Week 6 Results Pt. 3
-Of Iron and Steel Pt. 2 (1 Council Dice) (4 Resources, 1 Aether) - 24+30 = 54/70
The councils began to organize their own labor committees, a vote of the newly formed Avlandian Iron Miner's Council proposing that some of their funds and labor be used to expand the local iron mines further.
Though enthusiastic, the effort was hampered by poor coordination, the inexperienced miners misdirecting and misordering, but progress was nevertheless made, new tools purchased including fresh supplies of aetheric explosives, and stockpiles of mining supports.
The democratization of labor was not all everyone had hoped for, and some began to push for establishing more central control to allow those with prior education to help direct their fellow workers, and this became another topic in the endless firestorm of debate that was the Front.
-Road Clearing (1 Dice) (1 Resource) - 63/20
These arguments were given further fuel when the road clearing teams organized directly by the Front under the direction of the existing and rather ramshackle bureaucracy she had made proved incredibly efficient, establishing teams of horse pulled snow removers from a shipment in Korvio that was meant to go to some noble's estate. Efficient enough that they did not require more than ambient Aether, they burned away the snow around them, helping the roads stay traversable.
-Metal Tools (2 Council Dice) (10 Resources) - 46+58 = 104/150
And there was yet more arguing when laborers proved they could work effectively without any sort of vanguard or leadership, and coordinate the construction and distribution of massive amounts of metal tools: new plows, knives, and more. Special priority went to the mines and smithies, anywhere where metal or aether was worked or gathered, to help further industrialize Avla, and the efficiency of dozens of workshops leapt upwards as their equipment improved.
The effort was not complete, not yet, but it was doing very well and provided more evidence to a debate with a great deal for every single one of the thousands of sides.
-Anti-Corruption Operations (1 Dice) - 82
The requirements were stringent. Only the most dedicated, the most zealous, and the most incorruptible were allowed to enter. She tested each one herself before giving them the offer: to do the hardest, most dangerous, most soul-destroying work of the Revolution. Former criminals and Okharana who had turned their back on the corruption they had served, those like her who had served the Revolution with knives in their dark, exiles who hadn't been as good or as lucky returned to fight one last battle. All of them were damaged and scarred, and none were perfect.
But they would serve. If she believed in the Holy One, she would have turned away from his light the moment she began recruiting. But they would serve. They would have a leash, both in law and in the form of her. But they would serve.
-Soldierly Investigations (2 Dice) - 79+58 = 137
And their first test was a simple one: accompany the regular police in their interrogations of the supposed victims and look for lies. The stories weren't perfect, but they were believably so - they had either not been coached, or they had been coached very well. She looked at the reports, frowned, and sent them to speak with the soldiers in disguise, to brag and see what brags it provoked.
She read the reports from that and swore.
She went before a judge and gave her explanation, and the half-capitalist bastard gave her the permission she did not want. She had them taken and spoken to, and when a scream that had come from her throat ripped through their cell, they talked. And then she screamed again.
Because her Revolution had been corrupted.
-Congress Construction (1 Dice) - 68
With the hasty modification of how the Front should organize economically and what methods were acceptable being given greater priority on the list of topics that needed to be discussed, the Central Committee and its various representatives met to handle the other business of the Kammanist Congress. First, it was suggested that it needed a better, grander name, for while every front had dozens of Congresses, some openly and some in secret, never before had there been one held in the midst of an undeniably successful Revolution, one that had taken cities and defeated armies and driven off attacks from within and without.
[] Write-in the name of the Congress
Next came the agenda, what topics needed to be discussed. First came the economy. How centralized or decentralized should it be, should there be currency or means of exchange, what further reforms would be required? Then came elections for the national or international government, the protection of rights, and a general military strategy, and creating a Front platform and establishing Front discipline - some wanted to expel any who deviated from the official front line, others were more moderate, and some wanted to have no Front line but the most general goals of furthering the Revolution. This would likely be especially important in light of the proposal being bandied about restricting voting to Front members.
There would also be some other topics discussed, more minor things though, at least relatively speaking. Anti-colonialist and anti-imperialist actions, the protection of ethnic minorities, methods of gaining international support, the furthering of arts and sciences. Looking at the list they wondered if they were missing anything.
[] Write-in any additional topics of importance
Next was who should be invited and given speaker privileges and other such structural details. There was a great deal of debate, fairly calm debate, the pros and cons of each option weighed.
Three major paths were proposed.
[] Open - allow any and all guests to come and sign up for speaking slots on any topic.
[] Limited - allow any and all guests, however only Kammanists or those recommended by them will be allowed to have speaking slots.
[] Restricted - this is an affair of Kammanists and Kammanists only.
[] Write-in
Last was when it would be held. The unifying power of the Congress could be potent, and some wanted it as early as possible, before divides could solidify further and to allow for greater coordination and direction to strengthen the Revolution. Others proposed holding it later, when there were more successes to strengthen their hands - or more failures, potentially.
