A Kammanist Uprising: Fantasy Communist Revolution Quest

Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by notbirdofprey on Feb 22, 2021 at 3:08 PM, finished with 18 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] [PROP] Yes. You are not so desperate for gold to take such trinkets. Each individual may designate a small number of items with special value which will not be seized during a wealth tax.
    -[X] However, these are unable to be sold, and will be expected to remain in their possession for future taxation. Violation of such opens all items to being taken.
    [X] [VOTE] We will give this due consideration.
    [X] [ENFORCE] You will make a public announcement.
    [X] [SECURE] Negotiate. Write in what your position is.
    -[X] Given the reports of outrages you have given us, we will be reviewing the conduct of our men.
    -[X] We will also integrate local men into our more regular policing forces, but they will not be selected by priests or nobles.
    [X] [EMIGRATE] There will be a tax for those who wish to flee to compensate those they have stolen the fruits of their labor for.
    [X] Plan You Belong in the Dustbin of History
    -[X] [PROP] No. All they have belongs to the people. Does the hungry worker get a signet ring? If not, why is his pride worth less than the vozhd's? Perhaps through labor he could earn it back.
    -[X] [VOTE] We will give this due consideration. (If only because it's already being considered by some within the Front, but he doesn't need to know that. And that doesn't mean it will actually come to pass....)
    -[X] [EMIGRATE] There will be a tax for those who wish to flee to compensate those they have stolen the fruits of their labor for.
    --[X] And it shall be a steep tax indeed. In addition, their remaining property within the country will be seized. If they wish to flee, they surrender their stake in the livelihood of the nation as well.
    -[X] [SECURE] Given the reports of outrages you have given us, we will be reviewing the conduct of our men. (If only because regardless of your dislike of this vozhd and his ilk, the idea that your men are not performing their duties and acting against your orders is simply unacceptable!)
    -[X] [ENFORCE] You will make a public announcement.
    [X] [EMIGRATE] There will be a tax for those who wish to flee to compensate those they have stolen the fruits of their labor for.
    -[X] In addition, their remaining property and wealth within the country will be seized, rather than held in escrow. If they wish to flee, they surrender their stake in the livelihood of the nation as well.
    [X]: Plan down with Reaction
    -[X] [PROP] Yes. You are not so desperate for gold to take such trinkets. Each individual may designate a small number of items with special value which will not be seized during a wealth tax.
    --[X] However, these are unable to be sold, and will be expected to remain in their possession for future taxation. Violation of such opens all items to being taken, in addition, all items chosen must be reviewed by the Revolutionary authorities, and may be denied if sufficient cause is found.
    -[X] [VOTE] We will give this due consideration.
    -[X] [EMIGRATE] No. Those who will not contribute to the people will not be allowed to flee with their ill-gotten gains.
    -[X] Given the reports of outrages you have given us, we will be reviewing the conduct of our men.
    -[X] [ENFORCE] You will make a public announcement.
Week 5 Rumor Mill
Rumor Mill - Local

On the Matter of Priests: There was a great deal of debate on the priesthood, and many, many, many speeches were given by everyone who had a crate to stand on and an opinion. Shockingly, there were almost no brawls, barring a couple of fights over crates, which everyone agreed was a good sign. The councils met, their meetings often headed by Front members, and vote after vote was cast, the ballots folded so that no one could see what was written on them. In many cases, illiteracy proved a barrier, but a partial solution - drawing shapes next to the different items so that they could be identified - was worked out and seemed to serve well enough. The votes were hauled in, counted - with ample precautions including the involvement of priests and various witnesses - and the results were mixed from the perspective of the Front. The concept of the state protecting all religions managed to find widespread popularity, and the firmness of support for the various churches staying within the bounds of law surprised even the Central Committee, but several of the more extreme proposals they had hoped for but not dared support failed miserably, as did the passage of a law prohibiting religions from entering politics, faltering on opposition both ideological and practical. The results have led to a general increase in support from everyone who votes, as you demonstrate your commitment to democracy, but some in the Front are making noises about needing to further neuter the Church.

An Increase In Scarcity: While the promise of Kammanism to feed everyone has been greeted with enormous, widespread approval, the implementation has been more difficult than that, even with the aid of the Silver Crescent. While everyone understands it is the middle of winter, and a winter that was sure to be a hard one, resentment nonetheless is beginning to simmer. Some of the peasant councils are organizing to demand higher prices, while some bars and cafes with no food instead fill their customers with rumors of the farmers hoarding grain. No one is going hungry yet, but supplies are threatening to run low and potentially reach a crisis point. Meanwhile, the Silver Crescent sends ten crates on for each one they give to you. It is enough that some people are proposing attempting to renegotiate the relationship between you.

Rules for the Rich: After a private meeting, several promises have been made to soothe the terrors of the former oppressors and class enemies who huddled in their homes, awaiting justice. The public announcement was met with several different kinds of outcry, and a petition was circulated around one town, listing numerous demands. It received several dozen signatures. In another town, pamphlets are being handed out listing numerous outrages, some of which might even be real. However, there is a distinct feeling of relief as well, with many of the soldiers garrisoning the towns reporting a decrease in tension and a few hints of tentative support appearing, including the formation of a (small) doctor's council, consisting of about twenty physicians looking to reform their practices along more Kammanist lines.

A Silent Week: The front lines were quiet as snow swept over them. The men in the trenches at Dedregrad grumbled about the cold, the men in the mountain fortresses shivered, the Korvio Defenders huddled down in their heated barracks. The only fighting was a few desultory skirmishes with "bandits" who were barely able to work their weapons. Reports from a defector suggested they had expected massive support for their activities, and while they had found some of that further south it was nowhere near enough to sustain them. Leaving aside that, if one didn't know any better they might think the war had ended.

Word of the Farmers: Representatives of the Farmer's Liberation Army have moved into the city, sharing their stories, investigating those of others. They have deliberately avoided anything like a meeting with the Committee or their representatives, instead going to quite literally everyone else. Some unrest has come of this, small scuffles caused by anger or disbelief about their accusations leveled at certain branches of the Kammanist Front, and some of these have ended up in pamphlets printed by an unknown source offering them as proof that you are a bunch of murderous bandits.

Rumor Mill - National

Black Defeats: The news from the Ukortic Free State is bad: they have received a series of brutal blows Dovessa and Sevatopel, where soldiers of the Imperial Army, supplied and supported by Breton, launched an unexpected attack on the heels of a blizzard. Though eventually driven back, the cost in lives was horrific. If not for a few hundred cavalry under one fearsome anarchist banished from the steppes he was born on, the defense would have completely collapsed. This anarchist had gained substantial support among the Black Army in the wake of his actions, with those who admire him painting splashes of blue upon their "uniforms." Your ambassador thinks the State will need support, both to prevent them from being crushed in battle and to prevent this "Blue Brigade" from launching a coup against the existing leadership, should you be opposed to that.

Word of the Armani: To no one's surprise, the Amani Confederation has completely collapsed as they were unable to sufficiently corral the many other people they suddenly found themselves placed over. Reports of horrific atrocities being conducted by everyone have filtered in. They are all several weeks old, and are hopefully exaggerated.

The Steppe Confederation: With chaos rocking the southern half of the Avlandian Empire, those who live beyond the northern mountains, the Emperor's most loyal but also most restive subjects, have chosen to reignite the flame of days gone by and formed the Confederation of the Steppe Tribes, extolling the glory of their mounted archer ancestors who made all the world need. Seventy elected khans rule them now, backed by Hippon, and they have announced that any who cross the mountains without their permission will be staked out for the crows to feed on or the snows to claim.

The Prince Yet Lives: Rumor has come from Dovessa that Prince Nicloai, the youngest son of the dead emperor, still lives, having supposedly been smuggled out of Avla by loyal retainers. Most agree that this is unlikely, but rumors persist and there is almost certain to be some degree of support for an Imperial Restoration - there are many who cannot imagine an Avlandian Empire without an Emperor.

International News

Fights on the Floor: What was supposed to be an organization to provide peace and unity proved to be unable to maintain that even within its own property, as a band of representatives from various colonies and the new, capitalist Doytch state entered the floor during the middle of an unrelated matter, forcing their way in as a protest which turned into a fistfight.

Calls for Volunteers: Breton and Aquita clearly have no intention of allowing Kammanism to spread, but the strikes and mutinies you have heard about have prevented them from simply sending their armies to prop up their enemies. Instead, they have asked for volunteers, proposing the formation of an International Anti-Kammanist Brigade. In response, various Kammanist Fronts have begun forming their own volunteer units to support you, but you have heard reports of state and capital working in unison to suppress such expressions of international solidarity.

