Well yes my goal is to improve relations intermarry and form Great Brittan. Long run being divided is a bad move. as I said we have to live with them that's more important then religious and noble squabbles even ours.
Let's check the votes...... I would ask someone to change there vote if they would please.
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Ah shoot I should have voted for ourselves. At least then we wouldn't be blaming god. Everybody is going to hate us for our religious stance. Well at least there will be never a dull moment.
Ah shoot I should have voted for ourselves. At least then we wouldn't be blaming god. Everybody is going to hate us for our religious stance. Well at least there will be never a dull moment.
Not really, back in the days the idea that god gave the good and the bad was widely accepted. It less of a screw of a ''screw you god'' and more of a ''the designs of the lords are beyond human comprehension and we need to accept them'' situation.