Since we have a Belkan Armed Device rather than a Mid-style casting/bombardment device, I'm guessing Luna's offensive abilities would be similar to the Mystic Knight/Spellblade from Final Fantasy.

Basically, before hitting someone with Das Spaltbeil we 'charge' it so that it either does elemental damage or inflicts some sort of status effect.
3. Scout the Shrine.
(Vote was unanimous so a tally is useless.)

Artemis might have chosen a relatively good location for a base, but that doesn't mean that you can't find an even better one.

As you enter the grounds of Hikawa shrine though the Torii Gate, a wave of magic passes over you leaving a slight tingle in your hair but otherwise not effecting you.

1d100+20 = 109
' A layered ward against evil spirits and the undead, interesting. The layers have been built up over multiple generations, the oldest layers have most of the real magical skill but the newest layer has a great deal of raw power behind it. An untrained mage, if they are the appropriate age they might be the Princess, or one of the Sailors, or one of the other mages of the court. But the ward made up a fair portion of the magic I felt from afar, the usable raw magic is maybe half of that arcade.'

rolls 1d100+15 = 80
After that first discovery, going though of the public areas of the shrine shows that while it does get a fair number of visitors most only stay for relatively short duration to make offerings and prayers , meaning that they would, most likely, overlook any entrance to a base and if you could use a location in the main shrine then the risk of discovery would be even lower.
Eventually some part of you becomes aware that someone or something has been observing you as you walked around the shrine.

'Those two crows sitting in the cherry trees, they've been focusing on me since I passed though the wards. If they were from the Dark Kingdom they could have already attacked or they might belong to whoever has magic in the shrine... So, where is their master'

Out of the corner of your eye you spy a shrine maiden quickly glancing between the crows and you before returning to stone path near the main shrine.

She could be the Crow's master, and she looks to be the age the Princes and the Sailors were... I could check her magical potential to be certain but she would certainly notice if she has any potential at all and if she isn't then I would be alerting whomever the crows actually belong to.'

[] Send out a pulse of magic to check if the maiden has any magical ability.
[]Approach the maiden.
-[] What do you say.
[] Leave
-[] Return to the Game Center Crown
-[] Scout the manor
[X] Send out a pulse of magic to check if the maiden has any magical ability.
[X]Approach the maiden.

[X] Ask maiden if those wards are her work.
[] Send out a pulse of magic to check if the maiden has any magical ability.
[]Approach the maiden.
[] Ask maiden if those wards are her work.

[X] Approach the maiden.
-[X] Ask maiden if those wards are her work.
-[X] Whatever her answer ask if we can check her magical potential.
--[X] If she says yes, then we check her for magical potential.
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[X] Approach the maiden.
-[X] Ask maiden if those wards are her work.

We know someone here has potential, and that they made the newest set of wards, so just from that we should be able to get a good idea of whether she's the one we're looking for. Don't particularly need to risk tipping off the crows.
[X] Approach the maiden.
-[X] Ask maiden if those wards are her work.
-[X] Whatever her answer ask if we can check her magical potential.
--[X] If she says yes, then we check her for magical potential.

I believe we should be more diplomatic and respectful visitors.
[X] Approach the maiden.
-[X] Ask maiden if those wards are her work.
-[X] Whatever her answer ask if we can check her magical potential.
--[X] If she says yes, then we check her for magical potential.
[X] Approach the maiden.
-[X] Ask maiden if those wards are her work.

Yeah, no need to flag the birds if they're Dark Kingdom spies.
[X] Approach the maiden.
-[X] Ask maiden if those wards are her work.
-[X] Whatever her answer ask if we can check her magical potential.
--[X] If she says yes, then we check her for magical potential.
Nanoha series standards:
-Spatial Isolation barrier - Aka collateral damage mitigation field
-Basic long ranged attack - Usually 4x missiles of generic magic, I'd probably go with spinning boomerang crescents with a wacky motion arc, for high damage, medium speed, low predictability(but otherwise moderate accuracy)
-'Heavy' short/medium ranged attack - Take a leaf from Vita, go for the giant fuckoff axe becoming even bigger and more fuckoffy.
-Bind - Some invisible snare? Deployed prior at short range, and activates when an enemy moves into the zone.
-Instant movement - Teleport, short ranged.

