Voting is open
Vote Closed
Alright, I'll be calling the vote here, it seems that Violet will be asking the attendant about the odd Pokeball much to her surprise. You do manage to pick out quite a few insights from her against her will. Namely that Giovanni found out about this Pokeball type some time back and has put out an order to try and track down where they came from. As for what the ball does, the attendant does reluctantly admit that from she's found it makes high level Pokemon more compliant and docile.
Scheduled vote count started by Daemon Hunter on Oct 30, 2024 at 9:30 PM, finished with 20 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Ask the Attendant about the Odd Pokeball
    [X] Look into the Odd Pokeball - You've never seen a Pokeball like this nor is there an example available online. Your curiosity drives you to investigate.
    [x] Ask Silph Co about the Odd Pokeball
    [X] Explore Unorthodox Locations - Viridian City has a lot that you can explore, some of which would certainly be atypical. Who knows what you may find?
    [X] Ask Giovanni about the Odd Pokeball
Kanto Week 37 Part 4 - An Intense Conversation
[X] Ask the Attendant about the Odd Pokeball

Violet abruptly stopped in the middle of a step and turned around. "Ex-excuse me," Violet began, her heart hammering in her chest at confronting someone at all, let alone in public. She spoke softly, almost hoping the attendant wouldn't hear her. "Are … are you familiar with this Pokeball?"

The attendant froze in the middle of a step, almost tripping over her own feet. An expression of pure shock flickered across her face before fading into a calculating gleam. Staring down at Violet, the attendant didn't speak for a moment, content to try and intimidate the younger trainer with her gaze as well as study her.

Taking an involuntary step back at the intensity of the attendant's stare, Violet looked her up and down. The assistant for the Viridian City Gym was a young adult with white hair who wore a set of Pokeball earrings that Violet recognized were actual Pokeballs. "...Why do you ask?" the attendant's words jarred her out of her thoughts.

"You recognized it," Violet said softly, noticing that the attendant only chose to speak up after realizing that the younger trainer was deep in her thoughts and analysis. "And you're an attendant for the Viridian Gym."

A second flicker of surprise crossed the attendant's face. Subconsciously, her hand twitched towards the hidden emblem that was obscured by the jacket. Disguising the motion as if she was simply smoothing out the creases on her clothes, the attendant stuck out her hand. "Crystal, attendant to the Viridian Gym." Her words were serious but polished as if she had practiced this exact phrase for months at a time. "And why do you ask about that Pokeball?"

Violet frowned, realizing the shift in strategy. If Crystal couldn't throw her off balance, then she would try and redirect the conversation. "I found it and wanted to know more about it." Choosing to play into Crystal's plan, Violet noticed the attendant frown slightly before her expression morphed into a more relaxed one. It seems that while she had her suspicions about how Violet got the Pokeball, she didn't think the younger trainer knew what it did.

"Have you used it yet?" Crystal asked, trying to make herself sound uninterested. Violet however caught the gleam in her eyes, where the answer she gave to the question would determine quite a bit about what happened next.

"No," Violet replied. Immediately, Crystal's posture relaxed. "The trainer I got it from wasn't normal."

"How many badges and what Pokemon did they have?" Crystal asked once more, trying to turn the conversation into an interrogation.

"O-only if you tell me what it d-does," Violet stammered, trying to sound confident only to wilt under the older attendant's gaze.

Crystal continued to stare, causing Violet to shudder involuntarily. But the younger trainer refused to cave. Finally, the attendant let out an explosive sigh. "Fine, I'll tell you. They make strong Pokemon more docile and compliant."

"So that's how she managed it …" Violet said, trailing off at the intense look in Crystal's eye. "I-I got the Pokeball from a trainer named Amber." Violet swallowed nervously. "Sh-she had a-a Gastly that was strong. A-and didn't have any b-badges."

"Amber, hmm." Crystal frowned, recognizing the name from somewhere. "It's more than I had before, thanks, kid."

The attendant turned around, having gotten what she wanted. But before she could leave, Violet asked one last question. "How-how did you learn about them?"

Crystal paused, a feeling of uncertainty coming across her as if she was just a cog in a machine and didn't know the answer herself. "I was told about them."

"So Giovanni?" Violet asked, realizing her answer was correct the moment Crystal turned around with a look that was both irritated and impressed.

"You're a lot more annoying than the other kids I've dealt with," the bite in the words was subdued by the crinkling around her eyes. Even if Crystal's face portrayed full disinterest, the smile was readily evident to Violet. "If you challenge the gym, be sure to ask for me as your test."

Violet didn't know if that was a good thing. Only that it would be interesting and nerve-wracking.

The 38th Week, 1 Locked. Pick 1

Pokemon Actions

[] Catch your Sixth Pokemon - Now that you have five badges, you could catch another Pokemon providing a full team.
[] Train with your Pokemon - All of your Pokemon are skilled in battle with unique skills, but they can see some improvements through practice. Especially with their new moves.
[] Buy and Use TMs/HMs - You're a big enough trainer to afford TMs and HMs for your Pokemon.
[] Buy Items - Now that you've earned the fifth badge, you can start looking into buying items for your Pokemon.
[] Train with Willow- While it would be nontraditional to train with your rival, both of you have unique skill sets that could complement each other.

Battling Actions

[] Challenge New Trainers - Now that you and your Pokemon have developed, fighting a few trainers in rapid succession would be easy.
[] Challenge an Experienced Trainer - There are at least a few experienced trainers around here that may be worth fighting.
[X] Challenge Crystal - In order to face the gym leader, you have to first defeat one of the attendants. And Crystal appears to be quite interested in facing you herself, even if she hides it well.
[] Challenge the Viridian City Gym - While you wish to face the gym, you'll first have to face one of the attendants to gain entry for a six-badge fight. After which you could face the gym itself. Willow will be facing Giovanni this week as well.

Exploration Actions

[] See the Sights Inside the City - Several interesting attractions in Viridian City would be worth exploring.
[] Explore Unorthodox Locations - Viridian City has a lot that you can explore, some of which would certainly be atypical. Who knows what you may find?
[] Explore the Viridian Forest - A thick patch of jungle north of the city home to mainly bug types with a few ghost types here and there, it'd make for a fun adventure for a few days.

Traveling Actions (Will be taken either Week 39 or Week 40)

[-] Leave Viridian City - Once you defeat Giovanni you plan on leaving the city within a few days. (opens sub-vote).

Social Actions (For socials, it's assumed you keep up a basic level of contact through text, choosing a social means I write it up)

[] Call Your Parents - Your parents would as usual like a call when you're free.
[] Call Tetsuya - Having just arrived in Saffron City, Tetsuya is training hard to be able to win a battle with Sabrina.

Other Actions

[] Look into the Odd Pokeball's Background - You've learned a fair bit about the Odd Pokeball from Crystal. But you could find out more via Silph Co or other sources. Spend some more time trying to figure out where it came from.
Vote Closed
Alright, I'll be closing the vote here. Looks like an adventure through Silph Co is in order. And thanks to having your talk with Crystal, you're able to narrow down where in the corporation you want to look.
Scheduled vote count started by Daemon Hunter on Nov 4, 2024 at 9:23 PM, finished with 4 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Look into the Odd Pokeball's Background - You've learned a fair bit about the Odd Pokeball from Crystal. But you could find out more via Silph Co or other sources. Spend some more time trying to figure out where it came from.
    [X] Buy Items - Now that you've earned the fifth badge, you can start looking into buying items for your Pokemon.
    [X] Challenge the Viridian City Gym - While you wish to face the gym, you'll first have to face one of the attendants to gain entry for a six-badge fight. After which you could face the gym itself. Willow will be facing Giovanni this week as well.
Kanto Week 38 Part 1 - Stakeout
[X] Look into the Odd Pokeball's Background - You've learned a fair bit about the Odd Pokeball from Crystal. But you could find out more via Silph Co or other sources. Spend some more time trying to figure out where it came from.

Despite her desire to beat the Viridian Gym as soon as possible, Violet's curiosity got the better of her. Continuing to look into the Odd Pokeball's background was now a priority for her. Sitting in the Pokecenter, Violet placed it on the table. Surrounded by her Pokemon, she stared at it, trying to will an explanation for the Pokeball into being. By now, she had resorted to asking Umbreon if he had seen something like it and the answer was an expected shake of the head.

Writing down the possible options available to her on a piece of paper, Violet circled Silph Co. She had spent hours trying to figure out how Pokeballs work, only to feel her eyes glaze over when she encountered multiple references to obscure fields of quantum mechanics. After which she focused on how much effort it took to design a Pokeball, discovering that the process was both more and less expensive than she thought. It was easy to clone a Pokeball for companies and just change one or two details here and there. While it did leave Silph Co with a few rivals as a result of their products constantly being copied, they were by far the largest supplier due to being the only one large enough to design new Pokeballs. Designing one that had a new feature was incredibly complex, with it taking years and a vast amount of money to do so. It was why Silph Co's Masterball was such a big deal even if they had yet to release it to the public.

It left Violet with one conclusion, somehow, Silph Co had to know about this Pokeball. Chances are they designed it as a step towards the Masterball but chose not to release it to the public due to the controversy it would cause. The relationship between Pokemon and humans was always meant to be a mutual one, and this Odd Pokeball directly went against it. The question then became how a random trainer gets access to it.

An hour later, Violet was sitting at a cafe. Introducing Dragonair to a few snacks, she slowly sipped her hazelnut latte even as she studied the Silph Co office. Annoyingly, it didn't have tours, which made it impossible for her to just sign up for one and see what they had. However, there was another strategy available to her.