What You Know:

Stefan's friends have sent you word of more revolutions breaking out, as the success of your own serves as an inspiring beacon. They have written several encouraging letters, asking you to press onwards. Meanwhile, they are making arrangements to support you, including forming their own volunteer forces and arranging for friendly journalists to join a shipful of them who plan on coming soon.

From Imprado, word has come of an immense and powerful army, strongly supported by large numbers of warmages. However, they are somewhat lacking in industry, and for whatever reason those mages are not being used to fix that. The morale of the soldiers seems high, and their officers are also seemingly optimistic, although there seems to be some degree of feuding going on.

The local Kammanist movement has been brutalized, with several dozen executed, various cells broken up, and many who were even faintly aligned with the Front drafted into the army in dispersed penny packets. However, a branch that has rejected revolution in favor of gradual reform has managed to gain some sliver of power in the rather chaotic and confusingly structured "Provisional Constitutional Assembly," which they have used to limit workdays to ten hours and win some political concessions, including legalizing collective bargaining. There is some debate in the reports you have received if this is a strategy by Kammanists to buy them enough breathing room to return to revolutionary politics, a surrender to their class enemies, or something in between.
Week 6 Operations
The Red Army Office of Operations was in an abandoned manse. Its kitchen had been turned into a hub of farspeakers, each one sending a stream of orders and reports back and forth, the bedrooms had been turned into improvised offices, the actual office being in use for the General.

The past weeks had been taken up with getting the chain of command sorted out. Officers General Alexei and the staff he had formed out of former prisoners were appointed to command the various fronts and sent off with a few staff of their own. They had varying degrees of success in convincing the armies to obey their orders, something which made Alexei curse and pound his fist on the nearest surface whenever he remembered. He at least likely had most of the winter and a bit beyond to get everything in shape, and Bejen was being cooperative, although his officers might well get replaced if they didn't show some sort of improvement.

Ammunition, rations, warm clothes, there wasn't quite enough of any of it, or they couldn't get it where they needed to. A great many of the men were militia who he feared would break and run under their first artillery barrage. They were outnumbered on every front.

He bared his teeth. It seemed like it might just be a proper fight.


Devrograd Front - Devrograd is a quiet front currently, one with a large number of troops not doing much. However, the army of Imprado could be a potent threat. The commander of the soldiers here, the newly promoted Colonel Mikhail, desires reinforcements against the attack he believes will come within the month. However, before that attack comes he has suggested several possible operations. 2 dice due to army size and disorganized staff

[] Massive Fortifications: the river Devrograd straddles provides a potent natural fortification, with every easy crossing point already fortified and the nature of running water grounding most magic. Expanding these fortifications and turning them from crude trenches to modern defenses utilizing overlapping wardstones, firing pits, and multiple lines of defense will make any attacker swim in blood before they can break through. However, hard work in the cold will be costly on the minds and bodies of the soldiers, and the wardstones needed must come from somewhere.

[] Scouting Operations: knowing the enemy is coming, when they are coming, and in what strength they are coming will be vital for defeating their attacks. While the snow makes mobility somewhat more difficult, there is enough cold-weather gear and equipment for scouting operations to push out far enough to give multiple day's notices of any attacks.

[] Secondary Defenses: Instead of creating one massive fortification line, the soldiers can rotate to the back and establish secondary defensive points. This will upset the farmers whose fields have become trenchlines, and the fortifications created cannot be as strong as they would be if one line was made, but in the event of a retreat being necessary they will help prevent it from being a rout and buy time for reinforcements. However, hard work in the cold will be costly on the minds and bodies of the soldiers, and the wardstones needed must come from somewhere.

[] Seeding the Countryside: As men move forwards, they can make contact with friendly peasants, using donations of food, promises, and the providing of protection to ensure widespread support. Then, should any army approach, they can force that army to advance through a thicket of gunfire and ambushes as well as potentially breaking up any support Imprado draws from their peasantry. For such an operation, only ideologically correct troops can be used, and they will be at risk from the cold, enemy troops, and other hostiles.

Avla Front - Avla is currently not under any major military threat. Even if all the bandits gathered to launch a grand attack, they would not be able to take the city. Instead, the concerns of General Alexei are managing the concerns of his subordinates and maintaining control in the area outside the city. 3 dice due to army size and disorganized staff

[] Anti-Counterrevolutionary Operations: The towns are garrisoned, but only lightly. Begin reinforcing those garrisons to help keep things secure. As a bonus, this will allow you to begin fulfilling your promises by integrating more middle-class individuals in the patrols in ones or twos, hopefully helping to reassure those who have been discomfited by the revolution.

[] Bandit Hunting: The bandits - the counterrevolutionary soldiers - have been driven back somewhat and taken severe losses, but they are still capable of being a threat, either by damaging food supplies or attacking villages. Smash them, once and for all. They have no friends, they have no support, they have no way to escape.

[] Coordination with the Farmer's Liberation Army: The Farmer's Liberation Army dislikes and distrusts the Red Guard. Considering that they were formed by defectors from the Imperial Army and the Red Guards, that is entirely understandable. Considering their reason for defecting, it makes even more sense. They do have some degree of revolutionary spirit, even if they are far more conservative than your typical Kammanist, and they recognize that the restoration of imperial control or the rule of a junta would not be desirable. They can be trusted to fight against such forces. They would be far more effective, however, if they could be persuaded and drilled in coordinating with another force, such as the People's Liberation Army.

[] Reinforce the Front: There is an excess of troops in Avla, more than is really needed. Transferring some to a more active front can only be to the benefit of the Revolution.
-[] Olvo-Selvada. Write in the amount.
-[] Devrograd. Write in the amount.

Olvo-Selvada Front - While the snows in the mountains are all but guaranteeing the impossibility of greater conflict than the occasional exchange of potshots, Balink looms with an army of unclear but likely immense size. The command here is exceptionally disorganized, with the elected officers of the Red Guard only barely tolerating the orders of Colonel Lev and the Farmer's Liberation Army staunchly refusing to coordinate with the Red Guard. 2 dice due to army size and exceptionally disorganized staff

[] Redistribute Defensive Forces: While the artillery will be difficult to move, a few of the lighter pieces can be brought down to defend against Balink. More importantly, significant numbers of troops can be gathered from the city garrisons and the mountain fortresses to provide protection greater than a tripwire against the enormous anti-Kammanist army in Balink.

[] Dig in Deeper: Every fortification can be improved. The Great War has amply demonstrated the truth of this. Use the soldiers (and some who are taking advantage of the soldiers' protection could easily be convinced by the Red Guard) to dig deep trenches, build strong barricades, and prepare every defense possible. The cold will take its toll, and the wardstones needed to properly protect the men must come from somewhere, but even dirt will be better than nothing.
-[] Use civilian labor
-[] Do not use civilian labor

[] Eastern Infiltration: Send troops further east, into Balink in small parties to scout for the army, attack isolated groups of soldiers, and generally attempt to cause trouble for the reactionary army. While the soldiers are willing and eager to fight and die, the cold and snow will hamper them greatly.

[] Western Infiltration: Send troops further west, past the mountains in small parties to scout for the army, attack isolated groups of soldiers, and generally attempt to cause trouble for the reactionary army. While the soldiers are willing and eager to fight and die, the cold and snow will hamper them greatly.

Korvio Front - Korvio is well-defended thanks to its motivated soldiers, even if the docks are badly damaged, but the navy is a slapdash, poorly coordinated thing, with only one proper warship still remaining and most of the fleet wasting aether protecting convoys that are unlikely to need any defense. 2 dice due to army size and disorganized staff

[] Begin Naval Patrols: Drawing a few of the armed freighters and patrol boats away from their escort duties and ordering them to patrol the waters will likely be a better use of time and fuel. In the meantime, the light cruiser will remain on station, ready to respond to any report of an incursion.

[] Dock Repairs: The Korvio Defenders draw much of their strength from the men who loaded ships and worked the docks. It was brutal, backbreaking labor that left them right for Kammanization, but it left them with some experience in how to repair the docks. Using their labor along civilian construction will allow the Front to better repair ships and take in more cargo.

