A Fool's Study into Witchcraft [Little Witch Academia X Persona]

At first she was thankful that Akko took notes for her, but one look at the result caused her eyes to twitch.

Calling them chicken scratch would be putting it lightly. The handwriting was messy, barely legible, and the y's were indistinguishable from the g's. The content was disorganized with spelling mistakes littered about. At some point the information devolved into a scrawl of incomplete terms, as if the writer had given up on taking notes and just wrote down whatever they could.
Illegible hand writing. Bane of our existence.
She was shocked upon realization. While witches were physically more capable than the average human, it was only slightly. They'd never be able to do something like catch a speeding wasp between their fingers without the aid of magic.
Unless you're Sakamoto.

Without warning, Chariot pinched Ursula on the stomach again, causing her to yelp in surprise once more.

"Honestly though you really need to get back in shape. You've gotten way too pudgy."
Listen to your Shadow.

Нужно больше еды…!


еды было недостаточно ...!

Больше еды!


… Слишком слабый ... Хозяин нуждается в восстановлении ...
Need more food ...!
food was not enough ...!
More food!
... Too weak ... Boss needs recovery ...
With everything that had happened the day before, homework was the last thing the trio had on their mind. So, with liberal use of Dormina and several alarms, the group woke up an hour early and divided the workload amongst themselves. Each of them got the subject they were most knowledgable as an attempt to save time.
Persona abilities give too good studying haxes.
"What are you going to tell them?" Sucy whispered. "That your succubus played them like fiddles for two days straight?"

Akko sighed. "I'll think of something..."
Why that does not fill me with confidence.
"Oh my god…" Sucy rubbed her temples. "They are multiplying…"
Don't worry, Sucy, they'll grow on you. Like a fungus.

If that's the feeling you get from reading Slice of Life than I suggest dropping those immediately and going find some real authors with actual talents and skills Lol.

There are so many ways to make one's mundane daily interesting. It always made me laugh (by that I mean angry) at how people lack imagination and are always too "real" to bother.

True. If I phrased that in in a way said I dislike Slice of Life in general, then my apologies for the misstatement.

I've found more than a few good SOL fics or chapters, and the idea itself is something I enjoy when done well, but there are entirely too many that just treat it as a chore, something to use as a stopgap so that the action doesn't wear thin. That's what I meant about issues reading it and why I like this fic so much. You and the artist don't treat these chapters as anything less important than the big arcs, the two working together to create something greater than either part.

Still, I'll go look a bit harder for good SOL authors now. It might be hard or take a while, but moments like this chapter make it all worth it. After all, life is beautiful.
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I am now morbidly curious what a group of Witch Persona users in the middle of some rougher playing around would look like. Diana casually picking up her two friends without even noticing and Akko's hugs being "too tight."

*Crash* "... Welp, there goes the administrative wing."

Akko: "Oops."

And yes, good slice of life is so hard to find. Recently (meaning within the past year) the one that I remember is Maiko-san Chi no Makanai-san, very nice manga.

*Shrug* I wish it was easier to find, but...
Game Mechanic Change:

- Persona user and their Persona no longer share the same Strength stat. Everyone's abilities starts off around equal footing.
  • Example: Minerva will have pitiful damage when using physical skills, but Diana, depending on her weapon, can do good damage.
- Evolved and improved from Chamber of Time's Potion system. Certain Persona or Persona skills can be used at Luna Nova to solve problems.
Glad to see this back. Art is great as usual, and some interesting scenes.

