It is also worth remembering that All Might was All Might, Pillar of Peace while Endeavor was going to Hero School.

It is entirely possible that there is some file out there publicly available that has All Might's civid on it, but no one knows to look.
[X][Counseling] Light
[X][Book] Quirk Analysis Notebook #1
[X][Book] Quirk Counseling Book #1

Studying your own quirk is necessarily separate and unique from studying that of others. You have much more capacity to test the specific limits and interactions, along with autonomic instincts that can be felt. You know whats the quirk and whats a learned skill.

You'd need a whole book to yourself. More as you develop techniques that aren't just the quirk.

I vote the same as veekie, I like his reasoning.
[X][Book] Quirk Counseling Book #1

[X][Counseling] Gravity

Didn't the narration and dialogue in some of the early chapters imply if not outright state that many of the details of All Might's life and quirk were unknown? I'll admit that keeping OFA a state supported secret would be much simpler and easier than Toshinori himself working to avoid the big secret getting out.

Then again, early installment weirdness is a thing.
You don't need to apologise, you helped me, I did as you told and everything went fine.
Did I sent a wrong impression?
I'm accustomed to people being sarcastic, that's all. Though I should probably vote myself anyway...

[X][Counseling] Gravity

No opinion on the book name myself, but Izuku finding out more about his ability to determine which way is 'down' feels very helpful.
I'm…pretty sure there are no such thing as Heroes allowed to keep secret identities in Japan. They're all officially recorded in government and school databases. While true that there are underground heroes that don't build agencies, even ones like Eraserhead have a public identity.

We see how Heroes who don't have their identities public are treated in the prequel manga. They're Vigilantes and one step away from being arrested on a good day. Certifably illegal.
Just because there is a file on their civ identities doesn't mean its public. IIRC some gov agents like swat teams wear masks to protect their identities from criminals.
I think there's one last question that Izuku needs to ask, but I don't know if he'd think to do so in this first session:

How do I make friends?
[X][Book] Quirk Counseling Book #1
[X][Counseling] Light

Sundrop's abilities are wildly versatile as she is capable of reaching levels of strength enough to hold up collapsing buildings, or is capable of reaching speeds faster than twice the speed of sound when relegating all 'drops' to a single attribute.

Wow, sounds like she could give All Might a run for his money.

Laughs in Lady Nagant and Hawks being the HPSC's personal hitmen.

Perhaps the HSPC does not consider villains and corrupted heroes to be 'people'

And yes, there's the slight possibility that she does it in the buff, but get your mind out of the gutter.

Not on the roof. Helicopters are a thing. Imagine if some paparazzi got a pic of Sundrop au natural? That's the sorta thing that'll put a serious crimp in your career, particularly since she works with children when she's got her Quirk Counselor hat on.

I also had this thought, but Captain Kuro has black hair and no beard, this HPSC guy has brown hair and one beard.

Could be a disguise

The least common type of Meta Quirk are Replication type quirks, that allow for a user to replicate the abilities of those around them.

No wonder Monoma is so insufferable! He has an Ultra Rare Quirk type and he knows it!

I bet David Shield will want to try to see if Melissa has a dormant quirk if he ever hears of the Aldera incident. Even if we know she is Quirkless. unless Lunaryon has plans.

Or Melissa will herself contemplate formulating a dose of Trigger to see if it would do the same for her. She's very smart and I-Island probably has somewhere she can access that has the needed equipment. All she needs is the formula and ingredients. David may wind up talking her down from trying it, citing numerous unknown variables that could have influenced Izuku's... ignition, such as contaminants in that particular batch of Trigger, environmental factors, diet, genetic predisposition, etc.

This sounds hilarious. Her power (given that it can do things like blind people and redirect lasers) should eventually allow her to be invisible even to Izuku's enhanced senses with some effort...but not at its starting level, so we should get the opportunity for embarrassment/hilarity before she learns to do that.

Heh, when Izuku first walks into the Class 1-A classroom he spots Hagakure and is smitten by that beautiful angel sitting at the desk. Then the first heroics lesson and he spots her in her (lack of)costume and averts his eyes
Izuku: "Hagakure-san, you, you forgot to put on your costume!"

what even IS normal in MHA world?

In the world of My Hero Academia, being abnormal is normal and being normal is abnormal.

EDIT FROM READING MORE COMMENTS: and sure, we technically don't know IC if Izuku had a dormant/invisible quirk or not. We should just say that: we don't know, and we're sure the Hero Commission will proceed to test the various hypotheses, and if not them then hospitals or universities

Don't forget, he has the extra toe joint that the Doctor said was a sure sign that he was Quirkless.
Izuku: "What if the extra toe joint doesn't actually mean what we think it means? How many children have been misdiagnosed as Quirkless because of it when there was actually something else going on that prevented their Quirk from manifesting?"