[] Foreign Deployments: Korvio is a clannish, insular place that has little interest in the affairs of the rest of Avla, although after the success of the Uprising there is some degree of greater interest in the rest of Avlandia, especially among those who fought to free the city. Appealing to these soldiers could convince them to accept redeployment elsewhere, such as to defend against Balink or Imprado.
-[] Olvo-Selvada
-[] Devrograd

(A/N: It might be advisable to read between the lines. Options and the results are what get told to your characters. I'll be updating the information sheets soon/tomorrow.)
Week 6 Actions
Sometimes, it seemed like the Chairman was everywhere, his guards barely able to keep up. He visited factories, handed out clothing, attended meetings, prayed in a small church with a priest who was practically a Kammanist in cloth robes, watched the troops train, attended more meetings, read reports, attended even more meetings...food and sleep were snatched in short intervals wherever he could. That, at least, felt familiar. It almost made him nostalgic for the days he was fleeing the Emperor's men, robbing landlords and giving the largesse to the tenants, every day a battle and every night an adventure.

But in those days, he was a thorn in the side of the enemies of humanity. Now he, and the Revolution that sometimes he led and sometimes led him was like a dagger in their gut. Not fatal, not yet, but something that would slow them and bleed them until the workers rose up to bring peace and prosperity and unity.

He made a mental note to talk to Stefan about that, it might work well as imagery for a poster. The boy might think it too aggressive, and Zenus supposed he could see some of the sense in that - if the Silver Crescent pulled out, they would suffer greatly, and the capitalist nations of the world had ample power to threaten them if they could not unify Avlandia first.

Still, he liked the imagery. Perhaps he would do something else with it. He was beginning to think about writing his memoirs, a sort of testament to the struggles of building a revolution and his thoughts on where to go from here. It would be a lovely thing to make his own contribution next to Kammanist literature, to have his name listed alongside Engloy and Dostin and Lenc and Heveg and the other great thinkers and writers.

The next day, he carved out a few minutes between one meeting and the next and began to write about his first theft, when he stole an apple off a cart and gave it to a beggar.

32 Resources, +9 Resources per week
13 Aether, +2 Aether per week
5 Wealth

Food Situation: Semi-stable, will degrade if Silver Crescent supplies stop coming, trending upwards. Rumors of hoarding
Ammunition: Low-ish, amount is trending upwards
Personal Weapons: Moderate numbers being produced, damaged ones can be repaired. Small stockpile is being built up.
Heavy Weapons: Small numbers being produced, damaged ones can be repaired
Artillery: Small numbers being produced, damaged ones can be repaired
Coal/Wood: Supplies are stable for current usage
Steel: Moderate shortage
Aether crystals: Somewhat severe shortage
Metals: Moderate shortage
Cloth: Excess

The Councils and Committees - 3 Council dice (Council dice have a +5 bonus for Industrial actions thanks to your strong unions), 5 Front dice

[] Eat the Rich: Not literally, of course, but the wealthy and middle-class citizens have gold and jewels and fine art and a great many other riches. Taking a portion of these, based on how much wealth they have, and using it for the benefit of the workers, farmers, and laborers would be an undeniably popular decision. DC 25/80/150/300. Benefit: Subvote. Gain a medium boost to Wealth, with a smaller boost when a new area is conquered. Potential additional benefits. Cost: Will severely cost popular support among certain segments of the population, will have additional or mitigated costs depending on results

[] Arm the Workers: The workers of the city largely stayed out of your way, only a few of the most enthusiastic joined in the Uprising, but that was less because of their attitudes and more because of their relative lack of organization and sheer surprise. Now they are determined and motivated participants in the growing Kammanist state, an essential and determined pillar of support. Should the city come under attack, having them already familiar with arms would be extremely useful. 0/100. Benefits: Worker's councils/unions gain access to more centralized weaponry, can act as purely defensive militia. Very popular with some. Costs: Will require lots (and lots) of weapons, very unpopular with some, lots of armed people.

[] Jailbreaks: The trials have reminded everyone that the prisons still exist. Fortunately, a few volunteer committees have been keeping those inside alive and in relatively good health, but they haven't had the resources to do more. Many inside them will have been imprisoned for political crimes that are no longer illegals, or for crimes of "morality" that Kammanism cares little for, or for things like stealing bread that will no longer happen thanks to the greater equality and wealth under the new economic system. Arranging for finding who belongs in those categories and who the hardened criminals are is an affair that will take time, and then there is the question of what is to be done with those not liberated, but it is a worthy effort and one that will be popular for many. 53/60, DC 0/??. Benefits: Popular support, manpower, there might be interesting people in prison. Costs: Potential backlash, subvote for what to do with those who remain imprisoned.

[] Public Court Martial: The reports coming of outrages committed upon the populace have driven many of the councils into a frenzy, and the Front as well (albeit for different reasons). Finding those who have done the worst deeds, trying them, and punishing them will be a good way to satisfy many of those while not quite giving another concession to your class enemies. 0/30. Benefits: Increase to popular support, increased approval with various army factions, increase in outside legitimacy. Cost: Front Support, slight Hardliner approval

[] To Arms!: Your army is relatively small, and in truth you do not have more than warcasters for the majority of them, something which will remain true for some time, but you have vast reserves of untapped manpower. Whip them up in a frenzy with every promise you can make to encourage more men to join you. Former criminals, dedicated Kammanists, aristocrats and capitalists seeking redemption, simple men and women, you will take all and let all serve. 0/125. Benefits: Massive increase in the number of recruits. Cost: 1 Resource per die

Chairman of the Central Committee of the United Kammanist Front - 4 Chairman dice

[] Walk Among the Workers: See the results of the Uprising for yourself, which should prove very satisfying. It will also provide a different perspective on potential issues or solutions. Lastly, it will allow you to personally address grievances. Some might say it's reckless or risky. What are such things to you? DC 0/?? Benefits: Satisfies your desire for action, ?? Cost: ??

[] Recruit the Peasantry: Even as they feed your workers, you are aware there is more they could be doing. Ask them to fight for you, to join your cause, to take up the warcaster against the coming men who will ravage their farms, steal their crops, and turn them back into serfs. DC 40/80. Benefits: Boost to Farmer's Liberation Army size. Cost: Less peasants working

[] Olvo and Selvada: The Kammanists in those two cities have proven troublesome, for a variety of reasons. Bringing them into alignment with the Front as a whole will hopefully reduce those troubles. This will entail asking one or two of their leading members to join you and pushing harder on a couple matters they have been lax in, likely while agreeing to make concessions of your own. On the other hand, it might be wiser to wait for the Congress... DC 60/120. Benefits: +1 Front die, greater integration of the front. Costs: Will possibly have to make political concessions, severe consequences if negotiations fail.

[] Bandit Hunting: Your brave soldiers are out hunting bandits, fighting hard against murderers and plunderers backed by the capitalists and aristocrats. It burns you, it burns you to sit inside and attend meetings while such a thing happens. So you will go and check on the morale of your men, hear their songs and stories, and if you get caught in an ambush or two and have to fight yourself, such is life. You've fought monsters and Tiger Stripes and the Emperor's Guard. Bandits will be no trouble. DC 0/20/?? Benefits: Improved morale of soldiers, boost to popular support, propaganda, satisfies your desire for action. Cost: None

Commissar of Diplomacy - 3 Diplomacy dice

[] Tell the World: You have declared your Revolution to all and sundry, and news of it has spread like wildfire - it's on every front page and spoken about near constantly in the shops and restaurants, and likely in the back rooms where capitalists scheme and plot and bribe politicians. But now, with a stronger connection to the outside world through your channels, you can try and control the narrative yourself. You can tell of your victories, the reforms you made, how people are voluntarily forming worker's councils and democratically taking control of the economy, how your triumph is inevitable. You can give heart to other revolutionaries, strike fear into the heart of those who would crush you, and perhaps even gain enough popular support to prevent intervention. DC 0/??. Benefits: Gain attention, possibly gain outside support. The higher the result the better. Cost: None

[] The Red Rag: For a time you ran a Kammanist newspaper in Breton, taking the name from what previous ones had been mockingly called. There hasn't been one in Avlandia since the first months after the Summer Revolts, but it is time to change that. Begin writing for the newspaper again, and find some others who can help. 0/40, DC 30/60/90. Benefits: Gain a vehicle for making statements/propaganda, synergizes with several other actions. Cost: 1 Diplomacy die next turn

[] Sending Support: The Ukortic Free State has suffered a series of defeats, but they are beginning to rally. Any aid you send them will have to pass by Balink, but it would doubtless be invaluable to them. It will also help solidify your somewhat nominal unity. DC 80. Benefit: Send small amounts of equipment to the Ukortic Free State. Costs: Equipment, risk of interception.

