A light on the frontier:40k Planetary Governor Quest

Turn 69
You decide to deactivate the Satellite and place in storage in your fortress-palace under guard in a secured room.

You opt to expand vitae-womb facilities, effectively doubling their yield and I am counting this turn as initiating a new batch of Kriegers, numbering 4 regiments worth, who will be ready for the battlefield in about a decade.

You also work on expanding the hocha refineries and labs, and develop several powerful drugs, that have obvious use cases, the first called Alleveria, is a powerful pain killer(like opium or heroin) from ultra refined hocha, for helping people in severe pain. The second is Clarity, which while not technically making you smarter, can help with focusing and energy, making it ideal for workers and giving it some limited combat applications. The third mixing mild pain killing, with energy and a small cocktail of frenzine, makes for a powerful combat drug called Bloodlust, making warriors feel healthier, more confident and energized, effectively increasing their strength and allowing them to overcome fatigue and minor injuries temporarily....

Finally there are the military build up and reforms. The build up consists of recruiting 4 fresh Moranian Infantry regiments, equipped as light infantry, with some organic artillery and logisitics support, they are primarily equipped with a flak armor set, lucius-pattern lasgun, several chargepacks, grenades and a small entrenching tool, with many Moranian soldiers carrying chain-swords and other various melee weapons, that were not issued to them, in addition specialized gear is to be distributed as needed when the situation calls for it.

In addition you have the opportunity to upgrade one of your veteran Moranian infantry regiments into a specialized elite regiment

[] Mechanized- A key part of the Scherpunkt, or the focus of force against the enemy, these men are heavy infantry assault troops, that ride to battle in APCs
[] Droptroops- key for taking and holding distant objectives, these men are air-mobile light infantry, who are expected to be highly independent minded and can be expected to hold for solar days without resupply or relief
[] Rangers- key for fighting in urban or rough wilderness terrain, these light infantry are given additional survival training and have climbing gear and other specialized equipment and training
[] Voidtroops- key for defending and boarding enemy ships, these men are given void sealed armor and void training

There is also the question of your moons and auxiliary forces

With the success of your Felinid recon troops, their formation is expanded to regiment size, although they primarily operate in small teams and detachments. They have a training base set up near one of the large burrow-settlements and do practice runs training with vehicles, marksmenship and long marches through the endless wastes of the Felinid Moon

Given that he has been there for a decade and fully secured the loyalty and dominion among the Orgyn Clans, Sergeant "King" Krug has requested your assistance in raising a regimental sized Orgyn detachment, with currently only himself, his original squad and a handful of local warriors currently with proper Imperial-grade training and equipment....

You eagerly agree, and have Colonel Fortebraccio lead a group of officers there to form a training Cadre and develop an Orgyn training program. However despite the eagerness of their "King" the dim-witted and primitive Orgyrn may prove difficult to mold into a proper fighting force...

DC 15

Total Roll bonus +7
Martial +5
Imperial Guard origin bonus +2

Success, despite their primitive nature and being Orgyn they take well to understanding formation fighting, the importance of basic firearm safety, and other very basic tactical and military concepts. To the surprise of your men, these Ogryn while still dim-witted compared to a baseline human, seem to be a bit smarter than your typical orgyn, also given their smaller size and darker skin-tone, they seem to be a different sub-strain of Ogryn altogether, your genetors referring to them as Ogryn Minoris. They would likely highly benefit from bone-head treatment if we could get it for them, at least their squad leaders for a start.....
dh188709 threw 1 20-faced dice. Total: 17
17 17
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[X] Droptroops- key for taking and holding distant objectives, these men are air-mobile light infantry, who are expected to be highly independent minded and can be expected to hold for solar days without resupply or relief

Let the locals specialize in the non-Krieg stuff
hoping to get another post in today, please vote. I will be pretty busy this weekend and the rest of December, but will try to keep a pacing of a 3-4 posts a week
[X] Mechanized- A key part of the Scherpunkt, or the focus of force against the enemy, these men are heavy infantry assault troops, that ride to battle in APCs
[X] Voidtroops- key for defending and boarding enemy ships, these men are given void sealed armor and void training

[X] Mechanized- A key part of the Scherpunkt, or the focus of force against the enemy, these men are heavy infantry assault troops, that ride to battle in APCs

edit: Either of these is fine with me.
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[X] Voidtroops- key for defending and boarding enemy ships, these men are given void sealed armor and void training

I'd go for this and we can spread them between our ships and space station so that they can have some high quality defenders, hopefully enough to cover the monitors and space station without stretching them too thinly.
Turn 70
You opt to have a regiment of your Moranian infantry be trained and equipped as void troops, while regular troops can defend ships and stations, these men are equipped and trained to do EVAs along with offensive boarding actions and operations in the void specifically. Most of the regiment will be garrisoning the station, with smaller contingents on each of your ships.