An almost nostalgic smile came to her as she observed a scientist taking their child to work. While her parents hadn't done the same, it reminded her of her adventure through the Celadon Hotel with Dratini. It happened years ago, but she remembered that trip fondly. Being discovered by a psychic Pokemon was still possible, but now that she had a dark type, it'd be easier to hide from them.

Based on what Violet saw of the office, the only bit of security was a keycard door. The security guard didn't care who came in. The only limitation was the need to not be an unaccompanied minor.

A chirp from Dragonair distracted her. Nudging her drink, the Dragon Pokemon looked at her with a pleading expression. Violet smiled and ordered another latte for him before returning to her observations.

Taking notes on her phone, after an hour Violet was certain Silph Co was shadier than she had initially expected. While most of the people who went inside were rather normal, there was a small subsection that would look around and try to spot anyone who was watching. One of them even circled the block first before entering.

But the true breakthrough came as Violet was about to leave when one of the shady trainers exited while holding up a Pokeball for examination. A Pokeball that had a cage-like design. Now, Violet had a choice to make.

[] Confront the Trainer - They're unlikely to reveal anything directly, but you may be able to find out more.
[] Sneak into the Building - Tailing a normal worker to get past the keycard before having Magneton steal it would allow you free reign of the building. But it would be risky.
[] Tell Crystal and Ask for Her Help - Asking for help from a Viridian attendant would be the safest route, but based on what you know about her, Crystal would immediately try and sneak in with you. It would be interesting at least.
[] Write-in
Vote Closed + Rolls
I would like to congratulate you for convincing Crystal to help you break into a building. Next up are the totally stealthy adventures of Crystal and Violet.
Scheduled vote count started by Daemon Hunter on Nov 6, 2024 at 11:42 PM, finished with 7 posts and 7 votes.

55 - Underground Storage
Daemon Hunter threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: RER Total: 55
55 55
Last edited:
Kanto Week 38 Part 2 - Breaking and Enterring
[X] Tell Crystal and Ask for Her Help - Asking for help from a Viridian attendant would be the safest route, but based on what you know about her, Crystal would immediately try and sneak in with you. It would be interesting at least.

Deciding to bring the Viridian City attendant in on the plan, Violet felt slightly nervous at the prospect of the immediate future. Crystal was intimidating, a strong trainer with an incredibly intense stare, it was little wonder that Violet felt her heartbeat in her chest. The gym itself was odd to Violet, with slight incongruities between what she saw on the outside and the rooms on the inside. It seemed that there were a few hidden rooms in it.

A part of her wanted to try and see what was in those rooms, but eventually, Violet's practical brain kicked in. Breaking into a gym would be a lot harder than breaking into an office. Walking over to the receptionist, Violet glanced at the battles themselves, spotting Willow amid a team battle against an attendant. Observing the battle, the shy trainer was rather surprised at the choice of Minun and Heracross for the match, but it worked out very well after the former forced an Encore on a Protect and the latter acted as the main damage dealer.

Just as Willow won, Violet reached the front of the line, where the receptionist looked up at her with a mildly annoyed gaze at having to do actual work. "What level?"

"S-six," Violet replied. "I … I was hoping to face Crystal?"

A mild sense of surprise crossed the receptionist's face before they shrugged. "Alright." They said in lieu of explaining why they thought it was a mistake. "You're in arena 4. Good luck."

Compared to the main arenas, Arena 4 was dimly lit. Used only on occasion, Violet entered the annex to the gym to find Crystal in the middle of training. Her team wasn't what Violet expected, consisting of Charizard, Hitmonchan, Snorlax, Starmie, Raichu, and Nidoking. A rather odd setup for the Viridian Gym, it wasn't that surprising to find her tucked away outside of the main gym. "Huh," Crystal exclaimed when she saw Violet enter. "You showed up."

Crystal motioned with one hand towards Nidoking, gesturing for him to step up to battle. "Uh, before-" Crystal shook her head, gesturing towards the Pokeballs on Violet's hip. "I just-" Crystal stared at Violet, tilting her head in a show of intimidation.

"Battle first kid." Crystal barred her teeth in a rictus of a smile. "Then we talk."

Violet swallowed her nerves down, forcing herself to study Nidoking even as she already knew which of her Pokemon would be sent out. "Dragonair," she intoned with only a slight bit of nerves in her voice.

The Dragon Pokemon emerged from his Pokeball with a pleased chirp at getting to battle. Slithering across the arena, he began feeling the terrain before huffing in approval.

"We start when the coin hits the ground," Crystal said in a tone that brooked no argument before she lazily threw a coin into the air.

Violet's eyes began tracking it immediately. Refusing to blink, she relayed her order to open with an Outrage on her signal. And the instant the coin touched the ground, the order was given. "Now!"

Dragonair shot forward with a roar, bulldozing through the Toxic spray and ramming into Nidoking with the force of a tornado. A thunderous boom echoed across the arena even as the Dragon Pokemon gave chase to the bouncing form of Nidoking. Before Crystal even had a chance to form a response, before Nidoking could even get up from the initial hit, the second Outrage landed. A second later, Dragonair preened in victory, a fierce dichotomy from the Outrage he had used a few seconds before.

"Can I ask my question now?" Violet asked, looking at Crystal with a smug grin.

"...You're a lot more annoying than the other kids I've dealt with," the attendant replied after a moment to process the exchange.

"Can you help me break into Silph Co?"

Crystal blinked, fully thrown off by Violet's question. "Why?"

Violet momentarily faltered at the intensity of the question, but then she looked at Crystal and noticed that most of the intensity was faked to make her answer honestly, "Uh, they're selling the weird Pokeball."

"Cage Balls," Crystal corrected, providing the nomenclature the League used to identify that model. "Do you have a plan?"

Violet smiled and explained what she was and how they were going to break into the building. The single keycard door at the front could be handled by stealing a keycard from one of the office workers, the security guard present wasn't interested in properly doing his job, the guest policy was lax so there wouldn't be any issues if Violet was badged in with Crystal, and most importantly, the office was large enough that it was normal to see new workers.

"...Giovanni wouldn't approve," Crystal muttered after hearing Violet's plan. The intense attendant looked at the younger trainer before a flash of steel crossed her eyes. "I'm in."

The next day, after Dragonair and Nidoking had been healed up, the two girls approached the Silph Co office at mid-morning. Spotting a particularly inattentive office worker who had traveled from across the city to get here, Violet indicated them to Crystal before having Magneton slip the keycard from their lanyard. After that, the worker approached the door, realized their keycard was missing, swore as they thought they'd forgotten it at home, and began the long journey back to their house. Handing the keycard to Crystal, the attendant swiped the card and opened the door for the two of them.

Crystal led the way, briefly waving to the security guard before the two of them entered the lobby. Moving through the building which housed a number of designers, marketers, and other employees, the two of them began trying to find the most suspicious parts of the office. Finding a hallway without foot traffic marked by a lack of proper lighting, Crystal and Violet looked at each other and nodded. Walking through the hallway, they found a staircase that took them deeper into the earth.

Emerging in an industrial-looking basement, fluorescent lights flickered above creating a ghostly glow that illuminated a variety of complex machinery and storage bins. Crystal immediately began taking pictures, gesturing for Violet to stay behind her. As she was doing so, Violet began to hear the clicking of footsteps. "Someone's coming." She urgently whispered, causing Crystal to hide the camera and draw one of her Pokeballs.

An unfamiliar man in a lab coat stepped out from a back office. "It's about time you showed up," he said gruffly, vaguely gesturing toward a set of cages. "Grab what you want and leave."

"And the ball?" Crystal interjected before Violet could say anything. "What's the specs?"

The man grumbled, clearly displeased at his work being delayed. "It doesn't matter who the trainer is, the Pokemon within will obey."

"I see," Crystal intoned, hiding a furious expression by clenching her fists. "Mach Punch."

"What?" The scientists began to say, only for Hitmonchan to land a lightning-fast punch to the jaw knocking him out.

While Crystal booted up one of the computers trying to find the information within, Violet scanned the various Cage Balls spotting a fair few Pokemon. She could take them if she wanted to …

The sudden blaring of an alarm quickly changed that, now on a time crunch she only had time to grab one before a fight broke out.

Pick 1

[] Take None
[] Gengar
[] Lapras
[] Gyarados
[] Alakazam
[] Machamp
[] Charizard
[] Blastoise
[] Venusaur
[] Gothitelle
[] Delphox
[] Chandelure
Vote Closed
Alright, I'll be closing the vote here, it seems like Gengar will be joining your team.

To clarify things, Violet is going to be releasing Gengar, this vote was basically me skipping some of the steps and having you vote on the end result. The first step is to release the Pokemon present after which Violet can convince Gengar to join her team.

Next update you get to see the results of that as you and Crystal "accidentally" start a Pokemon rampage.
Scheduled vote count started by Daemon Hunter on Nov 8, 2024 at 10:42 PM, finished with 14 posts and 9 votes.
Kanto Week 38 Part 3 - "Battling" Security
[X] Gengar

"Just release all of them," Crystal interrupted Violet's thoughts as she tried to decide which of the Pokemon present she wanted to convince to join her team. "Talk with who you want after the upcoming fight."

"O-okay," Violet uttered before beginning to release the Pokemon from the Cage Balls. Alakazam was the first to be released, resulting in the Pokemon giving her a grateful nod.

Closing his eyes, Alakazam pulsed briefly as he used a Recover. Then Violet and Crystal both heard the Pokemon speak into their minds. 'There are 5 trainers headed here. Do you have a plan?'

