The "you felt nothing" line was particularly hard hitting; especially when I got the point where we learned that the 'invaders' were refugees.
I believe there has not been many opportunities for battle preparation since we're not charging into battle. I'm sure if something came up then our qm would give us a stopping point, and the hypothetically vote would be what Jacob does to prepare for the event.

Also, Attempting to build a small timeline:

This is back in October when we first get the book. It's the first time we get Lobo and the farm meeting.

The first 'raids,' as our eldest brother, the heir and Lugal, leads a counter force against this force. We also see their army is

very untrained, but this is near the beginning of recorded human history so they get a pass.

This is the beginning and return of 'our,' brother Isaac's ill fated reconnaissance mission. Massive Mystery Army of a Multitude of Species is Meet. Preparations begin.

The attack comes.

What I find curious is the use of horns for communication. This is clearly before magic lore or research exists, but the use of horns feels too abstract to come from nowhere. It also means the massive army somehow keeps itself feed for long enough to hit us in the same season. Granted, prior sections gives the impression they were already marching from the interior of Europe or Eastern Europe, so any attack is coincidental to a greater conquest.
Ok, been thinking and I realized that the names come with meaning.

Primus (Their grandfather) - The first
Edurne (Their father) - Snow? There was also something with conquering the winter. Maybe because he grew up in the dangerous times.
Antes - Means before, maybe because he's the first kid?
Valentino - The brave one
Isaac - Means something like; God made him laugh
Basques - This is the most interesting one, because it is the family name of our MC and:

"The area (north of spain) of the Basque people is neither linguistically nor culturally homogeneous, and certain areas have a majority of people who do not consider themselves Basque, such as the south of Navarre."

Which means that she is linked to a people in the north of spain that is not linked to any other of the cultures in this region. The QM is throwing a curve ball here with all these hidden things. I think he is mixing real history with the history of magic and it's pretty interesting. Anyone seen another hint that would tell us more?
Pump this right into my veins. This is the shit I write for.
Ok but where did these people come from. We had some idea that Atlantis was doing magic that others though was dangerous. But this chapter makes me think that the magic population in Europe comes from Atlantis. Which could be its own bag of surprises. Atlantis is always pictured as this idealistic city and here we get a large invading army with giants and what not. I wonder if we can take it multiple times next turn.
Didn't they collapse? I figure, the survivors or some unrelated threat is engaging in continental conquest.
I think they may have come from Atlantis but we do not know for sure. These is a lot of people for the time period. These would be like if 5 percent of Europe showed up in Spain today. On top of that they brought giants and seem to be organized. These is strange beyond just the invasion.
I think the defense is best for us honestly. As pointed out, we don't get much opportunities to plan for a fight.
As others have said, defense is best for us. Since the main character explore, it means he will often meet the unexpected like the surprise giant spider that almost killed him last turn.
[x] My brother Isaac – You have seen the wisest of men never to give up, no matter the peril. From this, you learned to be strong in times of need. In a life and death situation, get a +5 on all defense rolls.
[x] My brother Isaac – You have seen the wisest of men never to give up, no matter the peril. From this, you learned to be strong in times of need. In a life and death situation, get a +5 on all defense rolls.
[x] My brother Isaac – You have seen the wisest of men never to give up, no matter the peril. From this, you learned to be strong in times of need. In a life and death situation, get a +5 on all defense rolls.
[x] My brother Antes – You have seen the best of them all able to make the correct decisions, no matter the peril. From this, you learned to be strong in times of need. If you have more than an hour of time to plan for a fight, get a +5 on all combat rolls.

I like the narrative effect, which looking at this quest can be just as effective.
Also seems not to be limited to life and death only situations
[x] My brother Isaac – You have seen the wisest of men never to give up, no matter the peril. From this, you learned to be strong in times of need. In a life and death situation, get a +5 on all defense rolls.

I like this and Antes. What made me choose Isaac is that I don't actually think that Jacob would plan out a situation where he needs to attack someone- not even in dueling class. The rivalry he is developing with Tracey seems entirely one-sided as he notes that Cedric Diggory can mop the floor with him at any time...and he doesn't seem bothered or motivated by that. Combat, when it occurs, comes to him and in life-and-death situations. Chose wisdom as it suits Jacob's personality and the personality his wand seeks.

You tried to sleep after that, but her words didn't let you rest in peace. Turning from one side to the other was pointless, as you were not able to drift into sleep, your mind still focused on words you had spoken against the Grey Lady, not knowing how hard it would hit her. Now that you understood ghosts better and knew how strong their emotions could be, it was difficult to ignore what an utter prat you had been days prior.

I especially like this. Organically, slowly shows how Jacob is learning and developing as a person. And, as it is so like him, through an expanded understanding of things.
[x] My brother Isaac – You have seen the wisest of men never to give up, no matter the peril. From this, you learned to be strong in times of need. In a life and death situation, get a +5 on all defense rolls.
[X] My brother Isaac – You have seen the wisest of men never to give up, no matter the peril. From this, you learned to be strong in times of need. In a life and death situation, get a +5 on all defense rolls.
Hmm I am imaging how angry Tracey Davis is going to be at us when we beat her again.
Sadly, I doubt Dueling Club would count as a Life or Death situation.

Edit: I'm still a little hesitant on what to pick. Unexpected ambushes can happen. But we also do plan to do a lot of detective work and exploration in general that might benefit from the planning bonus. Say if we do the Mountain Exploration action, the Planning Bonus might work there.
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Hmm I am imaging how angry Tracey Davis is going to be at us when we beat her again.

I wanna loose to her next match, but like, with 5 points between us - It seems like that will be the best outcome for Tracy's wellbeing, and Jacob's kinda chill about loosing/winning unless lives are on the line.
She does seem to be going out of her way to improve and find ways to hurt Jacob.
Maybe. It seemed more like a friendly rivalry to me when I read it. What would be hazardous for a Muggle would likely be tamer for a Wizard. I do want to talk to her after we duel if the option is available though. As Jacob noted before, you don't see Wizards that are that driven at something often.
[X] My brother Isaac – You have seen the wisest of men never to give up, no matter the peril. From this, you learned to be strong in times of need. In a life and death situation, get a +5 on all defense rolls.
[x] My brother Isaac – You have seen the wisest of men never to give up, no matter the peril. From this, you learned to be strong in times of need. In a life and death situation, get a +5 on all defense rolls.
[x] My brother Isaac – You have seen the wisest of men never to give up, no matter the peril. From this, you learned to be strong in times of need. In a life and death situation, get a +5 on all defense rolls.