A Kammanist Uprising: Fantasy Communist Revolution Quest

[X] Plan Chimeraguard
Councils and Committees
-[X] Jailbreaks (1 Front Dice)
-[X] Public Court Martial (1 Front Dice)
-[X] To Arms! (3 Front Dice)
Chairman of the Central Committee of the United Kammanist Front
-[X] Bandit Hunting (2 Chairman Dice)
Commissar of Diplomacy
-[X] The Red Rag (1 Chairman Dice)
-[X] Trade Beginnings (1 Dice)
-[X] Soothing Fears (2 Dice)
Head Political Officer
-[X] Expand the Speechmakers (1 Dice)
-[X] Congress Construction (1 Dice)
Head of the Reform Commission
-[X] Worker's Policing (1 Dice, 1 Chairman Dice) (2 Resources)
-[X] University Reform (1 Dice)
Chief Economic Commissar
-[X] Identify Mages (1 Dice) (1 Aether)
-[X] Aether Mines Pt. 2 (2 Dice) (8 Resources)
-[X] Mine Refinement (2 Dice)
-[X] Of Iron and Steel Pt. 2 (1 Council Dice) (4 Resources, 1 Aether)
-[X] Road Clearing (1 Dice) (1 Resource)
-[X] Metal Tools (2 Council Dice) (10 Resources)
Chief Commander of the People's Military
-[X] Political Officers, Bejen's Version (1 Dice)
-[X] The Protclow Protocol (1 Dice)
-[X] Command Coordination (2 Dice)
Assistant Secretary
-[X] Anti-Corruption Operations (1 Dice)
-[X] Soldierly Investigations (2 Dice)

Total Cost: 25 Resources, 2 Aether

Variant of the plan that does my suggestions. I'm leery on Bandit Hunting, and not very sure on Political Officers though.

I've also added in doing Trade because we're gonna need additional food income.

We're producing moderate amounts, and being able to have more defensive militia groups without harming our current army capacity is definitely a plus to me. However, perhaps starting arming the workers, and assigning the extra dice elsewhere would be a compromise we could agree on?
I still don't see that as enough. I'd need to see Light Warcasters being done before I consider us having "enough" weapons. Especially since we're also gonna be increasing regular military recruitment and doing local police forces, both of which also need weapons.
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i look at big plans and my brain goes NYERGH so imma vote for the one that appears to be unanim-ish
[X] Plan Chimeraguard
[X] Plan Chimeraguard

Ugh, cops. I forgot, did we have an option for each locality's community to be responsible for their public safety by mustering their own militia?
The vote will be closing in 24 hours.

Adhoc vote count started by notbirdofprey on Mar 10, 2021 at 2:24 PM, finished with 15 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Plan Chimeraguard
    -[X] Jailbreaks (1 Front Dice)
    -[X] Public Court Martial (1 Front Dice)
    -[X] To Arms! (3 Front Dice)
    -[X] Bandit Hunting (2 Chairman Dice)
    -[X] The Red Rag (1 Chairman Dice)
    -[X] Trade Beginnings (1 Dice)
    -[X] Soothing Fears (2 Dice)
    -[X] Expand the Speechmakers (1 Dice)
    -[X] Congress Construction (1 Dice)
    -[X] Worker's Policing (1 Dice, 1 Chairman Dice) (2 Resources)
    -[X] University Reform (1 Dice)
    -[X] Identify Mages (1 Dice) (1 Aether)
    -[X] Aether Mines Pt. 2 (2 Dice) (8 Resources)
    -[X] Mine Refinement (2 Dice)
    -[X] Of Iron and Steel Pt. 2 (1 Council Dice) (4 Resources, 1 Aether)
    -[X] Road Clearing (1 Dice) (1 Resource)
    -[X] Metal Tools (2 Council Dice) (10 Resources)
    -[X] Political Officers, Bejen's Version (1 Dice)
    -[X] The Protclow Protocol (1 Dice)
    -[X] Command Coordination (2 Dice)
    -[X] Anti-Corruption Operations (1 Dice)
    -[X] Soldierly Investigations (2 Dice)
    [X] Plan Finishing What We've Started
    -[X] Jailbreaks (1 Front Dice)
    -[X] Public Court Martial (1 Front Dice)
    -[X] Arm The Workers (3 Front Dice)
    -[X] To Arms! (3 Council Dice)
    -[X] Olvo and Selvada (3 Dice)
    -[X] Bandit Hunting (1 Dice)
    -[X] The Red Rag (1 Dice)
    -[X] Soothing Fears (2 Dice)
    -[X] Expand the Speechmakers (1 Dice)
    -[X] Congress Construction (1 Dice)
    -[X] Worker's Policing (1 Dice)
    -[X] University Reform (1 Dice)
    -[X] Aether Mines Pt. 2 (2 Dice)
    -[X] Mine Refinement (2 Dice)
    -[X] Of Iron and Steel Pt. 2 (1 Dice)
    -[X] Road Clearing (1 Dice)
    -[X] Political Officers, Bejen's Version (1 Dice)
    -[X] The Protclow Protocol (1 Dice)
    -[X] Command Coordination (2 Dice)
    -[X] Anti-Corruption Operations (1 Dice)
    -[X] Soldierly Investigations (2 Dice)
Week 6 Results Pt. 1
-Jailbreaks (1 Front Dice) - 49+53/60

