleeding some of the water off of the thing, and moment later it blasted over the defending group. Eon grabbed Swarm in a mild Extrasensory, stopping her from falling over, and shooting another Flamethrower in his direction. He dodged away from it and back out to the ocean, heading towards the barrier group.

Carapacitator down, CD-5. Krieg down, CD-5. WCM deceased, CD-5. Iron Falcon down, CD-5. Saurian down, CD-5.

Ignoring the armband for a moment, Eon looked to Swarm. "You ok?"

"Alive, yeah." She hissed, staring at Leviathan as he rampaged through the crowd. "Holy shit, he's faster than I expected."


Meadowtrance down, CD-8. Borderlander deceased, CD-8.

Eon growled slightly, beginning to layer on Agility boosts. It might not get him anywhere near the speed of the Endbringer, but it might well be close enough. "This looks like it's gonna be a lot more dangerous than I thought. I knew he was fast, but not that fast. Boosting to the point where I can hit him is gonna be hard, and unless he's distracted I don't think I'll manage to get him at all long range."

"Doesn't Will-o-Wisp deal some damage as well as making the target weaker?" Swarm was keeping her voice down, despite the distraction of the Capes they were currently among, which he appreciated.

Lupobreeze deceased, CD-9. Phantom down, CD-9.

"It does, and luckily this weather doesn't seem to dampen my Fire abilities as much as I thought." He nodded. "Perhaps it's a Pokemon thing, rather than a rain thing."

"Either way, that's good, right?"

"Probably. The rain might put out the effects of the thing eventually, but hopefully by that point it'll have done some damage and stopped this damn thing from dealing too much." Eon sighed, still boosting. "Now, I just need to get close to it…"

Swarm's armband beeped slightly, making both of them look at it. Swarm half-sighed. "I'm moving on. Search and rescue, since people probably got knocked away from the waves."

"I… alright, yeah. That makes sense." Since no-one was looking, all too busy trying to reorganise themselves into something that could possibly go against Leviathan-

Sheer Cloak down, CD-9. Pierce down, CD-9. Bughand deceased, CD-9.

- so Eon leaned over slightly and hugged her legs. "Good luck, be careful."

"I will, Eon." Swarm withdrew into the rain, bugs buzzing weakly around her and skittering all over the floor, looking for people she could try and help. Eon, meanwhile, gave up on Agility-boosting when things began getting somewhat jittery for him, and started using Hone Claws instead, boosting Attack and Accuracy in the hope of landing some decent hits.

Hex deceased, CB-4. Raven deceased, CB-4. Flux down, CB-4. Cyvoice deceased, CB-4.

Grumbling and growling to himself, Eon manoeuvred his way closer to the Endbringer, still boosting and having to focus on not sending himself sling-shotting across the wet ground under the influence of all those Agility boosts, and began examining it.

For a while he just stood there, watching the distant slaughter- he really couldn't call it a fight, he decided, not with all of the names coming through the armband every couple of seconds as down or deceased- while boosting. He took note of the way it moved- fast, barely any pauses, and with the echo chasing its every step even dodging the physical attack wasn't a sure-fire way out of danger- and how little it seemed to care about the flying Brutes and Blasters that were slowly but surely peppering it with shots.

After a while of Hone Claws boosting, to the point where his paws were beginning to tingle irritatingly and he honestly felt as if he couldn't miss an attack if he tried, and a long enough period of watching Leviathan rampage and listening to the sound of the death toll ring on the armband- at one point, he'd almost panicked when he thought he'd heard Swarm's name come up among the deceased, but it had just been someone else with an annoyingly close enough name that he'd misheard slightly- Eon made a careful retreat away from the thing and closed his eyes, deciding the next thing he needed was some Calm Minds.

Agility to move fast, so I can hopefully avoid his attacks and get close enough to repeatedly hit him. Hone Claws, giving me the Accuracy to hit every time and the Attack to do some damage- even if I don't have many Physical moves, at this level of boosting even Scratch and Fury Swipes would do pretty good, and I've got a couple of other things I can use as well in a pinch, thanks to Shadow. Finally, Calm Mind. Easier to focus, since everything else is shoved to the back, and boosted Special stats too. Good for me, most of my attacks are Special, but I don't know if Leviathan's attacks would even count against a Special Defence… shame Shadow didn't know Cotton Guard or something from one of her weird ancestors, then I've have the full set. Or Double Team, evasion boosts would help too. Eon hissed a sigh aloud to himself, shaking his head a little.

Focus. Calm. Either way, I now have a lot of boosts, moves that work with both of those Attack boosts, and a way to get close to Leviathan to hit the thing. He's being distracted by the other Capes attacking, so maybe I could get close enough to land some fire or something on him… damn, do I regret not trying harder to learn some of Shadow's weird moves. Shaking his head again, he opened his eyes- figuring he probably had enough Calm Mind boosts by now- and stood.

-alker deceased, CG-3. Captain Shifting down, CG-3. Kid Win down, CG-3. Madam Wave deceased, CG-3. Radiance down, CG-3. Velocity down, CG-3. Drøm deceased, CG-3. Rip-Beam deceased, CG-3. Aegis down, CG-3. Vista down, CG-3.

Scowling to himself as he recognised the names of some of the Capes he'd come to work with over the last few weeks- including some of the Wards, which was unacceptable in his eyes, Eon shook himself out fully to try and get some of the rain out of his fur, and stepped out of his hiding place-

Only to be met with the form of Lung flying the other way.

Leaping to the side, he grasped at him with Extrasensory- now powerful enough to catch the dragon that was approaching ten feet tall, and in the middle of a battle like this there was no point hiding things- and set him down as the raging dragon shook his head, dazed.

"Lung!" He barked. The Changer took a moment, then looked down at him, nodding his thanks for the recovery. "Are you alright? You don't seem to be growing much." The dragon scowled, grunting and gesturing to Leviathan. Eon paused, thinking for a moment. "Are you not in conflict with Leviathan enough to ramp up? He is pretty distracted by this…" Lung nodded.

For a minute, Eon stood there, then closed his eyes. Another Calm Mind later and he had managed to stop his heart from racing as much from the startling sight of a dragon flying at his face, letting him think.

He grinned.

"So, you need constant, focused combat to ramp up well, right?" The dragon leader of the ABB nodded again, looking slightly confused through the scales. "Well, you're now in conflict with me." To prove his point, he reached out and poked the dragon's side, his boosts making it so the slight tap did some damage and surprising the Cape. "I wonder how far we'll get you to ramp up before Leviathan notices and takes offense?"

