I feel its good to get ones bearings.
[X] Read the note
[X] Look for a place to establish a base of operations.
[X] Make sure your magic still works. This can be taken with any of the looking actions.

[x] The magic of the Mau, Space manipulation.

-[] A kind soul would fulfill many of the roles of a Sailor.
Is this meant to be Minako?
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[X] Read the note
[X] Look for a place to establish a base of operations.
[X] Make sure your magic still works. This can be taken with any of the looking actions.

[x] The magic of the Mau, Space manipulation.
Switching to Veekies Plan.

[X] Read the note
[X] Look for a place to establish a base of operations.
[X] Make sure your magic still works. This can be taken with any of the looking actions.

[X] An Armed Device
- [X] Axe
[X] Read the note
[X] Look for a place to establish a base of operations.
[X] Make sure your magic still works. This can be taken with any of the looking actions.

[X] An Armed Device
- [X] Axe
Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] Look for someone else. Most of the members of the Lunar Court and Knights possessed great skills. They might be helpful.
No. of votes: 1
moon so bright
[X] A martial art that uses the power of life.
No. of votes: 1
moon so bright
[X] Read the note
No. of votes: 7
veekie, edboy49, Rei of Sunshine, Zam, Gnarker, Matou Sutegobana, hcvquizibo
[X] Look for a place to establish a base of operations.
No. of votes: 7
veekie, edboy49, Rei of Sunshine, Zam, Gnarker, Matou Sutegobana, hcvquizibo
[X] Make sure your magic still works. This can be taken with any of the looking actions.
No. of votes: 7
veekie, edboy49, Rei of Sunshine, Zam, Gnarker, Matou Sutegobana, hcvquizibo
[X] An Armed Device
No. of votes: 4
veekie, edboy49, Matou Sutegobana, hcvquizibo
-[X] Axe
No. of votes: 4
veekie, edboy49, Matou Sutegobana, hcvquizibo
[x] The magic of the Mau, Space manipulation.
No. of votes: 3
Rei of Sunshine, Zam, Gnarker

Kinda close, but will close in about 9 hours (unless there is another tie). Update should come some time Friday.
[X] Read the note
[X] Look for a place to establish a base of operations.
[X] Make sure your magic still works. This can be taken with any of the looking actions.

[X] An Armed Device
- [X] Axe
2. Magic and Games.
Pinned under a rock there is a folded piece of paper with the words From, Artemis. The note reads:
Dear, Luna
Since you're still sleeping I went ahead and got a start on our mission. I've already managed to find and contact one of the Sailors but she hasn't been able to fully awaken as of yet. Also, it appears that the Dark Kingdom is already slipping through the seals and one of their commanders is in a vulnerable position. By the time you read this message we will already have left the county of Japan. You should be able to contact me through the Lunar Computers I rebuilt under the Game Center Crown, in Azabu-Jūban, Minato, Tokyo.

'He's actually being responsible for once. If the Dark Kingdom is already making its move then I need to be ready. '

What that thought you begin to circulate magic throughout your feline body after a minute you are standing upright in your human form clothed in a yellow dress and black skirt.

Without pause you wrap one hand around the amulet hanging from you color sending a spark of magic into the stone. Beams of light shoot from the stone as it transforms into doubled headed axe, simultaneously your dress shifts as armored plates affix themselves creating a defensive magical array.

A few experimental swings revel that dormancy hasn't damaged Spaltbeil in the slightest. As you heft it across your shoulders a mechanical voice resonates from the ax.

"Patronenkammer ist leer"

After acknowledging the Device's alert you reach into your subspace pocket, an action anyone else would see as you simply reaching into thin air, the contents of the pocket are certainly not how you left them. Focusing your magic and attention onto your pocket reveals that someone added a small armory worth of weapons and magical items. The appearance of so many weapons comes as a shock initially but slowly you recognize each one as belonging to a member of the Moon Kingdom. Among the weapons but set off to the side on their own is a set of seven wands and a brooch, on top of the brooch lies a scrap of paper with the Queen's handwriting.

The front reads, You might need these. while the reverse has Don't trust H.written on it.

After reading the note and trying to make some sense of the Queen's warning you retrieve your box of mana cartridges. As soon as you bring them out you can tell that not a single one has even the slightest amount of mana. Its going to take a long time to even refill a usable amount, and in the mean time you can't use any of your largest spells.

