A Heretek on the Quest for Knowledge [40k] [Complete]

Not sure for the third action, either building tools, or wandering. I'm not sure why we would want to go after orks at the present, ain't got much armament.
We need to hit the market. We need new food supplies to tide us over and we don't currently have the firepower to deal with more than a small squad of Orks so investigating them is off the table for now.

[x]Wander. You don't have a map of the place, so you have to make one. Maybe you'll find some interesting places. (can be taken multiple times)
-[x]Head for where the Orks came from. Knowing the position of their base can only be useful. (1 Encounter roll+ 1 target roll)
[X]Study the Mark XXV-D LT/HP Power Capacitor. It has served you well, maybe there's a bit more you can do in return.
[X]Wander. You don't have a map of the place, so you have to make one. Maybe you'll find some interesting places. (can be taken multiple times)
-[X]You've seen some hints that there used to be a market in walking distance. It'll be looted to hell and back, but probably your best chance to find something edible. (2 Encounter rolls+ 1 target roll)
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[X]Study the Mark XXV-D LT/HP Power Capacitor. It has served you well, maybe there's a bit more you can do in return.

[X]Figure out a way to grow stuff. Hydroponics are a thing, you have bio-sludge. Maybe you can research a way to combine the two and get something edible out of it. It's not going to be easy though, since you know next to nothing about the slimey gloop Gene likes to play with. (First step to rudimentary hydroponics)

[X]Built the tools to built the tools. You have the most basic stuff. Now it's time to expand further
-[X] 3d carver (note: needs power to function)
[X]Study the Mark XXV-D LT/HP Power Capacitor. It has served you well, maybe there's a bit more you can do in return.
[X]Figure out a way to grow stuff. Hydroponics are a thing, you have bio-sludge. Maybe you can research a way to combine the two and get something edible out of it. It's not going to be easy though, since you know next to nothing about the slimey gloop Gene likes to play with. (First step to rudimentary hydroponics)
[X]Wander. You don't have a map of the place, so you have to make one. Maybe you'll find some interesting places. (can be taken multiple times)
-[X]You've seen some hints that there used to be a market in walking distance. It'll be looted to hell and back, but probably your best chance to find something edible. (2 Encounter rolls+ 1 target roll)

Not much point building tools if we can't power them, so studing the capacitor's a must. Hydroponics because we need food, and we can't rely on loot. Market should hopefully have something loot-worthy there, although we should be on-guard in case others have the same idea.
The first two are locked in for me, but I might swap the Wander out for a write-in, if I could think of one. Maybe some sort of tool thats not power-intensive?
we must learn how to convert ork fungus into edible paste and start our own farm and be a farmer
Ehh, gonna go with food and trading and research.

[X]Study the Mark XXV-D LT/HP Power Capacitor. It has served you well, maybe there's a bit more you can do in return.
[X]Figure out a way to grow stuff. Hydroponics are a thing, you have bio-sludge. Maybe you can research a way to combine the two and get something edible out of it. It's not going to be easy though, since you know next to nothing about the slimey gloop Gene likes to play with. (First step to rudimentary hydroponics)
[X]Wander. You don't have a map of the place, so you have to make one. Maybe you'll find some interesting places. (can be taken multiple times)
-[X]You've seen some hints that there used to be a market in walking distance. It'll be looted to hell and back, but probably your best chance to find something edible. (2 Encounter rolls+ 1 target roll)
[X]Study the Mark XXV-D LT/HP Power Capacitor. It has served you well, maybe there's a bit more you can do in return.
[X]Figure out a way to grow stuff. Hydroponics are a thing, you have bio-sludge. Maybe you can research a way to combine the two and get something edible out of it. It's not going to be easy though, since you know next to nothing about the slimey gloop Gene likes to play with. (First step to rudimentary hydroponics)
[X]Wander. You don't have a map of the place, so you have to make one. Maybe you'll find some interesting places. (can be taken multiple times)
-[X]You've seen some hints that there used to be a market in walking distance. It'll be looted to hell and back, but probably your best chance to find something edible. (2 Encounter rolls+ 1 target roll)
We need to plan on a way to get help. Remember, we're on (if I recall correctly) a week time limit from when we injected ourselves with the chemical cocktail. Our physical needs are currently very urgent.