Then a specialty move...
Double Crescent - First blow creates a spatial tear that keeps attacking and degrading defensive effects while we swing the axe around for another go, to split the spatial tear wide open along with the enemy(if it goes as planned, and they stand still or are held down for it).

Hows that?
How about a Buff for self or allies that causes them to take less damage from attacks, named 'Reinforce' or 'Fortify'?

And a 'Feral Cats' attack that is multiple slashes with claw-like shivs traveling at arrow-shot speeds.

Managed to miss these somehow...

I like the ideas for Basic Ranged attack and heavy strike, and I'm loving the special move.
Could use the 'Feral Cats' attack name for the ranged one.
A Short teleport is a bit boring but it fits and it highly useful.
Buffs and Bind ideas need something to help them fit theme/style wise.

If I'm remembering correctly the Isolation barrier was something only Yuuno could do but I might be wrong.
Maybe 9 lives for the fortification buff, Cat's Eye for the isolation barrier, and Cat's Cradle for the bind.
If I'm remembering correctly the Isolation barrier was something only Yuuno could do but I might be wrong.

Yuuno, Vita, Arf, Shamal, Signum, Asura ship.

Looks like it might be easy to cast, but distracting to upkeep in a fight?
A Short teleport is a bit boring but it fits and it highly useful.

Schrodinger's cat!

Buffs and Bind ideas need something to help them fit theme/style wise.

Nanoha uses discs, Fate uses bands, Arf, Yuuno and Zafira uses chains...

Strings? Cat's Cradle specifically
Maybe 9 lives for the fortification buff, Cat's Eye for the isolation barrier, and Cat's Cradle for the bind.

Yuuno, Vita, Arf, Shamal, Signum, Asura ship.

Looks like it might be easy to cast, but distracting to upkeep in a fight?

Schrodinger's cat!


Nanoha uses discs, Fate uses bands, Arf, Yuuno and Zafira uses chains...

Strings? Cat's Cradle specifically

Alternatively, make a reference to balls of wool and the getting entangled therein.

OK Looks like I was wrong about the barrier but distracting upkeep does sound like it would be right to me. Cat's eye would work as a name for a personal barrier spell.

Also it looks like people really like Cat's Cradle for a binding spell I can work with it for sure.

To me Schrodinger's cat feels like it would be more of a clone type ability and Nine Lives feels more like an Auto-Life type buff than a generic stat buff.
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[X] Send out a pulse of magic to check if the maiden has any magical ability.
[X]Approach the maiden.
[X] Ask maiden if those wards are her work.
Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] Send out a pulse of magic to check if the maiden has any magical ability.
[X]Approach the maiden.

[X] Ask maiden if those wards are her work.
No. of votes: 2
moon so bright, Zam
[X] Approach the maiden.
-[X] Ask maiden if those wards are her work.
-[X] Whatever her answer ask if we can check her magical potential.
--[X] If she says yes, then we check her for magical potential.
No. of votes: 4
chriswriter90, Matou Sutegobana, Demonlorddraco91, King Arthur
[X] Approach the maiden.
-[X] Ask maiden if those wards are her work.
No. of votes: 2
Cornix Argentus, veekie

It looks like we have a front runner, post likely tomorrow

Will be adding Cat's Cradle, Double Crescent, and Feral Cats to the character sheet soon. Still not entirely sure about the Schrodinger's Cat but I'm starting to like it... Also still need one or two more attack ideas a name for the heavy attack proposed early and maybe one support type spell.
Perhaps for the strong attack, 'Cat of Nine Tails' even though that normally refers to a chain flail with nine mace heads.

As for Support the best I can come up with is 'Black Cat Oil' for increased agility and maybe luck and 'Cat Gut' for either increased toughness or bravery.