"Help me release the others," Violet requested, to which Alakazam immediately began to do so. Charizard and Chandelure were released next, the former of which had to be restrained by Crystal's Charizard as they nearly attacked on sheer instinct. The latter, however, began a series of Minimizes in preparation for the fight to come.

Realizing that having Umbreon out to help her coordinate would help, Violet released all five of her Pokemon. Taking up positions around the room, Dragonair joined Violet in freeing the other Pokemon. As Crystal calmed down Charizard and convinced them to fight whoever came into the room, Blastoise, Venusaur, and Gothitelle were released. Feeling a slight pressure in her mind, Violet gave an annoyed look at the Astral Body Pokemon who replied with a contemptuous look at both her and Crystal.

With the last set of Pokemon being released (Gengar, Lapras, Gyarados, Machamp, and Delphox), the room was filled with 22 Pokemon, half of which were wild Pokemon. Violet and Crystal shared an unspoken conversation between the two of them, as they split up the Pokemon among themselves to coordinate.

Rather quickly, the two of them gave up on trying to convince Charizard or Gothitelle to work with them. The former was too angry at having been captured while the latter simply didn't respect them enough to do so. Alakazam, however, was willing to work with Violet. Even if he planned on heading back to his home after this, he would still ensure that they all escaped and brought down the building along the way. Thanks to his help, Violet was able to convince Gengar, Machamp, and Blastoise to work with her. Crystal meanwhile had a slightly harder time of it but managed to convince Lapras, Venusaur, Delphox, and Chandelure to work with them.

Gyarados, however, was far too angry to even attempt to calm down. While Charizard and Gothitelle were at least willing to not attack them, Gyarados immediately attempted to attack them. It was only Violet calling out a warning that allowed Raichu to preempt the attack with a Thunderbolt.

"Three vs two odds, hmm." Crystal mused, mentally calculating a strategy for what to do. "What do you think kid?"

Violet thought for a moment about the advantages that a defensive posture offered. Then she looked at the large group of Pokemon present. "Why wait?" She said mischievously.

Crystal gave a bloodthirsty grin. "Why wait indeed?"

The following ten minutes were not fun for Silph Co security. Having stacked up on the entrance to the underground storage, the five guards had their full teams of six out which resulted in a group of thirty Pokemon having to charge through a single door into what they believed was twenty Pokemon on the other side. As they coordinated the use of Protects to get past the chokepoint, their plan was suddenly interrupted by the door exploding followed by Alakazam teleporting Forretress, Blissey, and Violet in front of the thirty Silph Co Pokemon.

Forretress, having already begun to glow with energy from Self Destruct gave a facsimile of a bow while Blissey's Protect created a barrier to keep Violet and Alakazam safe. And from the door that Hitmonchan had broken down, Umbreon emerged to use Taunt. All the while Dragonair wrapped around the Moonlight and Punching Pokemon whilst using Protect.

"Oh no," were the only words that Silph Co security could utter as a thunderous boom blew out the windows in the building. A cloud of dust and debris ballooned into the street as worried bystanders immediately began calling the police and gym.

*Forretress upgrades Self Destruct to B from B-*

Waving her hand to clear away the dust and grime, Violet smiled at the sight of thirty unconscious Pokemon and five unconscious humans. Emerging from the stairs, Crystal looked at the destruction around her with an impressed gleam. "You don't hold back, do you kid?"

"Should I have?" Violet asked, already knowing the answer.

"Heck no."

Following the battle (although calling it a battle was a little generous), Violet and Crystal sat down to wait for the rest of the authorities to arrive. As they did, Crystal began copying some of the data she had grabbed to ensure it wasn't lost. Violet, on the other hand, was pretending not to pay attention as Gengar attempted to pilfer some of the food she was carrying.

Just as he was about to try and pickpocket her, Violet turned around, looking him in the eye. Smirking, she held out the granola bar which Gengar looked at suspiciously. "You could have just asked."

Magneton gave Gengar a sympathetic look, trying to sneak up on Violet was a fool's errand, but it hadn't stopped them from trying. The Shadow Pokemon huffed slightly but still accepted the granola bar. Eating it in a single bite, he mimed a request for a second bar, causing Violet to sigh.

"You can't eat too many of those," she said, even as she handed him a second one. "There's too much sugar in them."

Gengar rolled his eyes in amusement, eating the second bar in a single bite before miming that he was still hungry. Violet's eyes narrowed in suspicion as he went on an elaborate story on how he hadn't been fed in days.

Violet poked his stomach with a finger, the digit sinking into his body with no resistance. "You look well-fed to me," her finger brushed against the whole granola bar in his body. "You don't even eat food, you eat dreams." She said with a huff as she remembered that aspect of the Gengar line.

The Shadow Pokemon feigned surprise, acting as if he had never heard about this.

Briefly chuckling, Violet attempted to pat Gengar on the head before she stumbled at the unexpected lack of resistance. "Don't laugh," she requested with a blush as the Shadow Pokemon shook with mirth.

Gengar replied by miming himself eating.

"I don't have any more on me," Violet responded. "Unless you want to come to the Pokecenter with me." She added hopefully, holding out a Pokeball so he knew what she meant by it.

The Shadow Pokemon levitated slightly as he thought. But within a few seconds, he pressed the button on the Pokeball. Violet smiled, now having a full team of 6 Pokemon.

The 39th Week, Pick 2

Pokemon Actions

[] Spend time with Gengar - Having recently caught Gengar, it'd be good to spend time with him to understand their desires.
[] Train with your Pokemon - All of your Pokemon are skilled in battle with unique skills, but they can see some improvements through practice. Especially with their new moves.
[] Buy and Use TMs/HMs - You're a big enough trainer to afford TMs and HMs for your Pokemon.
[] Buy Items - Now that you've earned the fifth badge, you can start looking into buying items for your Pokemon.
[] Train with Willow- While it would be nontraditional to train with your rival, both of you have unique skill sets that could complement each other.

Battling Actions

[] Challenge New Trainers - Now that you and your Pokemon have developed, fighting a few trainers in rapid succession would be easy.
[] Challenge an Experienced Trainer - There are at least a few experienced trainers around here that may be worth fighting.
[] Challenge the Viridian City Gym - While you wish to face the gym, you'll first have to face one of the attendants to gain entry for a six-badge fight. After which you could face the gym itself. Willow will be facing Giovanni this week as well.
[] Challenge Crystal - Crystal is a trainer roughly at your skill level. It would be fun to have a battle with her and see who wins.

Exploration Actions

[] See the Sights Inside the City - Several interesting attractions in Viridian City would be worth exploring.
[] Explore Unorthodox Locations - Viridian City has a lot that you can explore, some of which would certainly be atypical. Who knows what you may find?
[] Explore the Viridian Forest - A thick patch of jungle north of the city home to mainly bug types with a few ghost types here and there, it'd make for a fun adventure for a few days.

Traveling Actions (Will be taken either this week or next week)

[] Leave Viridian City - Once you defeat Giovanni you plan on leaving the city within a few days. (opens sub-vote). Must be taken with Challenging the Viridian Gym.

Social Actions (For socials, it's assumed you keep up a basic level of contact through text, choosing a social means I write it up)

[] Call Your Parents - Your parents would as usual like a call when you're free.
[] Call Tetsuya - Having barely eked out a surprise win against Sabrina, Tetsuya is headed to Celadon to face Erika for his 6th badge.
[] Debrief - Officer Jenny has requested you and Crystal visit her to discuss what you found at Silph Co. She's very interested to know why she was kept out of the loop on the matter.
Vote Closed
If this is taking cues from that, then there's a couple things to take note of. One, Team Rocket had to take what they wanted from Silph Co., they didn't have enough internal pull to just have them hand it over. Two, the Cage Ball sounds an awful suspicious lot like a prototype Master Ball. Three, if Mewtwo is still a thing here, then there might be a very specific Pokemon that Giovanni wants to use a Master Ball for, that a Cage Ball just wouldn't cut it with.

Based on what Violet has seen and heard, it seems that the Masterball was a Silph Co product that's been in the works for years. So for it to have been Rocket R&D, it'd imply that they effectively own Silph Co in some manner. And while Giovanni does own notable stock in the company, he isn't the majority owner by any means.

Violet also never used her bike?? Or it just isn't written and gave no effects.

You haven't actually been in a situation to make use of its effects due to travelling with Willow and taking shorter routes between nearby cities.

And with that, I'll be calling the vote here. Looks like debrief then gym it is. Next update Violet gets to try and hide in her chair as Crystal and Officer Jenny get into an argument over information sharing as well as learning somethings about the poor relationship between the gym and police force. Along with some other fun details~
Scheduled vote count started by Daemon Hunter on Nov 11, 2024 at 8:58 PM, finished with 16 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Debrief - Officer Jenny has requested you and Crystal visit her to discuss what you found at Silph Co. She's very interested to know why she was kept out of the loop on the matter.
    [X] Challenge the Viridian City Gym - While you wish to face the gym, you'll first have to face one of the attendants to gain entry for a six-badge fight. After which you could face the gym itself. Willow will be facing Giovanni this week as well.
    [X] Spend time with Gengar - Having recently caught Gengar, it'd be good to spend time with him to understand their desires.
Sir LagsAlot Pokemon Team Proposal
I've been working on a team sheet for Violet's team for about the last month or two that's meant to represent the end state we're working towards when we train our Pokemon or participate in battles, and I'm happy to say it's finally finished for the team so far. Now obviously this post doesn't include Gengar who we just picked up but I've only got the mechanical sections of his sheet ready to go as we know too little about his personality at present for me to write the fluff so all that's staying in my Google Doc until a later date where I'll edit it into this sheet.