I agree with the power capacitor, since we can use it to maybe run some other things, but we really need to work on escape or calling for help.
[X]Study the Mark XXV-D LT/HP Power Capacitor. It has served you well, maybe there's a bit more you can do in return.

[X]Figure out a way to grow stuff. Hydroponics are a thing, you have bio-sludge. Maybe you can research a way to combine the two and get something edible out of it. It's not going to be easy though, since you know next to nothing about the slimey gloop Gene likes to play with. (First step to rudimentary hydroponics)

[X]Built the tools to built the tools. You have the most basic stuff. Now it's time to expand further
-[X] 3d carver (note: needs power to function)
Capacitor per se isn't a power source, it's a power storage. Let's do more scavenging, shall we?
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Please tell if any of those can be done without salvaging anything:
1. Build high-temperature power furnace. You remember crash course in xenology. Orks = burn. Also you remember than burn = energy. Sure, generally you have to spend promethium to burn corpses but that's because generally you don't need to scrape every frakking watt. Some things burn better than others but with heat good enough or oxidant strong enough you can just about anything - i.e. grotz corpses - and get some energy returns. Put a steam turbine on top of it, sharp chopper on the fuel track and you've got a crude pellet boiler. Bringing ork lifeforms to your place and burn them is not exactly safe or ecological, it's actually pretty orky, but you don't have much choice in fuels.
2. Build tiny promethium refinery. There are few things simpler than refining promethium from just about anything. Now that you have a power source, you just have to bring some biomass, blend it to mulch state, stick electrodes in it and wait for a while.

UPD: Also, you said it could be possible to have more than 3 actions per day. What do we need for that?
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I think we should do two expolor actions as the hydropolics action does not garentee food. Also the explore actions should be the first actions of the day so we have minimum food weakness while doing so.
[X]Study the Mark XXV-D LT/HP Power Capacitor. It has served you well, maybe there's a bit more you can do in return.
[X]Figure out a way to grow stuff. Hydroponics are a thing, you have bio-sludge. Maybe you can research a way to combine the two and get something edible out of it. It's not going to be easy though, since you know next to nothing about the slimey gloop Gene likes to play with. (First step to rudimentary hydroponics)
[X]Wander. You don't have a map of the place, so you have to make one. Maybe you'll find some interesting places. (can be taken multiple times)
-[X]You've seen some hints that there used to be a market in walking distance. It'll be looted to hell and back, but probably your best chance to find something edible. (2 Encounter rolls+ 1 target roll)
[x]Study the Mark XXV-D LT/HP Power Capacitor. It has served you well, maybe there's a bit more you can do in return.
[x]Wander. You don't have a map of the place, so you have to make one. Maybe you'll find some interesting places. (can be taken multiple times)
-[x]Head for where the Orks came from. Knowing the position of their base can only be useful. (1 Encounter roll+ 1 target roll)
[x]Wander. You don't have a map of the place, so you have to make one. Maybe you'll find some interesting places. (can be taken multiple times)
-[x]You've seen some hints that there used to be a market in walking distance. It'll be looted to hell and back, but probably your best chance to find something edible. (2 Encounter rolls+ 1 target roll)
Vote will close in roughly four hours. Current status:
If you want to do something else, now's the time to vote.

Vote Tally : A Heretek on the Quest for Knowledge [40k] | Page 26 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.5

[X]Study the Mark XXV-D LT/HP Power Capacitor. It has served you well, maybe there's a bit more you can do in return.
[X]Figure out a way to grow stuff. Hydroponics are a thing, you have bio-sludge. Maybe you can research a way to combine the two and get something edible out of it. It's not going to be easy though, since you know next to nothing about the slimey gloop Gene likes to play with. (First step to rudimentary hydroponics)
[X]Wander. You don't have a map of the place, so you have to make one. Maybe you'll find some interesting places. (can be taken multiple times)
-[X]You've seen some hints that there used to be a market in walking distance. It'll be looted to hell and back, but probably your best chance to find something edible. (2 Encounter rolls+ 1 target roll)
No. of Votes: 5

