The Committee
Alexei had been a soldier for many years. He had put down the Summer Revolts, and then countless strikes and rebellions afterwards. Somewhere along the line, he got tired of blasting down tired workers and hungry mothers. When the Great War had come, it was like a breath of fresh air. Finally, he could fight enemies of the motherland, treacherous Ommati and grasping Doyit and the endless jackbooted hordes of the Pruus. Instead, he found mud and filth and gas, unleashed Aetherstorms and the endless rain of spellcannon and battlecaster that stayed in his dreams.
He was the oldest member of his company, the last one who remembered the Summer Revolts, a sergeant with a reputation. The men listened to him, not their jackass of a lieutenant. So when the lieutenant came and announced something about a new dynasty, they listened when he told them to beat the man unconscious and then go out to protect their people, not to kill them.
Someone handed him a strip of red cloth to wrap around his arm. He took it, more as an identifier than because he believed in it. But he took it nonetheless.
Layla had grown up on a farm, just a little way away from The City, home of The Emperor. When she was younger, she used to look towards it and strain to see a glimpse of its towers. Then the old lord had died and someone new took his place. Rent doubled, the harvests stayed the same. The old familiar watchmen had been replaced with steppe bandits. So when Comrade Zenus stole the grain paid in taxes and left half of it in the town square, she didn't say a word when she found him hiding in the ceiling of her house in his black and red cloak. And when a man in the same cloak came and told them the nobility were being overthrown, and the capitalists (whatever they were) too, and asked her help, she gave it.
Dovid knew not many of his people got the opportunity to be a member of the Imperial Police, and it was an invaluable advantage for his kin. The salary was twice what his wealthiest brother made as a foreman, leaving aside the bribes he got as a practically routine matter. He made sure to give away half of those, to expunge the sin nonetheless. It still made him uncomfortable though, when he had to knock beggars out of the way or disperse crowds. But he did his job, for the Emperor and the people of the Empire. And so when a call came out to surround the palace, that someone had attempted to overthrow the Emperor and the police needed to restore order, he took his warcaster and his black and purple helmet and joined the rest of the force.
They made an intimidating sight, thousands of men in uniform, warcasters held at port arms, faces expressionless as spellfire and spellblasts wracked the palace before them. But his Emperor was in danger, and he was far from the only one growing impatient. When was the order to attack going to come?
And then he felt something rip into his back. There was an instant of confusion, then blackness.
The Uprising had been planned for weeks. Feelers had been sent out to tired soldiers, to the oppressed peasantry, to allies in what few unions were allowed to exist and the underground ones as well. But no one had expected to act, not yet. The Emperor was negotiating with a half-dozen high nobles, all of whom had brought their own security and retainers.
But then those retainers began fighting, and gunfire came from the palace. Noble officers attempted to mobilize their troops, only to find themselves executed or beaten and the soldiery to take up the red banner. The police were not so supportive, and obeyed when commanded to besiege the palace. Once the Emperor was secured, the Palace would provide a secure base for the rest of the city to be taken down. That was probably their thought process.
Unfortunately for them, the soldiers had brought with them some of the finest military weaponry in the Empire: the Rapid Fire Warcaster. Hundreds of bolts of burning metal cut through them as they stood in the Imperial Square, and by the time they realized what was happening panic and chaos had so depleted their ability to fight back that they simply scattered.
The remaining nobles fled the burning palace by boat, some of which you managed to sink. That was the end of resistance in the least until you received a report of two soldiers dead in an alley. It could be an ordinary criminal...or it could be counterrevolutionary activity, more than a few of the surviving police will be willing to take radical measures to oppose the will of the people, and they have some support among the populace...
