A Penguin Plays RULE THE WAVES

34.0 January-February 1903


For all my talk about picking a fight with Austria-Hungary, I'm doing everything to avoid getting into a war with Austria-Hungary.

I probably have a reputation for excessive caution or even borderline cowardice with the voting public by now.

Well, there are hawks and doves in any government.
Most taxpayers generally don't like war wasting their country's wealth.

No one seems to want to herald this new year with any impressive new builds.

That lowered tensions a bit. We were at Orange Alert.

Should I build some more Destroyers? We can build Destroyers of up to 700 tons now.

Hm. Maybe not yet. That would drop us to 600k.
Let's save up to get around a million of reserve funding.

Since there doesn't seem to be anything interest going on right now, let's roll to the next month.

Oh now you all decide to spend!

Just a little while longer...

By the way, look at our Unrest level. Our people are peaceful and happy and prosperous.

I am pretty sure this is completely historically inaccurate.
You should honestly try to get into a war soon even if its a short one with one of the weaker powers to see how bad/good your current navy, of course thats just my opinion, maybe you don't have numbers parity we the austrians or italians so don't want to get into a war that might drag on too long and collapse everything you've worked to achieve before you're ready, buuuuut you never know honestly, you're not britain with an overstreched empire and you're not germany with a good fleet and tech base either but against austria-hungary or italy you could pull a japan vs russia situation.

honestly you could just force multiple stalemates and wait for a peace offer, the ai isn't that bad but against a player doing complicated maneuvers and superior numbers picking them off one by one you might be able to win against even a superior enemy.
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34.1 March 1903
All right, since we're twiddling thumbs anyway waiting and building up our logistics waiting for the war to start, let's see if we can do something productive with our time.

As you may recall, the Lechon class is our bread and butter Light Cruiser for those purposes. Unfortunately it is... unexceptional as far as those things go.

It's not as fast and cheap as the Furiosa to mangle Destroyers, while its 4-inch popguns are hardly a threat to anything with any armor, vis-a-vis: other Light Cruisers.
So what can we do about that issue?

So since we have the Furiosa as a superlight Light Cruiser, how about we supply a superheavy Light Cruiser to deal with other Light Cruiser raiders and take out merchants from range?

... Battle light cruiser? Assault Cruiser? Medium Cruiser?

What are we looking at here?

Tch. Fine.

All right. So.
We still have paper for armor, but it looks more like a proper Cruiser now.

Is this better?


If you're just going to keep whining about it, maybe we won't have any at all and just save up for more proper Cruisers later!

What? Again?

Fine. Whatever, go knock yerself out.

Wait, we're backing whom against whom?
Are we picking a fight with the US again?

[1898 Never Again.]

34.2 March 1903


Italy and Austria-Hungary didn't like that.
Only Italy and Austria-Hungary.

I mean, even the other countries who actually have territories in the Americas don't care about what I do there.

It occurs to me that Minesweepers are the only ships we don't have and the only ones we can actually afford, so we might as well rectify that.

Hmm. I wonder if the time savings are worth it to get this built elsewhere.

Nah, two months off isn't enough.

It's a catch-22 situation isn't it?

My shipyards are whining at me that I don't order from them because they can't build anything fast enough -
But because I don't order anything from them, they can't actually grow with demand to be able to build things fast enough.
You should work mostly by size. Get smaller ships built mostly at home. Eventually, an event will drop and you'll get rid of the undeveloped shipbuilding malus.
35.1 April 1903

Why yes of course! GIVE IT TO ME.

The Dreadnought had main gun wing turrets after all.

Cross deck fire is also the budget way to get the effect of superfiring main guns, but it didn't pan out in practice.

If you recall, Cross Deck Fire is our nation's bonus technology.

It would be a waste not to try it out at some point.


If we didn't have battleships building already.

... If we had the budget for that, yes.


Even more awesome!

What is this, my birthday?!
35.2 April 1903

Dammit, England!
We were willing to spend more having you build our shite because we thought your yards wouldn't pull this shite.

Should I have gotten the French to build my ships?

I probably should have, to be honest. Similar production rates, and they're closer, and they have a presence in the Mediterranean.

But we're already allied with the Brits, so eh.

On that note, I'm reminded that we haven't actually seen our new ships just yet, so let's fix that.

We have the bare hull and no superstructure. How do we make it look so uniquely ours?

Fast and FURIOSA!



I mean, uh...

Furiosa's Little Sister!

Just a few souls turns more!
Didn't get that one. Referencing Dreadnought when purchasing Medium wing turrets?

... methinks you'll be disappointed at the result.
36.1 May 1903


Okay, since our shipyards are limited to 12,000 tons anyway - can we manage to sabotage everyone else's navies and battlewagons under construction?

Not this day. Pity.

Nothing else really noteworthy this month.

Let's see how our new ship looks.

Oh. Oh myyy.

Hang on, let's get some other vessels in here.

(CL Furiosa) What?