Regardless, at around eight thousand words, and a solid twenty-odd pages of content I think this is more than enough for people to sink their teeth into for the time being. With that, I believe I only have a few more notes to make before I turn all of you loose on the team sheets which are one that the numbers besides the stats are training priorities meaning that, that's the order of prioritization that each stat should receive during training for each Pokemon but it's not necessarily reflective of the order in which you'd sort their stats from highest to lowest.

Two, that core moves are what I believe a Pokemon requires to perform their job at a high level, secondary moves are moves that offer a significant synergy to the Pokemon moveset but are not required, and tertiary moves are moves that are merely nice to have. And, three that the moves within their tiers of core, secondary, and tertiary are roughly sorted by order of importance in terms of acquisition and training time/move slot allotment.

Gender: Male

Type: Dragon, Flying

Ability: Multiscale - The scales of a Dragonite are among the toughest materials known to man and can stand up to unimaginable damage. But once pierced they are little more than ornamentation until they can be mended. (Halves damage taken when HP is full.)

Held Item: Lum Berry - A green berry possessing firm, and juicy flesh that is said to be able to cure almost any ailment. (Cures all status conditions and confusion.)

Identity: Mixed Sweeper - As Violet's ace, and the core her team has been built around Dragonite has but one job. To lay waste to all that stands before him. Were he to ever falter it would spell disaster but acting as the center of attention has always been where her partner has shined his brightest.

Primary Stats
  • Health (4)
    • Sturdy, powerful, and benefiting from the legendary durability of his kind's scales, Dragonite is capable of enduring exchanges with his peers with little worry.
  • Stamina (8)
    • While hale and hearty with the stamina to wipe teams, Dragonite has not honed himself for a drawn-out slugfest.
  • Attack (1)
    • Possessing an immensely powerful draconic body Dragonite is capable of laying almost any challenger low in but a single blow.
  • Defence (5)
    • Powerful muscles and sturdy scales lend Dragonite a respectable amount of resistance to physical attacks.
  • Special Attack (2)
    • Second only to the mastery of his body is Dragonite's mastery of his elemental powers as ice, wind, and raw magic itself leap to answer his call.
  • Special Defense (6)
    • Well, his scales do much to compensate Dragonite has not made resisting elemental attacks a focus leaving his capabilities in this field mediocre relative to his peers.
  • Speed (3)
    • As an expert flier, Dragonite is quick when compared to his peers striking before all but the fastest of them.
  • Evasion (7)
    • Although quite fast Dragonite has had little practice with evasion since his evolution as he's focused his efforts instead on hitting hard, and hitting first.
Core Moveset
  • Outrage (Dragon, Physical, Power 120, Accuracy 100. Locks in attack for 2-3 turns during which the user can't be swapped out, and becomes confused at the attack's conclusion.)
    • His signature move as well as his strongest trades control for power as Dragonite goes berserk and rampages through his foes.
  • Focus Blast (Fighting, Special, Power 120, Accuracy 70. Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage.)
    • A move that heightens Dragonite's mental focus before unleashing it as an earth-shaking blast.
  • Hurricane (Flying, Special, Power 110. Accuracy 70. Ignores accuracy in the rain, and has a 30% chance to confuse the target.)
    • Dragonite summons the forces of nature itself to attack and confuse his foes as they are engulfed in the mighty winds of a hurricane.
  • Roost (Flying, Status. Heals the user for 50% of their max HP.)
    • A utility move where Dragonite briefly lands, and seeks to soothe his wounds with his draconic vitality although leaving himself vulnerable in the process.
Secondary Moveset
  • Mist (Ice, Status. Prevents the user's and their allies' stats from being changed for five turns.)
    • Cloaking his body and those of his allies in a white mist, Dragonite freezes their capabilities in time preventing them from being weakened or strengthened.
  • Protect (Normal, Status. Prevents any attacks targeted at the user from striking for one turn with +4 priority. DC to use increases by +33 per consecutive use.)
    • Wielding pure magic Dragonite summons an invincible shield that negates all blows that strike it for a short time.
  • Extreme Speed (Normal, Physical, Power 80, Accuracy 100. Attacks with +2 Priority.)
    • Moving at speeds almost invisible to the eye, Dragonite strikes at his opponent with devastating speed before they can hope to react.
  • Dragon Dance (Dragon, Status. User's Attack & Speed are increased by 1.)
    • Performing a mystical, and powerful ritual that channels his draconic energy, Dragonite further strengthens his already immensely powerful body.
  • Earthquake (Ground, Physical, Power 100, Accuracy 100, AOE. Hits for double damage if the opponent is underground.)
    • A move that channels powerful ground energy to briefly amplify Dragonite's already immense strength allowing him to set off a series of localized earthquakes to devastate his foes.
  • Tailwind (Flying, Status. Increases the user's and their team's speed by +2 for four turns.)
    • Utilizing his natural mastery of the sky Dragonite whips up a turbulent mystical wind to bolster the speed of himself, and his allies for a short time.
Tertiary Moveset
  • Sleep Talk (Normal, Status. Perform a known move while sleeping.)
    • Intensive training and experience in battle has honed Dragonite's instincts to the point where even well sleeping he is now capable of defending himself… Although his choice of strategy still leaves much to be desired.
  • Light Screen (Psychic, Status. Reduces damage taken by the user and their team from special attacks by 50%.)
    • Dragonite marshals the power of his mind to summon a wondrous wall of light that weakens all hostile elemental energy that touches it.
  • Substitute (Normal, Status. Use 25% of max HP to create a decoy that will take damage in place of the user.)
    • Utilizing his magic Dragonite is able to misdirect his opponent and create a relatistic decoy of himself to take attacks in his place.
  • Reflect (Psychic, Status, Tertiary, Gen 7, TM. Reduces damage taken by the user and their team from physical attacks by 50%.)
  • Roar (Normal, Status, Tertiary, Gen 7, TM. Forces the target to switch out for a teammate.)
  • Haze (Ice, Status, Tertiary, Gen 7, Egg Move. Resets all stat changes on the entire field.)
This section of the character sheet denotes moves that Dragonite was able to learn in previous entries of the series but are no longer in the modern move set but which would be useful for him to learn.

Each move along with the normal information present for other moves also has its last known generation where Dragonite could learn it denoted and the source from which they could learn it from.

Meaning, effectively that until Daemon Hunter gives the yay or nay on these moves individually they'll be in limbo. Note that the lack of flavor text for these moves is intentional as until they're approved by Daemon I won't spend the time to add such flourishes to them.

Moves From Prior Games
  • Reflect (Psychic, Status, Tertiary, Gen 7, TM. Reduces damage taken by the user and their team from physical attacks by 50%.)
  • Roar (Normal, Status, Tertiary, Gen 7, TM. Forces the target to switch out for a teammate.)
  • Haze (Ice, Status, Tertiary, Gen 7, Egg Move. Resets all stat changes on the entire field.)
Presently this section is here to denote possible alternative held items but it may be updated with more information later including some actual fluff for these items.

Misc Information
  • Leftovers - (Restore 1/16 of max HP per turn.)
  • Life Orb - (Attacks do 30% more damage but lose 10% of max HP after every attack.)
  • Heavy Duty Boots - (Protects the user from the effects of hazards such as Spikes and Stealth Rock.)
  • Yache Berry - (Halves the damage from super-effective ice-type attacks once.)
  • Metronome - (The damage of a move used consecutively with itself is increased by 1.2 fold additively every turn up to a maximum of a 2 fold damage increase.)

Gender: Female

Type: Bug, Steel

Ability: Sturdy - Forretress is a tough Pokemon, built of overlapping layers of steel, chitin, and a will that allows her to withstand blows that should incapacitate her. (First faint instead puts Forretress on 1 HP. Resets if healed to full HP, applies if healed through moves like Heal Pulse or in a Pokecenter.)

Held Item: Leftovers - A small cache of leftover food for a Pokemon to snack on that grants the holder enough energy to slowly but surely mend their wounds naturally well in combat. (Restore 1/16 of max HP per turn.)

Identity: Battlefield Control & Physical Wall - Possessing a level of watchfulness that can allow her to compete with Violet's ability to see through their opponents, Forretress has bent this talent towards crafting the perfect field of battle for her comrades to shine upon.

