A Dragon of the North VIII: Whispers of War

Current Tally
##### 3.21
[X] Yes - Increase religious tithe to 200 gold dragons per season to maintain current socio-political benefits.
No. of votes: 18

[X] No - Leave religious tithe as is, necessitating reliance on donations to make ends meet regarding new responsibilities and priorities.
No. of votes: 10
[X] No - Leave religious tithe as is, necessitating reliance on donations to make ends meet regarding new responsibilities and priorities
[X] Yes - Increase religious tithe to 200 gold dragons per season to maintain current socio-political benefits.
[X] Yes - Increase religious tithe to 200 gold dragons per season to maintain current socio-political benefits.

Best to have the Faith on our good side when we start shipping in more Northmen.
Can the people who are voting no please think of the people who could easily act as donators to the faith in our fief, 200 gold is beyond our peasants. Do you want the priests in our lands to be paid off by Littlefinger or even Tywin? If you were going to back off from supporting the faith you should have done it last turn by not going with Shepherds to the Flock again, if you do it now you will just cause us more problems.
I wish you could see my face so that I could raise my eyebrow at you. The logical thing to do would to be to have something like what hte catholic faith had.
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Can the people who are voting no please think of the people who could easily act as donators to the faith in our fief, 200 gold is beyond our peasants. Do you want the priests in our lands to be paid off by Littlefinger or even Tywin? If you were going to back off from supporting the faith you should have done it last turn by not going with Shepherds to the Flock again, if you do it now you will just cause us more problems.
We aren't asking the anybody to pay the sum alone, you know. The population has increased a lot due to the influx of Crownlanders. I think the septs can manage.
[X] Yes - Increase religious tithe to 200 gold dragons per season to maintain current socio-political benefits.

this is need to not have our enemies cause unrest between our people.

But next turn we will need some sort of action to fund old gods practices.
People have kept saying that we have plenty of gold but I see that our treasury is at 225 gold right now.
[X] No - Leave religious tithe as is, necessitating reliance on donations to make ends meet regarding new responsibilities and priorities

Is there any reason to think that the peasant stats will decrease if we don't invest more in the faith?

The way I see it is the increase of Septs and traveling Septons raised the stats by making our peasants happier and healthier. They may fall if they have to cut back because of a lack of donations.

If they have rely on donations we let someone else influence them. If we instead keep them reliant on us, we have some power over them. Someone once told me "that the power to withhold is the power to destroy". Just think, Lifferfinger pays for all the faith activities in our lands. Then it comes time to cause problems for Jon, and he cuts off all funding. Now the peasants get mad at us, public heath falls and the faith blames it all on us because we are an Old God worshipper and not a follower of the Seven.
We aren't asking the anybody to pay the sum alone, you know. The population has increased a lot due to the influx of Crownlanders. I think the septs can manage.
But they are still peasants and I doubt they would be able to collect 200 dragons as donations.
No, increase that tithe so we can keep the Faith relatively happy and we can exercise a modicum of control over it as well.
[X] No - Leave religious tithe as is, necessitating reliance on donations to make ends meet regarding new responsibilities and priorities.

Funding the faith more would enable their growth. I think they've grown enough.
[X] Yes - Increase religious tithe to 200 gold dragons per season to maintain current socio-political benefits.

Nice to finally read a good number of books and work on archery. Just repeat that and we can become a good commander.
Funding the faith, give us a much need in on their administration and teachings.

After all, if they get used to have that funding, they will not do things that could make it go bye bye.

If they are self sufficient, we have less power over them.
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[X] No - Leave religious tithe as is, necessitating reliance on donations to make ends meet regarding new responsibilities and priorities.

Reasoning: No reason to increase the budget, if the Septs start crumbling we could review the decision.

It really isn't necessary.
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Update 171: The Summons of Riverrun
171: The Summons of Riverrun
"What do you want me to do with your would-be knights?" asked Wulf gruffly "There's already a few of them here, drinking and eating."

"Hold the tourney once you think we've had enough," you say with a nod as you put on your riding gloves "If any of them cause trouble, throw them in the goal until I return."

"You want me to offer inspection? Over these lowlander knights?"

"Over these lowlander warriors," you correct "And who better to see to them than the first warrior I ever beat?"

"Bah," said Wulf as he poked your side "As old as I am, I would still give you a good fight."

"Yes," you say with a smile back "You would."

"But I would lose," he acknowledges with a huff "I'm too old to do more than give you a few minutes of trouble."

"See to the men, Wulf. Pick out the ones you think best, and a few more besides."

