[X] No: your mother is consumed with rage against her brother and sister-in-law there will be no peace until your father's death is avenged

Death! Death to our Enemies and a thousand curses upon them! They may cast us into oblivion, but that only means we'll be waiting in Hell for them!

Might as well get the Drama rolling, and playing battlefield commander interests me more than domestic issues.
[X] Yes: your mother wants to make peace with the League of Cambrai and focus on Scotland's problems

What was arguably the greatest Scotish army ever has been toroughly thrashed, the king is dead alongside a huge chunk of the ruling class of the country. Continuing the war in such circumstances would be suicide, right now our saving grace is that Henry VIII is still busy running after political chimeras in France since he isn't understanding that the Hundred Year War has been over for a little while.

Lets make peace now, while we still can and before he decide to focus on Scotland to take advantage of the situation.

[X] No: your mother is consumed with rage against her brother and sister-in-law there will be no peace until your father's death is avenged

Death! Death to our Enemies and a thousand curses upon them! They may cast us into oblivion, but that only means we'll be waiting in Hell for them!

Might as well get the Drama rolling, and playing battlefield commander interests me more than domestic issues.

Keep in mind Catherine of Aragon has her army parked right on the border waiting for our response at Branxton.

Branxton, Northumberland - Wikipedia
Keep in mind Catherine of Aragon has her army parked right on the border waiting for our response at Branxton.

Branxton, Northumberland - Wikipedia
That kind off reinforce my point tough: right now we have no real organised forces to oppose the army who won at Flodden.

Sure, Scotland has proven hard to pacify in the past but if we don't stop the damages right now and Henry VIII decide England ressources are now better spent there....

At the very least it could mean some significant territorial conscessions and I really can't see how post-Flodden Scotland can turn things around in the short term. Better to take the white peace and recover.
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[X] Yes: your mother wants to make peace with the League of Cambrai and focus on Scotland's problems
[X] Yes: your mother wants to make peace with the League of Cambrai and focus on Scotland's problems
Personally, i think our best shot is to start making allies and to start up a coalition
We can't win in a war with england as we are
[X] Yes: your mother wants to make peace with the League of Cambrai and focus on Scotland's problems
[X] No: your mother is consumed with rage against her brother and
sister-in-law there will be no peace until your father's death is avenged
[X] No: your mother is consumed with rage against her brother and sister-in-law there will be no peace until your father's death is avenged

Treaty of York
On the second of October 1513 Margret Tudor Queen Mother of Scotland contacted her English counterpart Catherine of Aragon Queen of England. In a letter sent she said she would be internally grateful for "a lasting peace on our Island".

After getting an affirmative from her husband King Henry Vlll Queen Catherine entered into negotiations with Queen Mother Margaret.

In the treaty Queen Catherine (who led negotiations personally) and the Scottish dignitaries hashed a peace out that would get Scotland would get her status quo ante bellum peace.

At least territory wise economically Scotland had to pay 200£ English Pounds to England as reparations for the dead English men.

Nevertheless your mother had other things to do such as rule Scotland in your name. Despite this many lords want the regency for themselves. As your mother and her rivals battle for control of the regency you stand in between oblivious to it all.

(In times of stability you can take two projects due to instability you can only take one)

[] Support Irish Lords- despite making peace England is still a major threat if you supply the Irish lords this will keep there attention away from you

[] Woo back France- King Louis Xll was not pleased with Scotland's separate peace it would be very wise to try and get back in France's good graces

[] Better Roads- the Scottish road system is utter crap outside the main highways your mother has taken it upon herself to improve the roads of Scotland to English standards.

[] Woo the Pope- when your father joined the war the Pope excommunicated your father your mother wants to make shure that no more Stewarts are thrown out of the Catholic Church.
Sorry for the late update I procrastinated Please Vote!
[X] Woo back France- King Louis Xll was not pleased with Scotland's separate peace it would be very wise to try and get back in France's good graces
So going through options one by one:

Wooing France sound like the obvious option but I feel that allot of our relation with France isn't in our control. Basically, the Auld Alliance is fundamentaly built around the fact that we have a commong ennemy in England. The day the English monarchy will stop trying to retake what she has lost during the last phase of the Hundred Year War and accept that that era is over the Auld Alliance will go fairly quickly, they're isn't much we can do about it. On the other hand, as long as the English are gonna keep dreaming about avenging Formigny and Castillon France will end up being willing to make up with us, even if it might take some time.

Supporting The Irish Lords is tempting (it provide a beguning of an alternative to the french alliance, witch we would need sooner or latter if we don't make up with England for good) but it might mean another crisis with England, witch we aren't ready for. Perhaps latter on.

I don't quite see what wooing the pope can do for us at this vantage point. Excomunicating rulers on other sides of geopolitical divides is likely to continue to be standart practice for the papacy. Besside, we don't know how Reformation will turn ITTL so I'm warry of anything that might attach us too closely to the papacy that early.

Therefore I'll go with

[X] Better Roads- the Scottish road system is utter crap outside the main highways your mother has taken it upon herself to improve the roads of Scotland to English standards.

It isn't anything great but it adress a real problem and bring tangible benefits without being risky or tying ourselves politically in a manner we might regret latter.
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[X] Better Roads- the Scottish road system is utter crap outside the main highways your mother has taken it upon herself to improve the roads of Scotland to English standards.
[X] Woo back France- King Louis Xll was not pleased with Scotland's separate peace it would be very wise to try and get back in France's good graces
[X] Woo back France- King Louis Xll was not pleased with Scotland's separate peace it would be very wise to try and get back in France's good graces
[X] Better Roads- the Scottish road system is utter crap outside the main highways your mother has taken it upon herself to improve the roads of Scotland to English standards.
[X] Woo back France- King Louis Xll was not pleased with Scotland's separate peace it would be very wise to try and get back in France's good graces
[X] Better Roads- the Scottish road system is utter crap outside the main highways your mother has taken it upon herself to improve the roads of Scotland to English standards.
[X] Better Roads- the Scottish road system is utter crap outside themain highways your mother has taken it upon herself to improve the roads of Scotland to Englishstandards.
[X] Woo back France- King Louis Xll was not pleased with Scotland's separate peace it would be very wise to try and get back in France's good graces