  • Health (1)
    • Forretress' craft often requires her to withstand immense damage when preparing the field for her friends, something which she's adapted to readily as she's developed a strong life force capable of standing up to blows even from vastly stronger foes.
  • Stamina (5)
    • A rather fit Pokemon although surprisingly lacking in stamina compared to most other supports, Forretress has found this middle ground to suit her rather well as she's never found her craft to take overly long before she caps it off with a bang.
  • Attack (4)
    • Well, little used compared to her defensive capabilities in close quarters, Forretress still packs quite the punch when push comes to shove. Something she quite enjoys using for explosive surprises once she's finished her work.
  • Defence (2)
    • Boasting an almost impenetrable shell and long experienced in close-quarters combat, opponents frequently find themselves helpless when attempting to close the distance and stop Forretress as she goes about her work.
  • Special Attack (6)
    • Although not her specialty, Forretress still has some practice utilizing her elemental capabilities for key moves that are devastating in their own less obvious ways.
  • Special Defense (3)
    • Despite suffering from her kind's crippling weakness to fire, Forretress still possesses a surprisingly robust defence against elemental power even if she is still most at home in melee rather than at range.
  • Speed (7)
    • Forretress' speed is a league above her abysmal evasive capabilities but this still leaves her woefully slow. Although if you were to ask Forretress she would merely say that you can't rush an artist's craft.
  • Evasion (8)
    • Barely able to evade anything, Forretress is the definition of an easy target but she hardly seems to care as she has full confidence her tough outer shell will allow her to do what she needs to do no matter what she faces.
Core Moveset
  • Spikes (Ground, Status. Opposing Pokemon that switch in lose ⅛, ⅙ or ¼ of their max HP depending on if this move has been used one, two or three times.
    • The oldest, and most practiced tool Forretress uses to paint the field of battle in her image this move litters the ground with spikes to limit the movement of enemies, and prevent reinforcements from reaching her foes.
  • Stealth Rock (Rock, Status. Opposing Pokemon lose ⅛ of their max HP on switch in multiplied by their susceptibility of Rock-type moves.)
    • Unsatisfied with merely painting the ground, Forretress has learned to paint the air as well with a powerful field of elemental rock to completely enclose a battle in hazards and bring her canvas completely within her control.
  • Toxic Spikes (Poison, Status. Opposing Pokemon upon switch in are poisoned or badly poisoned depending on if this move has been used once or twice.)
    • Over time Forretress has incorporated a subtle but sinister twist to her classic Spikes. As she frequently mixes in spikes coated in potent toxins when painting the field of battle adding an extra layer of danger to her work for her foes.
  • Rapid Spin (Normal, Physical, Power 50, Accuracy 100. Raises the user's speed by 1, and removes the effects of trapping moves, and hazards.)
    • Where Spikes and stone are her sword when battling for her team this move is her shield as Forretress begins to rapidly spin before using her body to remove opposing hazards from the field to protect her friends and strike the enemy.
  • Pain Split (Normal, Status. The user's HP and the target's become the average of both.)
    • Pooling her life force, and connecting to her opponent's Forretress is briefly able to balance the two forces before the connection is broken healing whoever's life force is weaker at the time at the cost of whoever's life force is stronger.
  • Ice Spinner (Ice, Physical, Power 80, Accuracy 100. Removes the effects of terrain.)
    • A more complicated version of her Rapid Spin move Forretress first coats herself in icy energy before striking at her foes allowing her to calm the raging energy that fuels various terrain effects and return the field of battle to normal in the process.
  • Volt Switch (Electric, Special, Power 70, Accuracy 100. Swaps the user out after attacking.)
    • The metaphorical curtain call of her performance has Forretress briefly channel electrical energy to increase the speed of a single strike before she uses the opening caused by this to switch with an ally who can make use of her creation.
  • Protect (Normal, Status. Prevents any attacks targeted at the user from striking for one turn with +4 priority. DC to use increases by +33 per consecutive use.)
    • This move has Forretress forge a shimmering barrier of light that can be used to block all attacks made against her or shield her allies from harm in a more limited manner.
  • Explosion (Normal, Physical, Power 250, Accuracy 100. Causes the user to faint upon use.)
    • Well, Spikes may be her most practiced move this move is near and dear to Forretress' heart as she's always relished in detonating herself right on top of her foes… Often unprompted by Violet before simply walking it off.
Secondary Moveset
  • Payback (Dark, Physical, Power 50, Accuracy 100. Power doubles when the user is attacked first.)
    • A move almost perfect for Forretress as she sets her stance in preparation to receive an attack from the enemy that she'll use to return an even more devastating blow of her own.
  • Rain Dance (Water, Status. Causes the Rain weather effect for five turns.)
    • In contrast to her teammate Blissey who prefers to summon the rain through intricate dance, Forretress instead prefers to change it by will alone as she sinks deep within herself during battle to channel the same will to the task that helps grant her, her legendary durability.
  • Sunny Day (Fire, Status. Causes the Bright Sunlight weather effect for five turns.)
    • Much the same way in which she summons the rain, Forretress summons the sun by will alone although where she appears to find comfort in the rain she appears to be mildly off put by the harsh sunlight.
  • Light Screen (Psychic, Status. Reduces damage taken by the user and their team from special attacks by 50%.)
    • A long-standing weakness of Forretress' has been her resistance to elemental energy in comparison to her physical durability, something this move helps to address as it allows her to summon a gleaming wall of light that weakens all hostile elemental energy that passes through it.
  • Reflect (Psychic, Status. Reduces damage taken by the user and their team from physical attacks by 50%.)
    • The sister move of Light Screen this move serves to multiply the already immense physical durability of Forretress, and most of her comrades as it robs the strength from physical attacks delivered by her foes.
  • Helping Hand (Normal, Status. Boosts the Power of an ally's move by 50%.)
    • A simple move just as Forretress prefers but all the more powerful for it as when working in concert with one of her friends Forretress is able to bend her tremendous will towards bringing out forces above and beyond what they could ever hope to achieve on their own.
  • Toxic (Secondary. Gen 7. Learned via TM. Poison, Status, Accuracy 90. Badly poisons the target.)
    • Spewing a wave of toxins Forretress is able to poison her opponents terribly.
Tertiary Moveset
  • Magnet Rise (Electric, Status. Become immune to Ground-type moves for five turns.)
    • Channelling elemental electric energy through her body this move allows Forretress to float above the ground safe from any moves that may seek to use it to do her harm.
  • Substitute (Normal, Status. Use 25% of max HP to create a decoy that will take a hit for the user.)
    • Using the skills she's learned from crafting battlefields, Forretress is able to lay a trap for her opponents by creating a life-like recreation of herself using her life force that will temporarily confuse the opposing Pokemon into attacking it instead of those hiding in its shadow.
  • Rest (Psychic, Status. The user sleeps for 2 turns but is fully healed and cured of all status conditions.)
    • Channelling psychic energy, Forretress briefly places herself into a recovery coma so that she may mend her wounds and purge herself of harmful energy. A necessary tool in her arsenal considering the number of blows she is expected to weather.
  • Sleep Talk (Normal, Status. Perform a known move while sleeping.)
    • Beware all who think a sleeping Forretress to be an easy target for even in her sleep you will find her no less dangerous.
  • Curse (Ghost, Status. Raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1 but lowers Speed by 1.)
    • An unusual move that has Forretress channel ghost-type energy into herself which strengthens her outer shell increasing her durability as well as the amount of damage she can do but at the cost of speed as it also causes her shell to stiffen.
Forretress' list of desired moves from previous games is actually quite short being quite literally only a single move. However, she is the first example of a conditional move in the form of Sand Tomb which are moves that will only be included in the relevant Pokemon's moveset if certain conditions are met first which in this case is Forretress not being allowed to learn Toxic.

Moves From Prior Games
  • Toxic (Secondary. Gen 7. Learned via TM. Poison, Status, Accuracy 90. Badly poisons the target.)
Conditional Moves
  • Sand Tomb (Ground, Physical, Tertiary. Power 35, Accuracy 85. Traps the opponent causing them to lose ⅛ of their max health every turn for four or five turns.)
Misc Information
  • Damp Rock - (Increases the duration of Rain Dance from 5 turns to 8 turns.)
  • Heat Rock - (Increases the duration of Sunny Day from 5 turns to 8 turns.)
  • Light Clay - (Increases the duration of Light Screen and Reflect from 5 turns to 8 turns.)
  • Occa Berry - (Halves the damage from super-effective Fire-type attacks. Single use.)

Gender: Female

Type: Normal

Ability: Serene Grace - Blissey has a natural grace to everything she does, with her moves demonstrating a level of refinement that borders on beautiful. (Doubles chance of secondary move effects)

Held Item: Leftovers - A small cache of leftover food for a Pokemon to snack on that grants the holder enough energy to slowly but surely mend their wounds naturally well in combat. (Restore 1/16 of max HP per turn.)

Identity: Healer & Special Wall - The team's consummate medic Blissey specializes in team battles where she can mend the wounds of many, and be the bulwark her team needs against the elements. Only woe awaits any who underestimate her individual prowess though for all that they will find behind her kind eyes and healing hands is an unmatched master of ranged combat.