[] The Blue Men: Your diplomat has reported that after a defecting Tiger Stripe was able to rally the Black Army, a significant fraction began wearing a bit of blue in honor of him and seem to consider him to be their leader. While he has developed some opposition, he also seems to be the closest thing they have to a competent military commander. Approaching him could help solidify your alliance. DC 0/??. Benefits: Approach the Blue Rider, find out his name and more about him, begin talks with him. Costs: Could potentially upset some of the leadership of the Ukortic Free State

[] The Maygari Revolution: Hearing of a second viable revolution has done a great deal for the morale of the Front, but some of the things you have heard suggest they are rather more fragile than you, as they are apparently at war with all their former subjects and other nations besides. Getting in touch with them will be a multi-week endeavor, and risky for your messenger, but it is absolutely worth it, given the strength of the Maygari and their position, especially if you can gain control of the territory in between you as well. DC 60. Benefits: Send an ambassador to the Maygari Revolutionary Front, will take at least a month before you hear back. A higher result means a better ambassador. Cost: None

[] To The Democrats: The capitalist democracy of Imprado will likely be a focus of intervention should any of the other powers be able to reach them and their forces could be motivated opponents. Even worse, they will likely have a strong appeal to many of the people under your control, possibly leading to counterrevolutionary activity. For all that, there is perhaps enough in common for you to agree to a truce or even a united front. DC 30/??. Benefits: Send an ambassador to Imprado. A higher result means a better pick. Cost: None.

[] To The Reorganized States: The Reorganized States, mostly former territories of fallen empires that would have been puppets of Avlandia or allies in recognition of shared heritage, have now fallen into chaos. The nobles who would have been set over them are overthrown, or in rebellion, or simply gone, and in their place are dozens of different factions, deserters from various armies, revolutionaries and reactionaries and nationalists of every stripe. Surely there must be at least one or two viable revolutionary groups in that mess. DC 80/??. Benefits: Send an ambassador and escort to the Reorganized States, getting you a better idea of what's going on there and if there's any worthwhile allies. Cost: None.

[] Pushing Posters: You are making pamphlets now, printing copies of the Kammanist Manifesto and a few other similar tracts, but you can do better. Make posters, with bold pictures and inspiring slogans and post them throughout the city. Recruiting posters, posted about recent victories, about how you can contribute to the Revolution...propaganda has ever been an advantage of the oppressor, but now it shall be turned into a weapon of the oppressed. 0/85. Benefit: Start making posters for propaganda, develop further propaganda actions. Cost: 1 Resource per die

[] Cargo for the Crescent: The Silver Crescent will be bringing all sorts of supplies to people, mostly food, but also medical supplies, and tents, and warm clothing. You have some to spare of the last two, and finding some red paint for crates shouldn't be too much of a problem. Having them deliver supplies for you would serve as a propaganda coup, and if there are some pamphlets or posters in those crates, you could easily smooth over any hurt feelings from the Crescent. And the opinion of those getting the crates doesn't matter much. 0/30, DC 45. Benefit: Propaganda, popular support. Cost: 1 Resource per die, potentially upset the Silver Crescent.

[] Soothing Fears: Now that the worst of their concerns have been handled, it is time to begin offering other sorts of reassurances. Really, these are nothing more than platitudes, but they will help reassure those who are still unsettled, especially if you make an effort to follow through on your other promises. DC 70. Benefit: Increase in support among the rich and the towns. Cost: None

[] Trade Beginnings: Normally, there's a fair bit of trade, but the Great War and the Revolution have heavily disrupted things. It will take a fair bit of convincing those merchants who remain in Korvio and possibly going through your friends, but you can get trade to flow again, which will help increase your food supplies...at a cost. DC 55. Benefit: Increase in food. Cost: - 1 Wealth or -2 Aether per turn until trade is stopped.

[] Foreign Journalists: Journalists from the victorious powers will surely be arriving soon, and given that these are capitalist nations they will doubtless be peddling all manner of lies to their readers back home. Ask your friends to send some trustworthy reporters to speak of the great strides you are making and call upon the world to support you. DC 40. Benefit: Improvement to foreign attitudes. Cost: ??

Head Political Officer - 2 Politics Dice

[] Political Officers: The new army is apparently very moderate politically. You are confident they will understand more about why they need to fight for Kammanism if they are given better explanations. Find the most impressive members of the Red Guard and appoint them as political officers to provide support and education to the army. DC: 0/50/100. Benefits: Army grows politically radically, increases morale. Cost: Potential backlash.

[] Pull the Softliners: With their recent political victories, the softliners are gaining more power and turning their attention to economic matters. These economic matters have potentially severe consequences for the success of your revolution, so encouraging them to tone down their rhetoric on things like not repudiating all debts and compensation for foreign capitalists might be wise. DC: 60/120. Benefits: More support for hardline economic reform. Costs: Potential loss of Front Support, loss of Softliner Support, potential backlash

[] Factional Investigations: The Front currently has three factions who have split over a variety of issues. Of course, there are also a large number of individuals who have no particular stance, or are only concerned about one or two specific points...the problem is getting an idea of who and what. Take advantage of your reputation to make some conversation and get a better understanding of what the different factions are. DC 0/40/80/120. Benefits: More information on factions. Cost: Potential backlash.

[] Expand the Speechmakers: The speechgivers (or speechmakers) have proven very useful for bolstering adult education and answering questions, but there are only so many of them. First, you will recruit more members of the Front to serve in this capacity, but secondly, you will begin arranging for training more through an understudy program, with enthusiastic workers being given apprenticeships with the speechmakers. 0/70. Benefits: More speeches being given out, training program to gain even more made. Costs: Potential for backlash.

[] Poster Propaganda: You are making pamphlets now, printing copies of the Kammanist Manifesto and a few other similar tracts, but you can do better. People have been eagerly discussing poster designs, you have even been given a few rather extreme ones that have been dropped off with your assistant. You are very familiar with the power of propaganda, and now the people shall wield it.. 0/75. Benefit: Request people to submit poster designs and then begin making them for propaganda, develop further propaganda actions. Cost: 1 Resource per die

[] The Electoral Commission: Comrade Zandi has declared that there shall be a commission to be responsible for investigating voter fraud, false councils, drawing district lines, and other such things, and you agree that it is a necessity. While it is unlikely to be immediately necessary, creating it before the first elections (whenever those will be) is imperative, and you want to give it some time to be able to investigate things. You will have to impress upon those responsible the importance of subordinating themselves to the councils, however... DC 0/50/100/?? Benefit: Form a commission that will be responsible for ensuring elections are free and fair. Cost: None

[] Congress Construction: Preparations for the Congress must go on. You have spent some time establishing who has worries and what concerns need to be addressed, but there are other matters to be settled. Should it only be the Front, or should foreign guests or non-Front members be allowed or invited? Where should it be held? What will be the official agenda? DC 0/?? Benefit: Subvote for congress preparations. Cost: Penalty to Front Support if not taken.

Head of the Reform Commission - 2 Reform Dice

[] Push for Greater Democratization: The councils exist. That is all well and good, but they have little formal power above the local level. Really, they are nothing more than discussion groups, ones which frequently turn raucous and enthusiastic. In some cases, too enthusiastic. Begin encouraging the formation of higher-level councils, begin giving these councils some powers like managing the policing of their sections of the city. DC 30, 0/100. Benefits: Councils gain power, more Council dice, increase in popular support, subvote. Costs: Potential factional problems, ??

[] Land Reform, Stage 2: The first aristocratic estates have been broken up, and some efforts have been made at laying the groundwork for future efforts. A few pieces of modern agricultural equipment are being produced, ever so slowly. It is time to continue the land reform and make proper collectives this time. This will be a more costly effort, requiring at least the beginnings of construction, but the new farms will be more efficient and equitable. The land necessary will come from a combination of the former noble estates, the tenant farmers who have had their debts declared null and void, and peasants who have demonstrated eagerness. 11/200. Benefits: Front support, possibility of popular support among the peasantry, better farming. Costs: Potential backlash, 2 Resources per die.

[] The Wealth Tax: Gold and silver that have been hoarded for the pleasure of the wealthy capitalists were purchased with the blood and sweat of the workers. You will not take all of it - they will be allowed to keep family heirlooms and a few other keepsakes - but the majority of it will be taken for the use of the Front and the benefit of the people. It is not currently industrially useful, but you may find some gains to be had, if only by trading it to other capitalists. 11/50. Benefits: Moderate gain to wealth, minor gains to wealth when new areas are conquered/integrated. Cost: Will make some people unhappy.

