[X][Mutation] Head Empty
This feels best for me.
Having singly star in an empty void could also work, but if we have the star fields, i feel that having such obvious pupils just detracts from the design.
I do get where you're coming from, but—personal preference speaking here—I like knowing where to look when looking someone in the eye. I feel a bit anxious and irritated when someone is wearing sunglasses to conceal their eyes; not knowing which of the stars in the field acts as the iris would drive me up a wall and out the sunroof.
I do get where you're coming from, but—personal preference speaking here—I like knowing where to look when looking someone in the eye. I feel a bit anxious and irritated when someone is wearing sunglasses to conceal their eyes; not knowing which of the stars in the field acts as the iris would drive me up a wall and out the sunroof.
I don't like looking people in the eyes period.
But, yes, the starry skies are unnerving, that is the point, starry skies, with extra bright star standing out (and not just by being brighter, but the stars don't really fit into the art, they feel artificial) make the eyes look, busy, so to speak.

I think a black void with single star acting as a pupil might work better.
[][Mutation] Pale Eyes
[][Mutation] Blue Starburst
[][Mutation] Pale Burst
[][Mutation] White Burst
[][Mutation] Spiral

None of the options are good but these are at least not actively unpleasant to look at.

[][Mutation] Head Empty
While this one is unsettling it is unsettling in a way that provokes thought and existential angst rather than just looking creepy/goofy.

Edit: changing vote to the non-eldritch '[][Mutation] Blonde' option.
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Rainbow... Well, I feel obligated.

[X][Mutation] Rainbow
[X][Mutation] Pale Burst
I don't like looking people in the eyes period.
But, yes, the starry skies are unnerving, that is the point, starry skies, with extra bright star standing out (and not just by being brighter, but the stars don't really fit into the art, they feel artificial) make the eyes look, busy, so to speak.

I think a black void with single star acting as a pupil might work better.
I've been struggling to articulate my problem with the starry background eyes, but reading your post I couldn't have said it better myself.

It doesn't help that Deku's eyes are fairly large already, and the starbursts take up less area than an equivalently-sized normal pupil, meaning that the starry skies take up a lot of attention.

I agree with you that a black void serving as a background might work better, although if that isn't an option I've noticed the starry backgrounds are a bit dimmer/de-saturated/lower-res on the Pale and White Burst options. It's not as total as a black void would be, but I feel it does help a bit with drawing attention to the pupil.

[X][Mutation] Pale Burst

Gonna go with this version over the White Burst option because I feel the oval with a starburst inside looks nicer than just a starburst. But yeah, if we're able to go with a black void with pupil option, I'd seriously consider swapping over to that.
Tbh, I think the eyes look really weird with the pupils..
Much less creepy without!
[X][Mutation] Head Empty
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[x][Mutation] Pale Eyes
[x][Mutation] Blue Starburst
[x][Mutation] Pale Burst
[x][Mutation] White Burst
[x][Mutation] Spiral