I'm curious about the pair of new girls. I don't see any mention of them on the wiki's list of minor characters. Are they OCs meant to fill in a gap of 'other students who secretly are fans of Chariot', or are they canon characters who just haven't been added to the wiki?
while also being one of the school's favorite student.
She prefered being surrounded by her collection of ancient tomes and scrolls, it helped her focused, she found.
"I was planning to have a discussion with you when you are fully rested. But since you were so hard working, I thought it was rude since disrupting the pursuit of knowledge is the action most sinful."
were fully rested, but since you were working so hard, I thought it would be rude, since
It was annoyed her to no end that it happened, but there's not much she could do at this time.
Delete this word.
there wasn't much she could do at the time.
She continued working on her homework as it was dawned on her that her new found speed was actually affecting her in other ways.
Delete this word.
and she couldn't be anymore grateful for her kindness.
any more
So you know exactly what I, you Shadow, truly desires right?"
Add a comma after "desires".
Ursula looked at her depressed Shadow, don't know what to say except matching her own frown with hers.
Please fix the second half of this sentence..........
And now that she had opened the Tree of Hearts, I can finally act!"
Jasminka flopped back down to her pillow, savagely chewing before going still, very much remained unconscious.
Maybe she be awake by the time we come back.
Each of them got the subject they were most knowledgable as an attempt to save time.
knowledgeable about in an attempt
She found it curious that it felt just like how she usually channel magic from her wand.
The other girl stepped in. She was a head shorter the other girl, skinnier too, and radiated energy.
shorter than the
Also, I'd recommend rewording this slightly to remove the ambiguity of "other girl" referring to two different people in two consecutive sentences.
They too, was once bullied for liking Chariot
They don't believe it would be hard since Luna Nova was infamous of having lack luster clubs.
She guess that was the price now for being true to herself instead of meeting other's idealized expectation.
others' idealized expectations
One could say Jennifer's Memorial Tree was one of Luna Nova's great guardian spirit.
Either delete "one of" or change "spirit" to "spirits" (depending on what your intent was).
Who exactly Jennifer was, no one was exactly sure. All they knew was that she was a great, powerful, and wise witch that lived around the time of the Nine Old Witches were around,
Delete this word.
a witch that loved Luna Nova so much, that at her deathbed she transferred her spirit
Delete the comma.
However, considering powerful witches would often become trees after death anyway, this might just be where she was buried.
More roots ripped themselves from the ground as the culprit behind their current situation made themselves known.
They pulsed and writhed, leeching the life from its host.
Trying force the magic out was the wrong move!
Trying to force
Silence lingered for a few seconds before green aura radiated.
before a green
The rest of the afternoon was spent following the trial of golden butterflies through the sky,
I'm curious about the pair of new girls. I don't see any mention of them on the wiki's list of minor characters. Are they OCs meant to fill in a gap of 'other students who secretly are fans of Chariot', or are they canon characters who just haven't been added to the wiki?

Beta's a hardcore League of Legends player.
God damn it! Editing this story was painful!


Post from between FF to SB and SV: destroy all the align.

Post from SB and SV to AO3: destroyed the bolds and italic

Underline never ever transfer!!!

Someone please tell me that's a way to do it without me having to edit the same chapter 3 BLOODY times!!!!! T_T
God damn it! Editing this story was painful!


Post from between FF to SB and SV: destroy all the align.

Post from SB and SV to AO3: destroyed the bolds and italic

Underline never ever transfer!!!

Someone please tell me that's a way to do it without me having to edit the same chapter 3 BLOODY times!!!!! T_T
At least between SV and SB, there should be no problem at all if you get it working on one, switch to the BB Code Editor, and then copy and paste that over to the other site.
I don't know... In the back of my mind, I keep wondering if the low view count was because of people saw the topic and think:

"A fool's study into witchcraft...? Is this some kind of cringe harem fic about Minato/Narukami/Joker going into an all girls school? Screw that."

and summary:

"The Magical World is declining as the Collective Consciousness of Humanity embraces modern technology. During that time, a Fool begins her journey by enrolling in Luna Nova to follow her missing idol's footsteps. Can she rekindle people's believe in magic once more? (She probably needs to study first though...)... So Hamuko learning magic????"

Too late and lazy to actually go change those, but it's something to think about since people like to judge a book by its cover no matter how much they don't want to admit they did.
I don't know... In the back of my mind, I keep wondering if the low view count was because of people saw the topic and think:

"A fool's study into witchcraft...? Is this some kind of cringe harem fic about Minato/Narukami/Joker going into an all girls school? Screw that."

and summary:

"The Magical World is declining as the Collective Consciousness of Humanity embraces modern technology. During that time, a Fool begins her journey by enrolling in Luna Nova to follow her missing idol's footsteps. Can she rekindle people's believe in magic once more? (She probably needs to study first though...)... So Hamuko learning magic????"