The smug smirk was matched by Lung, and never left the Ninetales' face, even as he started dodging around swipes from Lung, letting the flames wash over him and drain into his Flash Fire ability for even more power. Lung was already a few inches taller than he had been, and Eon carefully darted in to tap him with his paw again, sliding under a claw swipe to do so.

His boosts had taken about ten minutes to set up, and should last about fifteen- excluding the Attack and Special Attack, which were being reset every time he took a hit from the fire. Eon vaguely wondered how far up Lung would ramp during that time, and if he'd be able to start getting close to Leviathan's size before the horrible creature noticed that the two of them were levelling the playing field and decided to come stop them.
He hoped it was a possible. Especially since Lung's power seemed to be seeing him as a greater threat than the Endbringer, somehow, given how fast he was powering up. Maybe it was all of the boosts he was currently running? If so, he might have a better chance of damaging the thing than he thought…

Keeperflora deceased, CG-4. Kaiser down, CG-5. Aurashake deceased, CG-4. Hot Trick deceased, CG-4. Soundcover down, CG-5. Brandish deceased, CG-5. Nemesis down, CG-5. Regent down, CG-5. Night deceased, CG-6…

Swarm shook her head as she handed the wounded Cape she was cradling over to the nearest flier, then stretched her arms. Blood was beginning to stain on the costume, some of it from the unknown Cape she'd hopefully just saved and would be healed by Shadow or Panacea. Behind the orange goggles, she frowned at the reddish-brown colour.

Still, it's all worth it, in the end. Swarm thought. I have a spare costume, blood isn't that hard to clean out if you know what you're doing, and even if this thing does end up ruined then at least it got wrecked saving lives. Looking around with her bugs for anyone in the area she might have missed, with her real eyes she looked up at Leviathan.

She was annoyingly close to him now, probably close enough that Eon would scold her for putting herself at risk later; according to the map it was one CH-8, and she was on BF-3. Not close enough to be in trouble, she thought, but close enough that some of the remains of his rampage through the shielding ranks had ended up here, where she could safely find them.

The Endbringer was more horrible than she'd ever realised from pictures, all twisted limbs and strange twitching movements that made it look unreal. The thing felt more like a monster now, standing only a few blocks away, than it had ever done in moments of video and pictures on the internet.

Of course, the reeling death toll coming from her armband made the entire thing slightly more horrific.

Mist Demon down, CG-8. Grim deceased, CG-8. Lanceguard deceased, CG-8. Tsunami deceased, CG-8. Trickster deceased, CG-9.

Hissing slightly, Swarm firmly shook her head, licking her lips behind her mask and stretching a little before looking back at her armband. She noted dimly, in the back of her mind, that the water was slowly draining off the spider-silk costume, and taking some of the blood with it, leaving her costume only slightly stained brown with dried blood.

A few seconds later, more red dots began appearing on the map, showing her where there were more people she could help. Brushing her soaked hair back away from her face, Swarm wished bemusedly that she'd thought to get a hairband before she left, then gently touched the badge on her chest- completely untouched by any of the blood that had been on her costume, somehow- and started walking through the streets again, searching widely with her bugs as she paced closer to one of the dots.

Bugs, mostly roaches that had survived the flooding, began to stealthily converge on the area, looking for the person she was trying to find, and she cringed as a dead body floated by, face-down in the water and unrecognisable from the amount of blood mixing with their hair and costume.

That's awful. She swallowed, tears brushing her eyes slightly. For a moment, she thought about approaching it, turning it over and seeing if she recognised the Cape, when she caught the sound of a moan and turned to it, spotting a Cape against one of the walls, their arm torn off at the elbow by Leviathan's claws.

Hurrying over and ignoring the splashing, she reached the Cape's side- another out-of-towner that she didn't recognise- and reached into her backpack on her armour, one of the spiders in there pushing out a large swath of spider silk, which she took and stretched slightly.

The Cape was mostly unconscious, she noted as she knelt, yet again thankful for the waterproof silk, and didn't seem to register that she was there while she wrapped the length of silk around the stub of... his, she guessed from the body shape, arm and pulled it tight, hoping to stop the Cape from bleeding out on her.

It was an idea she'd only had a few weeks before, when Shadow had first started her stint in hospital work. She and Eon had been over for dinner the next night, since Shadow was still pretty tired from healing, and the little Vulpix had told her some stories from the day before that hadn't been on PHO. Eon had mused aloud that it might be a good idea for the three of them to carry bandages with them on patrol, because it wasn't always a guarantee that Shadow would be able to heal, and it had given her an idea.

Even while still eating, Taylor had began setting up her spiders to weave massive sections of cloth, tightly woven enough to work as bandages in a pinch, and had taken to carrying a few of them around in her backpack while on patrol. She hadn't needed them in the two weeks since she'd started, but luckily in the rush to get out of the house and towards the PRT building she'd had the presence of mind to grab all of the spider silk bandages that she'd made up and thrown them into her bag before leaving.

Pulling the knot close, she began looking around for a flying or teleporting Cape that would be able to take him back to the medbay, where Shadow and Panacea could hopefully save him.

"Hey, excuse me!" An unfamiliar female voice made her look up, spotting a Cape with crystalline wings above her circling lower. "Need a hand?"

"Yeah!" Swarm called back, limiting the amount of bug-buzz in her voice. It would only make it harder to talk over the rain. The Cape landed next to her in the water, cringing momentarily as it splashed up, and smiled.

"What's up?"

"He needs to get to the medbay." She said, rolling her eyes behind her mask, honestly, was that not obvious from the amount of blood?

"I can get him there, no problem." The Cape nodded, blue eyes looking slightly worried behind her blue domino mask. "What about you? I can get someone else to carry you there too…"

Swarm paused, blinked, then chuckled. "No, I'm ok, I'm just doing search-and-rescue. None of this is mine." She gestured at the blood slowly mixing into the water on her costume, suddenly understanding why the girl had been so confused. The other's eyes widened, and she nodded.

"Oh. Right, sorry." There was a slight blush under her cheeks. "Sorry. Um, good luck, I guess?"

"Good luck to you as well." Swarm watched the girl lift the other Cape- she obviously had some kind of Brute rating too, because she did not look strong enough to do that- then raised her arm automatically to shield herself from the spray as she beat her crystal wings to take off, rising high enough that Swarm struggled to see her in moments.

She stood there for a second, the spiders inside her backpack probing about and looking at things. She only had four of the bandages left, though the spiders in there were close to finishing making a fifth, and there were still so many wounded Capes left sprawled on the battlefield…

This is horrendous. She thought lowly, shaking her head. Not just awful… I understand why some people only ever go to these once, even if they survive the fight. Shivering under the rain, she chewed on her lip. I'm almost upset that I refused to back down against Eon when we argued about me doing search and rescue. I'd have been way safer back near the medbay doing defence or whatever…

More names beeped from armband, some familiar but mostly not, and a number of them close enough to where she was for the red dots to begin appearing on her map. Hissing, and sparing only half a second to mourn the ones that had come through as deceased, Swarm started to wade through the water again, moving to the nearest red dot.