[] Write-in a turn no earlier than week 12 and no later than week 24. Earlier Congresses will let you get the benefits earlier, later Congresses will let you go in with more successes...or more failures.
The councils began to organize their own labor committees, a vote of the newly formed Avlandian Iron Miner's Council proposing that some of their funds and labor be used to expand the local iron mines further.
Though enthusiastic, the effort was hampered by poor coordination, the inexperienced miners misdirecting and misordering, but progress was nevertheless made, new tools purchased including fresh supplies of aetheric explosives, and stockpiles of mining supports.
The democratization of labor was not all everyone had hoped for, and some began to push for establishing more central control to allow those with prior education to help direct their fellow workers, and this became another topic in the endless firestorm of debate that was the Front.
-Road Clearing (1 Dice) (1 Resource) - 63/20
These arguments were given further fuel when the road clearing teams organized directly by the Front under the direction of the existing and rather ramshackle bureaucracy she had made proved incredibly efficient, establishing teams of horse pulled snow removers from a shipment in Korvio that was meant to go to some noble's estate. Efficient enough that they did not require more than ambient Aether, they burned away the snow around them, helping the roads stay traversable.
-Metal Tools (2 Council Dice) (10 Resources) - 46+58 = 104/150
And there was yet more arguing when laborers proved they could work effectively without any sort of vanguard or leadership, and coordinate the construction and distribution of massive amounts of metal tools: new plows, knives, and more. Special priority went to the mines and smithies, anywhere where metal or aether was worked or gathered, to help further industrialize Avla, and the efficiency of dozens of workshops leapt upwards as their equipment improved.
The effort was not complete, not yet, but it was doing very well and provided more evidence to a debate with a great deal for every single one of the thousands of sides.
-Anti-Corruption Operations (1 Dice) - 82
The requirements were stringent. Only the most dedicated, the most zealous, and the most incorruptible were allowed to enter. She tested each one herself before giving them the offer: to do the hardest, most dangerous, most soul-destroying work of the Revolution. Former criminals and Okharana who had turned their back on the corruption they had served, those like her who had served the Revolution with knives in their dark, exiles who hadn't been as good or as lucky returned to fight one last battle. All of them were damaged and scarred, and none were perfect.
But they would serve. If she believed in the Holy One, she would have turned away from his light the moment she began recruiting. But they would serve. They would have a leash, both in law and in the form of her. But they would serve.
-Soldierly Investigations (2 Dice) - 79+58 = 137
And their first test was a simple one: accompany the regular police in their interrogations of the supposed victims and look for lies. The stories weren't perfect, but they were believably so - they had either not been coached, or they had been coached very well. She looked at the reports, frowned, and sent them to speak with the soldiers in disguise, to brag and see what brags it provoked.
She read the reports from that and swore.
She went before a judge and gave her explanation, and the half-capitalist bastard gave her the permission she did not want. She had them taken and spoken to, and when a scream that had come from her throat ripped through their cell, they talked. And then she screamed again.
Because her Revolution had been corrupted.
-Congress Construction (1 Dice) - 68
With the hasty modification of how the Front should organize economically and what methods were acceptable being given greater priority on the list of topics that needed to be discussed, the Central Committee and its various representatives met to handle the other business of the Kammanist Congress. First, it was suggested that it needed a better, grander name, for while every front had dozens of Congresses, some openly and some in secret, never before had there been one held in the midst of an undeniably successful Revolution, one that had taken cities and defeated armies and driven off attacks from within and without.
[] Write-in the name of the Congress
Next came the agenda, what topics needed to be discussed. First came the economy. How centralized or decentralized should it be, should there be currency or means of exchange, what further reforms would be required? Then came elections for the national or international government, the protection of rights, and a general military strategy, and creating a Front platform and establishing Front discipline - some wanted to expel any who deviated from the official front line, others were more moderate, and some wanted to have no Front line but the most general goals of furthering the Revolution. This would likely be especially important in light of the proposal being bandied about restricting voting to Front members.
There would also be some other topics discussed, more minor things though, at least relatively speaking. Anti-colonialist and anti-imperialist actions, the protection of ethnic minorities, methods of gaining international support, the furthering of arts and sciences. Looking at the list they wondered if they were missing anything.
[] Write-in any additional topics of importance
Next was who should be invited and given speaker privileges and other such structural details. There was a great deal of debate, fairly calm debate, the pros and cons of each option weighed.
Three major paths were proposed.
[] Open - allow any and all guests to come and sign up for speaking slots on any topic.
[] Limited - allow any and all guests, however only Kammanists or those recommended by them will be allowed to have speaking slots.
[] Restricted - this is an affair of Kammanists and Kammanists only.
[] Write-in
Last was when it would be held. The unifying power of the Congress could be potent, and some wanted it as early as possible, before divides could solidify further and to allow for greater coordination and direction to strengthen the Revolution. Others proposed holding it later, when there were more successes to strengthen their hands - or more failures, potentially.
[] Write-in a turn no earlier than week 12 and no later than week 24. Earlier Congresses will let you get the benefits earlier, later Congresses will let you go in with more successes...or more failures.