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[X] Spend time with your Pokemon - It's been a while since you simply enjoyed the company of your Pokemon. It'd be good to spend time with them outside of battle or training.
[X] Battle Lance - Champion Lance is holding a raffle for anyone to enter to challenge him. The odds of you getting it are low but it may be fun to enter… Wait, what do you mean you won?

Beat Lance with the power of friendship.

Is Team Rocket an ultranationalist group trying to start a war with Johto and conquer them or something? I feel like a war would be a great climax, maybe the moment a champion got decided?
"That's a gross oversimplification," Lance's jaw tightened. "We can't afford to send everyone after Team Rocket while Johto pokes at our borders. While you complain about a lack of focus on Team Rocket, Surge complains about a lack of focus on Johto."

I thought Lance was from Johto? Wouldn't that mean the two regions are already (grudgingly) united under the indigo league? Is he estranged from his clan and swapped sides in this timeline? I'm confused both by the "poking at [kanto's] borders" and by him referring to kanto's borders as "our" borders, implying he sees himself as kantonian rather than johtan.
Is Team Rocket an ultranationalist group trying to start a war with Johto and conquer them or something? I feel like a war would be a great climax, maybe the moment a champion got decided?

While they're not a nationalist group per se, they do use some of that rhetoric as a tool of recruitment.

I thought Lance was from Johto? Wouldn't that mean the two regions are already (grudgingly) united under the indigo league? Is he estranged from his clan and swapped sides in this timeline? I'm confused both by the "poking at [kanto's] borders" and by him referring to kanto's borders as "our" borders, implying he sees himself as kantonian rather than johtan.

I honestly don't recall if Lance originated from Johto. As for the two regions being united, they are in a sense albeit both retain their indepence in full. They're more like too rival nations with common interests that cooperate on some stuff. Which has resulted in some complications.

As for Lance's wording here, one thing to keep in mind is that he was talking with Sabrina, a Kanto resident. Moreover he regularly has meetings with Surge and so Lance has gotten into a habit of referring to Kanto as "ours" rather than "yours". It's effectively diplomatic wording that he's using here.
[x] Battle Lance - Champion Lance is holding a raffle for anyone to enter to challenge him. The odds of you getting it are low but it may be fun to enter… Wait, what do you mean you won?
[X] Enter a Pokemon Contest - Both Dragonite and Blissey would enjoy a Pokemon Contest. It'd also help them develop their more unique attributes. At the cost of your nerves.
[jk] Rip And Tear - Find a bunch of Team Rocket members and work your way through them to get all of the disappointment and heartache out of you (it probably won't work, but its for a good cause at least).

I'd like to battle Lance normally, but I think Violet would probably be shaken and cut to her core by just how hard she got stat check'd. And Lance would just be a bigger stat check.
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