But if I did that, then I wouldn't really be doing anything at all. My bugs couldn't do anything to Leviathan if he decided the medical bay was a good target to go for, I couldn't really hit him from long range, and more people would be dying out here on the battlefield completely on their own after taking a strike from that damn thing because I wasn't there to pick them up. At least this way, I'm doing something helpful, even if I'm in danger while doing it and seeing some pretty awful stuff. That thought was only compounded by another body making its way past, someone in heavy-looking plate armour and covered in so many knives and other blades that the only way he hadn't sunk yet had to be through Leviathan's influence on the water, making her wince but continue resolutely towards her next targeted Cape.

This is awful, sure, but it's saving lives, more lives than we manage when Team Inari goes out on patrol… it's hero work, just like that is. It's just more violent than normal, that's all.

Those thoughts would stalk Swarm for the rest of the battle, especially during the unfortunate period where she ended up barely a section away from Leviathan due to an unlucky change in current coinciding with a lucky hit from a number of the defenders actually managing to knock the Endbringer off balance and send him flying back a slight distance before he managed to reassert himself in the air and continue the battle- and deciding to tear some of the nearer and weaker Capes into bloody shreds for the insult.

Eon panted slightly as he settled onto the ground again, having just dodged one of Lung's strikes. "I think that's enough, Lung!" He called, even as he began Hone Claws boosting again.

Their mini combat had lasted just over fifteen minutes, causing Eon to lose most of his boosts- he'd been boosting a little bit throughout, but most the time he was avoiding being 'hit' by Lung or just absorbing fire attacks- and the Dragon of Kyushu was just under thirty feet tall- much like he had been at that famous battle, and in significantly less time than then, too.

He had four wings, four arms, and digitigrade feet, and looked somewhat terrifying. Apparently his mask had melted at some point, slight bits of molten steel flecked on the ground, revealing a crossed-mouth and burning orange eyes. Claws stuck out of his fingers over a foot long, which Eon had spent the latter part of the fight dodging, and danced with little flames.

Eon was slightly awed; he was bigger than the extreme majority of Pokemon that he'd ever seen- he could only think of three- and for a few seconds it gave him a feeling of hope that they might do ok.

That came crashing down a moment later, the intervening time being made up of Lung giving a slight grunt of acknowledgement and bathing him in flame for a second to restore him slightly, when he recalled that Lung had been bigger than that during the fight for Kyushu, and the dragon had still lost.

How much are these damned things holding back, I wonder? Eon mused softly, closing his eyes and Calm Mind boosting. And, for that matter, why?

The Legendaries and Mythicals of his home world held back a lot, sure, but that made sense; they didn't want to hurt anyone, excluding a few select individuals, so they held back in battles against normal Pokemon to avoid causing any permanent damage to anyone. Against other Legendaries or Mythicals, they held back to avoid damaging the scenery with their attacks, or hurting any Pokemon that might accidentally end up in the battle zone.

The Endbringers, though… from what he'd seen their only purpose was to destroy things, breaking this world down into nothing bit by bit. But they had no reason to go bit by bit. Behemoth controlled energy; why not just nuke everything he can reach, then move on and do it again? Leviathan was hydrokinetic on a massive scale; why not just flood the entire world, or sink it like he did to Kyushu and Newfoundland? The Simurgh was precognitive and telekinetic; she could just manipulate the entire world into imploding with a few careful moves, or drop an asteroid on it and kill everyone. So why didn't she?

Eon couldn't understand their motivations behind holding back at all, and it both annoyed and worried him.

Breathing deeply and pushing everything behind another Calm Mind, he shifted to upping his Agility boosts back to the standard they had been before his impromptu ramp-up fight with Lung. Luckily he'd managed to salvage some of the boosts, so it wasn't taking as long this time to take himself up to full again, but the fact that he hadn't managed to maintain the full boosts annoyed him.

Oh well. Soon they'd be back up to full, and he'd have another fifteen minutes to get close to Leviathan and try and deal some damage. Then he'd retreat, boost up again, and go back in until the damn thing made its escape.

A roar sounded across the field, followed quickly by the ground quaking as something heavy slammed into it. Looking up, Lung had just thrown Leviathan away, which had pushed him through a number of buildings further away. The dragon began approaching as the Endbringer recovered, then the sound of the armband pinging a new sound drew Eon's attention away-

Wave approaching.

Oh shit.
Eon mentally swore, looking around him. There were a handful of Capes there, mostly those who had ranged options but no way of flying, and some of the few Capes that had just been released from the medical bay- probably all Shadow's work, since her Move restored some energy as well, which he knew Panacea's didn't do- and were still looking to get back into the fight.

He thought he saw a couple of the Wards there as well, some of the ones that had fallen during one of the earlier salvoes of the battle, one that had knocked down a fairly large number of them, that had clearly been saved- only to be risked again.

There was no way he'd be able to shield all of them, even if he just pumped all of his power into a Flamethrower that he tried to manipulate into some kind of defence against the thing-

A clawed hand was suddenly just in front of him, no longer on fire and just resting there, causing Eon to blink and look up. Lung gestured with his head towards it, then went back to looking around the area, where the other Capes were standing, frozen and looking frightened.

Eon sighed, then snapped at them, "Come on! We need to get out of the way of the wave! Hurry!"

Somehow, the Ninetales' voice reached them all, and as one they began bolting for the Dragon of Kyushu's hand, climbing up and helping each other out of the way of the wave. Eon helped, lifting some of them up with Extrasensory, and he smiled reassuringly at Vista and Gallant as they went up past him, along with a couple of out-of-towners that were probably Wards and looked something between terrified and awed.

The distant rumble of the water had gotten far closer now, and Eon quickly made his own way up onto the slightly-crowded hand, helping to hold people steady with Extrasensory as Lung shifted some of them onto his other two hands, leaving the fourth one free in case Leviathan decided to target him, then leapt for the air to escape the wave.

Glancing a little bit over the edge, Eon gasped as the torrent of water passed by below them, crashing into buildings and flowing around for the fraction of a second before they splintered and cracked, falling over. There were a number of points where shields had been put up, gatherings of Parahumans in one place for safety…

And also providing perfect targets for the Endbringer to pick off once the water stopped moving and the walls came down.

Leviathan was already moving towards one of them, he noticed. All he had to do was stop the waves for a moment, making them think they were safe and drop the shields, then he could attack.