In the meantime you the two fresh Krieg regiments come of age and officially muster into service. They are placed on garrison duty throughout the realm, further beefing up your forces and leaving your outposts now with full strength garrisons.

However there is an issue with your remaining 2nd Krieg Grenadier Regiment, elite and veteran, they are highly skilled and valuable troops. Unfortunately the regiment lost over half of its men in the battle against the Orks in the 1st Livoria campaign. With the Grenadiers and your regiments from Krieg understrength a scheme has been developed to allow them to be reinforced with replacements from the newly formed Krieg regiments, as well as transfer men from the Grenadiers and veteran regiments into the freshly grown Krieg formations, allowing transfer of knowledge and placing veterans into squad leader roles.

In addition a small number of your Moranian troops have shown interest and requested to be allowed to transfer into the Krieg regiments, alleviating some of your replacement issues, although currently there is a separation between Krieg and Moranian troops.

[] Allow the transfers
[] Keep the units totally separated
Turn 71
You opt to allow the transfers, with the Moranian troops who transfer removing their family crests and badges from their uniforms and adopting the Krieger traditional 3 digit-callsign for their names to symbolically and culturally join the regiment, their names and house will be restored if they were to transfer back of course,

You had been enjoying the relative peace and calm of meeting with administrative officials, tech-priests, officers, community leadres and nobles concerning the management of the realm when you are alerted in your personal quarters, quickly walking to the Palace-Fortress Command Center, a room filled with cogitators, augur screens, large vox screens and speakers, that serves as the military nerve-center of your realm.

The operators inside quickly stand and salute you before you dismiss them back to their duties.

"Lord Governor, multiple contacts detected, they seemingly came out of no-where, mostly concentrated on the moons but a few in the far northern hemisphere of Moran as well"

You immediately order the Guardian of Moran recalled, while the Shield of Moran, is sent to guard the far side of the planet from the station and to give us potential orbital eyes-on the contacts.

You also issue orders to cease all training, and place all forces on high alert, and that civilians should evacuate to the major settlements or the nearest outpost. You also quickly scramble your Marauder surveillance craft to monitor activity in the air on Moran proper and the moons. Unfortunately you dont possess any interceptor aircraft, with your other aircraft focused on air-transport and close air support for ground forces.

It doesnt take long for you to begin receiving vox-messages from across your realm.....

Total Roll bonus +5(no elite or veteran bonus this time, since majority of your troops are not veteran or elite)
Martial +5

Enemy bonus +2
Dark Eldar +3
Strong defenses -3
Surprise attack +2

with each pair of dice 1st die represents our forces performance, second die the enemy....

The Dark Eldar raiders seemingly spill out of a hole in the sky, disgorging strike craft, and open topped gravity skimmers, causing massive initial damage shooting down civilian aircraft and bombing roadways along with farms, settlements and industrial and mining sides.

On Moran proper the enemy does the most damage as it was not known to you or your military planners that they could strike it so easily….

The northern regions are sparsely populated, with the frigellian ice grape plantations being the main driver of economic activity and employer in the north.

Unfortunately your forces there are not well positioned to respond to the raid and they burn much of the plantations taking thousands of prisoners and a company training in the northern wilderness was destroyed by enemy aircraft, honoring our shared Krieg traditions fighting to the last man.

On the Ogryn moon things go better for your troops, with the enemy expecting primitives with sticks and stones and finding troops armed with laser weapons and waiting in fortifications with integrated anti-air defense systems, with quickly knock down a number of enemy craft. In the initial chaos they are still able to cause serious damage, strafing a few settlements and attempting to take prisoners there, but the local Ogryns seeing the shoot down of the hated dark ones, rally, engaging the dismounted enemy warriors in close combat, seeing this and shamed into action, a part of the local Moranian garrison sallies forth to join them, crossing blades with the eldar….

Despite casualties your Moranians and the Ogryns overrun the dismounted dark eldar warriors with your troops gunning down the enemy with diciplined las fire and cutting them down in close combat with chain swords. Local Ogryns armed with clubs and stones, beat several Dark Eldar warriors to death, breaking bones and crushing skulls with at least one instance of Orgyrn ripping a Dark Eldar warrior apart.