The Central Executive Committee is meeting in the mage's guild. Tt is as near dead center to the city as one can get, just on the edge of the Avlisi River. You look out the window at the enormous factories and winding streets, at the spires of churches and temples. Here and now in The City, the members of the Committee are the most powerful people, but their strength seems puny against the monumental tasks before them: winning a war against an unknowable number of factions, gathering as much as they can out of the collapsing corpse of the Empire, defending the rights of the worker and the peasant, building a state that aligns with Kammanist philosophy, making it wealthy and seems a nigh-impossible task for you to accomplish.
The Chair had served tea and everyone sat down, when two people burst in, one in a famous red and black cloak, the hood thrown back to reveal a face handsome except the thrice broken nose, the other in a ragged Imperial Navy uniform, his hat cocked on his head, his dark skin marked by pale scars. "Rumors of our deaths were..." the Navy man begins to say, when one of the people at the table interrupts him with an aristocratic drawl.
"Exaggerated. Again."
Before an argument can begin, the shockingly not dead Comrade Zenus speaks. "I have grave news comrades. The High Duke Austerbach survived his flight from the city, and he had troops waiting outside the city. If they move now, they could be here in two weeks."
His new prompts an explosion of shouting and arguing, but before anything can be done, order to the Committee must be restored.
As per prior agreements and arrangements made many years ago, the Chairman of the Executive Committee will have the power to break ties, as well as first-among-equals status. There are five others who will have special authority, responsible for military action, negotiations with other groups, internal front discipline, the marshaling of resources, and espionage. And there are a great many others, but most will simply offer their own ideas and support to one of the main six. Or, should the Revolution falter and decisions prove unpopular, take their place among them...with possibly fatal consequences.
The six individuals on the council are...
(Vote in plan format, with a subvote to mark which position someone is supposed to be in. For instance:
-[] Bob
--[] Chair
The positions are Chair, Military, External Negotiations, Front Discipline, Stewardship, and Intrigue. Yes, they are based on CK2. Who is in the main six will heavily determine what actions you have access to, and what bonuses/penalties you have to rolls. The bios also contain relevant information, both about their personality and about what factions they will support/will support them. When you get factions.)
[] Stephan Workaski. A former noble who has been disowned, but keeps his aristocratic name because he knows it annoys members of the class he turned his back on. He got his start by pretending not to see workers putting up a poster for the Kammanist Front and later stole money from the family coffers to support direct action and aid the serfs on his land, eventually fleeing. Though he always favored gradual reform, he briefly fought during the Summer Rebellions but realized they were guaranteed to fail and fled. His aristocratic background has given him a well-rounded education, and he made friends with Kammanists in several other countries whose organizations could be convinced to lend aid. However, he has the arrogance you would expect, and it can cause friction. Traits: Foreign Connections (New diplomatic/personal options), Broad and Quality Education (Bonus to many dice of varying size), Arrogant (Fewer options from other members of the committee, reduction in support), Aristocrat (Penalty to relations with most other factions, bonus to some), Idealist
[] Aleksandra Rosana. A member of the mage's guild who struggled with vicious competition and abuse from nobility, she nevertheless pursued, although she had Kammanist sympathies for many years thanks to a poverty-filled background. She was radicalized by service in the Great War, and led a massive desertion before joining the Front. A skilled mage, she has little education in other subjects, although she has some experience with war. Before the Revolution began, she used her oratory skills to drum up support for Kammanist movements. Traits: Skilled Mage (Substantial bonus to all magic-related projects), No Education (Penalty to many actions), Uncultured (Bonus to relations with some factions, penalties to relations for others), Experienced Soldier (Bonus to some military actions), Orator (Bonus to some diplomatic actions, increased support), Pragmatist