Eon couldn't allow that, and focused.

Ice. Cold, frozen ice. Ice so cold that it's painful to touch. So cold it freezes water on contact. The exact opposite of everything fire, everything I do. No fire, vaporising the water on contact, but ice, freezing it, trapping it, stopping it. Stopping everything, paining Leviathan, and making damn sure he doesn't get to those Capes!

Something horribly cold had formed at the end of his nose and slightly within his mouth, and Eon only spent a second wondering how on earth any Pokemon, even Ice type, could handle this, before he took aim and fired a thin, unstable beam of Freeze-Dry ice at Leviathan, ending in a tiny blob.

Moments later, it impacted, causing the Endbringer to scream in pain and flash-freezing some of the water around him, which was promptly carried off by the current. Some of his water echo froze as well, sticking to his body for a little longer before being torn off, and frozen raindrops began making their way down to earth.

The Capes stared at Eon, who mimicked them looking towards Leviathan.

"Didn't realise it'd be that effective. I know that Naynteyls from the mountains said it would make Water types regret trying to fight you, but damn."

"Think you can do it again?" Vista asked, sounding shaky.

"No idea, might as well try." Closing his eyes again, he focused on trying to get back into the state of mind he'd been in a few moments before, cold forming slowly near his muzzle once again. This time, he focused on gathering in into a ball first, then spat it downwards at the apparently confused Leviathan, who was looking around for where the first attack had came from.

The ice ball impacted and flash-froze again with a slightly muffled bang, frozen raindrops from its path down following, and Leviathan seemed to figure out where he was just barely before the Freeze-Dry hit, though he wasn't able to dodge.

At this point, Eon was panting heavily from the exertion of using a Move that was a, not his Type, b, the exact opposite of his type, and c, a Move that he didn't even know how to do until a few seconds ago… and given that he was actually being supported on that endeavour by the Flash Fire, Hone Claws and Calm Mind boosts… he made a mental note never to try using Freeze-Dry more than once at a time when he started practising again, and only to do that when he had Shadow around to make sure he recovered.

The ice below him cracked slightly.

Leviathan's frozen, but he won't be for long. He knows I'm up here, and that one of us here fired those attacks. Lung can't really defend with only one hand and his tail, plus the fact that he's suppressing his flames to let everyone else stand on here. Breathing deeply, Eon forced out another Calm Mind to steady himself, then a final Hone Claws for the attack bonus, and focused on using one of the very few lineage Moves he'd woken up with, when he first appeared as a Ninetales with no memory.

Luckily for him, he was close enough to the edge of Lung's hand to slip around everyone and start running onto his arm, calling out as he did,

"Lung, launch me at him!"

His ears, now ringing from the effects of exhaustion, picked up the sounds of startled and scared cries from the Capes that had heard him, and even Lung, wings beating steadily to keep them in the air, looked surprised and worried, but his one free hand came up and over, letting Eon transition to it.

All nine tails felt heavy, the change from normal fur and flesh to solid iron taking moments, and Eon glanced back over them once to ascertain that they had all changed before giving the far larger Cape a nod.

Seconds later, Eon was falling through the air, nine tails curled slightly before him as a shield, and he flipped himself once with monumental effort before slamming down on Leviathan's head, merely fractions of a moment after he broke free of the ice.

Something seemed to splinter and crack, though whether it was his tails or Leviathan's body Eon couldn't tell, as the world began swaying and spinning.

A scream echoed in the back of his mind, and through the disorientation it took Eon a moment to notice that Leviathan had recovered- well, slightly; more than he had, at least- and had grabbed at him, tearing him from his head and throwing him away.

By all nine of his tails.

Die, you monster. He wished woozily, still confused. Get out of Brockton Bay and away from these Capes. You won't hurt any more.

The Ninetales slammed into something seconds later, and there was a period of all-consuming excruciating pain before the world went completely dark instead.
A scream echoed in the back of his mind, and through the disorientation it took Eon a moment to notice that Leviathan had recovered- well, slightly; more than he had, at least- and had grabbed at him, tearing him from his head and throwing him away.

By all nine of his tails.

Die, you monster. He wished woozily, still confused. Get out of Brockton Bay and away from these Capes. You won't hurt any more.
This is where the sp00k voodoo magic begins.
has the sudden realisation I didn't make a comment after the chapter was posted.

Whoops. Bit late, then.

This chapter has easter eggs in it! Find them if you want!
all sorts of combat, using new attacks tho going to ache, expecially once i get the address of what i just hit.
fun fact, pulling one tail gets you upto a thousand year curse, depending of the ninetales. but to grab /NINE/ tails? well someones gonna have a reallly really bad day
all sorts of combat, using new attacks tho going to ache, expecially once i get the address of what i just hit.
fun fact, pulling one tail gets you upto a thousand year curse, depending of the ninetales. but to grab /NINE/ tails? well someones gonna have a reallly really bad day
Obligatory insert "It's over 9000!" comment goes here.
You know with the curse she just laid on Leviathan. But does any significant damage to him the Asian group will be able to be convinced they're not real Kitsune.
oi, im very much male thank you very much. i just keep my shiny fur very well cared for.
Isn't Leviathan supposed to be completely silent? Because of that's the case he probably wouldn't have screamed.
Leviathan is a hydrokinetic, I'm sure the Endbringer could use that power to fake a scream if it really wanted to.
Chapter 13- Healing, worrying, and Thunder
Shadow panted slightly as another pulse of healing rang out through the room, restoring the group of Capes that had just been brought in to full energy. Panacea was already moving back from the corner, checking on each of them one by one and nudging them back into awareness. She was almost certainly doing something else at the same time, since none of them were waking up freaking out about broken bones or missing limbs, but Shadow had decided early on that she didn't care. If it meant they were moving away for the next group to get in, then that was fine.

She also realised that she was probably being a bit too casual about the fact that the Capes in this room were going out against the same thing that was tearing them limb from limb, but at this point she didn't care about that either. She was tired, and probably in a bit of shock over it all, and wanted this to be over.

Retreating back into the corner near her bag as Panacea started releasing the Capes she'd healed, she sat down and looked at the sole clock in the room that was quietly ticking away under the frantic rush of healing.

5 am.


The attack had only started thirty minutes ago?

"Arceus." Shadow muttered lowly, nodding to her fellow healer as the girl came over for a drink of water. "You do this every time?"

"Every time since I Triggered." The brunette sighed.

"For how long?"

"About seven attacks now, I think. I don't normally go to the Simurgh ones until after the attack's over. No-one wants me getting Mastered."

"Yeah, I can see why. No-one wants to lose you." Panacea snorted.