On the Felinid moon, the enemy face the same problems, but much worse as by happenstance a company of recon troops doing recce training deep in the wastes hear the alert, and go to ground. Equipped with full combat loads, including a few missile launchers, along with sniper rifles and heavy scrubbers given by the Livorians.

In cover with their camo-cloaks on, they manage to down several dark eldar craft, pinning down the survivors with heavy stubbers and sniper rifles then calling in airstrikes on the enemy survivors.

In several other places on the Felinid moons your garrisons shoot down several craft and inflicting heavy casualties on the raiders.

After taking a bloody nose, in close communication, the raiders run back to the rat-hole they came from, unfortunately taking thousands of prisoners with them.

They will not soon forget this humiliation and will likely come back stronger and more prepared in the future
dh188709 threw 6 20-faced dice. Total: 57
11 11 17 17 5 5 2 2 19 19 3 3
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11+5(us) vs 17+2(Dark Eldar) = Bare DE win
5+5(us) vs 2+2(Dark Eldar) = our win
19+5(us) vs 3+2(Dark Eldar) = Critical success for us

Edit: Added DE +2 modifier
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Something we definitely focus on when we return to industrial expansion is aircraft, always useful and will allow us to harass and keep an eye on enemy formations.

But here and now I'd say we get initially beat up assuming they have at least a +6 through sheer weapon tech, biological difference and psycher bs, maybe if their leader gives them a debuff or doesn't properly organize them for combat which is really probably for Dark Eldar, would that be different.

Then it's followed up by a stiffening resistance and catching them flat-footed, followed by a powerful counterattack. Depending on how it went for them initially they could cut the raid short and leave before losses mount up, or commit fully to wiping out the stain of humiliation we gave them. Probably too early for the second monitor to be out, but hopefully the first one can at least pressure them to not to orbital bombardment on hard-points.
Well, if we beat the DE we are going to get tons of very usefull and valuable loot.

Any DE tech is highly sought after by Rouge Traders, Inquisitors, Mechanicus and collectors.

Even vehicle wrecks or corpses, not to mention of starships.

I am curious how did our Moon forces did, united and better armed and trained Felinids and Ogryns sure were a surprise.

Especially the first with those artisan sniper Rifles.
How do the locals(Morians/Ogryn/Felinids) feel about actually killing a bunch of Dark Eldar instead of what usually happened during their raids?
so this is my write in
Against the alien, not shall escape retribution:
-[X] Take anything you can from the alien wrech, corpses, weapons, ships, everything and have in storage.
-[X]Speak to our military generals and try to asset more or less what happen, who get it well and who dosent, any information should be taken as far as posible. all Civilian should be move out and be told to be quiet(otherwise imperial authorities will make them quiet by force), then they should deliver a strategy against it.
-[X]Speak to our Administration and calculate the damage done to our industry and make them form plan to how fast and how costly the recovering will be, we will take a decision after that.
-[X] Praise the Felind and the Ogryn minories for their defense of the moon against the alien scum, deliver ether trophies or any bones to them, premising to rename the first Ogryn regime "bonebreakers"
-[X] Call Blackwood with pic of the dark eldar, he is a venerable rouge trader, by all means he should know about this damn xenos and what they are capable, also let see if he can trade something for the thing we have.
-[X] Call the inquisitor, by all means his expertise of the ordo xenos could be highly valuable for us right now, as any trope it can serve for this mysterious xeno slavers.
-[X] Make a private meeting with regiment for a religious sermon with confesor of our planet, saying something more or less like this. "A few days ago we have being atack cowardly by the alien, who envious of our might and to cowardly to fight us, struck under the void and take our faithfull to whatever alien hell they have. should we be stood here and allow them to intrude again the emperor realm?....No, we should not, we will wait for them and respond with the emperor holy fury, for his shadow is looking at us and IT DEMAND VENGANCE! SUFER NO THE XENOS TO LIVE!"
-[X] other write in, other user wants.