[] Josa von Kolstan. A hunter from the forests of the Valtenlands, he joined the Kammanist movement after being inspired by a speech. He contributed many of his kills to feed hidden Kammanists and helped shelter them in the forest, joining a partisan band in the Summer Rebellion before fleeing after its defeat to his ethnic brothers across the Altanian Ocean, where he gained a partial education and worked as a miner, organizing their unions. He wields a crossbow enchanted by a long-dead comrade and a fiery hatred for the forces of reaction. Traits: Partisan (Bonus to irregular warfare options), Partial Education (Penalty to some actions), Uncultured (Bonus to relations with some factions, penalties to relations for others), Labor Organizer (Bonus to some industrial actions), Zealot
[] Bejen Gullstin. A laborer who has long severed in the Imperial Army, he rose through the ranks, commanded artillery batteries during the Summer Rebellion, and then deserted in shock after learning he had bombarded a hospital. His route to Kammanism came through faith, which has left him with an unusual education and a more practical approach to ideology. Traits: Artillery Commander (Bonus to artillery options), Military Experience (Bonus to all military actions) Theological Education (Small bonus to some actions, larger bonus to some diplomacy actions), Pragmatist
[] Livia Kolchena. She lived a hard life in her younger years, which easily led her to Kammanism, where she saw taught many things. Always quick and quiet, she put those skills to use, spying on enemies of the workers of the world, using theft, blackmail, and the occasional quiet dagger to acquire greater resources for the use of the Front and allied organizations. In the process, she made connections with some of the darker sides of the world, which have left her even more determined to see Kammanism triumph. Traits: Shadow in the Night (Bonus to many intrigue actions, both internally and externally), Underworld Connections (Access to unique options involving the criminal underworld), Partial Education (Penalty to some actions), Zealot
[] Kylis Durrana. An ordinary laborer with a talent for speaking, he worked long hours in a cannon foundry, only to be fired without a qualm by the wealthy owner when large-scale warcasters proved more profitable. He helped form a mutual aid society, which was crushed by Imperial Police, helping lead him to Kammanism. Though uneducated, his expert oration, skill at organization, and genuine belief have led many to join the Front. Traits: No Education (Severe penalty to most actions), Expert Orator (Bonus to many diplomacy actions), Popular (Bonus to front support and politicking), Labor Organizer (Bonus to some industrial actions), Idealist
[] Leola Cavverich. She came to Avandis with her husband, a factory manager, and found work as a teacher at a small but wealthy school. When the Repression Laws banned all Kammanist literature, she opposed it on moral grounds despite disliking Kammanism, but dutifully obeyed, confiscating any literature she found on the subject in the school's library. Instead of turning it over for destruction, she chose to read the "corruptive words" and became a convert, partly thanks to its descriptions of an ideal world with equality between the sexes and children raised and taught communally. She managed to make contact with the Front, donating what funds she could gather, and then helped smuggle members of the Front out in the wake of the Summer Rebellion. She soon expanded to smuggling things in too. Traits: Good Education (Bonus to many actions), Teacher (Bonus to education-related actions), Inexperienced (Penalty to many industrial, military, and diplomatic actions), Smuggler (Unlocks smuggling-related actions), Idealist
[] Iosaf Scelena. He grew up in Cheizkhsta, and was supposedly a member of the Front before he was ten. He was inducted into the mage guild in the city, and fled into the Arman Desert after being caught smuggling magical texts to members of the Front. There he fell in with a group of the nomads thanks to blood and charm. He managed to recruit many of their youths into the Front. They participated in raids and helped smuggle people and supplies both ways. He was drafted during the Great War, but deserted as soon as possible, moving to the capital in preparation for the Revolution. Traits: Partisan (Bonus to irregular warfare options), Partial Education (Penalty to some actions), Friend of the Armani (Bonus to relations with some factions), Zealot