[] Break Open the Banks: The bankers are an instrument of capitalist oppression and control, and a potent source of wealth. While the rural debts owed to landholders have been declared invalid, many are still burdened by oppressive loans. Furthermore, the controllers of the banks have favored the wealthy with their financial policies. Taking over and reforming these banks will allow for greater control of wealth by the workers, and offer many new opportunities. DC 0/20/40/80/120?? Benefits: Subvote, Front Support, potential to appease various factions.

[] Government Replacement: Many vestiges of the old capitalist and aristocratic government systems remain, in ways subtle and severe. Decorations, positions, procedures...these reforms will be concentrated in the towns, where the worker councils have not been able to remove the majority of the scraps. You will formally disarm and disband their police, remove the mayors and aldermen from their positions, and abolish their government structures to be replaced. DC 0/50/100. Benefits: Front Support, popular with the Hardliners. Costs: Will greatly upset the towns.

[] Worker's Policing: While the People's Police Force is effective at keeping order, they are not as ideologically sound in structure, being an instrument of the Committee instead of the Council. They shall remain, but their role shall shift into a combination of trainers, internal investigators, and elite teams. In their place, responsible for ordinary crime and law-keeping will be the Council Police, made of part-time workers trained and educated for the task and given additional support in a variety of forms. 0/100. Benefits: Gain a more decentralized and community-based police force, one that will certainly be more popular. Costs: They may be less effective due to reduced professionalization. Will require weapons. 1 Resource per die.

[] University Reform: The universities of Avlandia are...small. Relative to other lands at least. Both your magical and your non-magical studies have had their most advanced and innovative ideas come from other countries. But the universities still exist, and students are often a powerful body of support for your policies...or for other ones. They also teach subjects such as history, art, and politics. Being reforming the universities to lower or eliminate entrance fees, to make them more equitable, to have them teach the truth of Kammanism. 39/40. Benefits: ?? Costs: None

[] Free the People: The prisons of the Emperor are still full with those unjustly chained, with those who have committed no crime but speaking against an autocrat or demanding what was rightfully theirs, with those who only sought to survive, with those forcibly alienated. They are all revolutionaries in the making. Set them free, offer them fulfilling, dignified labor, give the opportunity to spread that same freedom to others. 0/80, DC 0/??. Benefits: Free the majority of the imprisoned and recruit them. Costs: None

[] The Old Laws: With the churches somewhat neutered, the various "moral laws" enforced by their rule can be removed. Many are still bound by these conventional strictures, but they are unneeded and harmful. Stripping them away will likely upset people, but it will also demonstrate how the revolution can stretch to every aspect of someone's life. DC 0/??/100. Benefits: All "moral laws" removed. Hardliner approval Cost: Likely to be a severe backlash. Max 1 die.

[] Limited Removal: Instead of removing every law at one broad stroke, a more gradual program can be implemented. Start chipping away at the various moral laws one at a time, gradually bringing full social and political equality. This will ensure less unrest from those among the Front who have not fully liberated themselves, and dramatically decrease the backlash as each small change does not cause the sky to fall. DC 0/??/65. Benefits: "Moral laws" slowly removed. Softliner approval. Cost: Likely to be a moderate backlash. Max 1 die.

[] A Woman's Revolution: Another alternative would be to fully remove these moral laws in one area that will be only somewhat controversial. Women have greatly contributed to the Revolution already - a great many of them are on the Committee, and others have joined the Red Guards - and so it is easier for the Front to accept in their hearts that women are their equals. DC 0/??/55/ Benefits: Full legal equality for women, encouragement for social equality as well. Softliner approval. Cost: Chance of moderate backlash. Max 1 die.

[] A School for Magic: The mage's guilds are a corrupt and moribund institution, a tool of the aristocracy and capitalists. The mages who taught at them have mostly scattered, but for a few. Recruit those few to teach more of magic, while others will be responsible for their education in politics, history, and ideology. 0/40. Benefit: Better mages, improved efficacy of the Find Mages action: Cost: 1 Wealth per die.

Chief Economic Commissar - 6 Industrial Dice

[] Integrate Female Workers: Women can work just as well as men. Equality is a tenet of Kammanism. So, as unpopular as it may be, you will encourage the women of The City to join men in the factories for equal hours, equal pay, and equal work. DC 0/20/40/60/80. Benefit: Front Support, small bonus to industrial actions, potential popular support. Cost: Potential popular support.

[] Horses and Carts: If you want the army to be able to move efficiently, they will need horses and carts to carry their supplies if they are going anywhere away from the Aetherail. Begin collection and organization of both for when they will be needed. 0/30. Benefit: Military logistics improved. Cost: 1 Resource per die, peasant support.

[] Securing Fuel, Pt. 3: With workers toiling away in the mines to gather coal, the supply has stabilized to some degree, but the depths of winter are no time to run out. There are other mines not being used, and the existing ones can be expanded to allow for more workers. A proposal from one of the new members about making charcoal also shows some promise, especially since there is a surplus of wood, although there are not many with experience. 38/200. Benefit: Further increase to fuel supply. Cost: 2 Resources per die.

[] Launch Airships: The army had a few airships stockpiled in their barracks, but the pilots had to be imprisoned and they have no fuel. Begin fixing both those problems so that you will gain a powerful asset - though they are light ships, only really suitable for scouting and a little bombardment, they are likely to be more than what anyone else has right now. 0/30. Benefit: Gain 5 light airships. Cost: 1 Aether per die

[] Identify Mages: While not as ideal as an autocaster (they can't go as long or cast as precisely), mages are extremely useful industrially. And you have a way to identify those with the potential to become them. Use the new dowsing tools to identify those among your populace with the necessary gifts. 56/?? Benefits: Will gain new mages at intervals, unlocks new industrial and military actions. Cost: 1 Aether per die.

[] Light Warcaster Construction: Though you will want to finish reorganizing the existing armament production, you now have the schematics to build modern personal warcasters, which will be essential for equipping the surely enormous armies you will be fielding. Though expensive, it will be vital. 0/40. Benefits: More weaponry (Rifle and pistol equivalents). Cost: 5 Aether and 10 Resources per die. Will accelerate raw material problems.

[] Heavy Warcaster Construction: Though you will want to finish reorganizing the existing armament production, you now have the schematics to build modern heavy warcasters, which will be essential for improving the firepower of your troops. Though expensive, it will be vital. 0/40. Benefits: More weaponry (Machine guns, rifle grenades, and sniper rifle equivalents). Cost: 5 Aether and 10 Resources per die. Will accelerate raw material problems.

[] Light Spellblaster Construction: Though you will want to finish reorganizing the existing armament production, you now have the schematics to build modern light spellblasters. Though expensive, and not as potent as the truly enormous spellblasters used during the Great War, they will be a significant improvement in the firepower of your troops. 0/60. Benefits: More weaponry. (Mortar and field artillery equivalents). Cost: 5 Aether and 10 Resources per die. Will accelerate raw material problems.

[] Wardstone Production: Though you will want to finish reorganizing the existing armament production, you now have the schematics to build modern wardstones. These are unquestionably vital for making your forces capable of standing up to a modern army. 0/30. Benefits: More wardstones. Cost: 5 Aether and 5 Resources per die. Will accelerate raw material problems.

[] The Aetherail Facilities, Pt.1: The Aetherails provide you with a connection to your allied cities, and to several other important towns. The trains which ride it are absolutely essential to your success. Producing more will be vital, as will be repairing existing ones...especially since there are enough similarities in the production lines that they could be used to repair landships, if not make new ones. Begin restarting the facilities, starting by resuming interrupted supply chains and ensuring there are enough workers for full shifts. 0/60. Benefits: Trains produced, new Aetherail, and landship options. Cost: 5 Resources and 5 Aether per die, will cost Aether and Resources per turn once complete and accelerate raw material problems

[] Individual Autocaster Workshops: The production of autocasters is probably the most indirectly important factor in your success: more autocasters means more that can be made. Unfortunately, the mage guilds disliked them enough to keep any major facilities for producing them outside The City, so you have nothing but scattered, small-scale workshops within the bounds of your territory. Get them producing, at any and all costs. You have the mages for this, although not much more. 77/80. Benefits: Increase to all industry, new actions. Cost: 4 Aether per die, will cost Aether per turn once complete and accelerate raw material problems.

[] Handbomb Works: The handbombs were very useful in the trenches, providing a terrible shock to your opponents and being capable of going around corners or over fortifications. The combined magical and physical explosions were also devastating to wardstones. They are already produced on a small scale, but every soldier or Guardsman seems to want more. Establish more shops in The City that will produce these. 0/60. Benefits: More handbomb production. Cost: 3 Aether and 3 Resources per die, will cost Aether per turn once complete and accelerate raw material problems.