I mean, isn't All Might actually pretty rich?

With all the merch he's got and the inevitable product endorsements, I would expect so, unless he donates it all to charity.
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No wonder Monoma is so insufferable! He has an Ultra Rare Quirk type and he knows it!
Actually, he's insufferable for the opposite reason:

He considers himself no better than a side character in his own life. He basically considers himself useless unless those around him are at their best, so he attacks 1-A so they will push 1-B (aka his classmates and friends) to be better, because he feels like he can't help them himself.

Edit (so I'm not double posting, despite the intervening hours):

Honestly, the best thing for Monoma would probably be if he started playing at being everyone's Dark Link/Mimic Tear. Put the whole "evil twin" schtick on in full force, get his classmates to realize the weaknesses in their own strategies by forcing them to exploit their own weaknesses to beat him, and help them better themselves like that.

If he did this, people would probably respect him a whole lot more, and likely be willing to let him copy their powers.

Of course, I don't remember how his copy ability works, so I'm basically thinking of him like a (probably-fanon interpretation of a) Shadow Clone*, or Shirou Emiya with his Tracing.

The Naruto fanfic moment I remembered that sparked this whole thought was one where Naruto is made to summon some clones, then spend an hour running through a moderately lethal obstacle course while only allowed to use a sword to deflect incoming kunai and shuriken. Afterwards, he obliterates the clones made before the test, because they don't have his new knowledge of spatial awareness, blade length, and a few other things he kinda instinctively learned through the experience.
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Actually, he's insufferable for the opposite reason:

He considers himself no better than a side character in his own life. He basically considers himself useless unless those around him are at their best, so he attacks 1-A so they will push 1-B (aka his classmates and friends) to be better, because he feels like he can't help them himself.

This is substantially correct as far as I remember, yeah. He thinks that because his quirk requires other people to work he is somehow less worthy which is yet another example of the really toxic culture all these characters have been brought up in.

Edit (so I'm not double posting, despite the intervening hours):

Honestly, the best thing for Monoma would probably be if he started playing at being everyone's Dark Link/Mimic Tear. Put the whole "evil twin" schtick on in full force, get his classmates to realize the weaknesses in their own strategies by forcing them to exploit their own weaknesses to beat him, and help them better themselves like that.

If he did this, people would probably respect him a whole lot more, and likely be willing to let him copy their powers.

I'm pretty sure he does this, if a bit less melodramatically? Like, the other people in Class 1-B all seem to actually like him decently well, be willing to associate with him, and willingly provide him with powers in team exercises. His issues, while very real, mostly only come to the fore in really obvious fashion when dealing with Class 1-A, and while the other people in 1-B don't put up with him doing dumb stuff in regards to 1-A, they seem to mostly treat his issues as a failing in someone who they are otherwise pretty friendly with.

Of course, I don't remember how his copy ability works, so I'm basically thinking of him like a (probably-fanon interpretation of a) Shadow Clone*, or Shirou Emiya with his Tracing.

I'm not really sure what you're saying here? He duplicates only Quirks, not any skills (and not any power pools either, if the quirk requires one), and can only hold them for 10 minutes before he has to touch the target again and refresh. On the other hand, he can hold four at a time (though he can only use one at a time, he can switch in an instant though). Honestly, on an actual hero team his Quirk is overpowered bullshit and the guy needs serious therapy to help him realize that.
I'm not really sure what you're saying here? He duplicates only Quirks, not any skills (and not any power pools either, if the quirk requires one), and can only hold them for 10 minutes before he has to touch the target again and refresh. On the other hand, he can hold four at a time (though he can only use one at a time, he can switch in an instant though). Honestly, on an actual hero team his Quirk is overpowered bullshit and the guy needs serious therapy to help him realize that.
Yeah, that's what I was saying. I couldn't remember what his Quirk's abilities/restrictions were, so my thought process was entirely based on Shadow Clones from Naruto and Shirou Emiya, both of which act more like a Mimic Tear from Elden Ring, or a Ditto from Pokémon—and all of which work very differently from what you've just said are his abilities and restrictions. So, yeah. Thank you for the correction!
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Lunaryon on Mar 6, 2023 at 9:47 PM, finished with 142 posts and 48 votes.
why wouldn't you just check the mha wiki if you're not sure how a quirk works?
Because I'm autistic, and very much a steam of thought kinda guy. Taking a minute to check the wiki would have deleted the entire thought from my mind, so I just went with what I had.

Plus, morning brain was a factor. (I didn't think about the wiki)

Looks like Light beat out Gravity. Ah well, next time. Glad to see we went with the Counselor book, though! I want my Wasteland Survival Guide Quirk Analysis Notebook perk to be all in on the Learning side, because we've got to know our Quirk to use it as a Hero, and Knowing is Half the Battle! (⁠.⁠ ⁠✷⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ✷⁠.⁠)