[] Delia Danveri. She was a laborer, working long hours for even less pay than her male counterparts, and enduring all manner of harassment and abuse. She used whatever methods she could find to gain leverage against bosses and police, agitating and conciliating in the same breath. She led a series of protests and riots during the Summer Revolts, took part in the peace negotiations, and advocated for the Front to cease hostile action during the Great War. This did her no favors with the Emperor, and she was forced to flee. She made the acquaintance of other Kammanists while in exile, who helped educate her on many practical matters, although she stuck to her own opinions on how to bring about Kammanism. Traits: Educated (Bonus to some actions), Labor Organizer (Bonus to some industrial actions), Conciliatory (Bonus to some diplomatic actions), Pragmatic
[] Comrade Zenus. It's not his actual name, but he won't tell anyone what it is, so Comrade Zenus it is. Flamboyant and overdramatic to some, he is nevertheless the member of the Front who has fought for the longest, and his word carries weight. He truly believes in the Revolution, and will happily explain (dramatically) about its importance. In terms of what skills he actually has...he is inspiring, and knows a surprising amount about Imperial politics. Traits: Old-Timer (Greater Front Support so long as he is happy), A Good Reputation (Greater relations with many factions), Political Animal (He knows more about nobles than most), Dramatic (He wants action), Idealist
[] Leo Critie. A foreigner who was press-ganged into the Imperial Navy, he introduced many sailors to Kammanism and led a mutiny on the cruiser Alexindo III which successfully took control of the ship during the Summer Revolts. He captained it in three battles before scuttling it during peace negotiations, a feat for which the Imperial delegation demanded his head. He sent them a lock of his hair with a note that it would have to do. He is educated and well-read, and eager to put his theories into practice. Traits: Naval Experience (Bonus to naval actions), Educated (Bonus to some actions), Popular (Broader Front Support), Zealot
[] Zandi Dellia. Given to an orphanage, raised to be a nun, she hated the cloistered roles she was forced into. From an early age, she had a cunning mind and thirst for knowledge. Aid from a sympathetic Kammanist worker, and later her magical ability gave her ways to satisfy that thirst and to escape, but she had learned too much about the plight of the laborer to be happy as what she considered to be a class traitor, and openly joined the Kammanists during the Summer Revolts, joining the riots instead. The death of "dear 'Celli," during those Revolts greatly affected her, and she is utterly determined to see her friend's vision become reality. About the only thing that can distract her is a good book. Traits: Broad and Quality Education (Bonus to many dice of varying size), Skilled Mage (Substantial bonus to all magic-related projects), Rigid (She does not like having to compromise on doctrine), Zealot
He was the oldest member of his company, the last one who remembered the Summer Revolts, a sergeant with a reputation. The men listened to him, not their jackass of a lieutenant. So when the lieutenant came and announced something about a new dynasty, they listened when he told them to beat the man unconscious and then go out to protect their people, not to kill them.
Someone handed him a strip of red cloth to wrap around his arm. He took it, more as an identifier than because he believed in it. But he took it nonetheless.
Layla had grown up on a farm, just a little way away from The City, home of The Emperor. When she was younger, she used to look towards it and strain to see a glimpse of its towers. Then the old lord had died and someone new took his place. Rent doubled, the harvests stayed the same. The old familiar watchmen had been replaced with steppe bandits. So when Comrade Zenus stole the grain paid in taxes and left half of it in the town square, she didn't say a word when she found him hiding in the ceiling of her house in his black and red cloak. And when a man in the same cloak came and told them the nobility were being overthrown, and the capitalists (whatever they were) too, and asked her help, she gave it.
Dovid knew not many of his people got the opportunity to be a member of the Imperial Police, and it was an invaluable advantage for his kin. The salary was twice what his wealthiest brother made as a foreman, leaving aside the bribes he got as a practically routine matter. He made sure to give away half of those, to expunge the sin nonetheless. It still made him uncomfortable though, when he had to knock beggars out of the way or disperse crowds. But he did his job, for the Emperor and the people of the Empire. And so when a call came out to surround the palace, that someone had attempted to overthrow the Emperor and the police needed to restore order, he took his warcaster and his black and purple helmet and joined the rest of the force.
