"Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, furred and feathered friends alike both in here and out across the world, welcome. Good evening, and Welcome to the Night Watch,"

I think this will be more International than what Izuku originally thought. Anyone that watches this Internationally will also be seeing this and everything Izuku says.
And that might include Flect Tur and his global cult Humarise(that is if this is canon to this story).

And If this is an International interview? Oh boy will things get out of hand in the future.
Is izuku able to see Hagakure given he can see different spectrums of light from the description?
Is izuku able to see Hagakure given he can see different spectrums of light from the description?
Probably somewhere in the infrared, since I'm assuming her power wouldn't want to fuck with her capacity for temperature regulation too much... at least as a default. Her power can go active rather than passive, at which point she could probably hide that as well, but that would take effort and training. The fact that she can see with invisible eyes is proof her quirk can act as a really clever intermediary.

And human beings look wonky in that part of the spectrum and it wouldn't just be an overlay for her.

On the plus side, she is probably the one person who doesn't have to worry about cancer if he gets sloppy.
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Aren't you Curious Part 2
Finally, a familiar musical piece starts to play, and you can hear the cheering as Mrs. Kizuki walks on stage. "Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, furred and feathered friends alike both in here and out across the world, welcome. Good evening, and Welcome to the Night Watch," Mrs. Kizuki says, which makes sense that her show doesn't actually air till nine at night, but it isn't even four in the afternoon yet. "I'm your host, Chitose Kizuki and we've quite a line up of headlines and special guests for the evening." She says cheerfully, "So let's begin."

A click, and the soft buzz of a waking, warming screen echoes out through the massive underground lab as an elderly old man smiles, leaning back in his chair, one hand petting the creature at his side. There is much to do, that is true, but even the most terrible of forces in the world understands the fact that all work and no play makes Johnny a dull, dull boy.

All across Japan, and yet even further reaching out towards the other nations across the world televisions begin to click on one by one, either watching the show live, or recording the episode for later watching.

Even more are simply waiting for later that night, when the important individual scenes are going to arrive up on the internet. By viewership, Chitose Kizuki's Night Watch is among the most watched programs the world over, with an average nightly viewer count in the hundred and thirty millions. The blue skinned woman begins her nightly news segment the way that she always does, giving a brief recap of the major world news events in a quick fire fashion, covering the broadest strokes of the whats and the whys.

A typhoon hitting the coast of West Africa, and the ways that the South African Alliance was working to hire heroes for Search and Rescue and clean up in the wake of the destruction.

Rumors of a small town in eastern Europe seeing an increase in religious based immigration.

I-Island beginning to prepare for the yearly Island Tech Show.

There are a handful other stories, but the one story that manages to catch the ear of the old scientist is a quick summary.

A young quirkless boy, injected with Trigger, which caused him to develop a quirk of his own.

Even better, Chitose says that she has the boy, one Izuku Midoriya here to speak with her tonight.



There is something about that name that is familiar to the old man, but he can't place it, he can't recall it. No matter, he has much to do, and there are only so many days under the sun. The old man must prepare, his benefactor's plans are starting to come together, and it would be a shame if everything wasn't ready by the time that the curtains start to rise on the final act...

Elsewhere in Japan...

A young girl leans back, hands wrapped tight around her favorite Mooshroom plushie as she watches the interview starting on screen. There are so many things running through the girl's head, even as she pushes a few strands of hair out from in front of her eyes.

The one thought that she dare not say aloud, not where her parents might hear her at the very least is a simple thought. He's cute. She watches as the young boy sits there, clearly nervous but unwilling to back down from even the most intrusive of questions. Questions that seem to imply all sorts of nasty things are casually and almost accidentally deflected away as Izuku Midoriya speaks with an honesty and a kindness in his voice.

This boy was attacked at school just because he was different from the other kids. He was looked down on and picked on not for having a seemingly villainous quirk, but instead having no quirk at all. They belittled and dismissed him as not even being a person.

Kinoko quietly wonders just what kind of kid that boy is, if only because of the way that he smiles so kindly, always willing to give people a second chance, even asking that people not look into the boy who changed his body and gave him a quirk because going after the perpetrator is pointless when he is already in custody.

This boy is kind.

Still yet further away...

In a small village out in the wilds of Scandinavia, a group of farmers glance away from the controls of the farming machines and towards the screen, watching and reading with a quiet wonder as the young man speaks of the things that he went through being quirkless in Japan, the way that he was treated by his year mates, and the ways that the teachers all looked the other way when it came to him. Izuku Midoriya did not paint a happy picture of Japanese school life...

But each of the farmers had long since already known that Japanese culture around schools was something to be avoided. One just had to look at the thousands upon thousands of light novels that were set in high school compared to those set anywhere else, as if the most useless years of a person's life was a great albatross around the necks of the Japanese people.

"That's kind of fucked up." One of the two farmers says, and the other just snorts, shaking his head.

"No shit." The other says. "I've said it before, and I'll say it again."

The first man groans, but there is a hint of a smile on his face, even as he matches the first man's tones, the words so perfectly overlapping as to all but not even have a harmony.

"Japan and their obsession with Quirks will be their downfall." The two say at once, and the second man just nods. "It's better to stay here, far and away from all of that nonsense."

"Speaking of that nonsense," The first man says, glancing out over the farms. Did you hear about Olivia and her baby?"

"Kid's cute enough." The second man agrees. "Think the green of his skin clashes horribly with that ugly sweater that she keeps putting him in." Far and away from Japan there are places in the world where Quirks were by far still the outlier compared to the over ninety percent saturation that Japan held, and Scandinavia was one such place. A place distant and removed from the fighting between heroes and villains, where law was in the hands of the police, and crime was far less prominent.

There are those who said that the rise of the Superhuman society has done much damage to the order of the world, and there are times when one might see those places where the Superhuman society has yet to quite reach it's fingers to see that there may very well be truth to this statement.
I wonder if this means Kinoko will approach us later if she sees us somewhere.

The farmers saying the exact same thing together the exact same way is ominous.

Hope Curious isn't taking the rebuttal personally.
I know this section was kind of short, but I wanted to actually get something out after being stuck on this part for so long.
I think it's implied that the second guy has said that thing a whole bunch of times to the point where his friend knows the guy's stance by heart.
Aye. My family has phrases that we've heard repeated so often that I can give one of my cousins a Look and we can chant, verbatim, any of like ten different speeches his mom has given us over the years on a myriad of different subjects from religion to politics to economics, etc.

This seems very much in line with that.
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I began to read that update with somewhat a delay and then thought it's Usagi Quest update and "Why the update starts with Dark Kingdom plot?"

But nice bit of world-building.
You have no idea how thrilled I am to see side characters even briefly being de-sidecharicterized. The cast of MHA is fascinating but with the amount of time most of them are given them may as well be cardboard cutouts.