A Game of Crowns (Mafia)

Okay, I'm back and...

Gotta vote for someone, and I'm not feeling Nani. While I dislike how Evenstar revealed information, they do still feel town to me, at least for the moment...
Est pretty much addressed my issues immediately so...

[X]Lynch Look to the Left

Hum. I'd normally go for Ban or 1K off that tally, but I'll wait for Ban to actually participate tomorrow like they said they would. And I'd just feel bad going on 1K, especially with no one actually posting reasons for them.

Absum's claim really is rather off, but at the same time, their actions don't feel sus to me. Kinda like a Nega-Evenstar.
Gah, this isn't about pressuring anymore but finding an acceptable vote.

[X] Lynch Look to the Left

Inactivity votes are there for when there's nothing better. We're at that for the second day in a row, which is not a particularly good spot to be in, if I'm being honest. Still, it's the only thing I can think of. Got way too many people with no data points in my notes even this late. Should push tomorrow. Should. We'll see if I can actually work up the energy.

Depends on the GM, but usually yes on the target being informed, and no on the blocker being told. Your attempt at knowing if Nani is a Power Role is noted however.

Gonna need to look at this whwn I grt off work, phone posting doesn't work well with links on SV.


I wanted to know if having a power was implicit in being roleblocked. If so, Nani would presumably intend to share that information. If not, no more info has been provided. Like I said up above, the only reason I didn't ask in the general mafia thread was because I didn't want to be perceived as talking about the game in a separate thread.
[X] Null

Not going to have my vote for the day be one made under duress. Absum I can't read properly, LttL is a pure inactivity vote. I don't like any of these lynches, but I think atm I prefer Absum because they're worth slightly more info (from the perspective of not currently seeing a lot of value in any of these lynches), but I'd need to refresh myself on the arguments first, which I won't be able to do for a few hours.
If you think the arguments are convincing enough for a lynch aside from that it's fine (and to be clear that doesn't have to mean 100% scum lock). But if you're gonna lynch me for info you should consider that that means I won't be around to generate info later, and so if the other option is an inactivity lynch you should really only do so if you think you really need the info my lynch would provide now or very soon. If the other option isn't an inactivity lynch it obviously is fine to let that decide things in favour of lynching me.
I know it isn't much, but wanted to at least contribute something

Read List:
  1. mesonoxian - was on the Rosen vote, but seemed there for semi-genuine reasons. Was convinced of a path early by quite honestly bad evidence, and couldn't be swayed.
  2. -Rosen - dead Town.
  3. Look to the Left - mostly absent
  4. Cyricubed - has made some very townie posts, and defended Rosen prior to their death. While at that point the Lynch was nearly locked in and scum could safely do exactly what Cyri did, I read it as a town play.
  5. PyrrosWarrior - has content, I know for a fact they have content, but I can't remember it.
  6. Est - Voting me for as of yet undisclosed reasons, possibly to do with absence and possibly not. Had some good D1 posts.
  7. QTesseract - dead Town
  8. InterstellarHobo - One of my favorites of the game, weirdly enough. Reads very town to me, though I'm not sure I could point to a specific point.
  9. 1KBestK - Similar to Pyros where while they have plenty of content, my own inactivity has made me miss a bit of it and left me with a null read
  10. Nanimani - mostly a null, but some of their posts have read slightly scummy to me.
  11. Turtlez - third party seed planting by TD, followed by neutral play by Comi, gives me the impression of Mafia Comi playing catch up.
  12. Nictis - Nictis
  13. Happerry - Happerry
  14. DimensionalGuy - I seem to remember them posting some, and having some good posts, but also being relatively quiet.
  15. BanTheFairyKing - Townie as fuck
  16. Absum - neutral to slight scum read, but this is reminding me quite a bit of their day 1 town Lynch where their behavior was just slightly off and people pounced
  17. Evenstar - my strongest scum read, and even then it's not too strong to be totally honest
@Absum you said it here, in response to Ban:
Either Nictis just says no, or Nictis gives an explanation of their own flavour/ability when earlier they said sharing wasn't caring.
I think (as in I've forgotten and am too busy right now to try and check properly) one exchange felt a bit off to me as well, but this seems like a bit of a leap to me. If I ask you "hey should I share my flavour to clear things up" I would be highly surprised if you went "Actually I'm gonna share my flavour now" because uh what?? Maybe you could argue the earlier mild fishing wrt neighbourhoods/masons makes it more likely to be sus but eeeh, don't think I'd agree.

And as for why I voted Ban, it all boils down to this:

Ban: Toneread them as distant, or perhaps disconnected from the thread on D1, and then came his vote to lynch ES which contained a backdoor in the same post, both which would make sense from the lens of a maf, but recent reveal of RL stuff has me reconsider my scumread anew

So Im reviewing rn while trying to absorb Comis mega post
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Est on Oct 16, 2019 at 4:44 PM, finished with 234 posts and 9 votes.
@Absum you said it here, in response to Ban:

And as for why I voted Ban, it all boils down to this:

So Im reviewing rn while trying to absorb Comis mega post
That post already says "I think but don't recall". It's even a lead in to disagreeing with Ban finding the quoted interaction weird, so it wouldn't have been that and I don't see anything else while quickly scrolling through. So uh I've got nothing?
If you think the arguments are convincing enough for a lynch aside from that it's fine (and to be clear that doesn't have to mean 100% scum lock). But if you're gonna lynch me for info you should consider that that means I won't be around to generate info later, and so if the other option is an inactivity lynch you should really only do so if you think you really need the info my lynch would provide now or very soon. If the other option isn't an inactivity lynch it obviously is fine to let that decide things in favour of lynching me.
My point was less "I want to lynch you because info" and more "lynching LttL pretty much gives us no info." PLus, I still need to read peoples reasoning on you more thoroughly.
*waves tiredly*

Hello again, I'm off work now. Things got incredibly busy after my break ended, and phone posting is hell.

Making food right now, will be responding to stuff and stuff after I eat and get some caffeine in me.
*waves tiredly*

Hello again, I'm off work now. Things got incredibly busy after my break ended, and phone posting is hell.

Making food right now, will be responding to stuff and stuff after I eat and get some caffeine in me.
Enjoy your meal. Hope your work smooths out.
Urg...the longer it goes the more Mafia Mafia vibes I keep getting, in that there isn't a lot I see to highlight on at the moment and despite a good number of people to talk there is little to discuss...
So does anyone want me to do an analysis of another player or have any more questions towards me?
Doesn't everyone claim town? Like, a general town claim I just consider NAI. Now claiming VT, or a power role? That's different, but this was just a town claim afaik
It's an interesting followup to repeated hinting at being third party, and 'a friend to all.' It also came with a specific claim that TD believed Absum to be Town.

A town claim is normal from most, a town claim from someone who has made themselves appear to be a Survivor is interesting.
Alright, I've eaten and am nursing an energy drink. There are fourteen hours and nineteen minutes remaining. Time to read what I missed and start responding to stuff.