A Game of Crowns (Mafia)

Also, I could have sworn I was already doing this, but I wasn't:

[X] Lynch ComiTurtle

that's 3 votes, hammer is at 7 as 13 are alive.
[X] Lynch Nictis

So, I'd really like to know why you're certain about the scum win condition if you wouldn't mind? And also why you're so certain that Eva is town that you just put 'town' on your reads list.
While native to the Kingdom of Merovin, his death does not bring down the Veil, and the crowd simmers in disgruntlement before dispersing through the palace for the night. No-one trusts anyone else enough to let them stand watch alone, but the general sentiment is that that nobody can be allowed out of the palace, lest the person they need slip away.

The Veil remains though, and even a layman's understanding of magic is enough to know that a working of that scale has to be anchored to something. Or more accurately, someone. And thus, the mass of people congregates once more, in search of the linchpin hidden in their midst.

Quite certainly a loyalist of the Kingdom of Merovin, but sadly not who many in the crowd are seeking.

Emphasis mine but-
The crowd is implied to be the Reim kingdom who is invading us mainly and this almost certainly seems like the GM is directly saying: Hey don't let a certain unknown someone die or the game is going to end.
But yeah, there's no way in a non bastard game the GM is gonna explicitly state it like that and have it be a ruse. That'd be a dick move.
I'm having trouble getting together quotes and stuff without my computer and notes. Taking it in to be repaired (hopefully) today, but ae might need to order parts for it if the repair guy doesn't have any in stock. I don't know how much I like the Comi lynch, but I think I like it more than the Abeum lynch at this point. If I can't get my computer fixed today, I'll see if I can borrow one, but for now...

[X] Lynch Comiturtle
@Nictis if I was scum do you really think I would make these bad plays? That I wouldn't be able to piece together exactly what you were claiming because from the perspective you either are the VIP or defending the VIP if I'm scum. Being non-scum is the only way I could reasonably believe the VIP thing doesn't really exist? And like I'm certainly playing badly but these are transparent analytical nuggets from a properly informed perspective.

This is a wine-y reason I know but still can't you see that? I don't want to do any work for scum and explain why I'm pretty sure scum me'd already have won at this juncture.
Could you explain this bit to me, please?

I replaced in during the night phase, and hadn't fully read the game, thus any night action I would've submitted was based purely on my opinions of the playerbase on the whole. IE assume I'm a doctor (I'm not) I'd probably protect Nictis/QT since they are not uncommon night 1 death targets regardless of me reading the game itself.
Alright, I'm here. Gonna do a quick post, then go make some food.
frankly if you're so informed and town scum would've night killed you. But they haven't they went for QT an experienced player that didn't make enough of a splash to protected and Nani which I'm currently reviewing the posts of but they didn't seem like they were making any large impact.
Here be me accusing ComiTurtle and TurtleDucks of having killed QT and Nani. Here be Comi saying that Scum should have killed me if they were paying attention to the game, and giving a reason for TurtleDucks to have chosen QT over me.
Now, let me begin by saying if I have used any night action, it was done purely off of meta and not the game because I was being a bad replacement.
Here be Comi saying that if they took a Night Action, it was off Meta instead of stuff in thread. Like me being informed.

This amuses me. (I should probably check when he actually swapped in, going by memory it was during Day 2)

But ignoring the inherent Wine in saying who scum should have killed...
[X] Lynch Nictis

So, I'd really like to know why you're certain about the scum win condition if you wouldn't mind? And also why you're so certain that Eva is town that you just put 'town' on your reads list.
>Has four people listed as Town without any listed reasons.
>Is only asked about one.

@Nictis if I was scum do you really think I would make these bad plays? That I wouldn't be able to piece together exactly what you were claiming because from the perspective you either are the VIP or defending the VIP if I'm scum. Being non-scum is the only way I could reasonably believe the VIP thing doesn't really exist? And like I'm certainly playing badly but these are transparent analytical nuggets from a properly informed perspective.

This is a wine-y reason I know but still can't you see that? I don't want to do any work for scum and explain why I'm pretty sure scum me'd already have won at this juncture.

Okay, so. I say that I expect two different scum groups, one of them possibly just a Serial Killer. The first are Assassins, who I expect to have one kill and the objective of killing one particular person. The second are the Invaders, who I expect to have standard Mafia goals of Parity and are what I'm saying you are. In other words, that you would be of the group that is unconcerned by the Crown. The other thing... 'do you really think I would make these bad plays?' I've already mentioned... Many times now that that defense doesn't really stand to me, and the fact that you're trying to play that when before you were saying that I would not lynch the person I need dead in favor of lynching a teammate. The double standard here amuses me.

Alright, I'm gonna go eat, and then probably take a look at Ban.
Alright, I'm here. Gonna do a quick post, then go make some food.

Here be me accusing ComiTurtle and TurtleDucks of having killed QT and Nani. Here be Comi saying that Scum should have killed me if they were paying attention to the game, and giving a reason for TurtleDucks to have chosen QT over me.