You send Spaltbeil back into standby mode as you walk to the mouth of the cave. As you reach the edge to prepare yourself to test out the last of your spells. Spotting a fairly secluded park in the city you push your magic along your line of sight as your body disappears in a flash of magic only to reappear an instant later exactly under the tree where you were planning to land.

It doesn't take long to find the location Artemis mentioned in his note... however the sight of it sends one of your eyes into a twitching fit. For his secret base he choose an arcade, a busy arcade, a busy arcade that is full of people who would see anyone trying to enter the base which he hid under the most popular game. However,in a way he chose a good location, the building is built upon a proverbial magical wellspring which would be necessary for the Lunar Computers. Along the way you manged to sense only two other locations with similar levels of available magic a derelict manor and a shrine to the local gods. Either one could make a better base of operations but they each have their own potential complications. No matter what you won't be able to get into the base until the arcade closes which should give you enough time to scout one location.

[] Keep the base at the Game Center
-[] what do you do in the mean time?
[] Scout out the Manor.
[] Scout out the Shrine.

Current Status

HP 100/100
Mana 1300/2000
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Let's not go to the Dark Kingdom's forward base.

[X] Reserve judgement of the Game Center until after you've seen the other locations.
- [X] Scout out the Shrine.
I'm not sure we can rely on knowledge of Canon locations in a multicross world, however might as well check out the Shrine.

[X] Reserve judgement of the Game Center until after you've seen the other locations.
- [X] Scout out the Shrine.
[X] Reserve judgement of the Game Center until after you've seen the other locations.
- [X] Scout out the Shrine.
[X] Reserve judgement of the Game Center until after you've seen the other locations.
- [X] Scout out the Shrine.
@tygerbright , notes on German:
Spalte Beil > Spaltbeil
Kanonenkammer > Patronenkammer or simply Kammer, or even better Magazin
Two things,
I intended for the name to be two words as Column Hatchet is a bit more distinct than just Cleaver (at least that is what I think that translates into even though Hackbeil or Hackmessers is more common...)

Patronenkammer does fit better so thanks, I wasn't quite sure on what word to use so I kinda just looked up a translation as usually Kammer ( at least how I learned it) refers to chamber as in a room.

Also I'm taking suggestions for names and effects of about four to five offensive abilities and two or three support type abilities.
Well might as well go with the bandwagon.
[X] Reserve judgement of the Game Center until after you've seen the other locations.
- [X] Scout out the Shrine.
I intended for the name to be two words as Column Hatchet is a bit more distinct than just Cleaver (at least that is what I think that translates into even though Hackbeil or Hackmessers is more common...)

It does not. 'Column' in German only refers to 1. the pillar, or 2. the column in the table, counterpart of the line. For a translation of 'hacken', you want 'to cleave' or 'to split'.
Not to mention that 'Spalte Beil', plainly, is grammatically incorrect. You might get away with it by adding 'Das'/'The' in front, to make it more obvious that it's a title and thus allowed to be a little bit weird and archaic, but if you don't then you should at the very least abbreviate the end-e away. And I'd still recommend you pull the two words into one, since otherwise it still reads jarring and wrong.

Sidenote: Des Hackmessers is the genitive singular of Das Hackmesser, nominative plural of which is Die Hackmesser.
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[X] Reserve judgement of the Game Center until after you've seen the other locations.
- [X] Scout out the Shrine.
It does not. 'Column' in German only refers to 1. the pillar, or 2. the column in the table, counterpart of the line. For a translation of 'hacken', you want 'to cleave' or 'to split'.
Not to mention that 'Spalte Beil', plainly, is grammatically incorrect. You might get away with it by adding 'Das'/'The' in front, to make it more obvious that it's a title and thus allowed to be a little bit weird and archaic, but if you don't then you should at the very least abbreviate the end-e away. And I'd still recommend you pull the two words into one, since otherwise it still reads jarring and wrong.

Sidenote: Des Hackmessers is the genitive singular of Das Hackmesser, nominative plural of which is Die Hackmesser.

Ok thank you, making the edits right now. At best I'm conversational in German so the help with the grammar/word changes is greatly appreciated.
Ok thank you, making the edits right now. At best I'm conversational in German so the help with the grammar/word changes is greatly appreciated.

Feel free to ask me.

A couple last notes;
In case you're not aware, outside of circumstances where the full title is actuallly required such as when introducing the weapon by name, the 'Das' is simply dropped for the sake of convenience, like I do below.
Second, you forgot to change Spaltbeil's name where it appears the second time.