I know the post isnt finished but if I dont mind the quest give, I want to get the initiative by already deliver a plan, this kind of stuff demand quick moment and I want more or less and assement of how much was damage, how much we did well and what we can do now in case they return again. How this is allow of course
so this is my write in
Against the alien, not shall escape retribution:
-[X] Take anything you can from the alien wrech, corpses, weapons, ships, everything and have in storage.
-[X]Speak to our military generals and try to asset more or less what happen, who get it well and who dosent, any information should be taken as far as posible. all Civilian should be move out and be told to be quiet(otherwise imperial authorities will make them quiet by force), then they should deliver a strategy against it.
-[X]Speak to our Administration and calculate the damage done to our industry and make them form plan to how fast and how costly the recovering will be, we will take a decision after that.
-[X] Praise the Felind and the Ogryn minories for their defense of the moon against the alien scum, deliver ether trophies or any bones to them, premising to rename the first Ogryn regime "bonebreakers"
-[X] Call Blackwood with pic of the dark eldar, he is a venerable rouge trader, by all means he should know about this damn xenos and what they are capable, also let see if he can trade something for the thing we have.
-[X] Call the inquisitor, by all means his expertise of the ordo xenos could be highly valuable for us right now, as any trope it can serve for this mysterious xeno slavers.
-[X] Make a private meeting with regiment for a religious sermon with confesor of our planet, saying something more or less like this. "A few days ago we have being atack cowardly by the alien, who envious of our might and to cowardly to fight us, struck under the void and take our faithfull to whatever alien hell they have. should we be stood here and allow them to intrude again the emperor realm?....No, we should not, we will wait for them and respond with the emperor holy fury, for his shadow is looking at us and IT DEMAND VENGANCE! SUFER NO THE XENOS TO LIVE!"
-[X] other write in, other user wants.

I know the post isnt finished but if I dont mind the quest give, I want to get the initiative by already deliver a plan, this kind of stuff demand quick moment and I want more or less and assement of how much was damage, how much we did well and what we can do now in case they return again. How this is allow of course
we increase the structures of the vitae-wombs again, but this time we use them to develop a new version of Ogryn that has the size of the classic Ogryn and intelligent of the Ogryn of the moon of Moran.
[X] we increase the structures of the vitae-wombs again, but this time we use them to develop a new version of Ogryn that has the size of the classic Ogryn and intelligent of the Ogryn of the moon of Moran.
[X] we increase the structures of the vitae-wombs again, but this time we use them to develop a new version of Ogryn that has the size of the classic Ogryn and intelligent of the Ogryn of the moon of Moran.
We will need more genetors, tech and equipment to do original gene-crafting. I consider that a tier 5/6 tech, but let's just say that I think that's a strong possibility, but not for some time yet
so this is my write in
Against the alien, not shall escape retribution:
-[X] Take anything you can from the alien wrech, corpses, weapons, ships, everything and have in storage.
-[X]Speak to our military generals and try to asset more or less what happen, who get it well and who dosent, any information should be taken as far as posible. all Civilian should be move out and be told to be quiet(otherwise imperial authorities will make them quiet by force), then they should deliver a strategy against it.
-[X]Speak to our Administration and calculate the damage done to our industry and make them form plan to how fast and how costly the recovering will be, we will take a decision after that.
-[X] Praise the Felind and the Ogryn minories for their defense of the moon against the alien scum, deliver ether trophies or any bones to them, premising to rename the first Ogryn regime "bonebreakers"
-[X] Call Blackwood with pic of the dark eldar, he is a venerable rouge trader, by all means he should know about this damn xenos and what they are capable, also let see if he can trade something for the thing we have.
-[X] Call the inquisitor, by all means his expertise of the ordo xenos could be highly valuable for us right now, as any trope it can serve for this mysterious xeno slavers.
-[X] Make a private meeting with regiment for a religious sermon with confesor of our planet, saying something more or less like this. "A few days ago we have being atack cowardly by the alien, who envious of our might and to cowardly to fight us, struck under the void and take our faithfull to whatever alien hell they have. should we be stood here and allow them to intrude again the emperor realm?....No, we should not, we will wait for them and respond with the emperor holy fury, for his shadow is looking at us and IT DEMAND VENGANCE! SUFER NO THE XENOS TO LIVE!"
-[X] other write in, other user wants.

I know the post isnt finished but if I dont mind the quest give, I want to get the initiative by already deliver a plan, this kind of stuff demand quick moment and I want more or less and assement of how much was damage, how much we did well and what we can do now in case they return again. How this is allow of course
I'll take this into account for the aftermath and decisions to vote on.
How do the locals(Morians/Ogryn/Felinids) feel about actually killing a bunch of Dark Eldar instead of what usually happened during their raids?
The Ogryns and Felinids were happy to slay their hated ancient enemy, while the Moranians(mostly driven by Serathi warrior culture) either want vengeance or seek out more worthy foes to test their strength against