Too late and lazy to actually go change those, but it's something to think about since people like to judge a book by its cover no matter how much they don't want to admit they did.
It is kinda crazy low for how fantastic this is.
Now featuring Bayonetta from the Bayonetta series... #2



*ahem...* Sorry everyone for the sudden off topic. But there's no other place to flex this awesome luck.

The collab is getting really interesting! Like seriously, this is like the most interesting Dx2's plot had been in a LONG while.

Than again... her ideal Archtype is Psychic... Can always change it later I supposed. Aragami isn't half bad.

Just Jeanne left... please come home too... the duo need to be completed!

Hope after 20th, we get a hard boss fight with her... I will record about it if that does come about.

CH13 is still in the oven... DAMN IT!!!!
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I think Coinsh died or something...

Changed to TinyPic. Image links should be fixed now.
This chapter was great, the slice of life was fantastic, and the bit at the end with the golden butterflies was cute.
Now featuring Bayonetta from the Bayonetta series... #3 FINAL

AuthorNCS: Oh hi Croix! Welcome home with only 30 rolls!

Artist741: ... I still can't believe we are leveling another Bayonetta... We will never get their Skills maxed...

AuthorNCS: Good thing selling the third Jeanne give us those extra Karma! *Pull down her sleeves and flex* Still though, the one event they should have a special boss fight... they don't... so disappointed at you, SEGA.
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Ah... yeah, I just got unintentionally and unfortunately trolled by my Beta. CH13 are utterly delayed to March. RIP.


Here's a segment of the Chapter to distract you guys (and beg for some attention) while the delay continued. Please comment like crazy so the pain from sodium overdose lessen. See ya all later.


"Welcome to the Velvet room."

The azure bonfire and torches flared as court came into session.

"Good evening, Igor-san and Lavenza- I mean, Justine-chan and Caroline-chan," Akko greeted from the center of the room.

The aggressive sister palmed her table, glaring at the brunette, "You got some nerve, adding 'chan' when addressing us, Accused!"

"Eh!?" Akko flinched, not expecting such hostility from the small girl. "Ah…! Sorry, should I have gone with 'san' instead?! Larvenza-chan didn't have any problems with it, so I thought..."

The calmer sister lightly chucked. "Do not worry, Accused. Caroline is simply not used to anyone but our last guest addressing her in such a manner."

"J-Justine! What are you saying all of a sudden!?" Caroline yelled, crossing her arms and looking away as a faint blush dusted her cheeks. "W-Whatever! Accused! We are in the middle of a trial! Quit wasting time!"

Justine chuckled again, savoring her sister's embarrassment. "The court shall began by examining your new bonds." She opened her blue folder, allowing multiple arcanas to manifest; Fool, Priestess, Chariot, Hermit, and Devil.

Igor looked at Akko and the many cards before her, lightly clapping. "Splendid…! We have had many guests before you, Accused. However, I must say you are the first to establish so many bonds in such a short time."

"Really!?" Akko beamed, "Yay!"

"Don't get ahead of yourself Accused!" Caroline barked "You may be forging bonds with others really quickly, but it's all meaningless if you can't nurture them to fruition!"

"Huh…" Akko pondered before asking. "So I want to ask something… I remember you all saying something along the lines of, "bonds as credible testimonies"...? What's that all about?"

"That's obvious is it not?" Justine said as all the cards gradually returned into the folder. "What is the most important part of magic itself?"

Akko didn't even need to think, she just answered. "A Believing Heart of course!"

"Correct, but that's only half of the truth," Justine looked at Akko as she gave the folder to her master. "You also need the Believing Hearts of others."

Akko soaked in the answer. "... You're right!"

"Magic itself is on trial, Accused, so what better testimonies are there but the Believing Hearts of others?" Caroline said. "And you'd better find enough to get past me, your prosecutor! Otherwise... I will send you into the flame, Witch!"

"What?! You are actually against me!?" Akko grasped.

"This is still a trial remember? What part of being your prosecutor don't you understand?" the aggressive twin said. "Either have the evidence or be judged guilty! So no hard feelings!"

Igor closed the file after a quick scan and brought his gavel down with a loud crack. "The court has accepted the current testimonies. The Accused is granted the following benefits." He then snapped his fingers.