"No, they don't want to lose my power." She corrected, sharply. "It makes me the best healer in the world, of course they don't want to lose it."

"Hey, that's not true. There's people that care about you as well." Shadow went over to her and nosed her hand gently, making her grin a little. "Everyone who's leaving this room alive is thankful for you. All their families are thankful for you. Everyone you've healed in the hospital and their families are thankful for you. So let's get back to saving people, shall we?"

"Are you ok to go again?" Panacea checked, running a hand over the head plume. Shadow thought for a minute.

She'd used six of her eight mixed pulses so far, along with one of her Max Elixirs from the bag. She had a very limited supply of those, though, only the six they'd brought along with them, but she did have a fairly large number of Leppa berries in another bag that she'd traded around the town for over her year and a half as a Rescue team Pokemon. She'd actually been fairly well known for trading other items or giving money in return for Leppa berries to add to her stock, and some of the less combat-oriented Pokemon in Inari had taken to helping her, or managing the small berry farm behind the grove where she and Eon had their main Den. Since they only took twenty-four hours to grow- for whatever magical reason that may be- Shadow and some of the others had taken to growing them there, collecting the crop of four to twelve per tree, and replanting them, keeping some for the team themselves and selling or trading a number of the others.

Growing the berry trees had become a priority of hers ever since Inari had arrived on Bet, which was the main reason behind the grove being the location of their current Den, along with the fact that there was a spring nearby that made for a near-perfect growing zone for them, even if they took nearly two days to grow on this world- which still didn't make any sense, according to Taylor, but she put it down to the berries have special powers that let them do what they did.

Shadow had spent most of the preparation week wandering around the fields and market place, finding and buying as many different berries as she could with the explanation that she and Eon were going to be going on a long trip elsewhere, and she didn't want to end up running out of berries when they could just add another day or so to their time to grow them instead. It had caused a lot of nods, and a few of them to compliment her on her forethought, wish her well, and a couple to make jokey comments about missing her and her wares while she was gone.

Thinking about it, she'd promised that the others in Inari would maintain the berry fields and keep selling them to the market… Shadow hoped they were doing ok.

Shaking off her momentary homesickness, the Vulpix refocused. She had nearly a hundred berries in that bag at the moment, and another Arceus knew in the Den, and that was assuming that none of the trees had finished flowering while she was gone in this fight. It felt like a bit of a waste to use them on Heal Bells, since they had less than ten uses max, but it would also fill up her ability to use Heal Pulse as well, which was now down to ten. That would be twelve more uses, which would go down to four and then up to six…

Shadow snapped out of her thoughts and nodded at Panacea. "Yeah, I'm perfectly fine. Not too tired, and I have some stuff to help me out with it if I do get too bad." Quietly, she added to herself, "Though I should probably keep to Leppa berries until I have the two weeks and berries necessary to make more Max Elixirs…"

Being able to make your own, even if it took an age, was well worth the money she'd spent figuring out how to make it in the first place. Even Eon agreed there, though it'd been a dent in their team finances so they'd all been doing a lot more missions than normal for a while.

"Alright, good. Don't let yourself get too tired, though. Tell me if you need to stop for a minute, and I'll handle yours as well." The two of them shared a tired smile, then went back to work; Panacea slipping into the room that was slowly filling with people that had lost limbs or had more life-threatening injuries, while Shadow went to the one set up for people with multiple wounds or were unconscious due to concussions.

In actuality, the 'rooms' were only divided by a thin line of screens that had been hastily set up during the few minutes of warning they had, but it was enough for Shadow to see them as two separate rooms and thus only heal the people on her side. They would then pass through Panacea's part and out the door. Once the healer was done fixing everyone she was able to, she'd come through and check on the people who were unconscious in the room, then wake them up and send them along.

It was all happening hellishly fast, especially for Shadow who normally only had to heal her four-member team in emergencies, but she was managing. It was nice of the PRT people to be helping move the Capes in and out of the room for them to heal. She made a note to find out who those people were and send the local PRT Director a message thanking her for their help in this.

"Go ahead, Shadow." One of the troops said, poking his head around another doorway for a moment before closing it, leaving a sealed room for her to work with. Focusing for a moment, she called up her two Moves and barked, sending the healing energy rippling out. The Heal Pulse targeted the regular injuries, both external and internal, and basically healed indiscriminately, while the Heal Bell dealt with the concussions, blood loss, and any mild cases of blood poisoning or infection that had been picked up while they were outside, coming in on the water Leviathan had dragged along.

The Moves did their work quickly enough, and as the conscious Capes began leaving with quick nods of thanks to her, the Vulpix slinked away, heading for the bag and biting into a Leppa berry.

Better to have them now than run out of power on her Moves and not be able to use them in an emergency.

Wave approaching.

Shadow froze, breath catching. Oh no… For a moment she thought of the medical bay she was in, with still-injured Capes in the next room as Panacea worked on them, before flickering to Eon and to Swarm, outside in the rain with their only hope being for them to get to a flier or shielder fast enough that they'd be safe from it-

And then she remembered that Swarm was out there in the middle of the battlefield, possibly too close to the ocean to avoid the wave properly and wouldn't necessarily be near enough to anyone who could help her.

"Hey, Shadow!" The red Pokemon jumped at the call, nearly swiping out at the offender before realising that it was just one of the troops. "Calm down, ok? The building's out of the way of the wave pretty well."

That was true. In the few minutes of panicked rush someone had made the decision to put the temporary building on Captain's Hill, figuring it was far enough away for the waves to not be an issue, but still close enough for fliers to get there promptly.

"But Eon and Swarm aren't here, and Swarm's on search and rescue." Shadow fretted aloud. "What happens if she doesn't get to safety in time, and she gets caught by the wave?"

"From what I've seen of the three of you on patrol, she's smart. She'll manage to get somewhere fairly safe. It might not stop bad luck, but she'll be ok at least." That same trooper assured her.

"I hope so." Nervously, she turned in a circle, then sat down, pawing at her scarf and the badge on it. "I really hope so."

"She'll make it." Shadow jumped slightly again at Panacea's voice, the healer resting a hand on her head. "Don't worry about that."

Shadow winced slightly at her carelessness, remembering suddenly that it had only been about twenty minutes since the armband's had chimed out that she'd lost her mother to the attack, autonomously proclaiming Brandish to be deceased.

Glory Girl had been in the room at the time, having just brought someone in and was having a moment with her sister while the room was empty, and had completely flipped out, her aura blasting fear on full while she floated there frozen. Shadow had heard the chime as well and hurried through, just in time to catch the full force of her aura and make a decision.

