A Heretek on the Quest for Knowledge [40k] [Complete]

hmm, to be fair. i looked at our old ship and our last roll was 45-15 = 30 vs 50
So, back then the ship was just such crap that we actually needed to roll over a 65 on a D100 to NOT have something happen during warp.

this ship is much nicer. and we rolled low this time
[X]What's with the Gellert field?: This was the third awful warp jump. The first corrupted a few savages, the second had you appear next to a Chaos battleship, and Omnissiah only knows what the third did. You really, really want to make sure there isn't a fourth time. Or at least take some steps to mitigate the damage.
[X]Twice is coincidence. So what is three?: It isn't statistically significant, but it's damn suspicious. You've consistently had bad jumps. You're on a new ship, so it can't be that. Maybe it's just bad luck. Or maybe someone is fucking with you.
[X]Direct supervision: Receiving fifty-three order clarification requests, as well as five hundred forty-four requisition forms (sixty-three for single screws), thirty-three repair tickets, and no less then two-thousand six hundred and five requests for work quota suspensions has made the old fuckers intentions quite clear: You'll have to stand behind him the entire time if you want work done. And that's exactly what you will do.

Arial actions (4 AP):
[X]Augments, round 2: There's all sorts of cybernetic and bionic fun you can add to people to make the marginally less useless. First step would be some better basic things for your Skitarii. Probably. You never really bothered to get into that whole branch, and why start now? It's not like Gene has anything to do.
Gene looks into better Augments for Skitarii. Cost: 2AP
[X]Sanctity of the mind: Arial has requested time for an extensive system check to ensure no malicious infohazards have taken root. While he's at it, he's going to check over the Navigatrix and the astropaths. The fact that none of them died is really more worrying than if one or two of them melted.
Gene makes sure there's no corruption in his or the psyker's minds. Cost: 2AP

Cerritos Actions(4 AP):
[X]Passive-Aggressive bullshit: He's just a bit sore about his new position as your underling. He expresses this through being as useless as he can be. It a true tragedy that you still get more out of him than most of your techpriests, despite being a decapitated head.
Cerritos wastes time. Locked unless actions to motivate him are taken. Cost:2 AP
[X]Safety: Since it's the old fucker, much of his junk his either trapped, volatile, or in danger of going berserk. Bad enough on a planet. In the hold of a ship? There aren't enough swear words in binary to describe it.
Less danger of unwanted explosions, implosions or Servitors on a rampage. Cost: 2AP
it would be especially hilarious if there really is nothing there and we are just paranoid.

also, maybe we are cursed
Can confirm, it's hilarious.
hmm, to be fair. i looked at our old ship and our last roll was 45-15 = 30 vs 50
So, back then the ship was just such crap that we actually needed to roll over a 65 on a D100 to NOT have something happen during warp.

this ship is much nicer. and we rolled low this time
Well, part of that is early installment weirdness, part is special circumstances. That's the reason for the malus. Not gonna say anymore, because spoilers.
I don't think we'd need much research on implanting ourselves. It's already done before, for once, and the body is perfectly intact.
You don't need research to implant yourself, but you do need something
Is there someway to get bet better at warp travel, some upgrade or technique ?
Warpbane hull.

Better Gellar Fields.

Better warp drive.

Better navigator.
The issue is that you don't really know much about warptech, and that's not something you want to screw around blind.
[x] Plan Squid:

Personal actions (8 AP)
[X]What's with the Gellert field?(2 AP) (check out stuff for chaos)
[X]Twice is coincidence. So what is three? (2 AP) (check for treason among the minions)
[X]Cerritos' Body, Give it back(0 AP) (Make Cerritos more useful, and *probably* less pissy. Cost: 1 body)
-[X] ...but make him ask nice first, just like in the limerick.
[X]Direct supervision(2 AP) (make Cerritos do the work he's supposed to do)
[X]Talk to Rasputin(1 AP)
-[X]Ask him about the various pieces of archaeotech in his systems. It shouldn't be that hard to get him to brag, right? Wait until after Gene does her thing.
[X]Train Skill Research (1AP)

Arial Actions (4 AP)
[X]Sanctity of the mind (2 AP) (Check people for chaos taint)
[X]Talking-machine for the talking machine(2 AP) (make talking with Rasputin less of a headache)

Cerritos Actions (4 AP)
[X] Safety (2 AP) (Make sure his stuff won't go boom)
[X] Purity (2 AP) (Make sure his stuff won't turn into a major demonic incursion)

Crew Actions (3 AP)
[X] Training (1 AP) (Make them less bad)
[X] Training (1 AP) (Make them less bad)
[X] Training (1 AP) (Make them less bad)

Primary priority: paranoia.
Secondary priorities:
- getting Cerritos immediately up and functional as a combat-capable unit (and effective flunky) at the cost of maybe getting something interesting out of his body after a lot of work
- Talking with Rasputin
- Training our dudes up

The paranoia drives all of the Cerritos actions, 2 AP off of Arial, and a whopping six off of us (four for ourselves, plus another two to make sure that Cerritos's stuff doesn't turn into a demon *or* explode). What's left over is a bit anemic.

I went with giving Cerritos back his body for action efficiency. We can either give him back the body for 1 AP, and have him suddenly be significantly more effective both in combat and on weekly turns, or we can leave him as a maybe vaguely-useful head, spend 2 AP to hopefully get the good stuff out of his body, and then have to spend at least one more action (of however many AP) to make use of it. At that point, it'll be *another* action (of however many AP) to give Cerritos a body that he'll resent, and that wont' leave him as effective. Basically, we're not running out of things to spend AP on any time soon (we still haven't investigated that armor, for example), and so I went with the quick easy win. Also, we *did* offer, even if the offer never really made it to him.