They made an intimidating sight, thousands of men in uniform, warcasters held at port arms, faces expressionless as spellfire and spellblasts wracked the palace before them. But his Emperor was in danger, and he was far from the only one growing impatient. When was the order to attack going to come?
And then he felt something rip into his back. There was an instant of confusion, then blackness.
The Uprising had been planned for weeks. Feelers had been sent out to tired soldiers, to the oppressed peasantry, to allies in what few unions were allowed to exist and the underground ones as well. But no one had expected to act, not yet. The Emperor was negotiating with a half-dozen high nobles, all of whom had brought their own security and retainers.
But then those retainers began fighting, and gunfire came from the palace. Noble officers attempted to mobilize their troops, only to find themselves executed or beaten and the soldiery to take up the red banner. The police were not so supportive, and obeyed when commanded to besiege the palace. Once the Emperor was secured, the Palace would provide a secure base for the rest of the city to be taken down. That was probably their thought process.
Unfortunately for them, the soldiers had brought with them some of the finest military weaponry in the Empire: the Rapid Fire Warcaster. Hundreds of bolts of burning metal cut through them as they stood in the Imperial Square, and by the time they realized what was happening panic and chaos had so depleted their ability to fight back that they simply scattered.
The remaining nobles fled the burning palace by boat, some of which you managed to sink. That was the end of resistance in the least until you received a report of two soldiers dead in an alley. It could be an ordinary criminal...or it could be counterrevolutionary activity, more than a few of the surviving police will be willing to take radical measures to oppose the will of the people, and they have some support among the populace...
The Central Executive Committee is meeting in the mage's guild. Tt is as near dead center to the city as one can get, just on the edge of the Avlisi River. You look out the window at the enormous factories and winding streets, at the spires of churches and temples. Here and now in The City, the members of the Committee are the most powerful people, but their strength seems puny against the monumental tasks before them: winning a war against an unknowable number of factions, gathering as much as they can out of the collapsing corpse of the Empire, defending the rights of the worker and the peasant, building a state that aligns with Kammanist philosophy, making it wealthy and seems a nigh-impossible task for you to accomplish.
The Chair had served tea and everyone sat down, when two people burst in, one in a famous red and black cloak, the hood thrown back to reveal a face handsome except the thrice broken nose, the other in a ragged Imperial Navy uniform, his hat cocked on his head, his dark skin marked by pale scars. "Rumors of our deaths were..." the Navy man begins to say, when one of the people at the table interrupts him with an aristocratic drawl.
"Exaggerated. Again."
Before an argument can begin, the shockingly not dead Comrade Zenus speaks. "I have grave news comrades. The High Duke Austerbach survived his flight from the city, and he had troops waiting outside the city. If they move now, they could be here in two weeks."
His new prompts an explosion of shouting and arguing, but before anything can be done, order to the Committee must be restored.
As per prior agreements and arrangements made many years ago, the Chairman of the Executive Committee will have the power to break ties, as well as first-among-equals status. There are five others who will have special authority, responsible for military action, negotiations with other groups, internal front discipline, the marshaling of resources, and espionage. And there are a great many others, but most will simply offer their own ideas and support to one of the main six. Or, should the Revolution falter and decisions prove unpopular, take their place among them...with possibly fatal consequences.
The six individuals on the council are...
(Vote in plan format, with a subvote to mark which position someone is supposed to be in. For instance:
-[] Bob
--[] Chair
The positions are Chair, Military, External Negotiations, Front Discipline, Stewardship, and Intrigue. Yes, they are based on CK2. Who is in the main six will heavily determine what actions you have access to, and what bonuses/penalties you have to rolls. The bios also contain relevant information, both about their personality and about what factions they will support/will support them. When you get factions.)