The flying Cape was currently sleeping off a very powerful Hypnosis a little while away. She probably wouldn't be very happy about it when she woke up, given that it would've robbed her chance at getting some revenge against the Endbringer that killed her mother, but in Shadow's eyes she would've been a liability on the field with that much rage, so she'd put her out.

Panacea had simply wiped some tears from her eyes, forced herself to stop shaking in fear from the aura exposure, agreed with her assessment, then gone back to healing people.

The teen had nerves of steel and a hell of a lot of mental strength to manage that, Shadow thought.

"Right." Shadow hissed. "You're right. She'll be fine." In the distance, the sounds of the water got abruptly louder, then died off in an enormous crash.

Heavy casualties, please wait. Shadow shuddered again, even as Panacea went back to quickly healing people ready for the next group. The Vulpix couldn't manage to move herself from the corner next to the bag while her side of the room filled again, and it took the trooper- still next to her, through all of that- gently poking her side as he left for her to realise she was up again.

The bark was slightly more of a howl than anything, but it still did its job, getting everyone in the room back up again, only the unconscious ones needing Panacea to come by and wake them up, so she settled back, just as the armband finished processing the casualties and spat out the names.

-Pearl, Sage, Warp, Battery, Ivory, Laserdream, Fog, Ember, Razor, Fenja, Baroness, Narwhal, Skidmark, Cryptocrystal, Swarm, Burst-

There were more names after this one, but by this point Shadow was no longer listening.

No. She thought. No, please no. Staring up at Panacea, who had apparently run into the room some time and was running her hand comfortingly down her back.

Absently, she noticed that she was shaking.

"It's ok, Shadow." The healer said softly. "It doesn't mean deceased, necessarily. It's just casualties. She might not even be that badly hurt, she might just have taken cover somewhere and gotten knocked out. She might even be awake again in a minute, the armbands wouldn't report that part. She's probably fine."

"What if she isn't?" She murmured, curling up under her hand.

"She will be." Panacea told her. "Swarm will be fine, just like Crystal will be. Eon didn't get caught either, he'll probably be trying to find her now, or he'll focus on driving away Leviathan so everyone can spread out to find them both, and everyone else that's been seriously injured in the attack."

"Right." The Vulpix shuddered. "And sorry about... y'know, this."

"It's ok. I've been dealing with this for a while, remember? I've seen people flip out when they find out someone they love got hurt or killed. It's alright."

"Thanks." Pushing herself upright, she nuzzled Panacea's hand.

Eon down, AB-2.

"Oh fuck." Panacea snapped lowly as Shadow locked up again. "Shadow, he'll be coming in in a minute. The two of us can heal him, he'll be fine."

"But he's hurt, and Swarm's hurt, and I don't even know where Swarm is because she was out looking for people..." She started hyperventilating, making Panacea frown.

"Stop. Calm. I'm taking control of your breathing now, stop panicking. It'll be fine."

It was surprisingly hard to have a panic attack when your breathing was being regulated by someone else, Shadow noted.

"Calm down. It'll be ok. See if you can heal some more of the Capes, we'll get Eon in soon, and he'll be fine. Then someone'll bring Swarm in, and she'll be fine too. It'll be ok."

Noticing that her breath came back, Shadow swallowed once, then nodded. "Right. Right. He'll be fine, there's two really good healers here. Right."

"Yeah. Right here is you, his personal little healer, and me, the best Parahuman healer in the world." Panacea sounded a little bitter about that. "He'll be perfectly fine as soon as he's brought in to us. Someone's probably already got him and is bringing him here, the search and rescue guys are really good at that. They probably gave him to one of the fliers or something, so he'll be here in a minute."

"Makes sense." Shadow nodded, nudging her hand again. "Can we get him in here quickly please? I'm worried about him."

"…Sure." Toying with the edge of her hood, Panacea made her way over to the side room and muttered lowly to one of the troopers there, softly enough that Shadow missed it. The woman nodded and smiled slightly at her, before leaving again with the male trooper who was helping her bring that Cape in.

Panacea came back over and ran her hand over the Vulpix's head crest again. "They'll bring him in to me and you the second he shows up. We'll heal him, then if you'd like you can force him to stay here for a minute to make sure there's no problems before he can go out again."

Shadow snorted. "Not a chance of that happening. Eon'll want to go back out there as soon as he can. It's just like dungeon missions; get knocked out, get warped out of the dungeon, recover a bit then go back in. He's been planning for these battles for ages, he'll want to help. I'm more worried about the fact that Leviathan managed to knock him out even after he's boosted up. That's… scary."

"Boosted?" Panacea had gone back into the other room now and was running around healing people, while Shadow just morosely followed her and kept talking.

"Yeah, it's something we can do. Some of our Moves boost things, like our Attacks or Defences. Eon was boosting everything he could, so Leviathan being able to knock him out through that is a bit scary." Shadow paused, cocking her head, while Panacea worked on regrowing one Cape's arm. "Then again, I don't know if he has a Move for that. Come to think of it, do I even have a Move for that? I know we have Calm Mind, but I don't know about normal Defence…" She trailed off into muttering for a few moments, staying where she was while Panacea went around the room healing, clearing some of them to go back into the fight and calling the troopers in to take some of them away to recover, since she'd used too much mass to heal them to be willing to let them go back out again.

"Panacea!" A new, completely unknown voice hit both girls at the same time the scent hit Shadow, making both of them snap their heads towards the door. A tall blonde girl with a blue domino mask and costume, and crystalline wings, had appeared in the currently empty doorway, supporting a white-grey form in both hands.

"Bring him here!" The robed girl called back, finishing whatever healing she was doing to the Cape she was with at the moment and waving at the waiting troopers to take them away.

"How bad off is he?" Shadow asked anxiously, dancing from one paw to the other.

"Just a minute, Shadow!" Panacea snapped back, as the crystal winged Cape laid him gently on the floor. A second later and her hand was resting lightly on his mid back, and the healer flinched. "Oh, that's not good."

"Can you fix him? Should I help?"

"I've seen what his 'normal' looks like, so I can just reset him back to that to heal him. I think that'll wipe out those boosts you mentioned, but it's also the best way I can think of to help him, so that's how I'll do it." Panacea explained. "And you might be able to help with the concussion and stuff, but let me handle all of this first so you don't accidentally do something to what I'm healing. I don't want it to go wrong."

"Neither do I." Shadow agreed, shaking a little. She sat herself down next to Eon's prone form and just watched her fellow healer work, hearing bones resetting themselves in the Ninetales' body while she worked.

The whole thing probably only took a few minutes, about five, but during that time Shadow couldn't help but hate the fact that she couldn't force herself to leave her friend's side, even though there were other casualties in the next room that she could- or rather, should- be healing, and the armbands were chiming in with more dead and injured every few seconds; though with the current strategy apparently being 'back off and recover while Lung fights him head-on' the main injuries and deaths were either accidental, or from the waves being thrown up from the two titans clashing.