Now onto other matters, does anyone have an idea who H. could refer to? Since I can't think of anyone, I'm currently assuming that we wouldn't know IC either, but I could be wrong.
[X] Reserve judgement of the Game Center until after you've seen the other locations.
- [X] Scout out the Shrine.
Feel free to ask me.

A couple last notes;
In case you're not aware, outside of circumstances where the full title is actuallly required such as when introducing the weapon by name, the 'Das' is simply dropped for the sake of convenience, like I do below.
Second, you forgot to change Spaltbeil's name where it appears the second time.

Now onto other matters, does anyone have an idea who H. could refer to? Since I can't think of anyone, I'm currently assuming that we wouldn't know IC either, but I could be wrong.

OK that was a legitimate brain fart on my part. And, thanks for spotting the second one. Because you've been so helpful I feel like I should be giving you some kinda reward, like what a lot of QMs do for Omakes.

Yes, you don't know in character who H is or could be.

Also no one has any suggestions for spells?
Because you've been so helpful I feel like I should be giving you some kinda reward, like what a lot of QMs do for Omakes.

Also no one has any suggestions for spells?

It's fine, I haven't done all that much yet. Maybe if I'm going to be doing this kind of thing more often.
I've also seen several quest's balance be pretty much broken by rewards, so I'd advise you to be rather conservative with those in general.

As for spells, well, judging by that teleport we pulled, we can already do that, and we have experience in Space magic?

First off, the basic spell categories that we should have covered if we should have covered if we want to fight: Offense, Defense, Movement. Our presumable specialty also lends itself to various support roles, such as Battlefield Control.

Offense: Our axe, which propably doubles as a gun. Beyond that, we may want some long-ranged spells if we can, but I'm not sure if we're capable of folding space into harmful effects such as cutting waves, piercing projectiles, or damaging areas of warped space. Another more feasible avenue should be folding the space around projectiles, in order to make them faster and alter their trajectory, so we can make them guided or let them turn around corners, for example.

Defense: Most valuable would be space folded into a barrier, which, again, may not be feasible. However, warping space to make us harder to aim at, or even to redirect projectiles away from us entirely should be well possible.

Movement is the big one; For Space, both flash-step like effects and tactical teleportation, as well as strategic-range teleportation like we already demonstrated, are definitely dead within theme.

Battlefield Control: Warping space to inhibit enemies and help allies, changing the distances between points and possibly even influencing the local gravity vector.

Stealth: Distort space to redirect light around us and break up our outline, making us harder to see.

I can imagine more esoteric effects, but those would require that instead of simply warping space, we're able to influence parameters within certain spaces, such as temperature. But that sounds both too abstract and rather OP, so I'm going to disregard those.
It's fine, I haven't done all that much yet. Maybe if I'm going to be doing this kind of thing more often.
I've also seen several quest's balance be pretty much broken by rewards, so I'd advise you to be rather conservative with those in general.

As for spells, well, judging by that teleport we pulled, we can already do that, and we have experience in Space magic?

Offense: Our axe, which propably doubles as a gun.

Yes, you have experience in Space Magic (I added things to the character sheet but I might have neglected to actually mention that in a post). Also the Axe doesn't directly function like a gun more like a focus for casting spells that also takes magical batteries.

I'll leave everything else you mentioned up for discussion.
Also no one has any suggestions for spells?
Nanoha series standards:
-Spatial Isolation barrier - Aka collateral damage mitigation field
-Basic long ranged attack - Usually 4x missiles of generic magic, I'd probably go with spinning boomerang crescents with a wacky motion arc, for high damage, medium speed, low predictability(but otherwise moderate accuracy)
-'Heavy' short/medium ranged attack - Take a leaf from Vita, go for the giant fuckoff axe becoming even bigger and more fuckoffy.
-Bind - Some invisible snare? Deployed prior at short range, and activates when an enemy moves into the zone.
-Instant movement - Teleport, short ranged.

Then a specialty move...
Double Crescent - First blow creates a spatial tear that keeps attacking and degrading defensive effects while we swing the axe around for another go, to split the spatial tear wide open along with the enemy(if it goes as planned, and they stand still or are held down for it).

Hows that?
How about a Buff for self or allies that causes them to take less damage from attacks, named 'Reinforce' or 'Fortify'?

And a 'Feral Cats' attack that is multiple slashes with claw-like shivs traveling at arrow-shot speeds.