[X]Study the Mark XXV-D LT/HP Power Capacitor. It has served you well, maybe there's a bit more you can do in return.
[X]Figure out a way to grow stuff. Hydroponics are a thing, you have bio-sludge. Maybe you can research a way to combine the two and get something edible out of it. It's not going to be easy though, since you know next to nothing about the slimey gloop Gene likes to play with. (First step to rudimentary hydroponics)
[X]Built the tools to built the tools. You have the most basic stuff. Now it's time to expand further
-[X] 3d carver (note: needs power to function)
No. of Votes: 2

[X]Figure out a way to grow stuff. Hydroponics are a thing, you have bio-sludge. Maybe you can research a way to combine the two and get something edible out of it. It's not going to be easy though, since you know next to nothing about the slimey gloop Gene likes to play with. (First step to rudimentary hydroponics)
[X]Study the Mark XXV-D LT/HP Power Capacitor. It has served you well, maybe there's a bit more you can do in return.
[X]Wander. You don't have a map of the place, so you have to make one. Maybe you'll find some interesting places. (can be taken multiple times)
-[X]You've seen some hints that there used to be a market in walking distance. It'll be looted to hell and back, but probably your best chance to find something edible. (2 Encounter rolls+ 1 target roll)
No. of Votes: 1

[x]Study the Mark XXV-D LT/HP Power Capacitor. It has served you well, maybe there's a bit more you can do in return.
[x]Wander. You don't have a map of the place, so you have to make one. Maybe you'll find some interesting places. (can be taken multiple times)
-[x]Head for where the Orks came from. Knowing the position of their base can only be useful. (1 Encounter roll+ 1 target roll)
[x]Wander. You don't have a map of the place, so you have to make one. Maybe you'll find some interesting places. (can be taken multiple times)
-[x]You've seen some hints that there used to be a market in walking distance. It'll be looted to hell and back, but probably your best chance to find something edible. (2 Encounter rolls+ 1 target roll)
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 9

I'm also quite happy with the discussion after the post. It worked pretty well, and I want to thank everybody who participated. Active participation really does make me happy.

Please tell if any of those can be done without salvaging anything:
1. Build high-temperature power furnace. You remember crash course in xenology. Orks = burn. Also you remember than burn = energy. Sure, generally you have to spend promethium to burn corpses but that's because generally you don't need to scrape every frakking watt. Some things burn better than others but with heat good enough or oxidant strong enough you can just about anything - i.e. grotz corpses - and get some energy returns. Put a steam turbine on top of it, sharp chopper on the fuel track and you've got a crude pellet boiler. Bringing ork lifeforms to your place and burn them is not exactly safe or ecological, it's actually pretty orky, but you don't have much choice in fuels.
2. Build tiny promethium refinery. There are few things simpler than refining promethium from just about anything. Now that you have a power source, you just have to bring some biomass, blend it to mulch state, stick electrodes in it and wait for a while.

UPD: Also, you said it could be possible to have more than 3 actions per day. What do we need for that?
1. Is an option yes. However, it would require a significant infrastructure: Large burning chamber, Turbines, energy storage. So it would take two or three actions to make, somewhat depending on what you want to do.
2.Promethium refinery yes. Useing orks: That'll take a research action. And if you want to use your hydroponics, it'll take from your food supply.

More efficient times usage. So, time saving tools, a vehicle, underlings, chemical stimulants, whatever. Your new legs already doubled the efficiency of walking actions.
We require medical aid first. I mean the whole hole in our head and chemical cocktail that is probably doing horrible things to our system.
[X]Study the Mark XXV-D LT/HP Power Capacitor. It has served you well, maybe there's a bit more you can do in return.
[X]Figure out a way to grow stuff. Hydroponics are a thing, you have bio-sludge. Maybe you can research a way to combine the two and get something edible out of it. It's not going to be easy though, since you know next to nothing about the slimey gloop Gene likes to play with. (First step to rudimentary hydroponics)
[X]Wander. You don't have a map of the place, so you have to make one. Maybe you'll find some interesting places. (can be taken multiple times)
-[X]You've seen some hints that there used to be a market in walking distance. It'll be looted to hell and back, but probably your best chance to find something edible. (2 Encounter rolls+ 1 target roll)
Ok, guys, we have nothing to eat and brain damage and a few weeks to live, and we start two research projects? That's messed up.

