Strong "A Wand for Skitter" vibes from this post.
I don't get the refererence, probably a fanfic, no?
I have a couple spells I'd like to get. From our currently unlocked spells I feel like the enlargement/reduction spells along with waddiwasi is absolutely vital, it's exceptionally potent for just being able to launch large objects, and that's not even getting into the things the individual spells can do, like shrinking an opponent's hand so they can't hold their wand for example.

Getting the vanishing spell would probably be a good bonus to our defence. Grabbing a deep understanding of spongify would be great as well.

I'd also like something that acts as the equivalent of protego but for our offense. I'm not 100% sure what exactly would do that, maybe one of the blasting curses? Dark magic could also be a good one for that type of stuff.

Otherwise getting something with the "maxima" tag would be awesome since that can apply to who whole bunch of other spells, bombarda maxima might be a good one so that we get a blasting spell and the maxima thing at once. We know lumos maxima exists and it would likely get bright enough to actually blind enemies, protego maxima also exists (though it's not very useful for our purposes). Jacob is very good at finding patterns in magic and I would like to see what he could do with the maxima addition.
Yeah, Waddiwasi with Engorgio seems like a great combo, especially to deal with creatures resistant to magic... I would also like to get the Deep Understanding of every spell available since they add a lot of extra firepowers and versatility.

About the Maxima command, I don´t think that we will be able to learn it and apply it directly our spells, most likely it will be another level like Deep Understanding.
I'd also like to try and immitate Basques a little more in two specific ways.

The first being her physical enhancements via magic. Many wizards don't seem to have that type of ability and it would be a huge leg up. It'd also help against many other magical dangers we'd be going up against. Also being able to wiggle a wand more quickly allows for spells to be shot off much more quickly

The second is I'd like to actually bond with some type of creature like she did, ideally something with some very interesting magical abilities so we can get insights like our dear ancestor did. Nelly is one that comes to mind, trying to replicate house elf magic would be very useful, they are amazing at wandless magic and have a grasp over lots of seemingly simple charms that would be an amazing addition to Jacob's abilites.

A pheonix would also be nice, both for not having to worry about them and for their insights into fire magic. Bonding to an obscural would be something interesting as well. A Thunderbird would be cool. Maybe we could swing a basalisk and pick up parseltounge along the way. Or go the Lobo route and bond to a mundane animal that's aware of magic, a wolf or big cat would be a cool one. Some type of bird like a raven would also be pretty neat.
About the first part, there are several potions and remains of magical creatures that significantly enhance several aspects of the user, but they only work for a limited time ad it seems to have really bad side effects if abused.

As for the second part... I totally disagree with magically bonding with Nelly, she, like all the House Elfs, is a sapient being and treating her like she was an interesting pet is pretty disgusting (and exactly the same happens with an obscurial)

And you really need to temper your expectations, Fenixes, Thunderbirds, and Basilisks are not only extremely rare (and in the basilisk's case extremely dangerous), but also extremely difficult to treat without being an absolute expert on the field of magical creatures... The magical creature we are most likely to bond with since we would be able to buy, take care of it, and it is accepted as a pet would be something like a kneazle.

We will be able to interact and tame/befriend several magical creatures in Hogwarts, but I really doubt that we can take them home with us.
Maybe we could make stuff and sell it to the ministry like Fred and George did in canon, whether we sell the patent or actually manufacture the stuff is something to debate. We might even be able to swing a time turner that way "I need the extra time to fufil your orders I swear Mr Government".

As for what we make, we could rip off the protego hats from canon (make it into a belt instead maybe? Harder to remove that way) or make our own things. Maybe a wristband that allows the user to use a wandless accio to summon back their wand once disarmed? Our boots or goggles would also be very potent tools in the hands of aurors, so we already have something we can make there.
The problem with selling alchemical items is that they require a lot of actions to create, we would need at least 2 Personal actions for each item... Potions are much more time efficient, we can make batches of up to 5 with a single regular action.
One of those magic sea-horses would be fun to bond with and we need to take one for our Azkaban trip anyway.

It would also be pretty unique instead of the usual standard familiar bonds you always see like Thestral and Phoenixes.
One of those magic sea-horses would be fun to bond with and we need to take one for our Azkaban trip anyway.

