You opt to build up and expand your aeronautics industry, with more advanced engine and vehicle designs both for aero planes and airships. Sleeker and more manueverable these new craft can fly farther, faster and higher than previous models with advanced turboprops and basic jet engine designs being used. This not only can kickstart mass commercial air travel but also allows the domestic production of cargo and passenger aircraft and basic atmospheric fighters and bombers.
You also hear further rumors and stories of even more Xeno raids and attacks on the frontier, with the Ferusians further complicating the security situation by invading and conquering a small mining world near the border, Shiloh 3,overwhelming the local defenders in a few solar weeks. Worse, the Ferusians, generally consented a brutish and primitive warrior race, seem to be armed with Volantean weaponry and their ships seem to be more advanced and dangerous than they were even a few decades ago.
You are not sure the Inquisitor is aware but have not received any messages from him for some time, as he has joined the expedition to the halo stars to investigate the strange red light.
In addition one of his contacts have informed you and the Dark Angels that their official chapter founding has been delayed for the time being, primarily related to burueacratic hold ups.
In the meantime you have orders to help them and they need recruits.
There are 2 main sources of recruits that are obvious at this time, Moran Secundus and it's moons or the feral world of Tagus, where the primitive inhabitants make for naturally tough recruits. Moran, despite recent technological advances still has a strong martial culture and tradition, however you may want the top young recruits for yourself, as any they go to the space marines stay with them and will not be able to sire children and continue their line on Moran.
[] Allow the Space Marines to recruit here(+1 Dark
[] Tagus should have enough recruits for them
[] Other(Write-in)
In addition the mining world of Shiloh 3 is beyond the sector and technically not part of your purview as Marcher Lord, although it would help curtail a threat to the region.
[] Gather your Allies and assemble a force to retake the planet
[] stay on alert but keep your forces at home and continue focusing on developing moran