"So desperate for hanger-ons?"

"A lord must have his retinue, his able swords. And enough of your kinsmen are looking to other past-times that I must refill my ranks with fighting men."

"You need another Logain, you mean."

"... Yes. I need another Logain."


"Have Forley see to the convoy preparations to Oldtown, if you could. I expect to be arriving with as much haste as possible."

"Don't wish to miss your king's celebrations?"

"Lord Arryn sent word not two days hence," you admitted, reluctant to discuss the matter in public "Of matters left unresolved. I've friends coming from the Vale, Wulf. "

"More knights?"


"You bring home to many knights, little wolf. I had thought once that the Rosby would be the last."


"Yes, him. He is well, I hope?"

"He is well. His sister is in talks to marry someone in the Stormlands, I think."

"Not that Harte boy?"

"Not after he failed to claim Stokeworth, I think. Lord Perwyn sees fairer prospects for his siblings, now."

"Who rules in Stokeworth, then?"

"The land was split up. Perwyn received the richer half of the lands, while House Chelsted claimed the rest, along with Stokeworth itself."

"How very unfortunate for the Harte boy, then."


After that, you'd ridden out of Harrenhal, turning west from the northern gate. As you travelled across the breadth of your lands, further and further west along the Trident, into Bracken and Lolliston lands, you could not help but reflect.

Only a few years hence, you had come to these lands as a landless knight, with nothing to your station but an illustrious sword and a pack of mountain marauders.

And now you were a mighty lord in your own right, related by blood to the ruling lord of the lands.

How times change.

Even the trail leading up to Riverrun had, a frown put upon your features by memories of Ser Arthur Dayne, of your first encounter.

You should have killed him here, all those years ago. You might have saved yourself years of agony, of insidious whispers.

Of having to take his life after it had begun to actually matter to you.

"My lord?"

"I'm fine, Threetrees. Just remembering a knight I looked up to once."




Upon your arrival within Riverrun, you recieve a most welcome surprise.

"Jon!" said your young cousin as he threw himself into your unexpecting arms "I knew you'd come!"

"Bran," you mutter in surprise "Aren't you supposed to be at Seaguard?"

"He is," says the familiar voice of Ryman Roote nearby "But Lord Jason and I agreed that Bran should make frequent visits to Riverrun, so as to be kept aware of my conduct and rulings."

"How prescient of you," you say, a small frown on your lips "I take it he'll be joining us for whatever this summons is?"

"Yes," confirmed Ryman Roote is a soft smile "He will."


"You're sure of this?" you question immediately upon final revelations "Of all of this?"

Next to you, Bran looked on, his mouth agape at his regents claims.

"Yes," said the Lord Protector of the Riverlands "I've proof for it all."

"How?" you say in follow up "How did you recover any of this?"

"Spies," he says with a shrug "Spies left in their households for over a decade now."

"You've.. you've been spying on them, for over ten years? " said the Lady of Stone Hedge in surprise "What could-"

"Spur me to do so? This, lady Barbara. This is what spurred me on. House Blackfyre had it's loyalists for five rebellions. How could anyone think the Targaryens would be less resilient."

"So before the Lord Arryn even gave you command-"

"I was collecting information. Weapon shipments filtering through Darry into the Point, various meetings and affiliations, marriages that had occurred prior or after the Rebellion."

"Have you ever heard of the word paranoia, my lord?" japed the Paege knight representing his family "Though I suppose your discoveries spare you that affliction."

"Why didn't you share this earlier?" said Lord Jason Mallister in disgruntlement "We might have avoided the king's near death this year. The destruction of the capital, the madness at Dragonstone."

"They hadn't done anything earlier," Lord Ryman points out "And I would have had nothing but word-of-mouth and claims to substantiate myself. No, I needed to wait, wait until they revealed themselves."

"What of House Whent," you say suddenly, attracting attention back to you "What involvement did they have in this?"

"The Lady Shella had little to do with anything, near the end. But I had suspicions regarding her castellan, and the Proudmoores..."

"The Proudmoores."

"They've ties to other Targaryen loyal families in the region. I suspect them to be as guilty of treason as anyone else."

"Do you have proof?"

"Nothing conclusive, I'm afraid. Only strong suspicions. They're yours to deal with as you wish."

"So what are we to do with the others?" questioned Ser Dafyn Vance "Name them to the King's justice?"

"Lord Arryn entrusted me with the authority to investigate and prosecute any and all Dragonsworn within the Riverlands," Lord Ryman said bluntly "An authority invested in my place as regent to House Tully. With Lord Brandon's blessing, I would say we go to war."

