Wyvern Clutch Rolls
You've been rolling for the past few years too?

Yes. Also Wyvern clutch rolls. Credit to @Velasco.
1. Seven years between each clutch, minimum.
2. Conception roll 1-8 on a d20 conceives. 9-20 doesn't.
3. If they conceive, clutch roll d5 to see how many eggs in clutch.
4. A d20 for each egg to see if they hatch (1-5 succeeds, 6-20 doesn't).
@Theravis @Wade Garrett an interesting thing will be that sauropods (which I assume are the thunderbeasts) lays a lot of eggs each breeding season, since they relied on numbers to survive the numerous predators while they cannot afford to wait for the babies to mature enough as they need so much food and must move to new sources very often. If Chaso can provide safe breeding grounds and prevent predeators from getting in, and assuming only 10 of 30 thunderbeasts are female, that still gives 100~ eggs every laying season. And well...

Although it may take up to four decades for a sauropod to grow to its full size, that is quite the number of thunderbeasts that Chaso will be sitting on within the century.
Thunderbeastsight be like elephants in that they are hella hard to breed in captivity and its simply easier to catch and train wild ones.
@Theravis @Wade Garrett an interesting thing will be that sauropods (which I assume are the thunderbeasts) lays a lot of eggs each breeding season, since they relied on numbers to survive the numerous predators while they cannot afford to wait for the babies to mature enough as they need so much food and must move to new sources very often. If Chaso can provide safe breeding grounds and prevent predeators from getting in, and assuming only 10 of 30 thunderbeasts are female, that still gives 100~ eggs every laying season. And well...

Although it may take up to four decades for a sauropod to grow to its full size, that is quite the number of thunderbeasts that Chaso will be sitting on within the century.

Hard to do on an island. At a guess thunderbeasts are largely Sothoryos-specific because you'd be hard pressed to find another suitable habitat for a viable population. Maybe Dothraki sea but vegetation there is relatively poor in comparison.
And so the formatting on my status post is ultra-janky, but such is the best I can do from a phone on the road. I should have my desktop set up in the next few days, as I'm scheduled to arrive in my new-old hometown tomorrow (ten inches of snow tonight there). I'll repair it when I'm able.
Unless things have changed drastically in the Iron Islands I recall that Veron Greyjoy is still honored as the son of the Drowned God. Veron Greyjoy and his brother Dalton are still despised as enemies of the Riverlands and with such a divide I cannot imagine any Riverlands house will be willing to marry you. You are free to make your own inquiries, of course, but I feel you will find disappointment.

Sargon is going to have to smoulder at the ladies, isn't he?
I'm startingto get worried @Mina is gonna drop us. Is there anything we can do to help, alleviate the burden? Maybe get someone to handle NPC diplos at least?

Also the Reynes have got to be one of the most attractive factions out there. Castamere, Casterly Rock and Lannisport is a nice ads fief. Not so fun having tbe Ironborn stuffed up the backside... but better than the Dondarrion's inevitable slog to murder all the Bollings. hmm.