(CL Furiosa) What even am I looking at?!
(B Barquillo) Hola!
(CA Adobo) This... this should be illegal.

Who's such a squat little fatbote! Is that you? Is that you?! EEE ADORABLE!

(B Barquillo) *angry pocket battleship noises*
36.2 May 1903

Hmm. I wonder if we can get even more experimental about this?

Nah, that's a bit expensive for us right now.

We can afford to build a few more Furiosas though, so let's get some more hulls in the water.


Hang on a second.

Is that really...

Really, CSA, really?!

I'm not even doing anything. What are you doing?

The only way you could possibly like me any more is if you were actually openly in non platonic love with me and serenading me at night under yon window mine.

And Italy's there too, for some reason.

I'm surprised Cyrano de Bergerac isn't making an appearance in this farce.


You know what, [fine]. Capitalism ho.

No not the Linois class. Don't show me that!

You bunch of degenerates.

Only slightly less distressing - Austria-Hungary laid down another Armored Cruiser.


This got me to pick the game back up.

4 wars with the CSA in 5 years. I think I may be accidentally taking all of your war luck
37.1 July- August 1903

They better not have been caught with their pants down.

We don't want any more entanglements in this dustercluck.

Yes thank you.
At least we're seeing something productive out of all this.

Not much new stuff this month apparently.

Oh well that's interesting.
CSA's dander got up a little out of that.

Are you perhaps... jealous?

Seriously, don't.
Don't... anything.


Hellooo squatbote!

(B Barquillo) STOP ITTT!!!
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37.2 July- August 1903

What does that do?

OH! That IS quite useful.


Is this a good thing?
Do we need more minesweepers? Do minesweepers do anything?

Oh, okay. Minesweepers seem important.
Other nations are building them.

There's a lot of tonnage being laid down this month.

Hmm. We have the advantage in capital ships, but can we achieve parity in cruiser action?

(Our budget and local party politics are also doing quite fine, for some reason)

They have a lot of those oversized Light Cruisers. This isn't good. They'll be able to chase away our Furiosas.

They also have A LOT of Destroyers.


That is an oddly potent MineSweeper they have there. More powerful than their DDs.
Is there any advantage to imitating that?
Is that minesweeper toting five inch guns? At 500 tons? It's been awhile since I last played, but I thought you needed more tonnage before using guns of that size.

You can fit 5'' guns, but you need 1100t at least or you eat RoF penalties.

It's minesweepers though.

Edit: something that came to my mind later: bigger guns on minesweepers may have some influence in the outcome of gun duels with subs. I dunno about the hard math for it, so... Just stick a 5'' gun on your minesweepers and damn the penalties.
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37.3 July- August 1903

So a MineSweeper is just a Destroyer without any Torpedoes, then?
That seems feasible.

Or... not. Ouch at that Rate Of Fire penalty.

Suddenly I'm a lot less worried about shenanigans with Austria-Hungary's MS and Destroyer fleet and their ability to deal with our Furiosa raiding parties.

But on that note... can we do something with the MS hull instead of the Light Cruiser hull? It seems a bit cheaper than the Destroyer platform.

Ah, I see. Considering that I know Destroyers can be the fastest things afloat, 24 knots for a gunboat is a serious limit. It's fine for now, but a Furiosa can already achieve that top speed and can pack enough armor to bounce 5" shells.

Still, knowing that it can go over 1000 tons when we're not allowed to build Destroyers heavier than 600 tons has potential.

So what can we do under those constraints?

At a little over double the price of a Destroyer at more than double the tons, (600 tons vs 1700 tons), that sounds cheap enough for six 5" guns.

Except that the Furiosa is 2100 tons and cheaper than that.

I guess the advantage is that a Destroyer or MS-based platform can be built in half the time.
13 months vs 20 months.

Do we have enough light hulls to achieve Destroyer parity?
I don't know how dangerous torpedoes are going to be against our battleship line.

I guess we'll find out soon.
38.0 September 1903

I just bought this from the Americans, and lemme tell ya, you're better off with triple turrets or or midline or superfiring guns.
This is a dead end research.

Trust me, this is for your own good, friend.

Are you telling me that our Submarines DON'T SINK?


You are serious.

Really? Really, United States?

What great secrets in ship design could we possibly have to offer you?

All right, granted, the Furiosa is pretty nice but that's because it's a razor-thin margin budget design that the UK has already stolen and put to production in superior form.

On that note, Cortes, when do we get our naval budget?

We are bleeding money, but our battleship is nearly done and three destroyers soon after.

After these ships are built, could we afford another one?

(runs the numbers)


= 2,140,000
Heck, we can afford to build two!

Dangitall, reward me for my fiscal prudence by increasing my budget already!

That word you are using, I am not sure you know what it means.
Hahaha, get used to Nassaus before you get your proper classic dreadnought.

Ah, AFTER you expand shipyards.
Yup - any time you start a max size ship for your docks...

There will be private expansion.

Kinda like getting new tech right after you lay down a new class.