"Go to war," said the Lady Bracken dubiously "Against Darry, Mooton, Ryger, Goodbrook, Lolliston and Deddings? They've a fifth of the Riverlands levy under arms. The fact that there are not more lords in this council says to me that you intend to keep this fairly equitable, for obvious reasons."

"Yes," admitted Lord Ryman to the Lady of Stone Hedge "you've the right of it , my lady."

"You want to take their land," said Bran quietly, realizing what his regent was intending "You want to take their lands."

"Yes, my lord. These rebels must be put to flight, and their lands and wealth denied them. Denied them, and shared out amongst more loyal lords, such as those here."

"Bracken, Hawick, Lychester, Mallister, Paege, Roote, Stormcrown, and Vance," you mull to yourself, as you count off the assembled nobility in the solar "We're to split the lands between us, then?"

"Yes," explained Lord Roote calmly, as he gestured to the maester to bring forth a map "The Lady Bracken, Lord Vance and yourself shall divide the lands of House Lolliston between you. Lord Vance, yourself and Lord Lychester will divide the Goodbrook lands as well. The Deddings lands will go between House Lychester, Paege and Ryger-"

"The same Ryger who are our enemies?" Bran asked in curiosity "I don't understand."

"Ser Robin Ryger has served loyally in House Tully's service for decades," explained out the Lord Protector "In service to your grandfather. He will be named as head of House Ryger in replacement to his kin, and be given custody of their children."

"And Darry and Mooton?" you ask pointedly "To whom shall those riches go?"

"To myself, of course." said Ryman Roote "As reward for my role in discovering this foul nest of vipers."

"I seem to recall amongst those of my household," you more determindely state "The next in line to House Darry. A fact you know well yourself, my lord, for how oft you've asked for their hands."

"An asking I make again," he says to most clearly "For all the lands south of the Trident as gift in exchange for the hand of Amerei Frey and Marissa Frey to my eldest and youngest sons, and Walda Frey to my base-born nephew Rolland Rivers. Meanwhile, those north of the Trident will go House Hawick in gift, for their aid in settling this rebellion."

That set everyone aback, as they looked more carefully at the regent of Riverrun, who raised his hands in mock surrender.

"I know my limits, and my place. I serve as loyal regent, and little more. The lands of Darry and Mooton are unclaimed however, and I would see them mine. But I will not overstep, and so I will surrender the lands I already know as mine. So, the Frey girls for my land, and if I've chance, a Mooton girl for my second-born."

"So your lands will go to him," says the Lady Bracken with a nod to you "And Hawick? House Bracken would not turn away such gifts."

"Such gifts go to a dragonlord," says Ryman with a shrug "And brother to our own lord and master. And Ser Harys Hawick's men are most needed, and he has given me no prior objection to my offer."

"No," said the Knight of Hawick with a greedy smile "I've no objections to that offer. Though I wouldn't mind a lordship as well from Lord Brandon, to better reflect my ready sacrifices."

"You'll have to make due with lands alone," said Lord Roote coolly "For any matters between you and House Cox will remain adjudicated by Riverrun."

"Bah, Quincy's as good as dead, Ryman. Give me this little courtesy-"

"No. Now, any questions, my noble lords and ladies?"

"I've but one," you say as you stand to your feet "What good will my dragon be, when I go south to Oldtown with it?"

"The threat of it will help, though it is your levy I care for more. Four thousand men are about as good as a young dragon, if not better."

"And these lands are your final offer, for us all?"

"They're as fair as I can make them, and unless Lord Brandon wishes to offer his insight, I cannot think to change them. My lord?"


[] Accept Lord Ryman Roote's Offer - You will receive portions of the lands of House Roote, Goodbrook and Lolliston, in exchange for your significant presence and involvement during this campaign. You will receive House Roote's lands south of the Trident in exchange for marrying your guest Amerei Frey to his eldest son, her sister Walda Frey to his bastard nephew, and promising their youngest sister Marissa to your page Samwell Roote. Effects: Expanded land rights, open access to the Trident, new neighbours.

[] Decline Lord Ryman Roote's Offer - The lands offered to you will be given unto others, with the political makeup of the Riverlands changed without your input. Effects: Obvious.

[] Appeal to Brandon Tully (Write In)
Author's Note: Yes wins, I believe?
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But they are still peasants and I doubt they would be able to collect 200 dragons as donations.
No, increase that tithe so we can keep the Faith relatively happy and we can exercise a modicum of control over it as well.
Maybe, maybe not. I want to see how things go before making any changes to the tithe.