Shadow could heal, just as well as Panacea could, and even better if you considered that concussions and other brain injuries were also in her remit- even restoring energy, since Heal Pulse was made to do that. She couldn't judge if the person was actually ok to continue fighting against Leviathan, but since she was restoring energy as well it basically didn't matter. So, by all rights, while Panacea was busy she should be running around helping people get back up and into the fight, helping to save the city.

But she couldn't put people back together like the biokinetic next to her could. Small cuts, she could heal over, and she could do stab and gunshot wounds- she'd gotten too much practice over the last month. But the gaping tears and missing limbs some of these Capes were coming in with? She could only heal over the stubs of the arms and legs torn from the people being flown or teleported in from the battlefield, and she couldn't really do anything for the ones with massive wounds that nearly split them in two.

And she couldn't leave her friend's side. The friend that had been willing to deal with her, even though she was far too enthusiastic about things for him most of the time, and helped her set up a rescue team just because she wanted to, but wasn't allowed to lead a team or be a solo Pokemon because she was too young. Eon had done that for her, despite being new to everything on their side of the world and still getting used to being a Pokemon with amnesia that remembered being a human, and since then had pulled her out of an awful lot of trouble during their missions.
She'd repaid the favour a number of times over the year and a half they'd had together, of course, from minor accidents to poorly timed visions from the Dimensional Scream leaving him vulnerable to attacks, but whether she'd paid that perceived debt or not, she was not leaving her friend's side while he was this badly hurt. Not now, not never.

"Done." Panacea rolled back on her heels slightly, lifting her hand. "Well, what I can, anyway. There's a concussion there, I think, and something else I can't figure out."

"Probably from boosting a lot." Shadow guessed. "Doing it too much too fast really hurts, because your brain has to move faster to compensate. I can't do much about that, it needs to go away on its own, but if you can poke him awake I can do just a normal Heal Pulse on him to solve the concussion." Nodding, the white-robed healer touched a finger to his fur again, and the Ninetales stirred. "Eon?"

"Pix?" He asked, sounding confused.

"You're a moron, Eon." She giggled in return, suddenly a little delirious about it all. "Seriously, what did you do, charge him?"

"Go' Lung 'o throw me, ac'u'ly." He muttered. "Use Ir'n Tail on'im. Works."

"It does?"

"Mhm. Go'n Thunder 'im. 'll work." Gently, she laid a paw on his side and yipped out a light Heal Pulse.

"Alright, Eon. I'll go do that, you stay here and recover from the boosting fatigue." A couple of the troops came over to carefully lift the grey Ninetales out of the room, though not before Eon muttered something else to her.

"Scream too. Sa'it. Weird." Despite having no idea what 'it' was, Shadow nodded.

"I'll be back later, Eon. You rest, I'll handle Leviathan." The Vulpix shuddered slightly as he was carried away, before closing her eyes in a Calm Mind to focus herself. "Right. It's nice and stormy, so I won't need to worry too much about the charge there. Getting my charge is gonna be harder, but I think I can do it. Accuracy… as long as he's still and steady, it's fine. Power's a worry, but hopefully I can manage that too. Eon wasn't worried, at least. Now I just need to get high enough…" A few boosts from Calm Mind and Hone Claws later, and Shadow nodded firmly to herself, looking up at the crystal-winged Cape that was still hanging around- for whatever reason. Panacea had gone back to healing, but she could tell the teen was keeping one eye on her as well. "Are you a Brute?"

"Yeah." The girl nodded, looking worried. "More defensive than offensive, but yeah."

"Defence is good. Actually, defence is better, for this. How close to invulnerable are you?"

Startled, she paused a moment before replying, "Fairly. Plenty for most purposes. It's kept me alive as an independent in LA so far."

"Are you invulnerable enough to take a lightning bolt, d'y'think?" Shadow mused.

"Probably? I mean, it's not going to be the best idea, since I fly using my wings and not some sort of other thing like personal telekinesis or the like." She shrugged, the crystal feathers tinkling a little. "So I could take one, but I'd probably need someone to catch me afterwards."

"Alright." Shadow shook herself out, fur rippling, then padded closer. "Get me close to the clouds, and when I say so throw me in the air and drop. Just don't be between me and Leviathan. And please catch me after the thing goes off, too."

"Good luck, Shadow." Panacea offered, as the winged Cape nodded and carefully lifted the Vulpix into her arms, looking a bit embarrassed about it. "I'd've sent Vicky to do it with you, we know from… past experiences, that she's immune to lightning, but…" She waved at the door to the resting rooms vaguely.

"Yeah, I get it." Shadow grinned. Glancing at her armband, she continued, "Could we get Dragon to warn everyone not invulnerable enough to take a lightning bolt to back away, Panacea?"

"I'll send her a message explaining what I know." The healer nodded. "Go. See if you can finish this."

"I'll have a damn good go." She glanced up at the girl holding her. "Ready?"

"Sure." Shadow was impressed, she admitted privately to herself. Walking out into the storm with another Cape in her arms, ready to head close to the clouds with the apparent danger of being hit by lightning, when she flew using wings, took a hell of a lot of courage. "So, your name's Shadow?" The girl asked, once they were several feet in the air and climbing quickly.

"Yeah, Shadow, from Team Inari." She replied. The message from Dragon rang out while they rose, which both of the girls ignored.

"I thought I recognised the name. Something about a Tinker bomber called Bakuda, I think? And this town's local Nazi's, and… well, obviously you're a healer as well, but a really good one since you're helping Panacea heal here when you have something that could deal damage too."

"We didn't know if it'd work until just." She explained. "That's what Eon was supposed to be doing. He'd find out if my main methods would work ok, then send me a message to tell Panacea I was going offensive for a bit and trying this on Leviathan. If it hadn't worked very well, or we thought there was too much risk to it, I'd've gone back to healing and let others do the damage. No sense being somewhere I can't help much, after all."

"Makes sense. I have a Blaster power too, in addition to the flight and Brute thing, but it's kinda minor. The crystals in my wings detach, and I can direct them at people. They take a couple of seconds to grow back, and depending where I take them from I might not be able to fly for a bit." The girl told her. "I decided on search and rescue instead of trying to do damage because I can fly pretty fast and I'm manoeuvrable- not as much as the folks that float everywhere, but pretty good. Plus I'm strong, not like Alexandria or anything but fairly good, so I figured I'd help there instead."

Search and rescue. Like Swarm. The reminder about her other, newest, friend made Shadow bite her lip, before she closed her eyes and forced another Calm Mind. She'll be ok. She's probably not dead, just downed. She might've even recovered and gone back to helping.