After that, we had 1 AP, so I figured talk with Rasputin and try to keep our ship happy (while learning useful things). That made Gene's remaining 2 AP an easy pick (I absolutely intend to bump up the Skiitari in both number and augments before we hit the inquisitor, but what with having two warp jumps to work through between now and then, we'll have time for that). The Crew... well, they're 4 trains away from upgrading, and upgrading sounds like an excellent idea. Also, I don't know which of the various rolled actions we'd necessarily want them to jump on, if any. I could be convinced to change my mind on this one by anyone who had good mathy reasons to suggest differently. I could even be convinced on the "talk to Rasputin" part of the plan. I'm pretty much set on the paranoia and Cerritos.
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[x] Plan Squid
Even if I love the image of us having the head of our old master dangling from our hip, steadily complaining about things, efficiency comes first.
[x] Plan Squid + Cerritos, you sweet summer child:

Ok, he wants to be a loose screw in your shiny metal ass. A lesser mind might contemplate making Rasputin-talking machine out of him, but you have a better idea. If he doesn't stop his grokshit, it'll be your nigh-useless underlings who answer his requests form. He'll be about as happy to work with them as you are and being a bodyless head means he can't even smack them. If that doesn't stop him, Rasputin-talking machine is still an option.

Personal actions (8 AP)
[X]What's with the Gellert field?(2 AP) (check out stuff for chaos)
[X]Twice is coincidence. So what is three? (2 AP) (check for treason among the minions)
[X]Cerritos' Body, Give it back (Make Cerritos more useful, and *probably* less pissy. Cost: 1 body)
-[X] ...but make him ask nice first, just like in the limerick.
[X]Direct supervision(2 AP) (make Cerritos do the work he's supposed to do)
[X]Talk to Rasputin(1 AP)
-[X]Ask him about the various pieces of archaeotech in his systems. It shouldn't be that hard to get him to brag, right? Wait until after Gene does his thing.
[x]Crafting (1 AP): You enjoy making neat stuff as much as the next guy, and you can do it better. There's always neat stuff to be made. Or you could upgrade something you already have.
-[x]Make a Cutting Edge Implanted Omnitool.

Arial Actions (4 AP)
[X]Sanctity of the mind (2 AP) (Check people for chaos taint)
[X]Talking-machine for the talking machine(2 AP) (make talking with Rasputin less of a headache)

Cerritos Actions (4 AP)
[X] Safety (2 AP) (Make sure his stuff won't go boom)
[X] Purity (2 AP) (Make sure his stuff won't turn into a major demonic incursion)

Crew Actions (3 AP)
[X] Helping (1 AP) (Direct supervision) x3
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[x] Plan Squid + Cerritos, you sweet summer child:

This is the Imperium, this sort of inefficiency fits right in, plus it is cathartic.
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There may be no roll for it, but I bet it'll drive the point home.
I think that's hilarious, and totally something he would do. If it wins, I'll make supervising him a crew action next turn.
[X]Cerritos' Body, Give it back(1 AP) (Make Cerritos more useful, and *probably* less pissy. Cost: 1 body)
[X]Cerritos' Body, Give it back(1 AP) (Make Cerritos more useful, and *probably* less pissy. Cost: 1 body)
I wanna point out that it doesn't say Cost: 1AP. That is, in this case, not a mistake. You don't need to spend any AP on that action, you're just giving his body back, which doesn't take very long.
[x] Plan Squid MK2:

Personal actions (8 AP)
[X]What's with the Gellert field?(2 AP) (check out stuff for chaos)
[X]Twice is coincidence. So what is three? (2 AP) (check for treason among the minions)
[X]Cerritos' Body, Give it back (Make Cerritos more useful, and *probably* less pissy. Cost: 1 body)
-[X] ...but make him ask nice first, just like in the limerick.
[X]Direct supervision(2 AP) (make Cerritos do the work he's supposed to do)
[X]Talk to Rasputin(1 AP)
-[X]Ask him about the various pieces of archaeotech in his systems. It shouldn't be that hard to get him to brag, right? Wait until after Gene does his thing.
[X] Train Skill Research (1AP)

Arial Actions (4 AP)
[X]Sanctity of the mind (2 AP) (Check people for chaos taint)
[X]Talking-machine for the talking machine(2 AP) (make talking with Rasputin less of a headache)

Cerritos Actions (4 AP)
[X] Safety (2 AP) (Make sure his stuff won't go boom)
[X] Purity (2 AP) (Make sure his stuff won't turn into a major demonic incursion)

Crew Actions (3 AP)
[X] Training (1 AP) (Make them less bad)
[X] Training (1 AP) (Make them less bad)
[X] Training (1 AP) (Make them less bad)

@Sirrocco I changed your plan slightly due to not needing 1AP on the body. Added it to Research training because we only need 2 more total to rank up.

@BurnNote I'm assuming the Geller Field is 2AP? It doesn't specify in the options.
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I wanna point out that it doesn't say Cost: 1AP. That is, in this case, not a mistake. You don't need to spend any AP on that action, you're just giving his body back, which doesn't take very long.
Added making a very special bolt pistol to load with the bolt shell that didn't explode in our head. I'll make crafting plan a bit later and then I'd like to know if I did it right @BurnNote

Single-use holdout bolt pistol with lucky bolt

Size 1 -1
Complexity 3 -3
Single use 2
Damage 1.5 (+1 from single use?) 3
AP 1 (+1 form single use?) 2
Range 0.5 (+1 from single use?) 1
Legend 1 (+1 from single use?) 2
Total 6
Skill = Craft + Imperial Tech = 6, AP to craft 1, resources to craft 4
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