A Game of Crowns (Mafia)

...centers around the Day 1 reads that people would create, which has nothing to do with the questions, because I had already specifically said that the questions were for team reading guidelines. I can grab my own quotes if you want me to make this difference any more clear. Your argument here doesn't make sense.
EBWOP: Underlined/Bolded
Dang it pawn...why couldn't you be here to give insight on -Rosen! WWWWWHHHHYYYYYY

urg...not gonna lie I'm starting to read Nictis/Rosen as Town/Neutral atm. Not really getting a scum read off Rosen anymore but I do want a response to my section in particular before I move off. I still Disagree with Nictis on there not being enough meta data present on site to truly compare -Rosen to at this time.

I'm still awaiting a response from Turtle...

@Nictis are you spotting things outside of Rosen or do we have crocodile effect again?
@BanTheFairyKing Any thoughts outside of Evenstar? I don't really agree with your push at this time but I am curious for thoughts.
Dang it pawn...why couldn't you be here to give insight on -Rosen! WWWWWHHHHYYYYYY

urg...not gonna lie I'm starting to read Nictis/Rosen as Town/Neutral atm. Not really getting a scum read off Rosen anymore but I do want a response to my section in particular before I move off. I still Disagree with Nictis on there not being enough meta data present on site to truly compare -Rosen to at this time.

I'm still awaiting a response from Turtle...

@Nictis are you spotting things outside of Rosen or do we have crocodile effect again?
@BanTheFairyKing Any thoughts outside of Evenstar? I don't really agree with your push at this time but I am curious for thoughts.

That's fair. Honestly, my only real town read is Absum. Nictis, 1k, and You are Townleans, I'm neutral on Rosen, Est, TD, and Meso, and everyone else... Everyone else I don't really have thoughts on? Idk. I don't have a real scum read right now, it's part of why I'm voting for Evenstar.
@Nictis are you spotting things outside of Rosen or do we have crocodile effect again?
Crocodile effect?

I'm actually noting a pretty good amount of stuff, it's just that most of it is stuff that would be actively bad to try and explain, some of it is just good impressions, and the rest of it doesn't matter enough to bring up yet. Rosen is one of the people I am most certain on, and can call out as scum for enough of a variety of reasons that I don't need to give out more important info.
urg...not gonna lie I'm starting to read Nictis/Rosen as Town/Neutral atm. Not really getting a scum read off Rosen anymore but I do want a response to my section in particular before I move off.
Eh what you said on the matter has already been clarified; I never outright said "oh these will help find scum," other people have just spun it that way. I've already stated that this is more for a guideline read than anything.
Sorry, hard to place things in time retroactively.
I dunno if you know this but as iirc I only discovered it in my previous game: On the tally the votes and the voters for a specific vote are listen in chronological order and you can click on a voter name to go the post in which they placed the vote.

Coulda sworn you had it on your quote bar at some times:

You clench who you believe to be scum in a crocadile lock-jaw deathroll while the rest of the thread is along for the ride.

Or something like that, anyway, wanted to see if you were just hardcore locking onto one person without noting everything else. You gave a more or less non-commital answer from my PoV but I can take it as a good thing regardless, especially since I don't think we should give scum anything to work off of so yeah.

However I don't think there is enough to say -Rosen is scum at this moment. Maybe weird atm but not scum for certain. That said I don't have a town read of them either so I mean... Urg.

[X] Lynch Turtleducks

My reasoning for TD hasn't been shaken, if anything Absum's responses reinforce it and has me seeing TD-Absum buddying openly here. I'm patient to wait for TD's response before going wholly into this though.
(Although I am really not happy with how little @PyrrosWarrior and @Look to the Left have posted so far.)
Sorry about that. I've been rather busy and offline from SV for the past 24+ hours. That said, my current schedule will not have anything come up to that level of attention for the next 2-3 weeks, so I should now be following along more closely.

The problem is that your "list random users who might be scum" plan doesn't help town in any way. When that was pointed out the first time you defended it. When you were pressed on it you claimed it wouldn't actually have an impact. It remains a bad idea for town regardless of whether you try to justify it by saying it will help identify scum somehow, or whether you try to justify it by saying it wasn't meant in earnest. The changing explanations just make it more obviously questionable.

Likewise, the meta reads you are insisting don't apply to you are one of the things that do the most work to exonerate you. People saying this kind of posting is your norm is the one thing that makes me doubt you are scummy. But you are so defensive you are insisting that no one should even attempt a meta read, even though so far all the ones offered were in your defense.

People who suspect you for bad reasons should expect to get overly-defensive responses. This is nothing new.
Except I am talking about your needlessly ambiguous answers to questions about your favorite role and insistence that you will be hard to read (not something townies really need) and that no one should even try to get a meta read on you. Only the last of these had anything to do with anyone suspecting you.

They are the reasons I started suspecting you.
The problem is that your "list random users who might be scum" plan doesn't help town in any way. When that was pointed out the first time you defended it. When you were pressed on it you claimed it wouldn't actually have an impact. It remains a bad idea for town regardless of whether you try to justify it by saying it will help identify scum somehow, or whether you try to justify it by saying it wasn't meant in earnest. The changing explanations just make it more obviously questionable.
It technically could help in the long-road of looking back during a MYLO situation since whomever is scum would be likely to fill their list with at least one scumbuddy along some innocents (assuming we don't somehow end up in a town wipe-out situation). That said, the negatives of spreading paranoia among town, not really adding anything to the general discourse in the immediate future, and potentially stirring chaos in the immediate discourse makes it overall a very bad play in my eyes. It is also a very odd play to make as one of your* first "major" posts in the discourse.

*I am using "your" in a general sense, not accusing you specifically of posting those meso
So i guess this is the game of lynching newbies...
By the tally, Rosen is currently "winning" the vote with 1k in second. Lynching any of the newbies doesn't really have a great following at the moment when you take into account the general attitude pushed towards each newbie with a vote against them.
By the tally, Rosen is currently "winning" the vote with 1k in second. Lynching any of the newbies doesn't really have a great following at the moment when you take into account the general attitude pushed towards each newbie with a vote against them.
I know that, but why wouldn't I point it out?