Here be Comi saying that if they took a Night Action, it was off Meta instead of stuff in thread. Like me being informed.

This amuses me. (I should probably check when he actually swapped in, going by memory it was during Day 2)

But ignoring the inherent Wine in saying who scum should have killed...

>Has four people listed as Town without any listed reasons.
>Is only asked about one.


Okay, so. I say that I expect two different scum groups, one of them possibly just a Serial Killer. The first are Assassins, who I expect to have one kill and the objective of killing one particular person. The second are the Invaders, who I expect to have standard Mafia goals of Parity and are what I'm saying you are. In other words, that you would be of the group that is unconcerned by the Crown. The other thing... 'do you really think I would make these bad plays?' I've already mentioned... Many times now that that defense doesn't really stand to me, and the fact that you're trying to play that when before you were saying that I would not lynch the person I need dead in favor of lynching a teammate. The double standard here amuses me.

Alright, I'm gonna go eat, and then probably take a look at Ban.

Fair enough. It was only one other person that you gave the 'town and nothing else' treatment too, but because I've been town reading Interstellar and scum reading Eva I kinda skipped over that and for that I apologize. I'm probably too deep on the 'Eva is scum' thing where it's affecting my judgement.

With that said, you didn't answer my other question at all - and it's the one I'm more curious about. You had a lot of set-up spec earlier, then suddenly your wording made it seem as if the speculation was certainty rather than speculation, which combined with your earlier claim of extra knowledge makes me very curious.
Okay, so. I say that I expect two different scum groups, one of them possibly just a Serial Killer. The first are Assassins, who I expect to have one kill and the objective of killing one particular person. The second are the Invaders, who I expect to have standard Mafia goals of Parity and are what I'm saying you are.

I don't think there's reason to believe there are multiple Assassins. There's moderate reason to believe LttL was working alone.
I don't think the night kills we've seen were the work of a serial killer, as that would imply the standard Mafia is passing on night kills. Passing on night kills would need an extraordinary reason, and I find it doubtful that the standard mafia only gets a single kill apiece.
I am Sir Frederik, the strongest knight of the kingdom, I would never betray my lord, even though he be fallen. @Evenstar

(Wish I was vig though... would have an out to these mistakes.)

This amuses me. (I should probably check when he actually swapped in, going by memory it was during Day 2)

I replaced during the night phase, and like if you believe me scum why wouldn't you just assume I was lying about any reason behind any night action I took at that point I'd just ask my ally what to do or what was going on.
I replaced during the night phase,

Like... why would I lie about when I replaced in? That just seems pointless? I'd have better excuses if I wasn't present night 1. I'm totally willing to lie about details, and what not, but please don't assume I'd lie about when I started playing the game, its kinda disrespectful and literally something we can ask LDJ to confirm if you must do so.
I replaced during the night phase, and like if you believe me scum why wouldn't you just assume I was lying about any reason behind any night action I took at that point I'd just ask my ally what to do or what was going on.
TurtleDucks/ComiTurtle: Scum. Likely Serial Killer.
The lie is also more likely coming from a Serial Killer than a Survivor, and the reasoning of "Wanted someone to say they couldn't be night killed" doesn't really hold up when it would just pull attention from a potential Strongman and otherwise would be shown if he was ever attacked. Honestly? It seems more like new scum trying to defend a teammate or buddy up than an SK specifically, but Absum's interactions with your slot don't feel aligned, so I'm going with SK. (Plus, SK having Night Immunity is a basic trait that really doesn't help your case here)
which is a perfect fit for a Serial Killer fake claim.
ComiTurtle is an Invader Serial Killer.
either a single Serial Killer or a group of invaders from the assault on the Castle who got in before the Veil fell, most likely a Serial Killer
one of them possibly just a Serial Killer.
I wonder why you wouldn't ask your ally? 🤔
Like... why would I lie about when I replaced in? That just seems pointless? I'd have better excuses if I wasn't present night 1. I'm totally willing to lie about details, and what not, but please don't assume I'd lie about when I started playing the game, its kinda disrespectful and literally something we can ask LDJ to confirm if you must do so.
I never said you lied about that.
You're trying to catch me in a 'Gotcha!' for phrasing, do I need to go grab more quotes to provide the context of me saying "I think the SK is probably an Invader" or are we good on that?
You're trying to catch me in a 'Gotcha!' for phrasing, do I need to go grab more quotes to provide the context of me saying "I think the SK is probably an Invader" or are we good on that?

If this is what you're trying to say, at least be consistent and clear because the post I quoted read to me as you're mafia, not an SK.

Also I kinda just want to die so you can see just how wrong you are and just how frustrating you are being. Am I being frustrating probably, but I actually think you're town again, and want to still win the game.

Currently Ban, Hobo, and Absum are my scum reads. Though Hobo the lowest of the three so let me change that.

[X] Lynch Absum