The guards watched the last few prisoners leave. They still had their duties - to guard the murderers, the rapists, a few men and women who had been imprisoned for counter-revolutionary activities, and in many ways they thought it no different before, and wondered at how different this Revolution would truly be. For all the promises of the Kammanists, they were still hungry and work was still dull.

But for those freed, those who had often been among the poorest, the free meals were like a feast, and freedom was an even more precious gift, and the praises they sang of those they freed filled the minds and hearts of those who heard...

Boost to Front and Popular Support

-Public Court Martial (1 Front Dice) - 47/30

"Sergeant Talugik Tima, the court has heard the statements of the prosecution, the witnesses, and your defender. Do you have anything else to say before the jury decides?"

The Sergeant glared hatefully at the woman who had accused him, who held her head high, buoyed by the support of those who had encouraged her to come forth, to tell her tale.
He had nothing to say, the jury found no flaw within the story. As the Sergeant was taken away, she once more found her courage.

"This is what you deserve, you filthy bastard!" she shouted.

Some among the Front who had joined the viewing stands glanced at each other and wondered. She had seemed earnest, but she was a capitalist...

Small cost to front support, boost to popular support

-To Arms! (3 Front Dice) - 55+37+57 = 149/125

There had been recruitment efforts going on for some time, but nothing to the extent of this. "To arms, to arms, for the Revolution and the world!" People called. "Kammanism or barbarism!" they shouted. "Avlandia and the Revolution!" they chanted. Men flocked to the red banner, and even some women joined, despite resistance at several different levels. But the revolution could not be stopped, could not be slowed. They were determined to defend it, with warcaster and spellblaster, with bayonets and bullets, with their fists and knives if need be.

There weren't enough weapons for all of them. There were enough trainers, there weren't enough barracks! And many were boys trying to pretend to be older, or working in some vital factory job, but they would not be swayed except by the most ardent. They would fight.

Now the only question was if they would win.

Massive boost to army size, will take a few weeks to show because they are training.

-Bandit Hunting (2 Chairman Dice) - 64+54 = 118

The Chairman had rather forgotten about this part of fighting. It could often be boring. The young soldier he had asked had sent him to a village, one Zenus thought was rather far from the actual bandits, but he had enjoyed his time there nonetheless. It was good to get away from the city, to be able to enjoy fresh air and think about his book...it was still incredibly boring though.

Then there was a crack of a gunpowder rifle and his guards moved to tackle him to the ground, but he was faster, snapping off two warcaster shots towards the smoke cloud. There was a shriek, and then all around was chaos.

Four soldiers died in the ensuing fight, all of them on the other side. It made the day rather entertaining.

Small boost to popular support, morale.

-The Red Rag (1 Chairman Dice) - 54/40

It took a significant amount of time to handle, but with the printing presses running there was only the matter of finding and organizing the staff. He convinced all the Central Committee to contribute articles, and sent for a few lower level perspectives, taking care to include one or two that would be less than glowing...

In a room that smelled of ink and soot, the Red Rag was reborn to carry the truth of the Kammanist Revolution to the waiting ears of the oppressed workers of the world.

Gain a vehicle for spreading propaganda and news...

-Trade Beginnings (1 Dice) - 86

Arranging trade deals was strange to him. He met with representatives of two major Breton companies, and he could see the scorn and contempt in their eyes. He was scum to them, for a dozen reasons he knew. And he also knew that they would give him what he wanted anyway...

The deal wasn't a good one, such was the realities of the situation. It cost more gold and jewels than he would like, but that was fine. And in exchange, they would receive...