  • Health (1)
    • Well, her friends and fellow support Pokemon have adapted to protracted battle so that they can carry out their duties Blissey lives for them in a way only her species ever could and boasts the life force to match.
  • Stamina (3)
    • Possessing the truly monstrous levels of endurance that is the hallmark of her line Blissey is capable of battling for lengths of time better measured in days rather than hours.
  • Attack (8)
    • Only knowing the basics of physical combat and being reluctant to use what she does know means that Blissey's opponents have little need to worry about closing the distance with her.
  • Defence (7)
    • The price for her nigh invulnerability to the supernatural Blissey is all but unable to defend herself from mundane forces between her natural frailty against them, and her distaste for close-quarters combat.
  • Special Attack (4)
    • Well not as developed as her defensive capabilities Blissey's offensive skills at range combat have still been honed to a high level of mastery allowing her to output a surprising amount of damage.
  • Special Defense (2)
    • A master of defence at a distance Blissey has become all but immune to the supernatural such that even the hottest of infernos, sharpest of winds, coldest of blizzards, and heaviest of rocks would leave her unmarred.
  • Speed (6)
    • Faster than anyone would have the right to expect of such a Pokemon Blissey is actually quite fast when compared to her fellow support Pokemon although she still falls short of most offensive Pokemon.
  • Evasion (5)
    • Well, not her specialty it still comes as a shock to many when Blissey displays the ability to dodge moves rather than simply take them head-on as is common of her species.
Core Moveset
  • Life Dew (Water, Status. Recovers 25% of the HP of the user and their allies.)
    • Blissey's oldest and most practiced move allows her to create a mysterious water that soothes the wounds of herself and her allies. Legend says that these waters carry within them the very essence of life itself and can even bring the dead back to life if powerful enough.
  • Soft-Boiled (Normal, Status. Recovers 50% of the HP of the user.)
    • The signature move of her species allows Blissey to restore her strength by sharing in the life force that she stores in the ever-present egg she carries with her.
  • Healing Wish (Psychic, Status. Causes the user to faint but the next friendly Pokemon released to the field is fully healed.)
    • A move that has Blissey put everything into one last wish before she faints allowing the Pokemon that takes her place to be fully healed of all their ailments no matter their state. The consummate medic to the end Blissey would go out no other way.
  • Heal Bell (Normal, Status. Heals the user's party of status conditions.)
    • Releasing a soothing chime Blissey cleanses the body of her allies of all negative conditions but doesn't restore any lost strength. Historically this move has been used to mark the passage of time in towns and cities across Kanto.
  • Protect (Normal, Status. Prevents any attacks targeted at the user from striking for one turn with +4 priority. DC to use increases by +33 per consecutive use.)
    • A move that Blissey has honed deeply over time which negates all incoming attacks allowing her to envelop her allies in a shield of glimmering light so that she may guard them from whatever seeks to do them harm.
  • Snatch (Dark, Status. Steals the effect of the next status move used by opponents. Moves with +4 priority.)
    • The culmination of Blissey's mastery as a healer and ranged combatant this move allows her to wrest control of the moves of other Pokemon stealing the effects of their healing moves and their attempts to martial their strength.
  • Seismic Toss (Fighting, Physical, Power N/A, Accuracy 100. Deals damage equal to the user's level.)
Secondary Moveset
  • Rain Dance (Water, Status. Causes the Rain weather effect for five turns.)
    • This move puts Blissey's grace to use as she flows through an ancient dance said to mimic the movements of Kyogre himself to summon a heavy rain storm that boosts the power of elemental water, electricity and wind at the cost of the power of the fire and sun.
  • Light Screen (Psychic, Status. Reduces damage taken by the user and their team from special attacks by 50%.)
    • A key part of her mastery over ranged combat and a strong multiplier to her already incredible resistance to elemental energy, this move allows Blissey to create a wall of glimmering light that cuts the power of all opposing elemental energies in half.
  • Sunny Day (Fire, Status. Causes the Bright Sunlight weather effect for five turns.)
    • In contrast to the flowing and graceful moves Blissey uses to summon the rain, when summoning the light of the sun itself Blissey's moves are harsh but energetic as she mimics Groudon's fierce nature to empower elemental fire, and light at the cost of elemental water.
  • Electric Terrain (Electric, Status. Causes the terrain effect Electric Terrain.)
    • This move creates a low-lying electrical field that prevents any who enters it from falling asleep and boosts the power of elemental electricity. A devastating combination when working with Magnezone.
  • Substitute (Normal, Status. Use 25% of max HP to create a decoy that will take a hit for the user.)
    • As a medic, there are few who know the body as well as Blissey, something she uses to great effect when combined with the sometimes confounding grace of her movement in combat to trick opponents into fighting a decoy crafter from her life force.
  • Focus Blast (Fighting, Special, Power 120, Accuracy 70. Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage.)
    • Focusing the same will that allows her to battle for days on end Blissey is able to fire off a shockingly strong blast of energy.
  • Helping Hand (Normal, Status. Boosts the Power of an ally's move by 50%.)
    • Whether through lending her allies a portion of her experience in ranged combat or simply stepping in to take blows otherwise meant for them so that they can focus on their own efforts Blissey is a master at facilitating the attacks of her comrades.
  • Sing (Normal, Status, Accuracy 55. Puts the target to sleep for 1 to 3 turns.)
    • Originally learned to ease the pain of those she treats, Blissey has long since honed their beauty to a deadly edge as the short instances her songs leave her foes within the embrace of Darkrai can easily spell a foe's doom.
  • Safeguard (Primary. Gen 8. Learned via technical records. Normal, Status. Protects the user's party from status conditions.)
  • Skill Swap (Psychic, Status. The user swaps Abilities with the opponent.)
    • An unusual ability but one Blissey has nurtured nonetheless is the capability to through psychic energy trade her own graceful nature for the nature of her foes often depriving them of great power as they struggle to use her own natural abilities without her knowledge.
Tertiary Moveset
  • Gravity (Psychic, Status. Grounds Pokemon such as ones using the moves Fly, Bounce or who have the ability Levitate preventing the usage of such moves or abilities.)
    • Developed primarily to allow her to police Magneton's and Gengar's more troublesome behaviours as it's quite hard to get up to any mischief when pinned to the ground this move still has quite a bit of utility in combat.
  • Thunder Wave (Electric, Status. Paralyzes the opponent.)
    • Well, not typically her wheelhouse Blissey does have some capability with elemental electric energy and can use it to paralyze her opponents. She also says it's quite useful for immobilizing troublesome patients.
  • Sweet Kiss (Fairy, Status, Accuracy 75. Causes the target to become confused for 1 to 4 turns.
    • A tradition passed down from her family Blissey will when finished healing a patient frequently kiss their forehead as a sign of affection for they believe caring for a patient's mind is just as important as their body. However, this tactic when used on opponents can leave them quite confused in the heat of battle.
  • Heal Pulse (Psychic, Status. Restores half the target's HP.)
    • Well only used in the direst of circumstances as she prefers to heal many at once rather than one patient at a time situations do sometimes occur that demand Blissey focus all her efforts on saving but one individual.
Move From Prior Games
  • Safeguard (Primary. Gen 8. Learned via technical records. Normal, Status. Protects the user's party from status conditions.)
  • Toxic (Secondary. Gen 7. Learned via TM. Poison, Status, Accuracy 90. Badly poisons the target.)
  • Teleport (Primary. Gen 8. Learned via TM. Switches the user out with -6 priority.)
Misc Information
  • Damp Rock - (Increases the duration of Rain Dance from 5 turns to 8 turns.)
  • Heat Rock - (Increases the duration of Sunny Day from 5 turns to 8 turns.)
  • Light Clay - (Increases the duration of Light Screen and Reflect from 5 turns to 8 turns.)

Gender: Other

Type: Steel, Electric

Ability: Magnet Pull - Naturally possessing several powerful magnets Magnezone is able to exert a strong magnetic pull on other steel-type Pokemon that allows him to partly control their movements during battle. (Prevents Steel-type Pokemon from switching out or escaping.)

Held Item: Life Orb - A naturally occurring gem infused with powerful ghost-type energy this orb allows the user to sacrifice a portion of their life force to temporarily boost their physical strength and elemental might. (Attacks do 30% more damage but lose 10% of max HP after every attack.)

Identity: Special Sweeper & Physical Wall - Magnezone is an immensely powerful Pokemon in its own right possessing seemingly endless wells of elemental electric and steel energies contained within an all but impervious physical shell. But this pales in comparison to what Magnezone can accomplish when working alongside Dragonite as they complement one another perfectly allowing them to fell foes far beyond either of them.