Another chair appeared in the jury, making a total of eight seats.

"Yay!" Akko cheered as she felt the power surging in her heart. "Another Persona slot?! Thank you so much, Igor-san!"

"That's not the only thing," Justine smiled as the Persona Compendium appeared before the brunette, opened. "You can now also perform a Special Fusion. A process in which we combine certain Personas in order to create ones you can't summon normally. However, I believe your options are limited as of now."

"Whoa! This I gotta see!" Eagerly, Akko read through the available options:

Napaea (Magician): High Pixie x Angel

Ame no Uzume (Aeon): Napaea x Kabuso

Tam Lin (Sun): High Pixie x Goblin x Troll x Cu Sith

David (Death): Macabre x Apsaras x Sarasvati

Neko Shogun (Star): Saki Mitama x Ara Mitama x Nigi Mitama x Kusi Mitama

"Wait… Aren't some of these guys the strong Shadows I've beaten before?!" the brunette realized. "That's kinda awkward…"

"So Accused, do you wish to use the remaining court time for fusion?" Justine asked.

"I suggest doing that," Caroline shrugged. "If you had done it earlier maybe you wouldn't have such a hard time with your last battle."

"Hey! I was fine for an entire year with my old Personas!" Akko puffed her cheeks. "I was attached to them too so it was hard all right?!"

Multiple orbs of light escaped from Akko's chest, manifesting themselves as the trial's jury. Aradia, Pixie, Silky, Slime, Lilim, and the newest member Vetala greeted their summoner. It was an amusing sight, especially with Lilim being forced to sit on the elephant-headed-zombie's shoulder due to his towering size taking up two seats.

Grabbing the Persona Compendium, Akko flipped through the pages that listed her discarded Personas. "Alright, everyone! No need to fear! I am not fusing any of you today! Instead I'm going to bring back some Personas I didn't like and use them instead!"

"A wise choice, Akko. Make use of the weaklings and turn them into something worthwhile," Aradia mused. "Thou should look through and pick the best-"

Akko, with her eyes closed began singing a counting rhythm in Japanese, tapping the page at random with both of her hands.

"This could only end in either a lucky accident or another blacklisted Persona, Akko…" the false goddess sighed.

"You think?" Caroline couldn't believe what she was seeing. What a bizarre guest they had this time. "Then again, older sister would probably do something like that…" she thought.

At the end of her little song, Akko's finger landed on two of her entries. Without opening her eyes, she showed everyone the result. "There we go! Please, Justine-chan!"
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I keep thinking of what her final Arcana will be and i just come back to it being 22-The Fool.
I would comment, but I always prefer to just not read chapter previews so that I can be surprised when reading the finalized chapter.
Bit surprised she didn't jump on Ame no Uzume. There's something to be said for bias due to her being in the Shinto pantheon and Japan being Akko's home nation after all.

Then again she became the goddess of Dawn by doing a strip tease so maybe Akko's going "Maybe I shouldn't summon that one..."
You know, it occurs to me that Aradia's the most that the population of the school has seen. Does anyone think that it might cause some issues if she starts pulling out embodiments of death, legendary heroes, and actual gods/goddesses?

Remember, as far as the staff bar Ursula is concerned, Akako is summoning things that already exists somewhere in the world. I can see some very interesting misunderstandings in the future.
So, as you know if you payed attention to what we said on the arts, the cast's transformation designs are based heavily off Japanese voice actor jokes (expect Sucy/Michiyo Murase, because god damn it, she didn't voice enough stuff) of characters we liked.

Akko/Megumi Han:

-Hime Shirayuki/Cure Princess
-Ramlethal Valentine

Are you guys weeb enough predict the voice references we will go for next? (。•̀ᴗ-) ✧
Are you guys weeb enough predict the voice references we will go for next? (。•̀ᴗ-)
Lotte/Fumiko Orikasa
Ciel / tsukihime
Seras Victoria/ hellsing
Riza Hawkeye/ FMA

She uses a western pistol so a military uniform with keys as blades is something I would imagine she would have unless you went with bookish nerd and have her cosplay from her favorite book series.
edit: found some Persona 5 x LWA
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