[] Food
[] Aether
[] Raw materials
[] Weapons

Vote on what to get from trading, you will get varying amounts for the 1 Wealth you send.
[X] Food

We have options to get raw materials, aether, and weapons on our own. What we are desperately short on is options to get food in the middle of Winter.
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[X] Food
if dealing with capitalists is ever permissible, its when its a matter of food
Week 6 Results Pt. 2
-Soothing Fears (2 Dice) - 84+44 = 138

Now that the trials had begun, Stefan's job was much easier. He knew their existence was an existential threat to the oppressive classes of the world, that the dictatorship of the workers was terrifying to those who did not know it, but a demonstration that they were at least theoretically willing to police their own seemed to do more than a thousand assurances.

He began to expand efforts at outreach, focusing on young men and women, those who would be parents soon if all went well, encouraging them to labor, to visit the new universities, to integrate themselves into the world of the workers.

It seemed to work. Or at the very least, it concentrated the unrest in bars, and those were used to it.

-Expand the Speechmakers (1 Dice) - 88/70
With more speeches to be given out, there needed more people to give them. The Front was beginning to run out of those willing to stand on a crate and preach, and there were grumbles that such a thing was useless. They had their Revolution, what need of preaching was there?

Plenty, he knew. His speakers had helped massage public opinion during the vote on faith, had led to a greater acceptance, delivered news, and helped recruit for the army. They delivered news to those who could not read, and heard complaints.

They were a valued part of the Revolution.

-Worker's Policing (1 Dice, 1 Chairman Dice) (2 Resources) - 39+57 = 96/100

She did not like having to include any amount of rich bastards in their police force. They weren't allowed to vote, but even giving them this much power unsettled her. Some of them were quite possibly still armed, but more than that, giving their class enemies back felt wrong.

She knew she was far from the only one who felt that way, which was probably slowing down the process of getting the entire apparatus setup.

Most of the city itself was under control of the worker's police, and several of the outlying villages had those as well, although she was greatly concerned about their ideological correctness.

But there were extensive areas, those with the largest populations of class enemies, that would require more work. They would require the establishment of a training program to ensure they knew their powers and did not abuse them, to guarantee the ideological correctness of the police, and more.

The workers would triumph though, it was inevitable.

Policing almost completed, the last few points will increase on their own, however you will also need to establish a training program.

-University Reform (1 Dice) - 39+67 = 40/40, 33/80 The Worker's School

Universities were a vital repository of knowledge, both in their vast libraries and in the heads of their professors. Perhaps not as important as mage's schools, they nevertheless contained useful information, relevant to both material concerns and magic. And obviously, that knowledge should be accessible to all. The old system of only allowing those with money in would not serve.

The question was how to replace it...

While that was pondered - no one would be graduating in the middle of a civil war - other matters were discussed. The governing system was overhauled to make it more demoratic, barriers to participation were torn down, and spontaneous lectures were encouraged and open to all.

-Identify Mages (1 Dice) (1 Aether) - 39 + 56

While efforts continued to find mages in the city, they were also extended outwards. The villages often knew of a hedge witch, and hedge witches were notoriously easy to bribe with relatively cheap prices - extra food and aid for the winter was usually enough, sometimes scraps of coal. These hedge witches could be taught to identify mages relatively easily. While such efforts had borne little fruit - only a few more mages had been recruited this week - it had great promise for future efforts, and any new mage would greatly ease industrialization and speed the victory of the Revolution.

-Aether Mines Pt. 2 (2 Dice) (8 Resources) - 75+49 = 100/100 Aether Mines Pt.2, 76/125 Aether Mines Pt. 3

There was always more labor for the mines, always more who were determined to do their part. Aether was dug out of the ground, the crystals gathered and shaped, mages used to establish warded zones deep within the mines where the workers could rest in safety and peace, the outside of the mine improved to facilitate the movement of supplies in and crystals out.

The sheer enthusiasm of the workers marshaled by the Front overwhelmed everyone, and so plans were started on an Aether sorting facility to make the production and distribution more effective and allow for the expansion of autocaster construction...perhaps even the methods to automate that delicate process could be found and used for the benefit of the workers...

But such was something for a future day, when there was peace in Avlandia. For now there was only the endless eight shifts, attacks by aether beasts enraged beyond reason, and a half-completed sorting facility, and dreams. In a Revolution, there are always dreams.

-Mine Refinement (2 Dice) - 78+49 = 100/100

One advantage of having mages on hand was that they made heavy work much easier, allowing support beams to be installed with ease. A dozen new tunnels were opened in the time it would take for one to be made, an effort that left the miners with more time to mine and more veins to follow, sending increasing amounts of metal and aether to the cities to be processed into the weapons to protect the Revolution that had given them safer work and a voice in government.
Scheduled vote count started by notbirdofprey on Mar 15, 2021 at 8:48 PM, finished with 11 posts and 8 votes.