[] Aether Mines, Pt.2: With the addition of a small cadre of mages and further infrastructural development, the rather underutilized aether mines can be improved. Some of the members of the planning office estimate that this could double the amount of crystals pulled out of the mines, although most estimates are somewhat more conservative. 52/100. Benefits: Increased Aether income. Cost: 4 Resources per die.

[] Mine Refinement: The existing mines and smelting facilities already in use are designed around pure manual labor, and you do not have enough autocasters to begin mechanizing them. A simpler alternative would be to use the newly recruited mages directly. They have already begun basic safety training, but by learning a few other simple spells they could dramatically improve the effectiveness of your industry. 0/100. Benefits: Improvements to all resources, increase to Resource and Aether income. Cost: Mages.

[] Mage Labor: As an alternative to keeping the mages together and applying them directly to problems, they could be kept as a more decentralized force and given encouragement to work on individual tasks. This might be less strictly efficient, but it will be better for morale, demonstration purposes, and it is a far simpler process. 0/25. Benefits: Random progress on various industrial actions every turn. Cost: Mages.

[] Maltka Reconstruction, Pt. 2: The worst of the damaged buildings and the most vital ones have been repaired enough to keep the snow and rain out, more or less. Now it is time to begin restoring Maltka as a functional city by clearing at least the major arteries of rubble so that wagons and carts and crowds can all pass through them, which will greatly ease the more thorough reconstruction of the city. 15/120. Benefits: Further damage repaired. Cost: 1 Resource per die.

[] Of Iron and Steel, Pt. 2: The mines and smelters are operating now, but there is more to be done. More mines to be reopened, more ore to be turned into metal, more alloys to be made. Proposals of modernizing some of the mining through various autocasters have been brought up, but currently, we lack the tools to do so. However, preparations can be made, although those will mostly be a sideshow compared to increasing production. 30/75. Benefits: Further increases to iron and steel production, slight increase to the production of other metals. Costs: 4 Resources and 1 Aether per die.

[] Alcohol Production: While some would think this would cut into your food supply, you happen to know a few methods of alcohol production which primarily use ingredients that aren't human edible. The results are not particularly excellent, but being able to add an alcohol ration to people's diet and making it universal will have a great impact on morale. The hard part will be getting all the equipment set up and organizing the gathering of the hulls which are usually discarded... 0/45. Benefits: Small quantities of alcohol produced and distributed. Cost: 2 Resources per die.

[] Put Prisoners To Work: You have a relatively small number of prisoners-of-war, some petty criminals, and you will certainly soon have more serious ones as well. Honest labor, when treated with dignity, is supposed to be good for the soul. Put them to work, most likely in farming tasks or perhaps clearing rubble. Backbreaking, to be sure, but you will have to feed them either way. DC 0/25/?? Benefits: Manpower.

[] Industrial Evaluation: As coordination between the sections of the Front grows and travel between the cities does as well, the importance of ensuring industrial efforts are coordinated grows. The already established Commission has proven useful, but it is time for their major task: to evaluate what is being produced and what needs to be produced in Selvada, Olvo, and Korvio. 0/200. Benefits: New actions unlocked, +1 Industrial dice. Costs: Slightly unpopular with the Front.

[] Encourage Cooperative Industries: As an alternative to directly managing various factories and facilities, encouraging the creation of cooperatives, which have begun growing out of the Worker's Councils to some degree. These democratic and self-managed enterprises will make a good step on the road to Kammanism, one that should be eased for those who wish to make it. Offering small sponsorships to those who begun running their workplaces like this while maintaining quality and quantity is the easiest way. 0/100, DC 35. Benefits: A general increase in production, support from the Softliners, popular support. Cost: 3 Wealth per die.

[] Road Clearing: The roads between the cities are suffering from the amount of snow and mud and traffic, and in general are in very poor condition. Gather teams to try and repair them, a task that will be difficult and consume a great deal of manpower without either mages or autocasters. 0/20. Benefits: Travel eased. Cost: 1 Resource per die.

[] Metal Tools: While replacing the various mundane tasks of the world with autocasters is not entirely possible, some efforts can be made to ease the burdens of various workers. The simplest way to do this would be to replace the substandard, shoddy, and sometimes made of wood tools used in various areas of life with higher quality metal ones. Begin an initiative to make these tools so that the general quality of the means of production goes up. 0/150. Benefits: Higher quality tools for everyone. Cost: 5 Resources per die, steel and metal.

Chief Commander of the People's Military - 4 Military Dice

[] City Fighting: You have never fought in a city before. You will need to work out what sort of tactics will work best. Some possibilities come to mind, some more gruesome than others. DC: 0/50, partial progress provides partial benefits. Benefits: Develop doctrine and tactics for urban fighting, unlocks new military and industrial options. Cost: None

[] Political Officers, Bejen's Version: The new army is very moderate politically. They will understand more about why they need to fight for Kammanism if they are given explanations and examples. Find the most impressive members of the Red Guard and appoint them as political officers to provide support and education to the army. Now that they have fought beside the Guard, that will make it easier to identify suitable candidates. DC: 0/30/50. Benefits: Army grows politically radically, increases morale. Cost: Potential backlash.

[] Red Guard Shooting: The Red Guard are skilled and experienced, by and large, but they cannot match the trained veterans of the Imperial Army who have joined you. Have them share some experience, have the Guard practice shooting, turn your most determined troops into your most effective ones. 0/80. Benefits: Red Guard training improves. Cost: None

[] The Protclow Protocol: Signed in the capital of the Doytch Empire nearly sixty years ago, the Protclow Protocol is an agreement between all civilized nations in how to conduct war, especially in regards to noncombatants and prisoners. Agreeing to follow it will win you some approval with the former Imperial Army, plus it's the right thing to do. The hard part will be drilling it into your soldiers, especially the militia. 56/80. Benefits: The moral high ground, the approval of the army, ?? Cost: Breaking your word has consequences.

[] Expand the Militia: You need more manpower. That is undeniable. Through speech and encouragement and example, recruit as many as possible to join the militia and join the fight. The mood in the city suggests that this shouldn't be too troublesome. DC 0/20/40/60/80/100. Benefits: More militia. Cost: Manpower.

[] Expand the Red Guard: You need more manpower. That is undeniable. Through speech and encouragement and example, recruit the most enthusiastic and determined to join the Red Guards and join the fight. The mood in the city suggests that this shouldn't be too troublesome. DC 0/20/40/60/80/100. Benefits: More Red Guard. Cost: Manpower.

[] Integrate the Militia: Rather than recruit directly, General Alexei wants to integrate the militia into the army, using them to fill holes first then creating new units of mixed militia and veterans. This process will be followed for all militias in the future, bringing them directly into the army as its numbers expand. 0/60. Benefits People's Liberation Army and various Red Guards size increases. Cost: No more militia.

[] The Littlest Spellblasters: With production increasing, man-portable spellblasters and the ammunition for them are growing somewhat more common, common enough that a few of your forces can be equipped with them in large quantities. Hurling magic-impregnated stones high into the air so that they arc down to strike foes from above, they hit where wardstones are weakest and fortifications are least likely to protect, making them deadly against the fortified. Pass them out to the People's Liberation Army first and have them drill with them until they are proficient in their use. 0/40. Benefits: Bonus to attacking fortified opponents, beginnings of increase to equipment quality. Cost: 1 Aether per die, ammunition, 500 members of People's Liberation Army unavailable.

[] Lots of Logistics: With coordination growing in the Red Army as a whole, it is time to continue refining your disparate forces into a weapon which will smash the capitalists and aristocrats. But to do so, you need to fix several flaws your force has inherited or developed, including a low priority many assign to making sure that you can transport food and ammunition to your men wherever they are. This is especially significant given the relative lack of mages you can call upon. 0/90. Benefits: Improved logistics for the various armies. Cost: None

[] Winter Maneuvers: With snow thick on the ground, major maneuvers are out of the question, even if you have a sufficiency of cold weather gear. However the development of warmer outfits and mobility aids such as ones the Saamik used could allow you to create a force that can be used for raids. 0/90. Benefits: Will be able to deploy winterized troops in small numbers. Cost: 1 Resource per die

[] Command Coordination: The hierarchy of the Red Guard has been decentralized by necessity for many years, which has the unfortunate side effect of making them somewhat reluctant to obey orders, and the complicated nature of the earlier fighting has led to further confusion. Cormade Bejen and General Alexei will visit the various Red Guard leaders to ensure there will be no further complications. DC 75. Benefit: Reduce poor coordination penalties. Cost: Risk of backlash.