  • Health (3)
    • Although naturally extremely resistant to damage, Magnezone's life force originally left something to be desired in battle, an issue they've worked to correct over time, and which has resulted in solid development allowing them to withstand many more blows than they would in the past.
  • Stamina (6)
    • Well not quite as vulnerable to fatigue as Dragonite, Magezone is still only capable of operating at peak efficiency for a relatively limited time and is best suited for quickly dispatching several Pokemon rather than in drawn-out battle.
  • Attack (8)
    • Having dabbled in close-quarters combat where it can make use of its great natural bulk and weight advantage Magnezone isn't incapable of defending itself in melee but it much prefers to fight from a range instead.
  • Defence (4)
    • Boasting a dense outer shell of steel Magnezone similar to Forretress possesses quite a resistance to physical damage, and although not something he's focused his training on he remains quite difficult to defeat with raw physicality alone
  • Special Attack (1)
    • Magnezone is undeniably the single hardest-hitting member of the team edging out even Dragonite for the title in duels although its single-minded focus does leave them struggling when dealing with large quantities of weaker opponents.
  • Special Defense (5)
    • Almost as great as its natural defence against physical forces is Magnezone's resistance to elemental energy as its shell naturally reinforced with elemental steel energy serves to insulate it against elemental attacks.
  • Speed (2)
    • Violet has long demanded great speed from her offensive Pokemon, something Magnezone has had to work hard for due to the naturally sluggish nature of their species but which has paid off to great effect as they now naturally outpace most peers.
  • Evasion (7)
    • Well, Magnezone has worked to overcome its naturally lower speed through time, and effort its skills at evasion have been left to the wayside leaving it sorely lacking in this area compared to its peers.
Core Moveset
  • Zap Cannon (Electric, Special, Power 120, Accuracy 50. Paralyzes the target if it hits.)
    • Gathering an immense amount of elemental electric energy, and condensing it to an incredible degree Magnezone is able to create an immensely powerful attack that it can launch at high speeds to damage, and paralyze opponents.
  • Flash Cannon (Steel, Special, Power 80, Accuracy 100. Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1.)
    • By far its most practiced move Magnezone passes electrical energy between the magnets on its sides generating an intense electromagnetic field which it then deposits a solid core of elemental steel-type energy into creating a brief but fierce blast and searing light it uses to strike the enemy.
  • Volt Switch (Electric, Special, Power 70, Accuracy 100. Swaps the user out after attacking.)
    • As Magnezone's primary means of disengagement, this move allows it to briefly enhance its movements with electricity so that it can strike the enemy with a parting shot before using its enhanced speed to swap positions with a team member.
  • Rest (Psychic, Status. The user sleeps for 2 turns but is fully healed.)
    • Channeling its elemental powers Magnezone is able to briefly place itself into a recovery mode where the elemental steel energy in its body can repair the damage it has taken although it is left vulnerable while doing so.
  • Sleep Talk (Normal, Status. Perform a known move while sleeping.)
    • Although still more vulnerable than when it is able to bring its full attention to bear in a battle Magnezone has trained itself to be capable of splitting its attention so that it may put up at least some resistance when recovering.
Secondary Moveset
  • Protect (Normal, Status. Prevents any attacks targeted at the user from striking for one turn with +4 priority. DC to use increases by +33 per consecutive use.)
    • A standard move on Violet's team due to its ability to parry desperate moves by her enemies Magnezone like his comrades has learned to summon the shimmering barrier of Protect with quite some skill.
  • Magnet Rise (Electric, Status. Become immune to Ground-type moves for five turns.)
    • Generating a strong magnetic field using the elemental electricity running through its body, and the magnets on its shell, Magneton is able to levitate for a short amount of time to evade elemental ground attacks, one of its few weaknesses.
  • Electric Terrain (Electric, Status. Causes the terrain effect Electric Terrain.)
    • Transferring a portion of its natural elemental electricity generation to the ground Magnezone can briefly electrify it allowing it to re-absorb this power during battle to enhance the power of future attacks.
  • Light Screen (Psychic, Status. Reduces damage taken by the user and their team from special attacks by 50%.)
    • Compensating for its relative weakness to elemental energies Magneton is able to create a glowing screen of light which is able to reduce the power of all hostile elemental energies that touch it for a short time.
  • Reflect (Secondary. Gen 8. Learned via TM. Psychic, Status. Reduces damage taken by the user and their team from physical attacks by 50% for 5 turns.)
  • Mirror Coat (When hit by a Special Attack strike back with twice the Power.)
    • A relatively uncommon move where Magneton willingly accepts the energy from an elemental attack into its body taking the full brunt of its force in the process but allowing it to co-opt the energy inside to create a devastating counterattack.
Tertiary Moveset
  • Lock-On (Normal, Status. The user's next attack is guaranteed to hit.)
    • Taking the time to properly calibrate its aim before firing its next attack allows Magnezone to ensure that it will hit no matter what. If that means the attack will do anything when it does hit though is a separate matter.
  • Explosion (Normal, Physical, Power 250, Accuracy 100. Causes the user to faint upon use.)
    • Although rarely used Magnezone has become a pupil of Forretress' in the art of explosions allowing it to deliver a devastating final blow before fainting in the right conditions.
  • Iron Defense (Steel, Status. Raises the user's Defense by two stages.)
    • Adding extra elemental steel energy to its outer steel shell Magnezone is able to empower its defenses greatly.
  • Substitute (Normal, Status. Use 25% of max HP to create a decoy that will take a hit for the user.)
    • A move that creates a decoy of the user at the cost of a portion of their life force.
Moves From Prior Games
  • Reflect (Secondary. Gen 8. Learned via TM. Psychic, Status. Reduces damage taken by the user and their team from physical attacks by 50% for 5 turns.)
Alternative Held Items
  • Leftovers - (Restore 1/16 of max HP per turn.)
  • Light Clay - (Increases the duration of Light Screen and Reflect from 5 turns to 8 turns.)
  • Magnet - (Holder's Electric-type attacks deal 1.2-fold increased damage.)
  • Metal Coat - (Holder's Steel-type attacks deal 1.2-fold increased damage.)
  • Occa Berry - (Halves the damage from super-effective Fire-type attacks. Single use.)

Gender: Male

Type: Dark

Ability: Synchronize - Having taken on the aspects of the moon with their evolution Umbreons have long been said to be able to reflect all harm done upon them upon their attacker. Something which has only been proven partially untrue over the centuries as Umbreons can reflect any ailments they suffer upon those who seek to do them hard using dark-type energy. (When an opponent inflicts a Burn, Paralysis or Poison upon Umbreon the opponent will also be affected by the same status condition.)

Held Item: Leftovers - A small cache of leftover food for a Pokemon to snack on that grants the holder enough energy to slowly but surely mend their wounds naturally well in combat. (Restore 1/16 of max HP per turn.)

Identity: Vanguard & Support - Although not the most observant or technically most intelligent of Violet's Pokemon Umbreon is by far the most strategic, and forward-thinking. Combined with his species' general ruggedness he naturally slots into the role of second in command and vanguard of Violet's team where he can assess the enemy and pave the way for the rest of the team.

  • Health (1)
    • Boasting a strong life force second to only Blissey's on the team Umbreon is more than able to weather a storm of blows from a peer well he looks to create openings for his team.
  • Stamina (4)
    • Prolonged wars of attrition have never been Umbreon's style and well willing to wait long periods for opportunities to carry out a winning strategy he's not one to rest on his laurels content with a stalemate instead preferring to take action to force mistakes when they will not appear naturally.
  • Attack (7)
    • Naturally mediocre on the offence in a melee Umbreon's lack of focus on this in training so that he may focus on other methods that better support his team has led to an underwhelming potential for physical violence.
  • Defence (2)
    • Possessing an extreme resistance to physical damage similar to that of Magnezone, Umbreon is more than capable of defending himself in close-quarters combat.
  • Special Attack (6)
    • Although slightly better at range than up close, Umbreon and Violet's lack of investment in his offensive capabilities has still left him rather toothless in this aspect as well.
  • Special Defense (3)
    • Rounding out his generalist defensive profile Umbreon boasts an even greater resistance to elemental energies than he does physical forces allowing him to in concert with his strong life force weather almost any blow with ease so long as he is not utterly outmatched.
  • Speed (5)
    • Naturally taken to a calm and calculated style of battle, Umbreon frequently struggles with speed finding himself overwhelmed at points by the pace of some opponents. Although experience and dedicated training has left these events few and far between nowadays as he's now only slightly slower than most Pokemon.
  • Evasion (8)
    • A mountain of battle experience has allowed Umbreon to consistently keep his ability to dodge attacks ahead of his speed as he's constantly able to read his opponents' tactics and strategies providing him with notable evasion capabilities but nothing amazing.
Core Moveset
  • Wish (Normal, Status. Restores the HP of the Pokemon in the position of the user of the move when it was used by 50% of the user's max HP the turn after it is cast.)
    • Briefly reaching out with his life force, Umbreon is able to stimulate local production of life force which will build up in the area until it overflows producing an invisible healing pulse. But due to the invisible nature of this process and its miracle-like effect much to Umbreon's annoyance the move has been titled Wish by humans despite its almost agonizing complexity for the user.
  • Refresh (Normal, Status. Cures Paralysis, Poison, and Burns affecting the user.)
    • Using his mastery over his life force Umbreon is able to forcefully flush his body in battle to disperse most ailments and leave himself refreshed. Although the move does nothing for bodily injuries.
  • Work Up (Primary. Gen 8. Learned via TR. Normal, Status. Raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 1.)
    • Stimulating and guiding his internal production of lifeforce Umbreon is able to temporarily empower his body, and mind allowing him to hit harder than he otherwise would.
  • Baton Pass (Normal, Status. Causes the user to switch out for another Pokemon and passes on any stat changes as well.)
    • Utilizing his master of command, and his own internal energies Umbreon is able to transfer the energies affecting his body as well as position in battle to another member of his team to devastating results for the enemy.
  • Taunt (Dark, Status, Accuracy 100. Prevents the target from using status moves for three turns.)
    • A combination of verbal harassment, physical disruption, and subtle manipulations of his dark-type energy allow Umbreon to disrupt the more delicate and esoteric uses of energy on the field of battle providing his team with a significant advantage.
  • Detect (Dark, Status. Prevents any moves that target the user from striking them for the duration of the turn with +4 priority.)
    • Having been born with the ability to supernaturally but briefly enhance his senses with dark-type energies has honed this move to an incredible degree through training, and use in combat allowing him to utilize it multiple times in quick succession to evade even long series of attacks.
  • Mean Look (Normal, Status. The target can not swap out or flee. There is no time limit on this.)
    • Careful manipulation of his body language and subtle manipulation of the life force of himself as well as his opponent allows Umbreon to mentally trap the opponents he battles, preventing them from fleeing or swapping places with their comrades during battle.
  • Payback (Dark, Physical, Power 50, Accuracy 100. Power doubles when the user is attacked first.)
Secondary Moveset
  • Charm (Fairy, Status, Accuracy 100. Lowers the target's Attack by 2.)
    • Adapt at manipulating the psychology of his opponents Umbreon is capable of garnering sympathy, and kindness from even those he faces in battle causing them to pull their punches when fighting in melee even if they are not aware of it themselves.
  • Snarl (Dark, Special, Power 55, Accuracy 95. Lowers the target's Special Attack by 1.)
    • Lacing a brief snarl with dark-type energy to damage the hearing of his opponent but this is merely meant to conceal the subtle amount of dark-type energy Umbreon sneaks into the opponent's body with this move allowing him to disrupt their ability to use elemental energy in a minor but impactful manner.
  • Rain Dance (Water, Status. Causes the Rain weather effect for five turns.)
    • Manipulating the local elemental water-type energy in the atmosphere with his life force, Umbreon is able to encourage further production of the energy creating a localized rain storm for a brief duration.
  • Sunny Day (Fire, Status. Causes the Bright Sunlight weather effect for five turns.)
    • Similarly to his method for creating a localized rain storm, Umbreon is able to calm local conditions and create a sunny day by encouraging the generation of elemental fire-type energy in the atmosphere.
  • Toxic (Poison, Status, Accuracy 90. Badly poisons the target.)
    • Using his mastery of life force Umbreon transforms a portion of ambient energy into an incredibly toxic dose of elemental poison-type energy which upon contacting his opponent badly poisons them.
  • Helping Hand (Normal, Status. Boosts the Power of an ally's move by 50%.)
    • With the help of his strategic mind, supernatural senses, and ability to disrupt the movements of the enemy Umbreon is quite adept at ensuring the moves of his team hit for maximum impact when
  • Psychic (Psychic, Special, Power 90, Accuracy 100. Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1. Can be used to contest psychic trainers preventing them from using their abilities.)
    • Developed alongside Violet in order to counter psychics this move sees little actual use in battle but its significant utility in the defense of the minds of his team ensures that Umbreon keeps the move sharp.
  • Light Screen (Psychic, Status. Reduces damage taken by the user and their team from special attacks by 50%.)
    • Creating a screen of light with the power of his mind, Umbreon is able to reduce the strength of elemental energy that attempts to strike him.
  • Reflect (Psychic, Status. Reduces damage taken by the user and their team from physical attacks by 50%.)
    • Similar to how he defends against elemental energy Umbreon is able to create a reflective plane of light that reduces the strength of physical blows which seek to do him harm.
  • Substitute (Normal, Status. Use 25% of max HP to create a decoy that will take hits for the user.)
    • A master of psychological warfare, and body language, Umbreon has little trouble with confounding his opponents with tricks and decoys that can take attacks in place of himself or his teammates.
  • Snatch (Dark, Status. Steals the effect of the next status move used by opponents. Moves with +4 priority.)
    • Reading the intentions of his opponent Umbreon sets up a trap with this move that allows him to use his dark-type energy to steal the next move his opponent uses so that he may turn it against them.
Tertiary Moveset
  • Sleep Talk (Normal, Status. Perform a known move while sleeping.)
    • Long years of battle have left Umbreon constantly on guard, allowing him to defend himself even when in deep slumber.
  • Yawn (Normal, Status. Makes the target Drowsy causing them to fall asleep for 1 to 3 turns if they're still on the field the next turn.)
    • Utilizing life force Umbreon is able to subtly enhance feelings of sympathetic tiredness in his opponents when he yawns causing them to briefly fall asleep during battle.
  • Foul Play (Dark, Physical, Power 95, Accuracy 100. Uses the target's Attack stat when calculating damage instead of the user's.)
    • Fully aware of his strengths, and weaknesses, Umbreon long ago devised a way to bypass his own lacking strength in a melee by using the strength of his opponents against them in his own attacks.
  • Pursuit (Dark, Physical, Power 40, Accuracy 100. Gains +7 priority, and deals double damage if the opponent is switching out.)
    • Trained since childhood to hunt down and pick off fleeing opponents, Umbreon can make any attempts to avoid combat with him rather than standing your ground a deadly prospect.
  • Confuse Ray (Ghost, Status, Accuracy 100. Causes the target to become Confused.)
    • Making use of ghost-type elemental energy Umbreon is able to briefly able to inflict the confusion of the lost and the damned upon his opponents.
  • Thunder Wave (Electric, Status. Paralyzes the opponent.)
    • Releasing a wave of debilitating elemental electricity, Umbreon paralyzes his opponent to inhibit their movements.
Moves From Prior Games
  • Heal Bell (Primary. Gen 7. Learned via Move Tutor. Normal, Status. Heals the user's party of status conditions.)
  • Work Up (Primary. Gen 8. Learned via TR. Normal, Status. Raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by 1.)
Misc Information
  • Damp Rock - (Increases the duration of Rain Dance from 5 turns to 8 turns.)
  • Heat Rock - (Increases the duration of Sunny Day from 5 turns to 8 turns.)
  • Light Clay - (Increases the duration of Light Screen and Reflect from 5 turns to 8 turns.)

