[X][Mutation] Head Empty

Switching to this. The ones with pupils just look dumb.

Edit: Normal eyes with a hair mutation works too
[X][Mutation] Blonde
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[X][Mutation] Current
[X][Mutation] White Burst
[X][Mutation] Blue Starburst
[X][Mutation] Head Empty
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Tbh i was hoping more for something like this as his transformation with his qurik got trough but its alright expect i dont like the empty head personal preference.
[X][Mutation] Blonde

I love it

[X][Mutation] Head Empty

Still approval voting this tho just in case
Adhoc vote count started by bengalqueen on Feb 15, 2023 at 12:23 PM, finished with 49 posts and 34 votes.

Current tally.
I have to say I absolutely loathe that blonde is even a choice. It's not a mutation, it's a freaking dye job. Honestly it just feels like a cheap way for people to avoid any serious mutations that they don't like. Which misses the entire point of mutations in universe. A lot of people with mutation quirks absolutely hate their mutations due to how monstrous it makes them look. Ironically the original designs for Deku's eyes are actually pretty benign compared to a lot of other mutation quirks.

Which is honestly pretty disappointing on a lot of levels. Since I believe the original designs choices were unique and interesting. Only for people to weasel out of anything that makes Deku look too different and non human while missing the entire point of how mutation quirks are out of people's control and how they didn't choose them. Doubly disappointing in how messed up it is when you think about it from a meta perspective.

@Lunaryon No offense but I really think you need to stop caving to the questers requests. While yes a QM should be willing to listen to suggestions I think giving the players too much control is actually a really bad thing due to typical SV control freak tendencies and how usually if the players have too much control they will abuse the hell out of it. I mean only a few people had issues with the original design with most actually being fine with it.
Blonde gives him Bakugo hair and removes all Midoriya green with the blue eyes.
Bleached white with glowing green eyes would be better than this option.
Really I just want any of the star eyes vote to win now.

I agree with @Red Bovine that blonde isn't even a mutation. It pretty much invalidates a mutation vote.
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Yeah, I think the star-eyes are cool.
If Blonde means we don't get the star-eyes, I'll stay with Head Empty
Blonde gives him Bakugo hair and removes all Midoriya green with the blue eyes.
Bleached white with glowing green eyes would be better than this option.
Really I just want any of the star eyes vote to win now.
Damn, I didn't even notice the blue eyes. Which just makes that choice even more messed up. People would rather not only remove Deku's most unique features but turn the Japanese boy into a blue eyed blonde than give him a actually unique and noticeable mutation. Which has some really, really unpleasant implications when you think about it.
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I'm going to have to think, but withboth the hair and eyes together, I'm not sure I am okay with that image as is...
Adhoc vote count started by bengalqueen on Feb 15, 2023 at 1:06 PM, finished with 60 posts and 36 votes.

Pale Burst is currently winning, with Head Empty in a close second, and Spiral a more distant third. Blonde isn't even close to winning, so unless that changes, you can chill @Red Bovine.