It would also be pretty unique instead of the usual standard familiar bonds you always see like Thestral and Phoenixes.
Yeah especially because unlike Therstrals and Phoenix the bond with a kelpie is due to the enchanted saddle... If you don´t have it they are likely to try to drown and devour you...
Yeah especially because unlike Therstrals and Phoenix the bond with a kelpie is due to the enchanted saddle... If you don´t have it they are likely to try to drown and devour you...
What's life without a little danger? If you don't win your bond in a bloody fight are you really doing it right?

You never see pet Phoenixes try to devour you, really just a boring familiar all round.

I see where you're coming from. Yet I think that a raven would fit who Jacob is, but wouldn't fit what Jacob does.

For me, a raven is a mysterious, insular, prophetic figure that passively watches the world from the sidelines, that is overly cautious and thinks through every little possibility. A raven is a figure of dark, sombre wisdom and forbidden knowledge.

Jacob does exactly the opposite. He engages the world freely, without restraint or care. There is nothing sombre about him, he's guided by boisterous, self-assured curiosity of a young prodigy; and good luck trying to convince him to exrecise caution.

Jacob works much more like a cat - goes where he wants to, listens to no one, pokes everything around him because he wants to see what it does.

I have a few ideas. I agree with the ideas you mentioned regarding healing magic and a bag of holding. I'd also like to look into the plant aura affect we noticed during herbology. In terms of spells I think we should look into conjuring, especially of things like statues and shields and the like since we have examples of that in duels in the media. We should also look for animation spells. I'd love to keep poking at spell creation and see what we can find from there too.

As a longer term I think it would be cool to build something to leave behind in Hogwarts, like a room to discover and use. We have a few examples of this such as the Gaunt who redesigned the plumbing system and the addition of the shrieking shack passage. This could play well into my desire to create or find something we can add to our stationary equipment section on our character sheet.

I will say I have no real desire to learn much dark magic, but I suspect I'm in the minority here.
I will say I have no real desire to learn much dark magic, but I suspect I'm in the minority here.
I agree with the lack of desire to learn dark magic, less because I think we shouldn't, but more that I feel specifically learning magic because it is dark is silly.

If Jacob finds a spell he wants to learn and finds out it's dark, I am all for learning it.

I don't necessarily agree with learning a spell solely because it's dark. That said I am also not opposed to learning a bit about dark magic, knowing at least the theory behind it is nice, but if it's not going to be particularly useful I'm not interested in learning more.
Well the deal about levelung up dark arts would be dealing with the Fae or de delings of the soul meaning we probably would want to know it to destroy dementors and tommy no nose.
Well the deal about levelung up dark arts would be dealing with the Fae or de delings of the soul meaning we probably would want to know it to destroy dementors and tommy no nose.
It could also provide insight into possibly removing the curse of a Werewolf since it most likely originated from the Dark Arts or is adjacent.
I want to learn dark arts because our enemies are going to be using it. The Fae things, Voldie and co, dementors, that thing in the lake etc.

Knowing how your enemy fights is just a good idea and allows Jacob to come up with more effective counter strategies.
What's life without a little danger? If you don't win your bond in a bloody fight are you really doing it right?

You never see pet Phoenixes try to devour you, really just a boring familiar all round.
This feels like a very Jacob-y post right here. :V

Regarding future plans, next year (if the QM has it happen) we may be able to participate in the Triwizard Tournament. What's your opinion on that? Should we/Should Jacob sneak himself in as a participant?

I mean, he gained a competitive streak this year.
Regarding future plans, next year (if the QM has it happen) we may be able to participate in the Triwizard Tournament. What's your opinion on that? Should we/Should Jacob sneak himself in as a participant?

Yes, I think between the dueling competition aspirations, the sense of superiority when it comes to challenges and wanting to test himself against Dumbledore's age line, I think Jacob would want to enter. And given his magical abilitiy I think there's a very good chance he actually gets chosen as well.

Besides, I want to see Jacob forced to get a date to the Yule ball and how the flounders through that minefield.
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Yes, I think between the dueling competition aspirations, the sense of superiority when it comes to challenges and wanting to test himself against Dumbledore's age line, I think Jacob would want to enter. And given his magical abilitiy I think there's a very good chance he actually gets chosen as well.

Besides, I want to see Jacob forced to get a date to the Yule ball and how the flounders through that minefield.
Well While the Tri Wizard tournament would certainly be interesting (and let's be honest, the 1000 galleons wouldbea nice bonus) , but I am uncertain about adding even more things to do to the AP Hell...