[] Stephan Workaski. A former noble who has been disowned, but keeps his aristocratic name because he knows it annoys members of the class he turned his back on. He got his start by pretending not to see workers putting up a poster for the Kammanist Front and later stole money from the family coffers to support direct action and aid the serfs on his land, eventually fleeing. Though he always favored gradual reform, he briefly fought during the Summer Rebellions but realized they were guaranteed to fail and fled. His aristocratic background has given him a well-rounded education, and he made friends with Kammanists in several other countries whose organizations could be convinced to lend aid. However, he has the arrogance you would expect, and it can cause friction. Traits: Foreign Connections (New diplomatic/personal options), Broad and Quality Education (Bonus to many dice of varying size), Arrogant (Fewer options from other members of the committee, reduction in support), Aristocrat (Penalty to relations with most other factions, bonus to some), Idealist
[] Aleksandra Rosana. A member of the mage's guild who struggled with vicious competition and abuse from nobility, she nevertheless pursued, although she had Kammanist sympathies for many years thanks to a poverty-filled background. She was radicalized by service in the Great War, and led a massive desertion before joining the Front. A skilled mage, she has little education in other subjects, although she has some experience with war. Before the Revolution began, she used her oratory skills to drum up support for Kammanist movements. Traits: Skilled Mage (Substantial bonus to all magic-related projects), No Education (Penalty to many actions), Uncultured (Bonus to relations with some factions, penalties to relations for others), Experienced Soldier (Bonus to some military actions), Orator (Bonus to some diplomatic actions, increased support), Pragmatist
[] Josa von Kolstan. A hunter from the forests of the Valtenlands, he joined the Kammanist movement after being inspired by a speech. He contributed many of his kills to feed hidden Kammanists and helped shelter them in the forest, joining a partisan band in the Summer Rebellion before fleeing after its defeat to his ethnic brothers across the Altanian Ocean, where he gained a partial education and worked as a miner, organizing their unions. He wields a crossbow enchanted by a long-dead comrade and a fiery hatred for the forces of reaction. Traits: Partisan (Bonus to irregular warfare options), Partial Education (Penalty to some actions), Uncultured (Bonus to relations with some factions, penalties to relations for others), Labor Organizer (Bonus to some industrial actions), Zealot
[] Bejen Gullstin. A laborer who has long severed in the Imperial Army, he rose through the ranks, commanded artillery batteries during the Summer Rebellion, and then deserted in shock after learning he had bombarded a hospital. His route to Kammanism came through faith, which has left him with an unusual education and a more practical approach to ideology. Traits: Artillery Commander (Bonus to artillery options), Military Experience (Bonus to all military actions) Theological Education (Small bonus to some actions, larger bonus to some diplomacy actions), Pragmatist
[] Livia Kolchena. She lived a hard life in her younger years, which easily led her to Kammanism, where she saw taught many things. Always quick and quiet, she put those skills to use, spying on enemies of the workers of the world, using theft, blackmail, and the occasional quiet dagger to acquire greater resources for the use of the Front and allied organizations. In the process, she made connections with some of the darker sides of the world, which have left her even more determined to see Kammanism triumph. Traits: Shadow in the Night (Bonus to many intrigue actions, both internally and externally), Underworld Connections (Access to unique options involving the criminal underworld), Partial Education (Penalty to some actions), Zealot
[] Kylis Durrana. An ordinary laborer with a talent for speaking, he worked long hours in a cannon foundry, only to be fired without a qualm by the wealthy owner when large-scale warcasters proved more profitable. He helped form a mutual aid society, which was crushed by Imperial Police, helping lead him to Kammanism. Though uneducated, his expert oration, skill at organization, and genuine belief have led many to join the Front. Traits: No Education (Severe penalty to most actions), Expert Orator (Bonus to many diplomacy actions), Popular (Bonus to front support and politicking), Labor Organizer (Bonus to some industrial actions), Idealist