Or maybe 'Fortified Cat Gut' for damage resistance and maybe something with Bast in the name.
Will be adding Cat's Cradle, Double Crescent, and Feral Cats to the character sheet soon. Still not entirely sure about the Schrodinger's Cat but I'm starting to like it... Also still need one or two more attack ideas a name for the heavy attack proposed early and maybe one support type spell.
Moon Claw - The axe grows to the point where the gleam of it's edge appears to be the moon descended(as in, the whole crescent moon as the claw)
Silver Bullet - Alternative linear ranged attack. Launches non-homing silver stakes at very high velocity. Scales up with effort and cast time to add more stakes.
Celestial Mirror - Directional shield spell which blocks and reflects an incoming energy attack through spatial manipulation. More costly than the basic Protection to use. (reference to the moon reflecting the sun's light)

Phase Change - Support spell that grants an attack buff/defense debuff or vice versa by shifting phases.
4. Mars Rising
[] Approach the maiden.
-[] Ask maiden if those wards are her work.
-[] Whatever her answer ask if we can check her magical potential.
--[] If she says yes, then we check her for magical potential.

The maiden seems connected to the crows and is likely the one responsible for creating the most recent wards. As you draw closer to her, she pauses in her sweeping and turns to you with a small polite bow.

"Good afternoon, miss. Is there anything I can help you with?" She asks perfectly even, as if she wasn't just watching you.

"Yes, I was wondering if you worked on the wards around this temple."

She answers without missing a beat , "I help my Grandfather with making them, so yes. May I ask what type you are interested? The shrine has many Omamori charms available and —"

"Actually, I felt the magic woven within the wards around the gates. If my intuition is correct then you have great magical potential. If I may check it I can help you unlock it."

"Magic?" She mutters under her breath as she palms an Ofuda from within her sleeve before replying . "How do I know you aren't some trickster Yōkai trying to steal my soul or chastity? "

You blink at the oddity of her accusation, "You could use that tag of yours to test me." As soon as you finish she tosses her tag directly to you, it attaches itself right between your eyes. For a slit second it sparks with power forcing your pupils back into their usual cat like slits, before the magic burns itself out.

You close your eyes and send out a pulse of magic and wait for it echo back to you. To your senses before you stands not a young woman but rather a bonfire of power, not yet fully tapped but still directed and a just a touch familiar. Reaching deeper with a second pulse, focusing at the familiarity you find what you were looking for, within the fires lies an even greater inferno which burns bright with potential, the mark of the Sailor Mars.
Behind you the two crows shine with a fair bit of magic of their own, but none of the telltale signs of a familiar.
As you open your eyes the maiden has recoil slightly from the waves of magic a questioning look upon her face. Seamlessly you draw one of the wands from your pocket, a short rod of red and gold odored with the symbol of mars, and press it into her hands.

"You are Sailor Mars guardian of flames and passion, one of the chosen Sailor Senshi. It is your duty to find your comrades and Princess to defeat the forces of darkness!" You punctuate your declaration with by dramatically pointing at the girl.

She stands her ground and meets you dead in the eye. "Who exactly are you? Why are you even here? What is this thing?" She punctuates each question with a shake of her wand at you.

[] Explain the situation.
[] Instruct her to come to the Game Crown later tonight and promise to explain then and there.
[] Write-in
[X] Instruct her to come to the Game Crown later tonight and promise to explain then and there.

No need to tell the birds everything
She stands her ground and meets you dead in the eye. "Who exactly are you? Why are you even here? What is this thing?" She punctuates each question with a shake of her wand at you.

It's stupid-o-clock at night/morning so forgive any rambling and feel free to provide suggestions/edits.

[] In order, I am a Knight as well as you're ally and advisor. I am here to locate the reincarnations of the Sailor Senshi, of which you are Mars, and aid them in battle against the Dark Kingdom. That wand is a focus for the Power of Mars.
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No need to tell the birds everything
Well, they already know she's Sailor Mars if they are spying on her due to us just saying it out loud right now, so if they are enemies it's sort of already way too late there is literally nothing more important that we know of that the crows can find out about.

[X] Explain the situation.
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