And about the date... Jacob's status as a secret chick magnet, and his lack of shame/social anxiety would make find a date relatively easy.
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We also had that option to learn more about Horuxes. I do want to do that, would probably open up options on how to deal with enemies using that shit for immortality alongside giving Jacob more insight into souls.
And about the date... Jacob's status as a secret chick magnet, and his lack of shame/social anxiety would make find a date relatively easy.

True, finding a date would be easy, but selecting the correct one and dealing with the fallout would be the more difficult and entertaining bit.

Entertaining for us at least, less so for Jacob.

Alternatively he could just fuck off home without telling anyone leaving the organisers high and dry. Either would be good fun in my opinion.
As I've said before, I have an idea for how to get past the Age Line, but no point in discussing that before 4th Year.
Is it to redirect the scan towards an older soul in Jacob's makeup so that it thinks we're like 100 and thus able to cross the line? Because that's the idea I've had for a while now.

Mine was using an Aging Potion as well as Occlumency so that not only is Jacob physically 17, but as long as he has his memories compartmentalized in a certain way, he truly believes with every fiber of his being that he is 17.
Honestly, rather than enter the tournament I could see Jacob being more interested in who entered Harry in the tournament, and why he is the fourth champion rather than the hogwarts champion. Being in the tournament would take time away from that. And while being in the tournament would be cool, I think Jacob would rather solve a mystery.
As I've said before, I have an idea for how to get past the Age Line, but no point in discussing that before 4th Year.
Is it to redirect the scan towards an older soul in Jacob's makeup so that it thinks we're like 100 and thus able to cross the line? Because that's the idea I've had for a while now.
Mine was using an Aging Potion as well as Occlumency so that not only is Jacob physically 17, but as long as he has his memories compartmentalized in a certain way, he truly believes with every fiber of his being that he is 17.
Mine was to go for the easiest mundane solution and pay 5 Galleons to a student of 17 to put our name into the Globet.
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I wonder if the Triwizard tournament will necessarily happen at Hogwarts. Imagine it happening in France. That could be very cool since we have a connection there.
Honestly, rather than enter the tournament I could see Jacob being more interested in who entered Harry in the tournament, and why he is the fourth champion rather than the hogwarts champion. Being in the tournament would take time away from that. And while being in the tournament would be cool, I think Jacob would rather solve a mystery.
By the time Jacob has to decide whether to enter himself or not, he can't know that Harry might get entered.

Plus Peter was captured.

Peter (+Riddle) -> Peter discovers a lady, that knows about Crouch Jr. -> Peter (+Riddle) get Crouch Jr. -> Crouch Jr. enters Harry in the tournament.

I guess it isn't impossible for Riddle to discover that woman on his own, but you know...butterflies and so on.
Mine was to go for the easiest solution and pay 5 Galleons to a student of 17 to put our name into the Globet.
Save the cash and get a long stick and use it to put your name in there. Honestly based on what we know of the age line from cannon it seems ridiculously holey. I'm assuming there are a bunch of safeguards that Crouch bypassed and Harry never learned of.
Honestly, rather than enter the tournament I could see Jacob being more interested in who entered Harry in the tournament, and why he is the fourth champion rather than the hogwarts champion. Being in the tournament would take time away from that. And while being in the tournament would be cool, I think Jacob would rather solve a mystery.

There's a few problems with that.

1) By the time Jacob finds out about Harry being entered, he would have already entered/not entered
2) Peter has been captured, so Tommy is stuck for a while longer.
3) Barty likely won't even be there long enough to pull that stunt since we have the map and will out him.
4) Harry being a werewolf very likely means The Riddler doesn't want his blood anymore and will use someone else.

Too many butterflies to make anything regarding Harry's involvement in the tournament reliable. Hell, it might not even go to Hogwarts seeing as Harry was bitten on school grounds, it might not be deemed safe enough.

If I had to choose, I'd like it to go to Duamstrung since they have actual classes on dark arts there IIRC and it would be a good way to get our skill in that area up.

Edit: Different school probably isn't likely to happen or if it does, chances are we won't be able to go. There's too much stuff set up at Hogwarts to just abandon it for an in quest year.

I wonder if the Triwizard tournament will necessarily happen at Hogwarts. Imagine it happening in France. That could be very cool since we have a connection there.

Who's our connection there again?
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