[] Leola Cavverich. She came to Avandis with her husband, a factory manager, and found work as a teacher at a small but wealthy school. When the Repression Laws banned all Kammanist literature, she opposed it on moral grounds despite disliking Kammanism, but dutifully obeyed, confiscating any literature she found on the subject in the school's library. Instead of turning it over for destruction, she chose to read the "corruptive words" and became a convert, partly thanks to its descriptions of an ideal world with equality between the sexes and children raised and taught communally. She managed to make contact with the Front, donating what funds she could gather, and then helped smuggle members of the Front out in the wake of the Summer Rebellion. She soon expanded to smuggling things in too. Traits: Good Education (Bonus to many actions), Teacher (Bonus to education-related actions), Inexperienced (Penalty to many industrial, military, and diplomatic actions), Smuggler (Unlocks smuggling-related actions), Idealist
[] Iosaf Scelena. He grew up in Cheizkhsta, and was supposedly a member of the Front before he was ten. He was inducted into the mage guild in the city, and fled into the Arman Desert after being caught smuggling magical texts to members of the Front. There he fell in with a group of the nomads thanks to blood and charm. He managed to recruit many of their youths into the Front. They participated in raids and helped smuggle people and supplies both ways. He was drafted during the Great War, but deserted as soon as possible, moving to the capital in preparation for the Revolution. Traits: Partisan (Bonus to irregular warfare options), Partial Education (Penalty to some actions), Friend of the Armani (Bonus to relations with some factions), Zealot
[] Delia Danveri. She was a laborer, working long hours for even less pay than her male counterparts, and enduring all manner of harassment and abuse. She used whatever methods she could find to gain leverage against bosses and police, agitating and conciliating in the same breath. She led a series of protests and riots during the Summer Revolts, took part in the peace negotiations, and advocated for the Front to cease hostile action during the Great War. This did her no favors with the Emperor, and she was forced to flee. She made the acquaintance of other Kammanists while in exile, who helped educate her on many practical matters, although she stuck to her own opinions on how to bring about Kammanism. Traits: Educated (Bonus to some actions), Labor Organizer (Bonus to some industrial actions), Conciliatory (Bonus to some diplomatic actions), Pragmatic
[] Comrade Zenus. It's not his actual name, but he won't tell anyone what it is, so Comrade Zenus it is. Flamboyant and overdramatic to some, he is nevertheless the member of the Front who has fought for the longest, and his word carries weight. He truly believes in the Revolution, and will happily explain (dramatically) about its importance. In terms of what skills he actually has...he is inspiring, and knows a surprising amount about Imperial politics. Traits: Old-Timer (Greater Front Support so long as he is happy), A Good Reputation (Greater relations with many factions), Political Animal (He knows more about nobles than most), Dramatic (He wants action), Idealist
[] Leo Critie. A foreigner who was press-ganged into the Imperial Navy, he introduced many sailors to Kammanism and led a mutiny on the cruiser Alexindo III which successfully took control of the ship during the Summer Revolts. He captained it in three battles before scuttling it during peace negotiations, a feat for which the Imperial delegation demanded his head. He sent them a lock of his hair with a note that it would have to do. He is educated and well-read, and eager to put his theories into practice. Traits: Naval Experience (Bonus to naval actions), Educated (Bonus to some actions), Popular (Broader Front Support), Zealot
[] Zandi Dellia. Given to an orphanage, raised to be a nun, she hated the cloistered roles she was forced into. From an early age, she had a cunning mind and thirst for knowledge. Aid from a sympathetic Kammanist worker, and later her magical ability gave her ways to satisfy that thirst and to escape, but she had learned too much about the plight of the laborer to be happy as what she considered to be a class traitor, and openly joined the Kammanists during the Summer Revolts, joining the riots instead. The death of "dear 'Celli," during those Revolts greatly affected her, and she is utterly determined to see her friend's vision become reality. About the only thing that can distract her is a good book. Traits: Broad and Quality Education (Bonus to many dice of varying size), Skilled Mage (Substantial bonus to all magic-related projects), Rigid (She does not like having to compromise on doctrine), Zealot
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