"Are you ready, Shadow?" Opening her eyes, she noted that they were nearly at cloud level and began charging, looking down as she did.

The message from Dragon had clearly done its work, causing most of the people who were fighting Leviathan to back off. Many of the Blasters were still there and firing at him, trying to keep him in one place, and the Shakers with barrier powers were doing the same. Alexandria was one of the only Capes to still be close to the Endbringer, apparently confident enough in her invulnerability to take the hit, and Lung was another.

Shadow spent a moment gaping at the dragon's enormous size, then shook her head to clear it and looked to the clouds.

As she'd hoped, she was charging right, causing stormy clouds to gather above their heads and roll ominously.

"Should be. I'll give you the mark in a minute, and when I do, throw me upwards and run. I'll aim for Leviathan and I don't think I'll drop until I'm done with the Thunder- everything should suspend me, that's what normally happens- so you'll only need to grab me when I drop." The girl nodded tensely, and Shadow smiled. "And thanks for this. I know you're not obligated to help or anything-" She chuckled.

"You have something that might drive off an Endbringer only, what, thirty-five minutes in? Forty? Anyone would help you here, hero or villain." The girl suddenly smelled embarrassed, and was blushing a bit under the mask. "Plus I'm a bit of a fan."

"Good to know." Shadow winked, grinning. "Thanks."

"Aquamarina." She introduced herself lowly. "Because my crystals look like them."

"Thanks, Aquamarina." Shadow breathed deeply for a minute, pulsing one final Calm Mind out just for luck, before snapping, "Now!"

The Vulpix found herself immediately being launched into the air, and she took a split second to reorient and look down to aim. Aquamarina was already fleeing the area, apparently going for speed as she dropped, gliding as far away as she could in the same movement. Lung had managed to grapple the Endbringer below and was holding him down in a way that made him a perfect target, while Alexandria was clearly trying to help with that.

Shadow grinned, and in a moment of creativity, applied her voice-throwing illusion in a slightly twisted way, casting her voice across the entire field so it sounded like she had amplified it.


The bright yellow bolt flashed, the clouds having already been heavy with lightning from Leviathan's weather manipulation, and lanced downwards towards the Endbringer. It smashed dead on, very little of it having jumped to nearby raindrops like she'd half-expected and prepared for- so the bolt had somewhere near double the power she'd expected.

Lung and Alexandria were hit a little as well, along with the few Capes who'd been willing to stay close and try holding the Endbringer still, and all of them clearly felt it- even the invulnerable LA Cape, whose tiny shape made a motion like she'd doubled over. Lung's roar of pain was easily audible to everyone.

As, to her surprise, was Leviathan's.

From what she knew, the beast never normally made a sound; that was left to his sister's song and his brother's roars. Leviathan was usually silent, and yet here he was screeching in pain, like ice grinding in a chipper, and rang through the air as the Thunder ended.

It was unusual and terrifying enough that pretty much all the Capes flinched; the barriers went down and, with Lung's grip weakened from his own pain, the hydrokinetic took the opportunity to scramble free and escape, taking hundreds of tons of water with him as he did, leaving the city surprisingly dry, if water-damaged, as he fled out to sea.

The suspending effect of the electricity faded a few seconds later, and Shadow dropped, a little exhausted from using the unusual move, swearing to both find a way to practise that more and also find a way to thank Great-Aunt Ampharos for the fact that she was even in the family tree in the first place, giving her the chance at having both Charge and Thunder as lineage moves at all.

A moment of falling through the air, then she was quickly caught again by Aquamarina, who had apparently kept her speed to trade it for height again to catch her.

"Wow." The Cape murmured. "That was awesome."

"Mhm. Tiring, though." Shadow shook her head as, down on the ground, the celebrations began. "Mind getting me back to medical? I need to grab my bags, then I need to go try and find my team mate, if I can. She got hit by the wave."

"And she's alive?"

"Pretty sure so, yeah." Shadow nodded. "I can feel it."

"Another power of yours?"

"Just instinct."

The two were silent for a minute as Aquamarina landed and walked into the medical bay, where Panacea promptly took Shadow from her arms and hugged her.

"You did it!" She grinned, before coughing and putting her down. "Um, sorry. But well done! I saw the flash from in here; what was that?"

"Thunder. The clouds were pretty lightning-heavy from the manipulation of them, so I just gave it an outlet and a target." Shadow replied, stretching out a little. "Would you be ok to manage everything here on your own? I want to get my bags and go try and find Swarm."

"Sure, I can handle it. I'll make sure the troopers know to shuffle your guys over to the other people volunteer healing. Go find your team mate."

"Wait, Swarm?" Aquamarina asked, following the Vulpix as she went for her bags. "What does she do?"

"Bug control." Shadow explained simply, levitating the two packs onto her back and tying them. "All sorts of them. It's why she volunteered for search and rescue; she figured she could find people by swarming their senses together."

"Grey costume, orange eyes, long dark hair?" Shadow's eyes snapped to her.

"You saw her?"

"Yeah, I picked up a Cape from her earlier to bring here, about… five minutes before the wave?"

"Could you take me to where you were?" She asked.

"Sure." Aquamarina nodded. "She might not be too near there now, though, given that there was five minutes before the wave hit and she might've gotten swept away a bit by it."

"No problem. We have a pretty sharp sense of smell already, and I think I know something to boost it further," this was true; thrice-great Grampa Mightyena had passed Odor Sleuth down through the family, "And since she's mine and Eon's team mate, I can find her ok even with the rain and water washing the scent away slightly, I think."

They'd practised tracking the bug-using Cape in the rain for this exact reason.

"Then I'll take you to where I last saw her, and we'll find some way to get to her from there." Aquamarina nodded, looking serious. "C'mon. We don't want to take too long, in case she's trapped somewhere or something. Leviathan might not've taken all the water, after all."

Shuddering at the reminder, Shadow stopped once more to thank Panacea for letting her help- which promptly turned into Panacea thanking her for helping make the workload a bit lighter- then allowed Aquamarina to lift her into her arms again and begin flying towards the location the LA Cape had last seen her bug-using team mate doing search and rescue.
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I think this is the first time I've read about an Endbringer fight where the Endbringer actually leaves after being damages sufficiently. Typically it's just an escalating series of "He was more injured than he had ever been before!" as the fight mysteriously continues.

Not much to say otherwise. Really digging the whole story so far, surprised there are so few people commenting.
Huh, I was under the impression that Leviathan was Amy's first Endbringer fight in canon. Guess this is an AU Element.

Edit: Just confirmed it. Leviathan is New Wave's first Endbringer fight.
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