Well technically we do have one, but trying to convince/bully grots into serving us would be far more hassle than it's worth.
Come to think of it, we'd make a pretty good Mek Boss.

[x]Study the Mark XXV-D LT/HP Power Capacitor. It has served you well, maybe there's a bit more you can do in return.
[x]Wander. You don't have a map of the place, so you have to make one. Maybe you'll find some interesting places. (can be taken multiple times)
-[x]Head for where the Orks came from. Knowing the position of their base can only be useful. (1 Encounter roll+ 1 target roll)
[x]Wander. You don't have a map of the place, so you have to make one. Maybe you'll find some interesting places. (can be taken multiple times)
-[x]You've seen some hints that there used to be a market in walking distance. It'll be looted to hell and back, but probably your best chance to find something edible. (2 Encounter rolls+ 1 target roll)
Come to think of it, we'd make a pretty good Mek Boss.
You're secretly an Ork with a skin condition, so that's no great surprise.

Anyway vote is called. Update should be written in two hours or so.
Vote Tally : A Heretek on the Quest for Knowledge [40k] | Page 26 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.5

[X]Study the Mark XXV-D LT/HP Power Capacitor. It has served you well, maybe there's a bit more you can do in return.
[X]Figure out a way to grow stuff. Hydroponics are a thing, you have bio-sludge. Maybe you can research a way to combine the two and get something edible out of it. It's not going to be easy though, since you know next to nothing about the slimey gloop Gene likes to play with. (First step to rudimentary hydroponics)
[X]Wander. You don't have a map of the place, so you have to make one. Maybe you'll find some interesting places. (can be taken multiple times)
-[X]You've seen some hints that there used to be a market in walking distance. It'll be looted to hell and back, but probably your best chance to find something edible. (2 Encounter rolls+ 1 target roll)
No. of Votes: 6

[X]Study the Mark XXV-D LT/HP Power Capacitor. It has served you well, maybe there's a bit more you can do in return.
[X]Figure out a way to grow stuff. Hydroponics are a thing, you have bio-sludge. Maybe you can research a way to combine the two and get something edible out of it. It's not going to be easy though, since you know next to nothing about the slimey gloop Gene likes to play with. (First step to rudimentary hydroponics)
[X]Built the tools to built the tools. You have the most basic stuff. Now it's time to expand further
-[X] 3d carver (note: needs power to function)
No. of Votes: 2

[x]Study the Mark XXV-D LT/HP Power Capacitor. It has served you well, maybe there's a bit more you can do in return.
[x]Wander. You don't have a map of the place, so you have to make one. Maybe you'll find some interesting places. (can be taken multiple times)
-[x]Head for where the Orks came from. Knowing the position of their base can only be useful. (1 Encounter roll+ 1 target roll)
[x]Wander. You don't have a map of the place, so you have to make one. Maybe you'll find some interesting places. (can be taken multiple times)
-[x]You've seen some hints that there used to be a market in walking distance. It'll be looted to hell and back, but probably your best chance to find something edible. (2 Encounter rolls+ 1 target roll)
No. of Votes: 2

[x]Wander. You don't have a map of the place, so you have to make one. Maybe you'll find some interesting places. (can be taken multiple times)
-[x]Head for where the Orks came from. Knowing the position of their base can only be useful. (1 Encounter roll+ 1 target roll)
[X]Study the Mark XXV-D LT/HP Power Capacitor. It has served you well, maybe there's a bit more you can do in return.
[X]Wander. You don't have a map of the place, so you have to make one. Maybe you'll find some interesting places. (can be taken multiple times)
-[X]You've seen some hints that there used to be a market in walking distance. It'll be looted to hell and back, but probably your best chance to find something edible. (2 Encounter rolls+ 1 target roll)
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 11