Assistant Secretary - 3 Intrigue Dice

[] Bleeding Balink: Balink is in the hands of the most brutal soldiers, steppe bandits and tiger stripes and iron-face men of the best armies. They have been reported as slaughtering suspected Kammanists in enormous numbers, taking hostages, creating enormous labor drafts to fortify the city and vital points around it. The conditions - and the fact that people are likely fleeing away - make it harder to infiltrate spies in the form of refugees, but it can still be done. DC 80/160. Benefit: Spies in Balink.

[] Pipeline Past Balink: Instead of going into Balink, finding a way to get around it in secret would be simpler and allow for aid to be directed to the Ukortic Free State. You have contacts who can arrange that, although it will be risky, as any shipment could be intercepted. DC 30, 0/80. (Any roll below 30 will cause problems). Benefit: Reduced risk of discovery when sending aid to the Ukortic Free State. Cost: still a risk of discovery

[] Where the Armies Are: The Imperial Army numbered over three hundred thousand at the beginning of the war, and more were recruited near constantly. Sure, lots of them died or deserted, but the High Duke really should have more troops, and there weren't that many in the capital either...you have heard rumors of existing troop concentrations, but that's not enough. Send out spies to visit other cities and try and find where the armies are. DC 90/180. Benefit: Find better information on potentially hostile armies. Cost: ??

[] Into Trokograd: Trokograd and Dedregrad have united into a strange sort of state, but one that seems dedicated to bettering the lot of its people, even if some of their decisions seem questionable. A few well-placed ears could find out a lot more that might explain it, as well as proving useful should you need to go to war against them. DC 50/100. Benefit: Spies in Trokograd-Dedregrad. Cost: ??

[] Into the Sejm: The Wloski (who are apparently different from Avlisi) have declared their independence, which is all well and good, but they seem...sort of Kammanist, you really don't understand what's going on in those cities. Send a few agents into their cities and find out. DC 50/100. Benefits: Spies in the Wloski state. Cost: ??

[] Into the Cities: The Revolutionary cities are probably on your side, but you want to know for sure. What are their workers saying? What changes have they made? What's going on? You want to know. You need to know, can your allies be trusted? DC 40/80. Benefits: Spies in allied cities. Cost: ??

[] Anti-Corruption Operations: You have twice found corruption within the Revolution, and not even the Front is safe. Arrange to create a division of the police responsible entirely for finding corruption and reactionaries. They will use a variety of methods, and neither rain nor snow nor the dark of night shall keep them from their duties. Conducting more extensive and prepared operations will require them. DC 0/??. Benefits: Found a division of the police responsible for finding corruption and counterrevolutionary activity. Costs: ??

[] Soldierly Investigations: Finding out just who has betrayed the Revolution is of utmost priority. While you are loathe to trust the word of class enemies, it will be only one piece of the evidence you assemble. There are several possible ways to find out just who committed deeds worthy of the most heinous of aristocrats upon those they were supposed to be...not protecting, you suppose, but watching. DC ??. Benefits: Find all the soldiers who committed outrages, substantial boost to popular support. Cost: Potential loss of support among the army or Front.

[] Finding the Presses: The first sign of counterrevolutionary activity in some time has appeared. While not strictly legal, whoever is printing these false and inflammatory pamphlets is doing so while hidden, which is certainly suspicious. While you will not necessarily arrange for action to be taken against them, being aware of who and what they are doing will be useful. DC ?? Benefit: Find who is printing anti-Kammanist activities, launch a raid if they are doing something illegal, option to raid them even if they aren't. Cost: ??
Week 6 Results Pt. 1
-Jailbreaks (1 Front Dice) - 49+53/60

The guards watched the last few prisoners leave. They still had their duties - to guard the murderers, the rapists, a few men and women who had been imprisoned for counter-revolutionary activities, and in many ways they thought it no different before, and wondered at how different this Revolution would truly be. For all the promises of the Kammanists, they were still hungry and work was still dull.

But for those freed, those who had often been among the poorest, the free meals were like a feast, and freedom was an even more precious gift, and the praises they sang of those they freed filled the minds and hearts of those who heard...

Boost to Front and Popular Support

-Public Court Martial (1 Front Dice) - 47/30

"Sergeant Talugik Tima, the court has heard the statements of the prosecution, the witnesses, and your defender. Do you have anything else to say before the jury decides?"

The Sergeant glared hatefully at the woman who had accused him, who held her head high, buoyed by the support of those who had encouraged her to come forth, to tell her tale.
He had nothing to say, the jury found no flaw within the story. As the Sergeant was taken away, she once more found her courage.

"This is what you deserve, you filthy bastard!" she shouted.

Some among the Front who had joined the viewing stands glanced at each other and wondered. She had seemed earnest, but she was a capitalist...

Small cost to front support, boost to popular support

-To Arms! (3 Front Dice) - 55+37+57 = 149/125

There had been recruitment efforts going on for some time, but nothing to the extent of this. "To arms, to arms, for the Revolution and the world!" People called. "Kammanism or barbarism!" they shouted. "Avlandia and the Revolution!" they chanted. Men flocked to the red banner, and even some women joined, despite resistance at several different levels. But the revolution could not be stopped, could not be slowed. They were determined to defend it, with warcaster and spellblaster, with bayonets and bullets, with their fists and knives if need be.

There weren't enough weapons for all of them. There were enough trainers, there weren't enough barracks! And many were boys trying to pretend to be older, or working in some vital factory job, but they would not be swayed except by the most ardent. They would fight.

Now the only question was if they would win.

Massive boost to army size, will take a few weeks to show because they are training.

-Bandit Hunting (2 Chairman Dice) - 64+54 = 118

The Chairman had rather forgotten about this part of fighting. It could often be boring. The young soldier he had asked had sent him to a village, one Zenus thought was rather far from the actual bandits, but he had enjoyed his time there nonetheless. It was good to get away from the city, to be able to enjoy fresh air and think about his book...it was still incredibly boring though.

Then there was a crack of a gunpowder rifle and his guards moved to tackle him to the ground, but he was faster, snapping off two warcaster shots towards the smoke cloud. There was a shriek, and then all around was chaos.

Four soldiers died in the ensuing fight, all of them on the other side. It made the day rather entertaining.

Small boost to popular support, morale.

-The Red Rag (1 Chairman Dice) - 54/40

It took a significant amount of time to handle, but with the printing presses running there was only the matter of finding and organizing the staff. He convinced all the Central Committee to contribute articles, and sent for a few lower level perspectives, taking care to include one or two that would be less than glowing...

In a room that smelled of ink and soot, the Red Rag was reborn to carry the truth of the Kammanist Revolution to the waiting ears of the oppressed workers of the world.

Gain a vehicle for spreading propaganda and news...

-Trade Beginnings (1 Dice) - 86

Arranging trade deals was strange to him. He met with representatives of two major Breton companies, and he could see the scorn and contempt in their eyes. He was scum to them, for a dozen reasons he knew. And he also knew that they would give him what he wanted anyway...

The deal wasn't a good one, such was the realities of the situation. It cost more gold and jewels than he would like, but that was fine. And in exchange, they would receive...

[] Food
[] Aether
[] Raw materials
[] Weapons

Vote on what to get from trading, you will get varying amounts for the 1 Wealth you send.
Week 6 Results Pt. 2
-Soothing Fears (2 Dice) - 84+44 = 138

Now that the trials had begun, Stefan's job was much easier. He knew their existence was an existential threat to the oppressive classes of the world, that the dictatorship of the workers was terrifying to those who did not know it, but a demonstration that they were at least theoretically willing to police their own seemed to do more than a thousand assurances.

He began to expand efforts at outreach, focusing on young men and women, those who would be parents soon if all went well, encouraging them to labor, to visit the new universities, to integrate themselves into the world of the workers.

It seemed to work. Or at the very least, it concentrated the unrest in bars, and those were used to it.

-Expand the Speechmakers (1 Dice) - 88/70
With more speeches to be given out, there needed more people to give them. The Front was beginning to run out of those willing to stand on a crate and preach, and there were grumbles that such a thing was useless. They had their Revolution, what need of preaching was there?

Plenty, he knew. His speakers had helped massage public opinion during the vote on faith, had led to a greater acceptance, delivered news, and helped recruit for the army. They delivered news to those who could not read, and heard complaints.

They were a valued part of the Revolution.