Gender: Male

Type: Ghost, Poison

Ability: Levitate - (Makes the users immune to Ground-type attacks.)

Held Item: Life Orb - (Attacks do 30% more damage but lose 10% of max HP after every attack.)

Identity: Anti-Sweeper & Special Sweeper -

  • Health (5)
  • Stamina (8)
  • Attack (7)
  • Defence (6)
  • Special Attack (2)
  • Special Defense (4)
  • Speed (1)
  • Evasion (3)
Core Moveset
  • Mean Look (Normal, Status. Target can not switch out or flee.)
  • Perish Song (Normal, Status. Any Pokemon in play when this move is used will faint in three turns.)
  • Destiny Bond (Ghost, Status. When the user of this move faints whoever dealt the final blow will faint as well.)
  • Curse (Ghost, Status. Uses 50% of the max HP of the user but in exchange causes the target to lose 25% of their max HP per turn. Will still take effect even if the move knocks out the user.)
  • Hex (Ghost, Special, Power 65, Accuracy 100. If the target is affected by a major status ailment the Power of this move is doubled.)
  • Sludge Wave (Poison, Special, Power 95, Accuracy 100, AOE. Has a 10% chance to poison the target.)
  • Will-O-Wisp (Fire, Status, Accuracy 85. Burns the target causing them to lose ⅛ of their max HP per turn, and halves their Attack.)
  • Protect (Normal, Status. Prevents any attacks targeted at the user from striking for one turn with +4 priority. DC to use increases by +33 per consecutive use.)
Secondary Moveset

  • Substitute (Normal, Status. Use 25% of max HP to create a decoy that will take a hit for the user.)
  • Taunt (Dark, Status, Accuracy 100. Prevents the target from using status moves for three turns.)
  • Disable (Normal, Status, Accuracy 100. Causes the last used move by the target to become unusable for 1 to 8 turns.)
  • Encore (Normal, Status, Accuracy 100. Forces the target to use their most recently used move for 3 turns.)
  • Clear Smog (Poison, Special, Power 50. Removes all stat changes from the target.)
  • Sleep Talk (Normal, Status. Perform a known move while sleeping.)
  • Hypnosis (Psychic, Status, Accuracy 60. Puts the target to sleep for 1 to 3 turns.)
  • Dream Eater (Psychic, Special, Power 100, Accuracy 100. Only works on sleeping targets but heals the user for 50% of damage dealt.)
  • Toxic (Poison, Status, Accuracy 90. Badly poisons the target.)
Tertiary Moveset
  • Haze (Ice, Status, AOE. Reset all stat changes.)
Moves from Other Games
  • Corrosive Gas (Secondary. Gen 8. Learned via Move Tutor. Poison, Status, Accuracy 100. Destroys the held item of the target.)
  • Explosion (Primary. Gen 7. Learned via TM. Normal, Physical, Power 250, Accuracy 100. Causes the user to faint upon use.)
  • Infestation (Tertiary. Gen 7. Learned via TM. Bug, Special, Power 20, Accuracy 100. Causes the target to lose ⅛ of their max HP per turn for 4 to 5 turns.)
  • Focus Blast (Tertiary. Gen 7. Learned via TM. Fighting, Special, Power 120, Accuracy 70. Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by 1 stage.)
  • Pain Split (Primary. Gen 7. Learned via Move Tutor. Normal, Status. The user's HP and the target's become the average of both.)
  • Endure (Primary. Conditional on the allowance of Pain Split.)
Misc Information
  • Bright Powder - (Multiplies the opponent's accuracy by zero point nine.)

Gender: Male

Type: Psychic, Water

Ability: Regenerator - Able to naturally heal injuries during battle, Slowbro can be quite the problematic opponent. (Heals 33% of his max HP when switching out)

Held Item: Leftovers - A small cache of leftover food for a Pokemon to snack on that grants the holder enough energy to slowly but surely mend their wounds naturally well in combat. (Restore 1/16 of max HP per turn.)

Identity: Flex Support & Sweeper -

  • Health (1)
  • Stamina (6)
  • Attack (5)
  • Defence (2)
  • Special Attack (3)
  • Special Defense (4)
  • Speed (7)
  • Evasion (8)
Core Moveset
  • Future Sight (Psychic, Special, Power 120, Accuracy 100. Hits the opponent the turn after it is cast.)
  • Slack Off (Normal, Status. Recover's fifty percent of the user's max HP.)
  • Hydro Pump (Water, Special, Power 110, Accuracy 70. Has no special effects.)
  • Teleport (Psychic, Status. Switches the user out with -6 Priority.)
Secondary Moveset
  • Iron Defense (Steel, Status. Raises the user's Defense by two stages.)
  • Amnesia (Psychic, Status. Raises the user's Special Defense by two stages.)
  • Rain Dance (Water, Status. Causes the Rain weather effect for five turns.)
  • Protect (Normal, Status. Prevents any attacks targeted at the user from striking for one turn with +4 priority. DC to use increases by +33 per consecutive use.)
  • Block (Normal, Status. Opponent cannot flee or switch.)
Tertiary Moveset
  • Body Press (Fighting, Physical, Power 80, Accuracy 100. Uses the user's Defense to calculate damage rather than Attack.)
  • Nasty Plot (Dark, Status. Raises the user's Special Attack by two stages.)
  • Light Screen (Psychic, Status. Reduces damage taken by the user and their team from special attacks by 50%.)
  • Blizzard (Ice, Special, Power 110, Accuracy 70, AOE. Has a ten percent chance of freezing targets.)

Future Pokemon
  • Eighth Slot - Breloom (Alternative Machamp)
    • Identity - Physical Sweeper, Disrupter & Drain Tank

And, before I sign off I would just like to note that Dragonite, and Blissey learning Fire Blast rather than Focus Blast was a mistake on my part. I had actually already finalized their movesets before that vote but for some reason, I accidentally voted for Fire Blast from an earlier version of their movesets rather than Focus Blast. It's not a big deal but it is kind of an annoying partial waste of a reward.

Regardless, thank you for reading my post, and I hope you enjoyed a glimpse of World Champion Violet's team.
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