A Dragon of the North VIII: Whispers of War

[X] Accept the offer - She's testing you, as much as she's tested anyone who dared court her. You'll meet her test, and pass it true. Roll 1d100+20, DC 80 #KeepingItDown (DP applicable, 10 maximum)
- [X] 10 DP
[X] Join another hunting party, to better their chosen champion's chances of victory.
- House Redwyne of the Arbor (Horas Redwyne)
Time for some more JON SMASH!!!

Anyway now that my excitement is manageable I shall vote.

[X] Accept the offer - She's testing you, as much as she's tested anyone who dared court her. You'll meet her test, and pass it true. Roll 1d100+20, DC 80 #KeepingItDown (DP applicable, 10 maximum)
-[X] 10 DP
[X] Join another hunting party, to better their chosen champion's chances of victory.
- [X]House Redwyne of the Arbor (Horas Redwyne)

Cause like the Boss said we have the DP to burn and who knows, we might get a natural hundred and end up with an iron stomach for all food after downing that abomination.

As for the Horas well, I chose him mostly cause this is a guy that deepens our relationship with his house and who we know is already engendered to Jon's methods.
[X] Decline the offer - She can have lesser men scarf down whatever she deems, be it sea's gift or midden's make. You'll have none of her games. Roll 1d100, DC 60 (DP nonapplicable)
[X] Join another hunting party, to better their chosen champion's chances of victory.
- [X]House Redwyne of the Arbor (Horas Redwyne)
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I can't say I'm terribly fond of Desmera.

Margaery and Cerenna's challenges came across as playful and witty. Desmera's just come across as childish.
@Droman Jon has the Iron Stomach trait:
Iron Stomach: Not one to flinch or be affected by gruesome sights. Effects: no negative modifiers to leadership or dialogue abilities in situations, scenes, settings or scenarios for the faint of heart.
shouldn't this help him somehow during this totally terrible and dire trial?

I understand squids aren't gruesome sights but if Jon can stomach seeing Seekers' experiments on people seafood suddenly seems a trivial matter. :p
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[X] Accept the offer - She's testing you, as much as she's tested anyone who dared court her. You'll meet her test, and pass it true. Roll 1d100+20, DC 80 #KeepingItDown (DP applicable, 10 maximum)
-[X] 10 DP
[X] Join another hunting party, to better their chosen champion's chances of victory.
- [X]House Redwyne of the Arbor (Horas Redwyne)
[X] Decline the offer - She can have lesser men scarf down whatever she deems, be it sea's gift or midden's make. You'll have none of her games. Roll 1d100, DC 60 (DP nonapplicable)
[X] Accept the offer - She's testing you, as much as she's tested anyone who dared court her. You'll meet her test, and pass it true. Roll 1d100+20, DC 80 #KeepingItDown
-[X] 10 DPs
[X] Join another hunting party, to better their chosen champion's chances of victory.
-[X] House Blackwood of Raventree (Ser Lucas Blackwood)

I don't want to court her, but I do want to beat her challenge and then marry someone else.

Voting for House Blackwood as they're a Riverlander house and further allying with them seems good to me.

Why are you guys wasting DP on the one chick we do not want to marry?

Stubborn, hardheaded pride, of course.
Don't we have Iron stomach trait?

So this should be easy for us.

@Droman Jon has the Iron Stomach trait:

shouldn't this help him somehow during this totally terrible and dire trial?

I understand squids aren't gruesome sights but if Jon can stomach seeing Seekers' experiments on people seafood suddenly seems a trivial matter. :p
Iron Stomach has nothing to do with food. :p

I can't say I'm terribly fond of Desmera.

Margaery and Cerenna's challenges came across as playful and witty. Desmera's just come across as childish.
Well, she is younger than both of them, so there's that.
[X] Accept the offer - She's testing you, as much as she's tested anyone who dared court her. You'll meet her test, and pass it true. Roll 1d100+20, DC 80 #KeepingItDown
-[X] 10 DPs
[X] Join another hunting party, to better their chosen champion's chances of victory.
-[X] House Blackwood ofRaventree (Ser Lucas Blackwood)

On my phone out climbing so I'll come back to this after considering the kingsguard candidate we want. Don't care about Desmera but I'm too proud not to snarf down that calamari.

If I may ask, how skilled is Lucas Blackwood with a sword?

Wouldn't want to send an amuteur to the Kingsguard, especially considering how rapidly the current life expectancy of the brotherhood is dropping.
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[X] Accept the offer - She's testing you, as much as she's tested anyone who dared court her. You'll meet her test, and pass it true. Roll 1d100+20, DC 80 #KeepingItDown
-[X] 10 DPs
[X] Join another hunting party, to better their chosen champion's chances of victory.
-[X] House Blackwood of Raventree (Ser Lucas Blackwood)
Why are you guys wasting DP on the one chick we do not want to marry?
Because SV is annoyed and wants to make a great impression solely to turn her down. Also we want to impress the only woman whose truly worthy of Jon, Olenna. :rolleyes:

[X] Accept the offer - She's testing you, as much as she's tested anyone who dared court her. You'll meet her test, and pass it true. Roll 1d100+20, DC 80 #KeepingItDown (DP applicable, 10 maximum)
-[X] 10 DP
[X] Join another hunting party, to better their chosen champion's chances of victory.
- [X]House Redwyne of the Arbor (Horas Redwyne)
[X] Decline the offer - She can have lesser men scarf down whatever she deems, be it sea's gift or midden's make. You'll have none of her games. Roll 1d100, DC 60 (DP nonapplicable)

Fk that! would have been fun to try had it been a first but to do so as one of many?

[X] Join another hunting party, to better their chosen champion's chances of victory.
-[X] House Blackwood of Raventree (Ser Lucas Blackwood)
[X] Accept the offer - She's testing you, as much as she's tested anyone who dared court her. You'll meet her test, and pass it true. Roll 1d100+20, DC 80 #KeepingItDown
-[X] 10 DPs
[X] Join another hunting party, to better their chosen champion's chances of victory.
-[X] House Blackwood of Raventree (Ser Lucas Blackwood)

Ok, my thoughts here:

Hey, Margaery lovers? As the self-appointed head of the Cerenna club, I say that we should reach an accord and agree to fuck this girl. Too much of a headache.

And yes, I'm agreeing to spend the DP here just so we can eat it in front of her, laugh in her face, and go pursue someone else. For no reason other then pride.

And the Blackwoods are now one of our closest neighbors if memory serves me correctly, and the only other Old God worshiper in the Riverlands. It's worth it to get them closer aligned with us.