-Worker's Policing (1 Dice, 1 Chairman Dice) (2 Resources) - 39+57 = 96/100

She did not like having to include any amount of rich bastards in their police force. They weren't allowed to vote, but even giving them this much power unsettled her. Some of them were quite possibly still armed, but more than that, giving their class enemies back felt wrong.

She knew she was far from the only one who felt that way, which was probably slowing down the process of getting the entire apparatus setup.

Most of the city itself was under control of the worker's police, and several of the outlying villages had those as well, although she was greatly concerned about their ideological correctness.

But there were extensive areas, those with the largest populations of class enemies, that would require more work. They would require the establishment of a training program to ensure they knew their powers and did not abuse them, to guarantee the ideological correctness of the police, and more.

The workers would triumph though, it was inevitable.

Policing almost completed, the last few points will increase on their own, however you will also need to establish a training program.

-University Reform (1 Dice) - 39+67 = 40/40, 33/80 The Worker's School

Universities were a vital repository of knowledge, both in their vast libraries and in the heads of their professors. Perhaps not as important as mage's schools, they nevertheless contained useful information, relevant to both material concerns and magic. And obviously, that knowledge should be accessible to all. The old system of only allowing those with money in would not serve.

The question was how to replace it...

While that was pondered - no one would be graduating in the middle of a civil war - other matters were discussed. The governing system was overhauled to make it more demoratic, barriers to participation were torn down, and spontaneous lectures were encouraged and open to all.

-Identify Mages (1 Dice) (1 Aether) - 39 + 56

While efforts continued to find mages in the city, they were also extended outwards. The villages often knew of a hedge witch, and hedge witches were notoriously easy to bribe with relatively cheap prices - extra food and aid for the winter was usually enough, sometimes scraps of coal. These hedge witches could be taught to identify mages relatively easily. While such efforts had borne little fruit - only a few more mages had been recruited this week - it had great promise for future efforts, and any new mage would greatly ease industrialization and speed the victory of the Revolution.

-Aether Mines Pt. 2 (2 Dice) (8 Resources) - 75+49 = 100/100 Aether Mines Pt.2, 76/125 Aether Mines Pt. 3

There was always more labor for the mines, always more who were determined to do their part. Aether was dug out of the ground, the crystals gathered and shaped, mages used to establish warded zones deep within the mines where the workers could rest in safety and peace, the outside of the mine improved to facilitate the movement of supplies in and crystals out.

The sheer enthusiasm of the workers marshaled by the Front overwhelmed everyone, and so plans were started on an Aether sorting facility to make the production and distribution more effective and allow for the expansion of autocaster construction...perhaps even the methods to automate that delicate process could be found and used for the benefit of the workers...

But such was something for a future day, when there was peace in Avlandia. For now there was only the endless eight shifts, attacks by aether beasts enraged beyond reason, and a half-completed sorting facility, and dreams. In a Revolution, there are always dreams.

-Mine Refinement (2 Dice) - 78+49 = 100/100

One advantage of having mages on hand was that they made heavy work much easier, allowing support beams to be installed with ease. A dozen new tunnels were opened in the time it would take for one to be made, an effort that left the miners with more time to mine and more veins to follow, sending increasing amounts of metal and aether to the cities to be processed into the weapons to protect the Revolution that had given them safer work and a voice in government.
Scheduled vote count started by notbirdofprey on Mar 15, 2021 at 8:48 PM, finished with 11 posts and 8 votes.
Week 6 Results Pt. 3
-Of Iron and Steel Pt. 2 (1 Council Dice) (4 Resources, 1 Aether) - 24+30 = 54/70

The councils began to organize their own labor committees, a vote of the newly formed Avlandian Iron Miner's Council proposing that some of their funds and labor be used to expand the local iron mines further.

Though enthusiastic, the effort was hampered by poor coordination, the inexperienced miners misdirecting and misordering, but progress was nevertheless made, new tools purchased including fresh supplies of aetheric explosives, and stockpiles of mining supports.

The democratization of labor was not all everyone had hoped for, and some began to push for establishing more central control to allow those with prior education to help direct their fellow workers, and this became another topic in the endless firestorm of debate that was the Front.

-Road Clearing (1 Dice) (1 Resource) - 63/20

These arguments were given further fuel when the road clearing teams organized directly by the Front under the direction of the existing and rather ramshackle bureaucracy she had made proved incredibly efficient, establishing teams of horse pulled snow removers from a shipment in Korvio that was meant to go to some noble's estate. Efficient enough that they did not require more than ambient Aether, they burned away the snow around them, helping the roads stay traversable.

-Metal Tools (2 Council Dice) (10 Resources) - 46+58 = 104/150

And there was yet more arguing when laborers proved they could work effectively without any sort of vanguard or leadership, and coordinate the construction and distribution of massive amounts of metal tools: new plows, knives, and more. Special priority went to the mines and smithies, anywhere where metal or aether was worked or gathered, to help further industrialize Avla, and the efficiency of dozens of workshops leapt upwards as their equipment improved.

The effort was not complete, not yet, but it was doing very well and provided more evidence to a debate with a great deal for every single one of the thousands of sides.

-Anti-Corruption Operations (1 Dice) - 82

The requirements were stringent. Only the most dedicated, the most zealous, and the most incorruptible were allowed to enter. She tested each one herself before giving them the offer: to do the hardest, most dangerous, most soul-destroying work of the Revolution. Former criminals and Okharana who had turned their back on the corruption they had served, those like her who had served the Revolution with knives in their dark, exiles who hadn't been as good or as lucky returned to fight one last battle. All of them were damaged and scarred, and none were perfect.

But they would serve. If she believed in the Holy One, she would have turned away from his light the moment she began recruiting. But they would serve. They would have a leash, both in law and in the form of her. But they would serve.

-Soldierly Investigations (2 Dice) - 79+58 = 137

And their first test was a simple one: accompany the regular police in their interrogations of the supposed victims and look for lies. The stories weren't perfect, but they were believably so - they had either not been coached, or they had been coached very well. She looked at the reports, frowned, and sent them to speak with the soldiers in disguise, to brag and see what brags it provoked.

She read the reports from that and swore.

She went before a judge and gave her explanation, and the half-capitalist bastard gave her the permission she did not want. She had them taken and spoken to, and when a scream that had come from her throat ripped through their cell, they talked. And then she screamed again.

Because her Revolution had been corrupted.

-Congress Construction (1 Dice) - 68

With the hasty modification of how the Front should organize economically and what methods were acceptable being given greater priority on the list of topics that needed to be discussed, the Central Committee and its various representatives met to handle the other business of the Kammanist Congress. First, it was suggested that it needed a better, grander name, for while every front had dozens of Congresses, some openly and some in secret, never before had there been one held in the midst of an undeniably successful Revolution, one that had taken cities and defeated armies and driven off attacks from within and without.

[] Write-in the name of the Congress
Next came the agenda, what topics needed to be discussed. First came the economy. How centralized or decentralized should it be, should there be currency or means of exchange, what further reforms would be required? Then came elections for the national or international government, the protection of rights, and a general military strategy, and creating a Front platform and establishing Front discipline - some wanted to expel any who deviated from the official front line, others were more moderate, and some wanted to have no Front line but the most general goals of furthering the Revolution. This would likely be especially important in light of the proposal being bandied about restricting voting to Front members.

There would also be some other topics discussed, more minor things though, at least relatively speaking. Anti-colonialist and anti-imperialist actions, the protection of ethnic minorities, methods of gaining international support, the furthering of arts and sciences. Looking at the list they wondered if they were missing anything.

[] Write-in any additional topics of importance

Next was who should be invited and given speaker privileges and other such structural details. There was a great deal of debate, fairly calm debate, the pros and cons of each option weighed.

Three major paths were proposed.

[] Open - allow any and all guests to come and sign up for speaking slots on any topic.

[] Limited - allow any and all guests, however only Kammanists or those recommended by them will be allowed to have speaking slots.

[] Restricted - this is an affair of Kammanists and Kammanists only.

[] Write-in

Last was when it would be held. The unifying power of the Congress could be potent, and some wanted it as early as possible, before divides could solidify further and to allow for greater coordination and direction to strengthen the Revolution. Others proposed holding it later, when there were more successes to strengthen their hands - or more failures, potentially.

[] Write-in a turn no earlier than week 12 and no later than week 24. Earlier Congresses will let you get the benefits earlier, later Congresses will let you go in with more successes...or more failures.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by notbirdofprey on Mar 22, 2021 at 11:59 PM, finished with 10 posts and 4 votes.