Machine of War and Quests
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- Indonesia
I had suspicions that Jacob was a Homunculus after reading a post mentioning that Jacob could be an artificial human somewhere on this thread and Fullmetal Alchemist taught me all I needed to know about the Stone and what it takes to make a Homunculus which I think several people have suspicions about too so it wasn't a shocking reveal for me but more of a "I thought so" moment which is still satisfying in its own way.
I don't think Perenelle's soul will join our Gestalt soul. We were made with the hundred souls from the island's inhabitants that were stored there when they die. There is no mention of us absorbing more souls after we are born so any soul that died after we are born is currently stored in the island. I think her soul is in storage at the moment or Nicholas opened the door to let the souls out.Perenelle Flamel's soul should do the trick in guiding Jacobs know-how.
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