Excerpt from Calexit Über Alles
Rise Comics: I was screwing about on the internet the other day and found this
<Yang Cosplayer>
Apparently, said cosplayer is a downtimer.
Rise Comics: That's actually a bit of a surprise.
Silverpower: What, that a downtimer would cosplay at all, or that it happened so fast?
Rise Comics: Both. Mostly the second one.
Rise Comics: @Lemuel_Gulliver check it out.
Lemuel Gulliver: Uptime culture is catching on surprisingly fast, even back east. Although I doubt anyone from home would let themselves be caught in something that...daring.
Silverpower: A Yang with no Blake? What heresy is this?
Rise Comics: Scroll down. There's 4 Blakes, 3 Weisses, and a Ruby.
Silverpower: Oh ho!
Lemuel Gulliver: I have to admit that other than playing Europa Universalis—which was as much a personal curiosity as anything—I haven't really had the chance to be exposed to much uptimer "pop culture".
asqwerty3345: I'd look at stuff from your era in progression until your reach the modern stuff so you can get a feel for it.
Rise Comics: That's a great idea
Silverpower: Not a lot of that stuff survived, tho, in digital form.
asqwerty3345: Enough would've
Lemuel Gulliver: That seems like a bit of a long term project.
Rise Comics: Start with the most prevalent in each era, then go deeper in the eras you're interested in.
Music is a good way to do it.
Rise Comics: And from the 1920s, watch at least 5 films per era
Silverpower: That's actually good advice, yeah
Firebringer 2077: Citizen Kane, Great Dictator, Modern Times
Rise Comics: Casablanca
asqwerty3345: the man with no name trilogy
Rise Comics: Star Wars Original Trilogy
Silverpower: (also, as an anime fan... anime is its own topic. The vast, vast, vast majority of it isn't from uptime America, but uptime Japan. It's an entire medium in its own right and trying to figure it out while you still don't grasp any uptime pop culture will probably end in tears.)
Rise Comics: ^^
Rise Comics: But yeah, watch The Big Lebowski
Crunch Buttsteak: I'm gonna go against the grain here and suggest the 90's Romeo and Juliet adaptation. Because it's a familiar story but it shows the general aesthetic of uptime films. Because that can be very different.
Silverpower: that's actually not a bad idea. At the very least, it gives you the 90s film aesthetic
Crunch Buttsteak: Because y'all are throwing suggestions at the guy and honestly so much of them depend on so much cultural backdrop that without them they fall flat.
Rise Comics: True
Silverpower: Yeah, it's why I'm wavering on whether or not to recommend Heat.
Crunch Buttsteak: Like yeah terminator is a good 2 movies but they also are heavily dependent on the cultural underpinning of the Cold War when we all thought we were perpetually 30 minutes away from dying horribly in a nuclear fireball.
Crunch Buttsteak: Alien is almost Marxist in its reading of a careless company treating workers as expendable in pursuit of profit.
Silverpower: yessss
Rise Comics: It's not far from the 1850s
Silverpower: honestly at some point there needs to be like a masterpost of "essential movie introductions" that we can just point people to
Rise Comics: Yep
Rise Comics: That and/or Pop Culture classes.
Firebringer 2077: Guy's like 5 a decade. You're having him do 20 in the 1980s
Rise Comics: True.
Rise Comics: @Lemuel_Gulliver you okay?
Silverpower: lmao
Silverpower: I stand by my "Alien" recommend, even though it's a bit of an era-hopper, but I realize that most of my recommendations are going to be either 70s-90s action/drama movies or 80s-10s anime
Rise Comics: For fun, add the Cannonball Run. Nothing spectacular plot-wise, but it's a fun romp.
Lemuel_Gulliver: I think what I plan to do is find a few seminal, milestone works of the twentieth and late nineteenth centuries to get a broad idea of the development of culture over the years, and then start on media that's popular right "now" in 2018.
Silverpower: yeah
Rise Comics: Good idea
Lemuel_Gulliver: That should give me some background for it while not overloading my schedule
Silverpower: some downtimers basically just dive right into the mid-late 2010s-era stuff and they're fine, but.
Rise Comics: You do you.
Rise Comics: Just never watch Birth of a Nation.
Rise Comics: It's racist propaganda, even if it did pioneer then-groundbreaking camerawork.
Silverpower: I wish we yeeted that movie.
This is the most you'll ever see me type in a single sitting - Rise Comics